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Calf-thymocyte membrane vesicles, prepared by hypotonic lysis and homogenization, were isolated by standard centrifugal techniques designed for enrichment of plasma membrane. At 20°C, these vesicles equilibrated with d-glucose and 3-O-methyl-d-glucose more rapidly than with l-glucose. About 25% of the equilibrium d-sugar space (6 μl/mg protein) was very slowly penetrated by l-glucose ( ). The time course of d-sugar accumulation in excess of l-glucose accumulation indicated that this space equilibrated with d-glucose and 3-O-methyl-d-glucose with half-times of approximately 0.2–0.4 min. The remainder of the equilibrium d-sugar space (about 75%) appeared equally accessible to both glucose isomers ( to 5 min). This was confirmed in studies of efflux from preloaded vesicles, where the d-glucose space fell with a short half-time (0.2 min) to the l-glucose space, after which the two isomers exited with the same half-time. Addition of sucrose to increase osmolarity reduced both spaces (specific and non-specific) in a manner which indicated that little if any of the vesicle sugar was bound. This was confirmed by the fact that equilibrium glucose space was independent of glucose concentration and by the fact that vesicles immediately lost their sugar when diluted with water at 0°C. These data indicate the presence of two vesicle types, discriminant and indiscriminant as regards transport of the glucose isomers. Entry of d-glucose into the discriminant (stereospecific) vesicles was temperature sensitive (Q10 > 2), saturable (Km 2 mM), and was inhibited by phloretin (Ki < 200 μM), N-ethylmaleimide (Ki < 10 mM) and cytochalasin B (Ki < 2 μM), suggesting that these vesicles contain the plasma-membrane glucose carrier. Entry of l- and d-glucose into the indiscriminant vesicles showed none of these properties. The equilibrium-exchange Km and V were about five times the entry Km and V, indicating the substrate loading greatly facilitates carrier translocation, at least in the outward direction.  相似文献   

Depletion of energy stores of human red cells decreases the maximum transport capacity, Jm, for glucose transport to a value one-third or less of that found in red cells from freshly drawn blood. There is no change in Km. Hemolysis and resealing of red cells with ATP or ADP reverses the decrease in Jm. The maximum effect occurs at concentrations of ATP in the normal range for red cells, however, there is little effect from ADP concentrations in its normal range in freshly drawn red cells. Hemolysis and resealing with ATP gives an increase in Jm and an increase in differential labeling by photolytic labeling with tritiated cytochalasin B. Most of the activation is lost after a second hemolysis-reseal without ATP but about 25% of the activation remains.  相似文献   

Uptake and efflux of 6-deoxy-d-[3H]glucose and of 2-deoxy-d-[14C]glucose by the yeast Kluyveromyces lactis was studied. The tritiated, nonphosphorylatable hexose analogue leaves the cell in the absence and presence of intracellular 2-deoxy-d-glucose 6-phosphate. In energy-rich cells containing pools of hexose 6-phosphate, 2-deoxy-d-glucose is trapped in the cells, for it neither effluxes into glucose-free medium nor exchanges with external, free sugar. In starved, poisoned cells containing negligible amounts of 2-deoxy-d-glucose 6-phosphate, 2-deoxy-d-glucose does leave the cells upon transfer to glucose-free medium. An involvement of analogue structure and availability of metabolites of energy-rich cells in hexose retention is suggested. An internal pool of 6-deoxy-d-glucose does not affect the rate of uptake of 6-deoxy-d-[3H]glucose, nor does internal 2-deoxy-d-[14C]glucose 6-phosphate influence that rate. Hence, transport of glucose by this yeast is probably not regulated by internal pools of glucose 6-phosphate.  相似文献   

In chicken thymocytes isolated from 15–40 day-old chickens, after a 2 h incubation at 37°C, insulin stimulated amino isobutyric acid uptake (maximal response: 40–50% of increase at 1 μg insulin/ml and half maximal response at 60 ng/ml) by specifically stimulating the influx without altering the efflux. Insulin also stimulated glucose oxidation (maximal response: 11% of increase at 1 μg insulin/ml). Binding of 125I-labelled chicken insulin to thymocytes was rapid and higher at 15°C than at 37°C. At steady state, (90 min at 15°C), chicken, porcine and goose insulins were equipotent in inhibiting the binding of 125I-labelled chicken insulin. Maximal binding capacity was estimated at 1250 pg insulin/108 cells, i.e., 1250 binding sites/cell with an apparent dissociation constant of 200 ng insulin/ml at 15°C. Degradation of 125I-labelled chicken insulin in the incubation medium was negligible at 15°C but very noticeable at 37°C. Therefore, the low level of insulin binding at 15°C reflects a true scarcity of insulin receptors in chicken thymocytes as compared to rat thymocytes.  相似文献   

