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R Bravo 《FEBS letters》1984,169(2):185-188
Quantitative two-dimensional gel electrophoretic analysis (IEF) of the nuclear polypeptide cyclin together with autoradiographic studies have revealed a coordinate synthesis of cyclin and DNA after serum stimulation of quiescent 3T3 cells. These results strengthen the notion that cyclin may be a central component of the pathway(s) that regulate cell proliferation.  相似文献   

Inhibition of DNA synthesis and cell proliferation of mouse 3T3 cells by aphidicolin did not affect the expression of cyclin, a nuclear protein whose synthesis correlates with cell proliferation, as determined by quantitative two-dimensional gel electrophoresis analysis. Serum stimulation of quiescent 3T3 cells revealed that cyclin synthesis increases shortly before DNA synthesis. Inhibition of DNA synthesis by aphidicolin in serum-stimulated quiescent cells did not affect the increase of cyclin following stimulation. These results demonstrate that cyclin synthesis is not coupled to DNA synthesis and that it is one of the latest events before DNA replication.  相似文献   

Autophosphorylation of 3T3 cells, utilizing endogenous membrane protein kinase, can be detected by incubating the cells with μgM32P-ATP. The phosphorylation activity of growing cells is two to four-fold greater than quiescent ones. In this study, the increased phosphorylation activity of serum-stimulated cells was examined. Phosphorylation, measured at times after serum stimulation of quiescent cultures, was found to increase in early G1 and to reach a maximum prior to DNA synthesis. This increase in stimulated cells was dependent on RNA and protein synthesis but not on DNA synthesis. The increased activity decayed quickly (half-life approximately 2–3 hours) in the presence of cycloheximide, while the basal activity in quiescent cells was relatively unchanged. Insulin, prostaglandin E1 or prostaglandin F2α were also found to bring about the same increase in phosphorylation as serum, although in contrast with serum they caused only a small percentage of the culture to synthesize DNA. The results suggest that enhanced phosphorylation activity is a G1 event. It does not depend on subsequent DNA synthesis. Phosphorylation may be one of the biochemical steps in G1, necessary but not sufficient for cells to move into S phase.  相似文献   

Primary cultures of bone cells and skin fibroblasts were examined for their Ca++ content, intracellular distribution and Ca++ fluxes. Kinetic analysis of 45Ca++ efflux curves indicated the presence of three exchangeable Ca++ compartments which turned over at different rates: a “very fast turnover” (S1), a “fast turnover” (S2), and a “slow turnover” Ca++ pool (S3). S1 was taken to represent extracellular membrane-bound Ca++, S2 represented cytosolic Ca++, and S3 was taken to represent Ca++ sequestered in some intracellular organelles, probably the mitochondria. Bone cells contained about twice the amount of Ca++ as compared with cultured fibroblasts. Most of this extra Ca++ was localized in the “slow turnover” intracellular Ca++ pool (S3). Serum activation caused the following changes in the amount, distribution, and fluxes of Ca++: (1) In both types of cells serum caused an increase in the amount of Ca++ in the “very fast turnover” Ca++ pool, and an increase in the rate constant of 45Ca++ efflux from this pool, indicating a decrease in the strength of Ca++ binding to ligands on cell membranes. (2) In fibroblasts, serum activation also caused a marked decrease in the content of Ca++ in the “slow turnover” Ca++ pool (S3), an increase in the rates of Ca++ efflux from the cells to the medium, and from S3 to S2, as well as a decrease in the rate of influx into S3. (3) In bone cells the amount of Ca++ in S3 remained high in “serum activated” cells, the rate of efflux from S3 to S2 increased, and the rate of influx into S3 also increased. The rate of efflux from the cells to the medium did not change. The results suggest specific properties of bone cells with regard to cell Ca++ presumably connected with their differentiation. Following serum activation we investigated the time course of changes in the amount of exchangeable Ca++ in bone cells and fibroblasts, in parallel with measurements of 3H-thymidine incorporation and cell numbers. Serum activation caused a rapid decrease in the content of cell Ca++ which was followed by a biphasic increase lasting until cell division.  相似文献   

