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From anoxic intertidal sediment, a dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP)-cleaving anaerobe (strain W218) was isolated that reduced the acrylate formed to propionate. The bacterium was vibrio- to rod-shaped and motile by means of multiple polar flagella. It reduced sulfate, thiosulfate, and acrylate, and used lactate, fumarate, succinate, malate, pyruvate, ethanol, propanol, glycerol, glycine, serine, alanine, cysteine, hydrogen, and formate as electron donors. Sulfate and acrylate were reduced simultaneously; growth with sulfate was faster than with acrylate. Extracts of cells grown in the presence of DMSP contained high DMSP lyase activities (9.8 U/mg protein). The DNA mol% G+C was 45.1. On the basis of its characteristics and the 16S rRNA gene sequence, strain W218 was assigned to a new Desulfovibrio species for which the name Desulfovibrio acrylicus is proposed. A variety of other sulfate-reducing bacteria (eight of them originating from a marine or saline environment and five from other environments) did not reduce acrylate. Received: 22 March 1996 / Accepted: 8 May 1996  相似文献   

The relation between net dimethyl sulfide (DMS) production and changes in near surface (0-5 mm) oxygen concentrations in a sea grass (Zostera noltii Hornem)-covered intertidal sediment ecosystem was examined during a diel cycle. Sediment covered with Zostera was found to be more oxygenated than uncovered sediment during the period of photosynthesis. This phenomenon was probably caused by radial oxygen loss of the Zostera root-rhizome system. The population sizes of the three functional groups of microbes mainly responsible for the concentration of DMS, the dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP)-demethylating, DMSP-cleaving and DMS-oxidizing bacteria, were quantified by most probable number (MPN) methodologies. Sediments with Zostera supported substantially higher populations of both aerobic (149x10(6) cm(-3) DMSP-utilizing and 0.4x10(6) cm(-3) DMS-oxidizing) and anaerobic (43x10(6) cm(-3) DMSP-utilizing and 0.4x10(6) cm(-3) DMS-oxidizing) microorganisms than sediments without Zostera (DMSP-utilizing aerobes and anaerobes both 2x10(6) cm(-3) and DMS-oxidizing aerobes and anaerobes both 0.2x10(6) cm(-3)). Experiments conducted with sediment cores and sediment slurries suggested that the net production of DMS in these sediments was significantly lower during oxic periods than during anoxic periods. Intact sediment cores with and without Zostera produced DMS when incubated under anoxic/dark conditions (97.0 and 53.6 nmol DMS m(-2) h(-1), respectively), while oxic/light-incubated cores did not produce detectable amounts of DMS. In addition, kinetic parameter values (V(max) and K(m)) for DMSP degradation in cell suspensions of isolated DMSP-demethylating and DMSP-cleaving bacteria were measured and compared to documented values for other strains. Both V(max) and K(m) values for DMSP-demethylating organisms were found to be relatively low (14.4-20.1 nmol DMSP mg protein(-1) min(-1) and 4.1-15.5 μM, respectively) while these parameter values varied widely in the group of the DMSP-cleaving organisms (6.7-1000 nmol DMSP mg protein(-1) min(-1) and 2-2000 μM, respectively). It was hypothesized that a diel rhythm in DMS emission occurred, with a relatively low net production during the day and a high net production during the night. Environmental changes which result in increased anoxic conditions in coastal sediments, such as an increase in eutrophication, may therefore result in increased atmospheric DMS emission rates.  相似文献   

We report the occurrence of a freshwater medusa from a laboratory aquarium in Ranchi, Bihar, India. The consistent emergence of these medussae coincided with sunny days after heavy and prolonged rainfall in the months of August to October. The material showed similarity with Limnocnide indica Annandale and L. nepalensis Dumont but differed in many respects, and is given the status of a distinct species, Limnocnida biharensis n.sp.Author to whom all correspondence should be addressed.Author to whom all correspondence should be addressed.  相似文献   