Thyroid rough microsomes catalyzed the synthesis of glucose-containing oligosaccharide lipids which were compared to those extracted from labeled thyroid cells and were found to be largely similar.Glucose transfer to these oligosaccharide lipids in the microsomal system was shown to be markedly depressed by an addition of GDPmannose. This sugar nucleotide, already at 1μM, blocked dolichol-P-glucose synthesis, thus restraining further glucosylation of oligosaccharide lipids. Using this concentration of radioactive GDPmannose in the incubation medium lead to the detection of three glucose containing mannose-labeled oligosaccharide lipids. Double labeling experiments suggested a precursor-product relationship between them.Previously labeled oligosaccharide lipids, containing glucose or not were compared in their efficiency to acr as donors of their oligosaccharide chain to an exogenous synthetic Asn-X-Thr containing peptide. It was foun that the presence of glucose did not signifantly influence the transfer. Free glucose was released during the reaction when using the glucose-labeled oligosaccharide lipid.  相似文献   

The glucose transport system, isolated from rat adipocyte membrane fractions, was reconstituted into phospholipid vesicles. Vesicles composed of crude egg yolk phospholipids, containing primarily phosphatidylcholine (PC) and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), demonstrated specific d-glucose uptake. Purified vesicles made of PC and PE also supported such activity but PC or PE by themselves did not. The modulation of this uptake activity has been studied by systematically altering the lipid composition of the reconstituted system with respect to: (1) polar headgroups; (2) acyl chains, and (3) charge. Addition of small amounts (20 mol%) of PS, phosphatidylinositol (PI), cholesterol, or sphingomyelin significantly reduced glucose transport activity. A similar effect was seen with the charged lipid, phosphatidic acid. In the case of PS, this effect was independent of the acyl chain composition. Polar headgroup modification of PE, however, did not appreciably affect transport activity. Free fatty acids, on the other hand, increased or decreased activity based on the degree of saturation and charge. These results indicate that glucose transport activity is sensitive to specific alterations in both the polar headgroup and acyl chain composition of the surrounding membrane lipids.  相似文献   

The effects of cholinergic stimulation on glucose equilibrium exchange rate have been studied in human erythrocytes. Carbamylcholine increases the V of equilibrium exchange by 20% but has no significant effect on Km. The cholinergic effect is abolished by the muscarinic antagonist atropine or by alterations in intracellular calcium concentrations induced by the calcium ionophore A23187.  相似文献   

The glucose transport system from Saccharomyces cerevisiae was solubilized from isolated plasma membranes by the nonionic detergent, octylglucoside. The transport system was reconstituted into proteoliposomes with removal of detergent from the extract by dialysis, followed by the addition of asolectin liposomes to the dialyzed proteins with a freeze-thaw and brief bath-sonication step. The reconstituted proteoliposomes exhibit specific carrier-mediated facilitated diffusion of d-glucose, including stimulated equilibrium exchange and influx counterflow. Furthermore, the reconstituted facilitated diffusion system shows substrate specificities similar to those of the intact cell d-glucose transport system.  相似文献   

Intestinal brush border vesicles of a Mediterranean sea fish (Dicentrarchus labrax) were prepared using the Ca2+-sedimentation method. The transport of glucose, glycine and 2-aminoisobutyric acid is energized by an Na+ gradient (out > in). In addition, amino acid uptake requires Cl? in the extravesicular medium (2-aminoisobutyric acid more than glycine). This Na+- and Cl?-dependent uptake is electrogenic, since it can be stimulated by negative charges inside the vesicles. The specific Cl? requirement of glycine and 2-aminoisobutyric acid transport is markedly influenced by pH, a change from 6.5 to 8.4 reducing the role played by Cl?. In the presence of Cl?, the Km of 2-aminoisobutyric acid uptake is reduced and its Vmax is enhanced. Cl? affects also a non-saturable Na+-dependent component of this amino acid uptake. Amino acid transport is also increased by intravesicular Cl? (2-aminoisobutyric acid less than glycine). This effect is more concerned with glucose uptake, which can be then multiplied by 2.3. A concentration gradient (in > out) as well as the presence of Na+ in the incubation medium seems to enter into this requirement. This intravesicular Cl? effect is not influenced by pH between 6.5 and 8.4.  相似文献   

