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The chlamydial glycolipid exoantigen, GLXA, is associated with the bacterial membrane, intracellular inclusion, and can also be found secreted into the microenvironment of Chlamydia trachomatis-infected cells. The aim of this study was to investigate the function of GLXA in chlamydial pathogenesis. Pretreatment of HeLa 229 cells with affinity-purified GLXA resulted in a significant enhancement of chlamydial infectivity as determined by inclusion body enumeration. The GLXA-mediated enhancement was shown to be time- and dose-dependent and, more importantly, GLXA-specific, as the effect was abrogated by anti-GLXA antibody. In vitro neutralization assays on HEp-2 cells revealed that an anti-anti-idiotypic antibody to GLXA effectively reduced the infectivity of C. trachomatis, C. pneumoniae, and C. psittaci. In vivo, the co-inoculation of GLXA at the time of C. trachomatis serovar K intravaginal challenge of C3H/HeJ mice resulted in a significant increase in the numbers of shed organisms on days 4, 7, 14, 21, and 28. Taken together, these observations suggest that GLXA, both organism bound and secreted, is important in facilitating the initiation of infection. Received: 12 April 2002 / Accepted: 8 June 2002  相似文献   

Understanding alterations in HIV-specific immune responses during antiretroviral therapy (ART), such as antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC), is important in the development of novel strategies to control HIV-1 infection. This study included 53 HIV-1 positive individuals. We evaluated the ability of effector cells and antibodies to mediate ADCC separately and in combination using the ADCC-PanToxiLux assay. The ability of the peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) to mediate ADCC was significantly higher in individuals who had been treated with ART before seroconversion, compared to the individuals initiating ART at a low CD4+ T cell count (<350 cells/μl blood) and the ART-naïve individuals. The frequency of CD16 expressing natural killer (NK) cells correlated with both the duration of ART and Granzyme B (GzB) activity. In contrast, the plasma titer of antibodies mediating ADCC declined during ART. These findings suggest improved cytotoxic function of the NK cells if initiating ART early during infection, while the levels of ADCC mediating antibodies declined during ART.  相似文献   

Summary Interphase Material (IPM) extracted from M. smegamtis has been previously shown to protect mice against experimental tumors, to activate macrophages as measured by in vitro growth inhibition of neoplastic cells, and to induce nonspecific blast transformation of human lymphocytes and murine B cells.In the present report IPM was studied to determine its effect on antibody-dependent, cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCMC). Our findings demonstrate that IPM strongly enhances the ADCMC of murine spleen cells, even if it is injected 14 or 32 days prior to the cytotoxicity assay. An adherent population of spleen cells was shown to be responsible for this effect.  相似文献   

In addition to the spectrum of biological action already known to be exhibited by acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) as an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and platelet aggregation inhibitor, there is growing evidence of a stimulatory effect on the immune system. ASA has been found to increase the production ofcytokines and to increase the activity of various leukocytes. The action of ASA on the activity of mouse peritoneal macrophages was therefore investigated in the present study. Therapeutically effective concentrations of ASA, which are known to decrease levels of prostaglandins, had neither a stimulating nor an inhibiting influence on antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) or on the binding capacity of macrophages with regard to SW 948 tumour cells. Likewise ASA had little or no adverse effect on the capacity of the macrophages for stimulation by interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) and interleukin-4 (IL-4). Taken together, the immunostimulant effect of ASA shown in the literature as an increased production of interleukin-2 (IL-2) and IFN, could not be confirmed on the basis of the macrophage cytotoxiclty.  相似文献   

