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Lee M. Silver 《Cell》1982,29(3):961-968
Naturally occurring t haplotypes suppress recombination over a region of mouse chromosome 17 that includes the H-2 complex. Each of these t haplotypes is associated with a specific set of H-2 alleles and can be placed into one of a limited number of complementation groups. Genetic studies have demonstrated the existence of a basic homology in genomic organization among all t haplotypes. We used an H-2 cDNA probe to investigate, at the molecular level, possible relationships among the H-2 regions of different t haplotypes. We identified a family of t haplotype-specific restriction fragments that carry DNA sequences homologous to the H-2-like genes. Surprisingly, the H-2-defined restriction patterns from all five complete t haplotypes analyzed are highly homologous, even though H-2 gene products expressed are antigenically distinct. These data lead to two major conclusions. First, all t haplotypes were derived from a small number of closely related ancestors. Second, the H-2 complex region associated with each primordial t chromosome has been maintained within at least the five present-day t haplotypes analyzed here. Hence the H-2 complex is an integral component of naturally occurring t haplotypes.  相似文献   

A rare D-region recombination event which gave rise to the B10.RQDB major histocompatibility complex haplotype has been examined to ascertain the nature of the crossover and to determine which class I genes are present in the new alignment of D-region genes. Serologic analysis have shown that the B10 . RQDB major histocompatibility complex recombinant mouse inherited the H-2Dd gene from the B10.T(6R) parental line and the H-2Db gene from the B10.A(2R) parental line, representing the first example of an intra-D-region crossover resulting from an intercross. Previous molecular genetic analyses of the d and b haplotypes revealed structural diversity in the organization of their D-region gene clusters. Hence, the D region is comprised of five class I genes in the d haplotype and only one in the b haplotype. Because allelic relationships among the various D-region genes are not defined, either a homologous or nonhomologous alignment of genes has generated the RQDB crossover. Therefore, the possibility that all three D-region antigen-presenting molecules (Dd, Ld, and Db) might be encoded by the RQDB haplotype was examined. Fluorescence-activated cell sorter and cytotoxic T lymphocyte analyses revealed no detectable levels of H-2Ld cell-surface expression, confirming earlier studies with antibody-mediated cytotoxicity and immunoprecipitation. Southern blot analysis localized the recombination point to within a 1-kb region at the centromeric end of the H-2Ld gene on the B10 . T(6R) chromosome in a region of high homology to the H-2Db gene on the B10 . A(2R) chromosome. Together, these studies define the D region of the RQDB haplotype as containing the five class I genes: Dd, D2d, D3d, D4d, and Db. In addition to providing insight into rare recombination events in the D region, the B10.RQDB mouse should be a useful tool for exploring the function of D-region genes.  相似文献   

Observations have frequently been interpreted as showing that the helper T cells which collaborate with alloantigen-specific cytotoxic T-cell precursors can only recognize antigens encoded in the I region of the H-2 gene complex. An experimental system is described here that allows analysis of the recognition repertoire of these helper cells. CBA helper T-cell precursors can be primed in vitro to antigens encoded in the H-2 b gene complex. These helpers can then be tested for the existence of a subset of helper cells which recognize antigens encoded in the D region of H-2 b haplotype. CBA thymocytes were used as a source of cytotoxic T-cell precursors that respond poorly in the absence of exogeneous helper activity. The source of alloantigen was varied by using irradiated spleen cells from various (BALB/c × recombinant)F1 hybrid mice as stimulator cells. When the stimulator cell bears BALB/c determinants recognized by the cytotoxic T-cell precursor and also bears only the D region antigens of the H-2 b haplotype, an anti-BALB/c cytotoxic response is generated only if the anti-H-2b helper population contains cells able to recognize H-2Db. A positive cytotoxic response was obtained, indicating that helper cells are not limited to recognition of I region antigens and can efficiently recognize antigens encoded in the D region of the H-2 gene complex. This was confirmed by the demonstration of helpers specific for H-2Dd. We were unable to detect any evidence for Ia-restricted recognition of the H-2D alloantigens, suggesting that, as for cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL), helper cell recognition of class I alloantigens is an unrestricted event.  相似文献   

