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Microbial reduction of toxic Cr6+ to the less toxic Cr3+ is potentially a useful bioremediation process. Among the matrices tested for whole cell immobilization of an efficient chromate-reducing Streptomyces griseus strain, PVA-alginate was the most effective and was used for reduction of Cr(VI) in a bioreactor. Cr6+ reduction efficiency decreased as Cr6+ was increased from 2 to 12 mg l−1 but increased with an increase in biomass concentration. However, increasing the flow rate from 2 to 8 ml h−1 did not significantly affect Cr6+ reduction. The reduction was faster in simulated effluent than in synthetic medium and complete removal of 8 mg Cr6+ l−1 from effluent and synthetic medium occurred in 2 and 12 h, respectively. Our results indicate that immobilized S. griseus cells could be applied for the large-scale bioremediation of chromate-containing effluents and wastewaters.  相似文献   

Membrane-bound penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs) of two Streptomyces griseus strains that sporulate well in liquid and solid medium have been investigated during the course of their life-cycle. The PBP patterns were analyzed by sodium dodecylsulphate polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis and fluorography. One strain (No. 45 H) has only a single band (mol wt: 27,000) in early log phase, and two additional PBPs of higher mol wt (69,000 and 80,000) in the late log phase. The other strain (No. 2682) possessed two bands with mol wts 27,000 and 38,000 which did not change during its vegetative phase. In strain No. 2682, a new PBP with a mol wt of 58,000 appeared in spore membranes while one of those (mol wt 38,000) present in mycelial membranes disappeared. Our results suggest that appearance of the new PBP in the spore may be associated with the sporulation process. The major PBP band (mol wt: 27,000) present in all stages of the life cycle of these strains, may be characteristic of S. griseus while the other PBPs reflect certain stages of the life cycle. A new method was developed for the production of spore protoplasts by consecutive enzymatic treatments.Abbreviation PBP penicillin-binding protein  相似文献   

The isolated cell wall of Streptomyces griseus 52–1 strain labelled with fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) and containing wall-bound autolytic enzyme was lysed as a function of different cations. The autolysis was accelerated by aminoglycoside antibiotics (streptomycin and the structurally closely related neomycin) which have a polycationic character. Since this strain is a streptomycin producer it is suggested that streptomycin may have a regulatory function on autolysis.  相似文献   

Malate synthase is an essential metabolic enzyme of the glyoxylate bypass that makes possible the replenishment of carbon intermediates to cells grown on acetate. A polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based molecular screening investigation of full-length malate synthase genes from Streptomyces spp. was initiated by our group. To this end, consensus primers were designed based on known streptomycete malate synthase sequences and successful amplification was obtained for Streptomyces griseus, S. fimbriatus and S. lipmanii. The putative full-length malate synthase gene from S. griseus was subsequently cloned, sequenced and expressed. Sequence analysis of this gene showed very high identity with other streptomycete malate synthase genes. Furthermore, high malate synthase activity was detected after heterologous expression in Escherichia coli, thus demonstrating successfully the rapid cloning and functional verification of a streptomycete malate synthase gene. Growth studies of S. griseus revealed that malate synthase activity was induced by the presence of acetate, which is a two-carbon source. Interestingly, the activity peaked during late growth phase when the biomass was declining, suggesting that the enzyme may have a late role in metabolism.  相似文献   

An addition of cycloheximide to cycloheximide-producing Streptomyces griseus cultures resulted in reductions in the production rate and in the conversion of sugar into cycloheximide. In situ cycloheximide adsorption was observed to enhance: total cycloheximide titers; productivities; and the conversion of sugar to cycloheximide. During the secondary metabolite-producing phase, sugar consumption was observed to be linearly dependent on cycloheximide productivity. From this analysis a true product yield and maintenance coefficient were estimated to be 0.08 g cycloheximide/g glucose and 0.028 g glucose/g cell-h, respectively. The sixfold difference between this true product yield and a theoretical value obtained from knowledge of the biosynthetic pathway is discussed. Since the maintenance sugar requirement for cycloheximide production is large, stimulation of biosynthesis through in situ adsorption significantly increases the overall efficiency of sugar conversion to this secondary metabolite.  相似文献   

