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Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry - MicroRNAs (miRNAs) play critical roles in regulating many biological processes of eukaryotes. Batrachuperus karlschmidti, as an endangered amphibian...  相似文献   

Advances in both high-throughput sequencing and whole-genome amplification (WGA) protocols have allowed genomes to be sequenced from femtograms of DNA, for example from individual cells or from precious clinical and archived samples. Using the highly curated Caenorhabditis elegans genome as a reference, we have sequenced and identified errors and biases associated with Illumina library construction, library insert size, different WGA methods and genome features such as GC bias and simple repeat content. Detailed analysis of the reads from amplified libraries revealed characteristics suggesting that majority of amplified fragment ends are identical but inverted versions of each other. Read coverage in amplified libraries is correlated with both tandem and inverted repeat content, while GC content only influences sequencing in long-insert libraries. Nevertheless, single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) calls and assembly metrics from reads in amplified libraries show comparable results with unamplified libraries. To utilize the full potential of WGA to reveal the real biological interest, this article highlights the importance of recognizing additional sources of errors from amplified sequence reads and discusses the potential implications in downstream analyses.  相似文献   



The adzuki bean weevil, Callosobruchus chinensis L., is one of the most destructive pests of stored legume seeds such as mungbean, cowpea, and adzuki bean, which usually cause considerable loss in the quantity and quality of stored seeds during transportation and storage. However, a lack of genetic information of this pest results in a series of genetic questions remain largely unknown, including population genetic structure, kinship, biotype abundance, and so on. Co-dominant microsatellite markers offer a great resolving power to determine these events. Here, we report rapid microsatellite isolation from C. chinensis via high-throughput sequencing.

Principal Findings

In this study, 94,560,852 quality-filtered and trimmed reads were obtained for the assembly of genome using Illumina paired-end sequencing technology. In total, the genome with total length of 497,124,785 bp, comprising 403,113 high quality contigs was generated with de novo assembly. More than 6800 SSR loci were detected and a suit of 6303 primer pair sequences were designed and 500 of them were randomly selected for validation. Of these, 196 pair of primers, i.e. 39.2%, produced reproducible amplicons that were polymorphic among 8 C. chinensis genotypes collected from different geographical regions. Twenty out of 196 polymorphic SSR markers were used to analyze the genetic diversity of 18 C. chinensis populations. The results showed the twenty SSR loci were highly polymorphic among these populations.


This study presents a first report of genome sequencing and de novo assembly for C. chinensis and demonstrates the feasibility of generating a large scale of sequence information and SSR loci isolation by Illumina paired-end sequencing. Our results provide a valuable resource for C. chinensis research. These novel markers are valuable for future genetic mapping, trait association, genetic structure and kinship among C. chinensis.  相似文献   

Previous molecular analyses of higher hymenopteran relationships have largely been based on subjectively aligned ribosomal sequences (18S and 28S). Here, we reanalyze the 18S and 28S data (unaligned about 4.4 kb) using an objective and a semi-objective alignment approach, based on MAFFT and BAli-Phy, respectively. Furthermore, we present the first analyses of a substantial protein-coding data set (4.6 kb from one mitochondrial and four nuclear genes). Our results indicate that previous studies may have suffered from inflated support values due to subjective alignment of the ribosomal sequences, but apparently not from significant biases. The protein data provide independent confirmation of several earlier results, including the monophyly of non-xyelid hymenopterans, Pamphilioidea + Unicalcarida, Unicalcarida, Vespina, Apocrita, Proctotrupomorpha and core Proctotrupomorpha. The protein data confirm that Aculeata are nested within a paraphyletic Evaniomorpha, but cast doubt on the monophyly of Evanioidea. Combining the available morphological, ribosomal and protein-coding data, we examine the total-evidence signal as well as congruence and conflict among the three data sources. Despite an emerging consensus on many higher-level hymenopteran relationships, several problems remain unresolved or contentious, including rooting of the hymenopteran tree, relationships of the woodwasps, placement of Stephanoidea and Ceraphronoidea, and the sister group of Aculeata.  相似文献   