The kinetic mechanism of chlorpromazine inhibition of erythrocyte hexose transport was investigated using the non-metabolizable glucose analog 3-O-methylglucose. It was found that chlorpromazine added to the external medium is a non-competitive inhibitor of both equilibrium exchange and net 3-O-methylglucose transport at pH 7.8, 15°C. The Ki for equilibrium exchange is 76 ± 21 μM. When net efflux and equilibrium exchange were measured on the same population of cells the equilibrium exchange was 2.5-times the maximum net efflux. The percent reduction of 3-O-methylglucose flux by chlorpromazine is dependent upon chlorpromazine concentration and not 3-O-methylglucose concentration as expected for a non-competitive inhibitor. Equilibrium exchange and net efflux show the same extent of inhibition at each concentration of chlorpromazine evaluated. These results suggest that exchange and net efflux of 3-O-methylglucose in the human erythrocyte may share a common transport system.  相似文献   

2-Deoxyglucose and 3-O-methyglucose were used to assess endotoxin-induced changes in glucose transport in rat adipocytes. 6 h after Escherichia coli endotoxin injection insulin-stimulated 2-deoxyglucose uptake was significantly depressed (V decreased, Kmunaltered), phosphorylation of 2-deoxyglucose was seemingly unimpaired; basal 3-methylglucose entry was significantly increased, insulin-stimulated uptake was unaltered. Insulin significantly reduced Km in control and endotoxin-treated cells. Cytochalasin B-insensitive uptake of both 2-deoxyglucose and 3-methylglucose, a small fraction of total transport, increased significantly in endotoxic cells. Endotoxin reduced spermine- and insulin-stimulated 2-deoxyglucose uptake to a similar extent. Results are consistent with the hypotheses that (1) a site of endotoxin-induced insulin resistance is at the cell membrane level and may reflect a decrease in number or activity of effective carrier units, rather than alterations in affinity, (2) endotoxin does not compromise the hexokinase system, (3) the cell membrane-localized effect of endotoxin on hexose transport is not necessarily mediated by the insulin receptor and (4) the entry of 2-deoxyglucose and 3-methylglucose may involve two separate transport systems.  相似文献   

Abstract Ethanol and acetic acid, at concentrations which may occur during wine-making, inhibited the transport of l-malic acid in Schizosaccharomyces pombe . The inhibition was non-competitive, the decrease of the maximum initial velocity following exponential kinetics. Glucose transport was not significantly affected either by ethanol (up to 13%, w/v) or by acetic acid (up to 1.5%, w/v). The uptake of labelled acetic acid followed simple diffusion kinetics, indicating that a carrier was not involved in its transport. Therefore, the undissociated acid appears to be the only form that enters the cells and is probably responsible for the toxic effects. Accordingly, deacidification by Ss. pombe during wine fermentation should take place before, rather than after, the main alcoholic fermentation by Saccharomyces cerevisiae .  相似文献   

Human erythrocyte membranes, at a protein concentration of 1–2 g/l, were solubilized with 0.12 M cholate in the presence of 0.06 M phospholipid (egg yolk phospholipids or phosphatidylcholine). More than 40% of the protein was solubilized. Cholate was removed by molecular sieve chromatography, whereby liposomes formed. These liposomes exchanged D-glucose faster than L-glucose. The recovery of glucose transport activity in the reconstituted system was estimated to be higher than 16%.The liposomes were heterogeneous in size, as shown by molecular sieve chromatography on Sepharose 4B, and small liposomes predominated. In liposomes formed with phosphatidylcholine, the distribution of glucose transport activity did not parallel the distribution of protein or phospholipid, and the activity was found mainly in the smallest liposomes. The proteins were incorporated mainly into the liposomes that eluted at the lowest ionic strength upon ion exchange chromatography.The glucose transport activity separated into three main peaks upon ion exchange chromatography of egg yolk phospholipid liposomes. The activity eluted at low ionic strength. The liposomes contained proteins mainly from the 3- and 4.5-regions (nomenclature according to Steck, T.L. (1974) J. Cell Biol. 62, 1–19). The activity peaks were highest in the first part of the chromatogram. The protein distribution did not coincide with the variation in activity over each peak. Therefore, it cannot be excluded that a minor component not seen in the electrophoretic analyses might be responsible for the glucose transport activity.  相似文献   

