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Comparison of the proteomes of wild-type Photorhabdus luminescens and its hcaR derivative, grown in insect hemolymph, showed that hcaR disruption decreased the production of toxins (tcdA1, mcf, and pirAB) and proteins involved in oxidative stress response (SodA, AhpC, Gor). The disruption of hcaR did not affect growth rate in insects, but did delay the virulence of P. luminescens in Bombyx mori and Spodoptera littoralis larvae. This delayed virulence was associated with a lower toxemia rather than delay in bacteremia. The disruption of hcaR also increased bacterial sensitivity to hydrogen peroxide. A sodA mutant and an hcaR mutant had similar phenotypes in terms of sensitivity to hydrogen peroxide, virulence, toxin gene expression, and growth rate in insects. Thus, the two processes affected by hcaR disruption - toxemia and oxidative stress response - appear to be related. Besides, expression of toxin genes tcdA1, mcf, and pirAB was decreased by paraquat challenge. We provide here the first demonstration of the importance of toxemia for P. luminescens virulence. Our results also highlight the power of proteomic analysis for detecting unexpected links between different, concomitant processes in bacteria.  相似文献   

In this study, antibacterial activity of metabolites secreted by the phase I variant of Photorhabdus luminescens was investigated. Bioactivity of these metabolites was screened against 28 different bacterial species and strains. Bacterial sensitivity was determined by a modified-version of the Kirby–Bauer disk diffusion susceptibility method, whereas the phase I variant’s culture permeate was utilized as the “antibacterial” agent. This investigation demonstrates that 11 of the 28 bacterial species tested were sensitive to at least one of the secreted compounds or a combination thereof.  相似文献   

Photorhabdus luminescens (Enterobacteriaceae) is a symbiont of entomopathogenic nematodes Heterorhabditis spp. (Nematoda: Rhabditida) used for biological control of insect pests. For industrial mass production, the nematodes are produced in liquid media, pre-incubated with their bacterial symbiont, which provides nutrients essential for the nematode's development and reproduction. Particularly under in vitro conditions, P. luminescens produces phase variants, which do not allow normal nematode development. The phase variants were distinguished based on dye absorption, pigmentation, production of antibiotic substances, occurrence of crystalline inclusion proteins and bioluminescence. To understand the significance of the phase shift for the symbiotic interaction between the bacterium and the nematode, feeding experiments tested the effect of homologous and heterologous P. luminescens phase variants isolated from a Chinese Heterorhabditis bacteriophora (HO6), the Heterorhabditis megidis type strain from Ohio (HNA) and the type strain of Heterorhabditis indica (LN2) on the in vivo and in vitro development and reproduction of the nematode species H. bacteriophora (strain HO6) and another rhabditid and entomopathogenic nematode, Steinernema carpocapsae (A24). In axenically cultured insect larvae (Galleria mellonella) and in vitro in liquid media, H. bacteriophora produced offspring on phase I of its homologous symbiont and on the heterologous symbiont of H. megidis, but not on the two corresponding phase II variants. In solid media, nematode yields were much lower on phase II than on phase I variants. On the heterologous phase I symbiont isolated from H. indica the development of H. bacteriophora was not beyond the fourth juvenile stage of the nematode in any of the media tested, but further progressed on phase II with even a small amount of offspring recorded in solid media. Infective juveniles of S. carpocapsae did not develop beyond the J3 stage on all phase I P. luminescens. They died in phase I P. luminescens isolated from H. bacteriophora. Development to adults was recorded for S. carpocapsae on all phase II symbionts and offspring were produced in all media except in liquid. It is concluded that a lack of essential nutrients or the production of toxins is not responsible for the negative impact of homologous phase II symbiont cells on the development and reproduction of H. bacteriophora. The infective juveniles of H. bacteriophora retained cells of the homologous phase I symbiont, but not phase II cells and cells from heterologous symbionts, indicating that the transmission of the symbiont by the infective juvenile is selective for phase I cells and the homologous bacterial associate.  相似文献   

