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Parasites induce phenotypic modifications in their hosts, which can compromise host fitness. For example, the parasitic fly Philornis downsi , which was recently introduced to the Galápagos Islands, causes severe naris and beak malformation in Darwin's finches. The fly larvae feed on tissues from the nares of developing finch nestlings, thereby altering the size and shape of the nares and beak. Although the parasitism is age-specific (adult finches are not parasitized), naris and beak malformations persist into adulthood as parasite-induced malformations. We systematically examined adult populations of Darwin's small ground finch, Geospiza fuliginosa , on the islands of Santa Cruz for P. downsi -induced malformation. We found that malformed birds had significantly longer nares, and shorter, shallower beaks, than birds considered to be normal (i.e. with no nares or beak malformation). In addition, normal birds showed an isometry between naris length and beak dimensions (beak length feather and beak depth), which was not found in malformed birds. These differences suggest that beak morphology was influenced by P. downsi parasitism. Interestingly, we did not find any evidence of developmental impairment (smaller body size) or reduced foraging efficiency (lower body condition) between normal and malformed birds. Our findings of P. downsi -induced malformation raise new questions about the evolutionary trajectory and conservation status for this group of birds.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 98 , 577–585.  相似文献   

Mating signals may diversify as a byproduct of morphological adaptation to different foraging niches, potentially driving speciation. Although many studies have focused on the direct influence of ecological and sexual selection on signal divergence, the role of indirect mechanisms remains poorly understood. Using phenotypic and molecular datasets, we explored the interplay between morphological and vocal evolution in an avian radiation characterized by dramatic beak variation, the Neotropical woodcreepers (Dendrocolaptinae). We found evidence of a trade-off between the rate of repetition of song syllables and frequency bandwidth: slow paced songs had either narrow or wide frequency bandwidths, and bandwidth decreased as song pace increased. This bounded phenotypic space for song structure supports the hypothesis that passerine birds face a motor constraint during song production. Diversification of acoustic characters within this bounded space was correlated with diversification of beak morphology. In particular, species with larger beaks produced slower songs with narrower frequency bandwidths, suggesting that ecological selection on beak morphology influences the diversification of woodcreeper songs. Because songs in turn mediate mate choice and species recognition in birds, these results indicate a broader role for ecology in avian diversification.  相似文献   

Darwin''s finches have radiated from a common ancestor into 14 descendent species, each specializing on distinct food resources and evolving divergent beak forms. Beak morphology in the ground finches (Geospiza) has been shown to evolve via natural selection in response to variation in food type, food availability and interspecific competition for food. From a mechanical perspective, however, beak size and shape are only indirectly related to birds'' abilities to crack seeds, and beak form is hypothesized to evolve mainly under selection for fracture avoidance. Here, we test the fracture-avoidance hypothesis using finite-element modelling. We find that across species, mechanical loading is similar and approaches reported values of bone strength, thus suggesting pervasive selection on fracture avoidance. Additionally, deep and wide beaks are better suited for dissipating stress than are more elongate beaks when scaled to common sizes and loadings. Our results illustrate that deep and wide beaks in ground finches enable reduction of areas with high stress and peak stress magnitudes, allowing birds to crack hard seeds while limiting the risk of beak failure. These results may explain strong selection on beak depth and width in natural populations of Darwin''s finches.  相似文献   

Some adaptive radiations are notable for extreme interspecific diversification in one or a few adult traits. How and why have trait differences evolved? Natural and sexual selection often provide answers to the question of why. An answer to the question of how is to be found in the genetic control of the phenotypic traits, especially in the early stages of development, when interspecific differences first become expressed. Recent studies of the molecular genetic control of beak development in Darwin's finches have shown that a signalling molecule (BMP4) plays a key role in the development of large and deep beaks. Expression of this molecule occurs earlier (heterochrony) and at higher levels in species with deep beaks compared with species with more pointed beaks. The implication of this finding is that variation in the regulation of one or a few genes that are expressed early could be the source of evolutionarily significant variation that is subject to natural selection in speciation and adaptive radiation. This view is reinforced by parallel findings with the same signalling molecule in the development of jaw morphology in cichlid fish of the Great Lakes of Africa. Further research into regulatory mechanisms is to be expected, as well as extension to other examples of radiation such as honeycreepers in Hawaii and Anolis lizards in the Caribbean. © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2006, 88 , 17–22.  相似文献   