High-throughput sequencing has been dramatically accelerating the discovery of microsatellite markers (also known as Simple Sequence Repeats). Both 454 and Illumina reads have been used directly in microsatellite discovery and primer design (the “Seq-to-SSR” approach). However, constraints of this approach include: 1) many microsatellite-containing reads do not have sufficient flanking sequences to allow primer design, and 2) difficulties in removing microsatellite loci residing in longer, repetitive regions. In the current study, we applied the novel “Seq-Assembly-SSR” approach to overcome these constraints in Anisogramma anomala. In our approach, Illumina reads were first assembled into a draft genome, and the latter was then used in microsatellite discovery. A. anomala is an obligate biotrophic ascomycete that causes eastern filbert blight disease of commercial European hazelnut. Little is known about its population structure or diversity. Approximately 26 M 146 bp Illumina reads were generated from a paired-end library of a fungal strain from Oregon. The reads were assembled into a draft genome of 333 Mb (excluding gaps), with contig N50 of 10,384 bp and scaffold N50 of 32,987 bp. A bioinformatics pipeline identified 46,677 microsatellite motifs at 44,247 loci, including 2,430 compound loci. Primers were successfully designed for 42,923 loci (97%). After removing 2,886 loci close to assembly gaps and 676 loci in repetitive regions, a genome-wide microsatellite database of 39,361 loci was generated for the fungus. In experimental screening of 236 loci using four geographically representative strains, 228 (96.6%) were successfully amplified and 214 (90.7%) produced single PCR products. Twenty-three (9.7%) were found to be perfect polymorphic loci. A small-scale population study using 11 polymorphic loci revealed considerable gene diversity. Clustering analysis grouped isolates of this fungus into two clades in accordance with their geographic origins. Thus, the “Seq-Assembly-SSR” approach has proven to be a successful one for microsatellite discovery.  相似文献   



While most nucleic acids are intracellular, trace amounts of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA), including micro RNAs, can also be found in peripheral blood. Many studies have suggested the potential utility of these circulating nucleic acids in prenatal diagnosis, early cancer detection, and the diagnosis of infectious diseases. However, DNA circulating in blood is usually present at very low concentrations (ng/ml), and is in the form of relatively small fragments (<1,000 bp), making its isolation challenging.


Here we report an improved method for the isolation of small DNA fragments from serum using selective precipitation by quaternary ammonium compaction agents. A 151 bp fragment of double-stranded DNA from the Escherichia coli bacteriophage lambda served as the model DNA in our experiments. DNA was serially diluted in serum until undetectable by conventional polymerase chain reaction (PCR), before being enriched by compaction precipitation.


Starting with concentrations two to three orders of magnitude lower than the PCR-detectable level (0.01 ng/ml), we were able to enrich the DNA to a detectable level using a novel compaction precipitation protocol. The isolated DNA product after compaction precipitation was largely free of serum contaminants and was suitable for downstream applications.


Using compaction precipitation, we were able to isolate and concentrate small DNA from serum, and increase the sensitivity of detection by more than four orders of magnitude. We were able to recover and detect very low levels (0.01 ng/ml) of a small DNA fragment in serum. In addition to being very sensitive, the method is fast, simple, inexpensive, and avoids the use of toxic chemicals.  相似文献   

High-throughput parallel sequencing is a powerful tool for the quantification of microbial diversity through the amplification of nuclear ribosomal gene regions. Recent work has extended this approach to the quantification of diversity within otherwise difficult-to-study metazoan groups. However, nuclear ribosomal genes present both analytical challenges and practical limitations that are a consequence of the mutational properties of nuclear ribosomal genes. Here we exploit useful properties of protein-coding genes for cross-species amplification and denoising of 454 flowgrams. We first use experimental mixtures of species from the class Collembola to amplify and pyrosequence the 5′ region of the COI barcode, and we implement a new algorithm called PyroClean for the denoising of Roche GS FLX pyrosequences. Using parameter values from the analysis of experimental mixtures, we then analyse two communities sampled from field sites on the island of Tenerife. Cross-species amplification success of target mitochondrial sequences in experimental species mixtures is high; however, there is little relationship between template DNA concentrations and pyrosequencing read abundance. Homopolymer error correction and filtering against a consensus reference sequence reduced the volume of unique sequences to approximately 5% of the original unique raw reads. Filtering of remaining non-target sequences attributed to PCR error, sequencing error, or numts further reduced unique sequence volume to 0.8% of the original raw reads. PyroClean reduces or eliminates the need for an additional, time-consuming step to cluster reads into Operational Taxonomic Units, which facilitates the detection of intraspecific DNA sequence variation. PyroCleaned sequence data from field sites in Tenerife demonstrate the utility of our approach for quantifying evolutionary diversity and its spatial structure. Comparison of our sequence data to public databases reveals that we are able to successfully recover both interspecific and intraspecific sequence diversity.  相似文献   