Dynamic interactions of c-fos protein in serum-stimulated 3T3 cells   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The c-fos gene, the cellular homologue of the transforming gene of the FBJ osteosarcoma virus, v-fos, is strongly induced in quiescent BALB/c 3T3 cells by growth factors and in other cell types by a wide variety of transmembrane signalling agents. c-fos is a member of a family of structurally related proteins which includes the fos-related antigens (fra). We have studied the dynamic state of the c-fos protein with an antibody prepared by immunizing rabbits with a plasmid-encoded fos fusion protein. In serum-stimulated BALB/c 3T3 cells, the antibody recognizes a nuclear antigen which resolves on SDS-PAGE as a 60-68-kD group of bands corresponding to c-fos, a doublet at 44-45-kD corresponding to the noncovalently associated p39 protein, as well as an approximately 50-kD band corresponding to a fra. We show that although c-fos protein synthesis is only transiently induced by serum, the c-fos protein persists within the cell after its synthesis has ceased, and it decays with a half-life of 2 hours. Significantly, newly synthesized p39 continues to appear in the immune-precipitated complex even at times when c-fos is no longer synthesized. These kinetics indicate that even following shutoff of c-fos protein synthesis, p39 is newly synthesized and can complex with c-fos protein or a fos-related antigen. During this time, c-fos also undergoes an extensive posttranslational modification. The modification is partially reversed by phosphatase treatment, which implicates protein phosphorylation. Together these results suggest that both interaction with p39 and phosphorylation may progressively modify the properties of c-fos and/or the fos-related antigens over a period of 4-8 hours following the shutoff of fos synthesis. We discuss the implications of the dynamic state of c-fos and fra protein interactions for the function of these proteins.  相似文献   

We examined the effect of mouse interferon on the stimulation of [86Rb+] uridine, 2-deoxyglucose and Pi uptake and of ornithine decarboxylase activity produced by serum in quiescent cultures of Swiss 3T3 cells. We found that interferon causes a differential dose-dependent inhibition of the stimulation of ornithine decarboxylase activity and the second phase of Pi uptake. Other protein-synthesis independent or dependent events are not affected.  相似文献   

A mathematical model has been analysed describing uridine uptake in mammalian cells as a tandem process that involves membrane transport and uridine phosphorylation within the cell. The measurement of kinetic parametres of uridine uptake in 3T6 cells showed that the transport system possesses a low affinity to uridine (Kt = 145 microM) and a high velocity (Vt = 10 microM/sec), whereas the phosphorylation system possesses a high affinity for uridine (Ke = 10 microM) and a low velocity (Ve = 0.17 microM/sec). A method of construction of "ideal" curves was proposed, describing the time dependence of uridine uptake which helps to verify values of kinetic parameters obtained. On the basis of the theoretical analysis and generalization of experimental data it was concluded that the optimum conditions of uridine transport parameters measuring at 25 degrees C involve the uridine concentration in the medium equal to 20-200 microM, and the time of cell incubation, 2-20 sec, while the optimum conditions of uridine phosphorilation parameters measuring being its concentration in the medium 5-20 microM and the cell incubation longer than 1 minute.  相似文献   

This study involves the use of fibroblast growth factor (FGF) as a substitute for exogenous serum to examine the early transport changes which occur when quiescent 3T3 cells re-initiate active growth. FGF, in nanogram amounts, together with insulin and dexamethasone, can induce mitogenesis and mitosis in 3T3 cells GO-arrested by holding in growth medium containing 0.8% calf serum. In terms of quiescent cell transport activity enhancement, FGF is 300,000-fold more effective than fresh serum, on a protein basis. In addition, very short exposure of serum-depleted cells to FGF indicates that a distinct temporal or time sequence exists in the transport system activation process. For example, uptake of α-aminoisobutyric acid (AIB) and uridine are stimulated very rapidly, whereas hypoxanthine uptake does not respond until much later. Closer analysis shows that AIB uptake is maximally enhanced within zero to two minutes after FGF addition to cells. Finally, the stimulatory effect of FGF on transport system activities is specific in terms of the proliferative state of the cells to which it is added, and in terms of the uptake systems which respond to it.  相似文献   

