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Akirin基因是新近发现的在果蝇NF-κB依赖的Imd信号通路调控中不可或缺的转录因子。在除果蝇以外的昆虫中,Akirin基因是否参与Imd通路的调控,亦或对NF-κB依赖的Toll通路也有调控作用还未有报道。本研究旨在初步研究德国小蠊Blattella germanica中Akirin基因的基本特征、在不同组织中的表达模式及注射法RNAi实验对Akirin基因沉默效果,以期为Akirin基因功能的研究奠定基础。通过与已报道的其它昆虫的Akirin基因进行同源比对,利用RACE(rapid amplification of c DNA ends)技术,成功从德国小蠊中克隆到1个Akirin基因,该基因全长864 bp,开放阅读框(ORF)大小为543 bp,编码180个氨基酸。蛋白序列比对及进化树结果显示,Akirin基因有非常保守的核定位信号序列,且与内华达古白蚁Zootermopsis nevadensis的亲缘关系最近,同源性为86%。荧光定量PCR的结果表明Akirin基因在德国小蠊检测的4个组织中均有表达,但表达水平有差异,在血淋巴的表达水平最高,其次为脂肪体。通过注射法RNAi实验成功抑制了Akirin基因的表达水平,并且RNAi的效果随时间的延长而更强,在注射72 h后,Akirin基因m RNA的表达水平下降了90%。上述研究为Akirin基因的功能及德国小蠊防治研究提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

孙凤宇  许强华 《遗传》2022,(9):756-771
血液发生对生命体有着十分重要的意义。脊椎动物的血液发生主要表现为造血干细胞的自我更新和分化、造血祖细胞的增殖分化以及血细胞的成熟。血液发生过程的调控涉及多种转录因子、膜受体、造血生长因子和microRNAs等,它们之间相互作用形成多种信号通路及信号通路网。microRNAs是一类非编码RNA,广泛分布于真核生物细胞中,在机体的造血过程中发挥着重要作用。microRNAs的表达受造血相关信号通路中转录因子的调控,而microRNAs的表达能抑制或降低参与造血相关信号通路的转录因子以及更多造血相关调控因子的表达,从而影响血细胞发生相关的信号通路,进而调控造血过程。本文主要介绍了脊椎动物造血过程和血细胞发生相关信号通路,并围绕microRNAs与造血相关转录因子及信号通路之间的作用关系,总结了microRNAs调控血液发生的相关研究进展。  相似文献   

果蝇先天性免疫研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
曹慧  李宗芸  王秋香 《昆虫知识》2009,46(2):196-202
果蝇是生命科学与人类疾病研究的重要模式生物,虽然不具有人类高度专一的获得性免疫,但也有对病原微生物感染作出快速有效反应的先天性免疫应答系统,主要包括体液免疫,细胞免疫和黑化反应。文章结合国外最新研究,详细介绍果蝇体液免疫中控制抗菌肽合成的Toll信号通路和Imd信号通路中涉及的蛋白及其相互作用,并对果蝇细胞免疫中的吞噬、包埋功能和黑化反应作简要阐述。研究表明,果蝇的Toll和Imd信号通路分别与人类的TLR4和TNRF-1信号通路存在着惊人的相似之处,说明果蝇与人类在免疫调控通路方面可能存在着共同的进化起源。  相似文献   

Hippo信号通路是一条在进化上保守的丝氨酸/苏氨酸激酶级联信号通路,主要参与调控器官大小、组织再生、胚胎发育和肿瘤发生。在果蝇中,经典的Hippo信号通路主要由Hippo(Hpo)、Salvador(Sav)、Warts(Wts)、MOB as tumor suppressor (Mats)、Yorkie(Yki)和Scalloped(Sd)组成。其不仅可通过Fat(Ft)和Crumbs(Crb)等上游分子进行调控,而且还能与NF-κB途径、IFN途径、ROS途径、cGAS-STING信号通路以及Wnt信号通路发生交联,共同调控天然免疫过程。海洋无脊椎动物缺乏获得性免疫,主要依靠天然免疫抵御病原体的侵害。Hippo信号通路作为与生长发育和天然免疫密切相关的信号通路,对海洋无脊椎动物的研究中有着重要的意义。目前,对于海洋无脊椎动物Hippo信号通路所知甚少,关于其在天然免疫中的研究更是寥寥无几。开展Hippo信号通路在海洋无脊椎动物天然免疫过程中功能机制的研究,将为深入了解海洋无脊椎动物的天然免疫调控提供一种新思路。本文通过对Hippo信号通路的组成、调控机制以及其在海洋无脊椎动物天然...  相似文献   

