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Paula S  Pausas JG 《Oecologia》2011,165(2):321-331
Drought and fire are prevalent disturbances in Mediterranean ecosystems. Plant species able to regrow after severe disturbances (i.e. resprouter life history) have higher allocation to roots and higher water potential during the dry season than coexisting non-resprouting species. However, seedlings of non-resprouters have a higher survival rate after summer drought. We predict that, to counteract their shallow-rooting systems and to maximize seedling survival, non-resprouters have root traits that confer higher efficiency in soil resource acquisition than resprouters. We tested this prediction in seedlings of less than 1.5 months old. We select 13 coexisting woody species (including both resprouters and non-resprouters), grew them in a common garden and measured the following root traits: length, surface, average diameter, root tissue density (RTD), specific root length (SRL), surface:volume ratio (SVR), specific tip density (STD), tip distribution in depth, internal links ratio (ILR), and degree of branching. These root traits were compared between the two resprouting life histories using both standard cross-species and phylogenetic-informed analysis. Non-resprouters showed higher SRL and longer, thinner and more branched laterals, especially in the upper soil layers. The external links (i.e. the most absorptive root region) were also more abundant, longer, thinner and with higher SVR for non-resprouters. The results were supported by the phylogenetic-informed analysis for the root traits most strongly related to soil resource acquisition (SRL, SVR and branching pattern). The seedling root structure of non-resprouters species allows them to more efficiently explore the upper soil layer, whereas seedling roots of resprouters will permit both carbon storage and deep soil penetration.  相似文献   

We explored differences in leaf nutrient contents between species from Mediterranean shrublands with the ability to resprout after disturbances such as fire (resprouters) and others without this capacity (non-resprouters). Since it is to be expected that resprouting capacity is related to a more conservative use of nutrients, we hypothesize that resprouter and non-resprouter species will differ in their leaf nutrient concentrations.We measured the following leaf traits: leaf carbon content (LCC), leaf nitrogen content, leaf phosphorous content (LPC), leaf potassium content, leaf calcium content (LCaC), leaf magnesium content and leaf sodium content, in 30 woody species coexisting in a coastal shrubland. We also considered the influence of species’ taxonomic affiliation in our analysis.Non-resprouters had higher LPC and LCaC than resprouter species, and lower LCC, which could be related to their cell and life-history properties. This study also suggests that non-resprouter species have more P in their leaves and are less limited by P than resprouter species.Overall, the differences in leaf nutrient contents suggest that shifts in the proportion of resprouter and non-resprouter species resulting from changes in the fire regime may have effects on the functional properties of the ecosystem.  相似文献   

Vivian LM  Cary GJ 《Annals of botany》2012,109(1):197-208

Background and Aims

Resprouting and seed recruitment are important ways in which plants respond to fire. However, the investments a plant makes into ensuring the success of post-fire resprouting or seedling recruitment can result in trade-offs that are manifested in a range of co-occurring morphological, life history and physiological traits. Relationships between fire-response strategies and other traits have been widely examined in fire-prone Mediterranean-type climates. In this paper, we aim to determine whether shrubs growing in a non-Mediterranean climate region exhibit relationships between their fire-response strategy and leaf traits.


Field surveys were used to classify species into fire-response types. We then compared specific leaf area, leaf dry-matter content, leaf width, leaf nitrogen and carbon to nitrogen ratios between (a) obligate seeders and all other resprouters, and (b) obligate seeders, facultative resprouters and obligate resprouters.

Key Results

Leaf traits only varied between fire-response types when we considered facultative resprouters as a separate group to obligate resprouters, as observed after a large landscape-scale fire. We found no differences between obligate seeders and obligate resprouters, nor between obligate seeders and resprouters considered as one group.