Chitinase C (ChiC) from Streptomyces griseus HUT6037 was the first glycoside hydrolase family 19 chitinase that was found in an organism other than higher plants. An N-terminal chitin-binding domain and a C-terminal catalytic domain connected by a linker peptide constitute ChiC. We determined the crystal structure of full-length ChiC, which is the only representative of the two-domain chitinases in the family. The catalytic domain has an alpha-helix-rich fold with a deep cleft containing a catalytic site, and lacks three loops on the domain surface compared with the catalytic domain of plant chitinases. The chitin-binding domain is an all-beta protein with two tryptophan residues (Trp59 and Trp60) aligned on the surface. We suggest the binding mechanism of tri-N-acetylchitotriose onto the chitin-binding domain on the basis of molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. In this mechanism, the ligand molecule binds well on the surface-exposed binding site through two stacking interactions and two hydrogen bonds and only Trp59 and Trp60 are involved in the binding. Furthermore, the flexibility of the Trp60 side-chain, which may be involved in adjusting the binding surface to fit the surface of crystalline chitin by the rotation of chi2 angle, is shown.  相似文献   

Accumulating data have shown that the metabolites with a -butyrolactone ring functions as an autoregulatory factor or a microbial hormone for the expression of various phenotypes not only in a variety ofStreptomyces spp. but also in the distantly related bacteria. A-factor, as a representative of this type of autoregulators, triggers streptomycin biosynthesis and cellular differentiation inStreptomyces griseus. A model for the A-factor regulatory cascade on the basis of recent work is as follows. At an early step in the A-factor regulatory relay, the positive A-factor signal is first received by an A-factor receptor protein that is comparable in every aspect to eukaryotic hormone receptors, and then, via one or more regulatory steps, transmitted to an A-factor-responsive protein that binds to the upstream activation sequence of thestrR gene, a regulatory gene in the streptomycin biosynthetic gene cluster. The StrR protein thus induced appears to activate the other streptomycin biosynthetic genes. This review summarizes the characteristics of A-factor as a microbial hormone and the A-factor regulatory relay leading to streptomycin production.  相似文献   

Industrial wastewater is often polluted by Cr(VI) compounds, presenting a serious environmental problem. This study addresses the removal of toxic, mutagenic Cr(VI) by means of microbial reduction to Cr(III), which can then be precipitated as oxides or hydroxides and extracted from the aquatic system. A strain of Staphylococcus epidermidis L-02 was isolated from a bacterial consortium used for the remediation of a chromate-contaminated constructed wetland system. This strain reduced Cr(VI) by using pyruvate as an electron donor under anaerobic conditions. The aims of the present study were to investigate the specific rate of Cr(VI) reduction by the strain L-02, the effects of chromate and nitrate (available as electron acceptors) on the strain, and the interference of chromate and nitrate reduction processes. The presence of Cr(VI) decreased the growth rate of the bacterium. Chromate and nitrate reduction did not occur under sterile conditions but was observed during tests with the strain L-02. The presence of nitrate increased both the specific Cr(VI) reduction rate and the cell number. Under denitrifying conditions, Cr(VI) reduction was not inhibited by nitrite, which was produced during nitrate reduction. The average specific rate of chromate reduction reached 4.4 μmol Cr 1010 cells−1 h−1, but was only 2.0 μmol Cr 1010 cells−1 h−1 at 20 °C. The maximum specific rate was as high as 8.8–9.8 μmol Cr 1010 cells−1 h−1. The role of nitrate in chromate reduction is discussed.  相似文献   

Trypsin (EC is the protease of choice for proteome analysis using mass spectrometry of peptides in sample digests. In this work, trypsin from Streptomyces griseus (SGT) was purified to homogeneity from pronase. The enzyme was evaluated in in-gel digestion of protein standards followed by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry (MS) analyses of the digests. We recognized a remarkable cleavage performance of SGT. The number of produced and matching tryptic peptides was higher than in the case of commonly used bovine trypsin (BT) and allowed us to obtain higher identification scores in database searches. Interestingly, SGT was found to also generate nonspecific peptides whose sequencing by MALDI-TOF/TOF tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) revealed a partial F-X, Y-X, and W-X cleavage specificity. To suppress autolysis, either arginine or arginine plus lysine residues in SGT were modified by chemical reagents. In consequence, the autolytic pattern of SGT was reduced significantly, but specific activity dropped dramatically. As demonstrated by relative quantification of peptides at different times, SGT is more stable at 37 °C than is its bovine counterpart. We conclude that SGT represents a convenient alternative for proteomic applications involving protein digestion. Moreover, parallel digestions of sample aliquots by SGT and BT provide the possibility of combining partially different results (unique matching peptides) to improve protein identification.  相似文献   

