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This article discusses the system of export agriculture in northern Mexico and its impact on transnational farmworkers employed in both sides of the US–Mexico border. Since the late 1990s, a transnational industry producing fresh produce for consumer markers in the USA has taken hold in the San Quintin Valley in Baja California, transforming the economic and social fabric of this border region. This industry has generated a new labor regime predicated upon the employment of a flexible and cheap source of indigenous workers from the poorest states in southern Mexico. I examine the contours of this regime, the forms of labor resistance it has elicited, and the new types of labor migration it has generated by Mexican workers to the USA. As I show, indigenous farm laborers engage in novel forms of labor and political protests to claim for their rights. These developments, I argue, speak of the class formation of transnational farmworkers who, mobilizing local and transnationally, combine traditional labor demands with wider claims for their civil and political rights.  相似文献   

In this article, I explore both the diversity and commonality of human labor organization in response to sex difference through an ethnographic study of the sex/gender allocation of labor among the Qhawqhat Lahu of Lancang, China. I argue that the principle of "unity," rather than the more commonly discussed "division," predominantly governs the gendered allocation of labor in Qhawqhat. I demonstrate that the Lahu ideal of gender unity, combined with their practical pursuit of optimal use of household laborers, foster an extraordinarily high degree of joint gender roles in child rearing, as well as in reproductive and productive activities in general. I also show that such an extreme sociocultural system minimizes (although it does not entirely negate) the impact of sex differences. This study may shed some light on the diversity and commonality of human labor organization in response to sex difference by bringing into dialogue more recent approaches to the issue and earlier studies of the "sexual division of labor." [sex/gender allocation of labor, sexual division of labor, anthropology of work, Lahu, China]  相似文献   

Workplace training offers a distinctly explicit and uniquely articulate site for the ethnography of the capital–labor relation as an ideological phenomenon, where the everyday work of hegemony is shown to be deeply grounded in the everyday hegemony of work. In this ethnographic account of a factory classroom devoted to introducing production workers to the precepts of Total Quality Management and training them in Statistical Process Control, the neoliberal reform of the labor process—which sought to accomplish a class decomposition of the company’s workforce in favor of an individualizing regime of workers’ personal responsibility and accountability for various quality control operations—repeatedly provoked the company’s Latino workers into angry and vociferous expressions of antagonism to management. Indeed, insofar as the management’s efforts to reform labor by decomposing the workforce as a class formation merely intensified the prevailing preconditions of their racial formation, they thereby only exacerbated anew the Latino workers’ antagonism as workers to the terms of their subordination. Thus, the generic (ostensibly race-neutral) reform of the labor process initiated under the aegis of “Total Quality Management” implicated the presumed management of “quality” in a concomitant reconfiguration of what was, effectively, a contemporary regime of racial management.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT   In the early 1990s, donors began to implement "integrated conservation and development projects" (ICDPs) in Madagascar to stem deforestation, develop ecotourism, and promote forest conservation practices in rural areas. ICDPs recruited agrarian labor to groom and police parks and disseminate rules. In this article, I present a Marxian analysis of biodiversity's value in the global north, focusing on the role of manual workers in a Biosphere Reserve. I argue that ICDP's reliance on cheap local labor has maintained the historical interdependency of "slash-and-burn" agriculture, wage work, and forest conservation. By facilitating the discovery of species while unintentionally perpetuating the conditions of habitat endangerment, the conservation labor process creates forms of rain forest value.  相似文献   

This ethnographic exploration of anticipation draws on fieldwork among people with dementia and their families in the Netherlands. I examine how requests for euthanasia by people with dementia offer insight into the work of anticipation, revealing it to be a temporal orientation through which the future is made tangible. Imagining a future with dementia may prompt some people to request euthanasia, but timing such measures is extremely difficult and often results in deferral. Contributing to an emerging anthropology of time, I argue that anticipation is a process of establishing, collapsing, and renegotiating the temporal distance between present and future, bringing the future into the present while also, and simultaneously, keeping the future at bay as a continuous ‘not yet’.  相似文献   

