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Juvenile swordtail fish and larval cichlids were subjected to parabolic aircraft flights (PAFs) and individually observed. After the PAFs, inner ear otoliths and sensory epithelia were examined on the light microscopical level. Otolith asymmetry (differences in otolith size between the left and the right side) was especially pronounced in those fish, who exhibited a kinetotic behaviour (e.g., spinning movements) during microgravity. This speaks in favour of a theoretical concept according to which susceptibility to space motion sickness in humans may be based on asymmetric inner ear stones. The cell density of sensory epithelia was lower in kinetotic animals as compared to normally swimming fish. Thus, asymmetric otoliths can cause kinetosis in fish during PAFs, but susceptibility to kinetosis may also be based on an aberrative inner ear morphology.  相似文献   

Orthostatic intolerance affects an estimated 1 in 500 persons and causes a wide range of disabilities. After essential hypertension, it is the most frequently encountered dysautonomia, accounting for the majority of patients referred to centers specializing in autonomic disorders. Patients are typically young females with symptoms such as dizziness, visual changes, head and neck discomfort, poor concentration, fatigue, palpitations, tremulousness, anxiety, and, in some cases, syncope. Syncope is the most hazardous symptom of orthostatic intolerance, presumably occurring because of impaired cerebral perfusion and in part to compensatory autonomic mechanisms. The etiology of this syndrome is still unclear but is heterogeneous. Orthostatic intolerance used to be characterized by an overall enhancement of noradrenergic tone at rest in some patients and by a patchy dysautonomia of postganglionic sympathetic fibers with a compensatory cardiac sympathetic activation in others. However, recent advances in molecular genetics are improving our understanding of orthostatic intolerance, such as several genetic diseases (such as Ehler-Danlos syndrome and norepinephrine transporter deficiency) presenting with symptoms typical of orthostatic intolerance. Future work will include investigation of genetic functional mutations underlying interindividual differences in autonomic cardiovascular control, body fluid regulation, and vascular regulation in orthostatic intolerance patients. The goal of this review article is to describe recent advances in understanding the pathophysiological mechanisms of orthostatic intolerance and their clinical significance.  相似文献   

We have reported that human interferon, one of cytokines present in serum, can confer hypomutability on various human cells. On the contrary, we have also reported that serum factors from cancer patients can enhance cell mutability. Therefore, it seems likely that cell mutability is changed by cytokine-like serum factors in our body. It is one of important space problems whether the mutability of human cells is regulated in response to microgravity and hypergravity (gravitational stress). However, there is little information about cell mutability during such stress. In this study, we investigated whether the mutability is changed by exposing cells to human serum factors after gravitational stress.  相似文献   

We investigated the integrated cardiovascularresponses of 15 human subjects to the acute gravitational changes(micro- and hypergravity portions) of parabolic flight. Measurementswere made with subjects quietly seated and while subjects performed controlled Valsalva maneuvers. During quiet, seated, parabolic flight,mean arterial pressure increased during the transition into microgravity but decreased as microgravity was sustained. Thedecrease in mean arterial pressure was accompanied by immediate reflexive increases in heart rate but by absent (orlater-than-expected) reflexive increases in total vascular resistance.Mean arterial pressure responses in Valsalva phasesIIl, III, and IV wereaccentuated in hypergravity relative to microgravity(P < 0.01, P < 0.01, andP < 0.05, respectively), butaccentuations differed qualitatively and quantitatively from thoseinduced by a supine-to-seated postural change in 1 G. This study is thefirst systematic evaluation of temporal and Valsalva-related changes incardiovascular parameters during parabolic flight. Results suggest thatarterial baroreflex control of vascular resistance may be modified byalterations of cardiopulmonary, vestibular, and/or otherreceptor activity.


