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1. Reductase was purified to electrophoretic homogeneity from sheep liver and lung microsomes. The specific activity of both enzymes ranged from 55 to 66 mumol cytochrome c reduced/min/mg protein. 2. Liver and lung reductases appeared to have similar kinetic and spectral properties. Km (NADPH) and Km (cytochrome c) values were calculated to be 14.3 +/- 1.23 microM and 22.2 +/- 2.78 microM for liver and 11.1 +/- 0.70 microM and 20.0 +/- 2.15 microM for lung reductase, respectively. Kinetic studies showed that cytochrome c can bind the oxidized form of the enzyme as well as its reduced form and both reductases operated through a ping-pong type mechanism. 3. These reductases cannot be distinguished on the basis of monomer molecular weights (Mr 78,000) except that the liver reductase was found to be more susceptible to proteolytic attack. 4. Both reductases supported aniline 4-hydroxylation and ethylmorphine N-demethylation reactions to the same extent in the reconstituted systems. However, sheep lung reductase appeared only 36.5 and 14.8% as effective in catalyzing benzo[a]pyrene reaction as an equivalent amount of reductase from liver in the presence of liver cytochrome P-450 and 3MC-treated rat liver cytochrome P-448, respectively.  相似文献   

The cytochrome P-450-dependent cholesterol side chain cleavage system of the brain has been studied using nonsynaptic mitochondria as the source of enzymatic activity. The system has been found to bind cholesterol and 11-deoxycorticosterone, producing type I difference spectra, whereas the binding of pregnenolone induced a reverse type I difference spectrum. Inhibitors of cytochrome P-450-linked monooxygenase activities produced type II spectra. The formation of labeled pregnenolone after incubation of brain mitochondria with [4-14C]cholesterol has been obtained, and this formation was inhibited by glutethimide, a specific inhibitor of cytochrome P-450scc. The functional significance of this enzymatic activity is discussed.  相似文献   

The catalytic properties of the testis microsomal P-450, termed P-450sccII, have been studied in a refined assay system which consists of P-450sccII (13 nmol of P-450 heme/mg of protein) and its reductase has been purified extensively from pig testis. The results indicated that P-450sccII was highly active in catalyzing hydroxylation of 11 beta-hydroxyprogesterone at the 17 alpha-position to give 21-deoxycortisol and cleavage of 17 alpha-hydroxyprogesterone at the 17-20 bond to give androstenedione with turnover numbers of 25 and 30 mol/min X mol of P-450, respectively. In contrast, many physiologically important corticosteroids we tested were found to be poor substrates for both the hydroxylase and lyase reactions. The possible reason for the importance of these substrate specificity of P-450sccII in production of both corticosteroids and androgens in the endocrine tissues is discussed. P-450sccII also catalyzed conversion of testosterone to androstenedione, but 18O experiments failed to show incorporation of atmospheric oxygen into the androstenedione formed. However, this does not preclude the possibility that the P-450-bound intermediate gem-diol stereoselectively dehydrates to give the nonlabeled ketosteroid. In addition to these steroid-oxidizing activities, P-450sccII revealed considerable specificities toward various xenobiotics, suggesting that P-450sccII and liver microsomal P-450 are basically similar as regards enzymatic functions and activities.  相似文献   

Cytochrome P-450 was purified from microsomes of anaerobically grown yeast to a specific content of 12–15 nmoles per mg of protein with a yield of 10–30%. Upon sodium dodecylsulfate/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, the purified preparation yielded a major protein band having a molecular weight of about 51,000 together with a few faint bands. It was free from cytochrome b5, NADH-cytochrome b5 reductase, and NADPH-cytochrome c (P-450) reductase. In the oxidized state it exhibited a low-spin type absorption spectrum, and its reduced CO complex showed a Soret peak at 447–448 nm. It was reducible by NADPH in the presence of an NADPH-cytochrome c reductase preparation purified from yeast microsomes. Its conversion to the cytochrome P-420 form was much slower than that of hepatic cytochrome P-450.  相似文献   

Microsomes from the diazinon-resistant Rutgers strain of housefly contain amounts of cytochrome P-450 that are larger than those reported for rat liver, but the specific activity expressed as nmole of cytochrome P-450 per mg protein is much lower. The hemoprotein shows that spectral changes type I, II and IV are essentially in the low-spin form as judged by the n-octylamine and ethyl isocyanide difference spectra, and is unstable at pH below 6.5 and above 8.0. Cytochrome P-420 is also produced with time when CO-difference spectra are recorded. This is accelerated at pH above 8.0. The presence of contaminating amounts of cytochrome P-420, due to denaturation during spectral analysis or to the method used to isolate the microsomes, makes questionable the practice of characterizing the hemoprotein on the basis of the 455 nm peak in the ethyl isocyanide spectra, since a 434 nm peak is produced with concomitant decrease of the 455 nm peak. Microsomes hydroxylate naphthalene, aminopyrine and aniline, but the activity when expressed as nmole of product per nmole of cytochrome P-450 is the same or lower than that reported for other resistant housefly strains.  相似文献   

