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Barnhart HX  Haber M  Song J 《Biometrics》2002,58(4):1020-1027
Accurate and precise measurement is an important component of any proper study design. As elaborated by Lin (1989, Biometrics 45, 255-268), the concordance correlation coefficient (CCC) is more appropriate than other indices for measuring agreement when the variable of interest is continuous. However, this agreement index is defined in the context of comparing two fixed observers. In order to use multiple observers in a study involving large numbers of subjects, there is a need to assess agreement among these multiple observers. In this article, we present an overall CCC (OCCC) in terms of the interobserver variability for assessing agreement among multiple fixed observers. The OCCC turns out to be equivalent to the generalized CCC (King and Chinchilli, 2001, Statistics in Medicine 20, 2131-2147; Lin, 1989; Lin, 2000, Biometrics 56, 324-325) when the squared distance function is used. We evaluated the OCCC through generalized estimating equations (Barnhart and Williamson, 2001, Biometrics 57, 931-940) and U-statistics (King and Chinchilli, 2001) for inference. This article offers the following important points. First, it addresses the precision and accuracy indices as components of the OCCC. Second, it clarifies that the OCCC is the weighted average of all pairwise CCCs. Third, it is intuitively defined in terms of interobserver variability. Fourth, the inference approaches of GEE and the U-statistics are compared via simulations for small samples. Fifth, we illustrate the use of the OCCC by two medical examples with the GEE, U-statistics, and bootstrap approaches.  相似文献   

Guo Y  Manatunga AK 《Biometrics》2009,65(1):125-134
Summary .  Assessing agreement is often of interest in clinical studies to evaluate the similarity of measurements produced by different raters or methods on the same subjects. We present a modified weighted kappa coefficient to measure agreement between bivariate discrete survival times. The proposed kappa coefficient accommodates censoring by redistributing the mass of censored observations within the grid where the unobserved events may potentially happen. A generalized modified weighted kappa is proposed for multivariate discrete survival times. We estimate the modified kappa coefficients nonparametrically through a multivariate survival function estimator. The asymptotic properties of the kappa estimators are established and the performance of the estimators are examined through simulation studies of bivariate and trivariate survival times. We illustrate the application of the modified kappa coefficient in the presence of censored observations with data from a prostate cancer study.  相似文献   

Agreement coefficients quantify how well a set of instruments agree in measuring some response on a population of interest. Many standard agreement coefficients (e.g. kappa for nominal, weighted kappa for ordinal, and the concordance correlation coefficient (CCC) for continuous responses) may indicate increasing agreement as the marginal distributions of the two instruments become more different even as the true cost of disagreement stays the same or increases. This problem has been described for the kappa coefficients; here we describe it for the CCC. We propose a solution for all types of responses in the form of random marginal agreement coefficients (RMACs), which use a different adjustment for chance than the standard agreement coefficients. Standard agreement coefficients model chance agreement using expected agreement between two independent random variables each distributed according to the marginal distribution of one of the instruments. RMACs adjust for chance by modeling two independent readings both from the mixture distribution that averages the two marginal distributions. In other words, both independent readings represent first a random choice of instrument, then a random draw from the marginal distribution of the chosen instrument. The advantage of the resulting RMAC is that differences between the two marginal distributions will not induce greater apparent agreement. As with the standard agreement coefficients, the RMACs do not require any assumptions about the bivariate distribution of the random variables associated with the two instruments. We describe the RMAC for nominal, ordinal and continuous data, and show through the delta method how to approximate the variances of some important special cases.  相似文献   

Eldon B  Wakeley J 《Genetics》2006,172(4):2621-2633
We report a complex set of scaling relationships between mutation and reproduction in a simple model of a population. These follow from a consideration of patterns of genetic diversity in a sample of DNA sequences. Five different possible limit processes, each with a different scaled mutation parameter, can be used to describe genetic diversity in a large population. Only one of these corresponds to the usual population genetic model, and the others make drastically different predictions about genetic diversity. The complexity arises because individuals can potentially have very many offspring. To the extent that this occurs in a given species, our results imply that inferences from genetic data made under the usual assumptions are likely to be wrong. Our results also uncover a fundamental difference between populations in which generations are overlapping and those in which generations are discrete. We choose one of the five limit processes that appears to be appropriate for some marine organisms and use a sample of genetic data from a population of Pacific oysters to infer the parameters of the model. The data suggest the presence of rare reproduction events in which approximately 8% of the population is replaced by the offspring of a single individual.  相似文献   

