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Intestinal helminths in inbred strains of mice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

When humans or non-humans are given a choice between receiving a sooner-smaller (SS) reinforcer, or a later-larger (LL) reinforcer, the choice of a SS reinforcer represents impulsive choice whereas the choice of a LL reinforcer represents self-controlled choice. It has been suggested that both biological and genetic factors influence impulsive/self-control choice in this paradigm. In the present study, the inbred strains of BALB/c, C57BL/6, and DBA/2 mice were given a choice to press one of two levers in an operant chamber. Depending on their choice, mice received either a smaller reinforcer (one pellet delivered after 6s) sooner (SS) or a larger reinforcer (two pellets after 6, 9, 12, 18, or 30s) later (LL). Mice preference for the larger reinforcer decreased with longer delays. More importantly, the BALB/c mice chose the SS reinforcer more often than the C57BL/6 mice under the 9- and 12-s delays, and more often than the DBA/2 mice under the 9-s delay. This indicates that the choice pattern of the BALB/c strain is more "impulsive" than the other strains and suggests that specific gene configurations influence impulsive choice in mice.  相似文献   

Antibody production in inbred strains of mice   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

Quiet mutations in inbred strains of mice   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The year 2009 is the 100th anniversary of the founding of the first inbred strain of mouse, called DBA. During the last 100 years, inbred strains have proved their value for biomedical research and the number of such strains has mushroomed to over 450, each with different genotypic and phenotypic characteristics and useful for the study of disease and normal function. However, although inbred strains are stable, they are not fixed entities and researchers need to be aware of the phenomena of new mutations and of genetic drift, which occur within all mouse colonies. If the mutations are what we term in this review 'quiet mutations', then they might result in rather unexpected and sometimes tremendously valuable results. Here, we discuss these phenomena and look at how new genomic technologies might help us to detect 'quiet mutations' and use them to our advantage.  相似文献   

Social situations in which male mice establish dominant/subordinate relationships were utilized in an attempt to correlate circulating testosterone (T) titer with agonistic behavior. Two long-term (several months) and two short-term (3- and 5-day) situations in which dominance was verified by severity of body scarring or individual aggression scores indicated no consistent correlation of dominance with serum T levels.  相似文献   

A study of the sex ratio in mice of the inbred strains (CBA and C3H) and connection of the postimplantation embryonic mortality in mice of these strains with the sex distribution of embryos demonstrated that the sex ratio in these mice was 1:1. Literature and the author's personal data suggested that genetic features of mice of the inbred strains failed to influence significantly the sex ratio of the offspring. The postimplantation embryonic death rate in the C3H mice exceeded that in the CBA mice (14.4 and 9.3%, respectively). However, the balanced sex ratio in mice of these strains points to the absence of selective mortality of the embryos of any one sex during embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Cryptosporidium infections in inbred strains of mice.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Cryptosporidium, a protozoan parasite of man and animals, is an important etiological agent of diarrhea throughout the world, particularly in children and immunocompromised individuals such as AIDS patients. Unfortunately, because of the lack of both in vivo laboratory models and reliable in vitro parasite culture systems, virtually nothing is known about the immunological events occurring during disease. In order to identify reliable animal models for infection, we studied C. parvum infections in 19 different strains of mice representing 12 H-2 haplotypes: A/J, AKR/J, B10.D2/J, B10.M/J, C3H/HeJ, C57BL/65, C57BL/6J-bgJ, CBA/NJ, DBA/1J, DBA/2J, HRS/J, HTG/J, NZB/B1NJ, NZW/J, P/J, RIII/J, SJL/J, SWR/J, and WB/ReJ, and in one gerbil: Meriones unguiculatus. Fecal samples and histological sections of the intestine taken on day 7 post-Cryptosporidium inoculation indicated that only the beige mouse (C57BL/6J-bgJ) harbored significant numbers of parasites compared to the other strains. The numbers of parasites harbored in these NK cell-deficient beige mice were, however, considerably lower than those seen in neonatal mice. Adult inbred mouse strains susceptible to Cryptosporidium infections are discussed.  相似文献   

Ultra-sounds in three inbred strains of young mice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Genetic relationships between inbred strains of mice   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

Fifteen biochemical markers were tested in 30 inbred strains of mice to control the genetic constitution of each strain. Discrepancies in pattern from Standardized Nomenclature for Inbred Strains of Mice are reported and discussed.This work was supported by Grant No. 512–2532 from the Danish Medical Research Council.  相似文献   