The results suggest that facultative resprouters may require a strategy of rapid resource acquisition and fast growth in order to compete with species that either resprout, or recruit from seed. However, the overall lack of difference between obligate seeders and obligate resprouters suggests that environmental factors are exerting similar effects on species'' ecological strategies, irrespective of the constraints and trade-offs that may be associated with obligate seeding and obligate resprouting. These results highlight the limits to trait co-occurrences across different ecosystems and the difficulty in identifying global-scale relationships amongst traits.  相似文献   

Wildfire is an important ecological disturbance factor in most Mediterranean ecosystems. In the Mediterranean Basin, most shrub species can regenerate after fire by resprouting or seeding. Here, we hypothesize that post-fire regenerative syndromes may potentially co-vary with traits directly related to functional properties involved in resource use. Thus, seeders with a shorter life span and smaller size would have lower water-use efficiency (WUE) than re-sprouting species and would take up nutrients such as nitrogen from more superficial parts of the soil. To test this hypothesis, we compared leaf 13C and 15N signatures from 29 co-existing species with different post-fire regeneration strategies. We also considered life form as an additional explanatory variable of the differences between post-fire regenerative groups. Our data support the hypothesis that seeder species (which mostly evolved in the Quaternary under a Mediterranean climate) have lower WUE and less stomatal control than non-seeders (many of which evolved under different climatic conditions in the Tertiary) and consequently greater consumption of water per unit biomass. This would be related to their smaller life forms, which tend to have lower WUE and shorter life and leaf lifespan. Differences in 15N also support the hypothesis that resprouters have deeper root systems than non-resprouters. The study supports the hypothesis of an overlap between plant functional traits and plant attributes describing post-disturbance resilience.  相似文献   

Abstract. Differences in allocation patterns between seeders and resprouters in several Mediterranean plant communities (Australia, California and South Africa) have led to the prediction that seedlings of seeders grow faster than those of resprouters. In the Mediterranean Basin, it has also been hypothesized that regeneration strategy of plants after fire is associated with several other life history traits. This paper tests both hypotheses for the dominant plants in the Mediterranean Basin from literature data. Results show that seeders from the Mediterranean Basin grow significantly faster and allocate more biomass to leaf plus paracotyledons than resprouters. Seeders are mainly non‐sclerophyllous, anemochorous, dry‐fruited, small‐seeded species that evolved in the Quaternary (post‐Pliocene) and are associated with earlier successional stages. Resprouters are mainly sclero‐phyllous, vertebrate‐dispersed, fleshy‐fruited, large‐seeded species that evolved in the Tertiary (pre‐Pliocene) and are associated with late successional stages.  相似文献   

Plant species in fire‐prone environments possess specific traits which allow them to survive fire. Species are commonly classified according to whether they survive fire and resprout or whether they are killed by fire and regenerate from seed. However, different populations of the same species have been shown to vary in their responses. Therefore, the classification of a species into a single category based on fire‐response traits may not necessarily be representative of every population under every circumstance. This study examined the extent of within‐species variation in fire‐response traits of woody plants in south‐eastern Australia after the 2003 fires. Species were then classified using two approaches: (i) using data from a field survey of fire‐response traits, taking into account within‐species variation; and (ii) using species' fire responses listed in a pre‐existing fire‐response database compiled from a variety of primary sources. Field data showed that the majority of species in the study area resprouted after fire with around one in 10 species variable in their resprouting response. Almost half of all species varied from site to site according to whether they regenerated from seed, either solely or in addition to resprouting. The numbers of species classified as resprouters and seed regenerators varied according to the classification method used. Differences were also found between the classification method when calculating the mean proportion of resprouters and seed regenerators across sites. The fire‐response traits for some species from the database were found to differ from the observed field responses. This study demonstrated that the application of a fire‐response trait, reported in a trait database, to an entire species, may not adequately represent the actual fire responses of the populations of interest. Rather than considering the fire‐response traits of a species, accurate prediction may be better achieved by considering how different populations of plants will respond to fire.  相似文献   

M. Vil  F. Lloret 《植被学杂志》2000,11(4):597-606
Abstract. In Mediterranean shrublands, post‐fire accumulation of above‐ground biomass of resprouters is faster than that of seeders. This suggests that resprouters may have a competitive advantage. To test this hypothesis, we used a removal experiment to study the effect of the presence of the dominant tussock‐grass Ampelodesmos mauritanica on the resprouting shrubs Erica multiflora and Globularia alypum and on the seeders Rosmarinus officinalis and Pinus halepensis three and four years after a wildfire. Water potential of target plants was also measured to see if Ampelodesmos removal increased water availability. Ampelodesmos marginally reduced growth of all target species but did not influence survival or water potential of any target species. Our results suggest that the effect of climatically influenced water stress was stronger than the effect of Ampelodesmos neighbours. Plant‐plant interactions in this Mediterranean community are weak after fire and the magnitude of the Ampelodesmos effect does not differ between seeders and resprouters.  相似文献   

