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Phoenix, Goy, Gerall, and Young first proposed in 1959 the organizational–activational hypothesis of hormone-driven sex differences in brain and behavior. The original hypothesis posited that exposure to steroid hormones early in development masculinizes and defeminizes neural circuits, programming behavioral responses to hormones in adulthood. This hypothesis has inspired a multitude of experiments demonstrating that the perinatal period is a time of maximal sensitivity to gonadal steroid hormones. However, recent work from our laboratory and others demonstrates that steroid-dependent organization of behavior also occurs during adolescence, prompting a reassessment of the developmental time-frame within which organizational effects are possible. In addition, we present evidence that adolescence is part of a single protracted postnatal sensitive period for steroid-dependent organization of male mating behavior that begins perinatally and ends in late adolescence. These findings are consistent with the original formulation of the organizational/activational hypothesis, but extend our notions of what constitutes “early” development considerably. Finally, we present evidence that female behaviors also undergo steroid-dependent organization during adolescence, and that social experience modulates steroid-dependent adolescent brain and behavioral development. The implications for human adolescent development are also discussed, especially with respect to how animal models can help to elucidate the factors underlying the association between pubertal timing and adult psychopathology in humans.  相似文献   

It has been widely reported that gonadal hormones influence the display of aggression in Syrian hamsters; conversely, much less is known about whether gonadal hormones modulate submissive/defensive behaviors in these animals. Following social defeat, male hamsters no longer display normal territorial aggression but instead display submissive/defensive behavior in the presence of a smaller opponent, a phenomenon we have termed conditioned defeat (CD). The purpose of the present study was to examine the effect of gonadal hormones on the display of CD in male hamsters. In Experiment 1, males were castrated or sham-operated. The castrated males were significantly more submissive following social defeat relative to their intact counterparts. The increased submissive behavior in the castrated males during CD testing was particularly surprising, given the fact that they were attacked significantly less during CD training. In Experiment 2a, males were castrated and given hormone replacement. Castrated males treated with testosterone or dihydrotestosterone displayed significantly less submissive behavior following social defeat than did those treated with cholesterol or estradiol. Finally, in Experiment 2b, there was no effect of hormone replacement on aggressive behavior in non-defeated hamsters suggesting that the decrease in submissive behavior in males treated with dihydrotestosterone or testosterone is specific to being previously defeated. Taken together the data indicate that the presence of androgens reduces the display of submission in defeated male hamsters. More importantly, these findings suggest that androgens may have a protective effect against the development of depression-like or anxiety-like behaviors following exposure to an ethologically relevant stressor.  相似文献   

Anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) are synthetic derivatives of testosterone used by over half a million adolescents in the United States for their tissue-building potency and performance-enhancing effects. AAS also affect behavior, including reports of heightened aggression and changes in sexual libido. The expression of sexual and aggressive behaviors is a function of complex interactions among hormones, social context, and the brain, which is extensively remodeled during adolescence. Thus, AAS may have different consequences on behavior during adolescence and adulthood. Using a rodent model, these studies directly compared the effects of AAS on the expression of male sexual and aggressive behaviors in adolescents and adults. Male Syrian hamsters were injected daily for 14 days with either vehicle or an AAS cocktail containing testosterone cypionate (2 mg/kg), nandrolone decanoate (2 mg/kg), and boldenone undecylenate (1 mg/kg), either during adolescence (27-41 days of age) or in adulthood (63-77 days of age). The day after the last injection, males were tested for either sexual behavior with a receptive female or agonistic behavior with a male intruder. Adolescent males treated with AAS showed significant increases in sexual and aggressive behaviors relative to vehicle-treated adolescents. In contrast, AAS-treated adults showed significantly lower levels of sexual behavior compared with vehicle-treated adults and did not show heightened aggression. Thus, adolescents, but not adults, displayed significantly higher behavioral responses to AAS, suggesting that the still-developing adolescent brain is more vulnerable than the adult brain to the adverse consequences of AAS on the nervous system and behavior.  相似文献   

