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The potato cv. Record is recognized as a recalcitrant cultivarin tissue culture and attempts in the past to obtain regenerationfrom protoplasts continually failed, despite media and protocolalterations. By sampling a large number of Record tubers, significantdifferences between lines were obtained for regeneration fromleaf discs. Eight such lines exhibiting a range of responseto regeneration from leaf discs were used in the present studyto examine protoplast culture response. Significant variationwas detected in protoplast plating efficiency and in the numberof regenerants produced. These results are discussed in relationto the exploitation of protoplasts in potato improvement andin terms of the role of tissue culture techniques for the maintenanceof potato cultivars. Solarium tuberosum, cv. Record, potato, protoplasts, intraclonal variation  相似文献   

Transformed roots of the susceptible potato Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Desiree were inoculated with second-stage juveniles (J2) of Globodera rostochiensis pathotype Rol. Adult males emerged after 3-4 weeks and matings with females occurred. After 8 weeks gentle pressure on the eggs of maturing females released the J2 which were viable. Because this technique enables the production of vigorously growing roots with numerous laterals, it may be suitable for obtaining a high yield of sterile potato cyst nematodes.  相似文献   

Summary A random sample of haploids, derived from 28 parental introductions from Solarium tuberosum Gp. Andigena, was used to estimate the quantitative genetic variation for six traits within this group. The six traits analyzed on a plot mean basis were: total tuber weight, fresh vine weight, total fresh weight (tuber+vine), dry vine weight, total dry matter (tuber+vine) and specific gravity. Progenies were obtained following the North Carolina mating Design I and were evaluated along with the female parental clones at two locations. Components of variance and narrow sense heritabilities were calculated by two methods: Design I and female parent-offspring regression. Heritability estimates calculated by the two procedures were in close agreement for most traits. The estimates for total tuber weight from the Design I procedure were twice that from parent offspring regression. The genetic coefficient of variation for these traits indicated a large amount of total genetic variance in this population. Genetic variability for total tuber weight was mostly additive, while both additive and dominant genetic variances were equally important for the remaining traits.  相似文献   

Summary Phytagel™ allowed the production of longer internodes, faster in vitro tuberization, and larger tubers in Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Baraka as compared to Difco Bacto-agar during both an 8-h photoperiod or in darkness. It also allowed a higher tuberization percentage in the dark. Only a 0.2% (wt/vol) Phytagel allowed optimal micropropagation and microtuberization under the photoperiod regime used. Water availability does not account for the observed differences in growth and tuberization between media containing the above gelling agents. In consequence, Phytagel appears as an advantageous alternative to agar for micropropagation and microtuberization.  相似文献   

研究马铃薯茎尖超低温保存技术的结果表明,4℃低温下锻炼6d,在添加二甲基亚砜(DMSO)和乙酰胺的培养基中预培养5d,60%PVS2于室温下装载30min,0℃下PVS2脱水40min时,茎尖成活率最高(71.6%),再生植株生长分化正常。进一步对再生植株进行AFLP分析,6对引物组合共扩增出385条带,超低温保存前后的材料之间未见到明显差的异带,但用MSAP技术分析超低温保存前后植株甲基化的结果显示:超低温保存后的材料均有不同程度的甲基化。在扩增的624条带中,处理与否之间完全一致的带型为584条;有变化的带型为40条,处理2(茎尖经过完整的超低温保存过程,区别于处理1,增加了冷冻、解冻和洗涤后恢复培养)有13个位点的甲基化增加,21个位点去甲基化。  相似文献   

Summary A two-step procedure was used for plant regeneration from in vitro grown leaf strips (2–3 mm wide) of cv. Bintje. Step I medium was designed with 2,4-dichlorophenoxycetic acid (2,4-D) at 0.0 or 9.0 M, in combination with 2.28 M kinetin (K), benzyl adenine (BA), zeatin (Z) or zeatin riboside (ZR). Step II media were 2,4-D-free media containing 5.78 M gibberellic acid (GA3) and growth regulators similar to those of step I media. Leaf explants cultured in medium I containing zeatin riboside or zeatin for 6 days and then subcultured in medium II containing zeatin riboside produced numerous shoots without callus formation. Zeatin riboside containing step I and II media caused shoot regeneration in a high number (97.5±2.2) of explants. Approximately, 33.7±8.4 shoots were regenerated from each leaf explant.Abbreviations BA benzyladenine - Z zeatin - ZR zeatin riboside (trans isomer) - 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid  相似文献   