Hepatic mixed-function oxidase metabolism of the ubiquitous pollutant polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) is implicated in their toxification and detoxification. We used dichlorobiphenyls (DCBs) as models to investigate the effect of the chloro substituent sites on this metabolism experimentally and by molecular orbital calculations. Reconstituted, purified cytochrome P-450 PB-B and BNF-B, the major terminal oxidase isozymes of this system, from phenobarbital (PB)- and beta-naphthoflavone (BNF)-induced rats were used to investigate this metabolism. Both isozymes are also induced by PCBs. High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was used to detect, quantify, and isolate metabolites. Metabolite structures were identified by mass spectrometry, dechlorination to identifiable hydroxybiphenyls, and HPLC retention times. All DCBs yielded 3- and 4- but no 2-monohydroxylated metabolites (3,3'-DCB also yielded a dihydroxy metabolite). Di-o-chloro-substituted DCBs were metabolized primarily by cytochrome P-450 PB-B, mono-o-chloro substituted DCBs by both isozymes approximately equivalently, and DCBs without o-chloro substituents by BNF-B primarily. Thus PB-B preferentially metabolizes noncoplanar DCBs and BNF-B coplanar DCBs. The cytochrome isozymes exhibited differing regioselectivities for DCB metabolism - PB-B hydroxylated unchlorinated phenyl rings and BNF-B chlorinated rings. Incorporation of epoxide hydrolase yielded DCB dihydrodiols, and hydroxy metabolite patterns were consistent with those calculated from ring-opened arene oxide intermediates. Thus the rates and regioselectivities of metabolism and thus possibly the toxicity and carcinogenicity of DCBs are dependent on the cytochrome P-450 isozymes induced.  相似文献   

Four cytochromes P-450 induced by phenobarbital (PB-1--PB-4) and two cytochromes P-450 induced by S-methylcholanthrene (MC-1, MC-2) were purified to electrophoretic homogeneity from rat liver microsomes. The purification procedure involved sequential chromatography on n-aminooctyl-Sepharose 4B, DEAE-Sephacel and hydroxylapatite columns. The spectral and immunochemical properties of the cytochromes P-450 were estimated. All, but MC-1, cytochromes P-450 were found to exist in a low spin state. Using the Ouchterlony double diffusion method, it was shown that all cytochromes P-450 under study can be divided into two groups, i. e., PB-1--PB-2 and PB-3--PB-4, sharing common antigenic determinants inside the groups. High performance liquid chromatography of PB-3 and MC-2 on anion-exchangers yielded two additional peaks from the PB-induced major cytochrome P-450 PB-3 and three peaks from the MC-induced major cytochrome P-450 MC-2. The multiplicity of cytochrome P-450 forms is discussed.  相似文献   

Cytochrome P-450-dependent prostaglandin omega-hydroxylation is induced over 100-fold during late gestation in rabbit pulmonary microsomes (Powell, W.S. (1978) J. Biol. Chem. 253, 6711-6716). Purification of cytochromes P-450 from lung microsomes of pregnant rabbits yielded three fractions. Two of these fractions correspond to rabbit lung P-450I (LM2) and P-450II (LM5), which together constitute 70-97% of total cytochrome P-450 in lung microsomes from nonpregnant rabbits. The third form, which we designate rabbit cytochrome P-450PG-omega, regioselectively hydroxylates prostaglandins at the omega-position in reconstituted systems with a turnover of 1-5 min-1. Titration with purified pig liver cytochrome b5, demonstrated a 4-fold maximum stimulation at a cytochrome b5 to a P-450 molar ratio of 1-2. Rabbit lung P-450PG-omega formed a typical type I binding spectrum upon the addition of prostaglandin E1 with a calculated K8 of 1 microM, which agreed reasonably well with the kinetically calculated Km of 3 microM. Cytochrome P-450PG-omega was isolated as a low-spin isozyme with a lambda max (450 nm) in the CO-difference spectrum distinguishable from P-450I (451 nm) and P-450II (449 nm). Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide slab gel electrophoresis demonstrated that although purified P-450PG-omega had a relatively low specific content (12.1 nmol mg-1), it appeared homogeneous with a calculated minimum Mr of 56,000, intermediate between rabbit LM4 and LM6. When lung microsomes from pregnant and nonpregnant rabbit were analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, a protein band, with a Mr identical to P-450PG-omega, was observed in the pregnant rabbit, whereas this band appeared to be very faint or absent in microsomes from the nonpregnant rabbit. Purification of cytochromes P-450 from nonpregnant rabbit lung yielded only P-450I and P-450II. P-450PG-omega appears to be a novel rabbit P-450, possessing high activity towards omega-hydroxylation of prostaglandins, and is greatly induced during pregnancy in rabbit lung.  相似文献   

