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Acetaldehyde, the primary ethanol metabolite, has been implicated in the pathogenesis of alcoholic liver disease, but the mechanism involved is still under investigation. This study aims at the search for direct in vitro effects of different concentrations of acetaldehyde (30, 100 and 300microM) on the activities of glutathione reductase (GR), glutathione peroxidase (GPx) from liver supernatants, and the thiol-peroxidase activity of ebselen. They did not change after pre-incubation with acetaldehyde, which suggests that acetaldehyde does not have any direct effect. Nor were direct effects of acetaldehyde toward thiols, such as dithioerythritol and glutathione (GSH), observed either, even though GSH - measured as non-protein thiols from liver supernatants - were oxidized in the presence of acetaldehyde. In addition, acetaldehyde (up to 300microM) significantly oxidized GSH when incubated in the presence of commercially available gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase (GGT), but not in the presence of glutathione-S-transferase. The interaction between ebselen and GSH was also evaluated in an attempt to better understand the possible link between acetaldehyde and nucleophilic selenol groups. The formation and stability of ebselen intermediaries, produced in the chemical interaction between GSH and ebselen, were not affected by acetaldehyde either. Overall, the acetaldehyde oxidation of hepatic low-molecular thiols depends on mouse liver constituents and GGT is proposed as an important enzyme involved in this phenomenon. Thiol depletion, a phenomenon usually observed in the livers of alcoholic patients, can be related to GSH metabolism, and the involvement of GGT may reflect a molecular mechanism involved in thiol oxidation.  相似文献   

A H3 dimer band is produced when purified native histone octamers are run on an SDS-PAGE gel in a beta-mercaptoethanol-free environment. To investigate this, native histone octamer crystals, derived from chicken erythrocytes, and of structure (H2A-H2B)-(H4-H3)-(H3'-H4')-(H2B'-H2A'), were grown in 2 M KCl, 1.35 M potassium phosphates and 250-350 microM of the oxidising agent S-nitrosoglutathione, pH 6.9. X-ray diffraction data were acquired to 2.10 A resolution, yielding a structure with an Rwork value of 18.6% and an Rfree of 22.5%. The space group is P6(5), the asymmetric unit of which contains one complete octamer. Compared to the 1.90 A resolution, unoxidised native histone octamer structure, the crystals show a reduction of 2.5% in the c-axis of the unit cell, and free-energy calculations reveal that the H3-H3' dimer interface in the latter has become thermodynamically stable, in contrast to the former. Although the inter-sulphur distance of the two H3 cysteines in the oxidised native histone octamer has reduced to 6 A from the 7 A of the unoxidised form, analysis of the hydrogen bonds that constitute the (H4-H3)-(H3'-H4') tetramer indicates that the formation of a disulphide bond in the H3-H3' dimer interface is incompatible with stable tetramer formation. The biochemical and biophysical evidence, taken as a whole, is indicative of crystals that have a stable H3-H3' dimer interface, possibly extending to the interface within an isolated H3-H3' dimer, observed in SDS-PAGE gels.  相似文献   

This paper presents definitive data showing that the thiol-bimane compound isolated and purified by HPLC from Naegleria fowleri trophozoites unequivocally corresponds by matrix assisted laser-desorption ionization-time-of-flight MS, to the characteristic monoprotonated ion of trypanothione-(bimane)(2) [M(+)H(+)] of m/z 1104.57 and to the trypanothione-(bimane) of m/z 914.46. The trypanothione disulfide T(S)(2) was also found to have a molecular ion of m/z 723.37. Additionally HPLC demonstrated that thiol-bimane compounds corresponding to cysteine and glutathione were present in Naegleria. The ion patterns of the thiol-bimane compounds prepared from commercial trypanothione standard, Entamoeba histolytica and Crithidia luciliae are identical to the Naegleria thiol-bimane compound. Partially purified extracts from N. fowleri showed the coexistence of glutathione and trypanothione reductases activities. There is not doubt that the thiol compound trypanothione, which was previously thought to occur only in Kinetoplastida, is also present in the human pathogens E. histolytica and N. fowleri, as well as in the non-pathogenic euglenozoan E. gracilis. The presence of the trypanothione/trypanothione reductase system in N. fowleri creates the possibility of using this enzyme as a new "drug target" for rationally designed drugs to eliminate the parasite, without affecting the human host.  相似文献   

