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Summary Seven clonal epithelial cell lines from a thymoma of an (ACI/NMs×BUF/Mna)F1 rat and seven clonal epithelial cell lines from an ACI/NMs rat thymus were established in a medium containing 1 μM dexamethasome (DM) and were characterized cytologically. Long-term treatment of DM stabilized the epithelial nature of these epithelial cells irreversibly. The established cell lines showed a polygonal shape, were positively stained with antikeratin antiserum and had tonofilaments and desmosomes. Species of their keratin paptides were the same as those of normal thymic epithelial cells in primary cultures. The cell lines were positively stained with Th-4 monoclonal antibody which preferentially stains the medullary epithelial cells of the thymus, but not with Th-3 which preferentially stains the subcapsular and cortical epithelial cells of the thymus. The cells from the rat thymoma were much large than those from the normal thymus, as reflected in their primary cultures. No transformed phenotypes, such as high growth rate, high saturation density anchorage independency, low serum dependency and so on, were found on the cell lines from the thymoma as in the cell lines from the normal thymus by in vitro assays. DNA synthesis of the thymic lymphocytes was stimulated by culturing with a line of rat thymoma with no lectins. Thymic lymphocytes strongly bound on the cell lines from the thymoma and changed the shape of the cells. These cell lines may be useful to investigate the mechanism of thymomegenesis and the interactions between epithelial cells and thymocytes in the rat thymoma.  相似文献   

Metastases, responsible for most of the solid tumor associated deaths, require angiogenesis and changes in endothelial cells. In this work, the effect of the secretomes of three breast tumor cell lines (MCF-7, MDA-MB-231 and ZR-75-30) on human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) morphology was investigated. HUVEC treated with secretomes from breast cells were analyzed by confocal and time-lapse microscopy. Secretomes from ZR-75-30 and MDA-MB-231 cells modify the morphology and adhesion of HUVEC. These changes may provoke the loss of endothelial monolayer integrity. In consequence, tumor cells could have an increased access to circulation, which would then enhance metastasis.  相似文献   

Although metastases from original (primary) tumors are highly studied, metastases from metastatic sites (secondary tumors) are far less studied. Here, using data from metastasis map (MetMap) project reported in a recent study (Jin et al. in Nature 588(7837): 331–336. 10.1038/s41586-020-2969-2, 2020), we found that human cancer cell lines isolated from metastatic sites have higher potential to metastasize to another site in mice, compared to human cancer cell lines isolated from primary sites, for certain types of cancer including liver, lung and pancreas cancer. In contrast, for cancer types such as ovarian and skin cancer, human cancer cell lines originated from primary tumors have increased metastatic potential in mice, compared to human cancer cell lines originated from metastatic sites. This preliminary analysis points that the potential of metastases to further metastasize compared to that of primary tumors might be cancer type-dependent, and further research is needed to understand why certain cancer cell lines isolated from metastatic sites are more likely to spread to other organs.  相似文献   

Summary Iron is essential for tumor cell growth. Previous studies have demonstrated that apart from transferrin-bound iron uptake, mammalian cells also possess a transport system capable of efficiently obtaining iron from small molecular weight iron chelates (Sturrock et al., 1990). In the present study, we have examined the ability of tumor cells to grow in the presence of low molecular weight iron chelates of citrate. In chemically defined serum-free medium, most human tumor cell lines required either transferrin (5 μg/ml) or a higher concentration of ferric citrate (500 μM) as an iron source. However, we have also found that from 13 human cell lines tested, 4 were capable of long-term growth in transferrin-free medium with a substantially lower concentration of ferric citrate (5 μM). When grown in medium containing transferrin, both regular and low-iron dependent cell lines use transferrin-bound iron. Growth of both cell types in transferrin medium was inhibited to a certain degree by monoclonal antibody 42/6, which specifically blocks the binding of transferrin to the transferrin receptor. On the contrary, growth of low-iron dependent cell lines in transferrin-free, low-iron medium (5 μM ferric citrate) could not be inhibited by monoclonal antibody 42/6. Furthermore, no autocrine production of transferrin was observed. Low-iron dependent cell lines still remain sensitive to iron depletion as the iron(III) chelator, desferrioxamine, inhibited their growth. We conclude that low-iron dependent tumor cells in transferrin-free, low-iron medium may employ a previously unknown mechanism for uptake of non-transferrin-bound iron that allows them to efficiently use low concentrations of ferric citrate as an iron source. The results are discussed in the context of alternative iron uptake mechanisms to the well-characterized receptor-mediated endocytosis process.  相似文献   