The shape and movement of the vocal tract are known to influence bird song. Current theory predicts that large bill and body size are correlated with low frequency song and slow trill rate. It is also widely accepted that song characteristics are important for mate choice by females. We investigated the relationship between bill morphology, song characteristics, and pairing success in Darwin's small tree finch Camarhynchus parvulus , on the Galapagos Islands. Contrary to predictions from a previous cross-species study on Darwin's finches, we found that individuals with larger bill size produced songs with slow trill rate, high dominant frequency, and broad frequency bandwidth, indicating that song is a reliable signal of bill morphology. Vocal performance as indicated by the deviation from an upper performance limit was higher in paired than unpaired males. Pairing was not skewed in favour of a particular bill size, and both small and large billed males that sang high performance song had high pairing success. The reliable signalling function of song has implications for female choice and territorial defence, given that both females and conspecific competitors can assess the relative size of males' bills through song, while females may use vocal performance as a signal of male quality.  相似文献   

Darwin's finches in the Galápagos archipelago are an unusual example of adaptive radiation in that the basal split separates two lineages of warbler finches (Certhidea olivacea and Certhidea fusca) believed until recently to be only one species. The large genetic difference between them contrasts with their similarity in plumage, size, shape, and courtship behavior. They differ in song, which is a key factor in premating isolation of other sympatric Darwin's finches. We conducted playback experiments to see whether members of the population of C. olivacea on Santa Cruz Island would respond to songs of C. fusca from two islands, Genovesa and Pinta, and songs of C. olivacea from another island (Isabela). Another set of experiments was performed, using the same playback tapes, with C. fusca on Genovesa. Some members of both populations responded to all playbacks; therefore, the hypothesis of complete premating isolation on the basis of song is rejected. Discrimination between songs of the two lineages was inconsistent. We conclude that premating barriers to interbreeding among the tested populations have not arisen in the 1.5-2.0 m.yr. of their geographical isolation on different islands. This contrasts with strong premating barriers between more recently derived sympatric species. Early learning of song associated with morphology is later used in mate recognition. This explains why sympatric species that are vocally and morphologically distinct yet genetically less differentiated than Certhidea do not interbreed, whereas the Certhidea lineages that are genetically well differentiated but vocally and morphologically similar have no apparent premating barrier. We discuss this unusual situation in terms of the forces that have produced similarities and differences in song, morphology, and ecology and their relevance to phylogenetic and biological species concepts. Neither principles nor details are unique to Darwin's finches, and we conclude by pointing out strong parallels with some continental birds.  相似文献   

Darwin’s finches are an iconic example of adaptive radiation. The size and shape of the beaks of different finch species are diversified for feeding on different size seeds and other food resources. However, beaks also serve other functions, such as preening for the control of ectoparasites. In diverse groups of birds, the effectiveness of preening is governed by the length of the overhanging tip of the upper mandible of the beak. This overhang functions as a template against which the tip of the lower mandible generates a pinching force sufficient to damage or kill ectoparasites. Here we compare feeding versus preening components of the beak morphology of small, medium, and large ground finches that share a single parasite community. Despite adaptive divergence in beak morphology related to feeding, the three species have nearly identical relative mandibular overhang lengths. Moreover, birds with intermediate length overhangs have the lowest feather mite loads. These results suggest that Darwin’s finches maintain an optimal beak morphology to effectively control their ectoparasites.  相似文献   

鸟类鸣唱的功能通常是吸引配偶,对于建立繁殖隔离也是非常重要的。现有的研究认为鸟类鸣唱表演可能受到鸟类喙型变化的影响。达尔文鸣雀是一类用来验证喙型和鸣唱表演关系的模型物种,前人的研究认为较低的元音演奏与更大的喙相关。本文用在Floreana岛屿生活的达尔文小树雀(Camarhynchus parvulus)来验证喙型和元音演奏的关系。结果显示,喙型大小与元音演奏之间无相关性。这个发现与过去对小树雀中的研究结果相似,但却与达尔文鸣雀中更大体型的鸟类研究结果相反。讨论了研究结果在物种的生态分化和生态变异之间的前后关系。  相似文献   