Standing dead biomass retention is considered one of the most relevant fuel structural traits to affect plant flammability. However, very little is known about the biological significance of this trait and its distribution between different functional groups. Our aim was to analyse how the proportion of dead biomass produced in Mediterranean species is related to the successional niche of species (early‐, mid‐ and late‐successional stages) and the regeneration strategy of species (seeders and resprouters). We evaluated biomass distribution by size classes and standing dead biomass retention in nine dominant species from the Mediterranean Basin in different development stages (5, 9, 14 and 26 years since the last fire). The results revealed significant differences in the standing dead biomass retention of species that presented a distinct successional niche or regeneration strategy. These differences were restricted to the oldest ages studied (>9 years). Tree and small tree resprouters, typical in late‐successional stages, presented slight variations with age and a less marked trend to retain dead biomass, while seeder shrubs and dwarf shrubs, characteristic of early‐successional stages, showed high dead biomass loads. Our results suggest that the species that tend to retain more dead branches are colonising species that may promote fire in early‐successional stages.  相似文献   

Though observations on re-colonisation of post-fire sites in the Mediterranean Basin are plentiful, there still is an ongoing debate on the interrelation of fire regimes and species traits related to fire adaptation. Most of the studies found are restricted to particular species or claim to present community attributes. Therefore they often lack information for the evaluation of evolutionary evidence and historical contingency of the local fire regime and other abiotic conditions, which may act as selective pressure for plant regeneration strategies. Indeed, knowledge about the success of regeneration mechanisms and their interrelation with ecological factors is essential for the interpretation of the high spatio-temporal variability found in post-fire species performance. Such knowledge would be necessary to assess the potential of different regeneration mechanisms to cope with ongoing land-use and climate change—a crucial scientific challenge. A summary is given of the knowledge about the limits and potential of plant regeneration mechanisms after fire in the Mediterranean Basin, along with corresponding studies conducted in other parts of the world with similar climatic conditions in order to present the fullest possible picture. Moreover, the positive or negative impacts of particular parameters of a fire regime on different regeneration strategies (post-fire seeders, resprouters, and facultative resprouters) are explained and discussed in the light of published literature. To conclude, reference is made to scientific gaps that need to be filled in order to analyse species resistance and community resilience absorbing possible climate or land use changes.  相似文献   

Life‐history attributes can impose differences on root system structures and properties related to nutrient and water uptake. Here, we assess whether plants with different post‐fire regenerative strategies (resprouters, seeders and seeder–resprouters) differ in the topological and morphological properties of their root systems (external path, altitude, magnitude, topological index, specific root length, root length, root‐to‐shoot biomass ratio, length of the main axis of the root system and link length). To achieve these objectives, we sampled individuals from eight woody species in a shrubland located in the western Mediterranean Basin. We sampled the adult root systems using manual field excavation with the aid of an air compressor. The results indicate that resprouters have a higher root‐to‐shoot ratio, confirming their higher ability to store water, starch and nutrients and to invest in the belowground biomass. Moreover, this pattern would allow them to explore deeper parts of the soil layers. Seeder species would benefit from a higher specific root length, pointing to increased relative root growth and water uptake rates. This study confirms that seeders and resprouters may differ in nutrient and water uptake ability according to the characteristics of their root system. Species that can both resprout and establish seedlings after fire had different patterns of root system structure; in particular, root:shoot ratio was more similar to resprouters and specific root length was closer to seeders, supporting the distinct functional performance of this type of species.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Post-fire regeneration is a key process in Mediterranean shrubland dynamics, strongly determining the functional properties of the community. In this study, a test is carried out to determine whether there is co-variation between species regenerative types and functional attributes related to water use. METHODS: An analysis was made of the seasonal variations in leaf relative water content (RWC), leaf dry matter content (LDMC), leaf moisture (LM) and live fine fuel moisture (LFFM) in 30 woody species of a coastal shrubland, with different post-fire regenerative strategies (seeding, resprouting or both). KEY RESULTS: RWC results suggest that the studied resprouters have more efficient mechanisms to reduce water losses and maintain water supply between seasons. In contrast, seeders are more drought tolerant. LDMC is higher in resprouters over the course of the year, suggesting a more efficient conservation of nutrients. The weight of the phylogenetic constraint to understand differences between regenerative strategies tends to be important for LDMC, while it is not the case for variables such as RWC. CONCLUSIONS: Groups of species with different post-fire regenerative strategies (seeders and resprouters) have different functional traits related to water use. In addition to the role of phylogenetical constraints, these differences are also likely to be related to the respective life history characteristics. Therefore, the presence and abundance of species with different post-fire regenerative responses influence the functional properties of the communities.  相似文献   

