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Summary A mathematical theory for computing the probabilities of various nucleotide configurations among related species is developed, and the probability of obtaining the correct tree (topology) from nucleotide sequence data is evaluated using models of evolutionary trees that are close to the tree of mitochondrial DNAs from human, chimpanzee, gorilla, orangutan, and gibbon. Special attention is given to the number of nucleotides required to resolve the branching order among the three most closely related organisms (human, chimpanzee, and gorilla). If the extent of DNA divergence is close to that obtained by Brown et al. for mitochondrial DNA and if sequence data are available only for the three most closely related organisms, the number of nucleotides (m*) required to obtain the correct tree with a probability of 95% is about 4700. If sequence data for two outgroup species (orangutan and gibbon) are available, m* becomes about 2600–2700 when the transformed distance, distance-Wagner, maximum parsimony, or compatibility method is used. In the unweighted pair-group method, m* is not affected by the availability of data from outgroup species. When these five different tree-making methods, as well as Fitch and Margoliash's method, are applied to the mitochondrial DNA data (1834 bp) obtained by Brown et al. and by Hixson and Brown, they all give the same phylogenetic tree, in which human and chimpanzee are most closely related. However, the trees considered here are gene trees, and to obtain the correct species tree, sequence data for several independent loci must be used.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA sequences of primates: Tempo and mode of evolution   总被引:99,自引:0,他引:99  
Summary We cloned and sequenced a segment of mitochondrial DNA from human, chimpanzee, gorilla, orangutan, and gibbon. This segment is 896 bp in length, contains the genes for three transfer RNAs and parts of two proteins, and is homologous in all 5 primates. The 5 sequences differ from one another by base substitutions at 283 positions and by a deletion of one base pair. The sequence differences range from 9 to 19% among species, in agreement with estimates from cleavage map comparisons, thus confirming that the rate of mtDNA evolution in primates is 5 to 10 times higher than in nuclear DNA. The most striking new finding to emerge from these comparisons is that transitions greatly outnumber transversions. Ninety-two percent of the differences among the most closely related species (human, chimpanzee, and gorilla) are transitions. For pairs of species with longer divergence times, the observed percentage of transitions falls until, in the case of comparisons between primates and non-primates, it reaches a value of 45. The time dependence is probably due to obliteration of the record of transitions by multiple substitutions at the same nucleotide site. This finding illustrates the importance of choosing closely related species for analysis of the evolutionary process. The remarkable bias toward transitions in mtDNA evolution necessitates the revision of equations that correct for multiple substitutions at the same site. With revised equations, we calculated the incidence of silent and replacement substitutions in the two protein-coding genes. The silent substitution rate is 4 to 6 times higher than the replacement rate, indicating strong functional constraints at replacement sites. Moreover, the silent rate for these two genes is about 10% per million years, a value 10 times higher than the silent rate for the nuclear genes studied so far. In addition, the mean substitution rate in the three mitochondrial tRNA genes is at least 100 times higher than in nuclear tRNA genes. Finally, genealogical analysis of the sequence differences supports the view that the human lineage branched off only slightly before the gorilla and chimpanzee lineages diverged and strengthens the hypothesis that humans are more related to gorillas and chimpanzees than is the orangutan.Abbreviations mtDNA mitochondrial DNA - bp base pair - URF unidentified reading frame  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequence from a region of the chloroplast genome is presented for 12 species spanning four subfamilies of the grass family. The region contains the coding sequence for the rbcL gene and the intergenic spacer between the gene coding the large subunit of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase rbcL and the photosystem I gene psal. This intergenic spacer contains a pseudogene for rpl23 as well as two noncoding segments with different A+T contents. Using the sequence of rbcL a chloroplast phylogeny of this family was constructed by parsimony. Variable sites of the two noncoding segments were traced onto the phylogeny to study the dynamics of base substitution. This was also performed for the fourfold-degenerate sites of the rbcL gene. A wide variation in transversion/transition is observed between the two noncoding segments and between the noncoding DNA and the fourfold-degenerate sites of rbcL This variation is correlated with regional A+T content. As regional A+T content decreases, the ratio of transversions to transitions also decreases. Substitutions were then scored in relation to neighboring base composition. The composition of the two bases immediately flanking each substitution is highly correlated with the transversion/transition bias. When both the 5 and 3 flanking bases are an A or a T, transversions are observed 2.2 times as frequently as transitions. When either or both neighbors are a C or a G, the opposite trend is found; transitions are observed 1.5 times more frequently than transversions. Correspondence to: Brian R. Morton  相似文献   

UV mutagenesis in E. coli is believed to occur in two discrete steps. The second step involves continued DNA synthesis beyond a blocking lesion in the template strand. This bypass step requires induced levels of umuD and umuC gene products and activated recA protein. DNA polymerase III may be involved since a dnaE mutator strain (believed to have defective base selection) is associated with enhanced UV mutagenesis in conjunction with a genetic background permitting the bypass step. In non-UV-mutable umu and lexA strains, UV mutagenesis can be demonstrated if delayed photorevesal is given. This is interpreted as indicating that an earlier misincorporation step can occur in such strains but the resulting mutations do not survive because the bypass step is blocked. The misincorporation step does not require any induced SOS gene products and can occur either at the replication fork or during repair replication following excision of a DNA lesion. Neither a dnaE mutator gene (leading to a defective subunit of DNA polymerase III holoenzyme) nor a mutD5 mutator gene (leading to a defective ε proofreading subunit) had any effect on he misincorporation step. Although this is consistent with DNA polymerase III holoenzyme not being involved in the misincorporation step, other interpretations involving the inhibition of ε proofreading activity by recA protein are possible.