Skin graft rejection in congenic pairs of mice differing only at theH-2 complex appears to be influenced by at least 3 genes (H-2K, H-2D, H-2I); we now describe a fourth,H- 2IC: Grafts transplanted across anIC difference are sometimes rejected. TheI-C regions of three differentH-2 haplotypes (d,k,s) were studied in different combinations, and variable patterns emerged: (a)IC d : B10.S(7R) show delayed or no rejection of first B10.S(9R) grafts, but grafts to immunized recipients were usually rejected in 20 days; (b)IC k : in two combinations (A.AL A and B10.HTT B10.S[9R]) first grafts were rejected by day 30, although grafts to immunized mice showed a different pattern. In the third combination (B10.HTTB10.S[7R]) first grafts were retained but immunized mice rejected their grafts, (c)IC s : B10.S(9R) regularly reject B10.S(7R) first grafts, but immunized mice retain their grafts. In two other combinations first grafts were retained but grafts to immunized recipients were rejected; while in a third combination rejection did not occur at all. The background of the recipient appeared to be important in determining the variable pattern of rejection, and there is evidence for a similarity of the H-genes inIC s andIC k , and inIC k andIC p . Graft rejection occurred independently of known differences in Ia specificities, indicating thatH-2IC and the genes determining Ia specificities are probably different, although when grafts were performed in the presence of known la differences, graft rejection usually occurred.  相似文献   

Naturally occurring t haplotypes are chromosome 17 polymorphisms that suppress genetic recombination in t/+ heterozygotes over a long distance that includes the H-2 complex. There is strong linkage disequilibrium between t haplotypes and H-2 haplotypes; over 20 independently isolated t chromosomes representing eight different complementation groups share only four H-2 haplotypes. Thus t haplotypes and their associated H-2 loci are inherited en bloc as a “supergene” complex, whose frequency is driven in wild mouse populations by their high transmission from male t heterozygotes. This phenomenon must therefore serve as an important regulator of H-2 polymorphisms. Genes within the region of recombination suppression in t haplotypes have been mapped by crossing-over that occurs readily between two different t haplo-types situated in trans, and by this means we show here that the H-2 complex occupies an anomalous position in t haplotypes, mapping proximal to the locus of tf closely flanked by t-lethal mutations.  相似文献   

The H-2 region of mouse chromosome 17 is known to include one or more genes that affect susceptibility to cortisone-induced cleft palate. We have now studied congenic strains that possess crossovers in the interval between H-2S and H-2D and have observed significant differences in susceptibility among recombinants that had been believed to possess the same H-2 haplotypes. Pregnant mice were injected on days 11 through 14 of gestation with 100 mg of cortisone per kg of body weight. The frequency of cleft palate in B10.A(2R) was significantly greater than in B10.A(1R), despite the fact that both have H-2a/H-2b crossovers in the interval between the S and D loci and have the same alleles at all loci that have been previously characterized. Both B10.BAR5 and B10.BAR12 were significantly more susceptible than B10.A(18R), although these strains also share the same alleles at all loci that have been previously characterized. All three of these strains have H-2b/H-2a recombinant chromosomes, with crossovers in the S/D interval. Genetic linkage between H-2 and the high-susceptibility gene of B10.BAR5 was confirmed by testing H-2 homozygotes derived by intercrossing backcross animals. These data therefore suggest that a gene coding for susceptibility, which we designate Cps-1, maps in the 350-kb interval between H-2S and H-2D, and the congenic strains that we have found to be different have different crossover points within this interval. Alleles at the Cps-1 locus have embryonic effects, but no demonstrable effects on the maternal environment.  相似文献   

Localization of mouse Pgk-2 gene at the D end of the H-2 complex (1)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A survey of the Pgk-2 alleles carried by H-2 congenic lines of mice has established that the Pgk-2 locus is near the D end of the H-2 complex on chromosome 17. A comparison among inbred strains of the alleles for Pgk-2, H-2, and two other genes in this vicinity, Tla and Ce-2, has revealed a remarkable correlation suggestive of strong linkage disequilibrium in the wild mice from which the inbred strains were derived.  相似文献   

Bf protein was directly precipitated from a mixture of EDTA-plasma from 13 different, inbred strains and rabbit IgG anti-mouse Bf, and was isolated by SDS-PAGE. The gel pieces containing Bf protein were digested by trypsin after labeling with 125I-Na, and then peptides of Bf protein with each mouse strain were compared by two-dimensional peptide mapping. The results for the peptide patterns with the standard B10 congenic strains (all of which Bf phenotypes had been already designated as Bf.1 because of the identical isoelectric point values) revealed two distinct peptide patterns. The peptide pattern of Bf protein appeared to be identical in each of the inbred strains, but only one of the 36 spots in the fingerprint observed either with B10 or B10.BR (designated tentatively as Bf.1 (b.k.) ) was not detected in that from B10.D2 and B10.S (designated tentatively as Bf.1 (d.s.) ). The results of peptide mapping with intra-H-2 recombinant inbred strains show that this structural variant was mapped to the S region, which is direct evidence that allotypes of murine Bf are encoded by a structural gene within the MHC.  相似文献   