芫菁斑蝥素对喉癌细胞和胃癌细胞的抑制作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
【目的】 研究提取自眼斑芫菁Mylabris cichorii (Linnaeus)体内的斑蝥素对人喉癌HEP-2细胞和人胃癌BGC-823细胞的抑制、以及对细胞周期分布的影响。【方法】 将斑蝥素作用于经体外培养的人喉癌HEP-2细胞和人胃癌BGC-823细胞, 采用MTT法进行体外细胞抑制实验, 测定斑蝥素对这2种癌细胞生长的抑制率与剂量效应;采用流式细胞术测定斑蝥素处理的人喉癌HEP-2细胞的细胞周期;并通过光学显微镜观察其细胞形态学改变。【结果】 斑蝥素浓度为1.28 μmol/L时, 对HEP-2细胞有显著抑制作用, 且随药物浓度升高其抑制作用增强, 呈剂量效应关系, 抑制中浓度为2.88 μmol/L;斑蝥素浓度为20.4 μmol/L时, 对BGC-823细胞有显著抑制作用, 且随药物浓度升高其抑制作用增强, 呈剂量效应关系, 抑制中浓度为54.85 μmol/L。用浓度1.44和2.88 μmol/L的斑蝥素处理HEP-2细胞24 h后, G2-M期分布从8.21%增加到22.29%, S期细胞分布从14.33%增加到21.61%, 且随药物浓度升高其阻滞作用增加, 呈剂量效应关系。G0-G1期细胞分布都有所降低, 从77.45%降低到56.10%, G0-G1期峰前无显著的亚二倍体峰出现, 说明斑蝥素未能够诱导HEP-2细胞发生凋亡。光镜检查显示:HEP-2细胞可出现细胞收缩、胞膜突出、核碎裂等现象。【结论】 斑蝥素对治疗喉癌的效果可能较为理想, 而对胃癌的作用则不明显。  相似文献   

Four epithelial cell lines established from juvenile rat liver and selected on the basis of their capacity to prolong the lifespan of cocultured hepatocytes were compared with respect to several immunocytochemical markers (vimentin, cytokeratin 19, MAB 19C6), enzyme activities, and amino acid uptake systems. Their phenotypes were found to be quite different from that of hepatocytes and bile duct epithelial cells (BEC), but very similar among each other. In particular, a variety of functions affected by dexamethasone (DEX) or changing spontaneously in cultured hepatocytes and/or BEC, showed neither inducibility nor spontaneous changes in the four cell lines. Instead, the lines were inducible for glutamine synthetase (GS) by DEX, in contrast to hepatocytes and BEC but also to other juvenile or adult epithelial lines that did not support cocultured hepatocytes. In addition, they showed relatively high basal levels of GS activity, exceeding those found in adult epithelial cell lines and approaching the average values found for liver tissue. Basal as well as DEX-induced GS activity was reduced in the presence of newborn calf serum, while only DEX-induced but not basal activity was suppressed by glutamine.These results suggest an origin of these four juvenile epithelial cell lines different from that of hepatocytes as well as of BEC. Furthermore, they suggest the coherent acquisition of new functional properties during early phases of cultivation of these cell lines; the selective inducibility of GS by DEX and its suppression by glutamine are the most intriguing of these, because neither is found in any normal cell type present in rat liver.  相似文献   

The carcinogenesis of human papillomaviruses type 16 (HPV-16) is mainly due to its two oncoproteins, E6 and E7. Their carcinogenic features in term of their relationship with Bcl-2 family are still unclear. We thus aimed to analyze the expression of Bcl-2 family members, Bcl-2, Bax, and Bak in laryngeal cancer cells transfected with the E6 or E7 and to determine the sensitivity of these cells to apoptotic stimuli. We employed two human laryngeal cancer cell lines, UMSCC12 and UMSCC11A in this study. These two cell lines were stably transfected with HPV16 E6, E7 or empty vector, pcDNA3.1. We found that E6 and E7 inhibited apoptosis induced by TNF-alpha/CHX in both UMSCC11A and UMSCC12 cells, enhanced the stability of Bcl-2 protein and increased the degradation of Bak protein. Furthermore, it was found that HPV-16 E7 statistically enhanced the expression of Bcl-2 in laryngeal cancer. The alteration of Bak by E6 and E7 was not through the influence on the Bak promoter, as the luciferase assay showed that neither E6 nor E7 changed the Bak promoter activity. We conclude that the evasion of apoptosis mediated by HPV-16 E6 and E7 is associated with increased Bcl-2 and decreased Bak in laryngeal carcinogenesis and that the decreased level of Bak by E6 and E7 is not caused by the regulation of the Bak promoter but by reducing its protein stability.  相似文献   

