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The population of Spanish sheep has decreased from 24 to 15 million heads in the last 75 years due to multiple social and economic factors. Such a demographic reduction might have caused an increase in homozygosity and inbreeding, thus limiting the viability of local breeds with excellent adaptations to harsh ecosystems. The main goal of our study was to investigate the homozygosity patterns of 11 Spanish ovine breeds and to elucidate the relationship of these Spanish breeds with reference populations from Europe, Africa and the Near East. By using Ovine SNP50 BeadChip data retrieved from previous publications, we have found that the majority of studied Spanish ovine breeds have close genetic relatedness with other European populations; the one exception is the Canaria de Pelo breed, which is similar to North African breeds. Our analysis has also demonstrated that, with few exceptions, the genomes of Spanish sheep harbor fewer than 50 runs of homozygosity (ROH) with a total length of less than 350 Mb. Moreover, the frequencies of very long ROH (>30 Mb) are very low, and the inbreeding coefficients (FROH) are generally small (FROH < 0.10), ranging from 0.008 (Rasa Aragonesa) to 0.086 (Canaria de Pelo). The low levels of homozygosity observed in the 11 Spanish sheep under analysis might be due to their extensive management and the high number of small to medium farms.  相似文献   

In the local breeds with small population size, one of the most important problems is the increase of inbreeding coefficient (F). High levels of inbreeding lead to reduced genetic diversity and inbreeding depression. The availability of high-density single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) arrays has facilitated the quantification of F by genomic markers in farm animals. Runs of homozygosity (ROH) are contiguous lengths of homozygous genotypes and represent an estimate of the degree of autozygosity at genome-wide level. The current study aims to quantify the genomic F derived from ROH (FROH) in three local dairy cattle breeds. FROH values were compared with F estimated from the genomic relationship matrix (FGRM), based on the difference between observed v. expected number of homozygous genotypes (FHOM) and the genomic homozygosity of individual i (FMOL i). The molecular coancestry coefficient (fMOL ij) between individuals i and j was also estimated. Individuals of Cinisara (71), Modicana (72) and Reggiana (168) were genotyped with the 50K v2 Illumina BeadChip. Genotypes from 96 animals of Italian Holstein cattle breed were also included in the analysis. We used a definition of ROH as tracts of homozygous genotypes that were >4 Mb. Among breeds, 3661 ROH were identified. Modicana showed the highest mean number of ROH per individual and the highest value of FROH, whereas Reggiana showed the lowest ones. Differences among breeds existed for the ROH lengths. The individuals of Italian Holstein showed high number of short ROH segments, related to ancient consanguinity. Similar results showed the Reggiana with some extreme animals with segments covering 400 Mb and more of genome. Modicana and Cinisara showed similar results between them with the total length of ROH characterized by the presence of large segments. High correlation was found between FHOM and FROH ranged from 0.83 in Reggiana to 0.95 in Cinisara and Modicana. The correlations among FROH and other estimated F coefficients were generally lower ranged from 0.45 (FMOL iFROH) in Cinisara to 0.17 (FGRMFROH) in Modicana. On the basis of our results, recent inbreeding was observed in local breeds, considering that 16 Mb segments are expected to present inbreeding up to three generations ago. Our results showed the necessity of implementing conservation programs to control the rise of inbreeding and coancestry in the three Italian local dairy cattle breeds.  相似文献   