The highly conserved matrix protein 2 (M2) is a good candidate for the development of a broadly protective influenza vaccine that induces long-lasting immunity. In animal models, natural killer (NK) cells have been proposed to play an important role in the protection provided by M2-based vaccines through a mechanism of antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC). We investigated the ability of the human anti-M2 Ab1-10 monoclonal antibody (mAb) to activate human NK cells. They mediated ADCC against M2-expressing cells in the presence of Ab1-10 mAb. Furthermore, NK cell pro-inflammatory cytokine and chemokine secretion is also enhanced when Ab1-10 mAb is present. We also generated cytokine-preactivated NK cells and showed that they still displayed increased effector functions in the presence of Ab1-10 mAb. Thus, our study has demonstrated that human resting and cytokine-preactivated NK cells may have a very important role in the protection provided by anti-M2 Abs.  相似文献   

Tie2 is a receptor tyrosine kinase that is essential for the development and maintenance of blood vessels through binding the soluble ligands angiopoietin 1 (Ang1) and 2 (Ang2). Ang1 is constitutively produced by perivascular cells and is protective of the adult vasculature. Ang2 plays an important role in blood vessel formation and is normally expressed during development. However, its re-expression in disease states, including cancer and sepsis, results in destabilization of blood vessels contributing to the pathology of these conditions. Ang2 is thus an attractive therapeutic target. Here we report the directed evolution of a ligand trap for Ang2 by harnessing the B cell somatic hypermutation machinery and coupling this to selectable cell surface display of a Tie2 ectodomain. Directed evolution produced an unexpected combination of mutations resulting in loss of Ang1 binding but maintenance of Ang2 binding. A soluble form of the evolved ectodomain binds Ang2 but not Ang1. Furthermore, the soluble evolved ectodomain blocks Ang2 effects on endothelial cells without interfering with Ang1 activity. Our study has created a novel Ang2 ligand trap and provided proof of concept for combining surface display and exogenous gene diversification in B cells for evolution of a non-immunoglobulin target.  相似文献   

In the outer hair cell (OHC), the extracisternal space (ECiS) is a conduit and reservoir of the molecular and ionic substrates of the lateral wall, including those necessary for electromotility. To determine the mechanisms through which molecules are transported in the ECiS of the OHC, we selectively imaged the time-dependent spatial distribution of fluorescent molecules in a <100 nm layer near the cell/glass interface of the recording chamber after their photolytic activation in a diffraction-limited volume. The effective diffusion coefficient was calculated using the analytical solution of the diffusion equation. It was found that diffusion in the ECiS is isotropic and not affected by depolarizing the OHC. Compared with free solution, the diffusion of 10 kDa dextran was slowed down in both the ECiS and the axial core by a factor of 4.6 and 1.6, respectively.  相似文献   

Streptococcus dysgalactiae subsp. equisimilis isolates (n = 110) were analyzed by PCR to determine whether the gene encoding SICG, a homolog of Streptococcus pyogenes SIC, was present. Nineteen strains (17%) had this gene of which 11 (55%) were isolated from patients with invasive disease. All 19 strains possessed group G carbohydrate. Molecular characterization of emm type revealed that the majority of emm sequences were stG643 and stG2078. Only the N-terminal sequence of SICG was similar to that of SIC in S. pyogenes. Although we found no significant relationship between pathogenic severity and sicG possession, further investigation into the mechanism of SICG may elucidate the virulence in S. dysgalactiae subsp. equisimilis infection.  相似文献   

构建一种能对PCR产物进行直接克隆并展示于酵母表面的新型T载体。根据酵母表面展示载体p YD1多克隆位点序列设计出利用两端带有XcmⅠ内切酶酶切位点的含有黄色荧光蛋白基因的XcmⅠ酶切盒,通过NheⅠ和XhoⅠ酶切位点插入到p YD1载体上形成质粒p YD-YFP,并对其进行酶切鉴定和DNA测序分析,再经XcmⅠ酶切后形成两端带有d T的表面展示T载体。利用PCR扩增两个含有荧光蛋白的融合蛋白PCAD-CFP和PSR-Ds Red的基因并直接克隆到所构建的T载体中,检测其表达功能。酶切鉴定和DNA测序结果显示PCAD-CFP和PSR-Ds Red正确插入载体上,分别转化至酿酒酵母EBY100中,激光共聚焦显微镜下观察到相应的荧光的酵母,表明克隆有融合蛋白基因片段的载体成功在酵母细胞中进行表面展示,证明了所构建的酵母表面展示T载体具有直接克隆和表面展示目的蛋白的功能。  相似文献   