Biological predispositions in learning can bias and constrain the cultural evolution of social and communicative behaviors (e.g., speech and birdsong), and lead to the emergence of behavioral and cultural “universals.” For example, surveys of laboratory and wild populations of zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) document consistent patterning of vocal elements (“syllables”) with respect to their acoustic properties (e.g., duration, mean frequency). Furthermore, such universal patterns are also produced by birds that are experimentally tutored with songs containing randomly sequenced syllables (“tutored birds”). Despite extensive demonstrations of learning biases, much remains to be uncovered about the nature of biological predispositions that bias song learning and production in songbirds. Here, we examined the degree to which “innate” auditory templates and/or biases in vocal motor production contribute to vocal learning biases and production in zebra finches. Such contributions can be revealed by examining acoustic patterns in the songs of birds raised without sensory exposure to song (“untutored birds”) or of birds that are unable to hear from early in development (“early‐deafened birds”). We observed that untutored zebra finches and early‐deafened zebra finches produce songs with positional variation in some acoustic features (e.g., mean frequency) that resemble universal patterns observed in tutored birds. Similar to tutored birds, early‐deafened birds also produced song motifs with alternation in acoustic features across adjacent syllables. That universal acoustic patterns are observed in the songs of both untutored and early‐deafened birds highlights the contribution motor production biases to the emergence of universals in culturally transmitted behaviors.  相似文献   



Birdsong and human vocal communication are both complex behaviours which show striking similarities mainly thought to be present in the area of development and learning. Recent studies, however, suggest that there are also parallels in vocal production mechanisms. While it has been long thought that vocal tract filtering, as it occurs in human speech, only plays a minor role in birdsong there is an increasing number of studies indicating the presence of sound filtering mechanisms in bird vocalizations as well.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Correlating high-speed X-ray cinematographic imaging of singing zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) to song structures we identified beak gape and the expansion of the oropharyngeal-esophageal cavity (OEC) as potential articulators. We subsequently manipulated both structures in an experiment in which we played sound through the vocal tract of dead birds. Comparing acoustic input with acoustic output showed that OEC expansion causes an energy shift towards lower frequencies and an amplitude increase whereas a wide beak gape emphasizes frequencies around 5 kilohertz and above.


These findings confirm that birds can modulate their song by using vocal tract filtering and demonstrate how OEC and beak gape contribute to this modulation.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the effects of island isolation on songs of three species of Australian songbirds. The characteristics of songs recorded from mainland locations were compared with those recorded on Rottnest Island off the coast of Western Australia. In all three species, the characteristics of the island song patterns differed from those on the mainland. Each species exhibited a different kind of divergence on the island, including (1) differences in the structure of individual notes and syllables constituting songs; (2) differences in temporal patterns of song delivery; and (3) differences in the order of notes within songs. In two species, the island songs were less complex than mainland songs and this may be the consequence of a founder effect. In the third species, island songs were more elaborate and diverse, and this may be the consequence of sexual selection, although other explanations are plausible. For several of these populations, quantitative comparisons were made between samples collected 6–7 years apart. In two species, new recordings made in 2004 were compared with those made in 1998 and, in one species, recordings made in 1991 were compared with those made in 1998. For the nine comparisons available, similarity scores across years did not change significantly; thus, there was no evidence of systematic divergence with time.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 89 , 331–342.  相似文献   

The beaks of Darwin's finches and other birds are among the best known examples of adaptive evolution. Beak morphology is usually interpreted in relation to its critical role in feeding. However, the beak also plays an important role in preening, which is the first line of defence against harmful ectoparasites such as feather lice, fleas, bugs, flies, ticks and feather mites. Here, we show a feature of the beak specifically adapted for ectoparasite control. Experimental trimming of the tiny (1-2 mm) maxillary overhang of rock pigeons (Columba livia) had no effect on feeding efficiency, yet triggered a dramatic increase in feather lice and the feather damage they cause. The overhang functions by generating a shearing force against the tip of the lower mandible, which moves forward remarkably quickly during preening, at up to 31 timesper second. This force damages parasite exoskeletons, significantly enhancing the efficiency of preening for parasite control. Overhangs longer than the natural mean of 1.6mm break significantly more often than short overhangs. Hence, stabilizing selection will favour overhangs of intermediate length. The adaptive radiation of beak morphology should be re-assessed with both feeding and preening in mind.  相似文献   



Urbanization can considerably impact animal ecology, evolution, and behavior. Among the new conditions that animals experience in cities is anthropogenic noise, which can limit the sound space available for animals to communicate using acoustic signals. Some urban bird species increase their song frequencies so that they can be heard above low-frequency background city noise. However, the ability to make such song modifications may be constrained by several morphological factors, including bill gape, size, and shape, thereby limiting the degree to which certain species can vocally adapt to urban settings. We examined the relationship between song characteristics and bill morphology in a species (the house finch, Haemorhous mexicanus) where both vocal performance and bill size are known to differ between city and rural animals.


