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The ectomycorrhizal (EM) canopy tree Dicymbe corymbosa (Fabaceae subfam. Caesalpinioideae) forms monodominant forests in the Pakaraima Mountains of western Guyana. Like other tropical monodominants, D. corymbosa has several life-history traits that promote conspecific clumping, in contrast to density-dependent recruitment limitations characterizing most tropical trees. Dicymbe corymbosa forests, occurring in Guyana as patches within a largely non-EM mixed-species forest matrix, are important habitats for a diverse assemblage of EM fungi. Ground-based studies have not adequately determined the regional extent of D. corymbosa forests, nor are they practical due to the rugged, remote nature of the Pakaraima Mountains. We assessed the suitability of Landsat satellite imagery for mapping regional distribution of D. corymbosa forests in Guyana's Upper Potaro River Basin. Supervised image classification was performed on images from August 1989 (Landsat-5 TM) and October 1999 (Landsat-7 ETM+). In situ forest reference data were used to quantitatively assess accuracy of output classification maps. Classification performed well in distinguishing monodominant from mixed-species forests. For both images, D. corymbosa forest class accuracy was good (1989 user's accuracy = 89.8%, Khat = 0.74; 1999 user's accuracy = 80.7%, Khat = 0.59). The resulting output classification maps will be useful for planning fungal surveys and ecological studies in forests of the Pakaraima region. Classification of Landsat images may be effective for identifying monodominant forests in other remote regions of the tropics.  相似文献   

Otolith analyses were used to back-calculate young-of-the-year (YOY) yellow perch Perca flavescens hatch-date estimates to interpret broad length distributions observed within a small Great Lake, Lake St. Clair, and a small inland lake, Lake Opinicon, during 1998. For the Great Lake, the earliest observed hatch date occurred 2 weeks after suitable water temperatures and latest hatch dates occurred the same week temperatures were considered too warm for spawning. For the inland lake, the earliest hatch date occurred 4 weeks after suitable water temperatures and the latest hatch dates occurred 2 weeks after the water temperatures were considered too warm for spawning. It is inferred that spawning in each lake had a duration of >9 weeks. This suggests that natural perch populations can protract their spawning season opportunistically under the appropriate environmental cues. During 1998, these cues involved a shortened winter, earlier spring, and slow warming to typical summer temperatures, caused by the El Niño-Southern Oscillation. Time of YOY hatch determined the absolute opportunity for growth and resulted in a match or mismatch with optimal foraging conditions and contributed to the development of the observed YOY length distributions.  相似文献   

Soil charcoal is an indicator of Holocene fires as well as a palaeoecological signature of pre-Colombian land use in Neotropical rain forests. To document rain forest fire history, we examined soil charcoal patterns in continuous old-growth forests along an elevational transect from sea level to the continental divide on the Atlantic slope of Costa Rica. At 10 elevations we sampled 1-ha plots, using 16 cores/ha to collect 1.5-m deep soil samples. We found charcoal in soils at every elevation, with total dry mass ranging from 3.18 g/m2 at 2000-m elevation to as much as 102.7 g/m2 at 300 m. Soil charcoal is most abundant at the wettest lowland sites (60–500 m) and less at montane elevations (> 1000 m) where there is less rainfall. Between 30- and 90-cm soil depth, soil charcoal is present consistently and every 1-ha plot has charcoal evidence for multiple fire events. Radiocarbon dates range from 23,240 YBP at 1750-m elevation to 140 YBP at 2600 m. Interestingly, none of the charcoal samples from 2600 m are older than 170 yr, which suggests that forests near the continental divide are relatively young replacement stands that have re-established since the most recent localized volcanic eruption on Volcán Barva. We propose that these old-growth forests have been disturbed infrequently but multiple times as a consequence of anthropogenic and natural fires.  相似文献   

Simulating the Long-term Response of Tropical Wet Forests to Fragmentation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the coming decades, a large fraction of the world's tropical forests will be fragmented into remnants surrounded by secondary vegetation, land-use areas, or roads. It is important to develop integrative tools to monitor the evolution of these fragmented ecosystems. We used the individual-oriented and process-based forest growth simulator FORMIND2.0 to investigate the spatial and temporal effects on standing biomass and functional diversity of various intensities and patterns of fragmentation within a forest landscape. The simulator was calibrated for an old-growth wet forest in French Guiana, South America. We found that the standing biomass of forest remnants was reduced significantly compared to a similar area of nonfragmented forest. When fewer but larger remnants were created rather than many small ones, the total loss in biomass and the increase in the abundance of early-successional species were significantly reduced, confirming that edge effects dominate the functioning of forest remnants. We also performed simulations of secondary succession after the landscape had been abandoned. The simulated recovery time in those secondary forests depends on both the size of cleared area and the spatial pattern of the remnant forests. Received 30 January 2002; accepted 16 July 2002.  相似文献   

