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RhoGEFs are central controllers of small G-proteins in cells and are regulated by several mechanisms. There are at least 22 human RhoGEFs that contain SH3 domains, raising the possibility that, like several other enzymes, SH3 domains control the enzymatic activity of guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) domains through intra- and/or intermolecular interactions. The structure of the N-terminal SH3 domain of Kalirin was solved using NMR spectroscopy, and it folds much like other SH3 domains. However, NMR chemical shift mapping experiments showed that this Kalirin SH3 domain is unique, containing novel cooperative binding site(s) for intramolecular PXXP ligands. Intramolecular Kalirin SH3 domain/ligand interactions, as well as binding of the Kalirin SH3 domain to the adaptor protein Crk, inhibit the GEF activity of Kalirin. This study establishes a novel molecular mechanism whereby intramolecular and intermolecular Kalirin SH3 domain/ligand interactions modulate GEF activity, a regulatory mechanism that is likely used by other RhoGEF family members.  相似文献   

A set of conserved water positions making direct contacts with the alpha1 and alpha2 domains of the MHC class-I protein was identified by a cluster analysis in 12 high-resolution crystal structures of proteins from different allele types and different species, comprising human, mouse and rat. The analysis revealed a total of 63 clusters, corresponding to water molecules, whose positions are conserved in half or more of the analyzed structures. Analysis of these clusters shows that the most conserved water positions-those appearing in the largest fraction of the structures-were also the most accurately defined, as measured by their normalized crystallographic B-factor. Not too surprisingly, these positions displayed better overlap and formed more H-bonds with the protein. In a second part of this work, a detailed analysis is presented of three of the most conserved water positions and their putative structural and functional roles are discussed. The most highly conserved of the three appears to play an important role in stabilizing the conformation of a twisted beta-turn between residues 118 and 122 (numbering of HLA-B3501, PDB code 1A1N). An equivalent water molecule was found to be associated with a similar beta-turn in 43 unrelated structures surveyed in the PDB, leading to the suggestion that this water molecule plays an important structural role in this type of turn. The second water molecule makes hydrogen bonds with residues lining pocket B in the peptide-binding groove and is suggested to play a role in modulating peptide recognition. The third highly conserved water molecule is located at the first kink of the alpha2 helix, possibly playing a role in determining the position of the N-terminal segment of that helix, which also carries side chains in contact with the bound peptide. This information on conserved water positions in MHC class-I molecules should be helpful in modeling interactions with bound peptide antigens and in designing new peptides with tailor-made affinities.  相似文献   

In the postgenomic era, one of the most interesting and important challenges is to understand protein interactions on a large scale. The physical interactions between protein domains are fundamental to the workings of a cell: in multi-domain polypeptide chains, in multi-subunit proteins and in transient complexes between proteins that also exist independently. To study the large-scale patterns and evolution of interactions between protein domains, we view interactions between protein domains in terms of the interactions between structural families of evolutionarily related domains. This allows us to classify 8151 interactions between individual domains in the Protein Data Bank and the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae in terms of 664 types of interactions, between protein families. At least 51 interactions do not occur in the Protein Data Bank and can only be derived from the yeast data. The map of interactions between protein families has the form of a scale-free network, meaning that most protein families only interact with one or two other families, while a few families are extremely versatile in their interactions and are connected to many families. We observe that almost half of all known families engage in interactions with domains from their own family. We also see that the repertoires of interactions of domains within and between polypeptide chains overlap mostly for two specific types of protein families: enzymes and same-family interactions. This suggests that different types of protein interaction repertoires exist for structural, functional and regulatory reasons. Copyright 12001 Academic Press.  相似文献   