This study examined the role of gonadal androgens during puberty on the development of environment-related social interaction (SI) in male rats. SI in an unfamiliar environment versus SI in a familiar environment was evaluated in young adult rats as a function of sex and gonadal status. Intact male rats at 60 days of age exhibited a differential response to the two environments, whereas SI in intact female rats at 60 days was equivalent in the two environments. Furthermore, male rats castrated as juveniles and tested for SI at 60 days displayed a pattern of environment-related SI similar to SI in intact adult female rats. This effect of juvenile castration on SI in male rats was prevented by chronic exposure to testosterone propionate (TP) over Days 30 through 60. SI in male rats castrated in adulthood, on the other hand, was not altered either 2 or 4 weeks postcastration. The results from this study indicate that pubertal secretions of gonadal androgen(s) are necessary for the development of environment-related SI in male rats. In contrast, secretions of gonadal androgens in adulthood do not appear to be critical for the continued expression of environment-related SI, as suggested by the observation that environment-related SI in male rats remains unchanged by castration in adulthood.  相似文献   

Stress decreases sexual activity, but it is uncertain which aspects of stress are detrimental to reproduction. This study used an escapable/inescapable stress paradigm to attempt to dissociate physical from psychological components of stress, and assess each component's impact on reproductive behavior in the male Syrian hamster (Mesocricetus auratus). Two experiments were completed using this protocol where two animals receive the same physical stressor (an electric footshock) but differ in the psychological aspect of control. One group (executive) could terminate the shock for themselves as well as a second group (yoked) by pressing a bar. Experiment 1 demonstrated a significant increase in plasma glucocorticoids at the end of a single 90-min stress session with no difference in glucocorticoid levels between the executive and yoked groups at any time point. Experiment 2 quantified male reproductive behavior prior to and immediately following 12 days of escapable or inescapable stress in executive, yoked, and no-stress control hamsters (n = 12/group). Repeated-measures analysis of variance revealed a number of significant changes in reproductive behavior before and after stress in the three treatment groups. The most striking difference was a decrease in hit rate observed only in the animals that could not control their stress (yoked group). Hit rate in the executive males that received the exact same physical stressor but could terminate the shock by pressing a bar was nearly identical to control animals that never received any foot shock. Therefore, we conclude that coping or control can ameliorate the negative effects of stress on male reproductive behavior.  相似文献   

There are striking differences in the behavioral response to social defeat between male and female Syrian hamsters. Whereas males exhibit a prolonged behavioral response to defeat (i.e., conditioned defeat), many females remain aggressive or show only a transient submissive response following defeat. The current study tested the hypothesis that sex steroids underlie this differential behavioral responsivity to social defeat. Female hamsters were ovariectomized and implanted with Silastic capsules containing estradiol (E(2)), testosterone (T), progesterone (P), dihydrotestosterone (DHT), or a blank capsule (no hormone replacement). After a 3-week recovery period, each subject was placed inside the home cage of a larger, more aggressive female for four 5-min defeat trials. The following day, each animal was tested for conditioned defeat by testing it in its own home cage in the presence of a smaller, non-aggressive intruder. Submissive, aggressive, social, and nonsocial behaviors were subsequently scored. Hamsters receiving E(2) or T displayed significantly lower levels of submissive behavior than did animals receiving P, DHT, or no hormone replacement. There were no significant differences in aggressive behavior among groups. These data suggest that gonadal hormones can influence submissive behavior in female hamsters. Collectively, these results suggest that the sex differences observed in conditioned defeat may, in part, be explained by sex differences in circulating gonadal hormones.  相似文献   