Summary .  Although mark–resight methods can often be a less expensive and less invasive means for estimating abundance in long-term population monitoring programs, two major limitations of the estimators are that they typically require sampling without replacement and/or the number of marked individuals available for resighting to be known exactly. These requirements can often be difficult to achieve. Here we address these limitations by introducing the Poisson log and zero-truncated Poisson log-normal mixed effects models (PNE and ZPNE, respectively). The generalized framework of the models allow the efficient use of covariates in modeling resighting rate and individual heterogeneity parameters, information-theoretic model selection and multimodel inference, and the incorporation of individually unidentified marks. Both models may be implemented using standard statistical computing software, but they have also been added to the mark–recapture freeware package Program MARK . We demonstrate the use and advantages of (Z)PNE using black-tailed prairie dog data recently collected in Colorado. We also investigate the expected relative performance of the models in simulation experiments. Compared to other available estimators, we generally found (Z)PNE to be more precise with little or no loss in confidence interval coverage. With the recent introduction of the logit-normal mixed effects model and (Z)PNE, a more flexible and efficient framework for mark–resight abundance estimation is now available for the sampling conditions most commonly encountered in these studies.  相似文献   

Kappa phage active onSerratia marcescens can form plaques on white and red strains with identical efficiencies. To identify the kappa phage receptor, the inactivation of the phage was studied after incubation with several bacterial subcellular fractions. The experiments demonstrated that kappa phage adsorbs to outer membrane fractions of susceptible cells. Proteinase K did not affect the rate of inactivation. Lipopolysaccharide proved to be the primary receptor for kappa phage. Prodigiosin content of the lipopolysaccharide fraction was low.  相似文献   

C A Korey  G Wilkie  I Davis  D Van Vactor 《Genetics》2001,159(4):1659-1670
We found that mutations in small bristles (sbr) affect several tissues during the development of the fruit fly. In sbr embryos, neurons have defects in pathfinding and the body wall muscles have defective morphology. As adults, sbr flies have smaller and thinner bristles with a reduced diameter, suggesting a defective cytoskeleton within. The phenotypes we observe are consistent with defects in cell morphogenesis. We identified DmNXF1, the Drosophila homolog of a mRNA export protein that has been characterized in human (NXF1/TAP) and yeast (Mex67p) as the protein encoded by the small bristles locus. Given that a global decrease in mRNA export in these mutants is likely, the phenotypes we observe suggest that certain tissues are acutely sensitive to lower levels of cytoplasmic mRNA and the resultant decrease in protein synthesis during key stages of cellular morphogenesis.  相似文献   

The capillary filtration coefficient (CFC) is assumed to reflect both microvascular hydraulic conductivity and the number of perfused capillaries at a given moment (precapillary sphincter activity). Estimation of hydraulic conductivity in vivo with the CFC method has therefore been performed under conditions of unchanged vascular tone and metabolic influence. There are studies, however, that did not show any change in CFC after changes in vascular tone and metabolic influence, and these studies indicate that CFC may not be influenced by alteration in the number of perfused capillaries. The present study reexamined to what extent CFC in a pressure-controlled preparation depends on the vascular tone and number of perfused capillaries by analyzing how CFC is influenced by 1) vasoconstriction, 2) increase in metabolic influence by decrease in arterial blood pressure, and 3) occlusion of precapillary microvessels by arterial infusion of microspheres. CFC was calculated from the filtration rate induced by a fixed decrease in tissue pressure. Vascular tone was increased in two steps by norepinephrine (n = 7) or angiotensin II (n = 6), causing a blood flow reduction from 7.2 +/- 0.8 to at most 2.7 +/- 0.2 ml x min(-1) x 100 g(-1) (P < 0.05). The decrease in arterial pressure reduced blood flow from 4.8 +/- 0.4 to 1.40 +/- 0.1 ml x min(-1) x 100 g(-1) (n = 6). Vascular resistance increased to 990 +/- 260% of control after the infusion of microspheres (n = 6). CFC was not significantly altered from control after any of the experimental interventions. We conclude that CFC under these conditions is independent of the vascular tone and number of perfused capillaries and that variation in CFC reflects variation in microvascular hydraulic conductivity.  相似文献   

