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Differences in the frequencies of GM haplotypes among native peoples of the Americas support the hypothesis that there were three distinct waves of migration from northeast Asia into the Americas: Paleo-Indian, Na-Dene, and Inuit (Eskimo)-Aleut (Salzano and Steinberg: Am. J. Hum. Genet. 17:273-279, 1965; Sukernik and Osipova: Hum. Genet. 61:148-153, 1982; Williams et al.:Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 66:1-19, 1985; Szathmary: In R Kirk and E Szathmary (eds): Out of Asia: Peopling of the Americas and the Pacific. Canberra: The Journal of Pacific History, Canberra Australian National University, pp. 79-104, 1985). We studied GM allotypes in two linguistically unique populations of Canadian west coast native peoples, the Haida and the Bella Coola, and compared them to GM frequencies in populations that are supposed descendants of the three migrations, in order to investigate the possible genetic relationships of these British Columbia (BC) groups to other native populations. We also estimated the amount of European admixture from the frequency of the Caucasian haplotype, Gm3;5. Results showed that the frequencies in both BC populations of the three common native haplotypes (Gm1,17;21, Gm1,2,17;21, and Gm1,17;15,16), were intermediate between the frequencies in supposed descendants of Paleo-Indian and Na-Dene. These genetic findings are consistent with the controversial hypothesis of archeologist C. Borden (Science 203:963-971, 1979) that, following deglaciation about 13,000 years ago, British Columbia was repopulated by peoples from the north (?Na-Dene) and by culturally distinct peoples from the south (?Paleo-Indian). Caucasian admixture estimates suggested that the Haida and Bella Coola have also experienced moderate amounts (12-20%) of genetic input from European-originating peoples.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Gm typing on the serum specimens of 507 Ashkenazic Jews (pre-dominantly of Polish-Russian ancestry) from Toronto, Canada has established the presence of haplotypes Gm3;5, Gm1;21, Gm1,2;21, and Gm1,17;5, and the absence of haplotypes Gm1;13,15,16, Gm1;5,6, and Gm1;5,6,24 which have been found in other Jewish peoples. It is suggested that Ashkenazic populations have lower frequencies of haplotype Gm1,17;5 than non-European Jewish populations, and that some eastern European Jewish populations have acquired the Gm1;13,15,16 haplotype through gene flow from Central Asia. Thus Jewish populations show differences in the Gm system; many of the differences may be in the direction of similarities to neighbouring non-Jewish populations.  相似文献   

Serum samples of 683 unrelated male and female individuals of four Sardinian population samples (Sassari, Nuoro, Oristano and Cagliari) were typed for G 1 m (1, 2, 3, 17), G 3 m (5, 6, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 21, 26), and Km (1). Phenotype, haplotype (Gm), and allele frequencies (Km), respectively, show a remarkable variability between these four population samples. Comparisons with other Italian populations reveal the considerable genetic difference of the Sardinians, which is in particular caused by the presence of the haplotype Gm1, 3, 5, 10, 11, 13, 14, 26 in them. This haplotype is quite uncommon in Europeans and may reflect gene flow from Eastern populations (Phoenicians?) who came to this island in ancient-history times.  相似文献   

Distribution of Gm and Km allotypes among ten populations of Assam, India   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Serum samples from ten endogamous populations of Assam, India-Brahmins, Kalitas, Kaibartas, Muslims, Ahoms, Karbis, Kacharis, Sonowals, Chutiyas, and Rajbanshis-were typed for G1m (1, 2, 3, 17), G3m (5, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 21, 26), and Km (1). Among Brahmins, Kalitas, Kaibartas, Muslims, Ahoms, Sonowals, Chutiyas, and Rajbanshis, five different Gm haplotypes were found: Gm1,17;21,26; Gm1,17;10,11,13,15,16; Gm1,2,17;21,26; Gm1,3;5,10,11,13,14,26; and Gm3;5,10,11,13,14,26. Kacharis and Karbis show only four of these haplotypes: Gm3;5,10,11,13,14,26 is absent among them. The intergroup variability in the distribution of these haplotypes is considerable, which can be explained by the ethnohistory of these populations. Genetic distance analysis, in which five Chinese population samples were included, revealed the existence of three main clusters: 1) North and Central Chinese; 2) Kalitas, Kaibartas, Chutiyas, Rajbanshis, Muslims, and Brahmins; and 3) Ahoms, Sonowals, Kacharis, South Chinese, and Karbis. The clusters suggest some genetic relation between these four Assamese populations and South Chinese, which is again understandable considering the ethnohistory of the populations of Northeast India. In the Km system, too, a remarkable variability is seen in distribution of phenotype and allele frequency.  相似文献   

