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《Journal of thermal biology》2001,26(4-5):287-293
Two patterns of heterothermia were demonstrated for three species of pigeons (Columbidae): Controlled hyperthermia as a physiological strategy of the arid-adapted Australian Diamond Dove and African Namaqua Dove to minimize heat stress when exposed to high temperatures and Torpor as an energy-saving mechanism at low environmental temperatures. This mechanism was most pronounced in the fruit-eating Cloven-feathered Dove (minimal body temperature Tb=25°C, reduction of metabolic rate by 67%). Hence, heterothermia is regarded as a means of adaptation to variable and unpredictable environmental conditions, playing an important role in the ecological radiation of the Columbidae.  相似文献   

Hybridization and postzygotic isolation patterns in pigeons and doves   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract.— The study of the patterns of reproductive isolation in relation to species divergence is critical for the understanding of the process of speciation. Comparative analyses of this kind were previously conducted in Drosophila , Lepidoptera, frogs, ducks, and birds in general. In the present study, we used information from the literature to analyze hybrid inviability in relation to species divergence in pigeons and doves. Four main patterns arose from this analysis: (1) as in the other groups studied, F1 hybrid inviability gradually increases as species diverge, the time needed to reach total inviability being higher in birds than in the other groups; (2) as expected, the presence of geographic overlap does not influence the evolution of postzygotic isolation; (3) the percentage of unhatched eggs does not differ between hybrids of the first generation and the backcrosses, but it increases in the second hybrid generation; and (4) pigeons and doves follow Haldane's rule, as found in the other groups studied so far. The similarity between the results of this and previous studies contributes to the growing evidence suggesting that the patterns of the evolution of postzygotic isolation, and the process of speciation in general, are shared among animal groups.  相似文献   

Pigeons and doves (Columbidae) are an interesting group to examine for physiological adaptations to climate and diet because this cosmopolitan family comprises more than 300 species that are mostly granivores, although some are specialized frugivores. We determined allometric and phylogenetic effects on body temperature (T(b)), basal metabolic rate (BMR; J h(-1)), and wet thermal conductance (C(wet); J h(-1) C(-1)), and we examined mass (M) and phylogenetically corrected residuals for further effects of climate, diet, and landmass size (mainland or island). Independent contrasts, correlograms, autoregression, and phylogenetic eigenvector regression (PVR) were used to examine phylogenetically related effects. We found a small but significant phylogenetic pattern for body mass of columbids. For T(b), there was no significant effect of mass or phylogeny. There was a significant effect of climate on T(b) and no significant effects of diet or landmass without mass or phylogenetic correction, but after mass and phylogenetic correction, there were no effects of climate, diet, or landmass. For BMR, there was a strong allometric effect, and residuals were significantly lower for arid and tropical species but not for temperate species, compared to predictions for nonpasserine birds. There was a nearly significant autoregressive phylogenetic relationship for BMR parl0;r=0.44), and the strong allometry of BMR remained for independent contrasts (slope=0.731), autoregressive residuals (0.698), and PVR (0.705). Residuals, from regression of autoregression and PVR residuals of M and BMR, were significantly associated with climate: arid pigeons had a lower BMR residual than tropical and temperate pigeons. PVR residuals were significantly affected by landmass (island columbids had a smaller residual than mainland columbids), but autoregression residuals were not. There was no association of autoregression or PVR residuals with diet. For C(wet), there was a strong allometric effect, and residuals for columbids were significantly higher compared to other birds. There was no significant relationship for C(wet) of columbids to climate, diet, or landmass. There was no significant autoregressive or PVR relationship for C(wet), and the strong allometry remained after phylogenetic analysis by independent contrasts (slope=0.501), autoregression (0.509), and PVR (0.514). Residuals from autoregression and PVR were not significantly correlated with climate, diet, or landmass (mainland/island).  相似文献   