Due to their vast industrial potential, cellulases have been regarded as the potential biocatalysts by both the academicians and the industrial research groups. In the present study, culturable bacterial strains of Himalayan Urban freshwater lake were investigated for cellulose degrading activities. Initially, a total of 140 bacterial strains were isolated and only 45 isolates were found to possess cellulose degrading property. On the basis of preliminary screening involving cellulase activity assay on CMC agar (with clear zone of hydrolysis) and biosafety assessment testing, only single isolate named as BKT-9 was selected for the cellulase production studies. Strain BKT-9 was characterized at the molecular level using rRNA gene sequencing and its sequence homology analysis revealed its identity as Aneurinibacillus aneurinilyticus. Further, various physico-chemical parameters and culture conditions were optimized using one factor approach to enhance cellulase production levels in the strain BKT-9. Subsequently, RSM based statistical optimization led to formulation of cellulase production medium, wherein the bacterial strain exhibited ~60 folds increase in enzyme activity as compared to un-optimized culture medium. Further studies are being suggested to scale up cellulase production in A. aneurinilyticus strain BKT-9 so that it can be utilized for biomass saccharification at an industrial level.  相似文献   

The sequestration and recycling of biogenic silica (BSi) in freshwater tidal marshes was modelled through the combination of short-term year round sediment trap data with a long-term sedimentation model, MARSED. The modelling was implemented through the complete evolution from a young rapidly rising marsh to a marsh with an elevation close to mean high water. BSi in imported suspended matter was higher in summer (10.9 mg BSi g−1 sediment) than winter (7.6 mg BSi g−1 sediment). However, the deposition of BSi on the marsh surface was higher in winter compared to summer, due to the higher sedimentation rates. Deposition of BSi was correlated to the suspended matter deposition. In the old marsh, yearly about 40 g BSi m−2 was deposited, while in the young marsh deposition could rise up to 300 g m−2. Young marshes retained up to 85% of the imported biogenic silica. Recycling efficiency (60%) increased drastically for older marshes. The study shows that marshes act as important sinks for BSi along estuaries. The recycling of the imported BSi to DSi in summer and spring is most likely an essential factor in the buffering role of tidal marshes for estuarine DSi concentrations.  相似文献   

Freshwater caridean shrimps account for approximately a quarter of all described Caridea, numerically dominated by the Atyidae and Palaemonidae. With the exception of Antarctica, freshwater shrimp are present in all biogeographical regions. However, the Oriental region harbours the majority of species, whilst the Nearctic and western Palaearctic are very species-poor. Many species are important components of subsistence fisheries, whilst the Giant River Prawn forms the basis of an extensive aquaculture industry. A total of 13 species are threatened or endangered, with one species formally extinct. Guest editors: E. V. Balian, C. Lévêque, H. Segers and K. Martens Freshwater Animal Diversity Assessment  相似文献   

The effect of salmon carcasses on egg production of a freshwater amphipod, Jesogammarus jesoensis, was examined by comparing populations with and without a supply of carcasses in Naibetsu River in Hokkaido, northern Japan. The female body length in the population with carcasses became larger in the years when carcasses were abundant, being significantly larger than that in the population without carcasses. No evidence, however, was found that carcasses influenced the ratio of brooding females to mature females. Every year, the clutch size in the population with carcasses was larger than the clutch size without carcasses. Because clutch size showed a significant correlation with female size, the larger clutch size was considered to be a result of the larger female size. In addition, however, comparison of clutch size using analysis of cavariance revealed that clutch size in the population with carcasses was larger than that without carcasses, even for the same body size. Egg size showed no difference between populations and for different years. These results indicate that salmon carcasses influence egg production of J. jesoensis by increasing female body size and by increasing the investment in each clutch per unit of body size.  相似文献   

Mosquitoes that inhabit freshwater habitats play an important role in the ecological food chain, and many of them are vicious biters and transmitters of human and animal diseases. Relevant information about mosquitoes from various regions of the world are noted, including their morphology, taxonomy, habitats, species diversity, distribution, endemicity, phylogeny, and medical importance. Guest editors: E. V. Balian, C. Lévêque, H. Segers and K. Martens Freshwater Animal Diversity Assessment  相似文献   