Aim To assess the importance of drought and teleconnections from the tropical and north Pacific Ocean on historical fire regimes and vegetation dynamics in north‐eastern California. Location The 700 km2 study area was on the leeward slope of the southern Cascade Mountains in north‐eastern California. Open forests of ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa var. ponderosa Laws.) and Jeffrey pine (P. jeffreyi Grev. & Balf) surround a network of grass and shrub‐dominated meadows that range in elevation from 1650 to 1750 m. Methods Fire regime characteristics (return interval, season and extent) were determined from crossdated fire scars and were compared with tree‐ring based reconstructions of precipitation and temperature and teleconnections for the period 1700–1849. The effect of drought on fire regimes was determined using a tree‐ring based proxy of climate from five published chronologies. The number of forest‐meadow units that burned was compared with published reconstructions of the El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO). Results Landscape scale fires burned every 7–49 years in meadow‐edge forests and were influenced by variation in drought, the PDO and ENSO. These widespread fires burned during years that were dryer and warmer than normal that followed wetter and cooler years. Less widespread fires were not associated with this wet, then dry climate pattern. Widespread fires occurred during El Niño years, but fire extent was mediated by the phase of the PDO. Fires were most widespread when the PDO was in a warm or normal phase. Fire return intervals, season and extent varied at decadal to multi‐decadal time scales. In particular, an anomalously cool, wet period during the early 1800s resulted in widespread fires that occurred earlier in the year than fires before or after. Main conclusions Fire regimes in north‐eastern California were strongly influenced by regional and hemispheric‐scale climate variation. Fire regimes responded to variation that occurred in both the north and tropical Pacific. Near normal modes of the PDO may influence fire regimes more than extreme conditions. The prevalence of widespread teleconnection‐driven fires in the historic record suggests that variation in the Pacific Ocean was a key regulator of fire regimes through its influence on local fuel production and successional dynamics in north‐eastern California.  相似文献   

Rhodocybe pruinosostipitata, found on woody debris, and R. spongiosa, found on soil litter, are described as new species from tropical rainforests of the Pakaraima Mountains of Guyana. Both species possess pustulate basidiospores and pseudocystidia. Rhodocybe pruinosostipitata is classified in section Rhodocybe based on its centrally attached stipe, pleurocystidia as pseudocystidia with brightly colored contents, and lack of clamp connections. Rhodocybe spongiosa is classified in section Crepidotoides based on its pleurotoid stature and hymenial pseudocystidia. Macromorphological, micromorphological, and habitat data are provided for the new species.  相似文献   

Fire histories were compared between the south-western United States and northern Patagonia, Argentina using both documentary records (1914–87 and 1938–96, respectively) and tree-ring reconstructions over the past several centuries. The two regions share similar fire–climate relationships and similar relationships of climatic anomalies to the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO). In both regions, El Niño events coincide with above-average cool season precipitation and increased moisture availability to plants during the growing season. Conversely, La Niña events correspond with drought conditions. Monthly patterns of ENSO indicators (southern oscillation indices and tropical Pacific sea surface temperatures) preceding years of exceptionally widespread fires are highly similar in both regions during the 20th century. Major fire years tend to follow the switching from El Niño to La Niña conditions. El Niño conditions enhance the production of fine fuels, which when desiccated by La Niña conditions create conditions for widespread wildfires. Decadal-scale patterns of fire occurrence since the mid-17th century are highly similar in both regions. A period of decreased fire occurrence in both regions from c. 1780–1830 coincides with decreased amplitude and/or frequency of ENSO events. The interhemispheric synchrony of fire regimes in these two distant regions is tentatively interpreted to be a response to decadal-scale changes in ENSO activity. The ENSO–fire relationships of the south-western USA and northern Patagonia document the importance of high-frequency climatic variation to fire hazard. Thus, in addition to long-term trends in mean climatic conditions, multi-decadal scale changes in year-to-year variability need to be considered in assessments of the potential influence of climatic change on fire regimes.  相似文献   