We systematically analyzed the crystallographically determined water molecules of all known structures of RNase T1 and compared them to the ordered solvent in a large number of related microbial nucleases. To assess the crystallographers' impact on the interpretation of the solvent structure, we independently refined five validation structures from diffraction data derived from five isomorphous crystals of RNase T1. We also compared the positions of water molecules found in 11 published isomorphous RNase T1 inhibitor complexes. These data suggest that the positions of most of the waters located on the surface of a protein and that are well-determined in the experimental electron density maps are determined primarily by crystal packing forces. Water molecules with less well-defined electron density are in general unique to one or a small number of crystal structures. Only a small number of the well-defined waters are found to be independent of the crystal environment. These waters have a low accessible surface area and B-factor, and tend to be conserved in the crystal structures of a number of evolutionary related ribonucleases as well. A single water molecule is found conserved in all known microbial ribonucleases.  相似文献   

Genetic analysis is revealing molecular components of circadian rhythms. The gene products of the period gene in Drosophila and the frequency gene in Neurospora oscillate with a circadian rhythm. A recent paper(1) has shown that the PERIOD protein can undergo both intermolecular and intramolecular interactions in vitro. The effects of temperature and two period mutations on these molecular interactions were compared to the effects of the mutations and temperature on the in vivo period length of circadian rhythms. The results suggest that the molecular interactions may compete to maintain a rhythm with a constant period over a wide temperature range.  相似文献   

Gamma-secretase cleaves type I transmembrane proteins, including beta-amyloid precursor protein and Notch, and requires the formation of a protein complex comprised of presenilin, nicastrin, Aph-1, and Pen-2 for its activity. Aph-1 is implicated in the stabilization of this complex, although its precise mechanistic role remains unknown. Substitution of the first glycine within the transmembrane GXXXG motif of Aph-1 causes a loss-of-function phenotype in Caenorhabditis elegans. Here, using an untranslated region-targeted RNA interference/rescue strategy in Drosophila Schneider 2 cells, we show that Aph-1 contributes to the assembly of the gamma-secretase complex by multiple mechanisms involving intermolecular and intramolecular interactions depending on or independent of the conserved glycines. Aph-1 binds to nicastrin forming an early subcomplex independent of the conserved glycines within the endoplasmic reticulum. Certain mutations in the conserved GXXXG motif affect the interaction of the Aph-1.nicastrin subcomplex with presenilin that mediates trafficking of the presenilin.Aph-1.nicastrin tripartite complex to the Golgi. The same mutations decrease the stability of Aph-1 polypeptides themselves, possibly by affecting intramolecular associations through the transmembrane domains. Our data suggest that the proper assembly of the Aph-1.nicastrin subcomplex with presenilin is the prerequisite for the trafficking as well as the enzymatic activity of the gamma-secretase complex and that Aph-1 functions as a stabilizing scaffold in the assembly of this complex.  相似文献   

The intrinsic component of the standard free energy change for the formation of a disulfide bond in a protein molecule is compared to that for an analogous chemical reaction. The former reaction, which represents theintramolecular formation of a disulfide bond in a protein molecule from a cysteine group containing a mixed disulfide bond with glutathione, and a free cysteine residue, is a unimolecular reaction. In contrast, its chemical analogue is a bimolecular reaction, and corresponds to theintermolecular disulfide interchange between a mixed disulfide-bonded compound between a cysteine residue and glutathione, and a free cysteine molecule. The difference in the intrinsic free energy of the above two reactions is estimated by two different approaches. First, a theoretical estimate of the magnitude of the difference in free energy of the two reactions (for a standard state of 1 M) is obtained using a gas-phase statistical thermodynamic approach, which indicates that the intramolecular reaction is energetically favored over its intermolecular counterpart by as much as 15.6 kcal/mole. For comparison, an experimentally derived value is also obtained, using experimental data from a study by Konishi et al. of the regeneration of the protein ribonuclease A (RNase A) from its reduced form by reduced and oxidized glutathiones. The intrinsic component of the free energy change of the intramolecular reaction, as it occurs in the protein molecule, is obtained from such experimental data by accounting explicitly for the free energy change (assumed to be solely an entropy change) pertaining to the conformational changes (ring closure) that the protein molecule undergoes in the course of the reaction. On the basis of the value derived from such an experimental approach, the intramolecular reaction is also energetically more favorable as compared to its intermolecular analogue, but only by a difference of 2.3 kcal/mole (for a standard state of 1 M). The large apparent discrepancy between the two values estimated from the theoretical and experimental approaches is rationalized by the postulation of several additional factors not inherent in the gas-phase theoretical estimate, such as dehydration and intramolecular hydrogen-bonding effects, which can largely compensate for the otherwise favorable energetics of the intramolecular reaction.  相似文献   