Runs of homozygosity (ROH) are widely used as predictors of whole-genome inbreeding levels in cattle. They identify regions that have an unfavorable effect on a phenotype when homozygous, but also identify the genes associated with traits of economic interest present in these regions. Here, the distribution of ROH islands and enriched genes within these regions in four dairy cattle breeds were investigated. Cinisara (71), Modicana (72), Reggiana (168) and Italian Holstein (96) individuals were genotyped using the 50K v2 Illumina BeadChip. The genomic regions most commonly associated with ROHs were identified by selecting the top 1% of the single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) most commonly observed in the ROH of each breed. In total, 11 genomic regions were identified in Cinisara and Italian Holstein, and eight in Modicana and Reggiana, indicating an increased ROH frequency level. Generally, ROH islands differed between breeds. The most homozygous region (>45% of individuals with ROH) was found in Modicana on chromosome 6 within a quantitative trail locus affecting milk fat and protein concentrations. We identified between 126 and 347 genes within ROH islands, which are involved in multiple signaling and signal transduction pathways in a wide variety of biological processes. The gene ontology enrichment provided information on possible molecular functions, biological processes and cellular components under selection related to milk production, reproduction, immune response and resistance/susceptibility to infection and diseases. Thus, scanning the genome for ROH could be an alternative strategy to detect genomic regions and genes related to important economic traits.  相似文献   

Identifying genomic regions involved in the differences between breeds can provide information on genes that are under the influence of both artificial and natural selection. The aim of this study was to assess the genetic diversity and differentiation among four different Brown cattle populations (two original vs. two modern populations) and to characterize the distribution of runs of homozygosity (ROH) islands using the Illumina Bovine SNP50 BeadChip genotyping data. After quality control, 34 735 SNPs and 106 animals were retained for the analyses. Larger heterogeneity was highlighted for the original populations. Patterns of genetic differentiation, multidimensional scaling, and the neighboring joining tree distinguished the modern from the original populations. The FST‐outlier identified several genes putatively involved in the genetic differentiation between the two groups, such as stature and growth, behavior, and adaptability to local environments. The ROH islands within both the original and the modern populations overlapped with QTL associated with relevant traits. In modern Brown (Brown Swiss and Italian Brown), ROH islands harbored candidate genes associated with milk production traits, in evident agreement with the artificial selection conducted to improve this trait in these populations. In original Brown (Original Braunvieh and Braunvieh), we identified candidate genes related with fat deposition, confirming that breeding strategies for the original Brown populations aimed to produce dual‐purpose animals. Our study highlighted the presence of several genomic regions that vary between Brown populations, in line with their different breeding histories.  相似文献   

In the present study, a sample of 88 animals belonging to four local (Modicana, Sarda, Sardo‐Bruna and Sardo‐Modicana) and one cosmopolitan (Italian Brown Swiss) cattle breeds were genotyped with a medium density SNP beadchip and compared to investigate their genetic diversity and the existence of selection signatures. A total of 43 012 SNPs distributed across all 29 autosomal chromosomes were retained after data quality control. Basic population statistics, Wright fixation index and runs of homozygosity (ROH) analyses confirmed that the Italian Brown Swiss genome was shaped mainly by selection, as underlined by the low values of heterozygosity and minor allele frequency. As expected, local cattle exhibited a large within‐breed genetic heterogeneity. The FST comparison revealing the largest number of significant SNPs was Sardo‐Bruna vs. Sardo‐Modicana, whereas the smallest was observed for Italian Brown Swiss vs. Sardo‐Modicana. Modicana exhibited the largest number of detected ROHs, whereas the smallest was observed for Sardo‐Modicana. Signatures of selection were detected in genomic regions that harbor genes involved in milk production traits for Italian Brown Swiss and fitness traits for local breeds. According to the results of multi‐dimensional scaling and the admixture analysis the Sardo‐Bruna is more similar to the Sarda than to the Italian Brown Swiss breed. Moreover, the Sardo‐Modicana is genetically closer to the Modicana than to the Sarda breed. Results of the present work confirm the usefulness of single nucleotide polymorphisms in deciphering the genetic architecture of livestock breeds.  相似文献   