We assess the differential impact of logging and ENSO (El Niño Southern Oscillation)-induced disturbance on the relative butterfly abundance and species richness of range-restricted and widespread species within the island of Borneo. Relative abundance and species richness were assessed using rarefaction and species accumulation curves in unburned isolates surrounded by burned forest, the burned forest itself, and continuous forest unaffected by ENSO-induced disturbance in addition to logged and unlogged landscapes in unburned forest. The relative abundance of endemics was significantly higher in unlogged forest than logged forest and significantly higher in unburned forest than burned forest. Rarefied species richness of range categories was similar (Bornean endemics) or higher (other categories) in selectively logged than unlogged forest. In contrast, rarefied species richness of range-restricted species was highest in continuous forest, intermediate in unburned isolates, and lowest in burned forest. Only two individuals of a single Bornean endemic species were found in all the burned forest. Although species richness was higher in all range categories in continuous forest than in unburned isolates and in burned forest, the difference was most pronounced for range-restricted species. Logging and ENSO-induced fires thus have contrasting effects on range-restricted species. While both increase the relative abundance of widely distributed species at the expense of range-restricted species, only ENSO-induced disturbance lowers the rarefied number of restricted range species. Our research highlights the threat that severe ENSO events pose to geographically restricted classes of biodiversity.  相似文献   

The canopy of many central African forests is dominated by light-demanding tree species that do not regenerate well under themselves. The prevalence of these species might result from ancient slash-and-burn agricultural activities that created large openings, while a decline of these activities since the colonial period could explain their deficit of regeneration. To verify this hypothesis, we compared soil charcoal abundance, used as a proxy for past slash-and-burn agriculture, and tree species composition assessed on 208 rainforest 0.2 ha plots located in three areas from Southern Cameroon. Species were classified in regeneration guilds (pioneer, non-pioneer light-demanding, shade-bearer) and characterized by their wood-specific gravity, assumed to reflect light requirement. We tested the correlation between soil charcoal abundance and: (i) the relative abundance of each guild, (ii) each species and family abundance and (iii) mean wood-specific gravity. Charcoal was found in 83% of the plots, indicating frequent past forest fires. Radiocarbon dating revealed two periods of fires: “recent” charcoal were on average 300 years old (up to 860 BP, n = 16) and occurred in the uppermost 20 cm soil layer, while “ancient” charcoal were on average 1900 years old (range: 1500 to 2800 BP, n = 43, excluding one sample dated 9400 BP), and found in all soil layers. While we expected a positive correlation between the relative abundance of light-demanding species and charcoal abundance in the upper soil layer, overall there was no evidence that the current heterogeneity in tree species composition can be explained by charcoal abundance in any soil layer. The absence of signal supporting our hypothesis might result from (i) a relatively uniform impact of past slash-and-burn activities, (ii) pedoturbation processes bringing ancient charcoal to the upper soil layer, blurring the signal of centuries-old Human disturbances, or (iii) the prevalence of other environmental factors on species composition.  相似文献   

Five new species of Clavulina (Clavulinaceae, Cantharellales, Basidiomycota) are described from the Pakaraima Mountains of Guyana, occurring in rain forests dominated by the ectomycorrhizal tree Dicymbe corymbosa (Caesalpiniaceae). These clavarioid fungi have simple (i.e., unbranching) basidiomata, which is a relatively uncommon phenotypic feature for the genus Clavulina. Macromorphological, micromorphological, and habitat data are provided for each taxon, and nuclear ribosomal DNA sequences of the 28S subunit and internal transcribed spacer region were obtained for each holotype collection.  相似文献   

Aim The plant diversity of one location on the Guiana Shield, Kaieteur National Park in Guyana, is used to examine the various hypothesized origins of the flora and to evaluate which may best explain the current plant distributions. Location Kaieteur National Park is located on eastern edge of the Potaro Plateau in central Guyana, South America. The species examined have distributions that vary from local to global. Methods The distribution patterns of the families, genera and species known from Kaieteur are examined using generalized distribution patterns. Results Data on distribution patterns, elevation and habitat were gathered from 131 flowering plant families, 517 genera and 1227 species. These plants represent all taxa that are currently known to occur in the area of the original Kaieteur National Park. Families tend to have cosmopolitan or pantropical distribution, genera are mostly neotropical and at the species level, most species are restricted to the Guiana Shield (c. 40%), northern South America (69%) or neotropical (96%) in distribution, each level inclusive of the previous. Conclusions The flora at the study site in Kaieteur National Park has its strongest affinity with the Guiana Shield; 42.1% of the species have a distribution that corresponds with the Shield or is more restricted within the Shield. There is a distinct flora on the Guiana Shield and its affinities lie with the flora of northern South American and beyond that, the neotropics. The flora is not closely affiliated with the floras of the Brazilian Shield, the Amazon, the Andes, the eastern coastal forests of Brazil, southern South America, or Africa as has been previous suggested.  相似文献   

