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Three sexual interspecific hybrids of Brachiaria (HBGC076, HBGC009, and HBGC014) resulting from crosses between B. ruziziensis (female genitor) and B. decumbens and B. brizantha (male genitors) produced by Embrapa Beef Cattle in the 1980s were cytologically analyzed by conventional methods for meiotic studies. The cytogenetic analysis showed the occurrence of common meiotic abnormalities among them. The most frequent abnormalities were those related to irregular chromosome segregation due to polyploidy. Other abnormalities, such as chromosome stickiness, absence of cytokinesis, irregular cytokinesis, abnormal spindle orientation, and abnormal nucleolus disintegration, were found in the three hybrids, while, chromosome disintegration was detected only in HBGC014. All the abnormalities, except for abnormal nucleolus disintegration, can cause unbalanced gamete formation, leading to pollen sterility. Multivalent chromosome association at diakinesis revealed genome affinity between the two parental species in the hybrids, suggesting some possibility for gene introgression. Presently, the Brachiaria breeding program has the objective of releasing, primarily, apomictic hybrids as new cultivars since they do not segregate but preserve the genetic makeup indefinitely. Besides, they result in homogeneous pastures which are easier to manage. The sexual hybrids, however, are paramount in the breeding program: they work as 'bridges' to introgress traits of interest into the apomictic genotypes. The cytogenetic analyses of these three hybrids substantiate their maintenance in the breeding program due to low frequency of meiotic abnormalities, complemented by interesting agronomic traits. They may be used in crosses to generate new cultivars in the future.  相似文献   

The taxonomic relationships of Brachiaria and Urochloa have been questioned based on previous morphological studies. In this paper, we reconsider the phylogenetic relationships of these genera using 22 species of Brachiaria and Urochloa and six species of Paniceae as out-groups. The ITS1, 5.8S, and ITS2 region (internal transcribed spacer) of nuclear ribosomal DNA and eight morphological characters of the inflorescence were compiled into a data matrix. The cladistic analyses suggest that Urochloa-Brachiaria as a complex is paraphyletic with Eriochloa and Melinis. Species of all these genera share molecular synapomorphies and belong to the same monophyletic groups. The results confirm the continuous gradation between those genera previously found in several morphological studies. Therefore, the following eight new combinations are made: Urochloa bovonei (Chiov.) A.M. Torres & C.M. Morton, Urochloa dura (Stapf) A.M. Torres & C.M. Morton, Urochloa dura var. dura (Stapf) A.M. Torres & C.M. Morton, Urochloa dura var. pilosa (J.G. Anderson) A.M. Torres & C.M. Morton, Urochloa lachnantha (Hochst.) A.M. Torres & C.M. Morton, Urochloa leersioides (Hochst.) A.M. Torres & C.M. Morton, Urochloa nigropedata (Munro ex Ficalho & Hiern) A.M. Torres & C.M. Morton, and Urochloa subulifolia (Mez) A.M. Torres & C.M. Morton.  相似文献   

Direct evidence of pseudogamy in apomictic Brachiaria brizantha (Poaceae)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Brachiaria brizantha is a forage grass that has several apomictic accessions. B. brizantha cv. Marandu is a natural tetraploid aposporous apomict widely cultivated in Brazil. Pseudogamy was detected in this species by observation that seed set is suppressed in plants that have had the stigmas excised from the flowers. The egg cell develops parthenogenetically in the apomictic plants, meaning that fertilisation is necessary for the formation of the endosperm. A thorough knowledge of all the events of seed formation in natural apomictic plants is essential for a complete understanding of this mode of reproduction. In this paper, we show direct evidence of pseudogamy in B. brizantha through the cytological analysis of polar nucleus fertilisation and the determination of triploid level of the endosperm tissue. The development of the male gametophyte gives rise to a reduced tri-celled pollen, the viability of which varies throughout the year, reaching 88% in the peak of the flowering period. Discharge of the male gamete takes place around 10 h after pollination and monospermy is the predominant system observed. Precocious embryony was also observed in these plants; embryos arise from egg cells. Endosperm development followed the free nucleus model and was associated with the presence of an embryo. Cellularisation and reserve uptake occurred 2 days after pollination (DAP) and mature endosperm was observed 8 DAP. The triploid level of the endosperm in the apomictic accession confirmed the 2:1 maternal:paternal ratio of genome contribution in the tissue.  相似文献   