Fecundity of four species of catfishes, namely, Mystus seenghala (Sykes), Mystus cavasius (Ham), Wallagonia attu (Bloch) and Heteropneustes fossilis (Bloch), was studied. The fecundity of Mystus seenghala and Mystus cavasius varied between 20064 to 46443 and 3314 to 63135 respectively. In Wallagonia attu and Heteropneustes fossilis it varied between 66070 to 453148 and 1375 to 46737 respectively. In all the four species fecundity has a linear relationship with body weight and gonad weight, and a parabolic relationship with length in all the fishes excepting Mystus seenghala, where it is linear. By subjecting the data to multiple regression analysis, it is observed that the fecundity of each species can be most accurately determined by taking two variables together. In all the fishes studied the relative fecundity (Egg/body wt.) does not change significantly either with length or body weight.  相似文献   

The new enchytraeid species Lumbricillus healyae sp. n. is described from freshwater streams, with well-oxygenated and poorly mineralised waters, situated in Byers Peninsula (Livingston Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica). Lumbricillus healyae sp. n. is morphologically close to L. antarcticus and L. incisus, and it is mainly distinguished by the structure of the spermatheca with a short, distinct ectal duct, the oval penial bulb (greatest diameter in the transverse body axis) associated with strong dorso-ventral muscular fibres, and a protrusible pseudopenis. A second undetermined Lumbricillus species is described from a small stream. Study specimens are not fully mature; however, the highly irregular form and size of the testis-sac lobes and the absence of a penial bulb encapsulated under a muscular layer are remarkable. It is probably related to a small group of Lumbricillus species reported from the Antarctic maritime region (L. colpites, L. griseus and L. aestum), characterised by the structure of the male duct, which ends in a simple pore surrounded by glands.
Eugenio RicoEmail:

The freshwater sculpins, genus Cottus (Teleostei; Cottidae), comprise bottom-dwelling fishes that exhibit various life-history styles, having radiated throughout Northern Hemisphere freshwater habitats. The phylogenetic relationships among Cottus and related taxa were estimated from mitochondrial DNA 12S rRNA and control region (CR) sequences, the freshwater sculpins examined falling into five lineages (A-E). Lineage A consisted of Trachidermus fasciatus and C. kazika, both having a catadromous life-history. The remaining species (lineages B-E) spawn in freshwater habitats regardless of life-history (amphidromous, lacustrine or fluvial), suggesting that the various life-history types post-dated a common ancestor of lineages B-E. Molecular clock estimates suggested a Pliocene-Pleistocene radiation (or Miocene-Pliocene from the alternative clock) of lineages B-E. In eastern Eurasia, speciation with life-history changes to amphidromous or fluvial styles has apparently occurred independently in some lineages, as a general pattern. Mitochondrial DNA CR phylogeny showed the monophyletic Baikalian cottoids (Cottoidei) to be nested within Cottus and Trachidermus, suggesting that the former ecologically and morphologically divergent cottoids may have originated from a single lineage which invaded the ancient lake.  相似文献   

Coal is one of the most abundant nonrenewable fossil fuels, in Pakistan. However, in general, the quality of coal is too low to offset the practical, economic, and regulatory barriers to its utilization. High sulfur content comes up as one of the bottlenecks in productive usage of indigenous coal. Biotechnology can emerge as a panacea for upgrading the huge reserves of high sulfur coal. In current study, the sulfur removal potential of Rhodococcus spp. (Eu-32) was investigated using coal from Dukki, Baluchistan, Pakistan. Biodesulfurization process was optimized for various parameters and maximum decrease of 40% and 60% in total and organic sulfur contents, respectively were achieved in 15 days. The Langmuir and Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET) surface areas of the biotreated coal were increased by 20 and 16 times, respectively. Scanning electron microscope showed higher tendency of attachment of bacterial cells to the coal particles. Our results revealed that Eu-32 could remove significant amounts of organic sulfur from coal and could be used in the pre-combustion operations with appropriate arrangements.  相似文献   