Summary In order to isolate, characterize, and establish culture cell lines with different diagnostic and prognostic significance, derived from multiclonal neoplasms, a ductal infiltrating mammary tumor was induced in rats by 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene. Clones with different DNA/protein content, being the DI of 1.16, 1.30, and 1.60, respectively, were observed in the primary tumor. Biparametric flow cytometry suggested that the clone at 1.30 is made up of two subpopulations with different protein and slightly different DNA contents. The culture, after a few passages, exhibited the presence of aneuploid cells and the absence of diploid components, demonstrating that only tumor cells survived. The limiting dilution method gave rise to four lines with DI of 1.16, 1.25, 1.30, and 1.50; a mean chromosome number of 45, 46, 47, and 88, respectively; and different morphological and ultrastructural features. These characteristics were stable during the experimental procedure, that is, for about 20 passages. Conversely, the detection of cytoskeletal proteins indicated that the tumor epithelial cells underwent early dedifferentiation into sarcoma-like cells showing markers of stromal cell type and thus exhibiting phenotypic instability in vitro, a feature reported in many advanced human breast cancers in vivo. In conclusion, this cellular model represents the in vivo situation and appears suitable for in vitro studies of tumor cell characteristics and might be used to predict clinical behavior.  相似文献   

The growth of human cancers is characterised by long and variable cell cycle times that are controlled by stochastic events prior to DNA replication and cell division. Treatment with radiotherapy or chemotherapy induces a complex chain of events involving reversible cell cycle arrest and cell death. In this paper we have developed a mathematical model that has the potential to describe the growth of human tumour cells and their responses to therapy. We have used the model to predict the response of cells to mitotic arrest, and have compared the results to experimental data using a human melanoma cell line exposed to the anticancer drug paclitaxel. Cells were analysed for DNA content at multiple time points by flow cytometry. An excellent correspondence was obtained between predicted and experimental data. We discuss possible extensions to the model to describe the behaviour of cell populations in vivo.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the possibility of enhancing the yield of tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) from two epithelial cell lines of normal (non-malignant) derivation grown in tissue culture. The three agents used in this investigation were chosen because of their proven enhancing effect on analogous cells or products. The anabolic hormone stanozolol was found to have no significant stimulatory effect on these cell lines. A phorbol acetate (12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate) caused a twofold enhancement in tPA yield but the most significant results were obtained with 5-azacytidine. This agent increased the yield by up to fourfold in small stationary cultures and threefold in large-scale microcarrier cultures. A combination of azacytidine and phorbol acetate did not have an additive effect on total yield but did alter the kinetics of tPA expression with time. Indications were that the maximum yield with these types of potentiating agents was achieved as it could not be increased by using a combination of two different agents.  相似文献   

In vitro human prostate cell culture models are critical for clarifying the mechanism of prostate cancer progression and for testing preventive and therapeutic agents. Cell lines ideal for the study of human primary prostate tumors would be those derived from spontaneously immortalized tumor cells; unfortunately, explanted primary prostate cells survive only short-term in culture, and rarely immortalize spontaneously. Therefore, we recently have generated five immortal human prostate epithelial cell cultures derived from both the benign and malignant tissues of prostate cancer patients with telomerase, a gene that prevents cellular senescence. Examination of these cell lines for their morphologies and proliferative capacities, their abilities to grow in low serum, to respond to androgen stimulation, to grow above the agar layer, to form tumors in SCID mice, suggests that they may serve as valid, useful tools for the elucidation of early events in prostate tumorigenesis. Furthermore, the chromosome alterations observed in these immortalized cell lines expressing aspects of the malignant phenotypes imply that these cell lines accurately recapitulate the genetic composition of primary tumors. These novel in vitro models may offer unique models for the study of prostate carcinogenesis and also provide the means for testing both chemopreventive and chemotherapeutic agents.  相似文献   