Intensive harvests have the potential to greatly affect local mourning dove (Zenaida macroura) populations, a popular gamebird and songbird. To evaluate if recruitment was commensurate with harvest, we applied a ratio-based method to estimate local and statewide mourning dove recruitment across 7 public hunting areas in Missouri from 2005 to 2011. We estimated recruitment from preharvest adult sex ratios and harvest age ratios that incorporated various methods to address potential inherent biases (e.g., bias in the adults of unknown sex in preharvest samples, bias in unknown age wings, and local differential vulnerability; DV). Data from 356 radio-marked doves revealed a DV rate, where hatch year doves were, on average 2.7× more likely to be harvested than adult doves. Recruitment estimates for local areas were highly variable and in some cases, biologically unrealistic (e.g., >10 offspring/female), because of small preharvest sample sizes. However, data pooled statewide provided recruitment estimates of 3.1 offspring/female (±0.3 SE) or 4.1 offspring/female (±0.3 SE), assuming samples of unknown sex doves were female biased or male biased, respectively. Although statewide estimates agree with directly observed rates, the sex ratios and differential vulnerability comprising them vary considerably from what has been previously assumed. Whether preharvest sex ratios are biased from trapping methods has 2 important implications; either regional approaches have overestimated recruitment or the number of females in Missouri's population is much less than originally thought. Because each of these scenarios are important to understanding the effects of regional harvest management on Missouri's dove population, they highlight the importance of a better understanding of biases involved in estimating recruitment. © 2012 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Koressaar T  Remm M 《DNA research》2012,19(3):219-230
Prokaryotes are in general believed to possess small, compactly organized genomes, with repetitive sequences forming only a small part of them. Nonetheless, many prokaryotic genomes in fact contain species-specific repeats (>85 bp long genomic sequences with less than 60% identity to other species) as we have previously demonstrated. However, it is not known at present how frequent such species-specific repeats are and what their functional roles in bacterial genomes may be. Therefore, we have conducted a comprehensive survey of prokaryotic species-specific repeats and characterized them to examine as to whether there are functional classes among different repeats or not and how they are mutually related to each other. Of the 613 distinct prokaryotic species analyzed, 97% were found to contain at least one species-specific repeats. It seems interesting to note that the species-specific repeats thus identified appear to be functionally variable in different genomes: in some genomes, they are mostly associated with duplicated protein-coding genes, whereas in some other genomes with rRNA and tRNA genes. Contrary to what may be expected, only one-fourth of the species-specific repeats were found to be associated with mobile genetic elements.  相似文献   

Genetic parameters of body weight at weaning and of prolificacy were estimated in three commercial lines of pigeons selected by BLUP (Best Linear Unbiased Prediction) on both traits. The model of analysis took into account the direct genetic effects for both traits and the effect of parental permanent environment for body weight. Depending on the line considered, body weight varied from 556.7 g to 647.6 g and prolificacy ranged from 12.5 to 16.8 pigeons weaned per couple of parents per year. Heritability of body weight was high, varying between 0.46 and 0.60, and permanent environment was responsible for 6% to 9% of the total variability. On the contrary, prolificacy was poorly heritable (0.04 to 0.12). They were highly and negatively correlated (-0.77 to -0.82). Body weight showed significant genetic trends in lines B and C. No significant genetic difference could be observed between males and females for both traits.  相似文献   

What factors determine the extent of evolutionary diversification remains a major question in evolutionary biology. Behavioural changes have long been suggested to be a major driver of phenotypic diversification by exposing animals to new selective pressures. Nevertheless, the role of behaviour in evolution remains controversial because behavioural changes can also retard evolutionary change by hiding genetic variation from selection. In the present study, we apply recently implemented Ornstein–Uhlenbeck evolutionary models to show that behavioural changes led to associated evolutionary responses in functionally relevant morphological traits of pigeons and doves (Columbiformes). Specifically, changes from terrestrial to arboreal foraging behaviour reconstructed in a set of phylogenies brought associated shorter tarsi and longer tails, consistent with functional predictions. Interestingly, the transition to arboreality accelerated the rates of evolutionary divergence, leading to an increased morphological specialization that seems to have subsequently constrained reversals to terrestrial foraging. Altogether, our results support the view that behaviour may drive evolutionary diversification, but they also highlight that its evolutionary consequences largely depend on the limits imposed by the functional demands of the adaptive zone.  相似文献   

Theories of music evolution agree that human music has an affective influence on listeners. Tests of non-humans provided little evidence of preferences for human music. However, prosodic features of speech (‘motherese’) influence affective behaviour of non-verbal infants as well as domestic animals, suggesting that features of music can influence the behaviour of non-human species. We incorporated acoustical characteristics of tamarin affiliation vocalizations and tamarin threat vocalizations into corresponding pieces of music. We compared music composed for tamarins with that composed for humans. Tamarins were generally indifferent to playbacks of human music, but responded with increased arousal to tamarin threat vocalization based music, and with decreased activity and increased calm behaviour to tamarin affective vocalization based music. Affective components in human music may have evolutionary origins in the structure of calls of non-human animals. In addition, animal signals may have evolved to manage the behaviour of listeners by influencing their affective state.  相似文献   