Seven independently isolated glutathione reductase-deficient (gor) Escherichia coli mutants were found to have an in vivo glutathione redox state that did not significantly differ from that of the parental strain, 98 to 99% reduced. Strains containing both a gor mutation and either a trxA mutation (thioredoxin deficient) or a trxB mutation (thioredoxin reductase deficient) were able to maintain a 94 to 96% reduced glutathione pool, suggesting that glutathione can be reduced independently of glutathione reductase and thioredoxin reductase.  相似文献   

The glutathione thiyl radical does not react with nitrogen monoxide   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Laser flash photolysis experiments shows that the rate constant for the reaction of the glutathione thiyl radical with nitrogen monoxide to give S-nitrosoglutathione is lower than 2.8+/-0.6 x 10(7)M(-1)s(-1). The conversion of the thiyl radical to its carbon-centred form at 10(3)s(-1) exceeds the formation of S-nitrosoglutathione when physiological concentrations of nitrogen monoxide are taken into account.  相似文献   

Cysteine (Cys) represses the activity of several key regulatory enzymes in the plant sulfate assimilatory pathway. However, it is not clear whether this effect arises from Cys itself or through its conversion to either sulfate or glutathione (GSH). Therefore, we examined this phenomenon by analyzing the activity of adenosine-5′-phosphosulfate (APS) reductase. Both APS reductase (AR) activity and mRNA levels were decreased by treatingArabidopsis thaliana roots with 1 mM Cys. The intracellular sulfate concentration was not affected, whereas enzymatic activity and, to some extent, the mRNA level, declined. Cys treatment in sulfur-starved plants also diminished both parameters. However, this response to Cys was more efficient than when plants were treated with an equal amount of sulfate. When Cys was removed from both Cys-and sulfate-fed plants, AR activity was recovered; the same removal of sulfate was not so effective. Moreover, buthionine sulfoximine (BSO), an inhibitor of GSH synthesis, did not influence the repression of AR by Cys. Finally the AR enzyme was inhibited by cysteinein vitro. These results indicate that Cys represses AR by inhibiting mRNA expression and by directly repressing enzymatic activity, rather than through its conversion to either sulfate or GSH.  相似文献   

Urig S  Lieske J  Fritz-Wolf K  Irmler A  Becker K 《FEBS letters》2006,580(15):3595-3600
The substrate spectrum of human thioredoxin reductase (hTrxR) is attributed to its C-terminal extension of 16 amino acids carrying a selenocysteine residue. The concept of an evolutionary link between thioredoxin reductase and glutathione reductase (GR) is presently discussed and supported by the fact that almost all residues at catalytic and substrate recognition sites are identical. Here, we addressed the question if a deletion of the C-terminal part of TrxR leads to recognition of glutathione disulfide (GSSG), the substrate of GR. We introduced mutations at the putative substrate binding site to enhance GSSG binding and turnover. However, none of these enzyme species accepted GSSG as substrate better than the full length cysteine mutant of TrxR, excluding a role of the C-terminal extension in preventing GSSG binding. Furthermore, we show that GSSG binding at the N-terminal active site of TrxR is electrostatically disfavoured.  相似文献   

Apoptosis of macrophages and smooth muscle cells is observed in atherosclerotic lesions and may play an important role in the disease progression. Oxidised low density lipoprotein (LDL) is cytotoxic and induces apoptosis in a variety of cell types. We reported previously that ascorbate protects arterial smooth muscle cells from apoptosis induced by oxidised LDL containing the peak levels of lipid hydroperoxides. We now demonstrate that macrophages undergo apoptosis when treated with this species of oxidised LDL, as detected by increased annexin V binding and DNA fragmentation. Ascorbate treatment of macrophages did not protect against the cytotoxicity of oxidised LDL, and modestly increased the levels of annexin V binding and DNA fragmentation. Oxidised LDL treatment also increased the expression of the antioxidant stress protein heme oxygenase-1 in macrophages; however, this increase was markedly attenuated by ascorbate pretreatment. Although apoptosis induced by oxidised LDL was modestly promoted by ascorbate, ascorbate apparently decreased the levels of oxidative stress in macrophages, suggesting that this pro-apoptotic effect was not mediated by a pro-oxidant mechanism, but may instead have been due to intracellular protection of the apoptotic machinery by ascorbate.  相似文献   