As part of a large-scale genomics project focused on understanding and improving the Shepody potato, we have increased the regeneration and transformation rates for this cultivar. Using combinations of auxins and trans-zeatin, leaf and stem explants were evaluated for callus induction and shoot formation. Several plant growth regulator combinations resulted in higher plant regeneration rates over a previous method. Using the best combination of auxin and cytokinin in combination with Agrobacterium-mediated transformation, we regenerated independent putative transformants from 59.5% of the total explants plated. We ran PCR on a sample of the plants to confirm transformation and 47.1% were nptII positive; giving a confirmed transformation rate of 28.0%.  相似文献   

A pathogen-elicitor-inducible acyltransferase [tyramine hydroxycinnamoyltransferase (THT); EC 2.3.1], which catalyzes the transfer of hydroxycinnamic acids from hydroxycinnamoyl-CoA esters to tyramine in the formation of N-hydroxycinnamoyltyramine, was purified to apparent homogeneity from cell-suspension cultures of potato (Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Datura), with a 1400-fold enrichment, a 5% recovery and a final specific activity of 208 mkat·(kg protein)–1. Affinity chromatography on Reactive Yellow-3-Agarose using the acyl donor (feruloyl-CoA) as eluent was the decisive step in the purification sequence. The purified protein showed a native molecular mass of ca. 49 kDa. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence and in the absence of a reducing agent (2-mercaptoethanol) indicated that THT is a heterodimer in which the protein subunits (ca. 25 kDa) are non-covalently associated. The enzyme was stimulated fivefold by 10 mM Ca2+. The apparent K m value for tyramine was dependent on the nature of the hydroxycinnamoyl-CoA present. Thus, the K m value for tyramine was about tenfold greater (174 M) in the presence of 4-coumaroyl-CoA than in the presence of feruloyl-CoA (20 M).Abbreviations PAL phenylalanine ammonia-lyase - THT hydroxycinnamoyl-CoA:tyramine hydroxycinnamoyltransferase We thank the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and the Fonds der Chemischen Industrie for financial support. Further support by a grant from the Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes to H.H. is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

We intended to examine the expression of the T-cell growth factor (human interleukin-2) so that a binary vector, pSSK-1, carrying the IL-2 gene was constructed and transferred intoA. tumefaciens for the purpose of the transformation of the potato (Solanum tuberosum cv. Superior). All of theAgrobacterium-infected potato explants were regenerated to shoots in modified MS medium and 81% of them rooted on the medium containing kanamycin (200 mg/L). Southern and Northern analysis were performed to verify the transformation events. EL-ISA test indicated that IL-2 protein was produced from IL-2-transformed potatoes. These results suggested expression and production of the IL-2 protein from the transgenic potato.  相似文献   

Seventy-three Ohio fields comprising ca. 440 ha of cv Superior potatoes were surveyed in 1977 for plant-parasitic nematodes. Of eight genera of plant-parasitic nematodes, Pratylenchus was found most frequently, occurring in 65% of the soil samples and 84% of the root samples. Populations of Pratylenchus were consistently higher than populations of the other nematode genera. The six species of Pratylenchus extracted from potato roots, in descending order of frequency, were P. crenatus, P. penetrans, P. scribneri, P. alleni, P. thornei, and P. neglectus. Prevalence of these Pratylenchus species in Ohio potato fields suggests that they could be involved with vascular wilt fungi in premature death of cv Superior potato vines known in Ohio as "early dying."  相似文献   

Potato plants grown in vitro were subjected to different salt stresses by providing the salts NaCl, Na2SO4, MgCl2 and MgSO4 in different concentrations up to 300 mM. Salinity greatly affected the survival and the rooting of the plants. Shoot and root growth decreased with increasing salt concentrations. Under mild stress conditions, i.e. in conditions where the plant is able to adapt to the stress, the observed decrease was dependent upon the salt used. Under severe stress conditions, however, the decrease of the shoot and root growth was independent of the nature of the ions.  相似文献   

Solanum tuberosum ssp. tuberosum (cv. Spunta) was transformed with a chimeric transgene containing the Potato virus Y (PVY) coat protein (CP) sequence. Screening for PVY resistance under greenhouse conditions yielded over 100 independent candidate lines. Successive field testing of selected lines allowed the identification of two genetically stable PVY-resistant lines, SY230 and SY233, which were further evaluated in field trials at different potato-producing regions in Argentina. In total, more than 2,000 individuals from each line were tested along a 6-year period. While no or negligible PVY infection was observed in the transgenic lines, infection rates of control plants were consistently high and reached levels of up to 70-80%. Parallel field studies were performed in virus-free environments to assess the agronomical performance of the selected lines. Tubers collected from these assays exhibited agronomical traits and biochemical compositions indistinguishable from those of the non-transformed Spunta cultivar. In addition, an interspecific out-crossing trial to determine the magnitude of possible natural gene flow between transgenic line SY233 and its wild relative Solanum chacoense was performed. This trial yielded negative results, suggesting an extremely low probability for such an event to occur.  相似文献   

