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变态是动物学中一个较重要的专用名词,有关内容在中学课本也多处涉及到。现择要介绍一点动物变态的知识,供动物学教学参考。何谓动物的变态动物由于外在和内在的原因,个体形态发生变化,这叫变态。但动物学所讲的变态,是狭义地从发生学角度理解,即胚胎不直接转变为成体,而是在后期发育过程中,先形成形态、生理、生态方面特殊的幼体,行独立生活和生长,以后在某阶段发生急剧变化,转变为成体。青  相似文献   

东风浩荡传喜讯,八亿神州齐欢庆。在热烈欢呼华国锋同志任中共中央主席、中央军委主席,热烈庆祝粉碎王张江姚“四人帮”阴谋篡党夺权的大喜日子里,我怀着无比的激情,沉浸在幸福的回忆中。 一九七二年三月十一日,是我永远不能忘怀的日子。这一天,首都北京阳光灿烂,红旗招展。下午一时许,我们敬爱的华国锋同志,在农林部负责同志的陪同下,来到了全国农业展览馆。当时,我作为普通工人出身的农业科技人员被聘请到农展馆作植物保护部分的讲解员,看到中央首长在百忙中来到这里检查我们的工作,心情无比激动。三点二十分,华国锋同志迈着稳健的步伐,来到植物保护展出部分,向我们招手致意。我怀着激动的心情,向中央首长汇报讲解,华国锋同志仔细地听我汇报,亲切地向我点头微笑。他认真地看  相似文献   

“美丽的草原我的家,风吹草绿遍地花”,每当听到这首歌,就会使人想起美丽富饶的内蒙古草原,那蓝蓝的天、洁白的云、粗犷的牧歌和幽静的勒勒车……内蒙古高原位于祖国的北部边疆,那里有驰名中外的呼伦贝尔、锡林郭勒等大草原,是一个令人神往的地方。古老的传说、迷人的神话,会勾起你无穷的遐想;源远流长的民族文化、别具一格的风土人情,会让你流连忘返;美味  相似文献   

乘汽车从呼和浩特市出发,沿着大青山婉蜒的山间公路,翻过陡峭的蜈蚣坝,便是内蒙古高原的南部边缘。大约向东北方向再行进150公里,就进入了锡林郭勒大草原。如果不身临其境,就很难想像它的广袤无垠。在植物生长的季节,锡林郭勒大草原蓝天白云之下,绿草如茵,茫茫无际。苍穹之下,蒙古包和骑着骏马,挥舞着套马杆的牧人构成了一幅幅  相似文献   

活的不可培养的细菌的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
活的不可培养微生物(VBNC)即一些微生物明显地丧失了可培养的特性,但是保留了自身原有的代谢活力,并且在一定条件下,又可以回复到可培养的状态。从VBNC细菌的诱导条件、生物学特性和检测方法3个方面对VBNC细菌研究进展做一综述。  相似文献   

最近,美国古生物学家詹姆斯和奥尔森,从研究夏威夷群岛上新发现的化石鸟表明,在史前时代,太平洋岛屿上生存着许多奇异的不会飞的鸟。冲破框框按照一般的说法,火山岛不是化石的收集地。在1971年之前,可以说没有一位古生物学家或者  相似文献   

卢永根 《生命科学》2006,18(4):303-306
卢永根院士是著名的作物遗传学家。他致力于水稻遗传育种研究,取得了显著的成绩。在青年时代,他以极大的热情投身到革命洪流中,既做地下党的工作,又刻苦地在岭大深造;在岭大毕业后至今50余年中,他在高校既教书,又从事科学研究,为人才培养和水稻遗传育种工作做出贡献。他总结的五点体会和崇高的思想境界:“我的青春年华已经献给党的科学事业,我准备把晚年继续献给这个事业。”令人深受启发,值得学习。经作者同意,现将刊登在中国科学院院士工作局《学部通讯》2003年第4期上的“院士自述:我的成长经历”这篇报道,转载于后。  相似文献   

