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The additions concerning the morphological characters and measurements of Anomalotrema koiae, Helicometra fasciata, Accacladocoelium macrocotyle, A. petasiporum, and Paraccacladium jamiesoni have been made. Podocotyle atomon (Rud., 1802) in Gaevskaya, Umnova, 1977 described from Sebastes marinus from the northwest Atlantic is considered as Anomalotrema koiae. Helicometra fasciata is found in Mugilidae for the first time. Accacladocoelium macrocotyle and A. petasiporum are found in the new region--the Azores.  相似文献   

Helicometra Odhner, 1902 is reported from temperate Australian marine teleosts in which it appears to be rare. Of 285 species of fishes from 84 families examined, only 10 species from 9 families were infected. One infection, that in Platycephalus speculator caught from off the coast of Western Australia, is highly distinctive and the name Helicometra sprenti n. sp. is proposed for this species. The other infections were from members of the Antennariidae, Apogonidae, Kyphosidae, Labridae, Paralichthyidae, Pinguipedidae, Scorpaenidae and Sparidae, all from off southern Queensland and New South Wales. There is no evidence that infections are common in any of these hosts, which have little relationship to each other. Measurements and figures are presented for representatives from all the host species. Only minor variation was found in features such as body dimensions and the extent of the vitelline follicles, and it is concluded that the specimens probably represent a single species with a very low host-specificity. We suspect that the general scarcity of the worm is consistent with the presence of only one species, although the possibility that a species-complex is present cannot be ruled out. The specimens are broadly consistent with H. fasciata (Rudolphi, 1819), a species first described from Europe, and they are tentatively identified as this species, although it seems likely that ultimately they will prove to represent a different taxon. Determination of the ultimate identity of this form will require the application of molecular and life-cycle studies of worms from different hosts and localities.  相似文献   

A new approach to the genome characterization of trematode sporocysts is described to investigate the life cycles of three species of Helicometra and to compare their degree of specificity for mollusc and teleost hosts.  相似文献   

A list of fish parasites (Digenea) from the coastal waters of Terra Nova Bay (Ross Sea, Antarctica) concerns 10 identified species, namely Macvicaria pennelli, Neolebouria terranovaensis, Helicometra pisanoae, Lepidapedon balgueriasi, L. garradi, Genolinea bowersi, Derogenes johnstoni, Gonocerca phycidis, Elytrophalloides oatesi, Lecithaster macrocotyle, 1 genus Aporocotyle sp. and one specimen undetermined. The total number of species known from the Ross Sea increased from 9 to 12. This number is smaller than those of other Antarctic areas, such as Western Antarctic and Weddell Sea where more extensive investigations were carried out to date.  相似文献   

This paper describes the ultrastructure of the mature spermatozoon of the digenean Helicometra epinepheli. The ultrastructural elements observed are: two axonemes with a 9+"1" pattern of Trepaxonemata, four attachment zones, a nucleus, two mitochondria, external ornamentation of the plasma membrane, spine-like bodies and cortical microtubules. A particularity of this spermatozoon is the presence of an apical cone. However, the spermatozoon presents the general pattern of the Opecoelidae and thus differs from Helicometra fasciata (which appears as an exception in this family) by several ultrastructural features: the presence of external ornamentation and spine-like bodies and the arrangement of cortical microtubules around the first mitochondrion in the region of the ornamentation. Each ultrastructural feature is discussed and compared with the literature to highlight characters which could be useful for phylogeny.  相似文献   

We compared the frequencies of imipenem-resistant (imi-r) mutants of a Pseudomonas aeruginosa laboratory strain PAO1 infected by the phages-transposons (PT) specific for this pseudomonad species. The frequency of imi-r mutants among the lysogenic bacteria that appeared after infection reflects the frequency of integrative (conserved) PT transposition into ompD2 gene responsible for synthesis of porin, the protein required for the passage of antibiotic through the cell membrane. After infection by either PT the proportion of imi-r mutants among the lysogenic bacteria was higher than that of spontaneous mutants. The imi-r mutants induced by PT infection form colonies that differ in morphology when grown on different media. The frequencies of imi-r mutants induced by all PT are similar, except for HW12, PM57, and PM62 assigned to a species of the group B3. The phages of this species induce imi-r mutants at a high frequency. Variations in frequencies and colony morphology of imi-r mutants are discussed.  相似文献   