Serum samples from two populations of Catalonia, Spain, 208 from Olot (Gerona) and 209 from Tortosa (Tarragona), were typed for G1m (1, 2, 3, 17), G3m (5, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 26), and Km (1). The Gm patterns of the Catalonian populations are characterized by the presence of four haplotypes, Gm 1,17;21,26 Gm 1,2,17;21,26 Gm 1,3;5,10,11,13,14,26 and Gm 3;5,10,11,13,14,26. The homogeneity for haplotype Gm 1,17;21,26 among our data and other European populations suggests the existence of an isofrequency line which starts from the Mediterranean zone of Iberian Peninsula and continues through the northwestern part of Europe. From this line a decreasing cline towards the south can be observed. For the haplotype Gm 1,2;17,21,26, affinities are observed between Catalonian populations and other populations from central Europe. This confirms the existence of a gradient towards low values from NW to SE. The presence of the typical Mongoloid haplotype Gm 1,3;5,10,11,13,14,26 is discussed in this paper. No significant differences in the frequencies of the Km1 allele were observed among the European populations.  相似文献   

Serum samples from 245 apes (184 Pan troglodytes, five Pan paniscus, 28 Gorilla gorilla, 23 Pongo pygmaeus abelei, and five Pongo pygmaeus pygmaeus) were tested for G1m (1,2,3,17), G2m (23), and G3m (5,6,10,11,13,14,15,16,21,24,28) immunoglobulin allotypes by the classical method of inhibition of hemagglutination. Some phenotypes are species specific while a few are shared by man and African apes.  相似文献   

GM and KM allotypes-genetic markers of immunoglobulin (Ig) gamma and kappa chains, respectively-are associated with humoral immunity to several infection- and autoimmunity-related epitopes. We hypothesized that GM and KM allotypes contribute to the generation of autoantibodies to liver/kidney microsomal antigen 1 (LKM1) in hepatitis C virus (HCV)-infected persons. To test this hypothesis, we characterized 129 persons with persistent HCV infection for several GM and KM markers and for anti-LKM1 antibodies. The heterozygous GM 1,3,17 23 5,13,21 phenotype was significantly associated with the prevalence of anti-LKM1 antibodies (odds ratio, 5.13; P=0.002), suggesting its involvement in this autoimmune phenomenon in HCV infection.  相似文献   

Immunoglobulin allotypes of the GM and KM systems were determined in a sample of Micronesian subjects from Nauru. Four GM haplotypes were identified in the sample: GM*1,3 23 5, 10,11,13,14, GM*1,17 23' 21, GM*1,3 23' 5,10,11,13,14, and GM*1,2,17 23' 21, although the last of these may have been introduced by non-Micronesian admixture. The frequency of the KM*1 allele is 0.115 +/- 0.033, which is slightly lower than reported in Micronesians from the Caroline Islands. RFLPs generated by the enzymes Taq I and Pvu II and detected by a Hu gamma 4 probe were related to GM phenotypes. The haplotypes GM*1,3 +/- 23 5,10,11,13,14 were strongly associated with a Taq I 5.0-kb band. The presence and absence of the allotype G2M 23 were marked by a Pvu II 7.0 + 2.0 kb pair and a Pvu II 9.0-kb fragment, respectively. GM*1,17 23' 21 was strongly associated with a Pvu II 5.0 + 2.7 kb pair. The different relationships between GM haplotypes and Hu gamma 4 RFLPs in Micronesians and Caucasians indicate that a universal GM allogenotyping procedure cannot yet be developed; instead, population-specific procedures are necessitated by differences in GM allotype arrangements between populations.  相似文献   