The interactions between purified microsomal cytochrome P-450 and cytochrome b5 has been demonstrated by aqueous two-phase partition technique. Major forms of cytochrome P-450 induced by phenobarbital (P-450LM2) and β-naphthoflavone (P-450LM4) are almost exclusively distributed in the dextran-rich bottom phase (partition coefficient, K = 0.06), whereas NADPH-cytochrome P-450 reductase and cytochrome b5 are mainly distributed in the polyethylene glycol-rich top phase (K = 3.5 and 2.5, respectively), when these enzymes were partitioned separately in the dextran-polyethylene glycol two-phase system. The mixing of P-450LM with cytochrome b5 changes the partition coefficients of both P-450LM and cytochrome b5 indicating that molecular interaction between P-450LM and cytochrome b5 occurred. Complex formation was also confirmed by optical absorbance difference spectral titration, and the stimulation of the P-450LM-dependent 7-ethoxycoumarin and p-nitrophenetole O-deethylase activities by equal molar quantity of detergent-solubilized cytochrome b5, but not trypsin-solubilized enzyme, in the reconstituted system. Cytochrome b5 decreases the Km's of both substrates for P-450LM2-dependent O-deethylations and increases the V's of both reactions by two- to three-fold. This stimulatory effect requires the presence of phospholipid in the reconstituted enzyme system. These results suggest that cytochrome b5 plays a role in some reconstituted drug oxidation enzyme systems and that molecular interactions among cytochrome P-450, reductase, and cytochrome b5 are catalytically competent in the electron transport reactions.  相似文献   

The two major forms of rabbit liver microsomal cytochrome P-450, P-450LM2 and P-450LM4, which were previously shown to differ in their absorption spectra, electrophoretic and immunochemical properties, and substrate specificities, have been further characterized by several methods, (a) The two cytochromes have different CD spectra in the ferric state but similar spectra when reduced. Upon conversion of P-450LM2 to P-420 by treatment with sodium dodecyl sulfate, the CD spectrum is greatly diminished except in the far ultraviolet region, whereas the conversion of P-450LM4 toP-420 with this detergent results in a spectrum with a new positive band in the visible region, (b) Although P-450LM4 has a much higher tryptophan content than P-450LM2, the fluorescence spectra of these proteins are similar in magnitude. Upon denaturation, the fluorescence of P-450LM4 increases, thereby indicating a large quenching effect in the native protein, (c) Studies on the interaction of dilauroylglyceryl-3-phosphorylcholine with the cytochromes showed that P-450LM2 gives a much stronger Type I difference spectrum than does P-450LM4. This phospholipid has no significant effect on the state of aggregation of these cytochromes as judged by calibrated gel filtration. The CD spectra of P-450LM2 and P-450LM4 are unchanged in the visible region but are enhanced in the far ultraviolet region upon the addition of phosphatidylcholine. The results appear to indicate an increase in α-helical content, particularly with P-450LM4, in the presence of the phospholipid.  相似文献   

An immunochemical comparison of components of cholesterol side chain cleavage system from bovine adrenocortical and human placental mitochondria has been carried out. Antibodies against cytochrome P-450scc, adrenodoxin reductase and adrenodoxin from bovine adrenocortical mitochondria were shown to cross-react with corresponding antigens of human placental mitochondria. A highly sensitive immunochemical method for cytochrome P-450scc determination has been developed. Limited proteolysis of cytochrome P-450scc of human placental mitochondria was studied, and the products of trypsinolysis were identified using antibodies against cytochrome P-450scc and fragments of its polypeptide chain: F1, F2 and F3. Immunochemical relatedness of ferredoxins from bovine adrenocortical and human placental mitochondria allowed one to develop a fast and efficient method for cytochrome P-450scc purification from human placental mitochondria by affinity chromatography on adrenodoxin-Sepharose.  相似文献   