Conclusion What I hope to have shown is that the labor theory of culture developed here has much to contribute to an understanding of culture as meaning, and that there need not be a contradiction between pragmatic and symbolic approaches to culture as a result. It may appear that this reconciliation depends upon a break with the economic theory of labor as instrumental action, which is implicit in the very operation of capitalist society, and therefore impossible to transcend at will. No doubt the lived weight of the mental/manual division of labor in our society will continue to exercise an inordinate influence on popular opinion and common sense for some time to come. But I have nevertheless argued that what is truly impossible are the theories of meaning which result from this division of labor, whose attempts to definitively separate meaning from practice could only be realized by abolishing both. We have already seen that the notion of culture as pure reason has never been anything more than an ideology. By the same token, no specimen of completely instrumentalized labor has ever been discovered, and would not even be worth exploiting if it did exist: in any physical work, even the most degraded and mechanical, there exists a minimum of technical qualification, that is, a minimum of creative intellectual activity [126].The integrity of labor is therefore at least as demonstrable as its division, and is finally a more primordial and insuperable fact. Despite the way it has been stigmatized by dualist thought, labor continues to maintain our world, not just in a material sense, but also in a meaningful sense, as it has always done. This is something that we can point to in the here-and-now as the basis for an alternative cultural theory, one which is both more realistic and more optimistic than dualism. For in revindicating this neglected reality of labor, our concept of culture is also affirmed in new and important ways.Peter Gose is Professor of Anthropology, Department of Anthropology, University of Lethbridge, Canada.  相似文献   

Ritual manipulation of emotion can result in "psychic opening," a state in which the individual's defenses are suddenly lowered. An individual in this state is vulnerable and suggestible, and major shifts in his psychic configurations can occur. When ritualized psychic opening exists as a part of a cultural event-pattern for the purpose of inducing psychobehavioral transformation in individuals, the process can be considered as a type of rite of passage. An encounter/Gestalt workshop at Esalen Institute is discussed as an example of this process. The data show that the group setting itself has many liminal characteristics .  相似文献   

Medical personnel in public clinics in Fiji routinely contend that state-funded medical resources are misallocated on patients who complain of, but do not actually experience, physical pain. Frequently, these patients are identified as being Indo-Fijian women (i.e., women of South Asian origin in Fiji). In this article, I examine clinical interactions between medical staff and female Indo-Fijian patients to demonstrate how "real" and 'unreal' pain are distinguished in the clinical setting and to indicate some of the roles clinical encounters play in community processes that ascribe alternative meanings to physical pain. Focusing on how both physicians and women patients foster certain interpretations of physical pain over others, I argue that the category of 'unreal' pain, as employed by Fiji's physicians, consists of pain that medical professionals consider to be induced by psychological or physical, work-related stresses. I then show how Indo-Fijian women engage in a complementary but distinct discourse that emphasizes links between physical labor and pain and suggests that, in some cases, expressions of physical pain are as much an idiom of pride as an idiom of distress.  相似文献   

In this paper, we report the results of our study aimed at a systematic analysis of the circadian phenotypes of fruit flies Drosophila melanogaster selected for early and late adult emergence, in light of the "morning and evening oscillator" (M and E) model for circadian clocks. We monitored adult emergence and activity/rest rhythms in these flies under light/dark (LD) cycles with short (8:16 h), normal (12:12 h) and long (16:8 h) photoperiods, as well as under constant darkness (DD). Across all the three LD cycles, the early populations displayed a morning phenotype with peak of emergence and activity occurring earlier than the controls and greater anticipation to "lights-on" and weak anticipation to "lights-off", while the late populations showed an evening phenotype with peak of emergence and activity occurring later than the controls and greater anticipation to lights-off and weak anticipation to lights-on. The gate of adult emergence and duration of activity in the early populations was narrower than the controls, while those of the late populations were wider than the controls. In addition, the circadian periodicities of adult emergence and activity/rest rhythms of the early flies were significantly shorter than the controls, while those of the late flies were significantly longer than the controls. In summary, the circadian phenotypes indicate that the early populations have evolved a dominant M oscillator, while the late populations have evolved a dominant E oscillator, thus providing an empirical support for the M and E model in Drosophila.  相似文献   