微小RNA(microRNA, miRNA)是一类长度在22 nt左右的内源非编码小RNA,广泛存在于动物、植物、病毒等多种有机体中,是机体正常衰老与疾病的重要调控因子。本文对果蝇不同生长时期miRNA的表达模式、主要衰老相关信号通路以及与衰老相关的miRNA进行了综述。在果蝇的不同发育时期均有特定的miRNA发挥重要作用,其表达模式与功能相关;miRNA参与了主要衰老分子信号通路的调控,如胰岛素/胰岛素样生长因子(IIS)通路和雷帕霉素靶蛋白(TOR)通路。研究表明,miRNA通过调控衰老相关信号通路中的靶基因,进而促进或延缓果蝇衰老,如miR-34, miR-8, miR-14, miR let7和miR-277等。因此,研究参与衰老调控的miRNA,为阐明衰老机制及抗衰老药物的设计奠定了基础。  相似文献   

心脏是脊椎动物的中心器官,其适当大小及功能在整个生命周期都是至关重要的。由于心肌损伤造成的心肌梗死、心力衰竭等疾病在全世界范围内的发病率和死亡率逐年上升,目前依然没有找到好的治疗方法。已经发现在新生哺乳动物以及低等脊椎动物中存在多种进化保守的心脏再生机制,然而不幸的是,成年哺乳动物的心脏再生能力极其有限。近年来人们对心肌再生的研究越来越多,有证据表明成年哺乳动物可以产生新的心肌细胞。了解心脏再生的能力,并且掌握其中的原理是心血管方向研究的重要目标。本文主要综述了心肌再生相关分子及信号通路,如转录因子GATA4、微小RNA(microRNA)、Hippo信号通路、ERBB2和Notch通路以及一些炎症因子等发挥的调控作用及其机制。  相似文献   

胶质瘤相关癌基因蛋白(glioma-associated oncogene1,Gli)是Hedgehog(Hh)信号通路的转录因子,定位于细胞核和细胞浆,将信号传送至核内。脊椎动物中已鉴定出3个成员,分别为Gli 1、Gli2和Gli3,该蛋白家族成员只有在维持全长时才具有转录激活子的功能,羧基端被蛋白酶体水解后,就形成了转录抑制子。近年来,Gli与肿瘤的关系日益受到人们的重视,以前普遍认为的Gli目的基因的调控和Gli蛋白的转录后修饰是通过Hh通路实现受到挑战,越来越多的研究证明有许多非经典机制可以不通过Hh通路来调节Gli目的基因的表达。Gli研究将有助于我们对肿瘤的认知和治疗。  相似文献   

microRNAs(miRNAs)是一类长度约22个核苷酸的非编码RNA.这是一种广泛存在于真核生物中的内源性单链小分子RNA,miRNAs通过部分碱基对互补方式与靶基因结合,在转录和转录后水平调节靶基因表达.最近研究发现,miRNAs可以靶向多个衰老相关信号通路,在线虫、果蝇、小鼠和人类的衰老过程中发挥了重要的调控作用.本文总结了近年来与衰老相关的miRNAs的研究进展,首先介绍衰老相关的信号通路,然后重点介绍与线虫和哺乳动物衰老有关的miRNAs,以及这些miRNAs如何调控衰老相关信号通路,从而影响细胞、组织和整个机体的衰老进程和衰老相关性疾病,最后展望该领域未来的研究方向.  相似文献   

microRNAs(miRNAs)是一类长度约22个核苷酸的非编码RNA.这是一种广泛存在于真核生物中的内源性单链小分子RNA,miRNAs通过部分碱基对互补方式与靶基因结合,在转录和转录后水平调节靶基因表达.最近研究发现,miRNAs可以靶向多个衰老相关信号通路,在线虫、果蝇、小鼠和人类的衰老过程中发挥了重要的调控作用.本文总结了近年来与衰老相关的miRNAs的研究进展,首先介绍衰老相关的信号通路,然后重点介绍与线虫和哺乳动物衰老有关的miRNAs,以及这些miRNAs如何调控衰老相关信号通路,从而影响细胞、组织和整个机体的衰老进程和衰老相关性疾病,最后展望该领域未来的研究方向.  相似文献   