To an approximation Chargaff's rule (%A = %T; %G = %C) applies to single-stranded DNA. In long sequences, not only complementary bases but also complementary oligonucleotides are present in approximately equal frequencies. This applies to all species studied. However, species usually differ in base composition. With the goal of understanding the evolutionary forces involved, I have compared the frequencies of trinucleotides in long sequences and their shuffled counterparts. Among the 32 complementary trinucleotide pairs there is a hierarchy of frequencies which is influenced both by base composition (not affected by shuffling the order of the bases) and by base order (affected by shuffling). The influence of base order is greatest in DNA of 50% G + C and seems to reflects a more fundamental hierarchy of dinucleotide frequencies. Thus if TpA is at low frequency, all eight TpA-containing trinucleotides are at low frequency. Mammals and their viruses share similar hierarchies, with intra- and intergenomic differences being mainly associated with differences in base composition (percentage G + C). E. coli and, to a lesser extent, Drosophila melanogaster hierarchies differ from mammalian hierarchies; this is associated with differences both in base composition and in base order. It is proposed that Chargaff's rule applies to single-stranded DNA because there has been an evolutionary selection pressure favoring mutations that generate complementary oligonucleotides in close proximity, thus creating a potential to form stem-loops. These are dispersed throughout genomes and are rate-limiting in recombination. Differences in (G + C)% between species would impair interspecies recombination by interfering with stem-loop interactions.  相似文献   

Self-compatible gametes and short-lived larvae in the sessile solitary ascidians Corella inflata Huntsman and Chelyosoma productum Stimpson suggest that field populations might be characterized by limited dispersal and self-fertilization. Because C. inflata in the laboratory spawns gametes into its atrium and retains offspring until they are competent to settle, it was expected to show an almost complete lack of outcrossing in the field. C. productum, in the laboratory, spawns streams of gametes, sometimes eggs and sperm simultaneously, into the water and is self-compatible. Embryos develop for an additional day in the plankton before hatching. Thus, some setting was also expected for C. productum, though it appears to have a far greater potential for gene flow with both outcrossing and more extended larval dispersal possible. Genetic population structure in these species was examined using protein electrophoresis to determine frequencies of heterozygotes at the polymorphic locus glucosephosphate isomerase (GPI). Heterozygotes were found in both species indicating that outcrossing occurs. At three locations, C. inflata genotype frequencies did not differ significantly from Hardy-Weinberg expected frequencies and indicated from 41 to 100% outcrossing. Another measure of breeding system (S), calculated from the same data, gave a pooled location outcrossing estimate of 82%. Also, the three locations did not differ significantly from each other in allele frequencies, indicating a lack of genetic differentiation on a scale ≈ 100 km. Brooded embryos and short-lived larvae do not appear to be limiting gene flow on this scale in this species.  相似文献   

Populations of the morphological species, Nilaparvata lugens (Stål), were found to breed and feed on the grass, Leersia hexandra Schwartz, at six sites in Queensland, Australia. They differ from sympatric rice-feeding populations in characters of pulse repetition frequencies of male and female acoustic courtship signals. The two host-derived populations hybridize freely in the laboratory, but in mate choice experiments show very significant preferences for homogametic matings. No indication of field hybridization has been found, so that the two morphologically inseparable populations represent sympatric biological species in Australia.
Populations from L. hexandra are also reported from four localities in Sri Lanka and one in Orissa, India. These resemble previously studied populations from the Philippines. They differ significantly in courtship call characters, both from sympatric rice-associated populations and from allopatric Leersia -associated populations from Australia.
The geographical variation reported for acoustic signals is not consistent with Paterson's recognition concept of species, but may be interpreted in terms of theories of allopatric speciation involving sexual selection for mate recognition signals.  相似文献   

Summary Previous studies have suggested that tropical and temperate-zone lizards may differ fundamentally in life histories. We tested the applicability of this idea to Australian species by comparing temperate-zone species of agamid and scincid lizards with their congeners from the seasonal tropics. Data were derived from dissection of 1,941 specimens and from published information. Clutch size and egg size were positively correlated with mean maternal body size in most lizard species from both climatic zones. Mean body size of the lizards studies did not differ between the tropics and the temperate zone, nor did egg or hatchling size. However, tropical skinks showed considerably (approximately 20%) lower clutch size and relative clutch mass than did temperate-zone skinks. This difference was partly due to the higher incidence of species with low, invariant clutch size in the tropical lizard fauna (as seen in other continents as well), but primarily due to a trend for lineages (especially genera) with relatively high fecundity to be more common in the temperate zone than in the tropics. In contrast to studies on African lizards, our data suggested that modification of clutch size between areas has not occurred within genera: congeneric species from the tropics and temperate zone did not differ in clutch size. Production of more than one clutch per annum by individual females was common in both climatic zones. Tropical lizards may differ from temperate-zone species in showing higher reproductive frequencies, more rapid growth and earlier maturation. However, most of these effects may be due to phenotypic responses to environmental conditions (especially longer annual activity season), rather than to genetically based lifehistory adaptations.  相似文献   