The use of interspecific crosses in breeding is an important strategy in improving the genetic base of the modern cultivated potato, Solanum tuberosum L. Until now, it has normally been interspecific Solanum hybrids that have been morphologically and cytologically characterized. However, little is known about the genomic changes that may occur in the hybrid nucleus owing to the combination of genomes of different origin. We have observed novel AFLP bands in Solanum tuberosum x Solanum kurtzianum diploid hybrids; 40 novel fragments were detected out of 138 AFLP fragments analyzed. No cytological abnormalities were observed in the hybrids; however, we found DNA methylation changes that could be the cause of the observed genomic instabilities. Of 277 MSAP fragments analyzed, 14% showed methylation patterns that differed between the parental species and the hybrids. We also observed frequent methylation changes in the BC1 progeny. Variation patterns among F1 and BC1 plants suggest that some methylation changes occurred at random. The changes observed may have implications for potato breeding as an additional source of variability.  相似文献   

To examine the effect of the T-cell growth factor (human interleukin-2), we constructed a binary vector, pSSK-1, carrying the recombinant human interleukin-2 (rhlL-2) gene, and transferred it intoAsrobacterium tumefaciens. Using this construct, we then transformed potato explants(Solanum tuberosum cv. Superior), achieving 100% regeneration of shoots on a modified MS medium. Of the putative transformed shoots, 81% rooted and were selected on 200 ms/L kanamycin. Both Southern and northern analyses verified the transformation events. An ELISA test also indicated that the rhlL-2 protein was produced from rhlL-2-transformed potatoes. To determine whether this protein was biologically active in the potato cells, we performed a biological assay using the 11.-2 dependent cell line, CTLL-2. The suspension containing extract from the transformants showed significant proliferation of the 11.-2 dependent CTLL-2 cells, whereas cells did not proliferate in the nontransformed potato. We then grew the verified rhlL-2 transgenic potatoes in soil, and compared their performance with that of nontransgenic potatoes as well as those that had been transformed with GUS. Growth rates, as calculated from plant heights, were up to 50% higher than for either the nontrans-genic or the GUS-transformed potatoes. Similar patterns were found withArabidopsis thaliana plants treated in the same manner. All of these results suggest that rhlLo2 may function as a growth factor in potato.  相似文献   

Summary In search of establishing a system for genetic transformation of Brazilian potato cultivars, Agrobacterium tumefaciens carrying the plasmid pGV1040, was used to transform leaf discs of three cultivars of local importance, i.e., Aracy, Baronesa and Mantiqueira. This plasmid contains marker genes for resistance to kanamycin and phosphinothricin plus the gene for the enzyme -glucuronidase. A two step regeneration/selection procedure produced shoots of potato cultivar Mantiqueira with in vitro resistance to kanamycin and to phosphinothricin. After transfer to the greenhouse, the potentially transgenic plants, sprayed with the herbicide Finale® (20% a.i.; Hoechst®) remained green as compared to control clones that died immediately afterwards. Southern blot analysis and histochemical and fluorimetric assay for -glucuronidase indicated that the gene coding for the enzyme was integrated in the potato genome and could be expressed in potato tissues. No success was obtained for transformation of cultivars Aracy and Baronesa using this procedure.Abbreviations NAA Naphthalene Acetic Acid - BAP Benzyl-aminopurine - GA3 Gibberellic Acid - PPT Phosphinothricin - PAT Phosphinothricin Acetyl Transferase  相似文献   

Starch branching enzyme cDNA from Solanum tuberosum.   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文

Summary Dihaploid genotypes of potato, containing the dominant allele for extreme resistance to PVX and/or PVY, were used in a fusion program in order to analyze the behaviour of the two monogenetic resistances after fusion. Eighteen different fusion combinations were performed and regenerated hybrids were tested by ELISA for their virus resistance. In most of the combinations an addition of the two qualities was found, but a few deviating clones were observed. The possible reasons for the phenotypic disappearance of resistant alleles are discussed.On leave from the Agricultural University No.1, Hanoi, Vietnam  相似文献   

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