The molecular phylogeny and biogeography of the East Asian freshwater crabs of the genus Nanhaipotamon (Decapoda: Brachyura: Potamidae) were studied, using two mitochondrial (16S rRNA and cytochrome oxidase I) and one nuclear (28S rRNA) markers, and correlated with various vicariant and dispersal events which have occurred in this region. The results showed Nanhaipotamon to be a monophyletic taxon with four clades which correspond to the topography of the coastal region of southeastern China and Taiwan Island. Mountains appear to play an important role in the distribution. The genus occurs only from east of the Wuyishan Range (Zhejiang and Fujian) and south of the Nanling Range (Guangdong) in southern China, and is also present west of the Central Range in Taiwan. The molecular and geological data suggest that Nanhaipotamon originated in an area between the Wuyishan and Nanling Ranges. In this area, the main and earliest cladogenesis occurred at ~4.8 million years ago (mya), with speciation probably taking place at around 4mya. The molecular evidence strongly supports the recent invasion of the genus into Taiwan Island from northeastern Fujian, via the paleo-Minjiang River on the landbridge of Taiwan Strait. The presence of the genus in Dongyin Island, however, is through invasion from southeastern Zhejiang, during the Pleistocene glaciation period. Nanhaipotamon reached Taiwan and Dongyin Island at ~1.0 and 0.4 mya, respectively. A small population of Nanhaipotamon formosanum from Penghu Islands (Pescadores) in the central Taiwan Strait has a slightly different genetic constitution and suggests it is a relict of past Pleistocene glaciations.  相似文献   

The major proportion of heterotrophic activity in running waters islocalized on the solid surfaces of sediments in the benthic and hyporheic zoneand is dominated by microorganisms. However, this assertion is based on thestudies of small streams, and little is known about the microbial metabolism oforganic matter in river ecosystems. We therefore explored the relationshipsbetween bacterial abundance and production and the gradients of organic matterquality and quantity in sediments of a sixth-order lowland river (Spree,Germany). We found vertical gradients of detrital variables (particulateorganicmatter (POM), particulate organic carbon (POC), nitrogen (PN), and protein) andof bacterial variables (abundance, production, turnover time, and proportion ofbacterial carbon in total POC) in two different sediment types. These gradientswere steeper in stratified sediments than in the shifting sediments. Detritalvariables correlated strongly with bacterial abundance and production. The bestcorrelation was found for detrital variables indicating substrate quantity andquality (rS = 0.90 for PN with abundance). Although bacterialbiomasscomprised only 0.7% of the POC (1.9% of PN, 3.4% of the protein) in sediments,the turnover of sedimentary organic carbon was fast (median = 62d), especially in the shifting sediments. Our findings demonstratethat sediment dynamics significantly foster organic carbon metabolism in riversystems. Thus, these sediments, which are typical for lowland rivers, stronglyinfluence the metabolism of the whole ecosystem.  相似文献   

The osmoadaptation of most micro-organisms involves the accumulation of K(+) ions and one or more of a restricted range of low molecular mass organic solutes, collectively termed 'compatible solutes'. These solutes are accumulated to high intracellular concentrations, in order to balance the osmotic pressure of the growth medium and maintain cell turgor pressure, which provides the driving force for cell extension growth. In this review, I discuss the alternative roles which compatible solutes may also play as intracellular reserves of carbon, energy and nitrogen, and as more general stress metabolites involved in protection of cells against other environmental stresses including heat, desiccation and freezing. Thus, the evolutionary selection for the accumulation of a specific compatible solute may not depend solely upon its function during osmoadaptation, but also upon the secondary benefits its accumulation provides, such as increased tolerance of other environmental stresses prevalent in the organism's niche or even anti-herbivory or dispersal functions in the case of dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP). In the second part of the review, I discuss the ecological consequences of the release of compatible solutes to the environment, where they can provide sources of compatible solutes, carbon, nitrogen and energy for other members of the micro-flora. Finally, at the global scale the metabolism of specific compatible solutes (betaines and DMSP) in brackish water, marine and hypersaline environments may influence global climate, due to the production of the trace gases, methane and dimethylsulfide (DMS) and in the case of DMS, also couple the marine and terrestrial sulfur cycles.  相似文献   

