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The expression of myosin light chains (MLCs) during the development of human skeletal muscle was investigated by using two different two-dimensional electrophoretic techniques. In both electrophoretic systems the predominant light chain 1 (LC1) expressed during the whole fetal period was found to co-migrate with the adult fast LC1 (LC1F). The main LC2 expressed during the whole fetal period was found to be different from the main fast LC2 (LC2F) and slow LC2 (LC2S) usually present in adult muscle, but co-migrated with a minor component often present in adult muscle. This fetal LC2 was phosphorylatable, and the phosphorylated form co-migrated with the main component of LC2F expressed in the adult. The adult fast LC3 appeared as early as week 20 of gestation, whereas the adult slow light chains (LC1S and LC2S) appeared only during the late fetal period. A minor component of LC1, previously described in humans as an 'embryonic LC' (LCemb.) [Strohman, Micou-Eastwood, Glass & Matsuda (1983) Science 221, 955-957], was only expressed in the early fetal period and was found to co-migrate with atrial LC1 (ALC1). We discuss the expression of these specific developmental forms of MLCs co-existing with immature myosin heavy chains during fetal life.  相似文献   

Using a two-dimensional electrophoresis technique coupled with sensitive silver staining, we have investigated the chronology of appearance of the myosin light chain and tropomyosin isoforms during early stages of human quadriceps development. Our results show that slow myosin light chains and the slow tropomyosin isoform are not detected at 6 weeks of gestation. These isoforms transiently appear between 12.5 weeks and 15 weeks of gestation and then disappear. The slow myosin light chains are re-expressed at 31 weeks of gestation and the slow tropomyosin isoform later at 36 weeks of gestation, and normally remained expressed into the adulthood. Our study thus reveals a biphasic expression of the slow myosin light chains and the slow tropomyosin isoform in developing human quadriceps muscle.  相似文献   

We have selected tropomyosin subunits and myosin light chains as representative markers of the myofibrillar proteins of the thin and thick filaments and have studied changes in the type of proteins present during development in chicken and rabbit striated muscles. The β subunit of tropomyosin is the major species found in all embryonic skeletal muscles studied. During development the proportion of the α subunit of tropomyosin gradually increases so that in adult skeletal muscles the α subunit is either the only or the major species present. In contrast, cardiac muscles of both chicken and rabbit contain only the α subunit which remains invariant with development. Two subspecies of the α subunit of tropomyosin which differ in charge only were found in adult and embryonic chicken skeletal muscles. Only one of these subspecies seems to be common to chicken cardiac tropomyosin. With respect to myosin light chains, embryonic skeletal fast muscle myosin of both species resembles the adult fast muscle myosin except that the LC3 light chain characteristic of the adult skeletal fast muscle is present in smaller amounts. The significance of these isozymic changes in the two myofibrillar proteins is discussed in terms of a model of differential gene expression during development of chicken and rabbit skeletal muscles.  相似文献   

Electron microscopy and negative staining techniques have been used to show that the proteolytic removal of 13 amino acids from the N-terminus of essential light chain 1 and 19 amino acids from the N-terminus of the regulatory light chain of rabbit skeletal and cardiac muscle myosins destroys Ca(2+)-induced reversible movement of subfragment-2 (S2) with heads (S1) away from the backbone of synthetic myosin filaments observed for control assemblies of the myosin under near physiological conditions. This is the direct demonstration of the contribution of the S2 movement to the Ca(2+)-sensitive structural behavior of rabbit cardiac and skeletal myosin filaments and of the necessity of intact light chains for this movement. In muscle, such a mobility might play an important role in proper functioning of the myosin filaments. The impairment of the Ca(2+)-dependent structural behavior of S2 with S1 on the surface of the synthetic myosin filaments observed by us may be of direct relevance to some cardiomyopathies, which are accompanied by proteolytic breakdown or dissociation of myosin light chains.  相似文献   

The data of the study on Ca2+ sensitivity of ATPase activity of myosin from vertebrate striated muscles in the presence of actin and the conditions of its manifestation and disappearance are presented. The role of Ca2+ sensitivity of actin-activated myosin ATPase in the regulation of contraction of vertebrate striated muscles is discussed.  相似文献   