Seasonal patterns of growth, water relations, photosynthesis and leaf characteristics were compared between obligate seeders (Cistus monspeliensis and Cistus ladanifer) and resprouters (Arbutus unedo and Pistacia lentiscus) from the first to the second year after fire. We hypothesized that seedlings would be more water-limited than resprouts due to their shallower root systems. Regarding water use strategies, Cistus species are drought semi-deciduous and A. unedo and P. lentiscus are evergreen sclerophylls, therefore, comparisons were based on the relative deviation from mature conspecific plants. Seedlings and resprouts had higher shoot elongation and leaf production than mature plants, and over an extended period. Differences from mature plants were larger in resprouts, with two-fold transpiration, leaf conductance and photosynthesis in late spring/early summer. Seedlings of C. monspeliensis exhibited higher transpiration and leaf conductance than mature plants, while those of C. ladanifer only exhibited higher water potential. Growth increments and ameliorated water relations and photosynthesis after fire were attributed to an increase in water and nutrient availability. The small differences in water relations and photosynthesis between seedlings and mature conspecifics are in accordance with the prediction of seedlings experiencing higher water limitation than resprouts. We attribute these results to differences in root systems: resprouters benefited from an increase in root/shoot ratios and the presence of deep roots whereas Cistus seedlings relied on very shallow roots, which cannot provide assess to deep water during summer. Nevertheless, seedlings did not show evidence of experiencing a more severe water limitation than mature conspecifics, which we attributed to the presence of efficient mechanisms of avoiding and tolerating water stress. The results are discussed in relation to post-fire demography of seeders and resprouters in Mediterranean communities.  相似文献   

Plants often survive disturbances such as fire by resprouting which involves having both protection traits and carbohydrate storage capacity. Protection traits not only act directly to insulate meristems but also prevent combustion of carbohydrate stores. Rapid stem growth also allows replenishment of carbohydrate stores ensuring persistence through another event. Resource availability may, however, constrain the ability to develop resilience to high-severity fires through either nutrient limitation or light limitation. We tested whether fire severity influenced resprouting ability of woody plants in two contrasting environments, low nutrient dry sclerophyll forest and more fertile wet sclerophyll forest. We tested which fire protection and growth traits were associated with resprouting ability (27 species) and resprouting vigour (16 species). Fire severity did not limit the ability of most species to resprout in either forest type. There was no generalized protection syndrome for surviving top kill, but combinations of bud protection and growth together with storage capacity appear to drive resprouting ability. In nutrient-limited forests, low specific leaf area (SLA) may reduce stem growth in resprouters, causing more reliance on bud protection through bark thickness. Conversely, in the more fertile forests, where light becomes limiting with time-since-fire, high SLA appears to increase the capacity for rapid stem growth with less emphasis on developing thicker bark. These different syndromes appear to be adaptive as fire severity did not influence survival in either forest type.  相似文献   