Two inbred strains of mice, C57BL/6J and DBA/2J, ranging in age from 2 to 38 months, were tested in an open field using the free exploration method. Scores were obtained for locomotor activity, exploratory behavior and emotionality. Strain differences were observed for all three variables. Beginning at late maturity (12 months), locomotor activity decreased with increasing age. Exploratory behavior was at a low level for DBA/2J mice at all ages. For C57BL/6J mice, exploratory behavior decreased significantly between 2 and 6 months and remained stable thereafter. Emotionality remained unchanged with advancing age for both strains of mice.  相似文献   

evolution of variable region (Vh) gene family copy number and polymorphism was investigated by the analysis of the immunoglobulin heavy chain variable region (Igh-V) locus in 74 inbred strains and substrains of mice. Several strains were found to have slight differences from Igh-V haplotypes previously identified, usually of a single Vh gene family. These results indicate that the evolution of copy number in the mouse Igh-V locus proceeds largely by the accumulation of incremental changes, reflecting the clustered organization of the mouse Igh-V locus. We have found no evidence of very large or frequent duplication or deletion events indicative of rapid expansion or contraction processes. The existence of one or more particularly large Vh gene families most likely reflects random copy number variation, rather than selection for the amplification of their members. The identification of strains with recombinant Vh gene arrays demonstrates that recombination, both within and between haplotypes, appears to be the predominant mechanism generating the high restriction fragment length polymorphism in the Igh-V locus.Abbreviations used in this paper Igh-V immunoglobulin heavy chain variable region locus - Vh heavy chain variable region gene - Dh heavy chain diversity region gene - V immunoglobulin kappa light chain variable region gene - V T-cell receptor beta chain variable region gene  相似文献   

D Wakelin 《Parasitology》1975,71(1):51-60
A comparison has been made of the responses of random-bred CFLP and inbred NIH mice to infection with Trichuris muris. Random-bred mice showed greater variation in worm burdens and less uniformity in worm expulsion. Irradiation prior to infection reduced variation, but did not increase the mean level of infection above that shown by the most susceptible unirradiated mice. In NIH mice, however, irradiation raised the level of infection in all mice. The factors responsible for variation between CFLP mice and for the level of infection in NIH mice came into play after the fifth day of infection and were inactivated by cortisone acetate. It is suggested that these factors are immunologically mediated and under direct genetic control. Uniformity of infection and expulsion in NIH mice is therefore seen as a consequence of genetic uniformity; variability in CFLP mice as a consequence of genetic variation. The time of worm expulsion was found to differ markedly between inbred strains of mice. Hybrid progeny showed the expulsion time characteristic of the parental strain with the most rapid expulsion; greater resistance was therefore inherited as a dominant characteristic. The genetic control of immunity to T. muris is discussed in the context of the antibody- and cell-mediated components of the expulsion process.  相似文献   

Immunocompetent mouse model for human filarial parasite Brugia malayi is urgently required in view of the paucity of commercial reagents for other susceptible rodent viz. mastomys and gerbil. Genes within the major histocompatibility complex have been reported to influence the susceptibility of mouse to helminth parasites. Attempts have therefore been made in the present investigation to experimentally infect various inbred strains of mice viz. NZB/BINJ, BALB/c, AKR, C(3)H, and SJL/J with H-2 haplotype (H-2: d, d, k, k, s, respectively) and outbred strains of mice viz. Parks and Swiss. Findings indicate that susceptibility of mice to B. malayi is strain associated. This is the first report on the successful completion of full developmental cycle of subperiodic B. malayi in NZB/BINJ, an immunocompetent mouse strain. In some of the other strains, partial development or low degree of establishment of worms was observed.  相似文献   

1. A remarkable similarity in the gel patterns of liver nuclear proteins between four inbred strains of mice (A.CA, B10.A, CBA and DBA/2) was observed. 2. Only a very few quantitative differences were detected in the protein spot patterns of nucleoplasmic (spot of about 41 kDa) and chromatin (spot of about 37 kDa) non-histone proteins between those strains of mice. 3. Comparison of two-dimensional gel patterns of non-histone proteins from males and females revealed a few sex-linked spots. Nucleoplasmic protein with molecular weight of about 59 kDa and chromatin proteins with molecular weights of approximately 47 and 57 kDa were more abundant in liver nuclei of male mouse.  相似文献   

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