植物对干旱环境的适应是一个复杂的生物学过程,涉及多条信号通路的交叉调控。其中,通过转录因子发挥的调控在植物的抗旱过程中起着至关重要的作用。目前参与植物干旱胁迫反应的转录因子主要有AP2/EREBP、MYB、NAC、bZIP和WRKY等。研究表明,单个转录因子可以激活或抑制大量下游靶基因的转录,而单一的靶基因又受到不同转录因子的调控,转录因子之间的串扰现象在植物干旱调控网络中普遍存在。该文总结了近年来国内外有关植物干旱胁迫响应中涉及的主要信号通路[ABA信号通路、Ca2+信号通路和促有丝裂原活化蛋白激酶(MAPKs)级联信号通路等],并对以上5种转录因子的结构特点、分类以及它们对干旱胁迫的调控作用进行综述,同时对今后的研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

All metazoans have evolved means to protect themselves from threats present in the environment: injuries, viruses, fungi, bacteria and other parasites. Insect protection includes innate physical barriers and both cellular and humoral responses. The insect innate immune response, best characterized in Drosophila melanogaster, is a rapid broad response, triggered by pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) recognition, which produces a limited range of effectors that does not alter upon continued pathogen exposure and lacks immunological memory. The Drosophila response, particularly its humoral response, has been investigated by both low and high-throughput methods. Three signalling pathways conserved between insects and mammals have been implicated in this response: Toll (equivalent to mammalian TLR), Imd (equivalent to TNFalpha) and Hop (equivalent to JAK/STAT). This review provides an entry point to the insect immune system literature outlining the main themes in D. melanogaster bacterial pathogen detection and humoral and cellular immune responses. The Drosophila immune response is compared with other insects and the mammalian immune system.  相似文献   

Cricket Paralysis virus (CrPV) is a member of the Dicistroviridae family of RNA viruses, which infect a broad range of insect hosts, including the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. Drosophila has emerged as an effective system for studying innate immunity because of its powerful genetic techniques and the high degree of gene and pathway conservation. Intra-abdominal injection of CrPV into adult flies causes a lethal infection that provides a robust assay for the identification of mutants with altered sensitivity to viral infection. To gain insight into the interactions between viruses and the innate immune system, we injected wild type flies with CrPV and observed that antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) were not induced and hemocytes were depleted in the course of infection. To investigate the contribution of conserved immune signaling pathways to antiviral innate immune responses, CrPV was injected into isogenic mutants of the Immune Deficiency (Imd) pathway, which resembles the mammalian Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor (TNFR) pathway. Loss-of-function mutations in several Imd pathway genes displayed increased sensitivity to CrPV infection and higher CrPV loads. Our data show that antiviral innate immune responses in flies infected with CrPV depend upon hemocytes and signaling through the Imd pathway.  相似文献   

Metazoans tolerate commensal-gut microbiota by suppressing immune activation while maintaining the ability to launch rapid and balanced immune reactions to pathogenic bacteria. Little is known about the mechanisms underlying the establishment of this threshold. We report that a recently identified Drosophila immune regulator, which we call PGRP-LC-interacting inhibitor of Imd signaling (PIMS), is required to suppress the Imd innate immune signaling pathway in response to commensal bacteria. pims expression is Imd (immune deficiency) dependent, and its basal expression relies on the presence of commensal flora. In the absence of PIMS, resident bacteria trigger constitutive expression of antimicrobial peptide genes (AMPs). Moreover, pims mutants hyperactivate AMPs upon infection with Gram-negative bacteria. PIMS interacts with the peptidoglycan recognition protein (PGRP-LC), causing its depletion from the plasma membrane and shutdown of Imd signaling. Therefore, PIMS is required to establish immune tolerance to commensal bacteria and to maintain a balanced Imd response following exposure to bacterial infections.  相似文献   