Lloret F  Estevan H  Vayreda J  Terradas J 《Oecologia》2005,146(3):461-468
Community resilience after fire is determined by species’ ability to regenerate through two main mechanisms growth of new sprouts (resprouter species) and germination from surviving seed banks or from seeds arriving from neighbouring populations (seeder species). Both the mechanisms are present in Mediterranean communities. The occurrence of both the types in a community depends on fire history and the bio-geographical history determining the available species pool. Regenerative traits also covary with other functional attributes associated with resource acquisition and stress tolerance. As post-fire regenerative responses can be related to various ecological factors other than fire, we tested the hypothesis of a different proportional representation of post-fire regenerative syndromes in forest woody species along a climatic gradient in Catalonia (NE Spain) ranging from Mediterranean to temperate-boreal climates. Specifically, we expected seeder species to become less common with colder and moister conditions while resprouters would not be so influenced by the climatic gradient. We also tested the hypothesis of change in the relative abundance of regenerative syndromes in relation to recent fire history. We analysed a large database obtained from extensive forestry surveys and remote sensing fire records. After correction for spatial autocorrelation, we found an increase in the proportion of seeder species under more Mediterranean conditions and a decrease in fire-sensitive species (with no efficient mechanisms of post-fire recovery) in moister conditions. Resprouter species were similarly present across the whole gradient. A similar pattern was observed after excluding recently burnt plots. Therefore, post-fire regenerative syndromes segregate along the climatic gradient. Recent fires reduced the occurrence of fire-sensitive species and increased the proportion of seeder species. No significant effect was observed on resprouter species. Fire has a sorting effect, shaping the occurrence of species with different regenerative traits. Overall, fire seems to explain better the variability of the proportion of fire-sensitive species and climate the variability of seeder species. In addition, other factors (forestry practices and the covariation between regenerative and functional attributes) are likely to contribute to the regional pattern of regenerative syndromes.  相似文献   

自2007年三峡大坝试运行以来,其独特的人工水位调度节律给当地的水库消落带生态系统带来了巨大的负面影响。植物功能性状可以反映某一特殊生境植物的生理生态过程特殊性,是指示生态系统结构与功能的有效指标。因此,在三峡水库消落带形成2a后,于2009年调查了消落带的42种适生植物以及对照带33种植物的6个叶片功能性状:最大净光合速率(Amax)、叶片气孔导度(Gs)、比叶重(LMA)、叶片全氮含量(Nmass)、全磷含量(Pmass)和全钾含量(Kmass)。运用标准化主轴回归分析对消落带植物叶片各功能性状之间关系进行分析,并对照全球尺度叶片功能性状数据库,旨在说明反季节淹水对消落带植物叶片功能性状之间关系与全球尺度对比发生了哪些变化。同时,运用成对方差t检验的分析方法,对比了在消落带和对照带都存在的33个种的叶片光合与营养性状之间的差异,以阐明消落带植物对消落带特殊生境的生理响应。结果表明:(1)消落带植物叶片各性状关系呈现出与全球尺度基本一致的格局,表现出植物叶性状之间关系的趋同性;(2)消落带植物Amass、Nmass、Pmass和Kmass显著高于全球尺度,而LMA则显著低于全球尺度。处于驯化阶段的消落带植物各叶片性状处在全球叶片经济型谱"低投入-快速回收"的一端。(3)消落带植物叶片Amass与对照带相比,有显著提高。表明三峡水库消落带植物叶片光合能力得到显著提高,这可能是其适应消落带特殊生境的关键生理生态对策之一。  相似文献   

There are many ways that plants may recover vegetatively from dieback caused by fires. Compared with fire-killed species, the presence of woody resprouters in fire-prone floras increases with fire frequency, though this is affected by site productivity that may have opposing correlates along different gradients. Population recovery is enhanced by resprouting when fecundity is low and/or seedling recruitment is not guaranteed. There is resource cycling between vegetative growth and storage but no clear trade-off between fecundity and storage, and more attention needs to be given to the role of somatic mutations in reducing fecundity. Seven fitness benefits of post-fire resprouting are noted that centre around the rapid return to adult growth rates and early flowering and seed set without the risks of recruitment failure. The extent of resprouting at the individual, population, and species levels varies greatly but it is under genetic control. Recent studies on the evolution of resprouting in fire-prone systems have shown that types of resprouting (clonality, rootstocks, epicormic bud strands) are derived from surrounding parent lineages lacking these traits and confined to non-fire-prone environments. The oldest lineages with fire-related resprouting date to at least 61 million years ago, indicating that seed plants have had a long evolutionary relationship with fire. Various genetic mechanisms, including beneficial somatic mutations, have been invoked to explain how speciation of resprouters may keep pace with non-sprouters.  相似文献   