Abstract. We evaluated the importance of dispersal for species frequencies and distribution by comparing dispersal properties of vascular plant species with their frequencies along river banks. We assumed that species with long-floating seeds would be more frequent than species with short-floating seeds. We compiled data on frequencies of vascular plants and their dispersal properties from ten rivers in northern Sweden and compared these with boreal forests and grasslands in the same region. In all rivers, but in none of the reference areas, there was a positive relationship between floating capacity and frequency of species. A comparison of floating capacity between species with and without certain dispersal devices showed that seeds of vegetatively dispersed species had higher floating capacities than other seeds. For other dispersal categories (animal and wind dispersal), floating time did not differ from contrast groups. The results indicate that water dispersal has a certain role in structuring the riparian flora, and provide a basis for explaining species distribution patterns from dispersal characteristics. They also suggest that continuous river corridors are important for maintaining regional biodiversity.  相似文献   

Geographical distribution of Devonian radiolarians is analyzed and four radiolarian provinces and six subprovinces are recognized for the first time: Euramerican (North American, European, Ural, and Northern subprovinces), Siberian, Paleoasiatic (South China and Japan subprovinces), and Australian. The provinces differ in morphological characters of skeletons, number of genera and species, and frequencies of particular taxa. The term “aboriginal” species is proposed to designate species that constantly dwell in a province or subprovince during certain period.  相似文献   

It has been found that distress signals of bank and northern red-backed voles and their hybrids do not differ in qualitative characters, but the modes of the acoustic signal parameters in many cases differ in the hybrids depending on their origin and can be correlated with the inheritance of some morphological characters that are typical for the species. It is noted that the distress-signal frequencies (quartiles) differ significantly in the first-generation hybrids of various origin and their characteristics are closer to those of the paternal parent species. It has been found that the inheritance of the frequency characteristics by the second-generation hybrids does not have a well-pronounced regularity.  相似文献   

For evolutionary studies of polyploid species estimates of the genetic identity between species with different degrees of ploidy are particularly required because gene counting in samples of polyploid individuals often cannot be done, e.g., in triploids the phenotype AB can be genotypically either ABB or AAB. We recently suggested a genetic distance measure that is based on phenotype counting and made available the computer program POPDIST. The program provides maximum-likelihood estimates of the genetic identities and distances between polyploid populations, but this approach is not informative for populations within species that only differ in their allele frequencies. We now close this gap by applying the frequencies of shared 'bands' in both populations to Nei's identity measure. Our simulation study demonstrates the close correlation between the band-sharing identity and the genetic identity calculated on the basis of gene frequencies for any degree of ploidy. The new extended version of POPDIST (version 1.2.0) provides the option of choosing either the maximum-likelihood estimator or the band-sharing measure.  相似文献   

This paper elaborates on a hybrid index that utilizes information from genetic markers to quantify the genetic contribution of hybridizing species to individuals of unknown ancestry. Dominant markers will only lead to reliable and accurate estimates of hybrid index in later generation hybrids. In contrast, codominant markers can be fully resolved and their use is unproblematic. For both types of markers and allele frequencies that differ substantially between parental species (FST ≥ 0.17), a hybrid index based on 35–45 loci will have a nearly minimal confidence interval. Estimates of hybrid index are robust to modest errors in estimates of parental allele frequencies.  相似文献   

We investigated a Lake Victoria cichlid with a complex colour polymorphism that apparently represents one original species and two incipient species, all of which are sympatric. In laboratory breeding experiments we observed sex ratio distortion in certain matings between original and incipient species. Mate choice experiments show that males of the incipient species exhibit mating preferences against the original species, and males and females of the original species exhibit strong mating preferences against the incipient species. Mating preferences might evolve by sex ratio selection to avoid matings with distorted progeny sex ratios. Phenotype frequencies in nature suggest that mating preferences translate into mating frequencies, thus restricting gene flow and exerting disruptive sexual selection between the original and incipient species. The incipient species do not differ in morphology or ecology from the original species, implying that colour polymorphism, associated with sex ratio distortion, can be an incipient stage in sympatric speciation, and that disruption of gene flow can precede ecological differentiation.  相似文献   