Genome‐wide association studies (GWASes) have become a powerful tool for identifying genomic regions associated with important traits in livestock. Milk production traits in dairy sheep are measured at different time points during their life span. Using phenotypic data generated from longitudinal traits could improve the power of association studies but until now have received less attention in GWASes as a methodology and has not been implemented. The aim of this study was to carry out a GWAS for milk production traits in Valle del Belice sheep using repeated measures. After quality control, 469 ewes and 37 228 SNPs were retained for the analysis, and phenotypic data included 5586 test‐day records for five milk production traits (milk yield, MY; fat yield and percentage, FY and F%; protein yield and percentage, PY and P%). Nine SNPs located within or close to known genes were found to be associated with milk production traits. In particular, rs398340969, associated with both milk yield and protein yield, is located within the DCPS gene. In addition, rs425417915 and rs417079368, both associated with both fat percentage and protein percentage, are located within the TTC7B gene and at 0.37 Mb within the SUCNR1 gene respectively. In summary, the use of repeated records was beneficial for mapping genomic regions affecting milk production traits in the Valle del Belice sheep.  相似文献   

Although genomic selection offers the prospect of improving the rate of genetic gain in meat, wool and dairy sheep breeding programs, the key constraint is likely to be the cost of genotyping. Potentially, this constraint can be overcome by genotyping selection candidates for a low density (low cost) panel of SNPs with sparse genotype coverage, imputing a much higher density of SNP genotypes using a densely genotyped reference population. These imputed genotypes would then be used with a prediction equation to produce genomic estimated breeding values. In the future, it may also be desirable to impute very dense marker genotypes or even whole genome re‐sequence data from moderate density SNP panels. Such a strategy could lead to an accurate prediction of genomic estimated breeding values across breeds, for example. We used genotypes from 48 640 (50K) SNPs genotyped in four sheep breeds to investigate both the accuracy of imputation of the 50K SNPs from low density SNP panels, as well as prospects for imputing very dense or whole genome re‐sequence data from the 50K SNPs (by leaving out a small number of the 50K SNPs at random). Accuracy of imputation was low if the sparse panel had less than 5000 (5K) markers. Across breeds, it was clear that the accuracy of imputing from sparse marker panels to 50K was higher if the genetic diversity within a breed was lower, such that relationships among animals in that breed were higher. The accuracy of imputation from sparse genotypes to 50K genotypes was higher when the imputation was performed within breed rather than when pooling all the data, despite the fact that the pooled reference set was much larger. For Border Leicesters, Poll Dorsets and White Suffolks, 5K sparse genotypes were sufficient to impute 50K with 80% accuracy. For Merinos, the accuracy of imputing 50K from 5K was lower at 71%, despite a large number of animals with full genotypes (2215) being used as a reference. For all breeds, the relationship of individuals to the reference explained up to 64% of the variation in accuracy of imputation, demonstrating that accuracy of imputation can be increased if sires and other ancestors of the individuals to be imputed are included in the reference population. The accuracy of imputation could also be increased if pedigree information was available and was used in tracking inheritance of large chromosome segments within families. In our study, we only considered methods of imputation based on population‐wide linkage disequilibrium (largely because the pedigree for some of the populations was incomplete). Finally, in the scenarios designed to mimic imputation of high density or whole genome re‐sequence data from the 50K panel, the accuracy of imputation was much higher (86–96%). This is promising, suggesting that in silico genome re‐sequencing is possible in sheep if a suitable pool of key ancestors is sequenced for each breed.  相似文献   