A degree of conservation of the genes located between class II and class I [central major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes] is apparent among mammalian species including primates and the mouse. Few others have been analyzed. The caprine MHC is of particular interest, since it has recently been observed that susceptibility to a lentivirus-induced polyarthritis (caprine arthritis) segregates with serologically defined MHC class I antigens. This arthritis resembles, in a number of respects, rheumatoid arthritis in man. Human cDNA probes were used to examine the caprine central MHC and class I and II genes by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and by pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) in order to define the polymorphism and linkage of central MHC genes to class I and class II genes. An outbred population of dairy goats (Saanen, British Alpine, Anglo Nubian, and Toggenberg) was examined for class I and class II RFLPs. Both regions were found to be highly polymorphic. The number of fragments hybridizing to an HLA-B7 probe after Eco RI, Bam HI, Bgl II, or Hind III digestion suggests there may be 10–13 class I genes. The degree of polymorphism was comparable to that reported in the mouse. Limited polymorphism was found in the central MHC genes. The caprine C4 and CYP21 genes were duplicated and demonstrated RFLP with Bam HI, Hind III, Eco RV, and Taq I. An infrequent Taq I C2 polymorphism was found. PFGE revealed substantial conservation of both the order and linkage of the central MHC genes when compared with mous and man. C4, C2, CYP21, HSP70, and tumor necrosis factor (TNF) genes are all located within 800 kilobase (kb) of the class I loci. Distant from the class I region, the C4, C2, and CYP21 genes are linked on a short genomic segment (180 kb Not I and 190 kb Pvu I fragments). HSP70 cohybridizes with the complement genes on a 380 kb Mlu I fragment. Linkage of HSP70, TNF, and class I genes was found on a single Not I fragment (610 kb). TNF and class I cohybridize on Pvu I (730 kb) and Not I (610 kb) fragments. Conservation of a similar central MHC genomic structure across species argues for functional interaction between the central MHC genes. We postulate selection for these central MHC genes through their role as non antigen-specific regulators of immune response.  相似文献   

Genomic DNA blot analyses using probes derived from the BALB/c 3 flanking region of the L d gene (L d 3 fl-C) and from near the BALB/c D3 d gene (50.2A) indicate that the B10.GAA37 mouse strain has a multi-locus D (D w16) region distinct from the five-gene organization observed in the D d and D q regions. To isolate the D w16 region class I genes, a genomic B10. GAA37-EMBL3 library was generated and screened with probes that preferentially hybridize to K and D region class I genes. Hybridization analyses of the isolated clones with L d derived oligonucleotide probes suggested that one of the clones contained the L w16 gene, whereas several other clones contained the L w16 gene. The sequence of the D w16 gene is most similar to that of the D p gene, particularly in the 3 half. Furthermore, the L w16 gene is quite similar in the 5 half and virtually identical in the 3 half to the L d gene, indicating that L w16, but not D w16, is a member of the L d gene family. Collectively, these data suggest that, through a D region recombination event, the novel D w16 region may have been assembled from primordial counterparts of the D p and L d genes.The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper have been submitted to the GenBank nucleotide sequence database and have been assigned the accession number M60774-M60776, and M62759.  相似文献   

RFLP analysis and linkage mapping in Solanum tuberosum   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary A morphologically and agronomically heterogeneous collection of 38 diploid potato lines was analysed for restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) with 168 potato probes, including random genomic and cDNA sequences as well as characterized potato genes of known function. The use of four cutter restriction enzymes and a fragment separation range from 250 to 2,000 bases on denaturing polyacrylamide gels allowed the detection of RFLPs of a few nucleotides. With this system, 90% of all probes tested showed useful polymorphism, and 95% of those were polymorphic with two or all three enzymes used. On the average, 80% of the probes were informative in all pairwise comparisons of the 38 lines with a minimum of 49% and a maximum of 95%. The percentage of heterozygosity was determined relative to each other for each line and indicated that direct segregation analysis in F1 populations should be feasible for most combinations. From a backcross involving one pair of the 38 lines, a RFLP linkage map with 141 loci was constructed, covering 690 cMorgan of the Solanum tuberosum genome.  相似文献   

Lewis rat lymph node (LN) cells, when cultured with irradiated mouse spleen cells, develop cytotoxic effectors that were shown to be specific for the sensitizing mouse strain. Alloantisera directed to the products of the K and D loci of the target inhibited cytolysis whereas an antiserum to the I region gene products did not inhibit cytolysis even though LPS-induced spleen blasts were used as targets. Thus, it appears that even when effector cells from another species are generated to mouse spleen cells, the gene products of the K and D loci continue to play a predominant role.  相似文献   

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