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The heat shock protein 70 kDa sequences (HSP70) are of great importance as molecular chaperones in protein folding and transport. They are abundant under conditions of cellular stress. They are highly conserved in all domains of life: Archaea, eubacteria, eukaryotes, and organelles (mitochondria, chloroplasts). A multiple alignment of a large collection of these sequences was obtained employing our symmetric-iterative ITERALIGN program (Brocchieri and Karlin 1998). Assessments of conservation are interpreted in evolutionary terms and with respect to functional implications. Many archaeal sequences (methanogens and halophiles) tend to align best with the Gram-positive sequences. These two groups also miss a signature segment [about 25 amino acids (aa) long] present in all other HSP70 species (Gupta and Golding 1993). We observed a second signature sequence of about 4 aa absent from all eukaryotic homologues, significantly aligned in all prokaryotic sequences. Consensus sequences were developed for eight groups [Archaea, Gram-positive, proteobacterial Gram-negative, singular bacteria, mitochondria, plastids, eukaryotic endoplasmic reticulum (ER) isoforms, eukaryotic cytoplasmic isoforms]. All group consensus comparisons tend to summarize better the alignments than do the individual sequence comparisons. The global individual consensus ``matches' 87% with the consensus of consensuses sequence. A functional analysis of the global consensus identifies a (new) highly significant mixed charge cluster proximal to the carboxyl terminus of the sequence highlighting the hypercharge run EEDKKRRER (one-letter aa code used). The individual Archaea and Gram-positive sequences contain a corresponding significant mixed charge cluster in the location of the charge cluster of the consensus sequence. In contrast, the four Gram-negative proteobacterial sequences of the alignment do not have a charge cluster (even at the 5% significance level). All eukaryotic HSP70 sequences have the analogous charge cluster. Strikingly, several of the eukaryotic isoforms show multiple mixed charged clusters. These clusters were interpreted with supporting data related to HSP70 activity in facilitating chaperone, transport, and secretion function. We observed that the consensus contains only a single tryptophan residue and a single conserved cysteine. This is interpreted with respect to the target rule for disaggregating misfolded proteins. The mitochondrial HSP70 connections to bacterial HSP70 are analyzed, suggesting a polyphyletic split of Trypanosoma and Leishmania protist mitochondrial (Mt) homologues separated from Mt-animal/fungal/plant homologues. Moreover, the HSP70 sequences from the amitochondrial Entamoeba histolytica and Trichomonas vaginalis species were analyzed. The E. histolytica HSP70 is most similar to the higher eukaryotic cytoplasmic sequences, with significantly weaker alignments to ER sequences and much diminished matching to all eubacterial, mitochondrial, and chloroplast sequences. This appears to be at variance with the hypothesis that E. histolytica rather recently lost its mitochondrial organelle. T. vaginalis contains two HSP70 sequences, one Mt-like and the second similar to eukaryotic cytoplasmic sequences suggesting two diverse origins. Received: 29 January 1998 / Accepted: 14 May 1998  相似文献   

This study investigated the evolution of a transition metal ion-binding cluster ([H–X–X–X–H] n ; Tx) in the alternatively spliced NH2-terminal variable region of avian pectoral muscle troponin T (TnT). Encoded by avian fast skeletal muscle TnT-specific P exons, Tx-like structures were expressed in the breast muscle TnT's of almost all birds examined. Their presence results in the developmentally up-regulated high molecular weight pectoral muscle TnT. Sequence analysis and metal affinity chromatography revealed that in Galliformes and Craciformes, the Tx structure evolved into multiple H–X–X–X–H pairs with a high-affinity metal-binding capacity. Turkey, chicken, quail, and curassow breast muscle TnT's contain nine, seven, four, and three consecutive or closely located metal-binding sites, respectively, in the NH2-terminal region. The metal-binding affinity of the Tx element increased as the number of His pairs increased due to the duplication of P exons and the conversion of other exon sequences. The data show two related components of avian pectoral muscle TnT evolution: a larger, more acidic NH2-terminal segment and a cluster of transition metal-binding sites, both of which may have functional significance for their selection value. The evolution of the Tx segment in the NH2-terminal variable region of avian pectoral muscle TnT demonstrates a functional divergence on the basis of tolerance to structural drifting. Received: 2 May 2000 / Accepted: 5 September 2000  相似文献   