Microsporogenesis was evaluated in the Brachiaria humidicola collection of the Embrapa Beef Cattle Center, represented by 60 accessions. One accession (H121) presented an abnormal pattern of cytokinesis that had never been reported in this genus. Among 900 meiocytes analyzed in the first division, 10.7% underwent precocious and multiple cytokinesis in metaphase I, fractionating the genome and the cytoplasm into two or more parts. The expected cytokinesis after telophase I did not occur. The abnormal meiocytes from the first division entered the second division but the second cytokinesis after telophase II was also abnormal. Among the 857 meiocytes analyzed in the second division, 10.9% presented abnormal, incomplete or total absence of cytokinesis. Dyads and binucleated microspores were recorded among the meiotic products. The use of this accession in the Embrapa breeding program is compromised.  相似文献   

五种紫萁属植物的核型分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
研究了5种紫萁属Osmunda植物的核形态学特征, 其间期核属于复杂染色中心型, 有丝分裂前期染色体为中间型, 对有丝分裂前期染色体的动态变化过程和在细胞核内的自然排布情况进行了观察。核型公式为: 粗齿紫萁O. banksiifolia (Presl) Kuhn, 2n=4sm+10st+26t+4T; 紫萁O. japonica Thunb., 2n=2sm+8st+32t(2SAT)+2T;华南紫萁O. vachellii Hook., 2n=4sm+8st+28t+4T; 狭叶紫萁O. angustifolia Ching ex Ching &; Ch. H. Wang, 2n=2sm+4st+34t+4T; 粤紫萁O. mildei C. Chr., 2n=2sm+6st+33t+3T。所有染色体臂比均大于2, 核型类型均为4A, 后3种染色体为首次报道, 且对5种紫萁属植物的核型变异及演化关系进行了讨论, 推测Plenasium亚属3种紫萁属植物中粗齿紫萁核型类型最原始, 狭叶紫萁最进化, 其地理分布与核型不对称性有关联, 粤紫萁可能为一自然种间杂种。  相似文献   

四种云杉的核型分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
李林初  王刚  苏苏  徐阿生 《广西植物》2001,21(1):43-46,T001,T002
首次报道了中国珍稀濒危保护植物长叶云杉 ( P. smithiana ( Wall.) Boiss.)和康定云杉 ( P. likian-gensis( Franch.) Pritz.var.montigena( Mast.) Cheng ex Chen)及我国特产的青海云杉 ( P.crassif oliaKom.)和林芝云杉 ( P.likiangensis( Franch.) Pritz.var.linzhiensis Cheng et L.K.Fu)的核型。它们的核型公式都是 K( 2 n) =2 4 =2 2 m+2 sm (林芝云杉有 1条 B染色体 ) ,染色体相对长度组成分别为 2 n=1 4 M2 +8M1 +2 S,2 L+1 2 M2 +6M1 +4S,2 L +1 0 M2 +1 0 M1 +2 S,和 2 L+1 2 M2 +6M1 +4S.均为 2 A (除青海云杉 1 A外 )核型类型。  相似文献   

The genus Brachiaria comprises more than 100 species and is the single most important genus of forage grass in the tropics. Brachiaria brizantha, widely used in Brazilian pastures for beef and dairy production, is native to tropical Africa. As a subsidy to the breeding program underway in Brazil, cytological studies were employed to determine the chromosome number and to evaluate microsporogenesis in 46 accessions of this species available at Embrapa Beef Cattle (Brazil). Thirty-four accessions presented 2n = 36; seven had 2n = 45, and five had 2n = 54 chromosomes. Based on the higher level of chromosome association observed in diakinesis, in tetra-, penta-, and hexavalents, respectively, it was concluded that they are derived from x = 9; consequently, these accessions are tetra- (2n = 4x = 36), penta- (2n = 5x = 45), and hexaploids (2n = 6x = 54). The most common meiotic abnormalities were irregular chromosome segregation due to polyploidy. Chromosome stickiness, abnormal cytokinesis, non-congressed bivalents in metaphase I and chromosomes in metaphase II, and chromosome elimination were recorded at varying frequencies in several accessions. The mean percentage of meiotic abnormalities ranged from 0.36 to 95.76%. All the abnormalities had the potential to affect pollen viability by generating unbalanced gametes. Among the accessions, only the tetraploid ones with less than 40% of abnormalities are suitable as pollen donors in intra- and interspecific crosses. Currently, accessions with a high level of ploidy (5 and 6n) cannot be used as male genitors in crosses because of the lack of sexual female genitors with the same levels of ploidy.  相似文献   