Chlamydial symbionts in the enigmatic Xenoturbella (Deuterostomia)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ultrastructural observations of the gastrodermal cells in the enigmatic Xenoturbella revealed numerous chlamydiae. They are related to "Candidatus Fritschea" and Simkania (Simkaniaceae) based on 16S and 23S rRNA. Their 23S rRNA gene contains an intron encoding a putative homing endonuclease. The chlamydiae were pleomorphic and formed intravacuolar colonies. They have flattened disk-shaped elementary bodies, either oval or bow tie-shaped in cross-section, and reticulate bodies that are spherical, polygonal or irregularly shaped. All stages have five-layered cell wall with rippled appearance. Bacteria were not observed in the nuclei. The association between the chlamydiae and Xenoturbella is characterized by absence of cytopathological effects; limited host cell response against the chlamydiae; the confinement of the chlamydiae to inclusions in some part of the host cell; and complete and uniform infection of all examined hosts.  相似文献   

目的:旨在构建一个将抗原靶向于乳酸乳球菌细胞表面的表达系统。方法:运用PCR技术从金黄色葡萄球菌基因组中克隆出蛋白A(SPA)C-末端544个碱基对的锚定域序列(Spax)。通过酶切、连接将Spax构建入分泌型质粒pAMJ399形成携有整合外源基因位点BglⅡ的pAMJ400质粒。将报告蛋白—绿色荧光蛋白的基因(Gfp)插入载体pAMJ400的整合位点产生模式质粒pAMJ401并电转化其于乳酸乳球菌MG1363。绘制转化子MG1363(pAMJ401)生长曲线确认诱导期。调节pH值(6.0~6.5)诱导转化子并在荧光显微镜下观察杂合蛋白(GFP:SPAX)的表达情况。结果:在395nm的蓝色激发光下,诱导后的细菌发出较明亮的绿色荧光,而未诱导的细菌几乎不产生荧光。结论:成功地构建了乳酸乳球菌表面展示表达系统,此系统可以作为口服活菌疫菌研究的可行性操作平台。  相似文献   

表面展示酶作为全细胞催化剂具备诸如能提高酶的稳定性、省去纯化过程、节约成本等优点。脂肪酶是应用最为广泛的工业酶之一。本研究利用酿酒酵母细胞壁蛋白Cwp2作为锚定蛋白,将解脂耶氏酵母脂肪酶Lip2展示在酿酒酵母细胞表面,以制备脂肪酶全细胞催化剂。Lip2被融合到Cwp2的N端,Cwp2通过其C端的GPI锚定信号共价结合到细胞壁上。表面展示的Lip2可以水解三丁酸甘油酯及对硝基苯酚辛酸酯(pNPC),其pNPC水解酶活达到4.6U/g干细胞。作为全细胞催化剂,表面展示的Lip2具备良好的催化特征,其最适温度为40°C,最适pH为8.0,同时还具备良好的有机溶剂稳定性。  相似文献   

Extracts of style, petal, leaf, petiole, stem, and callus derived from stems of wild tomato (Lycopersicon peruvianum) contain characteristic sets of arabinogalactan-proteins. This is demonstrated by crossed electrophoresis in which Yariv reagent, which specifically binds to and precipitates arabinogalactan-proteins, is incorporated into the second gel.  相似文献   