1. Myosin light chains of guinea-pig striated muscles have been screened by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and compared to rat myosin light chains. 2. The fast type light chains 1F and 3F, slow type light chains 1S and 2S, and embryonic type light chain 1E are shown to differ in the two rodents; only the fast type light chains 2F co-electrophorese on the gel. 3. In guinea-pig, as in rat, ventricle muscle light chains appear the same as the 1S and 2S light chains and atrial light chain type 1 the same as the 1E light chain. We show that this embryonic light chain of guinea-pig myosin is difficult to identify and may be confused with the adult 1F light chain.  相似文献   

Numerous muscle lineages are formed during myogenesis within both slow- and fast-specific cell groups. In this study, we show that six fast muscle–specific myosin heavy chain genes have unique expression patterns in the zebrafish embryo. The expression of tail-specific myosin heavy chain (fmyhc2.1) requires wnt signaling and is essential for fast muscle organization within the tail. Retinoic acid treatment results in reduced wnt signaling, which leads to loss of the fmyhc2.1 domain. Retinoic acid treatment also results in a shift of muscle identity within two trunk domains defined by expression of fmyhc1.2 and fmyhc1.3 in favor of the anteriormost myosin isoform, fmyhc1.2. In summary, we identify new muscle domains along the anteroposterior axis in the zebrafish that are defined by individual nonoverlapping, differentially regulated expression of myosin heavy chain isoforms.  相似文献   

We investigated the localization of non-muscle myosin II isoforms and mono- (at serine 19) and diphosphorylated (at serine 19 and threonine 18) regulatory light chains (RLCs) in motile and non-motile MRC-5 fibroblasts. In migrating cells, myosin IIA localized to the lamella and throughout the posterior region. Myosin IIB colocalized with myosin IIA to the posterior region except at the very end. Diphosphorylated RLCs were detected in the restricted region where myosin IIA was enriched. In non-motile cells, myosin IIA was enriched in peripheral stress fibers with diphosphorylated RLCs, but myosin IIB was not. Our results suggest that myosin IIA may be highly activated by diphosphorylation of RLCs and primarily involved in cell migration.  相似文献   

Removal of the regulatory light chain subunit (EDTA light chain) of myosin from glycerinated fibers of scallop adductor striated muscle resulted in an immediate loss of calcium sensitivity of tension development and in a subsequent decrease in tension developed in the presence of calcium. It is suggested that removal of EDTA light chain results in a change in the myosin heavy-chain conformation which is probably responsible for the decrease in tension development.  相似文献   

Dissociated cells from neonatal rat atria and ventricles were cultured in monolayers for 3 days. Newly synthesized 35S-methionine labeled myosin light chain isoforms ALC-1, ALC-2 (atrial) and VLC-1, VLC-2 (ventricular) were identified on 2D gels, and their pattern of synthesis was compared to that of myocard fragments immediately after explanation. ALCs were synthesized in 5- to 10-fold excess over VLCs by atrial cultures, whereas the converse was true for ventricular cultures, with two exceptions: one third of the LC-1 synthesized by ventricular fragments was ALC-1, and dissociated atrial cells synthesized very little LC-2 of either isoform. The former finding corresponds to the relatively high proportion of ALC-1 in neonatal ventricular tissue. We conclude that the regional programme of LC isoform expression is basically retained after tissue explantation and even after dissociation and culturing of cardiac myocytes.  相似文献   

In this paper our data of the study on composition of human cardiac myosin light chains in norm and its changes at different stages of dilated cardiomyopathy and heart valvular diseases are presented. Functional role and diagnostic value of these changes are discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper our data of the study on composition of human cardiac myosin light chains in norm and its changes at different stages of dilated cardiomyopathy and heart valvular diseases are presented. Functional role and diagnostic value of these changes are discussed.  相似文献   

In chick embryo blastoderm the electrophoretic pattern of myosin light chains changes between the 4-somite and the 19-somite stages (stages 8-13 of Hamburger and Hamilton) from that of non-muscle to muscle myosin. This transition seems to follow the differentiation of the myotomes and to be developmentally regulated.  相似文献   

