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The average volume of isolated Kupffer cells of rat liver is 821 +/- 64 microns 3, the average surface being 423 +/- 24 microns 2 (599 microns 2, with cell processes included). The surface structure (pseudopodia, lamellipodia, filopodia, microvilli) of isolated cells is much less developed than that of Kupffer cells in situ. By morphometric characterization volume densities are 0.1264 +/- 0.0077 (SE) for mitochondria and 0.3591 +/- 0.0169 for lysosomal structures. The volume of mitochondria amount to 0.79 +/- 0.04 microns 3.  相似文献   

Summary The aim of this study was to identify the G6PDH-active sinusoidal cells in the rat liver described by Rieder et al. (1978). Because of their number and distribution in the liver parenchyma, endothelial cells and pit cells could be excluded. Fat-storing cells were specifically marked by vital staining with vitamin A and identified by fluorescence microscopy. Kupffer cells could be detected after vital staining with carmine. Both staining methods allowed a subsequent incubation for the demonstration of G6PDH activity in the same unfixed cryostat section. Whereas more than 80% of the fluorescent particles were found outside the enzyme-positive cells, all G6PDH-active cells contained carmine particles. After counting the G6PDH-active cells, an estimation of 0.217 × 108 cells/g liver tissue was obtained. The results indicate that high G6PDH activity is common to all Kupffer cells, and is therefore a highly specific marker enzyme for this class of sinusoidal liver cells.The essential parts of this study will be presented as an Inaugural-Dissertation to the Medical Faculty of the University of Freiburg by W. HosemannSupported by a grant from the SFB 46 (Molgrudent)  相似文献   

Liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy is a process with various types of cells involved. The role of Kupffer cells (KCs) in liver regeneration is still controversial. In this study we isolated KCs from regenerating liver and conducted cell-specific microarray analysis. The results demonstrated that the controversial role of KCs in liver regeneration could be explained with the expression patterns of TGF-α, IL-6, TNF, and possibly IL-18 during liver regeneration. IL-18 may play an important role in negative regulation of liver regeneration. The functional profiles of gene expression in KCs also indicated that KC signaling might play a negative role in cell proliferation: signaling genes were down regulated before cell division. Immune response genes in KCs were also down regulated during liver regeneration, demonstrating similar expression profiles to that of hepatocytes. The expression patterns of key genes in these functional categories were consistent with the temporal functional profiles.  相似文献   

The evidence that Kupffer cells are capable of controlling metastatic growth in the liver in vivo is largely circumstantial. The best approach when studying natural cytotoxicity activities of Kupffer cells is to investigate the effect of Kupffer cell elimination on tumour growth. Until now it has not been possible to eliminate Kupffer cells without affecting other cell populations. We have recently developed a new method to eliminate Kupffer cells selectively: intravenous injection of liposome-encapsulated (dichloromethylene)bisphosphonate (Cl2MDP-liposomes) leads to effective elimination of all Kypffer cells, without affecting non-phagocytic cells. Wag/Rij rats were injected with Cl2MDP-liposomes. After 48 h, rats were inoculated with syngeneic CC531 colon carcinoma cells by injection in the portal system. The results show a strongly enhanced tumour growth in the liver of the Cl2MDP-liposometreated rats. In these animals, livers were almost completely replaced by tumour and had increased in weight, whereas in the control groups only a few (four to eight) small (1-mm) tumour nodules were found. These data show that selective elimination of Kupffer cells results in enhanced tumour growth in the liver, implying that Kupffer cells play a crucial role in controlling tumour growth in the liver.  相似文献   