Embryonic chick heart cells in culture transport 2-deoxy-D-glucose and 3-O-methyl-D-glucose very rapidly. By direct measurements of uptake, it was not possible to estimate accurately transport rates, nor, with 2-deoxyglucose, to discriminate clearly between its transport and phosphorylation. In contrast, the technique of countertransport made it possible to determine precisely initial transport velocity and to make the following observations: (1) phosphorylation, and not transport, is rate-limiting in 2-deoxyglucose uptake; (2) hexose transport is stimulated 5-fold by removal of glucose from culture medium; and (3) this stimulation is followed by an increase in phosphorylation, but the effect is much less pronounced (2-fold stimulation only). In conclusion, the adaptative regulation of glucose transport described in many fibroblast cell lines exists also in cardiac cells.  相似文献   

Mammalian Mrp2 and its yeast orthologue, Ycf1p, mediate the ATP-dependent cellular export of a variety of organic anions. Ycf1p also appears to transport the endogenous tripeptide glutathione (GSH), whereas no ATP-dependent GSH transport has been detected in Mrp2-containing mammalian plasma membrane vesicles. Because GSH uptake measurements in isolated membrane vesicles are normally carried out in the presence of 5-10 mM dithiothreitol (DTT) to maintain the tripeptide in the reduced form, the present study examined the effects of DTT and other sulfhydryl-reducing agents on Ycf1p- and Mrp2-mediated transport activity. Uptake of S-dinitrophenyl glutathione (DNP-SG), a prototypic substrate of both proteins, was measured in Ycf1p-containing Saccharomyces cerevisiae vacuolar membrane vesicles and in Mrp2-containing rat liver canalicular plasma membrane vesicles. Uptake was inhibited in both vesicle systems in a concentration-dependent manner by DTT, dithioerythritol, and β-mercaptoethanol, with concentrations of 10 mM inhibiting by ∼40%. DTT’s inhibition of DNP-SG transport was noncompetitive. In contrast, ATP-dependent transport of [3H]taurocholate, a substrate for yeast Bat1p and mammalian Bsep bile acid transporters, was not significantly affected by DTT. DTT also inhibited the ATP-dependent uptake of GSH by Ycf1p. As the DTT concentration in incubation solutions containing rat liver canalicular plasma membrane vesicles was gradually decreased, ATP-dependent GSH transport was now detected. These results demonstrate that Ycf1p and Mrp2 are inhibited by concentrations of reducing agents that are normally employed in studies of GSH transport. When this inhibition was partially relieved, ATP-dependent GSH transport was detected in rat liver canalicular plasma membranes, indicating that both Mrp2 and Ycf1p are able to transport GSH by an ATP-dependent mechanism.  相似文献   

The Na+-dependent d-glucose transport reaction in rabbit jejunal brush-border vesicles was studied. Initial rate data were obtained by fitting a polynomial equation to progress curves at different d-glucose concentrations and extracting the slope of the tangent at zero-time. Kinetic replots of the initial rate values produced biphasic Hofstee patterns indicative of two pathways for transport distinguished by their Km values for glucose. Neither was dependent on the presence of a membrane potential. Both were dependent on Na+ and both were inhibited by phlorizin. Increasing external sodium was found to elevate the apparent Vmax for both pathways. Internal sodium was inhibitory. Pulsed progress curve analysis indicated that the effect of internal sodium was best characterized as carrier sequestration by a sodium-carrier binary complex. Inhibition by internal sodium was completely reversed by the presence, internally, of d-glucose. The presence of two pathways and the kinetic constants for these pathways do not agree with the conclusions of Hopfer and Groseclose (1980) J. Biol. Chem. 255, 4453–4462). Experiments are presented which bear on the reason for the disagreement.  相似文献   