梨的一些性状的遗传   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
蒲富慎 《遗传》1979,1(1):25-28
我们于1951年开始梨的杂交育种,到1977 先后27年间分四批杂交,共168个组合,培育 6,894个单株。第一批是在1951和1952年进行 的,当时辽西梨产区栽培的西洋梨、砂梨经常遭 受冻害,我们想通过杂交改进品种的抗寒能力; 1956、1957年又做了一批杂交,这次主要是想 培育早熟的新品种和品质优良兼能抗病耐寒的 晚熟品种。经过二十多年的工作,已培育出一 些基本上符合上述要求的新品种,有的已在生 产上大面积推广。  相似文献   

疱疹病毒编码的miRNAs的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
MicroRNAs (miRNAs)是一类长约22个核苷酸的RNA,在数量、序列、结构、表达和功能上具有多样性。目前,通过生物信息学手段和分子克隆方法,已发现了3518种miRNAs,在控制细胞的生长发育、分化、凋亡等过程中发挥着十分重要的作用。最近研究发现某些病毒基因组也能够编码miRNAs,其中大部分为疱疹病毒,这些miRNAs在调控病毒自身表达以及病毒与宿主相互作用方面可能起到重要的作用。找出病毒可能编码的miRNAs,探索其对病毒感染、复制、表达的作用,有助于病毒分子生物学的研究,也会为研发防治病毒的新方法和新途径提供新的思路。  相似文献   

前  言  在新世纪开初 ,欣逢《植物生理学通讯》创刊 5 0周年。本刊新组建的编委会决定循 4 0周年时的前例 ,也举行一次活动(包括出版“特辑”和召开座谈会 )。于是我们约请了一些人士撰写了纪念文稿 ,同时也收到了一些自发来稿 ,编辑了这个“特辑”。作者从九十高龄的娄成后先生 ,直到年轻的在读研究生 ,他们在文章中高度评价了本刊的作用和成就 ,同时也对本刊寄予了殷殷厚望 ,可以说代表了当今植物生理学界几代人的心声。这里 ,谨向他们表示由衷的感谢 !文稿中大都冠有“祝贺《植物生理学通讯》创刊 5 0周年”的副标题 ,为避免重复 ,一律舍去了。还有几篇文章题目雷同 ,我们作了改动。并此说明。———编者  相似文献   

The levels of endogenous phytohormones and respiratory rate in nine sorts of flowers such as Cymbidium faberi Rolfe, Nopalxochia ackermannii Kunth and others were investigated both at full bloom and senescence and meanwhile the effect of exogenous phytohormones on prolonging the blossoms and promoting ethylene production were tested. There is a high content of endogenous ethylene in all the long-lived flowere, about 3–16 folds higer than the short-lived ones. There is a high level of ABA at full blooming flowers of short-lived flowers, in which there is no or only some cytokinins in it, but the ratio of CTK (6BA+zeatin)/ABA is smaller(l.7). The endogenous ABA reached a much higher level at senescence in all nine sorts of flowers, so it is reasonable to consider that it is ABA which plays an important role of regulation in controlling flower's senescence. There is a much higher level of GA3 and zeatin in the long-lived flowers which is not demonstrated in the shortlived ones. The respiratory rate is one of the factors controtling the longevity of flowers, but it does not play a decided role. Application of 6BA and zeatin prolongs distinctly orchid’s longevity, however exogenous IAA through the promotive action on ethylene production, evidently extends the longevity of the flowers of the Nopalxochia ackermannii Kunth.  相似文献   

目的:研究300名正常白族人的手掌主线分布,为人类学、医学、遗传学提供正常参数。方法:在知情同意手续下,捺印调查对象的手纹。结果:A主线,Ⅲ型占96%、Ⅴ型2.17%、Ⅰ型1.83%;B主线,Ⅴ型93%、Ⅶ型7%;C主线,Ⅴ型44.5%、Ⅶ型40.67%、Ⅸ型11.67%、O型3.16%;D主线,Ⅸ型47%、Ⅶ型46%、Ⅺ型7%。主线分布以35′5″7、35′79、35″79为主(占76.67%)。39.67%的个体双手主线对称分布,以35′5″7为主(15%)。MLI平均为6.25±1.37,MLIT为22.52±3.00,二者均为男性大于女性(P0.05)。3.17%的个体缺失c三叉。结论:白族人的手掌主线和其他民族有共性又有其特异性。  相似文献   