The advantage of usingStreptomyces griseus HUT 6037 in the production of chitinase or chitosanase is that the organism is capable of hydrolyzing amorphous or crystal-line chitin and chitosan according to the type of the substrate used. We investigated the effects of the enzyme induction time and chitin sources, CM-chitosan and deacetylated chitosan (degree of deacetylation 75–99%), on production of chitosanase. We found that this strain accumulated chitosanase when cells were grown in the culture medium containing chitosanaceous substrates instead of chitinaceous substrates. The highest chitosanase activity was obtained at 4 days of cultivation with 99% deacetylated chitosan. Soluble chitosan (53% deacetylated chitosan) was found to induce chitinase as well as chitosanase. The specific activities of chitinase and chitosanase were 0.91 and 1.33 U/mg protein at 3 and 5 days, respectively. From the study of the enzymatic digestibility of various degrees of deacetylated chitosan, it was found that (GlcN)3, (GlcN)4 and (GlcN)5 were produced during the enzymatic hydrolysis reaction. The results of this study suggested that the sugar composition of (GlcN)3 was homogeneous and those of (GlcN)4 and (GlcN)5 were heterogeneous.  相似文献   

Chromate reduction was studied in a membrane bioreactor under action of Pseudomonas bacteria immobilized in agar–agar films on the surface of synthetic membrane. Immobilized cells are protected from the excessive toxic action at high chromate concentration that improves cell activity compared with free cells. Almost complete chromate reduction was observed at stepwise introducing of chromate in feed solution allowing maintenance of optimal chromate concentration. Reduction is suppressed by high metabolite concentrations, which reached on the sixth step of chromate adding in studied system. Cell ability to reduce chromate is restored after changing of feed and receiving solutions allowing remediation of Cr(VI)-contaminated water in semi-batch operation of membrane bioreactor.  相似文献   

A group of 34 chromium-resistant bacteria were isolated from naturally occurring chromium percolated serpentine soil of Andaman (India). These isolates displayed different degrees of chromate reduction under aerobic conditions. One of the 34 isolates identified as Bacillus sphaericus was tolerant to 800 mg l−1 Cr(VI) and reduced >80% Cr(VI) during growth. In Vogel Bonner broth, B. sphaericus cells (1010 cells ml−1) reduced 62% of 20 mg l−1 of Cr(VI) in 48 h with concomitant discoloring of yellow medium to white one. Reduction of chromate was pronounced by the addition of glucose and yeast extract as electron donors. In the presence of 4.0 g l−1 of glucose, 20 mg l−1 of Cr(VI) was reduced to 2.45 mg l−1 after 96 h of incubation. Optimum pH and temperature for reduction were 6.0 and 25 °C, respectively. Increase in cell density and initial Cr(VI) concentration increased chromate reduction but was inhibited by metal ions like, Ni2+, Co2+, Cd2+ and Pb2+. Experiments with cell-free extracts indicated that the soluble fraction of the cell was responsible for aerobic reduction of Cr(VI) by this organism.  相似文献   

A study was performed to investigate the ability of Streptomyces griseus to cause experimental mycetoma in the skin and in the foot pads of mice. The lesions appeared as palpable subcutaneous nodules discharging pale yellow cheesy pus and granules of S. griseus. The inoculated foot pads of the mice also developed nodular lesions which later became oedematous with bone destruction and fibrosis.  相似文献   

In order to obtain high productivity of clavulanic acid, a newly-introduced carrier, polyurethane pellet (PUP) Z97-020 was used for the immobilization process. In a stirred-tank bioreactor, batch cultivation by Streptomyces clavuligerus KK immobilized on PUP Z97-020 gave about 3100 mg of clavulanic acid per litre, representing an increase of 200% in productivity compared with that by fed-batch cultivation of free cells (1500 mg/l). However, the clavulanic acid produced rapidly decomposed due to the pH change during batch cultivation. Fed-batch cultivation by immobilized S. clavuligerus KK gave an excellent level of clavulanic acid up to 3250 mg/l, a productivity increase of 220% compared with that by fed-batch cultivation of free cells. These results suggest that immobilization with PUP Z97-020 is a more effective process for the production of clavulanic acid and that the maintenance of pH by fed-batch cultivation with glycerol as a limiting substrate prevents the clavulanic acid from decomposing during the fermentation.  相似文献   