An assessment of the global freshwater crab diversity is presented. A total of 1,476 species in 14 families are currently known from all zoogeographical regions (except Antarctica), including 1,306 species in eight exclusively freshwater families (Pseudothelphusidae, Trichodactylidae, Potamonautidae, Deckeniidae, Platythelphusidae, Potamidae, Gecarcinucidae and Parathelphusidae). Estimates of true freshwater crab diversity including likely numbers of undescribed taxa suggest that the field remains largely in a “discovery” phase. Main ideas on the origins, diversification, and phylogeny of true freshwater crabs are briefly discussed. The economic importance of freshwater crabs is also highlighted. Guest editors: E. V. Balian, C. Lévêque, H. Segers & K. Martens Freshwater Animal Diversity Assessment  相似文献   

The freshwater anomuran crabs of the family Aeglidae are all restricted to southern South America occurring in Chile, Brazil, Bolivia, Uruguay, Paraguay, and Argentina. The family consists of a single genus, Aegla, containing 63 currently described species. There are another 5–10 known yet undescribed species to complement this diversity. The aeglids occur in freshwater lakes, streams, rivers, and in caves with freshwater. The origin of the family appears to be from marine ancestors from the Pacific invading streams in Chile about 75 mya radiating both in Chile and again on the eastern side of the Andes, particularly in Brazil. Of the 63 species, 23 or 36.5% are considered under threat and are in need of conservation action. Guest editors: E. V. Balian, C. Lévêque, H. Segers & K. Martens Freshwater Animal Diversity Assessment  相似文献   

Abstract Clinical (66: dental 53; vaginal 4; wound 9) and reference (5) strains of pigmented Gram-negative anaerobic bacilli were examined in pyrolysis mass spectrometry (PMS) and conventional tests (CTs). The strains were identified in CTs as: Prevotella intermedia (48); Pr. melaninogenica (1); Pr. corporis (7); Porphyromonas asaccharolytica (12); P. endodontalis (1) and P. gingivalis (2). Numerical classification based on CTs resolved five clusters comprising strains identified as (I) Pr. corporis , (II) Pr. melaninogenica , (III) Pr. intermedia , (IV) P. gingivalis and (V) P. asaccharolytica and P. endodontalis . Numerical classification based on PMS showed a similar division, with decreasing homogeneity in the order Pr. intermedia, Pr. corporis, P. asaccharolytica , in agreement with the ordering of homogeneity for these species in CTs. PMS clusters corresponding the Porphyromonas spp. were clearly distinct from those of Prevotella spp. PMS and CT classifications disagreed on cluster membership for only six of the strains. PMS identification from blind challenge sets agreed with conventional identification for 64 of 67 strains.  相似文献   

Two Rhizoclonium strains thriving in contrasting spring types (slightly hot spring/ambient, shaded pool spring) and biogeographic areas (El-Farafra Oasis in the Western Desert of Egypt/River-Po Plain in Northern Italy) were studied in depth based on field and cultured material, bright-field and fluorescence microscopy, and phylogenetic molecular analyses (SSU and LSU rRNA gene sequences). This polyphasic approach revealed that the two Rh. strains clearly belonged to the Rhizoclonium clade but differed in some of their key diagnostic features. The Egyptian Rhizoclonium strain, isolated from the spring-fed (Ain El-Balad) agricultural ditch in El-Farafra Oasis, was described with the working name ‘Rhizoclonium sp. 10.6 μm from a desert, slightly-hot spring’ based on its smaller cell diameter, ecological and phylogenetic molecular traits compared to allied morphospecies. Moreover, it was highlighted that the L/D ratio can be more than 3.0 within this group. The Italian Rhizoclonium strain, collected from the Fontanile Valle Re-shaded, pool ambient spring (Emilia-Romagna Region), was virtually identical to other strains identified as Rh. hieroglyphicum from China and Japan, due to its highly supported congruence in morphological characteristics and phylogenetic position. This study provided the first partial LSU and SSU rRNA gene sequences for European Rh. hieroglyphicum based on available literature. Phenotypic plasticity of rhizoid formation was also observed in both Rhizoclonium strains studied using culturing approaching techniques. Our investigation also confirms that a lot of work with a variety of approaches is still needed to assess the ecological preferences, morphological plasticity, and phylogenetics of freshwater Rhizoclonium taxa worldwide.  相似文献   

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