The aerial lifestyle of central-place foraging birds allows wide-ranging movements, raising fundamental questions about their remarkable navigation and memory systems. For example, we know that pigeons (Columba livia), long-standing models for avian navigation, rely on individually distinct routes when homing from familiar sites. But it remains unknown how they cope with the task of learning several routes in parallel. Here, we examined how learning multiple routes influences homing in pigeons. We subjected groups of pigeons to different training protocols, defined by the sequence in which they were repeatedly released from three different sites, either sequentially, in rotation or randomly. We observed that pigeons from all groups successfully developed and applied memories of the different release sites (RSs), irrespective of the training protocol, and that learning several routes in parallel did not impair their capacity to quickly improve their homing efficiency over multiple releases. Our data also indicated that they coped with increasing RS uncertainty by adjusting both their initial behaviour upon release and subsequent homing efficiency. The results of our study broaden our understanding of avian route following and open new possibilities for studying learning and memory in free-flying animals.  相似文献   

The species richness, taxonomic diversity, and geographic distribution of pigeons and doves (Columbidae) have been altered irreversibly in Polynesia by 3500 years of human activity. Natural (without human influence) columbid faunas are estimated primarily by studying prehistoric bones. In all Polynesian island groups studied (except outlying Easter Island, Hawaiian Islands, or New Zealand), the prehistoric columbid faunas had more species, more genera, and more species per genus than modern faunas from the same island. Congeneric species pairs or triplets occurred on many islands for Ducula , Ptilinopus , and Gallicolumba. The losses of Polynesian columbids include the extinction of at least 9 species in the genera Ducula , Ptilinopus , Macropygia , Caloenas , Gallicolumba , and Didunculus as well as the extirpation of numerous island populations of extant species. If not for human impact, a typical East Polynesian island would support at least 5–6 species of columbids in 3–4 genera (compared to 0–3 species in 0–3 genera today). A typical West Polynesian island would support at least 6–7 species in 4–5 genera (compared to 1–6 species in 1–5 genera today). Since all Polynesian pigeons and doves are frugivorous and/or granivorous, their decline in recent millennia probably has affected the composition of Polynesian forests by limiting inter- and intra-island dispersal of plant propagules.  相似文献   

Previous field studies of hunter-harvested mourning doves (Zenaida macroura) have reported the percentage of birds with ingested lead shot as 0.2–6.5%. To reduce the uncertainty concerning the number of doves that ingest shot, we conducted an experiment to test the proportion of mourning doves that ingested lead shot on the bare soil of a disked field (typical of a managed dove field) to simulate more natural feeding conditions. In each of 3 treatment groups of 80 birds, we exposed 35 birds to low-density lead shot (1.5 million shot/ha), and35 birds to high-density lead shot (29.5 million shot/ha), and 10 birds served as controls (no shot). We dosed 5 positive control birds with 2 lead shot each in trials 2 and 3. We scattered lead shot and mixed seed on the loosely packed soil of treatment cages and after 4 days of exposure, 2.9% of doves voluntarily ingested ≥1 lead shot. The proportion of birds that ingested shot when exposed to the high-density shot treatment (4.9%) was not different (P = 0.098) from that of the low-density shot treatment (1.0%). Lead concentrations in liver, kidneys, and blood reached maxima of 94.402 ppm, 346.033 ppm, and 13.883 ppm wet mass, respectively. Differences in delta-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase (ALAD) activity, packed cell volume, and heterophil:lymphocyte ratio (H:L) were greater posttreatment in doves that had ingested shot than in those that did not. The risk posed to mourning doves from lead shot ingestion can be reduced by banning lead shot on management areas or dove fields or disking fields after hunting season to reduce shot availability. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Management of migratory birds at the national level has historically relied on regulatory boundaries for definition of harvest restrictions and estimation of demographic parameters. Most species of migratory game birds are not expanding their ranges, so migratory corridors are approximately fixed. White-winged doves (Zenaida asiatica), however, have undergone significant variation in population structure with marked range expansion occurring in Texas, and range contraction in Arizona, during the last 30 years. Because >85% of white-winged dove harvest in the United States (approx. 1.3 million annually) now occurs in Texas, information on vital rates of expanding white-winged dove populations is necessary for informed management. We used band recovery and mark–recapture data to investigate variation in survival and harvest across 3 geographic strata for white-winged doves banded in the pre-hunting season in Texas during 2007–2010. We banded 60,742 white-winged doves, recovered 2,458 bands via harvest reporting, and recaptured 455 known-age birds between 2007 and 2010. The best supporting model found some evidence for geographic differences in survival rates among strata (A–C) in both hatch-year (juvenile; A = 0.205 [SE = 0.0476], B = 0.213 [SE = 0.0278], C = 0.364 [SE = 0.0254]) and after-hatch year (adult; A = 0.483 [SE = 0.0775], B = 0.465 [SE = 0.0366], C = 0.538 [SE = 0.251]) birds. White-winged doves had a low probability of moving among strata (0.009) or being recaptured (0.002) across all strata. Harvest recovery rates were concordant with estimates for other dove species, but were variable across geographic strata. Based on our results, harvest management strategies for white-winged doves in Texas and elsewhere should consider differences in population vital rates among geographic strata. © 2012 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Streptococcus mutans is the major microbial pathogen associated with dental caries in children. The objectives of this study were to design and evaluate species-specific primers for the identification of S. mutans. Validation of the best primer set, Sm479F/R, was performed using seven S. mutans reference strains, 48 ATCC non-S. mutans strains, 92 S. mutans clinical isolates, DNA samples of S. mutans-Streptococcus sobrinus or S. mutans-Streptococcus sanguinis, and mixed bacterial DNA of saliva samples from 33 18-month-old children. All of the S. mutans samples tested positive, and no PCR products were amplified from members of the other streptococci or nonstreptococci strains examined. The lowest detection level for PCR was 10(-2) ng of S. mutans DNA (c. 4.6 x 10(3) copies) in the test samples. The results of this study suggest that the Sm479F/R primer pair is highly specific and sensitive for identification of S. mutans in either purified or mixed DNA samples.  相似文献   