黑鸢消化系统形态学的初步研究   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4  
周菊萍  郭延蜀  米志平  胡锦矗 《四川动物》2004,23(4):346-348,F003
对黑鸢消化系统的形态学作了初步的观察与研究,结果表明:黑鸢舌尖钝圆,舌根分叉,叉粘膜上具有尖端指向后方的栉状突;食管宽而扁,无明显可见的嗉囊;肌胃无明显的类角质膜;肠道长是体长2.3倍,小肠较发达,K1275mm,古肠道总长的93.6%,具有不发达的双侧盲肠:胰腺短而厚、并与蛇雌、毛脚鸢的消化系统进行了比较。  相似文献   

K. Hausmann 《Protoplasma》1979,100(2):199-213
Summary The membranes of the pellicle of the ciliatePseudomicrothorax dubius are investigated using thin section electron microscopy and freeze-fracture replicas. The plasma membrane is covered by a surface coat and is connected to the outer alveolar membrane by short, sometimes branched, bridges. The inner alveolar membrane is coated on both sides. The epiplasm lies in intimate contact with the cytoplasmic surface of this membrane, and there is a corresponding deposit on the other surface. This deposit is regularly striated.The epiplasmic layer and the alveoli are interrupted at sites of cytotic activity,e.g., the attachment sites of trichocysts, the cytoproct, and the parasomal sacs. The striated deposit ends where the epiplasm ends, indicating a direct relationship between these two epimembranous layers.There is a deposit along the sides of the first part of the tip of the trichocysts, and in this region the trichocyst membrane is free of intramembranous particles.The membrane of the parasomal sacs has a coat on both surfaces. That on the extraplasmic surface is similar to the surface coat of the plasma membrane. The origin of the cytoplasmic coat is unknown. The cytotic activity of these sacs is indicated by their highly irregular profiles.  相似文献   

利用氚水(3H2O)作为示踪剂,测定杨树(69杨)叶、茎及整株等器官的蒸腾生态边界层厚度并探索植物的蒸腾与环境的关系。结果表明杨树嫩叶的叶面蒸腾率大于叶背蒸腾率;叶缘区蒸腾率大于中脉间蒸腾率。幼苗单叶器官的蒸腾生态边界层厚度为5-6cm.全株苗木的蒸腾边界层厚度为24cm.  相似文献   

灰胸薮鹛消化系统形态的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
徐会  郭延蜀 《四川动物》2006,25(4):841-844,F0004
对灰胸薮鹛(Liocichla omeiensis)消化系统的形态学作了初步观察,结果表明,灰胸薮鹛舌前端有刺毛状结构,后端有一排尖端后指的栉状突,且中间小两边大;雄鸟在舌前端正中央还有一“v”形的凹缺,深约2.5mm;雌鸟食道颈段长为13.2mm,雄鸟为17.5mm;嗉囊雌鸟长7.5mm,雄鸟长8.4mm;食道胸段雌鸟长15.5mm,雄鸟长14.7mm;肌胃发达,具角质膜,腺胃乳突短而小;肠道长与体长基本相等,小肠较发达,雌鸟长153.7mm,占肠道总长92.6%,雄鸟为133mm和95%,具有双侧盲肠,占肠道总长的3.3%,大肠短,雌鸟仅占肠道7.5%,雄鸟仅占4.75%;肝为体内最大的消化腺,分左右两叶;胰位于十二指肠袢内,细长形,分三小叶。  相似文献   

从猪胸腺分离到一种低分子量T淋巴细胞抑裂素,经凝胶过滤测定分子量约为1200;等电聚焦显示二条带,等电点分别为6.6和7.2,此抑制素不是多胺类物质;蛋白酶处理可使之丧失抑制活性,核糖核酸酶处理不影响活性,证明为多肽物质;抑裂素在体外具有抑制淋巴细胞转化及刺激白介素-2产生的能力;这种抑制作用证明不是由于细胞毒所引起的;抑制是可逆的.体内试验此抑裂素可以抑制多种免疫反应,是一种有希望的免疫抑制剂  相似文献   