Glutathione reductase from Escherichia coli is inactivated when incubated with either NADPH or NADH. The process is inversely dependent on the enzyme concentration. Inactivation is rapid and monophasic with 1 microM NADPH and 1 nM enzyme FAD giving a t1/2 of 1 min. Complex formation between NADPH and the two-electron reduced enzyme (EH2) at higher levels of NADPH protects against rapid inactivation. NADP+, produced in a side reaction with oxygen, also protects by forming a complex with EH2. These complexes make analysis of the concentration dependence of the inactivation process difficult. Inactivation with NADH, where complexes do not interfere, is slower but can be analyzed more readily. With 152 microM NADH and 5.4 nM enzyme FAD, the time required for 50% inactivation is 17 min. The process is markedly biphasic, reaching the final inactivation level after 5-7 h. Analysis of the relationship between the final level of inactivation with NADH and the enzyme concentration indicates that inactivation is due to dissociation of the normally dimeric enzyme. Thus, the position of the dimer-monomer equilibrium between an active dimeric two-electron reduced species and an inactive monomeric two-electron reduced form determines the enzyme activity. An apparent equilibrium constant (Kd) for dissociation of dimer obtained from the anaerobic concentration dependent inactivation curves is 220 nM. Enzyme inactivated with NADH can be reactivated with glutathione, and the reactivation kinetics are second order, monomer-monomer over 75% of the reaction with an average apparent association rate constant (ka) of 13.1 (+/- 5.5) X 10(6) M-1 min-1.  相似文献   

Glutathione reductase from S. cerevisiae (EC catalyzes the NADPH oxidation by glutathione in accordance with a "ping-pong" scheme. The catalytic constant kcat) is 240 s-1 (pH 7.0, 25 degrees C); kcat for the diaphorase reaction is 4-5 s-1. The enzyme activity does not change markedly at pH 5.5-8.0. At pH less than or equal to 7.0, NADP+ acts as a competitive inhibitor towards NADPH and as a noncompetitive inhibitor towards glutathione. NADP+ increases the diaphorase activity of the enzyme. The maximal activity is observed, when the NADP+/NADPH ratio exceeds 100. At pH 8.0, NADP+ acts as a mixed type inhibitor during the reduction of glutathione. High concentrations of NADP+ also inhibit the diaphorase activity due to the reoxidation of the reduced enzyme by NADP+ at pH 8.0. The redox potential of glutathione reductase calculated from the inhibition data is--306 mV (pH 8.0). Glutathione reductase reduces quinoidal compounds in an one-electron way. The hyperbolic dependence of the logarithm of the oxidation constant on the one electron reduction potential of quinone is observed. It is assumed that quinones oxidize the equilibtium fraction of the two-electron reduced enzyme containing reduced FAD.  相似文献   

Cyclophilins accelerate slow protein folding reactions in vitro by catalyzing the cis/trans isomerization of peptidyl-prolyl bonds. Cyclophilins were reported to be involved in a variety of cellular functions, including the promotion of protein folding by use of the substrate mouse dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR). The interaction of cyclophilin with DHFR has only been studied under limited conditions so far, not taking into account that native DHFR exists in equilibrium with a non-native late-folding intermediate. Here we report a systematic analysis of catalysis of DHFR folding by cyclophilins. The specific ligand methotrexate traps DHFR in its native state, permitting a specific analysis of the action of cyclophilin on both denatured DHFR with non-native prolyl bonds and denatured DHFR with all-native prolyl bonds. Cyclophilins from yeast and Neurospora crassa as well as the related prolyl isomerase b from Escherichia coli promote the folding of different forms of DHFR to the enzymatically active form, demonstrating the generality of cyclophilin-catalyzed folding of DHFR. The slow equilibrium between the late-folding intermediate and native DHFR suggests that prolyl isomerization may be required for this final phase of conversion to native DHFR. However, by reversible trapping of the intermediate, we analyze the slow interconversion between native and late-folding conformations in the backward and forward reactions and show a complete independence of cyclophilin. We conclude that cyclophilin catalyzes folding of DHFR, but surprisingly not in the last slow folding step.  相似文献   