Bioluminescent strains of the Arabidopsis thaliana pathogens Pseudomonas syringae pathovar (pv.) tomato and pv. maculicola were made by insertion of the luxCDABE operon from Photorhabdus luminescens into the P. syringae chromosome under the control of a constitutive promoter. Stable integration of luxCDABE did not affect bacterial fitness, growth in planta or disease outcome. Luminescence accurately and reliably reported bacterial growth in infected Arabidopsis leaves both with a fixed inoculum followed over time and with varying inocula assayed at a single time point. Furthermore, the bioluminescence assay could detect a small (1.3-fold) difference in bacterial growth between different plant genotypes with a precision comparable to that of the standard plate assay. Luminescence of luxCDABE-tagged P. syringae allows rapid and convenient quantification of bacterial growth without the tissue extraction, serial dilution, plating and manual scoring involved in standard assays of bacterial growth by colony formation in plate culture of samples from infected tissue. The utility of the bioluminescence assay was illustrated by surveying the 500-fold variation in growth of the universally virulent P. syringae pv. maculicola ES4326 among more than 100 Arabidopsis ecotypes and identification of two quantitative trait loci accounting for 48% and 16%, respectively, of the variance of basal resistance to P. syringae pv. tomato DC3000 in the Col-0 x Fl-1 F(2) population. Luminescence assay of bacteria chromosomally tagged with luxCDABE should greatly facilitate the genetic dissection of quantitative differences in gene-for-gene, basal and acquired disease resistance and other aspects of plant interactions with bacterial pathogens requiring high-throughput assays or large-scale quantitative screens.  相似文献   

The emergence of shotgun proteomics has facilitated the numerous biological discoveries made by proteomic studies. However, comprehensive proteomic analysis remains challenging and shotgun proteomics is a continually changing field. This review details the recent developments in shotgun proteomics and describes emerging technologies that will influence shotgun proteomics going forward. In addition, proteomic studies of integral membrane proteins remain challenging due to the hydrophobic nature in integral membrane proteins and their general low abundance levels. However, there have been many strategies developed for enriching, isolating and separating membrane proteins for proteomic analysis that have moved this field forward. In summary, while shotgun proteomics is a widely used and mature technology, the continued pace of improvements in mass spectrometry and proteomic technology and methods indicate that future studies will have an even greater impact on biological discovery.  相似文献   

Proteome analysis of human substantia nigra in Parkinson's disease   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Protein expression has been compared in human substantia nigra specimens from Parkinson's disease (PD) patients and from controls, and 44 proteins expressed in this midbrain region were identified by peptide mass fingerprinting. Among them, nine showed changes in their abundance. L and M neurofilament chains are less abundant in PD specimens, whereas peroxiredoxin II, mitochondrial complex III, ATP synthase D chain, complexin I, profilin, L-type calcium channel delta-subunit, and fatty-acid binding protein are significantly more present in PD samples than in controls. Besides the consolidated view of oxidative stress involvement in PD pathogenesis, suggested by overexpression of mitochondrial and reactive oxygen species (ROS)-scavenging proteins, these results indicate a possible potentiation mechanism of afferent signals to substantia nigra following degeneration of dopaminergic neurons.  相似文献   

Little information is available on the intra-individual variability of oxidative stress biomarkers in healthy individuals and even less in the context of the menstrual cycle. The objective of this study was to characterize the analytical and biological variability of a panel of 21 markers of oxidative damage, antioxidant defence and micronutrients in nine healthy, regularly menstruating women aged 18–44 years. Analyses included measurement of lipid peroxidation, antioxidant enzymes and antioxidant vitamins. Blood specimens were collected, processed and stored using standardized procedures on days 2, 7, 12, 13, 14, 18, 22 and 28 in one cycle for each subject. Replicate analyses of markers were performed and two-way nested random effects ANOVA was used to describe analytical, intra-individual and inter-individual variability. No statistically significant differences at α=0.05, or temporal effects across the menstrual cycle were observed. Analytical variability was the smallest component of variance for all variables. The ICC among replicates ranged from 0.80 to 0.98. Imprecision based on quality control materials ranged from 1 to 11%. The critical differences between serial results varied greatly between assays ranging from 6 to 216% of the mean level. These results provide important initial information on the variability of biomarkers of oxidative stress, antioxidant defence and micronutrients across the menstrual cycle.  相似文献   