On the basis of GM and KM typing and language, approximately 28,000 Amerindians were divided into 4 groups of populations: non-Nadene South American (8 groups), non-Nadene North American (7 groups), Nadene (4 groups), and Eskaleuts (6 groups). These groups were compared to four groups of Asian populations. The distribution of GM haplotypes differed significantly among and within these groups as measured by chi-square analysis. Furthermore, as reflected in a maximum linkage cluster analysis, Amerindian populations in general cluster along geographic divisions, with Eskaleuts and Nadenes clustering with the Asian populations and non-Nadene North American and non-Nadene South American populations forming two additional clusters. Based on GM haplotype data and other genetic polymorphisms, the divisions appear to reflect populations that entered the New World at different times. It appears that the South American non-Nadene populations are the oldest, characterized by the haplotypes GM*A G and GM*X G, whereas later North American non-Nadene populations are characterized by high frequencies of GM*A G and low frequencies of GM*X G and GM*A T. In contrast, Eskaleuts appear to have only GM*A G and GM*A T. The Nadene speakers have GM*X G and GM*A T in higher and approximately equal frequencies. Maximum linkage cluster analysis places the Alaskan Athapaskans closest to northwestern Siberian populations and the Eskaleuts closest to the Chukchi, their closest Asian neighbor. These analyses, when combined with other data, suggest that, in the peopling of the New World, at least four separate migrant groups crossed Beringia at various times. It appears likely that the South American non-Nadene entered the New World before 17,000 years B.P. and that the North American non-Nadene entered in the immediate postglacial period, with the Eskaleut and Nadene arriving at a later date.  相似文献   

Murine antisera raised against allogeneic lymphoid cells often contain antibodies to IgM allotypes. Rarely, allotypic antibodies to IgM have been found after immunization withB. pertussis anti-B. pertussis conjugates. Using both types of antibodies, we have defined a new constant-region locus for both secreted and membrane-bound chains. This locus,Ig-6, is closely linked to the previously described H-chain constant-region loci (Ig-1 throughIg-5) and is subject to allelic exclusion. We have identified three alleles and four antigenic specificities ofIg-6.Authors listed alphabetically  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the intra- and inter-population variability of the Gm/Km system in the Madonie Mountains, one of the main geographical barriers in north-central Sicily. We analysed 392 samples: 145 from Alia, 128 from Valledolmo, 25 from Cerda and 94 from Palermo. Serum samples were tested for G1m (1,2,3,17), G2m (23), G3m (5,6,10,11,13,14,15,16,21,24,28) and Km (1) allotypes by the standard agglutination-inhibition method. We found the typical genetic patterns of populations in peripheral areas of the Mediterranean basin, with a high frequency of haplotypes Gm5*;3;23 and Gm5*;3;... The frequency of Gm21,28;1,17;... (about 16%) is rather high compared with other southern areas. Of great importance is the presence of the common African haplotype Gm 5*;1,17;..., ranging in frequency from 1.56% at Valledolmo to 5.5% at Alia. The presence of this haplotype suggests past contacts with peoples from North Africa. The introduction of African markers could be due to the Phoenician colonization at the end of the 2nd millennium b.c. or to the more recent Arab conquest (8th–9th centuries a.d.).  相似文献   