Pure glutathione reductase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae catalyzed under anaerobic conditions the enzymatic reduction of GSSG using electrochemically reduced methyl viologen as electron donor. The new assay was completely dependent on the amount of active enzyme present, and involved the formation of 1 mol GSH per mole of reduced methyl viologen consumed. The enzyme followed a standard Michaelis-Menten kinetics; a Km = 230 microM for reduced methyl viologen and a turnover number of 969 mumol GSSG reduced per minute per micromole enzyme were determined. The enzymatic activity seemed to depend on the redox potential, showing half-maximal activity at -0.407 V. The enzyme was quite specific: the activity using reduced benzyl viologen as electron donor was just 1.5% of that obtained with reduced methyl viologen at the same concentration and potential. Glutathione reductase was totally inactivated after a brief anaerobic exposure with reduced methyl viologen in the absence of GSSG; a partial reactivation was observed following addition of glutathione disulfide. No inhibition of the methyl viologen-dependent activity was observed in the presence of 2',5'-ADP or 2'-P-5'-ADP-ribose, two NADP(H) analogs, at concentrations which drastically inhibited the NADPH-dependent activity, thus suggesting that the reduced viologen does not interact with the pyridine nucleotide-binding site.  相似文献   

Schwilk  D.W.  Keeley  J.E.  Bond  W.J. 《Plant Ecology》1997,132(1):77-84
The intermediate disturbance hypothesis is a widely accepted generalization regarding patterns of species diversity, but may not hold true where fire is the disturbance. In the Mediterranean-climate shrublands of South Africa, called fynbos, fire is the most importance disturbance and a controlling factor in community dynamics. The intermediate disturbance hypothesis states that diversity will be highest at sites that have had an intermediate frequency of disturbance and will be lower at sites that have experienced very high or very low disturbance frequencies. Measures of diversity are sensitive to scale; therefore, we compared species richness for three fire regimes in South African mountain fynbos to test the intermediate disturbance hypothesis over different spatial scales from 1 m2 to 0.1 hectares. Species diversity response to fire frequency was highly scale-dependent, but the relationship between species diversity and disturbance frequency was opposite that predicted by the intermediate disturbance hypothesis. At the largest spatial scales, species diversity was highest at the least frequently burned sites (40 years between fires) and lowest at the sites of moderate (15 to 26 years between fires) and high fire frequency (alternating four and six year fire cycle). Community heterogeneity, measured both as the slope of the species-area curve for a site and as the mean dissimilarity in species composition among subplots within a site, correlated with species diversity at the largest spatial scales. Community heterogeneity was highest at the least frequently burned sites and lowest at the sites that experienced an intermediate fire frequency.  相似文献   

Thioredoxin reductases (Txnrds) are a group of selenoenzymes participating in cellular redox regulation. Three Txnrd isoforms are known, each of which exhibits distinct cellular localisation and tissue-specific expression pattern. Txnrd1 is found in the cytoplasm, expression of Txnrd2 is restricted to mitochondria and Txnrd3 shows testis-specific expression. Recently, it was shown that Txnrd2 strongly affects the development of blood cells, since mouse embryos deficient for Txnrd2 are severely anaemic, show increased apoptosis in foetal liver and possess haematopoietic liver stem cells of reduced capacity to proliferate in vitro. However, because Txnrd2-deficient mice die at embryonic day 13.5, it was not known how this enzyme affects blood cell function in the adult animal. In the present study we show that conditional Txnrd2 knockouts generated using CD4- and CD19Cre transgenic mice lack Txnrd2 expression in CD4-- and CD19-positive T- and B-lymphocytes, respectively. However, the development and differentiation of both cell types in thymus and bone marrow was not significantly impaired. In addition, B-cell proliferation and activation in response to CD40 and IL-4 was unaltered in Txnrd2-deficient B-cells.  相似文献   

The retro-analogue of glutathione disulfide was bound to the GSSG binding site of crystalline glutathione reductase. The binding mode revealed why the analogue is a very poor substrate in enzyme catalysis. The observed binding mode difference between natural substrate and retro-analogue is explained.  相似文献   

Rat pancreatic acinar cells AR 4-2J respond to dexamethasone by differentiation and a decreased proliferation rate. Protein labelling by [3H]-mevalonolactone, used as a precursor of farnesyl and geranylgeranyl isoprenoid groups, was increased in the presence of dexamethasone. In these same conditions, dexamethasone decreased HMG-CoA reductase activity, leading to a diminished isotopic dilution of the mevalonate precursor. As ras proteins, known to be involved in the regulation of proliferation and differentiation, need to be farnesylated for full biological function, we also measured the level of farnesyl transferase activity and found a dose-dependent decrease in dexamethasone treated cells. Despite these negative effects of dexamethasone on mevalonate pathway, there was no appearance of non-isoprenylated forms of ras, indicating that the level of isoprenoid precursors and farnesyl transferase activity were not limiting in this model.  相似文献   

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