1. We examined the influence of hydrologic seasonality on temporal variation of planktonic bacterial production (BP) in relatively undisturbed lowland rivers of the middle Orinoco basin, Venezuela. We sampled two clearwater and two blackwater rivers over 2 years for dissolved organic carbon (DOC), chlorophyll, phosphorus and bacterial abundance to determine their relationship to temporal variation in BP. 2. Dissolved organic carbon concentration was greater in blackwater (543–664 μm ) than in clearwater rivers (184–240 μm ), and was generally higher during periods of rising and high water compared with low water. Chlorophyll concentration peaked (3 μg L?1) during the first year of study when discharge was lowest, particularly in blackwater rivers. Soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) was very low in the study rivers (<3.8 μg L?1) and concentration increased during low water. 3. Average BP was higher in clearwater (0.20–0.26 μg C L?1 h?1) than in blackwater rivers (0.14–0.17 μg C L?1 h?1), although mean bacterial abundance was similar among rivers (0.6–0.8 × 106 cells mL?1). 4. Periods of higher chlorophyll a concentration (low water) or flushing of terrestrial organic material (rising water) were accompanied by higher BP, while low BP was observed during the period of high water. 5. Interannual variation in BP was influenced by variations in discharge related to El Niño Southern Oscillation events. 6. Seasonal variation in BP in the study rivers and other tropical systems was relatively small compared with seasonal variation in temperate rivers and lakes. In addition to the low seasonal variation of temperature in the tropics, low overall human disturbance could result in less variation in the inputs of nutrients and carbon to the study rivers compared with more disturbed temperate systems.  相似文献   

Recurrent fires are integral to the function of many ecosystems worldwide. The management of fire‐frequented ecosystems requires the application of fire at the appropriate frequency and seasonality, but establishing the natural fire regime for an ecosystem can be problematic. Historical records of fires are often not available, and surrogates for past fires may not exist. We suggest that the relationship between climate and fire can provide an alternative means for inferring past fire regimes in some ecosystems.  相似文献   

Yiqing Li  Ming Xu  Xiaoming Zou 《Plant and Soil》2006,281(1-2):193-201
We examined the correlation between fungal and bacterial biomass, abiotic factors such as soil moisture, carbon in the light soil fraction and soil nitrogen to a depth of 0–25 cm and heterotrophic soil respiration using a trenching technique – in a secondary forest (Myrcia splendens, Miconia prasina and Casearia arborea) and a pine (Pinus caribeae) plantation in the Luquillo Experimental Forest in Puerto Rico. Soil respiration was significantly reduced where roots were excluded for 7 years in both the secondary forest and the pine plantation. Microbial biomass was also significantly reduced in the root exclusion plots. In root exclusion treatment, total fungal biomass was on average 31 and 65% lower than the control plots in the pine plantation and the secondary forest, respectively, but the total bacterial biomass was 24 and 8.3% lower than the control plots in the pine plantation and the secondary forest, respectively. Heterotrophic soil respiration was positively correlated with fungal biomass (R2=0.63, R2=0.39), bacterial biomass (R2=0.16, R2=0.45), soil moisture (R2=0.41, R2=0.56), carbon in light fraction (R2=0.45, R2=0.39) and total nitrogen (R2=0.69, R2=0.67) in the pine plantation and the secondary forest, respectively. The regression analysis suggested that fungal biomass might have a greater influence on heterotrophic soil respiration in the pine plantation, while the bacterial biomass might have a greater influence in the secondary forest. Heterotrophic soil respiration was more sensitive to total N than to carbon in the light fraction, and soil moisture was a major factor influencing heterotrophic soil respiration in these forests where temperature is high and relatively invariable.  相似文献   

Ecological processes in tropical forests are being affected at unprecedented rates by human activities. Yet, the continuity of ecological functions like seed dispersal is crucial for forest regeneration. It thus becomes increasingly urgent to be able to rapidly assess the health status of these processes in order to take appropriate management measures. We tested a method to rapidly evaluate seed removal rates on two animal‐dispersed tree species, Virola kwatae and V. michelii (Myristicaceae), at three sites in French Guiana with increasing levels of anthropogenic disturbance. We counted fallen fruits, fruit valves, and seeds of each focal fruiting tree in a single 1 m2 quadrat, and calculated two indices: the proportion of seeds removed and the proportion of fruits opened by mammals. They both provide an indirect and rapid assessment of frugivore activity. Our results showed a significant decrease in the proportion of removed seeds (16%) and fruits opened (19%) at the most impacted site in comparison with the other two sites (79% for seeds, 60% and 35% for fruits). This testifies to an increased impoverishment of the primate and toucan communities at the disturbed sites. This standardized protocol provides fast information about the health status of the community of seed dispersers and predators and of their seed removal services. It is time‐ and cost‐effective and is not species‐specific, allowing comparisons among sites or over time. We suggest using it with the pantropical Myristicaceae and any other capsule‐producing family to rapidly assess the health status of seed removal processes across the tropics.  相似文献   