If the population is large and the sampling mechanism is random, the coalescent is commonly used to model the haplotypes in the sample. Ordered genotypes can then be formed by random matching of the derived haplotypes. However, this approach is not realistic when (1) there is departure from random mating (e.g., dominant individuals in breeding populations or monogamy in humans), or (2) the population is small and/or the individuals in the sample are ascertained by applying some particular non-random sampling scheme, as is usually the case when considering the statistical modeling and analysis of pedigree data. For such situations, we present here a data generation method where an ancestral graph with non-overlapping generations is first generated backwards in time, using ideas from coalescent theory. Alleles are randomly assigned to the founders, and subsequently the gene flow over the entire genome is simulated forwards in time by dropping alleles down the graph according to recombination model without interference. The parameters controlling the mating behavior of generated individuals in the graph (degree of monogamy) can be tuned in order to match a particular demographic situation, without restriction to simple random mating.The performance of the approach is illustrated with a simulation example. The software (written in C-language) is freely available for research purposes at http://www.rni.helsinki.fi/∼dag/.  相似文献   

不同风信子品种在南京地区的物候期及生长特性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对从荷兰引进的17个风信子(Hyacinthus orientalis L. )品种在南京地区的物候期、观赏特性和生长状况进行了调查分析.调查结果表明,17个风信子品种的耐寒性较强,出苗期最早在1月下旬,多数品种的出苗期在2月中下旬;绝大多数风信子品种的叶片展开期集中在3月14日至20日;花现色期多为2月底至3月初,第1朵花的开花期在3月中上旬;大部分品种的单花序开花持续时间和群体开花持续时间较长,分别达20~22 d和27~31 d.17个风信子品种的花均具有非常浓烈的香味,花蕾与花脉颜色相同,花色从花脉辐射至花瓣边缘并逐渐变淡,花色艳丽, 观赏性强. 少数品种具1个花枝, 多数品种具2个花枝, 花茎长度12.7~21.9 cm, 多数品种的花茎长度在17 cm以上;主花序长度多在11 cm以上,约占整个花茎长度的2/3;单花序花朵数为20~61.各品种的花瓣数和花药数基本一致,多以6为基数;17个风信子品种的花粉均有一定的萌发能力,其中9个品种的花粉萌发率较高,均超过40%.多数品种的叶片数为6或7,叶片长18~29 cm,宽2.2~3.6 cm.除品种'阿姆斯特丹'、'简波斯'和'福特'外,其余品种均可以分生出籽球,其中,品种'蓝星'、'蓝夹克'和'爱丽斯'的籽球分生能力最强,分生率达66%以上;不同风信子品种的籽球直径也各不相同,多数籽球直径较大,为3~5 cm.结果显示,风信子可作为早春花卉在南京进行种植,但具体种植条件尚待深入研究.  相似文献   

The effect of selection and linkage on the decay of linkage disequilibrium, D, is investigated for a hierarchy of two-locus models. The method of analysis rests upon a qualitative classification of the dynamic of D under selection relative to the neutral dynamic. To eliminate the confounding effects of gene frequency change, the behavior of D is first studied with gene frequencies fixed at their invariant values. Second, the results are extended to certain special situations where gene frequencies are changing simultaneously.A wide variety of selection regimes can cause an acceleration of the rate of decay of D relative to the neutral rate. Specifically, the asymptotic rate of decay is always faster than the neutral rate in the neighborhood of a stable equilibrium point, when viabilities are additive or only one locus is selected. This is not necessarily the case for models in which there is nonzero additive epistasis. With multiplicative viabilities, decay is always accelerated near a stable boundary equilibrium, but decay is only faster near the stable central equilibrium (with = 0) if linkage is sufficiently loose. In the symmetric viability model, decay may even be retarded near a stable boundary equilibrium. Decay is only accelerated near a stable corner equilibrium when the double homozygote is more fit than the double heterozygotes. Decay near a stable edge equilibrium may be retarded if there is loose linkage. With symmetric viabilities there is usually an acceleration of the decay process for gene frequencies near 1/2 when the central equilibrium (with = 0) is stable. This is always the case when the sign of the epistasis is negative or zero.Conversely, the decay ofD is retarded in the neighborhood of a stable equilibrium in the multiplicative and symmetric viability models if any of the conditions above are violated. Near an unstable equilibrium of any of the models considered,D may either increase or decay at a rate slower than, equal to, or faster than the neutral rate. These analytic results are supplemented by numerical studies of the symmetric viability model.  相似文献   

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