The vestibular system plays an important role in intersensory interactions and gravitation is a natural stimulus for its receptors. Weightlessness alters the input signals of the otoliths and their effect on the pattern and dynamics of changes in the vestibular function (VF), which is accompanied by development of space adaptation syndrome (SAS) and space motion sickness (SMS). These changes occur both during the spaceflight (SF) and after returning to Earth, but the mechanisms of their development are still poorly understood and require special studies. In total, 47 Russian cosmonauts (crewmembers of long-term International Space Station (ISS) missions) have participated in the studies into VF before and after SF and nine of them, in onboard studies during SF (129–215 days) as a part of the Virtual space experiment (stage 1). Electro- and video-oculography are used to record spontaneous eye movements (SpEM), static vestibular–ocular responses during head tilts to the right or left shoulder (static otolith–cervical–ocular reflex, OCOR), and dynamic vestibular-ocular response during the head rotation around the longitudinal axis of the body. The examination is accompanied by personal and questionnaire survey on subjective responses and complaints of cosmonauts about SAS and SMS. Significant changes in SpEM (drifts of eyes, spontaneous and gaze-evoked nystagmus, and arbitrary saccades) and a decrease in OCOR (statistically significant decrease in the amplitude of ocular counter-rolling in response to head tilts up to its absence or inversion, an atypical OCOR) are observed during SF. An atypical OCOR is observed at the beginning of adaptation to weightlessness in seven of the nine cosmonauts (the first one to two weeks of SF) and repeatedly throughout the flight in all cosmonauts regardless of whether it is their first flight or not. Atypical vestibular responses after SF, similar to the responses during SF, are observed in several cosmonauts by day 9 after flight. It has been shown that atypical OCOR variants are more frequently observed in the subjects lacking any previous space experience, as well as a more pronounced decrease in this response with a concurrent increase in the response of the semicircular canals. It is also demonstrated that repeated SFs lead to a considerable shortening in the after-flight readaptation to terrestrial conditions and a considerable decrease in the degree of vestibular disorders. In the initial period of SF, the changes in VF are correlated with the complaints and manifestations of SAS and SMS; however, the complaints and the corresponding symptoms are unobservable during the further flight despite significant changes in the VF state. The patterns of the VF disorders associated with the impact of weightlessness and observed during and after SF are very similar, allowing these disorders to be regarded as SAS and SMS of different severities (intensities).  相似文献   

晕动病易感性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
晕动病可以由多种运动环境引起,如汽车、舰船、飞机、不平衡乘骑、太空船、虚拟现实视频等.几乎任何前庭系统功能良好的人在足够强烈的运动刺激下都会产生晕动病.晕动病的研究一直难以取得突破性进展,其最主要原因是晕动病易感性存在很大的个体差异.造成晕动病易感的因素可以分为两个方面:与刺激相关(刺激的运动方式、刺激的激发性质以及刺激的持续时间);与个体相关(敏感性、个体差异、适应性、先前对运动刺激的经历.本文对引起晕动病的原因进行综述.  相似文献   

Aim of the study was to evaluate by transthoracic Doppler the alterations in mitral inflow velocity pattern caused by acute changes in loading conditions occurring during parabolic flights. Each parabola included normogravity (1 Gz, 1 min), mild hypergravity (1.8 Gz, 20 sec), microgravity (0 Gz, 24 sec) and mild hypergravity (1.8 Gz, 20 sec) phases. Pulsed-Doppler images were digitally acquired in 11 unmedicated subjects (46 +/- 5 years), in standing upright position and supine resting. Doppler profiles were semi-automatically traced and inflow parameters extracted and averaged onto three consecutive beats. Only in standing position, significant alterations during microgravity (p<0.05) were noted in several parameters.  相似文献   

Variations in gravity [head-to-footacceleration (Gz)] inducehemodynamic alterations as a consequence of changes in hydrostatic pressure gradients. To estimate the contribution of the lower limbs toblood pooling or shifting during the different gravity phases of aparabolic flight, we measured instantaneous thigh and calf girths byusing strain-gauge plethysmography in five healthy volunteers. Fromthese circumferential measurements, segmental leg volumes werecalculated at 1, 1.7, and 0 Gz.During hypergravity, leg segment volumes increased by 0.9% for thethigh (P < 0.001) and 0.5% for thecalf (P < 0.001) relative to1-Gz conditions. After suddenexposure to microgravity following hypergravity, leg segment volumeswere reduced by 3.5% for the thigh (P < 0.001) and 2.5% for the calf (P < 0.001) relative to 1.7-Gzconditions. Changes were more pronounced at the upper part of the leg.Extrapolation to the whole lower limb yielded an estimated 60-mlincrease in leg volume at the end of the hypergravity phase and asubsequent 225-ml decrease during microgravity. Although quantitativelyless than previous estimations, these blood shifts may participate inthe hemodynamic alterations observed during hypergravity and weightlessness.


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