Students of the South American Andes have long noted the extraordinary force of objects to traverse cosmic and psychic distances, fill (or empty) the living with power that is often exhibited through public dance, and serve as ‘transactors’ in senses socioeconomic, psychic, cosmic, and geographical. In this article, I examine substances and actions involved in a modified version of Holy Communion that took place in June of 2012 in a working-class neighbourhood located at the outskirts of Quito, Ecuador, to celebrate the nativity of St. John the Baptist. I argue that this act was specifically designed to expand the celebration of the Eucharist in a way that allowed a type of transubstantiation whereby the relatives and friends of former hacienda peons were able to transform their physical bodies into something some believed had long been hidden from them – their right to live in the city as persons of their own making, ones who could legitimately adopt the identity and corresponding histories, territories, and political rights of indigenous persons.  相似文献   

The brain "reward" system, centered on the limbic ventral striatum, plays a critical role in the response to pleasure and pain. The ventral striatum is activated in animal and human studies during anticipation of appetitive/pleasurable events, but its role in aversive/painful events is less clear. Here we present data from three human fMRI studies based on aversive conditioning using unpleasant cutaneous electrical stimulation and show that the ventral striatum is reliably activated. This activation is observed during anticipation and is not a consequence of relief after the aversive event. Further, the ventral striatum is activated in anticipation regardless of whether there is an opportunity to avoid the aversive stimulus or not. Our data suggest that the ventral striatum, a crucial element of the brain "reward" system, is directly activated in anticipation of aversive stimuli.  相似文献   

This paper analyses an interesting story, that of the physiologist Ivan Petrovitch Pavlov. While investigating the causes of salivary secretions in the waking, behaving dog, he discovered a class of causes that he called psychic, since they were associated with perceiving a visual, acoustic or other signal, delivered before food that normally created salivation. A temporary relationship was therefore established, between the secretory command and the cerebral site associated with an initially neutral stimulus that had become a signal. This gave rise to the "conditional reflex". Pavlov was probably not the first who had observed this kind of association, but he very skillfully exploited these data to create a coherent conceptual system. In 23 "lectures", he very precisely summarized his views and retraced the fundamental issues explaining the main features of the purely physiological cerebral command of behaviour. The Pavlovian system necessarily became, in the particular environment of the soviet regime, a kind of credo on physical-mental relationships based upon a generalized reflexology, not allowing any deviation, nor any dissidence, nor any concession to subjectivity. The notion of conditional reflex has indeed resisted to time, but number of subtleties of the Pavlovian thinking and many phenomena that he described now seem forgotten and to have lost much of their heuristic value. Most of the recent theories of learning have only rarely followed Pavlov's line, to concentrate on more complex learning modalities.  相似文献   

D. Marcelli 《Andrologie》1997,7(2):187-198
The problematics of adolescence brings into play, through what we have termed the body circle, the family circle, and the social circle, a series of paradoxes conflicts/oppoisitions, where each time a conquest is possible but where also there is potential risk. This permanent conflictuality, is characteristic of adolescence. confronted with this conflictuality, the capacity to assume the psychic conflict is therefore an essential factor in the development of the adolescent. From this point of view, cathexis of the internal psychic space is an essential element of an adolescent's capacity to deal with this psychic working-through. It is this cathexis that allows a reinforcement of the internal working-through and a better tolerance to expectation and psychic conflictuality. On the other hand, anything that runs in the sence of a diminution of this psychic functioning: projection, acting out, etc … reduces the adolescent's capacities of adaptation with regard to his internal psychic world as well his environment.  相似文献   

In recent years, the honeybee has emerged as an excellent model for molecular and genetic studies of complex social behaviors. By using the global gene expression methods as well as the candidate gene approach, it is now possible to link the function of genes to social behaviors. In this paper, I discuss the findings about one such gene, foraging, a cGMP-dependent protein kinase. The involvement of this gene in regulating division of labor is discussed on two independent, but not mutually exclusive levels; the possible mechanisms for PKG action in regulating behavioral transitions associated with honeybee division of labor, and its possible involvement in the evolution of division of labor in bees.  相似文献   