Cells derived from the amniotic foetal membrane of human term placenta have drawn particular attention mainly for their plasticity and immunological properties, which render them interesting for stem-cell research and cell-based therapeutic applications. In particular, we have previously demonstrated that amniotic mesenchymal tissue cells (AMTC) inhibit lymphocyte proliferation in vitro and suppress the generation and maturation of monocyte-derived dendritic cells. Here, we show that AMTC also significantly reduce the proliferation of cancer cell lines of haematopoietic and non-haematopoietic origin, in both cell-cell contact and transwell co-cultures, therefore suggesting the involvement of yet-unknown inhibitory soluble factor(s) in this 'cell growth restraint'. Importantly, we provide evidence that the anti-proliferative effect of AMTC is associated with induction of cell cycle arrest in G0/G1 phase. Gene expression analyses demonstrate that AMTC can down-regulate cancer cells' mRNA expression of genes associated with cell cycle progression, such as cyclins (cyclin D2, cyclin E1, cyclin H) and cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK4, CDK6 and CDK2), whilst they up-regulate cell cycle negative regulator such as p15 and p21, consistent with a block in G0/G1 phase with no progression to S phase. Taken together, these findings warrant further studies to investigate the applicability of these cells for controlling cancer cell proliferation in vivo.  相似文献   

Summary Methods for monitoring cell line identification and authentication include species-specific immunofluorescence, isoenzyme phenotyping, chromosome analysis, and DNA fingerprinting. Most previous studies of DNA fingerprinting of cell lines have used restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis. In this study, we examined the utility of an alternative and simpler method of cell line DNA fingerprinting—polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of fragment length polymorphisms. Fourteen human cell lines previously found by other methods to be either related or disparate were subjected to DNA fingerprinting by PCR amplification of selected fragment length polymorphism loci. Cell identification patterns by this method were concordant with those obtained by isoenzyme phenotyping and restriction fragment length polymorphism-DNA fingerprinting, and were reproducible within and between assays on different DNA extracts of the same cell line. High precision was achieved with electrophoretic separation of amplified DNA products on high resolution agarose or polyacrylamide gels, and with fragment length polymorphism (FLP) loci-specific “allelic ladders” to identify individual FLP alleles. Determination of the composite fingerprint of a cell line at six appropriately chosen fragment length polymorphism loci should achieve a minimum discrimination power of 0.999. The ability of PCR-based fragment length polymorphism DNA fingerprinting to precisely and accurately identify the alleles of different human cell lines at multiple polymorphic fragment length polymorphism loci demonstrates the feasibility of developing a cell line DNA fingerprint reference database as a powerful additional tool for future cell line identification and authentication.  相似文献   

Summary Factors have been studied from human platelets that promote the growth of a hormone-responsive rat mammary adenocarcinoma cell line MTW9/PL, the BALB/c 3T3 mouse embryo fibroblasts, and numerous other established cell lines. A wide variety of the commonly employed cell lines, including lines of human, mouse, monkey, chicken, rat, Chinese hamster, and Syrian hamster origin, were tested for their growth response to a standard concentration of 200 μg/ml human platelet lysate, and the lysate was found to contain mitogenic activity for 24 of the 29 different lines assayed. A comparison was made between the platelet growth activity for the MTW9/PL cells and the well characterized platelet mitogen for the BALB/c 3T3 cells, platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF). When the platelet lysate was subjected to digestion by highly purified trypsin, the mitogenic activity for the MTW9/PL cells was not affected whereas that for the BALB/c 3T3 cells was essentially destroyed. Crude PDGF was prepared by heating the human platelet lysates at 100°C for 2 min followed by clarification, dialysis, lyophilization, and reconstitution. This PDGF material had no apparent growth activity for MTW9/PL cells, although chromatography of this material on Biogel P-100 revealed a high molecular weight (approximately 40,000 daltons) activity for the BALB/c 3T3 cells (presumably PDGF) and two growth activities for the MTW9/PL cells, one high molecular weight activity and a second activity of molecular weight less than 10,000. These studies demonstrated a form of epithelial tumor cell growth activity separable from the 3T3 type PDGF in crude heated extracts. This work was supported by American Cancer Society Grant BC-255B and NIH Grant CA 26617.  相似文献   