Wu J  Randle KE  Wu LP 《Cellular microbiology》2007,9(4):1073-1085
The immune response-deficient 1 (ird1) gene was identified in a forward genetic screen as a novel regulator for the activation of Imd NFkappaB immune signalling pathway in Drosophila. ird1 animals are also more susceptible to Escherichia coli and Micrococcus luteus bacterial infection. ird1 encodes the Drosophila homologue of the Vps15/p150 serine/threonine kinase that regulates a class III phosphoinositide 3-kinase and is necessary for phagosome maturation and starvation-induced autophagy in yeast and mammalian cells. To gain insight into the role of ird1 in the immune response, we examine how amino acid starvation affects the immune signalling pathways in Drosophila. Starvation, in the absence of infection, leads to expression of antimicrobial peptide (AMP) genes and this response is dependent on ird1 and the Imd immune signalling pathway. Starvation, in addition to bacterial infection, suppresses the AMP response in wild-type animals and reduces the ability to survive M. luteus infection. Our results suggest that starvation and innate immune signalling may be intimately linked processes.  相似文献   

The innate immunity of Drosophila melanogaster is based on cellular and humoral components. Drosophila Helical factor (Hf), is a molecule previously discovered using an in silico approach and whose expression is controlled by the immune deficiency (Imd) pathway. Here we present evidence demonstrating that Hf is an inducible protein constitutively produced by the S2 hemocyte-derived cell line. Hf expression is stimulated by bacterial extracts that specifically trigger the Imd pathway. In absence of any bacterial challenge, the recombinant form of Hf can influence the expression of the antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) defensin but not drosomycin. These data suggest that in vitro Hf is an inducible and immune-regulated factor, with functions comparable to those of secreted vertebrate cytokines.  相似文献   

Alphaviruses are RNA viruses transmitted between vertebrate hosts by arthropod vectors, primarily mosquitoes. How arthropods counteract alphaviruses or viruses per se is not very well understood. Drosophila melanogaster is a powerful model system for studying innate immunity against bacterial and fungal infections. In this study we report the use of a novel system to analyze replication of Sindbis virus (type species of the alphavirus genus) RNA following expression of a Sindbis virus replicon RNA from the fly genome. We demonstrate deficits in the immune deficiency (Imd) pathway enhance viral replication while mutations in the Toll pathway fail to affect replication. Similar results were observed with intrathoracic injections of whole virus and confirmed in cultured mosquito cells. These findings show that the Imd pathway mediates an antiviral response to Sindbis virus replication. To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of an antiviral role for the Imd pathway in insects.  相似文献   

Upon microbial invasion the innate immune system of Drosophila melanogaster mounts a response that comes in two distinct but complimentary forms, humoral and cellular. A screen to find genes capable of conferring resistance to the Gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus upon ectopic expression in immune response tissues uncovered imd gene. This resistance was not dependent on cellular defenses but rather likely a result of upregulation of the humoral response through increased expression of antimicrobial peptides, including a Toll pathway reporter gene drosomycin. Taken together it appears that Imd pathway is capable of playing a role in resistance to the Gram-positive S. aureus, counter to notions of traditional roles of the Imd pathway thought largely to responsible for resistance to Gram-negative bacteria.  相似文献   

Malagoli D  Sacchi S  Ottaviani E 《Cytokine》2008,44(2):269-274
Invertebrate innate immunity relies on both cellular and humoral components. Among humoral factors, there is less information on soluble molecules able to act as signals during the immune response (i.e. cytokines). In Drosophila melanogaster, the cytokine Unpaired (Upd)-3, is known to activate the JAK/STAT pathway, but it is still not clear which molecules and pathways are responsible for its induction and secretion. It has been proposed that highly chemotactic factors may increase the expression of upd-3. In this respect, we have studied the effects of the chemotactic human recombinant (hr) interleukin (IL)-8 on the immune functions of Drosophila SL2 macrophage-like cells. The hrIL-8 increases the percentage of phagocytic cells with a specific timing and enhances the expression of the cytokine, upd-3, as well as that of the putative cytokine Drosophila helical factor (dhf). The antimicrobial peptides defensin, cecropin A1 and diptericin, are all influenced in their expression by the human chemokine, while hrIL-8 leaves unaffected the expression of drosomycin, i.e. the antimicrobial peptide more strictly connected with the Toll pathway. Similar effects to those registered for hrIL-8 are also provoked by a specific activator of the Imd pathway, i.e. the Escherichia coli peptidoglycan. RNAi experiments demonstrated that the silencing of the Imd pathway-associated kinase dTAK1, leaves unaffected the induction of upd-3, while it completely abolishes the effects of hrIL-8-on the expression of dhf. Our data suggest that the Imd pathway is not fundamental in regulating the levels of upd-3, whereas it controls the expression of the putative cytokine dhf.  相似文献   

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