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To evaluate the gene admixture on the current genetic landscape in Gansu Corridor (GC) in China, the upper part of the ancient Silk Road which connects the Eastern and Central Asia, we examined mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) polymorphisms of five ethnic populations in this study. Using PCR-RFLP and sequencing, we analyzed mtDNA haplotypes in 242 unrelated samples in three ethnic populations from the GC region and two ethnic populations from the adjacent Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China. We analyzed the data in comparison with the previously reported data from Eastern, Central and Western Asia and Europe. We found that both European-specific haplogroups and Eastern Asian-specific haplogroups exist in the Gansu Corridor populations, while a modest matrilineal gene flow from Europeans to this region was revealed. The Gansu Corridor populations are genetically located between Eastern Asians and Central Asians, both of who contributed significantly to the maternal lineages of the GC populations. This study made the landscape of the gene flow and admixture along the Silk Road from Europe, through Central Asia, to the upper part of the Silk Road more complete.  相似文献   

The origin and demographic history of the ethnic populations of China have not been clearly resolved. In this study, we examined the hypervariable segment I sequences (HVSI) of the mitochondrial DNA control region in 372 individuals from nine Chinese populations and one northern Thai population. A relatively high percentage of individuals was found to share sequences with those from other populations of the same ethnogenesis. In general, the populations of southern or Pai-Yuei tribal origin showed high haplotype diversity and nucleotide diversity compared with the populations of northern or Di-Qiang tribal origin. Mismatch distributions from these populations showed concordant features. All except the northern groups Nu, Lisu, Tibetan, and Mongolian showed typical signatures of ancient population expansions in the mismatch distributions and neutrality tests. Episodes of extreme size reduction in the past are one of the likely explanations for the absence of evidence of expansion in northern populations. Small sample sizes as well as samples from isolated subpopulations contributed to the bumpy mismatch distributions observed. Phylogenetic analysis and haplotype sharing among populations suggest that current mtDNA variation in these ethnic populations could reveal their ethnohistory to some extent, but in general, linguistic and geographic classifications of the populations did not agree well with classification by mtDNA variation.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA control region segment I sequences and melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R) gene polymorphism were examined in ethnic populations in the silk road region of China. Both the frequencies of the MC1R variants and the results of mtDNA data in this region presented intermediate values between those of Europe and East and Southeast Asia, which suggested extensive gene admixture in this area and was in general agreement with previous studies. Phylogenetic analysis of the ethnic populations in the Silk Road region that based on mtDNA data didn't show expected cluster pattern according to their ethnogenesis. We suspect that a high migration rate in female among these closely related populations and other three demographic events might account for it.  相似文献   

Hmong-Mien (H-M) is a major language family in East Asia, and its speakers distribute primarily in southern China and Southeast Asia. To date, genetic studies on H-M speaking populations are virtually absent in the literature. In this report, we present the results of an analysis of genetic variations in the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) hypervariable segment 1 (HVS1) region and diagnostic variants in the coding regions in 537 individuals sampled from 17 H-M populations across East Asia. The analysis showed that the haplogroups that are predominant in southern East Asia, including B, R9, N9a, and M7, account for 63% (ranging from 45% to 90%) of mtDNAs in H-M populations. Furthermore, analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA), phylogenetic tree analysis, and principal component (PC) analysis demonstrate closer relatedness between H-M and other southern East Asians, suggesting a general southern origin of maternal lineages in the H-M populations. The estimated ages of the mtDNA lineages that are specific to H-M coincide with those based on archeological cultures that have been associated with H-M. Analysis of genetic distance and phylogenetic tree indicated some extent of difference between the Hmong and the Mien populations. Together with the higher frequency of north-dominating lineages observed in the Hmong people, our results indicate that the Hmong populations had experienced more contact with the northern East Asians, a finding consistent with historical evidence. Moreover, our data defined some new (sub-)haplogroups (A6, B4e, B4f, C5, F1a1, F1a1a, and R9c), which will direct further efforts to improve the phylogeny of East Asian mtDNAs.  相似文献   

Genomic diversity of 21 STR loci has been studied in six ethnic populations of Daghestan (the Caucasus), namely, Avars, Dargins, Kubachians, Lezgins, and Nogais, and the results have been compared with these data for European, African, and East Asian ethnic groups. Daghestan is unique in its ethnic diversity, which is the greatest in the Caucasus: 26 out of approximately 50 autochthonous ethnic groups of the Caucasus live there. The genetic origin of this wide ethnic diversity of Daghestan and the Caucasus as a whole is still obscure. The genetic heterogeneity of Daghestan populations has been found to be lower than that of most other populations in the world. This is explained by a prolonged isolation and gene drift in their demographic history. Generalized genetic distances between ethnic groups calculated for the whole set of loci studied allow differentiating Asian populations from African ones, with European populations occupying intermediate positions. All Daghestan ethnic populations form a distinct common group together with some European populations (Finnish, Polish, and French). Nogais are genetically close to Southeast Asian populations. The genetic closeness and the apparently equal genetic diversity of Daghestan and European populations suggest that the ethnic differentiation of the ancestral populations of Daghestan and European ethnic groups occurred in the earliest populations of modern humans.  相似文献   