Like most extracellular bacterial proteases, Streptomyces griseus protease B (SGPB) and alpha-lytic protease (alphaLP) are synthesized with covalently attached pro regions necessary for their folding. In this article, we characterize the folding free energy landscape of SGPB and compare it to the folding landscapes of alphaLP and trypsin, a mammalian homolog that folds independently of its zymogen peptide. In contrast to the thermodynamically stable native state of trypsin, SGPB and alphaLP fold to native states that are thermodynamically marginally stable or unstable, respectively. Instead, their apparent stability arises kinetically, from unfolding free energy barriers that are both large and highly cooperative. The unique unfolding transitions of SGPB and alphaLP extend their functional lifetimes under highly degradatory conditions beyond that seen for trypsin; however, the penalty for evolving kinetic stability is remarkably large in that each factor of 2.4-8 in protease resistance is accompanied by a cost of ~10(5) in the spontaneous folding rate and ~5-9 kcal/mole in thermodynamic stability. These penalties have been overcome by the coevolution of increasingly effective pro regions to facilitate folding. Despite these costs, kinetic stability appears to be a potent mechanism for developing native-state properties that maximize protease longevity.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas fluorescens LB300 is a chromateresistant strain isolated from chromium-contaminated river sediment. Chromate resistance is conferred by the plasmid pLHB1. Strain LB300 grew in minimal salts medium with as much as 1000 g of K2CrO4 ml–1, and actively reduced chromate to Cr(III) while growing aerobically on a variety of substrates. Chromate was also reduced during anaerobic growth on acetate, the chromate serving as terminal electron acceptor. P. fluorescens LB303, a plasmidless, chromatesensitive variant of P. fluorescens LB300, did not grow in minimal salts medium with more than 10 g of K2CrO4 ml–1. However, resting cells of strain LB303 grown without chromate reduced chromate as well as strain LB300 cells grown under the same conditions. Furthermore, resting cells of chromate-sensitive Pseudomonas putida strain AC10, also catalyzed chromate reduction. Evidently chromate resistance and chromate reduction in these organisms are unrelated. Comparison of the rates of chromate reduction by chromate grown cells and cells grown without chromate indicated that the chromate reductase activity is constitutive. Studies with cell-free extracts show that the reductase is membrane-associated and can mediate the transfer of electrons from NADH to chromate.  相似文献   

To investigate the role of Glu196 of leucine aminopeptidase from Streptomyces griseus (SGAP) in SGAP activation by calcium and substrate specificity, we constructed E196X SGAP by saturation mutagenesis. Most mutations led to the abrogation of SGAP activation by calcium, and substitution with Lys led to a marked increase in activity toward Asp-p-nitroanilide (pNA) and a decrease in that toward Lys-pNA. A similar result was obtained from the investigation using non-calcium-activated enzyme from Streptomyces septatus (SSAP). These results indicate that Glu196 of SGAP is associated with the environment around the substrate binding site besides its role in SGAP activation by calcium.  相似文献   

(S)-3-Chloro-1-phenylpropanol is an important chiral precursor for numerous antidepressants such as tomoxetine. A high enantiomeric excess (e.e.) of (S)-3-chloro-1-phenylpropanol can be achieved by asymmetric reduction of 3-chloropropiophenone using Saccharomyces cerevisiae CGMCC 2266 cells immobilized in calcium alginate. Thermal pretreatment of the immobilized cells at 50 °C for 30 min resulted in high enantioselectivity (99% e.e.) and good percent conversion (80%). The effects of various conditions on the reduction reaction were investigated. The optimal conditions were found to be as follows: sodium alginate concentration, 2%; bead diameter, 2 mm; temperature, 30 °C; re-culture time, 24 h; and batch addition of the substrate. After reusing these three times, the immobilized cells retained approximately 60% of their original catalytic activity with their enantioselectivity intact.  相似文献   

Sequential reduction of chromate and nitrate, two competitive electron acceptors, has been demonstrated for strains of Pseudomonas genus for both planktonic cells and cells immobilised in agar layers on the surface of synthetic membrane. Denitrification occurs practically after chromate depletion. This order of reduction process is consistent with redox potentials of the respective reactions. In a membrane bioreactor, competitive inhibition results in nitrate transfer through the membrane without transformation. Thus the receiving phase is contaminated with nitrate. To address this problem, a membrane has been used for spatial sequencing of chromate and nitrate reduction. Bacterial cells were immobilised in two layers with each layer placed on opposing sides of the membrane. By this means, chromate reduction is localised into the layer contacting the feed phase while nitrate reduction occurs in the layer facing the receiving phase. As a result, only traces of the pollutants are detected in the receiving phase.  相似文献   

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