The species–area relationship (SAR) is known to overestimate species extinction but the underlying mechanisms remain unclear to a great extent. Here, I show that when total species number in an area is unknown, the SAR model exaggerates the estimation of species extinction. It is proposed that to accurately estimate species extinction caused by habitat destruction, one of the principal prerequisites is to accurately total the species numbers presented in the whole study area. One can better evaluate and compare alternative theoretical SAR models on the accurate estimation of species loss only when the exact total species number for the whole area is clear. This presents an opportunity for ecologists to simulate more research on accurately estimating Whittaker’s gamma diversity for the purpose of better predicting species loss.  相似文献   

Doublecortin is a microtubule-associated protein that is essential for normal brain development. A recent report published in Molecular Cell shows that doublecortin associates preferentially with microtubules made of 13 protofilaments, by recognizing a novel site between the protofilaments. These findings explain how doublecortin stabilizes microtubules and provide clues about its function during neuronal migration.  相似文献   



Over the last ten years, genomic selection has developed enormously. Simulations and results on real data suggest that breeding values can be predicted with high accuracy using genetic markers alone. However, to reach high accuracies, large reference populations are needed. In many livestock populations or even species, such populations cannot be established when traits are difficult or expensive to record, or when the population size is small. The value of genomic selection is then questionable.


In this study, we compare traditional breeding schemes based on own performance or progeny information to genomic selection schemes, for which the number of phenotypic records is limiting. Deterministic simulations were performed using selection index theory. Our focus was on the equilibrium response obtained after a few generations of selection. Therefore, we first investigated the magnitude of the Bulmer effect with genomic selection.


Results showed that the reduction in response due to the Bulmer effect is the same for genomic selection as for selection based on traditional BLUP estimated breeding values, and is independent of the accuracy of selection. The reduction in response with genomic selection is greater than with selection based directly on phenotypes without the use of pedigree information, such as mass selection. To maximize the accuracy of genomic estimated breeding values when the number of phenotypic records is limiting, the same individuals should be phenotyped and genotyped, rather than genotyping parents and phenotyping their progeny. When the generation interval cannot be reduced with genomic selection, large reference populations are required to obtain a similar response to that with selection based on BLUP estimated breeding values based on own performance or progeny information. However, when a genomic selection scheme has a moderate decrease in generation interval, relatively small reference population sizes are needed to obtain a similar response to that with selection on traditional BLUP estimated breeding values.


When the trait of interest cannot be recorded on the selection candidate, genomic selection schemes are very attractive even when the number of phenotypic records is limited, because traditional breeding requires progeny testing schemes with long generation intervals in those cases.  相似文献   

Monogamy within social groups where there exists a high potentialfor polygyny poses a challenge to our understanding of matingsystem evolution. Specifically, the traditional explanationthat monogamy evolves due to wide female dispersion, affordingmales little opportunity to defend multiple females, cannotapply. Instead, monogamy in groups potentially arises becausefemales compete for breeding resources such as breeding sites,food, and paternal care. We conducted manipulative experimentsto determine whether females compete over limiting resourceswithin groups of the obligate coral-dwelling goby, Paragobiodonxanthosomus (Gobiidae). Breeding females behaved aggressivelytoward individuals of their own sex and evicted subordinatefemales that were large and mature from the group. Experimentalremoval of nest sites caused breeding partners to breed in alternativenest sites, demonstrating that nest site limitation was notthe cause of female competition. Supplemental feeding resultedin an increase in the fecundity of breeding females but no maturationof subordinate females, demonstrating that food-limited femalefecundity was a likely cause of female competition. Finally,supplemental feeding of breeding pairs demonstrated that thedifference in eggs hatched by fed versus unfed males was lessthan the difference in eggs laid by fed versus unfed females,suggesting that paternal care limitation might also drive femalecompetition. These results suggest that competition over foodand possibly paternal care selects for dominant, breeding femalesto suppress the maturation of subordinate females to minimizecompetition. Monogamy in association with group living is thereforelikely to have evolved because female competition prevents malesfrom utilizing the potential for polygyny.  相似文献   