A full understanding of the molecular mechanism of ion transport and energetics of the Na,K-ATPase will require both structural and functional data. During recent years biophysical methods have provided a number of important pieces of information on ion binding and release and the charge transfer process. This allows the formulation of kinetic models of the transport process. Although a breakthrough has not been obtained due to the lack of detailed knowledge on the three-dimensional structure with a resolution high enough to identify the ion-binding sites and the transport pathway, the functional information has structural implications that create constraints on possible mechanisms of active transport. Here we describe briefly contributions of some biophysical methods to our conceptual understanding of the ion transport process. Received: 17 July 2000/Revised: 31 August 2000  相似文献   

Summary Bumetanide-sensitive Na-K-Cl cotransporters and thiazide-sensitive Na-Cl cotransporters comprise a family of integral membrane transport proteins, the Na-K-Cl cotransporter (NKCC) family. Each of the members of this family is over 1,000 amino acids in length. We have multiply aligned the ten currently sequenced members of this family from human, rabbit, rodent, shark, flounder, moth, worm and yeast sources. Phylogenetic analyses suggest the presence of at least six isoforms of these full length proteins in eukaryotes. Average hydropathy and average similarity plots have been derived revealing that each of these proteins possesses a central, well conserved, hydrophobic domain of almost invariant length, possibly consisting of twelve transmembrane α-helical spanners, an N-terminal, poorly conserved, hydrophilic domain of variable length, and a C-terminal, moderately conserved, hydrophilic domain of moderately constant length. A functionally uncharacterized homologue of this family occurs in the cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. Limited sequence similarity of these proteins with members of a family of basic amino acid transporters suggests that the NKCC family may be distantly related to the previously characterized, ubiquitous, amino acid-polyamine-choline (APC) family of facilitators. These observations suggest that the NKCC family is an old family that has its roots in the prokaryotic kingdom. Received: 27 July 1995/Revised: 8 November 1995  相似文献   

Protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) is an enzyme that promotes protein folding by catalyzing disulfide bridge isomerization. PDI and its relatives form a diverse protein family whose members are characterized by thioredoxin-like (TX) domains in the primary structures. The family was classified into four classes by the number and the relative positions of the TX domains. To investigate the evolution of the domain structures, we aligned the amino acid sequences of the TX domains, and the molecular phylogeny was examined by the NJ and ML methods. We found that all of the current members of the PDI family have evolved from an ancestral enzyme, which has two TX domains in the primary structure. The diverse domain structures of the members have been generated through domain duplications and deletions.  相似文献   

The histones H4 are known as highly conserved proteins. However, in ciliates a high degree of variation was found compared both to other eukaryotes and between the ciliate species. To date, only H4 histones of species belonging to two distantly related classes have been investigated. In order to obtain more detailed information on histone H4 variation in ciliates we undertook a comprehensive sequence analysis of PCR-amplified internal H4 fragments from 12 species belonging to seven out of the nine currently recognized ciliate classes. In addition, we used PCR primers to amplify longer fragments of H3 and H4 genes including the intergenic region. The encoded amino acid sequences reveal a high number of differences when compared with those of other eukaryotes and the ciliate species investigated. Furthermore, in some species H4 gene variants were detected, which result in amino acid differences. The greatest number of substitutions and insertions found was in the amino terminal region of the H4 histones. However, all sequences possess a conserved region corresponding to those of all other eukaryotic H4 histones. The histone gene variations were used to reconstruct phylogenetic relationships. The tree from our data matches perfectly with the ribosomal RNA data: The heterotrichs, which were considered as a late branching lineage, diverge at the base of the ciliate tree and groups formerly thought to represent ancestral lineages now appear as highly derived ciliates. Received: 4 April 1997 / Accepted: 1 August 1997  相似文献   

We present a hypothesis suggesting that close linkage of functionally related anabolic genes and their ultimate integration into operons developed under selective pressure as a molecular strategy which contributed to the viability of ancestral thermophilic cells. Cotranslation of functionally related proteins is viewed as having facilitated the formation of multienzyme complexes channeling thermolabile substrates and the mutual stabilization of inherently thermolabile proteins. In this perspective, the evolutionary scheme considered the most probable is the evolution of both Bacteria and Archaea by thermoreduction (Forterre 1995) from a mesophilic, protoeukaryotic last common ancestor (LCA) endowed with appreciable genetic redundancy.  相似文献   