Cadmium metabolism by rat liver endothelial and Kupffer cells.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The metabolism of cadmium was investigated in Wistar-rat liver non-parenchymal cells. Kupffer and endothelial cells, the major cell populations lining the sinusoidal tracts, were isolated by collagenase dispersion and purified by centrifugal elutriation. At 20 h after subcutaneous injection of the metal salt (1.5 mg of Cd/kg body weight), endothelial cells accumulated 2-fold higher concentrations of Cd than did Kupffer or parenchymal cells. Most of the Cd in non-parenchymal cells was associated with cytosolic metallothionein (MT), the low-Mr heavy-metal-binding protein(s). When MT was quantified in cytosols from cells isolated from control rats by a 203Hg competitive-binding assay, low levels were found to be present in Kupffer, endothelial and parenchymal cells. Cd injection significantly increased MT levels in all three cell types. The induction of MT synthesis was investigated in vitro by using primary monolayer cultures. The incorporation of [35S]cysteine into MT increased 47% over constitutive levels in endothelial-cell cultures after the addition of 0.8 microM-Cd2+ to the medium for 10 h. MT synthesis in Kupffer cells was not observed. The lack of MT synthesis by monolayer cultures of Kupffer cells in vitro was associated with a decreased capacity of these cells to accumulate heavy metals from the extracellular medium. This apparent decreased ability to transport metals did not reflect a general defect in either cellular function or metabolic activity, since isolated Kupffer cells incorporated [3H]leucine into protein at rates comparable with those shown by liver parenchymal cells and readily phagocytosed particles.  相似文献   

Non-parenchymal cell suspensions were prepared from rat livers by three different methods based on a collagenase, a pronase and a combined collagenase-pronase treatment. The highest yield of Kupffer and endothelial cells was obtained with the pronase treatment. Attempts were made for a further purification of these cells by Metrizamide density gradient centrifugation after preferentially loading lysosomal structures in Kupffer cells with Triton WR 1339, Jectofer®, Neosilvol®, Zymosan or colloidal carbon. After loading with Triton WR 1339 or Jectofer®, highly purified endothelial cell suspensions were obtained, but the final Kupffer cell preparations were contaminated with about 20% of endothelial cells. Kupffer and endothelial cells purified in this way showed an altered ultrastructure and contained increased activities of the lysosomal enzymes acid phosphatase, arylsulphatase B and cathepsin D. As an alternative procedure for the purification of Kupffer and endothelial cells, a method based on centrifugal elutriation was employed. With this procedure, highly purified preparations of Kupffer or endothelial cells with a well preserved ultrastructure were obtained. Compared with endothelial cells, purified Kupffer cells had a three times higher cathepsin D activity, whereas the arylsulphatase B activity was three times higher in endothelial cells. The high cathepsin D activity in Kupffer cells could be nearly completely inhibited by the specific cathepsin D inhibitor pepstatin, which excludes a possible contribution to this activity by proteases endocytosed during the isolation of the cells.  相似文献   

Summary The fine structure of Kupffer cells has been studied at various times after an intravenous injection of lipopolysaccharide of Salmonella abortus equii. The most prominent effects were: an increase in the number and dimensions of phagocytic vacuoles (often containing ingested LPS and neutrophilic granulocytes); mitochondrial damage, including disintegration of the matrix and cristae; an increase in the amount of dilated, lucent rough endoplasmic reticulum; presence of fat droplets in the cytoplasm. Five days after injection of lipopolysaccharide, the Kupffer cells had resumed their normal ultrastructure.Several minutes after injection of lipopolysaccharide, platelets adhered to the Kupffer and endothelial cells. Between one and six hours, neutrophilic granulocytes accumulated in the liver sinusoids. The resulting obstruction of the hepatic microcirculation most probably affected cellular ultrastructure by ischaemia. At three days, the number of Kupffer cells was doubled, and increased further at later time intervals.  相似文献   

Kupffer cells of fetal rat liver were examined by ultrastructural cytochemical methods to reveal acid phosphatase (AcPase) activity in lysosomes. Elongated cisternae, 940-1150 A in width containing AcPase reaction product, were identified in these cells. These cisternae were sometimes in continuity with phagosomes containing engulfed erythrocytes. Observations suggest that such cisternae may partly encircle these phagosomes. The relationships of these cisternae to GERL (Golgi Endoplasmic Reticulum Lysosomes) is discussed.  相似文献   