Negative emotions such as anger, and community responses to their expression are culturally and politically conditioned, including by dominant medical discourse on anger’s somatic and psychic effects. In this article I examine local genres of anger expression in Beijing, China, particularly among marginalized workers, and address culturally specific responses to them. Through majie (rant), xiangpi ren (silenced rage), and nande hutu (muddledness as a more difficult kind of smartness), workers strategically employ anger to seek redress for injustices and legitimate their moral indignation while challenging official psychotherapeutic interventions. Those who seek to regulate anger, mostly psychosocial workers acting as arm’s-length agents of the state, use mixed methods that draw on Western psychotherapy and indigenous psychological resources to frame, medicalize or appease workers’ anger in the name of health and social stability. I demonstrate how the two processes—anger expression and responses to it—create tensions and result in an ambiguous and multivalent social terrain which Chinese subjects must negotiate and which the state attempts to govern. I argue that the ambivalence and multi-valence of anger expressions and state-sponsored reactions to them render this emotion both subversive vis-à-vis power and subject to manipulations that maintain social order.  相似文献   

Y Manabe  N Sagawa  T Mori 《Prostaglandins》1987,33(5):757-766
Amniotomy was performed in 12 multiparas at term but not in labor. In 6 of these patients (group I), the fetal head and cervix condition were favorable for amniotomy, and in the other 6 (group II), they were not favorable. In all group I patients, a sudden and progressive descent of the fetal head, and onset and progress of labor were noted within 5 hours. Plasma 13,14-dihydro-15-keto-prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGFM) levels increased significantly (P less than 0.05) in 4 of these cases with time. In group II patients, descent of the head was less than that in group I patients (P less than 0.05), and neither strong labor nor rise of PGFM levels was noted within 5 hours. These data support our view that amniotomy at an appropriate time results in the onset and progress of labor, and the rise of plasma PGFM in virtue of the sudden and exponential increase of the head to cervix force, but amniotomy at an inappropriate time does not, because this force is unchanged.  相似文献   

Drawing on fieldwork conducted in a call center belonging to a private telecommunications company in Lisbon, in this article I examine the particular history and contemporary feelings of shame, resentment, and failure which afflict young people currently working in call centers in Portugal as a result of their inability to fulfill the generational social hopes of middle-class distinction which were cast upon them and the specificities attached to the call center regime of labor. It is argued that fixed theoretical typologies associated with neoliberal changes should be critically reviewed in light of empirical grounded analysis of contingent and national histories of neoliberalization processes. Thus, I suggest a reading of the phenomenon of the precariat which stresses its simultaneous contingent and structural role in historical processes of neoliberalization—as in the Portuguese context—rather than its novel (or primordial) character or revolutionary and emancipatory potential role.  相似文献   

Contribution of the outstanding russian physiologist Ivan Mikhailovich Sechenov to establishment and development of neurophysiology and psychophysiology is considered. Analysis is presented of I.M. Sechenovs fundamental discoveries that laid foundation of the modern neurophysiology. Logic of formation of his objective physiological approach to analysis of psychic phenomena is followed. It is shown that I.M. Sechenov was the first psychophysiologist to approach analysis of human from systemic positions by considering reflex as a morpho-functional system that operates with signals from environment for the purpose of achievement of an expedient result.Translated from Zhurnal Evolyutsionnoi Biokhimii i Fiziologii, Vol. 40, No. 5, 2004, pp. 481–485.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2004 by Kanunikov.To the 175-Anniversary of I.M. Sechenov  相似文献   

Rational-choice theory tries to explain behaviour on the assumption that individuals optimize. Some forms of irrational behaviour can be explained by assuming that the individual is subject to hedonic, pleasure-seeking mechanisms, such as wishful thinking or adaptive preference formation. In this paper, I draw attention to psychic mechanisms, originating in the individual, which make her worse off. I first consider the ideas of counterwishful thinking and of counteradaptive preference formation and then, drawing heavily on Proust, the self-poisoning of the mind that occurs through the operation of amour-propre.  相似文献   

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