The success of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) in anti-HIV therapy is severely compromised by the rapidly developing drug resistance. HIV-1 protease inhibitors, part of HAART, are losing their potency and efficacy in inhibiting the target. Multi-drug resistant (MDR) 769 HIV-1 protease (resistant mutations at residues 10, 36, 46, 54, 62, 63, 71, 82, 84, 90) was selected for the present study to understand the binding to its natural substrates. The nine crystal structures of MDR769 HIV-1 protease substrate hepta-peptide complexes were analyzed in order to reveal the conserved structural elements for the purpose of drug design against MDR HIV-1 protease. Our structural studies demonstrated that highly conserved hydrogen bonds between the protease and substrate peptides, together with the conserved crystallographic water molecules, played a crucial role in the substrate recognition, substrate stabilization and protease stabilization. In addition, the absence of the key flap-ligand bridging water molecule might imply a different catalytic mechanism of MDR769 HIV-1 protease compared to that of wild type (WT) HIV-1 protease.  相似文献   

Water molecules play an important role in protein folding and protein interactions through their structural association with proteins. Examples of such structural association can be found in protein crystal structures, and can often explain protein functionality in the context of structure. We herein report the systematic analysis of the local structures of proteins interacting with water molecules, and the characterization of their geometric features. We first examined the interaction of water molecules with a large local interaction environment by comparing the preference of water molecules in three regions, namely, the protein–protein interaction (PPI) interfaces, the crystal contact (CC) interfaces, and the non‐interfacial regions. High preference of water molecules to the PPI and CC interfaces was found. In addition, the bound water on the PPI interface was more favorably associated with the complex interaction structure, implying that such water‐mediated structures may participate in the shaping of the PPI interface. The pairwise water‐mediated interaction was then investigated, and the water‐mediated residue–residue interaction potential was derived. Subsequently, the types of polar atoms surrounding the water molecules were analyzed, and the preference of the hydrogen bond acceptor was observed. Furthermore, the geometries of the structures interacting with water were analyzed, and it was found that the major structure on the protein surface exhibited planar geometry rather than tetrahedral geometry. Several previously undiscovered characteristics of water–protein interactions were unfolded in this study, and are expected to lead to a better understanding of protein structure and function. Proteins 2016; 84:43–51. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Detailed thermodynamic and structural data measured in soluble monomeric multiheme cytochromes c provided the basis to investigate the functional significance of interactions between redox co-factors. The steep decay of intramolecular interactions with distance means that close proximity of the redox centers is necessary to modulate the intrinsic reduction potentials in a significant way. This ensures selection of specific populations during redox activity in addition to maintaining fast intramolecular electron transfer. Therefore, intramolecular interactions between redox co-factors play an important role in establishing the biological function of the protein by controlling how electrons flow through and are distributed among the co-factors.  相似文献   

Sumoylation is a multi-step protein modification reaction in which SUMO (small ubiquitin-like modifier) proteins are covalently attached to lysine residues of substrate proteins. Here, we compare the sequences and structures of modifiers and enzymes involved in sumoylation with those of the related ubiquitination and neddylation cascades. By using available structural data on modifier/enzyme/substrate interactions, we discuss and model sumoylation complexes that include SUMO-1 and the E1 and E2 enzymes Aos1-uba2 and ubc9, or SUMO-1 and E2 together with the E3 ligase RanBP2 and its substrate RanGAP1. Their comparison provides insight into the protein interactions underlying sumoylation, and suggests how SUMO proteins may be translocated between enzymes during the various steps of the protein modification reaction.  相似文献   