Distribution of Gm and Km allotypes among five populations in China   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Serum samples from five populations in China [173 from Huhehote (Naimengu Zhizhiqu), 195 from the Beijing area, 131 from Hefei (Anhui Province), 155 from Hangzhou (Zhejiang Province), and 152 from Guangzhou (Guangdong Province)] were tested for G1m(1, 2, 3, and 17), G2m(23), G3m(5, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 21, and 26), and Km(1). The Gm pattern of the Chinese populations are characterized by the presence of four haplotypes, Gm1, 17;..;21, 26, Gm1, 2, 17;..;21, 26, Gm1, 17;..;10, 11, 13, 15, 16, and Gm1, 3;23;5, 10, 11, 13, 14, 26, which are characteristic of Mongoloid populations. Agreement was obtained in all Chinese samples between the observed and expected frequencies on the basis of the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium of phenotypes. Heterogeneity tests of the haplotypic distributions among the five populations showed no significant differences in the distributions of Gm phenotypes between Huhehote and Beijing nor between Hefei and Hangzhou, whereas highly significant differences were observed among the three districts: northern part (Huhehote and Beijing), central part (Hefei and Hangzhou), and southern part (Guangzhou). The data indicate a south to north genocline, ranging from Huhehote to Guangzhou in which Gm1, 17;..;21, 26 changes from 0.471 to 0.183, Gm1, 17;..;10, 11, 13, 15, 16 from 0.097 to 0.033, and Gm1, 3;23;5, 10, 11, 13, 14, 26 from 0.229 to 0.730. In contrast to the Gm system, no significant regional differences in the frequencies of the Km1 allele were observed among the five populations.  相似文献   

Blood samples from 448 people living in six villages in the Huon Peninsula in northeast Papua, New Guinea, were tested for Gm(1,2,3,5,6,10,11,13,14,17,21,24,26) and Inv(1) [Km(1)]. All the people are non-Austronesian (NAN) speakers. As expected, there was a low frequency of the Gm1,3,5,10,11,13,14,26 haplotype, but in contradiction to expectations there was a complete absence of the Gm1,2,17,21,26 haplotype. In addition, samples from people in one village (Yupna) and probably those for two other villages (Irumu 13 and 14) have the rare haplotype Gm1,5,10,11,13,14,21,26 at polymorphic frequencies. Two samples from people living in Yupna had the rare phenotype Gm(1,3,17,21,26), indicating the presence of any one of several rare haplotypes that had been observed in other populations. These are discussed.  相似文献   

The greater one-horned rhinoceros (Rhinoceros unicornis) is a flagship species, and yet is poorly known unlike its African cousin. The species future is now under a growing threat, judging by the prospect of a legalization of the horn trade that has been the subject of recent debate, coupled with the fragmentation of the animal's habitat. In this study, we analyze the rhino habitat and assess its dynamics in the Kaziranga National Park (KNP), Assam, India. To compensate for the limited size of the data available, we use some numerical models and propose some original spatial analyses and indicators.Our findings point to a healthy and increasing rhino population in a density-dependent scenario. An increase of at least 30% in the rhino population is expected in the coming twelve years, mainly as a result of the effective implementation of wildlife protection laws in the country. Kaziranga's grasslands have been quite stable in the past (7% between years, in average, and less than 19% at most), and are expected to remain so in the near future, especially in the core area of the KNP. In the absence of a detailed suitability map and known carrying-capacity values, we identified the areas most favoured by the rhinos, and developed a so-called “preference map”. We conclude by stressing the need to realistically combine the existing conservation strategies while increasing the monitoring effort on the species distribution.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial-DNA (mtDNA) restriction patterns were studied in 22 wolves (Canis lupus) sampled in central-northern Italy. A total of 60 restriction sites were detected, encompassing about 2 % of the mitochondrial genome of canids. All wolves showed the same restriction pattern. Therefore, a single mtDNA haplotype was detected in the Italian wolf population. Historical information on peninsular isolation and demographic decline suggest that low genetically effective population size and random drift may have strongly reduced the mtDNA variability of wolves in Italy over the last 100–200 years. A different mtDNA restriction pattern in feral dogs sampled from a wolf range in central Italy was detected. These findings suggest that the hybridization and introgression of female dog genomes into the Italian wolf population may be rare or absent.  相似文献   