L L Nesse 《Animal genetics》1990,21(3):303-311
Goat alloantisera and bovine blood typing reagents were used to characterize eight erythrocyte antigen specificities in Norwegian goats by cluster analysis, absorption and family studies. Most of the goat sera were produced by injecting dams once or twice with blood cells or blood from their own kids. The characterized specificities were designated N1-N8. The two specificities N5 and N8 were recognized both by goat alloantisera and by reagents against the bovine factors E'1 and E'2 (N5) and I (N8), which are allelic factors in the bovine B-system. In goat families, the two specificities also behaved as alleles. Consequently, the locus or gene system coding for these specificities was called the B-system of goats. The six other erythrocyte antigens were provisionally assigned to six separate loci. In addition, a bovine anti-sheep R factor reagent reacted with cells from 3.3% of the goats tested, whereas a monoclonal antibody against the Forssman antigen reacted with all the goats tested.  相似文献   

Riparian forests of the American Southwest are especially prone to changes in composition and structure due to natural and anthropogenic factors. To determine how breeding mourning doves (Zenaida macroura) respond to these changes, we examined nest site use and nest survival in control plots, fuel reduction plots before and after mechanical thinning, and post-wildfire sites. The greatest number of nests (50%) were located in post-wildfire sites where resprouted vegetation and woody debris provided numerous nest sites in the understory. We found fewer nests in post-treatment fuel reduction plots (17%), where most were constructed in cottonwoods, and an intermediate number of nests in control and pre-treatment plots (33%), where most were constructed in exotic plants. The best-supported logistic-exposure nest survival model indicated that survival varied among years and with date. Models containing effects of forest type, study block, and nest site selection received little support, suggesting that survival was constant among plot locations, disturbance types, and nest sites. Our nest survival estimates were low relative to those from other studies, but productivity could offset mortality if adults make numerous nest attempts each year. Our results highlight the utility of woody vegetation and debris as understory nest sites for mourning doves and other riparian birds. Managers should devise methods to preserve or reestablish these nest sites when conducting fuel reduction, exotic vegetation removal, or post-fire restoration activities. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Observations of the flight paths of pigeons navigating from familiar locations have shown that these birds are able to learn and subsequently follow habitual routes home. It has been suggested that navigation along these routes is based on the recognition of memorized visual landmarks. Previous research has identified the effect of landmarks on flight path structure, and thus the locations of potentially salient sites. Pigeons have also been observed to be particularly attracted to strong linear features in the landscape, such as roads and rivers. However, a more general understanding of the specific characteristics of the landscape that facilitate route learning has remained out of reach. In this study, we identify landscape complexity as a key predictor of the fidelity to the habitual route, and thus conclude that pigeons form route memories most strongly in regions where the landscape complexity is neither too great nor too low. Our results imply that pigeons process their visual environment on a characteristic spatial scale while navigating and can explain the different degrees of success in reproducing route learning in different geographical locations.  相似文献   

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