Y-linked markers are suitable loci to analyze genetic diversity of human populations, offering knowledge of medical, forensic, and anthropological interest. In a population sample of 206 Mestizo males from western Mexico, we analyzed two binary loci (M3 and YAP) and six Y-STRs, adding to the analysis data of Mexican Mestizos and Amerindians, and relevant worldwide populations. The paternal ancestry estimated in western Mexican-Mestizos was mainly European (60-64%), followed by Amerindian (25-21%), and African ( approximately 15%). Significant genetic heterogeneity was established between Mestizos from western (Jalisco State) and northern Mexico (Chihuahua State) compared with Mexicans from the center of the Mexican Republic (Mexico City), this attributable to higher European ancestry in western and northern than in central and southeast populations, where higher Amerindian ancestry was inferred. This genetic structure has important implications for medical and forensic purposes. Two different Pre-Hispanic evolutionary processes were evident. In Mesoamerican region, populations presented higher migration rate (N(m) = 24.76), promoting genetic homogeneity. Conversely, isolated groups from the mountains and canyons of the Western and Northern Sierra Madre (Huichols and Tarahumaras, respectively) presented a lower migration rate (N(m) = 10.27) and stronger genetic differentiation processes (founder effect and/or genetic drift), constituting a Pre-Hispanic population substructure. Additionally, Tarahumaras presented a higher frequency of Y-chromosomes without Q3 that was explained by paternal European admixture (15%) and, more interestingly, by a distinctive Native-American ancestry. In Purepechas, a special admixture process involving preferential integration of non-Purepecha women in their communities could explain contrary genetic evidences (autosomal vs. Y-chromosome) for this tribe.  相似文献   

Dryas iulia appears to have undergone a mode of evolution different from that of other members of its subfamily (Heliconiinae). While other species constitute highly subdivided and inbred populations, those ofD. iulia are thought to be large and uniform. Analyzing six samples from Southern Brazil (state of Rio Grande do Sul) in relation to three enzyme systems (EST, LAP, and PGM) and their mtDNA RFLP patterns, we found that they are very similar at the molecular level. TheF statistics for enzyme polymorphism data revealed that inbreeding makes a great contribution to the population homozygosity, sinceF IS equals 0.1322 andF ST equals 0.0023. Since the chi-square test showed thatF ST is not significant, we conclude that all localities belong to the same population. The mtDNA differentiation was about 12 times greater than for nuclear genes;F ST was equivalent to 0.0265. We suggest that this difference is due to a higher dispersal of males, in relation to females.  相似文献   

Genetic testing for hemochromatosis may have important implications for diagnosis and screening of the disease. However, the relative importance of mutations in the gene for hereditary hemochromatosis, HFE, may vary among populations, when the mutant allele frequencies and their penetrance in a particular genetic and environmental background are taken into account. We present data on the allele and genotype frequencies and population structure of two HFE genetic variants in three different ethnic groups from a highly mixed urban population (S?o Paulo, Brazil). Allele frequencies for both the C282Y and H63D HFE mutations showed significant differences among the studied populations (for the C282Y mutation, Euro-Brazilian 3.7%, admixed 0.7%, Afro-Brazilian 0.5%; and for the H63D mutation, Euro-Brazilian 20.3%, admixed 13.0%, Afro-Brazilian 6.4). The data substantiate a European origin for these mutations. Furthermore, they provide a basis for a more rational strategic planning of population screening programs for the disease.  相似文献   

Sequences of exons 6 and 7 of the O allele of the ABO gene were studied in 317 individuals of the O phenotype from five different ethnic groups (Basques, Berbers, Akans from the Ivory Coast, and Amerindians: Cayapas from Ecuador and Aymaras from Bolivia). Twenty-one O alleles were characterized, among which 9 differed from all O alleles reported to date. The nine alleles differed from either the O01 allele (four out of nine) or O02 allele (five out of nine) by one to three point mutations. The number of different O alleles in population samples varied greatly: the highest number (13) was observed in Akans, and the lowest (5) in Amerindians. Some rare alleles previously reported by others at low frequencies were found with high frequencies in the Akans. The results also revealed a decreasing frequency of Ov7 alleles from south to north (Akans, Berbers, Basques). Berbers and Basques share two rare alleles, Ov6 and O03, which were not encountered in the other populations studied here.  相似文献   