Phenotypic plasticity describes an organism's ability to produce multiple phenotypes in direct response to its environmental conditions. Over the past 15 years empiricists have found that this plasticity frequently exhibits geographic variation and often possesses a significant heritable genetic basis. However, few studies have examined both of these aspects of plasticity simultaneously. Here, we examined both the geographic and genetic variations of the plasticity for diapause incidence (the proportion of eggs that enter an arrested state of development capable of surviving over the winter) relative to temperatures and photoperiods associated with long and short season environments across six populations of the striped ground cricket, Allonemobius socius, using a half-sibling split brood quantitative genetic design. We found that plasticity, as measured by the slope of the reaction norm, was greater in the southern-low altitude region (where populations are bivoltine) relative to the southern-high and northern-low altitude regions (where populations are univoltine). However, the heritability of plasticity was only significantly different from zero in univoltine populations that experienced "intermediate" natal season lengths. These patterns suggest that selection may favor the plasticity of diapause incidence in bivoltine regions, but act against plasticity in regions in which populations are univoltine. Furthermore, our data suggest that under "intermediate" natal season length conditions, the interplay between local adaptation and gene flow may keep the plasticity of diapause incidence low (but still significant) while maintaining its genetic variation. As such, this study not only provides a novel observation into the geographic variation of phenotypic plasticity, but also provides much needed groundwork for tests of its adaptive significance.  相似文献   

Most studies assessing rates of phenotypic change focus on population mean trait values, whereas a largely overlooked additional component is changes in population trait variation. Theoretically, eco-evolutionary dynamics mediated by such changes in trait variation could be as important as those mediated by changes in trait means. To date, however, no study has comprehensively summarised how phenotypic variation is changing in contemporary populations. Here, we explore four questions using a large database: How do changes in trait variances compare to changes in trait means? Do different human disturbances have different effects on trait variance? Do different trait types have different effects on changes in trait variance? Do studies that established a genetic basis for trait change show different patterns from those that did not? We find that changes in variation are typically small; yet we also see some very large changes associated with particular disturbances or trait types. We close by interpreting and discussing the implications of our findings in the context of eco-evolutionary studies.  相似文献   

Song Sparrow ( Melospiza melodia ) populations found along the Pacific Coast of North America, from Baja California to the islands off the coast of Alaska, exhibit extensive morphological variation. With a multivariate analysis of size and shape, I describe a portion of this pattern and examine how it could be maintained despite gene flow among the populations. Because shape differences fall along geographic barriers, I suggest that similarities among Song Sparrow populations in multivariate shape reflect their pattern of genetic relatedness. A general pattern of Song Sparrow post-nestling growth allometry has been discovered: bill characteristics are positively allometric and all other characteristics are negatively allometric. In contrast to shape, multivariate patterns of body size variation do not correspond to geographic relationships. In combination with evidence of Song Sparrow phenotypic plasticity, it is proposed that multivariate body size is an environmentally plastic trait and that specific traits exhibit levels of phenotypic plasticity in proportion to their rate of growth with respect to body size. In this way local environmental factors which alter body size may change an entire suite of allometrically related traits and thus create striking patterns of morphological variation.  相似文献   

Phenotypic variation, measured as the coefficient of variation (CV), is usually larger in secondary sexual characters than in ordinary morphological traits. We tested if intraspecific differences in the CV between ornamental and non-ornamental feather traits in 67 evolutionary events of feather ornamentation in birds were due to differences in (1) the allometric pattern (slope of the regression line when regressing trait size on an indicator of body size), or (2) the dispersion of observations around the regression line. We found that only dispersion of observations around the regression line contributed significantly to total variation. A large dispersion of observations around the regression line for ornamental feathers is consistent with these characters showing condition-dependence, supporting indicator models of sexual selection more strongly than a pure Fisher process. Ornamental feathers in males demonstrated negative allometry when regressed on tarsus length, which is a measure of skeletal body size. This finding is consistent with ornamental feather traits being subject to directional selection due to female mate preferences, where large body size is less important than in male–male competition. This pattern of phenotypic variation for avian secondary sexual characters contrasts with patterns of variation for insect genitalia, supposedly subject to sexual selection, since the latter traits only differ from ordinary morphology traits in allometry coefficient. The prevailing regime of selection (directional or stabilizing) and the effects of environmental factors are proposed to account for these differences among traits.  相似文献   