In Guyana, we investigated seed output, and resulting seedling establishment and survival, during a 'mast' year, by the ectomycorrhizal, monodominant rainforest canopy tree Dicymbe corymbosa (Caesalpiniaceae), a species with high, synchronous seed production at intermittent years. By utilizing seed traps, the mast seed output, predation, carbon and mineral investment, and masting synchrony were quantified in 2003 in primary D. corymbosa forests. Establishment of seedling cohorts was monitored, and climatic conditions associated with masting were assessed. During 2003, D. corymbosa in the Pakaraima Mountains exhibited high, synchronous seed production with low dispersal and predation. Investment in reproductive biomass was large relative to that in other tropical forests. Recent D. corymbosa reproductive events followed El Nino-induced droughts, with little intervening seed production. Over 12 months, 40% of the 2003 seedling cohort survived. Our results suggest that D. corymbosa has a strongly bimodal fruiting pattern that allows the establishment of a large seedling bank, facilitating persistent monodominance. Resource investment in large seed crops may depend on mineral recycling via ectomycorrhizas, coupled with the reallocation of carbon from vegetative maintenance.  相似文献   

Tropical dry forests are the most threatened forest type in the world yet a paucity of research about them stymies development of appropriate conservation actions. The Paranã River Basin has the most significant dry forest formations in the Cerrado biome of central Brazil and is threatened by intense land conversion to pastures and agriculture. We examined changes in Paranã River Basin deforestation rates and fragmentation across three time intervals that covered 31 yr using Landsat imagery. Our results indicated a 66.3 percent decrease in forest extent between 1977 and 2008, with an annual rate of forest cover change of 3.5 percent. Landscape metrics further indicated severe forest loss and fragmentation, resulting in an increase in the number of fragments and reduction in patch sizes. Forest fragments in flatlands have virtually disappeared and the only significant forest remnants are mostly found over limestone outcrops in the eastern part of the basin. If current patterns persist, we project that these forests will likely disappear within 25 yr. These patterns may be reversed with creation of protected areas and involvement of local people to preserve small fragments that can be managed for restoration.  相似文献   

Neighboring upland and nutrient‐poor seasonally flooded Amazon forests were penetrated by a fire in 2009, providing a natural comparative experiment of fire damage for these widespread forest types. In upland, only 16 ± 10% (±2 SEM) of stems and 21 ± 8% of basal area were lost to fire, while seasonally flooded forest lost 59 ± 13% of stems and 57 ± 13% of basal area. Drier understory contributes to greater flammability. Much of the area occupied by seasonally flooded woody vegetation (>11.5 percent of the Amazon region) is vulnerable to fire due to high flammability and slow recovery.  相似文献   

We describe the mesoscale floristic patterns in the central Western Ghats of Karnataka, India, through combined analysis of woody species abundance and stand structure data from a network of ninety-six 1-ha sampling plots spread across 22,000 km2. A total of 61,906 individuals (≥10 cm gbh) comprising 400 plant species from 254 genera and 75 families were recorded. Euphorbiaceae, Rubiaceae, Lauraceae and Moraceae families constituted 23.5 percent of the total number of species encountered. The relative dominance of species was skewed with Poecilonueron indicum, Xylia xylocarpa, Terminalia tomentosa and Anogeissus latifolia being dominant in some plots. Correspondence analysis (CA) and a nonmetric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) of plots by species abundances data showed similar arching patterns, with significant correlation between the first axis of CA and NMDS (r=0.77). Hierarchical clustering of plot scores along the three first CA axes resulted in splitting the plots into five different categories that broadly reflect the major bioclimatic features of the region. A multiscale bootstrapping test indicated that categorization of the wettest (wet evergreen group 1 and 2) and driest (dry deciduous) groups were robust (P<0.05 with 1000 bootstraps), while the remaining two transitional groups were uncertain (P=0.12 and 0.26 for moist deciduous and semi-evergreen group, respectively). Principal component analysis revealed that plots with similar floristic composition can encompass contrastingly different physiognomic structures (canopy cover, canopy height and mean tree diameter) probably in relation to their levels of disturbance. Observed patterns in the floristic composition have been discussed in the light of the complex interaction between the bioclimatic and disturbance regimes that characterize the region.  相似文献   

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