Eating and anxiety disorders are more prevalent in females, increase during adolescence, and are associated with early pubertal development. This study examined whether timing of puberty onset is associated with disordered eating and anxiety in a large sample of postpubertal male and female undergraduate students. Self-report questionnaires assessed timing of puberty, disordered eating, anxiety, alcohol use, personality, and sensation seeking. Females scored significantly higher on measures of disordered eating (binge eating, dietary restraint, eating concerns, and weight and shape concerns) and anxiety (state and trait anxiety) than did males. In addition, early maturing women and men scored significantly higher on measures of disordered eating and anxiety than on time or late maturing women and men. Measures of alcohol use, sensation seeking, and personality characteristics differed in males and females but did not vary with pubertal timing. Findings suggest that early puberty is associated with disordered eating and anxiety, and this association may be due to an organizational effect of pubertal hormones. Despite important differences in body fat composition, both males and females experiencing early puberty had an increased incidence of disordered eating. The fact that early puberty was associated with increased eating and anxiety symptoms in both sexes suggests that puberty may influence these symptoms through both biological and psychosocial mechanisms.  相似文献   

Adolescence is a period during which many social behaviors emerge. One such behavior, flank marking, is a testosterone-modulated scent marking behavior that communicates dominance status between adult male Syrian hamsters. Testosterone modulates flank-marking behavior by altering neural transmission of vasopressin within a forebrain circuit. This study tested whether testicular hormones secreted during adolescence play purely a transient activational role in the display of flank-marking behavior, or whether adolescent steroid hormone secretions also cause long-term organizational changes in vasopressin binding within brain regions underlying flank-marking behavior. We tested this hypothesis by manipulating whether testicular secretions were present during adolescent development and then tested for flank-marking behavior and vasopressin receptor binding within the flank-marking neural circuit in young adulthood. Specifically, males were gonadectomized immediately before or after adolescence, replaced with testosterone 6 weeks following gonadectomy in young adulthood, and behavior tested 1 week later. Adult testosterone treatment activated flank-marking behavior only in males that were exposed to testicular hormones during adolescence. In addition, males exposed to testicular hormones during adolescence exhibited significantly less vasopressin receptor binding within the lateral septum than males deprived of adolescent hormones, suggesting that hormone-dependent remodeling of synapses normally occurs in the lateral septum during adolescence. These data highlight the importance of gonadal steroid hormone exposure during adolescence for the organization of neural circuits and social behavior.  相似文献   

The neonatal leptin surge, occurring from postnatal day (PND) 5 to 13 and peaking at PND9 in rodents, is important for the development of neuroendocrine circuits involved in metabolic control and reproductive function. We previously demonstrated that treatment with a leptin antagonist from PND 5 to 9, coincident with peak leptin levels in the neonatal surge, modified trophic factors and markers of cell turnover and neuronal maturation in the hypothalamus of peri-pubertal rats. The kisspeptin system and metabolic neuropeptide and hormone levels were also modified. Here our aim was to investigate if the timing of pubertal onset is altered by neonatal leptin antagonism and if the previously observed peripubertal modifications in hormones and neuropeptides persist into adulthood and affect male sexual behavior. To this end, male Wistar rats were treated with a pegylated super leptin antagonist (5 mg/kg, s.c.) from PND 5 to 9 and killed at PND102–103. The appearance of external signs of pubertal onset was delayed. Hypothalamic kiss1 mRNA levels were decreased in adult animals, but sexual behavior was not significantly modified. Although there was no effect on body weight or food intake, circulating leptin, insulin and triglyceride levels were increased, while hypothalamic leptin receptor, POMC and AgRP mRNA levels were decreased. In conclusion, alteration of the neonatal leptin surge can modify the timing of pubertal onset and have long-term effects on hypothalamic expression of reproductive and metabolic neuropeptides.  相似文献   