Studies of the adaptive significance of variation among conspecific populations often focus on a single ecological factor. However, habitats rarely differ in only a single ecological factor, creating a challenge for identifying the relative importance of the various ecological factors that might be maintaining local adaptation. Here we investigate the ecological factors associated with male body shape variation among nine populations of the poeciliid fish, Heterandria formosa, from three distinct habitats and combine those results with a laboratory study of three of those populations to assess the contributions of genetic and environmental influences to shape variation. Field‐collected animals varied principally in three ways: the orientation of the gonopodium, the intromittent organ; the degree of body depth and streamlining; and the shape of the tail musculature. Fish collected in the spring season were larger and had a more anteriorly positioned gonopodium than fish collected in autumn. Fish collected from lotic springs were larger and more streamlined than those collected from lentic ponds or tidal marshes. Some of the variation in male shape among populations within habitats was associated with population‐level variation in species richness, adult density, vegetative cover, predation risk, and female standard length. Population‐level differences among males in body size, position of the gonopodium, and shape of the tail musculature were maintained among males reared in a common environment. In contrast, population variation in the degree of streamlining was eliminated when males were reared in a common environment. These results illustrate the complicated construction of multivariate phenotypic variation and suggest that different agents of selection have acted on different components of shape.  相似文献   

目的 探讨短乳杆菌DM9218在核苷酸代谢过程中的蛋白表达差异。方法 分别提取DM9218菌株与底物(肌苷+鸟苷)反应前后的菌体蛋白,利用蛋白双向凝胶电泳(2-DE)技术,找出该菌株与底物反应前后的差异蛋白质点,选取其中差异变化较大的蛋白点进一步做蛋白质谱分析。结果 2-DE分析显示两样品蛋白点主要分布在等电点4~9和分子量11~90 kD范围内,将所得的蛋白点结合其蛋白得率、浓度、储存蛋白含量进行比较,得到匹配的蛋白点数为732个。从中选取14个差异显著的蛋白点进行质谱分析,质谱结果显示所选取蛋白质点主要与物质代谢、能量转换及基因水平转录和翻译等生物学功能密切相关。结论 本研究为后期分析研究短乳杆菌DM9218在核苷酸代谢过程中蛋白的表达奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Cellular stressors initiate the heat shock response mediated by heat shock proteins (HSPs). There are two main types of HSPs, constitutive (always expressed) and inducible (upon stress), but as many in vivo studies fail to distinguish between them and because temporal expression patterns often differ among various types of HSPs, it is unclear when to measure HSPs. In this study, 26 (13 per treatment) adult female Zebra Finches Taeniopygia guttata were heat‐stressed (39 °C) or placed in a control brooder (room temperature) for 3 h and were bled 1 week prior to and at 1, 2, 4, 6 and 20 h post‐treatment. Treatment had no effect on levels of either constitutive HSP70 or inducible HSP90, but both HSPs decreased with time relative to baseline, suggesting a possible effect of handling stress and/or circadian variation.  相似文献   

The electrophoretic pattern of the loach muscle adenylate kinase was composed of one or two major bands. Each major band was preceded by two minor bands. Three codominant alleles were postulated to segregate in loach. Each allele coded for one major band with different mobility.
Adenylate kinase (AK. E.C. catalyses the reaction 2ADP ATP + AMP. and is known as a heat stable protein constituent of skeletal muscle. Electrophoretic variation of AK has been reported in the pika Ochotona r. rufescens (Vergnes et al. 1974). the teleostean fish Zoarces viviparus (Frydenberg & Si-monsen, 1973), the mussel Mvtilus edulis (Ahmad et al. 1977). and the tunicate Ciona intestinalis (Schmidtke & Engel. 1980). In this note, individual variation of AK in muscle extracts of the fresh-water fish Misgurnus anguillicaudatus is described.
Loach were collected in ponds or purchased from fish shops (Table 1 & Fig. 1). Three populations (OS. AS and KN) were purchased from fish shops in Osaka. Akashi and Kanazawa cities, respectively. Their exact sampling locations were not known. For reference, the locations of these cities are indicated by an open circle in Fig. i. Fish were collected and stored frozen at – 20 oC at the sampling time given in Table 1. Muscle extracts were prepared and examined in the period February-April 1981.The method for preparing muscle extract and-the starch gel electrophoretic procedures were the same as those reported previously (Kimura, 1976). The amine-citrate buffer system as described by Clayton & Tretiak (1972) was used. AK was stained by the method of Allendorf et al. (1977). After electrophoresis, an inhibition test was also performed by immersing the gel in 10-3 M 5.5'-dithiobis-(2-nitrobenzoate) solution for 30 minutes at room temperature.
Under the electrophoretic condition used in the present study, all of the AK  相似文献   

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