Four outer membrane proteins of Escherichia coli were examined for their capabilities and limitations in displaying heterologous peptide inserts on the bacterial cell surface. The T7 tag or multiple copies of the myc epitope were inserted into loops 4 and 5 of the ferrichrome and phage T5 receptor FhuA. Fluorescence-activated cell sorting analysis showed that peptides of up to 250 amino acids were efficiently displayed on the surface of E. coli as inserts within FhuA. Strains expressing FhuA fusion proteins behaved similarly to those expressing wild-type FhuA, as judged by phage infection and colicin sensitivity. The vitamin B(12) and phage BF23 receptor BtuB could display peptide inserts of at least 86 amino acids containing the T7 tag. In contrast, the receptors of the phages K3 and lambda, OmpA and LamB, accepted only insertions in their respective loop 4 of up to 40 amino acids containing the T7 tag. The insertion of larger fragments resulted in inefficient transport and/or assembly of OmpA and LamB fusion proteins into the outer membrane. Cells displaying a foreign peptide fused to any one of these outer membrane proteins were almost completely recovered by magnetic cell sorting from a large pool of cells expressing the relevant wild-type platform protein only. Thus, this approach offers a fast and simple screening procedure for cells displaying heterologous polypeptides. The combination of FhuA, along with with BtuB and LamB, should provide a comprehensive tool for displaying complex peptide libraries of various insert sizes on the surface of E. coli for diverse applications.  相似文献   


Lipophilic derivatives of ara-C were developed with the aim to improve drug penetration and retention in solid tumors. Ara-C was esterified at the 5′-position with fatty acids (16–22 C-atoms, 0–3 double bonds). The derivatives were inactive in cell lines with various forms of ara-C and 2′,2′-difluorodeoxycytidine (dFdC, gemcitabine) resistance, including deoxycytidine kinase (dCK) deficiency. The activity in the parent cell lines correlated negatively with chain length and positively with double bonds.  相似文献   

The technology of the yeast cell surface display, which appeared 20 years ago and was based on the displaying of target proteins on the cell surface via fusion to an abundant cell wall protein finds broad application in basic and applied research. The main advantage of the cell surface display on the basis of eukaryotic microorganisms—yeast—is the opportunity for correct modification of mammalian proteins. The cell surface display is an important tool for the analysis and understanding of protein function and protein–protein interactions and for the screening of novel clones from peptide and protein libraries. This technology makes it possible to obtain cells with novel abilities, such as catalytic functions and affinity binding to valuable ligands, including rare and heavy metals. It provides the chance to use yeast in biotechnology and in bioremediation and biomonitoring of the environment. The review considers the methods of obtaining a cell surface display on the basis of the yeasts Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Pichia pastoris, and Yarrowia lipolytica, the properties of anchor proteins, and the main fields of yeast display technology.  相似文献   

CD44, a cancer-associated membrane glycoprotein involved in cell adhesion and tumor progression, has been implicated as a cancer stem cell antigen in several cancers including breast cancer. If the detection sensitivity of CD44 as an early marker for cancer could be improved, this would have important clinical applications. As compared with early stage treatments of other kinds of cancer, treatment of breast cancer is more likely to results in positive outcomes, so this early detection is crucial. Therefore, CD44 is a potential diagnostic target for cancer detection. Herein, we have used a peptide library to screen novel diverse peptides that bind to CD44 with high affinity and characterized the specific binding of these peptides. Our work provides a basis to develop novel diagnostic peptides which may replace antibodies as CD44 detection probes.  相似文献   

The filamentous bacterium Frankia of the Actinomycetales, isolated from the nitrogen-fixing root nodules of certain woody plants, has shown nitrogenase activity in culture, using the acetylene reduction method. In the present work, nitrogenase activity in pure cultures of Frankia sp. CpIl is confirmed using mass spectrometric measurements of 15N2 incorporation. After addition of carrier NH4+ to digested cultures, those exposed to 15N2 (25 atom%) had a 15N content of 3.16 atom% compared to 0.354 atom% 15N in the controls.  相似文献   

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