Leimu R 《Annals of botany》2004,93(1):107-113
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Self-fertility may be selected for in small and isolated plant populations of normally outcrossing species. In addition, adaptations for self-fertility are likely to arise in island populations and in populations that are located at the border of the species range. The mating system of Vincetoxicum hirundinaria (Asclepiadaceae) is examined in island populations that are located at the northern border of the species range. METHODS: Pollination experiments were conducted under glasshouse conditions with plants from four populations. KEY RESULTS: The frequencies of self-fertile individuals were relatively high and did not differ among populations. Cross-pollination resulted in higher fruit set than self-pollination. However, fruit-set from self-pollination and cross-pollination did not differ in the self-fertile individuals. Interestingly, the proportion of aborted fruits was on average higher following cross-pollination than following self-pollination. No differences were observed in seed number or seed mass between self- and cross-pollinated fruits. Pollen tube growth following self- and cross-pollinations was indistinguishable. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study revealed that V. hirundinaria possess a mixed-mating system in the studied island populations. Evidence was also provided for a late-acting self-incompatibility system commonly observed in Asclepiadaceae. No clear signs of inbreeding depression were observed in the early stages of development.  相似文献   

Allozyme variation of Japanese emperor oak Quercus dentata Thunb. and Mongolian oak Quercus mongolica Fisch. ex Lebed.) was examined in 11 populations of these species from southern Primorye. Analysis of 18 loci showed that in these populations, 66.7% of genes of Mongolian oak are polymorphic, the number of alleles per locus being 2.28. In Japanese emperor oak, these parameters were respectively 59.8 and 2.36%. The observed heterozygosity in both species did not differ from the expected values, constituting 0.198 in Japanese emperor oak and 0.161 in Maongolian oak. The Nei's distance between Quercus mongolica and Q. dentate was 0.053. The Japanese emperor oak and Mongolian oak populations formed separate clusters in an UPGMA dendrogram. Taking into account morphological and ecological isolation of the species, we suggest that the differences in gene frequencies may reflect selection acting in favor of adaptation to different growth conditions and counteracting between-species hybridization.  相似文献   

Nelson Ramirez 《Flora》2010,205(4):229-241
Classes of pollination agents and pollination system specificities were evaluated according to the vegetation structure in the Venezuelan Central Plain. Two main questions were examined: (i) Do the frequencies of pollination categories estimated at plant species level differ from those estimated considering plant abundance? and (ii) Does plant abundance differ according to categories of pollination in the context of each vegetation attribute? The frequencies of classes of pollination agents and systems of pollination specificity were estimated at plant species and plant abundance level for the community, habitats, life-forms, strata, horizontal disposition, and season. Besides, plant abundance of each category of pollination agent classes and systems of pollination specificity were statistically compared. Most of the comparisons between the frequency of plant species and plant abundance were non-significant (58.3%). The multivariate classifications of life-forms and habitats according to pollination agent classes using plant species and plant abundance separately are very similar. In both analyses, perennial herbs come out as a separate group, which is associated with a comparable frequency distribution of pollination agent classes. The frequency distributions of polyphilous, oligophilous, and monophilous species were statistically higher for plant abundance than for plant species in the disturbed area and in the lowest stratum (D), which is primarily associated with the relation between life-forms and vegetation strata. The average values of abundance for wind-pollinated plants were found to be larger than those for other categories of pollination systems specificity and pollination agent classes, respectively, in the forest–savanna transition and overall community. All anemephilous species have clumped distribution and plant abundance was higher in this case than what was found with the other categories of pollination specificity with clumped distribution. Estimates of pollination agent classes at plant species level proved to be a practical method to estimate pollination frequency, mainly for those studies related to the floristic composition of the community. The large values of abundance for wind-pollinated species are in concordance with the savanna–forest mosaic vegetation growing in the Venezuelan Central Plain, but are in contrast with the comparatively low percentage of wind-pollinated species recorded.  相似文献   

The species Helicometra boseli Nagaty, 1956 is redescribed from the holocentrid Sargocentron spiniferum (Forsskål) off New Caledonia. It is characterised by a short forebody, long cirrus-sac, reaching well into the hindbody, and undulating lateral margins. Stenopera rectisaccus Fischthal & Kuntz, 1964 is considered a synonym. The status of the four species of Helicometra Odhner, 1902 from holocentrids is discussed. Three of the Helicometra species reported from holocentrids exhibit characteristics used to erect the genus Stenopera Manter, 1933, which is currently considered a junior synonym of Helicometra.  相似文献   

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