Ferritin, a protein widespread in nature, concentrates iron ∼1011–1012-fold above the solubility within a spherical shell of 24 subunits; it derives in plants and animals from a common ancestor (based on sequence) but displays a cytoplasmic location in animals compared to the plastid in contemporary plants. Ferritin gene regulation in plants and animals is altered by development, hormones, and excess iron; iron signals target DNA in plants but mRNA in animals. Evolution has thus conserved the two end points of ferritin gene expression, the physiological signals and the protein structure, while allowing some divergence of the genetic mechanisms. Comparison of ferritin gene organization in plants and animals, made possible by the cloning of a dicot (soybean) ferritin gene presented here and the recent cloning of two monocot (maize) ferritin genes, shows evolutionary divergence in ferritin gene organization between plants and animals but conservation among plants or among animals; divergence in the genetic mechanism for iron regulation is reflected by the absence in all three plant genes of the IRE, a highly conserved, noncoding sequence in vertebrate animal ferritin mRNA. In plant ferritin genes, the number of introns (n= 7) is higher than in animals (n= 3). Second, no intron positions are conserved when ferritin genes of plants and animals are compared, although all ferritin gene introns are in the coding region; within kingdoms, the intron positions in ferritin genes are conserved. Finally, secondary protein structure has no apparent relationship to intron/exon boundaries in plant ferritin genes, whereas in animal ferritin genes the correspondence is high. The structural differences in introns/exons among phylogenetically related ferritin coding sequences and the high conservation of the gene structure within plant or animal kingdoms suggest that kingdom-specific functional constraints may exist to maintain a particular intron/exon pattern within ferritin genes. In the case of plants, where ferritin gene intron placement is unrelated to triplet codons or protein structure, and where ferritin is targeted to the plastid, the selection pressure on gene organization may relate to RNA function and plastid/nuclear signaling. Received: 25 July 1995 / Accepted: 3 October 1995  相似文献   

Cells from metazoan organisms are eliminated in a variety of physiological and pathophysiological processes by apoptosis. In this report, we describe the cloning and characterization of molecules from the marine sponges Geodia cydonium and Suberites domuncula, whose domains show a high similarity to those that are found in molecules of the vertebrate Bcl-2 superfamily and of the death receptors. The Bcl-2 proteins contain up to four Bcl-2 homology regions (BH). Two Bcl-2-related molecules have been identified from sponges that are provided with two of those regions, BH1 and BH2, and are termed Bcl-2 homology proteins (BHP). The G. cydonium molecule, BHP1_GC, has a putative size of 28,164, while the related sequence from S. domuncula, BHP1_SD, has a M r of 24,187. Phylogenetic analyses of the entire two sponge BHPs revealed a high similarity to members of the mammalian Bcl-2 superfamilies and to the Caenorhabditis elegans Ced-9. When the two domains, BH1 and BH2, are analyzed separately, again the highest similarity was found to the members of the Bcl-2 superfamily, but a clearly lower relationship to the C. elegans BH1 and BH2 domains in Ced-9. In unrooted phylogenetic trees the sponge BH1 and BH2 are grouped among the mammalian sequences and are only distantly related to the C. elegans BH domains. The analysis of the gene structure of the G. cydonium BHP showed that the single intron present is located within the BH2 domain at the same position as in C. elegans and rat Bcl-xL. In addition, a sponge molecule comprising two death domains has been characterized from G. cydonium. The two death domains of the potential proapoptotic molecule GC_DD2, M r 24,970, share a high similarity with the Fas-FADD/MORT1 domains. A death domain-containing molecule has not been identified in the C. elegans genome. The phylogenetic analysis revealed that the sponge domain originated from an ankyrin building block from which the mammalian Fas-FADD/MORT1 evolved. It is suggested that the apoptotic pathways that involve members of the Bcl-2 superfamily and of the death receptors are already present in the lowest metazoan phylum, the Porifera. Received: 27 July 1999 / Accepted: 28 December 1999  相似文献   