Eusociality and male haploidy of bumblebees (Bombus spp.) enhance the deleterious effects of population decline and aggravate the degeneration of population fitness compared to solitary and diploid species. The highly dispersive male sex may be the prime driver to connect otherwise isolated populations. We therefore studied the temporal and spatial structure of the male population of Bombus terrestris (Linnaeus 1758) and Bombus lapidarius (Linnaeus 1758) using microsatellite DNA markers. We found that the majority of the males in a 1000 m2 sampling area originated from colonies located outside of the workers foraging range, which was consistent with the genetic distances among colonies. The analyses of temporal population sub-structure based on both colony detection rate over time and the clustering software STRUCTURE consistently suggested one large and temporally unstructured male population. Our results indicate an extended male flight distance for both species. Though the range of queen dispersal remains to be studied, the effective size (N e) of bumblebees is increased by extended male mating flight ranges (A m ) exceeding worker foraging distance by factor 1.66 (A m  = 69.75 km2) and 1.74 (A m  = 13.41 km2), B. terrestris and B. lapidarius, respectively. Thus this behaviour may counteract genetic deprivation and its effects. All populations were genetically highly diverse and showed no signs of inbreeding. We discuss the implications of our findings in context of bumblebee population dynamics and conservation. We also highlight the effects and benefits of sampling both workers and males for population genetic studies.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity and population structure in Bergenia stracheyi, a threatened medicinal herb in the Western Himalaya of India was analysed using directed amplification of minisatellite DNA (DAMD) and inter simple sequence repeats (ISSR) markers. A total of 41 accessions of B. stracheyi representing three populations (Khillenmarg –KLM, Jalori Pass-JLP and Rohtang-RTG) were considered in the present study. The cumulative data analysis for 26 (10 DAMD + 16 ISSR) markers revealed 87.1% polymorphism. The maximum inter-population genetic distance was found between KLM and JLP, whereas the minimum genetic distance was found between RTG and JLP populations. The analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) revealed maximum percentage of variation among individuals within populations (75%) than among the populations (25%). Clustering pattern of the three sample populations in STRUCTURE and PCoA analyses showed high genetic variation at population level. The present study revealed that distribution patterns, high altitudinal ranges, high habitat specificity, relatively high gene flow, small and isolated population size have shaped the current population structure of B. stracheyi in the Western Himalayan region. DAMD and ISSR markers have provided significant insights into characterization of B. stracheyi populations, and facilitate selection of appropriate accessions for further utilization in conservation and bioprospecting programmes.  相似文献   

Immunoglobulin GM and KM allotypes-genetic markers of gamma and kappa chains, respectively-are associated with immune responsiveness to several infectious pathogens and with survival in certain viral epidemics. We hypothesized that GM and KM allotypes affect the outcome of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. To test this hypothesis, we serologically allotyped 100 persons with well-documented clearance of HCV infection and 198 matched persistently infected persons. None of the GM or KM phenotypes by itself was associated with the clearance or persistence of HCV infection. Particular combinations of these phenotypes, however, were significantly associated with the outcome of HCV infection. Subjects with GM 1,17 5,13 and KM 1,3 phenotypes were over three times (odds ratio [OR], 3.57; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.44 to 8.87) as likely to clear the infection as the subjects who lacked these phenotypes. This GM phenotype had a similar association with clearance in the absence of KM 3 (OR, 2.75; 95% CI, 1.21 to 6.23). The presence of GM 1,3,17 23 5,13 phenotype (in the absence of KM 3) was associated with persistence (OR, 0.21; 95% CI, 0.06 to 0.77), while its absence (in the presence of KM 1,3) was associated with the clearance of infection (OR, 2.03; 95% CI, 1.16 to 3.54). These results show epistatic interactions of genes on chromosomes 14 (GM) and 2 (KM) in influencing the outcome of an HCV infection. Further investigations involving candidate genes (GM, KM, HLA, and Fcgamma receptors) and cellular and humoral immune responses to HCV epitopes are needed to understand the mechanisms underlying these associations.  相似文献   

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