Newborn rats were injected immediately after delivery with glucose or glucose plus mannoheptulose, and the time-courses of liver glycogen, plasma glucose, insulin and glucagon concentration were studied. The administration of glucose prevented both liver glycogenolysis and the increase in plasma glucagon concentration which normally occurs immediately after delivery. In addition, the administration of glucose prevented the decrease of plasma glucose and insulin concentration which normally occurs during the first hour of extrauterine life. Supplementation of glucose with mannoheptulose prevented the increase of plasma insulin concentrations caused by the administration of glucose; liver glycogenolysis, however, was not stimulated in these circumstances. The increase in the rate of glycogenolysis caused by the administration of glucagon was prevented in newborn rats previously treated with glucose. These results suggest that glucose exerts an inhibitory effect on the stimulation of neonatal liver glycogenolysis by glucagon.  相似文献   

Cardiac myocytes were isolated from adult rat ventricles by a method which preserves their functional integrity, including long survival in physiological concentrations of Ca2+. Sarcolemmal glucose transport was assessed by measuring linear initial uptake rates of the nonmetabolized glucose analog3-O-methyl-d-glucose. Transport was saturable and showed competition byd-glucose and other features of chemical and stereo-selectivity. Transport was stimulated by insulin in a dose-dependent manner, resulting in an almost 5-fold increase inVmax, with little change inKm. Stimulation of 3-methylglucose transport by insulin was largely Ca2+ -dependent. Omission of Ca2+ from the incubation medium caused a minor rise in basal 3-methylglucose uptake but the insulin-stimulated rise inVmax was only 30%. The Ca2+ antagonist D600 also antagonized stimulation of hexose transport by insulin. In all the above respects, 3-methylglucose transport in myocytes is identical to that in intact heart muscle. In addition, the decrease in insulin response by Ca2+ emission was partially reversed by subsequent return to a Ca2+ -containing medium. ATP levels remained stable in the absence of Ca2+, showing that the Ca2+ dependence did not reflect nonspecific cell damage.  相似文献   

Two transport systems for glucose were detected: a high affinity system with a Km of 27 μM, and a low affinity system with a Km of 3.3 mM. The high affinity system transported glucose, 2-deoxy-d-glucose (Km = 26 μM), 3-O-methylglucose (Km = 19 μM), d-glucosamine (Km = 652 μM), d-fructose (Km = 2.3 mM) and l-sorbose (Km = 2.2 mM). All sugars were accumulated against concentration gradients. The high affinity system was strongly or completely inhibited by N-ethylmaleimide, quercetin, 2,4-dinitrophenol and sodium azide. The system had a distinct pH optimum (7.4) and optimum temperature (45°C). The low affinity system transported glucose, 2-deoxy-d-glucose (Km = 7.5 mM), and 3-O-methylglucose (Km = 1.5 mM). Accumulation again occurred against a concentration gradient. The low affinity system was inhibited by N-ethylmaleimide, quercetin and 2,4-dinitrophenol, but not by sodium azide. The rate of uptake by the low affinity system was constant over a wide temperature range (30–50°C) and was not much affected by pH; but as the pH of the medium was altered from 4.5 to 8.9 a co-ordinated increase in affinity for 2-deoxy-d-glucose (from 52.1 mM to 0.3 mM) and decrease in maximum velocity (by a factor of five) occurred. Both uptake systems were present in sporelings germinated in media containing sodium acetate as sole carbon source. Only the low affinity system could initially be demonstrated in glucose-grown tissue, although the high affinity system was restored by starvation in glucose-free medium. The half-time for restoration of high affinity activity was 3.5 min and the process was unaffected by cycloheximide. Addition of glucose to an acetate-grown culture inactivated the high affinity system with a half-life of 5–7.5 s. Addition of cycloheximide to an acetate-grown culture caused decay of the high affinity system with a half-life of 80 min. Regulation is thus thought to depend on modulation of protein activity rather than synthesis, and the kinetics of glucose, 2-deoxy-d-glucose and 3-O-methylglucose uptake would be consistent with there being a single carrier showing negative co-operativity.  相似文献   

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