We found that bills were longer and narrower in more disturbed, urban areas. We observed an increase in minimum song frequency of urban birds, and we also found that the upper frequency limit of songs decreased in direct relation to bill morphology.


These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that birds with longer beaks and therefore longer vocal tracts sing songs with lower maximum frequencies because longer tubes have lower-frequency resonances. Thus, for the first time, we reveal dual constraints (one biotic, one abiotic) on the song frequency range of urban animals. Urban foraging pressures may additionally interact with the acoustic environment to shape bill traits and vocal performance.

Male zebra finches normally crystallize song at approximately 90 days and do not show vocal plasticity as adults. However, changes to adult song do occur after unilateral tracheosyringeal (ts) nerve injury, which denervates one side of the vocal organ. We examined the effect of placing bilateral lesions in LMAN (a nucleus required for song development but not for song maintenance in adults) upon the song plasticity that is induced by ts nerve injury in adults. The songs of birds that received bilateral lesions within LMAN followed by right ts nerve injury silenced, on average, 0.25 syllables, and added 0.125 syllables (for an average turnover of 0.375 syllables), and changed neither the frequency with which individual syllables occurred within songs nor the motif types they used most often. In contrast, the songs of birds that received sham lesions followed by ts nerve injury lost, on average, 1.625 syllables, silenced 0.125 syllables, and added 0.75 syllables, turning over an average of 2.5 syllables. They also significantly changed both the frequency with which individual syllables were included in songs and the motif variants used. Thus, song plasticity induced in adult zebra finches with crystallized songs requires the presence of LMAN, a nucleus which had been thought to play a role in vocal production only during song learning. Although the changes to adult songs induced by nerve transection are more limited than those that arise during song development, the same circuitry appears to underlie both types of plasticity.  相似文献   

We assessed relationships between acoustic frequency, body mass, and habitat in tinamous. This monophyletic group of primitive birds comprises c. 47 ground dwelling species whose habitats range from dense humid forest to open grasslands. The relationship between frequency and body mass was found to be negative, while the songs of open-habitat species exhibited higher frequencies and a wider bandwidth than the closed-habitat ones. Residual variation in song frequency, after controlling for the effect of body mass and phylogeny, tends to differ among habitats. However, a statistical test of this pattern was not possible because of the existence of only five pairs of sister species differing in habitat. In spite of this, positive contrasts of bandwidth were associated with positive contrasts of habitat, confirming that songs of open-habitat species have a wider bandwidth than those of their more closed habitat relatives.  © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 77 , 423–430.  相似文献   

Snell-Rood EC  Badyaev AV 《Oecologia》2008,157(3):545-551
Ecological gradients in natural and sexual selection often result in evolutionary diversification of morphological, life history, and behavioral traits. In particular, elevational changes in habitat structure and climate not only covary with intensity of sexual selection in many taxa, but may also influence evolution of mating signals. Here we examined variation in courtship song in relation to elevation of breeding across cardueline finches-a subfamily of birds that occupies the widest elevational range of extant birds and shows extensive variation in life histories and sexual selection along this range. We predicted that decrease in sexual selection intensity with elevation of breeding documented in this clade would result in a corresponding evolutionary reduction in elaboration of courtship songs. We controlled for the effects of phylogeny, morphology, and habitat structure to uncover a predicted elevational decline in courtship song elaboration; species breeding at lower elevations sang more elaborated and louder songs compared to their sister species breeding at higher elevations. In addition, lower elevation species had longer songs with more notes, whereas frequency components of song did not vary with elevation. We suggest that changes in sexual selection account for the observed patterns of song variation and discuss how elevational gradient in sexual selection may facilitate divergence in mating signals potentially reinforcing or promoting speciation.  相似文献   