The leaf–height–seed (LHS) model has been proposed as a simple trait-based functional classification. We investigated whether the two components of competitive ability, i.e. competitive response (CR) and competitive effect (CE), are captured by the LHS model and whether these two components are independent for 12 coexisting Mediterranean grasses. Two greenhouse experiments were conducted to estimate competitive effect and response of 12 coexisting grass species from Mediterranean habitats in Jordan. We applied a phytometer design and calculated CR and CE using the relative interaction index (RII). Mature plant height, seed mass and leaf dry matter content (LDMC, used as the leaf trait) were measured for each species. Correlations and trade-offs between the three traits and the components of competitive ability, CR and CE, were analyzed with principal components analysis (PCA). The LHS model was a good predictor of competitive ability but CR and CE were independent and related to different traits. CR was positively correlated with seed mass and CE with plant height. LDMC was neither correlated to CR nor to CE. Based on these findings, we suggest that there are three primary strategies allowing coexistence in Mediterranean communities, which are related to competition: (1) large CE, i.e. large negative impact on other species associated with large stature, (2) large CR, i.e. resistance to competition associated with large seeds, and (3) competition avoidance associated with small seeds.  相似文献   

Understanding evolution and ecology of endemic plants is of great importance for conservation of those rare and endangered species. Pairwise comparisons of plant functional traits could be an adequate method to get insights in evolutionary and ecological processes. We examined whether morphological traits representing competitive ability and habitat specificity differ between endemics and common plants. Therefore, we performed pairwise comparison analyses of 9 plant functional traits in 36 congeneric pairs of endemics and their common congeners on the East Mediterranean island of Cyprus, i.e., the first such study conducted on a Mediterranean island. We found that endemic species prefer higher elevations and more extreme habitats. Endemics were smaller and they had smaller flowers than their common congeners. Common species had higher chromosome numbers than endemic ones. Endemic and common species showed no significant differences in canopy height, inflorescence height, leaf length and width, and flowering period. Our study showed that the situation on a large oceanic island does not differ from results in mainland research areas.  相似文献   

Fire has been proposed as a factor explaining the exceptional plant species richness found in Mediterranean regions. A fire response trait that allows plants to cope with frequent fire by either reseeding or resprouting could differentially affect rates of species diversification. However, little is known about the generality of the effects of differing fire response on species evolution. We study this question in the Restionaceae, a family that radiated in Southern Africa and Australia. These radiations occurred independently and represent evolutionary replicates. We apply Bayesian approaches to estimate trait‐specific diversification rates and patterns of climatic niche evolution. We also compare the climatic heterogeneity of South Africa and Australia. Reseeders diversify faster than resprouters in South Africa, but not in Australia. We show that climatic preferences evolve more rapidly in reseeder lineages than in resprouters and that the optima of these climatic preferences differ between the two strategies. We find that South Africa is more climatically heterogeneous than Australia, independent of the spatial scale we consider. We propose that rapid shifts between states of the fire response trait promote speciation by separating species ecologically, but this only happens when the landscape is sufficiently heterogeneous.  相似文献   

Resprouting from subterranean structures is a principal method of vegetative regeneration that many shrub species show after a disturbance. This study, therefore, aims to determine the resprouting capacity and intensity of six dominant species in an Atlantic shrubland area located in the NW of the Iberian Peninsula and compare their resprouting and germinating strategies. Resprouting intensity is measured using three variables: individual probability of resprouting, number of resprouts and length of these sprouts in three plant-age classes. The intensity for each species was calculated using a simple index (IRI) that included the three measured variables. All studied species, excepting Erica umbellata, could resprout. According to the IRI values, there are three groups of species: strong resprouters (Ulex europaeus, Ulex minor and Pterospartum tridentatum), weak resprouters (Ulex micranthus and Genista triacanthos) and non-resprouters (E. umbellata). The germination of strong resprouters is highly stimulated by fire. Frequent disturbances remove the non- and weak resprouter populations and promote the strong resprouter ones.  相似文献   

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