Cultured rat Kupffer cells were incubated in presence of biologically tritiated Salmonella abortus equi lipopolysaccharide. Uptake of lipopolysaccharide increased rapidly during the first 2 h of incubation and then levelled off. Within the first h of incubation 10(6) Kupffer cells were able to ingest up to 18 micrograms lipopolysaccharide. Kupffer cells metabolised lipopolysaccharide and released lipopolysaccharide-related substances, but neither the cell-associated lipopolysaccharide nor the released lipopolysaccharide products were detoxified, as measured by the mouse lethality test.  相似文献   

Isolated non-parenchymal cells from rat liver were separated by centrifugal elutriation into two fractions consisting of structurally intact Kupffer and endothelial cells with purities of 91 and 95%, respectively. Purified Kupffer and endothelial cells showed nearly equal specific activities for the lysosomal enzyme acid phosphatase, whereas the specific activity of cathepsin D was about 3 times higher in Kupffer cells. It was calculated that a significant amount of the cathepsin D activity in the liver is present in the Kupffer cells.  相似文献   

Recently we have reported that bilirubin UDP-glucuronosyltransferase (UGT1A1) is induced in rat liver by chronic ethanol treatment. Several studies have shown that Kupffer cells play a central role in the mediation of various hepatic effects of chronic alcohol consumption. In the present work, the participation of Kupffer cells in the ethanol dependent induction of UGT1A1 was investigated. A group of rats was pretreated with gadolinium chloride, a known Kupffer-cell-depleting agent. We compared the effect of chronic ethanol ingestion on UGT1A1 expression in the liver of normal and gadolinium chloride treated rats. The effect of ethanol on bilirubin glucuronidation was completely prevented in Kupffer cell deficient rats. The western and northern blot analyses showed that the increase of both the protein and mRNA of UGT1A1 was prevented in these animals. These results suggest that Kupffer cells play a major role in the mediation of ethanol-stimulated induction of UGT1A1 in liver parenchymal cells.  相似文献   

We studied the kinetics of [3H]lipopolysaccharide ([3H]LPS) (endotoxin) binding to Kupffer cells and hepatocytes at the level of the microtubular system after treatment with gadolinium chloride (GdCl(3)) and colchicine. Liver perfusion in Sprague-Dawley rats involves both portal vein and thoracic inferior vena cava cannulations as inlet and outlet, respectively. The subhepatic inferior vena cava is ligated to prevent perfusate leakage. Buffer containing 2% serum and [3H]LPS is administered at 1 ml/min and collected for 50 min. Rate constants for hepatocellular clearance of [3H]LPS in controls, colchicine-treated rats, GdCl(3)-treated rats, and colchicine plus GdCl(3)-treated rats are assessed using a simplified mathematical model. Forward-binding, reversal-binding, residency time, and influx rate constants are estimated. Results show that in GdCl(3)-treated rats, the hepatocytes effectively clear endotoxin from the circulation, and its ultimate binding affinity at the hepatocyte site is somewhat reduced compared to the Kupffer cells. In colchicine-treated rats, the disruption of the microtubule network altered [3H]LPS binding with Kupffer cells, suggesting that the microfilament-microtubular network also affects Kupffer cell function. Simultaneous treatments with colchicine and GdCl(3) increased the influx rate constant, suggesting that the compiled morphological alterations up-regulated endotoxin clearance by the liver, as indicated by a drastic increase in cellular vacuolation. In conclusion, the kinetics of the trafficking process of [3H]LPS clearance are regulated by apical-sinusoidal endocytotic and canalicular routes.  相似文献   

Demonstration of collagenase activity in rat liver homogenate   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Collagenase activity became detectable in rat liver homogenate by washing liver tissue repeatedly with buffered saline before homogenization. This enzyme activity was inhibited by adding minute quantities of serum. These data suggest that collagenase is active in situ in the liver, but is made inactive during the homogenization by forming a complex with contaminating serum factors.  相似文献   