M K O'Farrell 《FEBS letters》1986,204(2):233-238
Stimulation of quiescent Swiss mouse 3T3 cells either by serum or by pure growth factors induces DNA synthesis after a lag period of about 15 h. Following restimulation by serum or by growth factors there is an overall increase of 2-4-fold in the rate of biosynthesis of nuclear proteins. Two nuclear polypeptides show specific temporal correlations with the transition from quiescence to proliferation. The synthesis of p30 (30 kDa, pI 5.2) is at a maximum within 5 h of restimulation, while the synthesis of p36 (36 kDa, pI 4.25) is first seen at 10-12 h after restimulation. The synthesis of p36 correlates well with the initiation of DNA biosynthesis. The metabolic turnover of both of these proteins has been estimated by pulse-chase and by cycloheximide inhibition experiments. They both have a half-life of 10-15 h and appear to be cell-cycle related.  相似文献   

Electron microscopy was used to investigate primary cilia in quiescent 3T3 cells. As in the case of primary cilia of other cell types, their basal centriole was found to be a focal point of numerous cytoplasmic microtubules which terminate at the basal feet. There are also intermediate filaments which appear to converge at the basal centriole. Cross-striated fibers of microtubular diameter, reminiscent of striated rootlets of ordinary cilia, appear associated with the proximal end of the basal centriole. Usually less than nine cross-banded basal feet surround the basal centriole in a well-defined plane perpendicular to the centriolar axis. The ciliary shaft was found to be entirely enclosed in the cytoplasm of fully flattened cells. In rounded cells, it could be found extending to the outside of the cell. Periodic striations along the entire shaft were observed after preparing the cells in a special way. The tip of the shaft showed an electron-dense specialization. Several unusual forms of primary cilia were observed which were reminiscent of olfactory flagella or retinal rods.Using tubulin antibody for indirect immunofluorescence, a fluorescent rod is visible in the cells [18] which we demonstrate is identical with the primary cilium.  相似文献   

La3+ stimulated quiescent Swiss 3T3 and 3T6 ceils to enter the DNA-synthesizing S phase of the cell cycle. La3+ and insulin interacted synergistically to increase DNA synthesis. A brief exposure of the cells to soluble LaCl3 optimally stimulated entry into S. La3+ was similar to Al3+ in its mitogenic properties (J. Cell. Physiol.118 , 298, 1984), but La3+ was 10 times more potent than Al3+.  相似文献   

The stability of mRNA has been measured in 3T3 cells in the resting and the growing states, and also during the transition from the resting to the growing state. Pulse labeled poly(A)+ mRNA chased with uridine and cytidine supplemented growth medium decayed with a half-life of 6.5 hr in the resting state, 26 hr during the transition from the resting to the growing condition, and 18 hr during serum-stimulated growth. The half-life of poly(A)+ mRNA determined by steady state labeling yielded similar results in resting and serum-stimulated 3T3 cells. Thus during the transition from resting to serum-stimulated growth in 3T3 cells poly(A)+ mRNA becomes more stable.  相似文献   

Liposomes containing phosphatidic acid were capable of stimulating DNA synthesis in quiescent Swiss 3T3 cells while liposomes composed of other phospholipids were not. These results show that liposomes, which are usually employed to deliver non-lipid molecules into cells, can themselves have profound effects on cell growth. The possible mechanism of phosphatidic acid-mediated cell stimulation and its relation to other growth factors are discussed.  相似文献   

Micromolar concentrations of AI3+ are shown to be strongly mitogenic for quiescent cultures of Swiss 3T3 and 3T6 cells. AI3+ caused a striking shift in the dose-response curve for the effect of fetal bovine serum on 3H-thymidine incorporation. In the absence of serum the mitogenic effect of aluminum was greatly potentiated by insulin or cholera toxin, but not epidermal growth factor or 12-0-tetradecanoyl-phorbol-13-acetate. The stimulation of DNA synthesis was maximal by 15-20 microM AI3+ X AI3+ at 100 microM had no inhibitory effect on DNA synthesis. AI3+ had no significant effect on cellular cyclic adenosine monophosphate in the presence or absence of insulin or an inhibitor of cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases.  相似文献   