Functional properties of the α1β1 GABAA receptor changes in a subunit-specific manner when a threonine residue in the M2 region at the 12′ position was mutated to glutamine. The rate and extent of desensitization increased in all mutants but the rate of activation was faster in the β1 mutants. A negligible plateau current and abolition of potentiation by pentobarbitone of the GABA-activated current depended on the Thr 12′ Gln mutation being present in the β1 subunit. The Hill coefficient of the peak current response to GABA was reduced to less than one also in a β1 subunit-specific manner. It was concluded that the β1 subunit dominated conformational changes activated by GABA. Received: 18 July 1996/Revised: 30 September 1996  相似文献   

The subspecies Chironomus thummi thummi and C. t. piger display dramatic differences in the copy number and chromosomal localization of a tandemly repeated DNA family (Cla elements). In order to analyze the evolutionary dynamics of this repeat family, we studied the organization of Cla elements in the related outgroup species C. luridus. We find three different patterns of Cla element organization in C. luridus, showing that Cla elements may be either strictly tandem-repetitive or be an integral part of two higher-order tandem repeats (i.e., Hinf[lur] elements, Sal[lur] elements). All three types of Cla-related repeats are localized in the centromeres of C. luridus chromosomes. This suggests that the dispersed chromosomal localization of Cla elements in C. t. thummi may be the result of an amplification and transposition during evolution of this subspecies. Received: 22 May 1996 / Accepted: 8 October 1996  相似文献   

One of the main causes of bacterial chromosome asymmetry is replication-associated mutational pressure. Different rates of nucleotide substitution accumulation on leading and lagging strands implicate qualitative and quantitative differences in the accumulation of mutations in protein coding sequences lying on different DNA strands. We show that the divergence rate of orthologs situated on leading strands is lower than the divergence rate of those situated on lagging strands. The ratio of the mutation accumulation rate for sequences lying on lagging strands to that of sequences lying on leading strands is rather stable and time-independent. The divergence rate of sequences which changed their positions, with respect to the direction of replication fork movement, is not stable—sequences which have recently changed their positions are the most prone to mutation accumulation. This effect may influence estimations of evolutionary distances between species and the topology of phylogenetic trees. Received: 24 July 2000 / Accepted: 16 January 2001  相似文献   

Lactate transport was investigated in newborn rat muscle cells in culture. The aim was to study the lactate transport function at two stages of cell differentiation in culture: (i) during the proliferative phase characterized by myoblasts and myotubes (MyB/MyT2) obtained after 2–3 seedings, (ii) when myotubes (MyT1) grow old in culture after 8–9 seedings. In both developmental stages MyB/MyT2, lactate was carried following a saturable and sigmoidal velocity curve: the Hill and the Scatchard plot analyses confirmed an allosteric or multisite mechanism of lactate transport with two classes of carriers: one of low and one of high affinity i.e., 8.6 and 0.95 mm, respectively, which are associated with high and low transport capacities (V m ) i.e., 9.1 and 0.67 nm/min/mg, respectively. With MyT1, the velocity curve of lactate transport presented a hyperbolic profile, and the Hill plot analysis gave a Hill number near one suggesting that for cell aging in culture the decrease in cooperativity shows that lactate transport essentially occurs through the low affinity transport system. Inhibitor effects also contributed to evidence for at least two systems of transport. Results obtained from primary cells give evidence for the early activity of lactate transport system at the Myb/MyT2 stage and its evolution during cell aging in culture (MyT1). Sarcolemmal lactate transport in primary cultures of myocytes is accomplished by multiple carriers, neither of which are MCT1 or MCT2 as confirmed by immunoblots. Received: 31 March 1999/Revised: 22 September 1999  相似文献   

We simulate a deterministic population genetic model for the coevolution of genetic codes and protein-coding genes. We use very simple assumptions about translation, mutation, and protein fitness to calculate mutation-selection equilibria of codon frequencies and fitness in a large asexual population with a given genetic code. We then compute the fitnesses of altered genetic codes that compete to invade the population by translating its genes with higher fitness. Codes and genes coevolve in a succession of stages, alternating between genetic equilibration and code invasion, from an initial wholly ambiguous coding state to a diversified frozen coding state. Our simulations almost always resulted in partially redundant frozen genetic codes. Also, the range of simulated physicochemical properties among encoded amino acids in frozen codes was always less than maximal. These results did not require the assumption of historical constraints on the number and type of amino acids available to codes nor on the complexity of proteins, stereochemical constraints on the translational apparatus, nor mechanistic constraints on genetic code change. Both the extent and timing of amino-acid diversification in genetic codes were strongly affected by the message mutation rate and strength of missense selection. Our results suggest that various omnipresent phenomena that distribute codons over sites with different selective requirements—such as the persistence of nonsynonymous mutations at equilibrium, the positive selection of the same codon in different types of sites, and translational ambiguity—predispose the evolution of redundancy and of reduced amino acid diversity in genetic codes. Received: 21 December 2000 / Accepted: 12 March 2001  相似文献   