Populations with multiple morphological or behavioural types provide unique opportunities for studying the causes and consequences of evolutionary diversification. A population of the medium ground finch (Geospiza fortis) at El Garrapatero on Santa Cruz Island, Galápagos, features two beak size morphs. These morphs produce acoustically distinctive songs, are subject to disruptive selection and mate assortatively by morph. The main goal of the present study was to assess whether finches from this population are able to use song as a cue for morph discrimination. A secondary goal of this study was to evaluate whether birds from this population discriminate songs of their own locality versus another St Cruz locality, Borrero Bay, approximately 24 km to the NW. I presented territorial males with playback of songs of their own morph, of the other morph, and of males from Borrero Bay. Males responded more strongly to same-morph than to other-morph playbacks, showing significantly shorter latencies to flight, higher flight rates and closer approaches to the playback speaker. By contrast, I found only minor effects of locality on responsiveness. Evidence for morph discrimination via acoustic cues supports the hypothesis that song can serve as a behavioural mechanism for assortative mating and sympatric evolutionary divergence.  相似文献   

The evolutionary divergence of mating signals provides a powerful basis for animal speciation. Divergence in sympatry strengthens reproductive isolation, and divergence in allopatry can reduce or eliminate gene flow between populations on secondary contact. In birds, the first of these processes has empirical support, but the second remains largely hypothetical. This is perhaps because most studies have focused on oscine passerines, whose song learning ability may reduce the influence of vocalizations in reproductive isolation. In suboscine passerines, the role of learning in song development is thought to be minimal, and the resultant signals are relatively fixed. To investigate the role of song in the early stages of peripatric speciation, we therefore studied a suboscine, the chestnut‐tailed antbird Myrmeciza hemimelaena. We recorded male songs in a natural forest island (isolated for < 3000 years) at the southern fringe of Amazonia, and at two nearby sites in continuous forest. A previous study found the isolated population to be weakly differentiated genetically from the ancestral population suggesting that peripatric speciation was underway. In support of this, although we detected minor but significant differences in song structure between each site, the most divergent songs were those of island birds. On simulating secondary contact using playback, we found that pairs from the forest island responded more strongly to island (i.e. local) songs than to those from both non‐island sites, and vice versa. This pattern was not observed in pairs from one non‐island site, which responded with equal strength to local songs and songs from the other non‐island site. Island females were more likely to approach and sing after hearing local male songs, rather than songs from the non‐island populations, and vice versa; non‐island females did not appear to discriminate between local songs and those from the other non‐island site. These findings are consistent with the idea that vocal divergence arising in small populations at the edge of Amazonia may result in partial reproductive isolation when contact is resumed. They also suggest the possibility that song divergence in peripatry may, after much longer time‐frames, act as a barrier to gene flow in suboscines, perhaps because of an inability to learn or recognize divergent songs on secondary contact. © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2007, 90 , 173–188.  相似文献   

Auditory feedback is necessary for adult song maintenance in both oscines and psittacines. Although belonging to phylogenically separated orders, deafened adult oscine Bengalese finches and psittacine budgerigars exhibit similarities in certain aspects of song changes. An interesting question is whether these birds share common mechanisms for song maintenance. Therefore, it is important to compare the effects of deafening on adult song patterns among and within orders. Although zebra and Bengalese finches are closely related oscine species, few studies have performed direct, long-term, quantitative comparisons of their songs after deafening because suitable song characteristics have not been identified. Based on our previous findings for Bengalese finch songs, we analyzed zebra finch songs over 9 months after deafening, focusing on changes in the number of syllables categorized according to fundamental frequencies. Deafened zebra finches demonstrated a gradual but significant decrease in high-frequency syllables and a tendency to increase low-frequency syllables, similar to deafened Bengalese finches. Although this change took longer in zebra finches, the altered proportion of syllables eventually stabilized. Results indicated that adult songs show similar aspects after auditory deprivation, and that neural mechanisms involved in the maintenance of high-frequency song syllables, using auditory feedback, may be present in both finches despite species differences.  相似文献   

Studies of Darwin's finches of the Galapagos Islands have provided pivotal insights into the interplay of ecological variation, natural selection, and morphological evolution. Here we document, across nine Darwin's finch species, correlations between morphological variation and bite force capacity. We find that bite force correlates strongly with beak depth and width but only weakly or not at all with beak length, a result that is consistent with prior demonstrations of natural selection on finch beak morphology. We also find that bite force is predicted even more strongly by head width, which exceeds all beak dimensions in predictive strength. To explain this result we suggest that head width determines the maximum size, and thus maximum force generation capacity of finch jaw adductor muscles. We suggest that head width is functionally relevant and may be a previously unrecognized locus of natural selection in these birds, because of its close relationship to bite force capacity.  相似文献   

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