Female distribution exerts a major impact on male mating tactics. Giraffe cows have a reproductive cycle, and a social system, that should favor a male roaming reproductive tactic. We conducted a 2-year study of female Rothschild's giraffe (G. c. rothschildi) reproductive endocrinology in order to characterize attributes of the reproductive cycle and investigate how female endocrine and behavioral cues influence mating activity. We used non-invasive fecal steroid methods to determine reproductive state among females residing in a herd in a large outdoor enclosure. We found that females had an estrous cycle of 14.7 days and that they regularly had multiple ovarian cycles prior to conception. Adult males were more likely to associate with, and sexually investigate, females when they were cycling than when they were either pregnant or acyclic. During the estrous cycle, male-female proximity and sociosexual behavior were more pronounced during the probable fertile phase than the rest of the cycle. Sexual activity between giraffe coincided with the periovulatory period, with male interest in females peaking during the fertile window in the absence of proceptive behavior by females. We conclude that males detect reliable cues revealing female reproductive status and partition their reproductive effort in response to such cues. We propose that male giraffe adopt a roaming reproductive strategy with their large size, enabling them to search for and mate guard fertile females while minimizing metabolic costs.  相似文献   

Diurnal and seasonal rhythms of cortisol, testosterone, and DHEA were examined, as little is known about the relationship between these rhythmicities and pubertal development. Salivary samples were obtained from 60 boys and 60 girls at approximately 07:45, 08:00, 08:30, 12:00, 16:50, and 21:00 h. The participants' ages ranged from 8-14 yrs, and each participant was tested three times at six-month intervals. The study was conducted at a General Clinical Research Center (GCRC) and at the homes of the participants. All hormones showed diurnal fluctuations. The acrophase (peak time) of cortisol occurred earlier than for testosterone or DHEA and showed a seasonal effect, with the acrophase occurring earlier in spring than in summer. The cortisol acrophase also occurred later in the day for boys than for girls during later puberty. Seasonal effects were found only for cortisol with higher concentrations in the spring and summer. Cortisol concentrations were relatively stable across pubertal maturation, but significantly lower concentrations were observed at pubertal stage 3 compared to the other stages. Morning cortisol levels were also higher in boys at pubertal stage 2. Testosterone concentrations were higher in boys at pubertal stages 3 and 4, and DHEA was lower at pubertal stage 1 than 3 and 4 for both boys and girls. For the total sample, there was a positive correlation between DHEA and testosterone during early puberty (stages 1-3) but not later puberty (stages 4-5). Awakening secretory activity correlated with daytime secretory activity for testosterone and DHEA, but not for cortisol. These data provide novel chronobiological information on cortisol, testosterone, and DHEA as it relates to sexual maturation and encourage further study on both normal and abnormal endocrine rhythms.  相似文献   

《Chronobiology international》2013,30(8):1168-1171
There are conflicting reports in the literature as to whether or not the circadian period in Syrian hamsters shortens with age, and those studies were conducted with small sample sizes. This report mines data from a large number of experiments resulting in more than 1000 measurements of circadian period in hamsters during aging up to 6 months, and this was correlated with both age and weight. Circadian period was calculated while hamsters were in running wheels in constant darkness. There is a weak correlation between hamster weight and circadian period, and there is significant shortening of circadian period during aging.  相似文献   

Lizards provide a rich opportunity for investigating the mechanisms associated with arousal and the display of motivated behaviors. They exhibit diverse mating strategies and modes of conspecific communication. This review focuses on anole lizards, of which green anoles (Anolis carolinensis) have been most extensively studied. Research from other species is discussed in that context. By considering mechanisms collectively, we can begin to piece together neural and endocrine factors mediating the stimulation of sexual and aggressive behaviors in this group of vertebrates.  相似文献   