The effective diffusion coefficient, D(e), and the distribution constant, K(i), for selected mono- and disaccharides and organic acids were determined in homogeneous calcium-alginate gel with and without entrapped bacteria. Results were obtained from transient concentration changes in well-stirred solutions of limited volume, in which the gel beads were suspended. The effective diffusioncoefficients and the distribution constants were estimated by fitting mathematical model predictions to the experimental data using a nonlinear model fitting program (MODFIT). Both single solute diffusion and multiple solute diffusion were performed. A small positive effect was obtained onthe values of D(e) for the system of multiple solute diffusion; however, the values of K(i) were not significantly influenced. For the nine solutes tested, D(e) for 2% Ca-alginate gel beads was found to be approximately 85% of the diffusivity measured in water. The effects on D(e) and K(i), for lactose and lactic acid were determined for variations of alginate concentration, pH, temperature, and biomass content in the beads. D(e) decreased linearly for both lactose and lactic acid with increasing cell concentration in the Ca-alginate gel. K(i), was constant for both lactose and lactic acid with increasing cell concentration. D(e) was significantly lower at pH 4.5 than at pH 5.5 and 6.5 for both lactose and lactic acid. Furthermore, D(e) seemed to decrease with increased alginate concentration in the range of 1% to 4%. The diffusion rate increased with increasing temperature, and the activation energy for the diffusion process for both lactose and lactic acid was constant in the temperature range tested. (c) 1995 John Wiley & Sons Inc.  相似文献   

Renin-synthesizing cells are crucial in the regulation of blood pressure and fluid-electrolyte homeostasis. Adult mammals subjected to manipulations that threaten homeostasis increase circulating renin by increasing the number of renin-expressing/-releasing cells. We hypothesize that the ability of adult cells to synthesize renin does not occur randomly in any cell type, depending instead on the cell's lineage. To determine the fate of renin-expressing cells, we generated knockin mice expressing cre recombinase in renin-expressing cells and crossed them with reporter mice. Results show that renin-expressing cells are precursors for a variety of cells that differentiate into non-renin-expressing cells such as smooth-muscle, epithelial, mesangial, and extrarenal cells. In the kidney, these cells retain the capability to synthesize renin when additional hormone is required to reestablish homeostasis: specific subpopulations of apparently differentiated cells are "held in reserve" to respond (repeatedly) by de-differentiating and expressing renin in response to stress, and re-differentiating when the crisis passes.  相似文献   

The Manning Equation is widely adopted to estimate open channel flows, and selecting retardance coefficient is always one of the most difficult tasks for estimating velocity and discharge. In cases of estimating accurate retardance coefficient values of vegetated channels, countless trials and errors are to be made before reaching conclusive results due to conditions created by various aquatic plants. The majority of past studies on this subject, however, are established based on terrestrial plants and plastic moulds as laboratorial factors, and only few are done with natural aquatic vegetations. Hence, in this study, two different types of natural aquatic plants are applied to estimate retardance coefficients; and the result indicates that each type of plant affects differently in terms of flow resistance. Analysis of hydraulic parameters indicates there are strong correlations between the retardance coefficient and the Froude number. The Froude number is most important and commonly used parameter of open channel hydraulics. The retardance coefficient and Froude number are exponentially related. Therefore, the Froude number can replace the product of velocity and hydraulic radius (VR) to estimate the retardance coefficient, in which VR (product of velocity (V) and hydraulic radius (R)). Additionally, it can be used accurately to estimate velocity and discharge during river and wetland restoration.  相似文献   

Products of Ig kappa L chain gene rearrangement in a variety of human B cell samples were investigated by sequential Southern blot hybridization analysis. By application of four region-specific probes (C kappa, J kappa, U' kappa and kappa de) a complete spectrum of kappa rearrangements, including both predicted and novel products, were detected. Nearly 30% of the products detected reflect multiple recombination of the kappa locus. The kappa-deleting element was responsible for 70% of the multiple rearrangements that were detected. Interestingly, eight kappa-expressing samples exhibited rearrangement of the kappa-deleting element. The remaining multiple recombination products were characteristic of double V kappa-J kappa rearrangement. This frequency reveals that secondary V-J rearrangement may significantly contribute to the expression of kappa L chains in humans.  相似文献   

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