The evolutionary relationship of muscle and nonmuscle actin isoforms in deuterostomia was studied by the isolation and characterization of two actin genes from the cephalochordate Branchiostoma lanceolatum and two from the hemichordate Saccoglossus kowalevskii The Branchiostoma genes specify a muscle and a nonmuscle actin type, respectively. Together with earlier results on muscle actins from vertebrates and urochordates, a N-terminal sequence signature is defined for chordate muscle actins. These diagnostic amino acid residues separate the chordates from the echinoderms and other metazoa. Although the two Saccoglossus actins characterized so far lack the diagnostic residues, in line with the presumptive phylogenetic position of hemichordates outside the chordates, a definitive conclusion can only be expected once the full complement of actin genes of Saccoglossus is established. Comparison of the intron patterns of the various deuterostomic actin genes shows that intron 330-3, which is present in all vertebrate genes, is conspicuously absent from nonvertebrate genes. The possible origin of this intron is discussed. Received: 4 July 1997 / Accepted: 29 August 1997  相似文献   

Rate and equilibrium measurements of ryanodine binding to terminal cysternae fractions of heavy sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles demonstrate that its activation by high concentrations of monovalent salts is based on neither elevated osmolarity nor ionic strength. The effect of the ions specifically depends on their chemical nature following the Hofmeister ion series for cations (Li+ < NH+ 4 < K∼ Cs+≤ Na+) and anions (gluconate < Cl < NO3 ∼ ClO4 ∼ SCN) respectively, indicating that both are involved in the formation of the salt-protein complex that can react with ryanodine. Activation by rising salt concentrations exhibits saturation kinetics with different dissociation constants (25–11 m) and different degrees of cooperativity (n= 1.5–4.0) for the respective salts. Maximal second order binding rates between 40,000 and 80,000 (m −1· sec−1) were obtained for chlorides and nitrates of 1a group alkali ions with the exception of lithium supporting only rates of maximally 10,000 (M−1· sec−1). The nitrogen bases, NH+ 4 and Tris+, in combination with chloride or nitrate, behave divergently. High maximal binding rates were achieved only with NH4NO3. The dissociation constants for the ryanodine–protein complexes obtained by measurements at equilibrium proved to depend differently on salt concentration, yet, converging to 1–3 nm for the applied salts at saturating concentrations. The salts do not affect dissociation of the ryanodine protein complex proving that the effect of salts on the protein's affinity for ryanodine is determined by their effect on the on-rate of ryanodine binding. ATP and its analogues modify salt action resulting in elevated maximal binding rates and reduction or abolition of binding cooperativity. Linear relations have been obtained by comparing the rates of ryanodine binding at different salt concentrations with the rates or the initial amplitudes (15 sec) of salt induced calcium release from actively loaded heavy vesicles indicating that the various salts promote specifically and concentration dependently channel opening and its reaction with ryanodine. Received: 9 February 1998/Revised: 24 April 1998  相似文献   

The relationship between the silent substitution rate (K s) and the GC content along the genome is a focal point of the debate about the origin of the isochore structure in vertebrates. Recent estimation of the silent substitution rate showed a positive correlation between K s and GC content, in contradiction with the predictions of both the regional mutation bias model and the selection or biased gene conversion model. The aim of this paper is to help resolve this contradiction between theoretical studies and data. We analyzed the relationship between K s and GC content under (1) uniform mutation bias, (2) a regional mutation bias, and (3) mutation bias and selection. We report that an increase in K s with GC content is expected under mutation bias because of either nonequilibrium of the isochore structure or an increasing mutation rate from AT toward GC nucleotides in GC-richer isochores. We show by simulations that CpG deamination tends to increase the mutation rate with GC content in a regional mutation bias model. We also demonstrate that the relationship between K s and GC under the selectionist or biased gene conversion model is positive under weak selection if the mutation selection equilibrium GC frequency is less than 0.5. Received: 28 March 2001 / Accepted: 16 May 2001  相似文献   

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