The current study examined acute and long-term effects of anabolic-androgenic steroid (AAS) exposure during puberty on copulation, vocalizations, scent marking, and intermale aggression, both with and without tail pinch, in intact male rats. Animals received 5 mg/kg of testosterone, nandrolone, stanozolol, or vehicle, beginning at puberty. After 5 weeks, behavior tests were performed while continuing AAS injections. AAS treatment was then discontinued. Behaviors were tested during 3-5 weeks, 9-11 weeks, and 15-17 weeks of withdrawal. During AAS administration, stanozolol males showed significant reductions in all behaviors compared with controls, except aggression with tail pinch. Nandrolone treatment significantly reduced vocalizations and scent marking, and testosterone had no significant effect on behavior. During withdrawal, behaviors in stanozolol males recovered to control levels at variable rates: aggression at 4 weeks; mounts, vocalizations, and scent marking at 9 weeks; and ejaculations at 15 weeks of withdrawal. Stanozolol males showed significantly higher levels of tail pinch-induced aggression during every withdrawal test. Nandrolone-treated males scent-marked at control levels by 9 weeks withdrawal but displayed significantly fewer vocalizations and significantly more tail pinch-induced aggression than controls for the entire study. Testosterone-treated males scent-marked significantly below controls at 3 weeks withdrawal and showed significantly more tail pinch-induced aggression at 5 weeks withdrawal. All three AAS significantly increased tail pinch-induced aggression compared with corresponding nontail pinch tests, even at study endpoint. These results suggest that alterations in androgen-dependent behaviors by pubertal AAS exposure can persist long after drug exposure, and some effects may even be permanent.  相似文献   

Testosterone-dependent olfactory signals emitted by male are well known to accelerate female puberty in mice (Vandenbergh effect). However, it remains unclear whether these chemosignals also influence adult expression of male-directed odor preference. Therefore, we exposed female mice to intact or castrated male bedding (vs clean bedding as control) during the peripubertal period (postnatal day (PD) 21–38) and measured male-directed odor preference in adulthood. At PD45 or PD60, females exposed to intact male odors, and thus showing puberty acceleration, preferred to investigate odors from intact males over females or castrated males. Females exposed to castrated male odors did not show puberty acceleration but preferred male (intact or castrated) over female odors. Finally, control females did not show any odor preference when tested at PD45, although a preference for male odors emerged later (PD60). In a second experiment, females that were exposed to intact male odors after pubertal transition (PD36–53) also preferred intact male over castrated male odors. In conclusion, our results indicate that peripubertal exposure to male odors induced early expression of male-directed odor preference regardless of puberty-accelerating effect and that induction of male-directed odor preference is not specific to the peripubertal period.  相似文献   

Non-genomic effects of steroid hormones on cell physiology have been reported in the brain. However, relatively little is known about the behavioral significance of these actions. Male sexual behavior is activated by testosterone partly through its conversion to estradiol via the enzyme aromatase in the preoptic area (POA). Brain aromatase activity (AA) changes rapidly which might in turn be important for the rapid regulation of behavior. Here, acute effects of Vorozole, an aromatase inhibitor, injected IP at different doses and times before testing (between 15 and 60 min), were assessed on male sexual behavior in quail. To limit the risk of committing both types of statistical errors (I and II), data of all experiments were entered into a meta-analysis. Vorozole significantly inhibited mount attempts (P < 0.05, size effect [g] = 0.527) and increased the latency to first copulation (P < 0.05, g = 0.251). The treatment had no effect on the other measures of copulatory behavior. Vorozole also inhibited appetitive sexual behavior measured by the social proximity response (P < 0.05, g = 0.534) or rhythmic cloacal sphincter movements (P < 0.001, g = 0.408). Behavioral inhibitions always reached a maximum at 30 min. Another aromatase inhibitor, androstatrienedione, induced a similar rapid inhibition of sphincter movements. Radioenzyme assays demonstrated that within 30 min Vorozole had reached the POA and completely blocked AA measured in homogenates. When added to the extracellular milieu, Vorozole also blocked within 5 min the AA in POA explants maintained in vitro. Together, these data demonstrate that aromatase inhibition rapidly decreases both consummatory and appetitive aspects of male sexual behavior.  相似文献   