《Biochemical medicine》1976,15(1):87-94
A partially purified cytochrome P-450 fraction was prepared from the microsomal fraction of human liver. When combined with NADPH, a synthetic phospholipid and NADPH-cytochrome P-450 reductase from rat liver, the cytochrome P-450 fraction from human liver was able to catalyze the following hydroxylations: 11- and 12-hydroxylation of laurate, 12α- and 26-hydroxylation of 5β-cholestane-3α,7α-diol, 25-hydroxylation of 5β-cholestane-3α,7α,12α-triol, and 6β-hydroxylation of androstenedione and progesterone. It was shown that the rate of 11- and 12-hydroxylation of laurate was linear with increasing amounts of cytochrome P-450 and with time in the presence of excess NADPH-cytochrome P-450 reductase and the phospholipid. In the presence of a fixed amount of cytochrome P-450 and the phospholipid, the rate of 11- and 12-hydroxylation increased with increasing concentrations of NADPH-cytochrome P-450 reductase up to a certain level and then remained constant. The requirement of the phospholipid could be increased markedly by centrifugation of the cytochrome P-450 fraction at 100,000g just prior to incubation. It is concluded that cytochrome P-450 from human liver is similar to previously studied cytochrome P-450 from rat liver with respect to catalytic properties and mechanism of reaction.  相似文献   

G Sauret-Ignazi  A Dardas  J Pelmont 《Biochimie》1988,70(10):1385-1395
A cytochrome P-450 has been purified to homogeneity from a Moraxella species that is able to grow on guaiacol as the sole source of carbon and energy. The pure cytochrome was a monomeric protein of about 52 kDa, with no catalytic activity towards guaiacol. The difference in mM extinction coefficients between 450 and 490 nm in the CO-difference spectrum was 89.5 mM-1.cm-1. The typical shift of the Soret band from 415 to 390 nm that is attributed to the high-spin state of the cytochrome was observed in the presence of guaiacol and other 2-alkoxyphenols with up to 5 carbons in the side chain. It was also obtained with anisole. The maximum difference in mM extinction coefficients between 390 and 420 nm in the P-450 + ligand minus P-450 spectrum was 65 mM-1.cm-1 in all instances. The dissociation constants of the complexes formed between the pure protein and various O-alkoxyphenols were measured, and ranged from 0.1 microM (guaiacol) to 24 microM (2-butoxyphenol). The dissociation constants were 1 microM for anisole, and over 90 microM for phenol. Catechol induced no spectral change in cytochrome P-450 and appeared to be a weak inhibitor of guaiacol binding. The same spectral shift as induced by guaiacol was observed at high P-450 concentration over 1 microM in the absence of any added ligand and disappeared after dilution. The reduction of pure P-450 by dithionite was immediate, but became very slow, and was complete after 10 min or more at 25 degrees C in the presence of guaiacol. This effect was also obtained with the 2 isomers, 3- and 4-methoxyphenols, and with metyrapone, an inhibitor of guaiacol binding that induced the low-spin state. Preliminary experiments using the crude cell lysate or a reconstructed system with purified P-450 and a protein fraction indicated NADH-dependent guaiacol degradation. This was in agreement with the former hypothesis of Moraxella P-450 acting as a monooxygenase in the demethylation of guaiacol. However, cis, cis-muconate rather than catechol was obtained from the substrate, most likely a consequence of the potent catechol 1,2-dioxygenase activity present in the non-purified protein fractions used.  相似文献   

An effective method, based on the chromatography on ω-aminooctyl Sepharose 4B, for the purification of the alkane-induced cytochrome P-450 is described. The purified cytochrome P-450 was homogeneous in SDS/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. In the oxidized state it showed a low spin type absorption spectrum. The reduced CO-complex is characterized by a Soret peak at 447 nm. The alkane hydroxylating enzyme system could be reconstituted combining purified cytochrome P-450 with partially purified NADPH-cytochrome P-450 reductase from the yeast microsomal fraction.  相似文献   

Cytochrome P-450 reductase and cytochrome P-450 fractions have been separated and partially purified from colonic mucosal microsomes of rat pretreated with phenobarbital or beta-naphthoflavone. Colonic cytochrome P-450 reductase has a molecular weight of 76,000. The Km values of colonic cytochrome P-450 reductase for the artificial electron acceptors cytochrome c, ferricyanide, and dichlorophenolindophenol and the electron donor NADPH are 6, 50, 11 and 11 microM, respectively. Immunochemical techniques identified the presence of beta-naphthoflavone Forms 1, 4 and 5 after beta-naphthoflavone treatment but beta-naphthoflavone Forms 1 and 4 and phenobarbital Form 1 after phenobarbital treatment.  相似文献   

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