The forage grass species Brachiaria humidicola is native to African savannas. Owing to its good adaptation to poorly drained and infertile acid soils, it has achieved wide utilization for pastures in Brazilian farms. Among the 55 accessions of B. humidicola analysed from the Embrapa Beef Cattle collection, one (H022), presented desynapsis and an abnormal pattern of cytokinesis in the first meiotic division. Among 28 inflorescences analysed in this accession, 12 were affected by the anomaly. In affected meiocytes, the first cytokinesis occurred in metaphase I and was generally perpendicular to a wide-metaphase plate, dividing the genome into two parts with an equal or unequal number of chromosomes. The normal cytokinesis after telophase I did not occur, and the meiocytes entered metaphase II, progressing to the end of meiosis with the occurrence of the second cytokinesis. As the first cytokinesis occurred precociously, whereas the second was normal, tetrads were formed but with unbalanced chromosome numbers in microspores. Abnormal cytokinesis occurred only in those meiocytes that underwent desynapsis after diakinesis. The implications of this abnormality in the Brachiaria breeding programme are discussed.  相似文献   

Polyploidy is a prominent and significant force in plant evolution, taking place since ancient times and continuing until today. Recent cytogenetic studies in the genus Brachiaria using germplasm collected from wild African savannas in the 1980s revealed that most species and accessions within species are polyploid. Diploid, tetraploid, and pentaploid accessions have been found. We found asynchronous meiosis during microsporogenesis, followed by genome elimination, in two pentaploid (2n = 5x = 45) accessions (D53 and D71) of a hardy, invasive pasture grass, introduced from Africa to Brazil, Brachiaria decumbens. In these accessions, chromosomes paired as 18 bivalents and nine univalents during diakinesis, suggesting that these accessions resulted from a recent event of natural hybridization. The lack of chromosome associations in the genomes suggests that these accessions resulted from hybridization between two genotypes that are not closely related, with low genome affinity and with different meiotic rhythms. This supposition is reinforced by the meiotic behavior of the nine univalents, which were always laggard in relation to the other chromosomes and eliminated as micronuclei in microspores. The behavior of these accessions, which have an odd level of ploidy and confirmed genome elimination, supports the general assumption that a polyploid accession can undergo a new event of polyploidization by natural hybridization (neopolyploidyzation). This evidence for natural hybridization in Brachiaria shows that this is a wild genus in an ongoing evolutionary process.  相似文献   

Microsporogenesis in an interspecific Brachiaria hybrid, grown in the field under natural environmental conditions in Brazilian savannas, was analyzed in three distinct years of collection. Several types of meiotic abnormalities were recorded during those three years, but varied in type and frequency depending on the year. The average temperature and rainfall 15 days before collection was unusually high in those years. The percentage of abnormal meiocytes recorded was 62% in 2001, 73% in 2004, and 77% in 2005. The abnormalities observed during microsporogenesis compromised pollen viability by generating unbalanced gametes or affecting nucleolus organization. The environmental conditions under which the hybrid was growing could have affected the genetic control of meiosis. More detailed studies, under controlled conditions, are necessary to better understand the effects of environmental factors on Brachiaria microsporogenesis hybrids.  相似文献   

To characterize chromosomes and the interspecific relationships within the genus Kengyilia, 8 species were used for Giemsa C-banding analysis. Results indicated that the species differed in C-banding patterns. K. gobicola, K. alatavica and K. batalinii had distinct centromeric bands and no banded chromosomes, while K. hirsuta, K. longiglumis, K. melanthera, K. rigidula and K. thoroldiana had more abundant and diagnostic C-bands with interstitial and terminal bands.  相似文献   

Our aim was to assess the degree of morphological differentiation of a group of taxa of Schizachyrium Nees, which presents similar inflorescences and shares habitat and geographic areas: Schizachyrium bimucronatum, S. condensatum, S. lactiflorum, S. microstachyum subsp. microstachyum, S. microstachyum subsp. elongatum, and S. plumigerum. To accomplish this purpose, 22 exomorphological traits were analyzed using multivariate methods. The results obtained support the identity of Schizachyrium condensatum and related species as independent taxa. In addition, the analysis evidences the reliability of several inflorescence characters, which had not been previously considered in the identification of the different taxa. Based upon the information obtained, a new identification key for these taxa was constructed.  相似文献   

Brachiaria humidicola is a grass adapted to seasonally swampy grasslands in Africa; two cultivars, 'common' and Llanero, are widely used in Brazilian pastures. New cultivars are in great demand in order to diversify current production systems to achieve improved quality and yield. Cytological analyses of 55 accessions of this species available from the Embrapa Beef Cattle germplasm collection revealed that 27 are apomictic and have 2n = 54 chromosomes. Chromosome pairing as bi- to nonavalent associations at diakinesis indicated a basic chromosome number in this species of x = 6, as found in other closely related Brachiaria species. Thus, these 27 accessions are nonaploid (2n = 9x = 54). Abnormalities were found in the meiosis of these accessions, at variable frequencies. The most common abnormalities were those related to irregular chromosome segregation, which led to unbalanced gamete formation; but chromosome stickiness, cell fusion, and absence of cytokinesis were also recorded. Although some accessions have a low frequency of meiotic abnormalities, ensuring potentially good pollen viability, these cannot be used in hybridization due to a lack of sexual accessions with the same ploidy level.  相似文献   