Mouse 3T3 cells were transformed with an antisense c-fos gene fused to a mouse mammary tumor virus promoter. In transformants that integrated a large number of antisense c-fos sequences, the usual large increase in c-fos mRNA and protein following stimulation of quiescent cells by platelet-derived growth factor was blocked in the presence of dexamethasone. These cells subsequently also failed to show the stimulation of DNA synthesis normally induced by platelet-derived growth factor. Appropriate expression of c-fos appears to be a prerequisite for reentry of quiescent cells into the cell cycle.  相似文献   

The c-Raf-1 kinase is activated by different mitogenic stimuli and has been shown to be an important mediator of growth factor responses. Fusion of the catalytic domain of the c-Raf-1 kinase with the hormone binding domain of the estrogen receptor (deltaRaf-ER) provides a hormone-regulated form of oncogenic activated c-Raf-1. We have established NIH 3T3 cells stably expressing a c-Raf-1 deletion mutant-estrogen receptor fusion protein (c-Raf-1-BxB-ER) (N-BxB-ER cells). The transformed morphology of these cells is dependent on the presence of the estrogen antagonist 4-hydroxytamoxifen. Addition of 4-hydroxytamoxifen to N-BxB-ER cells arrested by density or serum starvation causes reentry of these cells into cell proliferation. Increases in the cell number are obvious by 24 h after activation of the oncogenic c-Raf-1 protein in confluent cells. The onset of proliferation in serum-starved cells is further delayed and takes about 48 h. In both cases, the proliferative response of the oncogenic c-Raf-1-induced cell proliferation is weaker than the one mediated by serum and does not lead to exponential growth. This is reflected in a markedly lower expression of the late-S- and G2/M-phase-specific cyclin B protein and a slightly lower expression of the cyclin A protein being induced at the G1/S transition. Oncogenic activation of c-Raf-1 induces the expression of the heparin binding epidermal growth factor. The Jnk1 kinase is putatively activated by the action of the autocrine growth factor. The kinetics of Jnk1 kinase activity is delayed and occurs by a time when we also detect DNA synthesis and the expression of the S-phase-specific cyclin A protein. This finding indicates that oncogenic activation of the c-Raf-1 protein can trigger the entry into the cell cycle without the action of the autocrine growth factor loop. The activation of the c-Raf-1-BxB-ER protein leads to an accumulation of high levels of cyclin D1 protein and a repression of the p27Kip1 cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor under all culture conditions tested.  相似文献   

Stimulation of nucleoside uptake in quiescent 3T3 cells by insulin and serum is preceded by a substantial lag phase. Our findings point to the length of the lag phase as a major target for regulation. The length of such phase varies markedly with the concentration of insulin (10?9-10?6 M) or serum (0.5–10%) but it is not eliminated by high, saturating levels of the activating agents. Further, variations in the temperature at which the stimulation process occurs 24–39°C), addition of compounds like prostaglandin E1 (1–5 μg/ml) or theophylline (0.4 mM) and differences in the age of the cultures primarily affect the length of the lag time while the final uptake rates achieved are remarkably constant. Analysis of the temporal order of the events in the lag phase reveals that there is a discrete temperature-sensitive period located in the early and middle part of the lag, while the prostaglandin E1-sensitive step(s) appear to be toward the end of the lag. The transition from the basal to the stimulated rate of uptake is abrupt. Indeed, the kinetics of activation does not fit a simple exponential law but a high power of an exponential, suggesting that the switching mechanism involves cooperative steps. Since the transition is abrupt, the nucleoside uptake system exists largely in two alternative states either switched off or on. The regulation of the lag period is by the control of the time at which this switch occurs. On the basis of the data presented here, we propose a working hypothesis of uptake stimulation.  相似文献   

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