The supernatant of a cell line of squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (SCCHN), PCI-50, was previously shown to induce activation, promote proliferation and increase antitumor cytotoxicity of freshly purified human natural killer (NK) cells and CD4+ T lymphocytes [Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg (1994) in press]. This supernatant was found also to promote the growth of a variety of hematopoietic cell lines, including Jurkat, THP-1, K562, NK-92 or Epstein-Barr-virus-transformed B cell lines. The Jurkat cell line was selected as a reporter cell in an 18-h proliferation assay established to measure the growth-promoting activity of PCI-50 supernatant. The presence of soluble tumor-derived factors able to induce proliferation of Jurkat cells was demonstrated in the supernatant produced by several other SCCHN cell lines but not in that produced by a gastric cancer cell line (HR) or renal cell carcinoma line (5117G8). The growth-promoting PCI-50 supernatant was shown to contain 28±0.5 pg/ml interleukin-6, (IL-6) in vitro but was negative for interferon , IL-1, IL-2, IL-4, tumor necrosis factor , granulocyte/macrophage-colony-stimulating factor and IL-12. The addition of any of these recombinant cytokines to Jurkat cell cultures did not significantly promote growth, while PCI-50 supernatant was consistently growth-stimulatory. This supernatant neither enhanced intracellular Ca2+ concentration in Jurkat cells nor induced up-regulation of activation antigens on the cell surface, although it supported growth of Jurkat cells in the absence of IL-2. The growth-promoting activity in the PCI-50 supernatant was acid-labile at pH 2 for 4 h, heat-resistant at 96 °C for 1 h and sensitive to treatments with trypsin and pepsin. Preincubation of the PCI-50 producer cells with tunicamycin or cyclohexamide reduced the level of growth-promoting activity in the supernatant. A partial purification of this activity was achieved using Amicon filtration, chromatography on concanavalin-A-Sepharose and then a hydroxyapatite column and high-pressure liquid chromatography gel filtration. The partially purified glycoprotein had a molecular mass of 50–70 kDa, as detemined by gel filtration.This work was supported in part by the Pathology Education and Research Foundation and American Cancer Society grant IM-696 to TLW  相似文献   

Summary Numerous mitoses were noted in testicular tissue from adult men with early germ cell tumors. More than 15 Leydig cells undergoing mitosis were found in the interstitial compartment. The presence of specific crystalline intracytoplasmatic inclusions demonstrated for the first time that differentiated Leydig cells are capable of proliferation. Occasionally cells are difficult to discriminate during mitosis. To establish reference criteria, the light- and electron-microscopic features of the following mitotic cells were examined: Leydig cells, fibroblasts, perivascular cells, peritubular cells, and lymphocytes. Supplementary mitoses in germ cell tumors and in a case of Leydig cell tumor were investigated. In the literature, only single reports of mitoses in Leydig cells are available. The frequent incidence of Leydig cell mitosis in early germ cell tumors may be due to the presence of growth-promoting factors in the testicular tissue.  相似文献   

Summary Growth parameters of diploid and trisomic human fibroblasts were determined. The rate of growth of both classes of cells was examined in asynchronous cultures, and diploid and trisomic cells had similar growth rates. Synchronous cultures were developed using simple mitotic selection. The patterns and length of the DNA synthetic period (S phase) were found to be altered in trisomy 21 cells when compared to diploid human or to heteroploid HeLa cells. Early S-phase synthesis was absent or reduced and the overall length of the S phase was extended. However, the trisomic cells have apparently normal rates of DNA chain elongation and normal replicon sizes. This work was supported by the United States Department of Energy and the National Institutes of Health.  相似文献   

Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is one of the most lethal urogenital cancers and effective treatment of metastatic RCC remains an elusive target. Cell lines enable the in vitro investigation of molecular and genetic changes leading to renal carcinogenesis and are important for evaluating cellular drug response or toxicity. This study details a fast and easy protocol of establishing epithelial and fibroblast cell cultures or cell lines concurrently from renal cancer nephrectomy tissue. The protocol involves mechanical disaggregation, collagenase digestion and cell sieving for establishing epithelial cells while fibroblast cells were grown from explants. This protocol has been modified from previous published reports with additional antibiotics and washing steps added to eliminate microbial contamination from the surgical source. Cell characterisation was carried out using immunofluorescence and quantitative polymerase chain reaction. Eleven stable epithelial renal tumour cell lines of various subtypes, including rare subtypes, were established with a spontaneous immortalisation rate of 21.6% using this protocol. Eight fibroblast cell cultures grew successfully but did not achieve spontaneous immortalisation. Cells of epithelial origin expressed higher expressions of epithelial markers such as pan‐cytokeratin, cytokeratin 8 and E‐cadherin whereas fibroblast cells expressed high α‐smooth muscle actin. Further mutational analysis is needed to evaluate the genetic or molecular characteristics of the cell lines.  相似文献   

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