Types of myosin light chains and tropomyosins present in various regions and at different developmental stages of embryonic and posthatched chicken breast muscle (pectoralis major) have been characterized by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. In the embryonic muscle all areas appear to accumulate both slow and fast forms of mysoin light chains in addition to α and β forms of tropomyosin. During development regional differences in myosin and tropomyosin expression become apparent. Slow myosin subunits become gradually restricted to areas of the anterior region of the muscle and finally become localized to a small red strip found on its anterior deep surface. This red region is characterized by the presence of slow and fast myosin light chains, α-fast, α-slow, and β-tropomyosin. In all other areas of the muscle examined only fast myosin light chains, β-tropomyosin and the α-fast form of tropomyosin, are found. In addition, β-tropomyosin also gradually becomes lost in the posterior regions of the developing breast muscle. In the adult, the red strip area represents less than 1% of the total pectoralis major mass and of the myosin extracted from this area approximately 15% was present as an isozyme that comigrated on nondenaturing gels with myosin from a slow muscle (anterior latissimus dorsi). The red region accumulates therefore fast as well as slow muscle myosin. Thus while the adult chicken pectoralis major is over 99% fast white muscle, the embryonic muscle displays a significant and changing capacity to accumulate both fast and slow muscle peptides.  相似文献   

Malyshev SL 《Tsitologiia》2000,42(1):19-26
Current review is focused on regulatory functions of myosin light chains from different muscle types. Special attention is paid to myosin light chains from striated muscles. The present review considers mainly the relevant data provided after 1986.  相似文献   

Timson DJ 《Biochimie》2003,85(7):639-645
It has long been known that the essential light chain isoform of striated muscle affects the function of the myosin motor. There are two isoforms: A1-type and A2-type that differ by the presence of an extra 40 amino acids at the N-terminus of A1-type light chains. Evidence has accumulated from a variety of experimental techniques that this extension of A1-type light chains makes a direct contact with actin, increasing the overall affinity between myosin and actin and that this interaction is responsible for the modulation of myosin motor function. Some recent work, however, has provided some contradictory data. Experiments using more physiologically relevant forms of myosin have suggested that the effect of the N-terminal region of A1-type light chains may, in some circumstances, be to weaken, rather than strengthen the actin-myosin interaction. Work with transgenic mice in which this region was mutated showed no measurable phenotypic effects on either muscle or whole organism function questioning the in vivo significance of the light chain-actin interaction. It is also possible that the essential light chain has other functions in the cell. There is evidence that the protein may interact with IQGAP, a regulator of the actin cytoskeleton. The consequences of this interaction are unknown. This review aims to summarise the biochemical data on striated muscle myosin essential light chain isoform function and to reconcile it with these recent discoveries.  相似文献   

A cDNA expression strategy was used to localize amino acid sequences which were specific for fast, as opposed to slow, isoforms of the chicken skeletal muscle myosin heavy chain (MHC) and which were conserved in vertebrate evolution. Five monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), termed F18, F27, F30, F47, and F59, were prepared that reacted with all of the known chicken fast MHC isoforms but did not react with any of the known chicken slow nor with smooth muscle MHC isoforms. The epitopes recognized by mAbs F18, F30, F47, and F59 were on the globular head fragment of the MHC, whereas the epitope recognized by mAb F27 was on the helical tail or rod fragment. Reactivity of all five mAbs also was confined to fast MHCs in the rat, with the exception of mAb F59, which also reacted with the beta-cardiac MHC, the single slow MHC isoform common to both the rat heart and skeletal muscle. None of the five epitopes was expressed on amphioxus, nematode, or Dictyostelium MHC. The F27 and F59 epitopes were found on shark, electric ray, goldfish, newt, frog, turtle, chicken, quail, rabbit, and rat MHCs. The epitopes recognized by these mAbs were conserved, therefore, to varying degrees through vertebrate evolution and differed in sequence from homologous regions of a number of invertebrate MHCs and myosin-like proteins. The sequence of those epitopes on the head were mapped using a two-part cDNA expression strategy. First, Bal31 exonuclease digestion was used to rapidly generate fragments of a chicken embryonic fast MHC cDNA that were progressively deleted from the 3' end. These cDNA fragments were expressed as beta-galactosidase/MHC fusion proteins using the pUR290 vector; the fusion proteins were tested by immunoblotting for reactivity with the mAbs; and the approximate locations of the epitopes were determined from the sizes of the cDNA fragments that encoded a particular epitope. The epitopes were then precisely mapped by expression of overlapping cDNA fragments of known sequence that covered the approximate location of the epitopes. With this method, the epitope recognized by mAb F59 was mapped to amino acids 211-231 of the chicken embryonic fast MHC and the three distinct epitopes recognized by mAbs F18, F30, and F47 were mapped to amino acids approximately 65-92. Each of these epitope sequences is at or near the ATPase active site.  相似文献   

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