Genomic measures of inbreeding based on identical-by-descent (IBD) segments are increasingly used to measure inbreeding and mostly estimated on SNP arrays and whole-genome sequencing (WGS) data. However, some softwares recurrently used for their estimation assume that genomic positions which have not been genotyped are nonvariant. This might be true for WGS data, but not for reduced genomic representations and can lead to spurious IBD segments estimation. In this project, we simulated the outputs of WGS, two SNP arrays of different sizes and RAD-sequencing for three populations with different sizes and histories. We compare the results of IBD segments estimation with two softwares: runs of homozygosity (ROHs) estimated with PLINK and homozygous-by-descent (HBD) segments estimated with RZooRoH. We demonstrate that to obtain meaningful estimates of inbreeding, RZooRoH requires a SNPs density 11 times smaller compared to PLINK: ranks of inbreeding coefficients were conserved among individuals above 22 SNPs/Mb for PLINK and 2 SNPs/Mb for RZooRoH. We also show that in populations with simple demographic histories, distribution of ROHs and HBD segments are correctly estimated with both SNP arrays and WGS. PLINK correctly estimated distribution of ROHs with SNP densities above 22 SNPs/Mb, while RZooRoH correctly estimated distribution of HBD segments with SNPs densities above 11 SNPs/Mb. However, in a population with a more complex demographic history, RZooRoH resulted in better distribution of IBD segments estimation compared to PLINK even with WGS data. Consequently, we advise researchers to use either methods relying on excess homozygosity averaged across SNPs or model-based HBD segments calling methods for inbreeding estimations.  相似文献   

A dataset consisting of 787 animals with high‐density SNP chip genotypes (346 774 SNPs) and 939 animals with medium‐density SNP chip genotypes (33 828 SNPs) from eight indigenous Swiss sheep breeds was analyzed to characterize population structure, quantify genomic inbreeding based on runs of homozygosity and identify selection signatures. In concordance with the recent known history of these breeds, the highest genetic diversity was observed in Engadine Red sheep and the lowest in Valais Blacknose sheep. Correlation between FPED and FROH was around 0.50 and thereby lower than that found in similar studies in cattle. Mean FROH estimates from medium‐density data and HD data were highly correlated (0.95). Signatures of selection and candidate gene analysis revealed that the most prominent signatures of selection were found in the proximity of genes associated with body size (NCAPG, LCORL, LAP3, SPP1, PLAG1, ALOX12, TP53), litter size (SPP1), milk production (ABCG2, SPP1), coat color (KIT, ASIP, TBX3) and horn status (RXFP2). For the Valais Blacknose sheep, the private signatures in proximity of genes/QTL influencing body size, coat color and fatty acid composition were confirmed based on runs of homozygosity analysis. These private signatures underline the genetic uniqueness of the Valais Blacknose sheep breed. In conclusion, we identified differences in the genetic make‐up of Swiss sheep breeds, and we present relevant candidate genes responsible for breed differentiation in locally adapted breeds.  相似文献   

Increased inbreeding is an inevitable consequence of selection in livestock populations. The analysis of high‐density single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) facilitates the identification of long and uninterrupted runs of homozygosity (ROH) that can be used to identify chromosomal regions that are identical by descent. In this work, the distribution of ROH of different lengths in five Italian cattle breeds is described. A total of 4095 bulls from five cattle breeds (2093 Italian Holstein, 749 Italian Brown, 364 Piedmontese, 410 Marchigiana and 479 Italian Simmental) were genotyped at 54K SNP loci. ROH were identified and used to estimate molecular inbreeding coefficients (FROH), which were compared with inbreeding coefficients estimated from pedigree information (FPED) and using the genomic relationship matrix (FGRM). The average number of ROH per animal ranged from 54 ± 7.2 in Piedmontese to 94.6 ± 11.6 in Italian Brown. The highest number of short ROH (related to ancient consanguinity) was found in Piedmontese, followed by Simmental. The Italian Brown and Holstein had a higher proportion of longer ROH distributed across the whole genome, revealing recent inbreeding. The FPED were moderately correlated with FROH > 1 Mb (0.662, 0.700 and 0.669 in Italian Brown, Italian Holstein and Italian Simmental respectively) but poorly correlated with FGRM (0.134, 0.128 and 0.448 for Italian Brown, Italian Holstein and Italian Simmental respectively). The inclusion of ROH > 8 Mb in the inbreeding calculation improved the correlation of FROH with FPED and FGRM. ROH are a direct measure of autozygosity at the DNA level and can overcome approximations and errors resulting from incomplete pedigree data. In populations with high linkage disequilibrium (LD) and recent inbreeding (e.g. Italian Holstein and Italian Brown), a medium‐density marker panel, such as the one used here, may provide a good estimate of inbreeding. However, in populations with low LD and ancient inbreeding, marker density would have to be increased to identify short ROH that are identical by descent more precisely.  相似文献   