Cell-cell-interactions are important for the regulation of tissue integrity, the generation of barriers between different tissues and body compartments thereby providing an effective defence against toxic or pathogenic agents, as well as for the regulation of inflammatory cell recruitment. Intercellular interactions are regulated by adhesion receptors on adjacent cells which upon extracellular ligand binding mediate intracellular signals. In the vasculature, neighbouring endothelial cells interact with each other through various adhesion molecules leading to the generation of junctional complexes like tight junctions (TJs) and adherens junctions (AJs) which regulate both leukocyte endothelial interactions and paracellular permeability. In this context, emerging evidence points to the importance of the family of junctional adhesion molecules (JAMs), which are localized in tight junctions of endothelial and epithelial cells and are implicated in the regulation of both leukocyte extravasation as well as junction formation and permeability.  相似文献   

Transport of iron(III) hydroxamates across the inner membrane of Escherichia coli is mediated by a periplasmic binding protein-dependent transport (PBT) mechanism. FhuB, the integral membrane component of the system, is composed of covalently linked halves (FhuB[N] and FhuB[C]) which still function when present as two distinct polypeptide chains. Our analysis of two uptake-deficient FhuB derivatives provides evidence for a mechanistically novel type of functional complementation:‘domain displacement’ in the cytoplasmic membrane. Amino acid residues 60 and 426 in the FhuB polypeptide chain may define key positions that are important for FhuB[N]–FhuB[C] interaction. Furthermore, FhuB derivatives, altered in either one of their conserved regions - typical of PBT related integral membrane proteins - displayed a dominant negative effect on ferric hydroxamate transport. The experimental data suggest that the two functionally equivalent conserved regions in FhuB[N] and FhuB[C] are primarily involved in the interaction with another component of the transport system, probably FhuC.  相似文献   

The invariant water molecular interaction involving in the Rusticyanin of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans is thought to be important for its molecular complexation with other proteins at differential acidophilic situation. The comparative analysis of the different x-ray, energy minimized, and auto solvated structures of Rusticyanin revealed the presence of five specific invariant bound water molecules (among the approximately 150 water molecules per monomer) in the crystals. The five W 205, W 206, W 112, W 214, and W 221 water molecules (in Rusticyanin PDB code: 1RCY) were seem to be invariant in all the seven structures (PDB codes: 1RCY, 1A3Z, 1A8Z, 1E3O, 1GY1, 1GY2, 2CAL). Among the five conserved water molecules the W 221 (of 1 RCY or the equivalent water molecules in the other oxidized form of Rusticyanin structures) had endowed an interesting coordination potentiality to Cu(+2) ion during the energy minimization. The W 221 was observed to approach toward the tetrahedrally bonded Cu(+2) ion through the opposite (or trans) route of metal-bonded Met 148. This direct water molecular coordination affected the tetrahedral geometry of Cu(+2) to trigonal bipyramidal. Presumably this structural dynamics at the Cu(+2) center could involve in the electron transport process during protein-protein complexation.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: While X-ray crystallography structures of proteins are considerably more reliable than those from NMR spectroscopy, it has been difficult to assess the inherent accuracy of NMR structures, particularly the side chains. RESULTS: For 15 small single-domain proteins, we used a molecular mechanics-/dynamics-based free-energy approach to investigate native, decoy, and fully extended alpha conformations. Decoys were all less energetically favorable than native conformations in nine of the ten X-ray structures and in none of the five NMR structures, but short 150 ps molecular dynamics simulations on the experimental structures caused them to have the lowest predicted free energy in all 15 proteins. In addition, a strong correlation exists (r(2) = 0.86) between the predicted free energy of unfolding, from native to fully extended conformations, and the number of residues. CONCLUSIONS: This work suggests that the approximate treatment of solvent used in solving NMR structures can lead NMR model conformations to be less reliable than crystal structures. This conclusion was reached because of the considerably higher calculated free energies and the extent of structural deviation during aqueous dynamics simulations of NMR models compared to those determined by X-ray crystallography. Also, the strong correlation found between protein length and predicted free energy of unfolding in this work suggests, for the first time, that a free-energy function can allow for identification of the native state based on calculations on an extended state and in the absence of an experimental structure.  相似文献   

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