Distribution of several widespread, extensively studied polymorphic variants of genes of the cytosol glutathione-S-transferase subfamily (GSTA1, GSTM1, GSTM3, GSTP1, and GSTT1) has been studied in samples from Russian populations of European Russia, as well as Komi and Yakut populations used for comparison. Analysis of the GSTP1 and GSTM3 polymorphisms has not revealed significant differences in the distribution of alleles of the loci, including two-site GSTP1 haplotypes, in most Russian populations and between Komi populations. Only in the Yakut sample have a significant difference been found with respect to these loci in each pairwise comparison. Regarding the GSTT1 and GSTA1 genes, in addition to differences between the Yakut population and all other populations with respect to the GSTA1 gene, it has been found that the frequencies of the GSTT1 0/0 deletion genotype and GSTA1 ?69T allele in the Russian sample from Mezen’ (Arkhangel’sk oblast) are substantially lower than in other Russian populations and Komi populations. The significance of these differences has been confirmed by tests for heterogeneity of the entire pool of Russian populations.  相似文献   

The genetic population structure of Mediterranean horse mackerel, Trachurus mediterraneus , from seven locations throughout the Black, Marmara, Aegean and eastern Mediterranean seas was investigated using restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of the mtDNA 16S rDNA region. An approximately 2000-bp segment was screened in 280 individuals using six restriction enzymes, resulting in 10 composite haplotypes. The most common haplotype was present in 56.42% individuals; the next most frequent haplotype was present in 22.85% individuals. Average haplotype diversity within samples was moderate (0.38), and nucleotide diversity was low (0.00435). Mean nucleotide divergence for the seven sampling sites was 0.0028. Nucleotide divergence among samples was moderate, with the highest value detected between the Aegean Sea (Izmir) and the eastern Black Sea (Trabzon) populations (0.007055), and the lowest (−0.000043) between the Marmara Sea (Adalar) and the western Black Sea (Sile) populations. In Monte Carlo pairwise comparisons of haplotype frequencies, the Sinop from the middle Black Sea, Trabzon from the eastern Black Sea, and Iskenderun Bay from the north-eastern Mediterranean Sea exhibited highly significant (P   <   0.001) geographical differentiation from each other and from all other populations. Mantel's test indicated that the nucleotide divergence among populations of T. mediterraneus was not significantly associated with their geographical isolation ( r  = −0.2963; P   >   0.05). Consequently, the mtDNA 16S rDNA region provided evidence for the existence of three distinct T. mediterraneus populations (Sinop, Trabzon and Iskenderun Bay) in the Black and north-eastern Mediterranean seas.  相似文献   

草地植物群落物种多样性取样强度的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文以羊草(Leymus chinensis)-杂类草群落和贝加尔针茅(Stipa baicalensis)-线叶菊(Filifolium sibiricum)群落为代表,在东北松嫩平原研究了草地植物群落物种多样性的取样强度。巢式样方种-面积曲线结果表明:两个群落的最小面积均为1/4~1/2 m2。 Pielou积累样方多样性指数-取样数曲线结果表明:羊草-杂类草群落1、1/4、1/6 m2正方形样方最小取样数分别在12、22、28个左右; 贝加尔针茅-线叶菊群落分别在10、18、25个左右。群落水平结构的复杂性导致取样数目的增加。当积累样方数超过最小取样数后,多样性指数-取样数曲线进入平衡状态,上述3种取样面积的结果趋于一致,并在概率95%水平差异不显著。赞成小面积大数目的取样策略。  相似文献   

Eight Y-linked short-tandem-repeat polymorphisms (DYS19, DYS388, DYS389I, DYS389II, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, and DYS393) were analyzed in four populations of Central Asia, comprising two lowland samples-Uighurs and lowland Kirghiz-and two highland samples-namely, the Kazakhs (altitude 2,500 m above sea level) and highland Kirghiz (altitude 3,200 m above sea level). The results were compared with mtDNA sequence data on the same individuals, to study possible differences in male versus female genetic-variation patterns in these Central Asian populations. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) showed a very high degree of genetic differentiation among the populations tested, in discordance with the results obtained with mtDNA sequences, which showed high homogeneity. Moreover, a dramatic reduction of the haplotype genetic diversity was observed in the villages at high altitude, especially in the highland Kirghiz, when compared with the villages at low altitude, which suggests a male founder effect in the settlement of high-altitude lands. Nonetheless, mtDNA genetic diversity in these highland populations is equivalent to that in the lowland populations. The present results suggest a very different migration pattern in males versus females, in an extended historical frame, with a higher migration rate for females.  相似文献   