Consolida (dc .) S. F. Gray belongs to Ranunculaceae. The genus includes about 52 species worldwide. Here we report the diploid chromosome number and chromosome size and morphology for six Consolida species. For C. anthoroidea, C. leptocarpa, C. paradoxa and C. rugulosa the diploid chromosome number is reported for the first time. All investigated species have a diploid chromosome number of 2n = 2x = 16, except for C. persica having 2n = 2x = 14. The karyotypes of all six taxa are asymmetric, consisting of all four major chromosome types: metacentric, submetacentric, subtelocentric and telocentric chromosome type. However, considering the karyotype formula, all six species could be distinguished. In all taxa, metacentric chromosome pair 1 possesses a satellite. The only exception is C. rugulosa having an additional satellite positioned on metacentric chromosome pair 2. Karyotype data allow the separation of Aconitella from Consolida. Karyotype data plus morphological evidence support the reduction of C. paradoxa to formae level of C. rugulosa. (© 2013 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Genomic in situ hybridisation (GISH) and Southern genomic hybridisation were applied in order to gain further knowledge regarding generic delimitation of the genus Hystrix as well as to clarify the genomes of the Hystrix species H. patula, H. longearistata, H. coreana, H. duthiei and H. komarovii. The hybridisation intensity of different genomic probes was compared among the Hystrix species and with other Triticeae species. The Southern- and GISH results confirm that H. patula contains the StH genome and show that H. komarovii most likely has a variant of this StH genome. The other Hystrix species under study, i.e. H. longearistata, H. coreana and H. duthiei, contain an Ns basic genome, and most probably two variants of this basic genome, Ns 1 Ns 2 . The genus Hystrix is thus not a monophyletic group of species.  相似文献   

Seven species ofVulpia were subjected to morphological and protein studies using principal component and cluster analysis and theJaccard's Similarity Coefficient. Studies showed all species were uniform and distinct from each other. Species of sect.Loretia were very dissimilar from those of sect.Monachne and sect.Vulpia. The latter section comprises taxa of high mutual affinity.  相似文献   

披碱草属(Elymus L.)两个物种之订正   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
披碱草属Elymus L.是小麦族Triticeae Dumort.中最大的属,全世界共有150多个种,广泛分布于 温带地区。我国约有80余种(包括鹅观草属Roegneria C.Koch),是披碱草属的重要分布区和多样性分 化中心。由于披碱草属植物种类繁多、分布广泛、生境多样以及形态变异较为复杂,导致该属在分类上 存在许多问题。同时,由于地域的局限和地区间交流的缺乏,致使同一种披碱草属植物被不同的学者多 次发表及同物异名现象的出现。本文对E.antiquus和E.burchan-buddae这两个曾多次被订名的披碱草 属物种进行了分类订正。  相似文献   

Microsporogenesis was analyzed in five accessions of Brachiaria dictyoneura presenting x = 6 as the basic chromosome number. All accessions were tetraploid (2n = 4x = 24) with chromosome pairing in bi-, tri-, and quadrivalents. The recorded meiotic abnormalities were those typical of polyploids, including precocious chromosome migration to the poles, laggard chromosomes, and micronucleus formation. The frequency of these abnormalities, however, was lower than those reported for other polyploid accessions previously analyzed for other Brachiaria species. Cell fusion and absence of cytokinesis were also recorded in some accessions, leading to restitutional nucleus formation in some cells. Genetically unbalanced microspores, binucleate, and 2n microspores were found among normal meiotic products as results from these abnormalities. The limitation in using these accessions as pollen donor in interspecific crosses with sexual species with x = 7 or x = 9 in breeding programs is discussed.  相似文献   

Morphological analysis and electrophoresis of seed proteins of fiveLolium species disclosed that they form two distinct groups corresponding to those recognized from compatibility data.Lolium temulentum andL. remotum of the self-pollinated group were shown to be distinct but closely related species. Morphological intergradation and high similarities between protein profiles ofL. perenne, L. multiflorum andL. rigidum (cross-pollinated species) suggest little genetic differentiation between these taxa. This implies that treatment at the infraspecific level might better accomodate the data.  相似文献   

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