Male homosexual behavior is observed in many ruminant species; seasonality and isolation from females may affect the display of male–male sexual behavior. Our objectives were to determine whether: 1) homosexual behavior has a seasonal pattern in male goats (Capra hircus); 2) isolation from female goats influences the frequency of the display of homosexual behavior; and 3) the frequency of homosexual behaviors is related to testosterone concentration. Bucks were housed in a pen adjacent to another pen with 3 estrous goats (FC group) or in complete isolation from females (IF group). Homosexual behaviors and testosterone concentrations were recorded in October, December, February and May. Frequencies of penile display and flehmen increased in May and were observed more frequently in the IF than in the FC group. Ano-genital sniffing was more frequent in February and May and was more frequent in IF than in FC bucks. Lateral approaches were more frequent in May, in which period this was more frequently observed in IF bucks. Mount attempts and mounts were only observed in IF bucks. Testosterone concentrations increased from December to February and decreased in May, although they were still greater than in October and December. In May IF bucks had greater testosterone concentrations than FC bucks. Testosterone concentrations were only related to the number of lateral approaches in IF bucks in December. In conclusion, homosexual behavior was more frequent during the late breeding season than during the early and the non-breeding seasons, and in males isolated from females than in males housed near estrous females. Testosterone concentrations appear to be unrelated to homosexual behavior.  相似文献   

To characterize male–male sexual behavior during lamb development, to relate it with lamb body and testicular growth, and with sexual behavior toward estrual ewes, 40 Milchschaf male lambs, weaned at 45 days of age, were kept with ewes that were nursing younger lambs. Experimental lambs were weighed and scrotal circumference was measured every 2 weeks. Male–male sexual behavior was observed during 1–2 h every 2 weeks after birth until 7 months of age. Observations were recorded more intensively (3–4 h on five different days) for 2 weeks (5–6 months of age) as male–male sexual behavior increased during that period. Both mounting and mounted lambs were identified. An individual mounting index (MI) was calculated. To study male–female sexual behavior, lambs were individually located with two estrual ewes, and during 5 min the number of ano-genital sniffing, lateral approaches, mounts, and mounts with ejaculation were recorded. From those data, a libido index was also calculated. Male–male mounts (n = 308) were observed. Courtship behavior was displayed in 25% of interactions; mounts were accepted in 72.1% of attempted mounts. Mounts without previous courtship were accepted more frequently than mounts with previous courtship (P = 0.002). Lamb weight and scrotal circumference were not different according to MI groups. Lambs that mounted more times estrual ewes (first tertile) had greater (P = 0.04) MI (0.61 ± 0.10) than lambs with medium (0.27 ± 0.09) and less (0.30 ± 0.10) MI. The regression between MI and heterosexual libido index was r = 0.33 (P < 0.05). In summary, intensive male–male sexual activity during a short period of male lamb development was observed. There was a positive relationship between sexual behavior of male lambs towards other male lambs and towards estrual ewes.  相似文献   

The occurrence of intra-sexual variation in reproduction is a widespread phenomenon in teleosts. One such form of variation consists in the occurrence of alternative male types: males that invest resources in mate attraction and males that exploit the investment of the former males, by trying to sneak fertilizations during spawning. These alternative reproductive tactics can be classified according to their plasticity during the life span of the individuals (i.e., fixed vs. sequential vs. reversible). Furthermore, the differences between morphs within a given species may involve a set of different traits, including reproductive behavior, the differentiation of male morphological traits, and the patterns of gonad tissue allocation and the differentiation of gonadal accessory glands. In this paper, we review the available data on four species exhibiting different types of intra-sexual plasticity in reproduction that have been studied in our lab. The data on the proximate mechanisms, androgens and forebrain arginine-vasotocin (AVT), underlying these alternative tactics suggest that between-morph differences in androgen levels, especially in 11-ketotestosterone, are especially present in species where the alternative male types have evolved morphological traits that are tactic-specific (i.e., sexual polymorphisms) and that differences in AVT appear to be related to between-morph differences in the expression of courtship behavior. Therefore, this comparative approach leads us to propose that the different endocrine systems are involved in the differentiation of different sets of traits that make up alternative phenotypes, and that the differentiation of alternative tactics is not controlled by a single endocrine system (e.g., androgens).  相似文献   

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