We used genotype data from the caprine 50k Illumina BeadChip for the assessment of genetic diversity within and between 10 local Swiss goat breeds. Three different cluster methods allowed the goat samples to be assigned to the respective breed groups, whilst the samples of Nera Verzasca and Tessin Grey goats could not be differentiated from each other. The results of the different genetic diversity measures show that Appenzell, Toggenburg, Valais and Booted goats should be prioritized in future conservation activities. Furthermore, we examined runs of homozygosity (ROH) and compared genomic inbreeding coefficients based on ROH (FROH) with pedigree‐based inbreeding coefficients (FPED). The linear relationship between FROH and FPED was confirmed for goats by including samples from the three main breeds (Saanen, Chamois and Toggenburg goats). FROH appears to be a suitable measure for describing levels of inbreeding in goat breeds with missing pedigree information. Finally, we derived selection signatures between the breeds. We report a total of 384 putative selection signals. The 25 most significant windows contained genes known for traits such as: coat color variation (MITF, KIT, ASIP), growth (IGF2, IGF2R, HRAS, FGFR3) and milk composition (PITX2). Several other putative genes involved in the formation of populations, which might have been selected for adaptation to the alpine environment, are highlighted. The results provide a contemporary background for the management of genetic diversity in local Swiss goat breeds.  相似文献   

North Africa has a great diversity of indigenous sheep breeds whose origin is linked to its environmental characteristics and to certain historical events that took place in the region. To date, few genome‐wide studies have been conducted to investigate the population structure of North African indigenous sheep. The objective of the present study was to provide a detailed assessment of the genetic structure and admixture patterns of six Maghreb sheep populations using the Illumina 50K Ovine BeadChip and comparisons with 22 global populations of sheep and mouflon. Regardless of the method of analysis used, patterns of multiple hybridization events were observed within all North African populations, leading to a heterogeneous genetic architecture that varies according to the breed. The Barbarine population showed the lowest genetic heterogeneity and major southwest Asian ancestry, providing additional support to the Asian origin of the North African fat‐tailed sheep. All other breeds presented substantial Merino introgression ranging from 15% for D'man to 31% for Black Thibar. We highlighted several signals of ancestral introgression between North African and southern European sheep. In addition, we identified two opposite gradients of ancestry, southwest Asian and central European, occurring between North Africa and central Europe. Our results provide further evidence of the weak global population structure of sheep resulting from high levels of gene flow among breeds occurring worldwide. At the regional level, signs of recent admixture among North African populations, resulting in a change of the original genomic architecture of minority breeds, were also detected.  相似文献   

Yak is an important livestock animal for the people indigenous to the harsh, oxygen‐limited Qinghai‐Tibetan Plateau and Hindu Kush ranges of the Himalayas. The yak genome was sequenced in 2012, but its assembly was fragmented because of the inherent limitations of the Illumina sequencing technology used to analyse it. An accurate and complete reference genome is essential for the study of genetic variations in this species. Long‐read sequences are more complete than their short‐read counterparts and have been successfully applied towards high‐quality genome assembly for various species. In this study, we present a high‐quality chromosome‐scale yak genome assembly (BosGru_PB_v1.0) constructed with long‐read sequencing and chromatin interaction technologies. Compared to an existing yak genome assembly (BosGru_v2.0), BosGru_PB_v1.0 shows substantially improved chromosome sequence continuity, reduced repetitive structure ambiguity, and gene model completeness. To characterize genetic variation in yak, we generated de novo genome assemblies based on Illumina short reads for seven recognized domestic yak breeds in Tibet and Sichuan and one wild yak from Hoh Xil. We compared these eight assemblies to the BosGru_PB_v1.0 genome, obtained a comprehensive map of yak genetic diversity at the whole‐genome level, and identified several protein‐coding genes absent from the BosGru_PB_v1.0 assembly. Despite the genetic bottleneck experienced by wild yak, their diversity was nonetheless higher than that of domestic yak. Here, we identified breed‐specific sequences and genes by whole‐genome alignment, which may facilitate yak breed identification.  相似文献   

Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotyping tools, which can analyse thousands of SNPs covering the whole genome, have opened new opportunities to estimate the inbreeding level of animals directly using genome information. One of the most commonly used genomic inbreeding measures considers the proportion of the autosomal genome covered by runs of homozygosity (ROH), which are defined as continuous and uninterrupted chromosome portions showing homozygosity at all loci. In this study, we analysed the distribution of ROH in three commercial pig breeds (Italian Large White, n = 1968; Italian Duroc, n = 573; and Italian Landrace, n = 46) and four autochthonous breeds (Apulo-Calabrese, n = 90; Casertana, n = 90; Cinta Senese, n = 38; and Nero Siciliano, n = 48) raised in Italy, using SNP data generated from Illumina PorcineSNP60 BeadChip. We calculated ROH-based inbreeding coefficients (FROH) using ROH of different minimum length (1, 2, 4, 8, 16 Mbp) and compared them with several other genomic inbreeding coefficients (including the difference between observed and expected number of homozygous genotypes (FHOM)) and correlated all these genomic-based measures with the pedigree inbreeding coefficient (FPED) calculated for the pigs of some of these breeds. Autochthonous breeds had larger mean size of ROH than all three commercial breeds. FHOM was highly correlated (0.671 to 0.985) with FROH measures in all breeds. Apulo-Calabrese and Casertana had the highest FROH values considering all ROH minimum lengths (ranging from 0.273 to 0.189 and from 0.226 to 0.152, moving from ROH of minimum size of 1 Mbp (FROH1) to 16 Mbp (FROH16)), whereas the lowest FROH values were for Nero Siciliano (from 0.072 to 0.051) and Italian Large White (from 0.117 to 0.042). FROH decreased as the minimum length of ROH increased for all breeds. Italian Duroc had the highest correlations between all FROH measures and FPED (from 0.514 to 0.523) and between FHOM and FPED (0.485). Among all analysed breeds, Cinta Senese had the lowest correlation between FROH and FPED. This might be due to the imperfect measure of FPED, which, mainly in local breeds raised in extensive production systems, cannot consider a higher level of pedigree errors and a potential higher relatedness of the founder population. It appeared that ROH better captured inbreeding information in the analysed breeds and could complement pedigree-based inbreeding coefficients for the management of these genetic resources.  相似文献   

The identification of individuals’ breed of origin has several practical applications in livestock and is useful in different biological contexts such as conservation genetics, breeding and authentication of animal products. In this paper, penalized multinomial regression was applied to identify the minimum number of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) from high-throughput genotyping data for individual assignment to dairy sheep breeds reared in Sicily. The combined use of penalized multinomial regression and stability selection reduced the number of SNPs required to 48. A final validation step on an independent population was carried out obtaining 100% correctly classified individuals. The results using independent analysis, such as admixture, Fst, principal component analysis and random forest, confirmed the ability of these methods in selecting distinctive markers. The identified SNPs may constitute a starting point for the development of a SNP based identification test as a tool for breed assignment and traceability of animal products.  相似文献   