The glassy-winged sharpshooter (GWSS) is an invasive insect species that transmits Xylella fastidiosa, the bacterium causing Pierce''s disease of grapevine and other leaf scorch diseases. X. fastidiosa has been shown to colonize the anterior foregut (cibarium and precibarium) of sharpshooters, where it may interact with other naturally-occurring bacterial species. To evaluate such interactions, a comprehensive list of bacterial species associated with the sharpshooter cibarium and precibarium is needed. Here, a survey of microbiota associated with the GWSS anterior foregut was conducted. Ninety-six individual GWSS, 24 from each of 4 locations (Bakersfield, CA; Ojai, CA; Quincy, FL; and a laboratory colony), were characterized for bacteria in dissected sharpshooter cibaria and precibaria by amplification and sequencing of a portion of the 16S rRNA gene using Illumina MiSeq technology. An average of approximately 150,000 sequence reads were obtained per insect. The most common genus detected was Wolbachia; sequencing of the Wolbachia ftsZ gene placed this strain in supergroup B, one of two Wolbachia supergroups most commonly associated with arthropods. X. fastidiosa was detected in all 96 individuals examined. By multilocus sequence typing, both X. fastidiosa subspecies fastidiosa and subspecies sandyi were present in GWSS from California and the colony; only subspecies fastidiosa was detected in GWSS from Florida. In addition to Wolbachia and X. fastidiosa, 23 other bacterial genera were detected at or above an average incidence of 0.1%; these included plant-associated microbes (Methylobacterium, Sphingomonas, Agrobacterium, and Ralstonia) and soil- or water-associated microbes (Anoxybacillus, Novosphingobium, Caulobacter, and Luteimonas). Sequences belonging to species of the family Enterobacteriaceae also were detected but it was not possible to assign these to individual genera. Many of these species likely interact with X. fastidiosa in the cibarium and precibarium.  相似文献   

Oviductus Ranae is the dried oviduct of female Rana temporaria chensinensis (David), distributed mainly in North-eastern China. Oviductus Ranae is one of the best-known and highly valued oriental foods and medicines. Traditional Chinesemedicine holds that Oviductus Ranae can nourish yin, moisten lung and replenish the kidney essence. Meanwhile, activities of Oviductus Ranae such as anti-aging, anti-lipemic, anti-oxidation  相似文献   

RNaseIII enzymes catalyze the cleavage of double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) and have diverse functions in RNA maturation. Arabidopsis thaliana RNASE THREE LIKE2 (RTL2), which carries one RNaseIII and two dsRNA binding (DRB) domains, is a unique Arabidopsis RNaseIII enzyme resembling the budding yeast small interfering RNA (siRNA)-producing Dcr1 enzyme. Here, we show that RTL2 modulates the production of a subset of small RNAs and that this activity depends on both its RNaseIII and DRB domains. However, the mode of action of RTL2 differs from that of Dcr1. Whereas Dcr1 directly cleaves dsRNAs into 23-nucleotide siRNAs, RTL2 likely cleaves dsRNAs into longer molecules, which are subsequently processed into small RNAs by the DICER-LIKE enzymes. Depending on the dsRNA considered, RTL2-mediated maturation either improves (RTL2-dependent loci) or reduces (RTL2-sensitive loci) the production of small RNAs. Because the vast majority of RTL2-regulated loci correspond to transposons and intergenic regions producing 24-nucleotide siRNAs that guide DNA methylation, RTL2 depletion modifies DNA methylation in these regions. Nevertheless, 13% of RTL2-regulated loci correspond to protein-coding genes. We show that changes in 24-nucleotide siRNA levels also affect DNA methylation levels at such loci and inversely correlate with mRNA steady state levels, thus implicating RTL2 in the regulation of protein-coding gene expression.  相似文献   

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