Mast cells and other cells such as macrophages have been shown to mediate systemic anaphylaxis. We determined the roles of mast cells and Kupffer cells in hepatic and systemic anaphylaxis of rats. Roles of mast cells were examined by using the mast cell-deficient white spotting (Ws/Ws) rat; the Ws/Ws and wild type (+/+) rats were sensitized with ovalbumin (1 mg). Roles of Kupffer cells were examined by depleting Kupffer cells using gadolinium chloride or liposome-encapsulated dichloromethylene diphosphonate in the Ws/Ws and Sprague-Dawley rats. An intravenous injection of 0.6 mg ovalbumin caused substantial anaphylactic hypotension in both the Ws/Ws and +/+ rats; however, the occurrence was delayed in the Ws/Ws rats. After antigen, portal venous pressure increased by 13.1 cmH2O in the +/+ rats, while it increased only by 5.7 cmH2O in the Ws/Ws rats. In response to antigen, the isolated perfused liver of the Ws/Ws rats also showed weak venoconstriction, the magnitude of which was one tenth as large as that of the +/+ rats, indicating that hepatic anaphylaxis was primarily due to mast cells. In contrast, Kupffer cell depletion did not attenuate anaphylactic hepatic venoconstriction in isolated perfused livers. In conclusion, mast cells are involved mainly in anaphylactic hepatic presinusoidal portal venoconstriction but only in the early stage of anaphylactic systemic hypotension in rats. Macrophages, including Kupffer cells, do not participate in rat hepatic anaphylactic venoconstriction.  相似文献   

Phagocytosis was studied in rat Kupffer cells in vitro by using opsonized sheep red cells as objects and inducing attachment and ingestion through the Fc and C3 receptors. The Fc receptors functioned by and large in the same manner as in the peritoneal macrophages. When the red cells were opsonized with IgM and complement, there was attachment but little ingestion in a serum-free medium. Newborn calf serum was found to trigger ingestion. Our experiments provided no conclusive evidence as to the nature of this triggering mechanism. The limiting factor in phagocytosis was the cytoplasmic volume of the phagocyte rather than the availability of surface receptors. The expression of surface receptors on cells in culture depended on length of culture and degree of spreading. We confirmed the available information on the energy requirements of phagocytosis as studied in peritoneal macrophages. As judged by isotope release, digestion of the red cells was in process shortly after ingestion. However, morphological examination failed to detect any changes in appearance prior to 4 h. After a blocking dose of sheep red cells, a rather long period (40 h) was required before cells fully recovered their phagocytic capacity.  相似文献   

The frequently observed instability of neutral salt solutions of native collagen extracted from various sources and partially purified by standard procedures has been studied by disc electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gel and by electron microscopic examination of segment long spacing crystallites. The phenomenon has revealed time and temperature dependency, pH optima near neutrality, and inhibition by sodium EDTA and serum. In addition, collagen breakdown has been found to be quantitatively related to the state of aggregation of the substrate, being more marked in reconstituted collagen gels than in collagen in solution. A typical pattern of animal collagenase degradation of native collagen into two fragments designated as TCA and TCB has been observed under certain conditions. It is concluded that the degradation of native collagen in neutral salt solution is due to a specific collagenase, and that this enzyme probably remains bound to collagen throughout the process of extraction and partial purification. Experiments with gelatin suggest that, in addition to collagenase, a nonspecific proteolytic activity may also be present in collagen preparations.  相似文献   

Endogenous peroxidase is the cytochemical marker used to identify Kupffer cells in the adult liver. In this study, we show by ultrastructural cytochemistry that Kupffer cells of the fetal rat liver are endogenous peroxidase positive. The reaction product is localized in the endoplasmic reticulum including the perinuclear cisternae and in a few lysosome-like dense bodies. Serial sections of Golgi regions suggest that GERL and not the Golgi stacks, is peroxidase positive. As in the adult liver, peroxidase is not localized in endothelial cells. Kupffer cells do not appear to transform from endothelial or extravascular developing monocytic cells and are present prior to bone marrow formation. The relevance of these observations with respect to the possible origin of the Kupffer cell is discussed.  相似文献   

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