Brazilian Nellore cattle (Bos indicus) have been selected for growth traits for over more than four decades. In recent years, reproductive and meat quality traits have become more important because of increasing consumption, exports and consumer demand. The identification of genome regions altered by artificial selection can potentially permit a better understanding of the biology of specific phenotypes that are useful for the development of tools designed to increase selection efficiency. Therefore, the aims of this study were to detect evidence of recent selection signatures in Nellore cattle using extended haplotype homozygosity methodology and BovineHD marker genotypes (>777 000 single nucleotide polymorphisms) as well as to identify corresponding genes underlying these signals. Thirty‐one significant regions (< 0.0001) of possible recent selection signatures were detected, and 19 of these overlapped quantitative trait loci related to reproductive traits, growth, feed efficiency, meat quality, fatty acid profiles and immunity. In addition, 545 genes were identified in regions harboring selection signatures. Within this group, 58 genes were associated with growth, muscle and adipose tissue metabolism, reproductive traits or the immune system. Using relative extended haplotype homozygosity to analyze high‐density single nucleotide polymorphism marker data allowed for the identification of regions potentially under artificial selection pressure in the Nellore genome, which might be used to better understand autozygosity and the effects of selection on the Nellore genome.  相似文献   

An Illumina Infinium array comprising 5306 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers was used to genotype 175 individuals of a doubled haploid population derived from a cross between Skipton and Ag‐Spectrum, two Australian cultivars of rapeseed (Brassica napus L.). A genetic linkage map based on 613 SNP and 228 non‐SNP (DArT, SSR, SRAP and candidate gene markers) covering 2514.8 cM was constructed and further utilized to identify loci associated with flowering time and resistance to blackleg, a disease caused by the fungus Leptosphaeria maculans. Comparison between genetic map positions of SNP markers and the sequenced Brassica rapa (A) and Brassica oleracea (C) genome scaffolds showed several genomic rearrangements in the B. napus genome. A major locus controlling resistance to L. maculans was identified at both seedling and adult plant stages on chromosome A07. QTL analyses revealed that up to 40.2% of genetic variation for flowering time was accounted for by loci having quantitative effects. Comparative mapping showed Arabidopsis and Brassica flowering genes such as Phytochrome A/D, Flowering Locus C and agamous‐Like MADS box gene AGL1 map within marker intervals associated with flowering time in a DH population from Skipton/Ag‐Spectrum. Genomic regions associated with flowering time and resistance to L. maculans had several SNP markers mapped within 10 cM. Our results suggest that SNP markers will be suitable for various applications such as trait introgression, comparative mapping and high‐resolution mapping of loci in B. napus.  相似文献   

Large collections of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) have recently been identified from a number of livestock genomes. This raises the possibility that SNP arrays might be useful for analysis in related species for which few genetic markers are currently available. To address the likely success of such an approach, the aim of this study was to examine the threshold number and position of flanking mutations which act to prevent genotype calls being produced. Sequence diversity was measured across 16 loci containing SNPs known either to work successfully between species or fail between species. In pairwise comparisons between domestic and wild sheep, sequence divergence surrounding working SNP assays was significantly lower than that surrounding non‐functional assays. In addition, the location of flanking mismatches tended to be closer to the target SNP in loci that failed to generate genotype calls across species. The magnitude of sequence divergence observed for both working and non‐functional assays was compared with the divergence separating domestic sheep from European Mouflon, African Barbary, goat and cattle. The results suggest that the utility of SNP arrays for analysis of shared polymorphism will be restricted to closely related pairs of species. Analysis across more divergent species will, however, be successful for other objectives, such as the identification of the ancestral state of SNPs.  相似文献   

A genome scan was conducted to map the autosomal recessive lethal disorder brachygnathia, cardiomegaly and renal hypoplasia syndrome (BCRHS) in Poll Merino sheep. The scan involved 10 affected and 27 unaffected animals from a single Poll Merino/Merino sheep flock, which were genotyped with the Illumina Ovine SNP50 BeadChip. Association and homozygosity mapping analyses located the disorder in a region comprising 20 consecutive SNPs spanning 1.1 Mb towards the distal end of chromosome OAR2. All affected animals and none of the unaffected animals were homozygous for the associated haplotype in this region. These results provide the basis for identifying the causative mutation(s) and should enable the development of a DNA test to identify carriers in the Poll Merino sheep population. Understanding the molecular control of BCRHS may provide insight into the fundamental genetic control and regulation of the affected organ systems.  相似文献   

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