Most of the inhabitants of South Tyrol in the eastern Italian Alps can be considered isolated populations because of their physical separation by mountain barriers and their sociocultural heritage. We analyzed the genetic structure of South Tyrolean populations using three types of genetic markers: Y-chromosome, mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), and autosomal Alu markers. Using random samples taken from the populations of Val Venosta, Val Pusteria, Val Isarco, Val Badia, and Val Gardena, we calculated genetic diversity within and among the populations. Microsatellite diversity and unique event polymorphism diversity (on the Y chromosome) were substantially lower in the Ladin-speaking population of Val Badia compared to the neighboring German-speaking populations. In contrast, the genetic diversity of mtDNA haplotypes was lowest for the upper Val Venosta and Val Pusteria. These data suggest a low effective population size, or little admixture, for the gene pool of the Ladin-speaking population from Val Badia. Interestingly, this is more pronounced for Ladin males than for Ladin females. For the pattern of genetic Alu variation, both Ladin samples (Val Gardena and Val Badia) are among the samples with the lowest diversity. An admixture analysis of one German-speaking valley (Val Venosta) indicates a relatively high genetic contribution of Ladin origin. The reduced genetic diversity and a high genetic differentiation in the Rhaetoroman- and German-speaking South Tyrolean populations may constitute an important basis for future medical genetic research and gene mapping studies in South Tyrol.  相似文献   

Objective: To determine whether the prevalence of obesity in ethnic admixture adults varies systematically from the average of the prevalence estimates for the ethnic groups with whom they share a common ethnicity. Methods and Procedures: The sample included 215,000 adults who reported one or more ethnicities, height, weight, and other characteristics through a mailed survey. Results: The highest age‐adjusted prevalence of overweight (BMI ≥ 25) was in Hawaiian/Latino men (88%; n = 41) and black/Latina women (74.5%; n = 79), and highest obesity (BMI ≥ 30) rates were in Hawaiian/Latino men (53.7%; n = 41) and Hawaiian women (39.2%, n = 1,247). The prevalence estimates for most admixed groups were similar to or higher than the average of the prevalences for the ethnic groups with whom they shared common ethnicities. For instance, the prevalence of overweight/obesity in five ethnic admixtures—Asian/white, Hawaiian/white, Hawaiian/Asian, Latina/white, and Hawaiian/Asian/white ethnic admixtures—was significantly higher (P < 0.0001) than the average of the prevalence estimates for their component ethnic groups. Discussion: The identification of individuals who have a high‐risk ethnic admixture is important not only to the personal health and well‐being of such individuals, but could also be important to future efforts in order to control the epidemic of obesity in the United States.  相似文献   

The work is part of a study of the gene pool for Daghestan ethnic groups. In total, 38 alleles and eight genotypes were studied at 14 loci (AB0, Rhesus, P, Lewis, Kell, HP, GC, C'3, TF, 6-PGD, GLO1, ESD, ACP, and PGM1) of immunogenetic and biochemical polymorphic gene systems. A high frequency of allele d of the Rhesus system was observed in all populations examined (0.399-0.474). Among the rare haplotypes of the Rhesus system, we observed CDE in the Degva population, Cde in the Sergokala and Degva populations, and cdE in the Sergokala and Vanashimakhi populations. The typical Caucasian ACP1c allele of the ACP1 locus, which is rather uncommon, was observed at a relatively high frequency in three (Segokala, Vanashimakhi, and Gubden) of the four local populations under study. In the Lewis system, a high frequency of the Le(a+b+) phenotype, which is characteristic of early childhood, was detected in the adult populations of Sergokala and Degva. The rare PGM1v allele of the phosphoglucomutase 1 system (PGM 1) was additionally observed in the Sergokala population. Statistical analysis identified 19 cases where the observed phenotype frequencies significantly differed from the frequencies expected from the Hardy--Weinberg equilibrium.  相似文献   

We studied the genetic structure at six microsatellite loci of the Mediterranean sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) on 19 samples collected from different localities in the western and eastern Mediterranean basins. Significant divergence was found between the two basins. The distance tree showed two separate clusters of populations which matched well with geography, with the noticeable exception of one Egyptian sample which grouped within the western clade, a fact attributable to the introduction of aquaculture broodstock. No heterogeneity was observed within the western basin (theta = 0.0014 and n.s.). However, a significant level of differentiation was found among samples of the eastern Mediterranean (theta = 0.026 and p < 0.001). These results match with water currents but probably not with the dispersal abilities of this fish species. We thus hypothesize that selective forces are at play which limit long-range dispersal, a fact to be taken into account in the debate about speciation processes in the marine environment.  相似文献   

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