In vitro studies are reported in which sites of termination of synthesis by DNA polymerase III holoenzyme on UV-irradiated M13 mp8 DNA were examined in the presence of inhibitors of the 3′–5′ proofreading exonuclease (including recA protein). No evidence was found for incorporation of bases opposite photoproducts suggesting that either inhibition is more complete in the cell and/or that other factors are involved in the misincorporation step.  相似文献   

The mackerel icefish (Champsocephalus gunnari Lönnberg, 1905) is a ray‐finned fish living in the Southern Ocean around Antarctica. We sequenced the complete mitochondrial (mt) genome of the mackerel icefish and a segment from cytochrome b to the control region (CR) in 32 individuals. The mt genome of the mackerel icefish was rearranged, containing two nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (reduced form) dehydrogenase subunit 6 (ND6), two tRNAGlu, and two CRs. However, variations in numbers of ND6 and tRNAGlu were observed amongst individuals. These variations included type 1 (containing two ND6 and two tRNAGlu), type 2 (containing one ND6, one incomplete ND6, and one tRNAGlu), and type 3 (containing one ND6 and one tRNAGlu). The gene orders of types 1 and 2, and variations in numbers of ND6 and tRNAGlu were not previously found in any Antarctic notothenioids, whereas type 3 is the same as that of Racovitzia glacialis. Phylogenetic analyses of CR DNA sequences showed that duplicated CRs of the same species formed a monophyletic group, suggesting that duplication of CRs occurred in each species. The frequent duplication of mt genomes in Antarctic notothenioids is an unusual feature in vertebrates. We propose that interspecific hybridization and impairment of mismatch repair might account for the high frequency of gene duplications and rearrangement of mt genomes in Antarctic notothenioids.  相似文献   

We present a mathematical model of mitochondrial inheritance evolving under neutral evolution to interpret the heteroplasmies observed at some sites. A comparison of the levels of heteroplasmies transmitted from mother to her offspring allows us to estimate the number Nx of inherited mitochondrial genomes (segregating units). The model demonstrates the necessity of accounting for both the multiplicity of an unknown number Nx, and the threshold θ, below which heteroplasmy cannot be detected reliably, in order to estimate the mitochondrial mutation rate μm in the maternal line of descent. Our model is applicable to pedigree studies of any eukaryotic species where site heteroplasmies are observed in regions of the mitochondria, provided neutrality can be assumed. The model is illustrated with an analysis of site heteroplasmies in the first hypervariable region of mitochondrial sequence data sampled from Adélie penguin families, providing an estimate Nx and μm. This estimate of μm was found to be consistent with earlier estimates from ancient DNA analysis.  相似文献   

The main molecular techniques which can be used to generate genetic markers, and the applications of these markers to studies of fish populations are outlined. Published and ongoing studies, in the authors' laboratories, on brown trout and Atlantic salmon are used to compare the resolution and applicability of allozyme, mitochondrial DNA and minisatellite (variable number of tandem repeats) markers for studies on population structuring, genetic variation within populations, and the impact of the accidental and deliberate introduction of non-native salmonids on the genetic make-up of natural populations.  相似文献   

Margit M.K. Nass 《Gene》1983,21(3):249-255
A precise physical map, containing the structurally and operationally defined D-loop origin, terminal region, and direction of heavy-strand replication, has been constructed for mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) from ovary (CHO-KI) and lung cells of Chinese hamster (Cricetulus griseus 2 N = 22), and compared with our previously established genome coordinates for mtDNA from Syrian hamster ( Mesocricetus auratus 2 N = 44). All four HpaI sites in Cricetulus are conserved in Mesocricetus (8 sites). Extensive variation exists for hexanucleotides cleaved by EcoRI HindIII PstI. KpnI and BamHI. Sequence divergence between Chinese and Syrian hamster mtDNAs, as reflected from analysis of the mapped recognition sites for these six endonucleases, is estimated as 5–9% base substitutions. mtDNAs from both hamster and several other mammalian species contain a commonly conserved HpaI site in the region of light strand initiation.  相似文献   

Sooty tern (Sterna fuscata) rookeries are scattered throughout the tropical oceans. When not nesting, individuals wander great distances across open seas, but, like many other seabirds, they tend to be site-faithful to nesting locales in successive years. Here we examine the matrilineal history of sooty terns on a global scale. Assayed colonies within an ocean are poorly differentiated in mitochondrial DNA sequence, a result indicating tight historical ties. However, a shallow genealogical partition distinguishes Atlantic from Indo-Pacific rookeries. Phylogeographic patterns in the sooty tern are compared to those in other colonially nesting seabirds, as well as in the green turtle (Chelonia mydas), an analogue of tropical seabirds in some salient aspects of natural history. Phylogeographic structure within an ocean is normally weak in seabirds, unlike the pronounced matrilineal structure in green turtles. However, the phylogeographic partition between Atlantic and Indo-Pacific rookeries in sooty terns mirrors, albeit in shallower evolutionary time, the major matrilineal subdivision in green turtles. Thus, global geology has apparently influenced historical gene movements in these two circumtropical species.  相似文献   

We investigated intraspecific phylogenetic relationships in the natricine snake, Rhabdophis tigrinus. A partial sequence of mitochondrial cytochrome b gene (990 bp) was sequenced for 220 individuals from 112 populations. The phylogeny indicated monophyly of the Japanese populations against the continental and Taiwanese populations, sister relationships of the Japanese and continental populations, and monophyly of the whole species. The results strongly suggested substantial genetic divergences among population assemblages from those three regions. We thus consider both lateralis from the continent, which is often synonymized to R. tigrinus, and formosanus from Taiwan, which is usually regarded as a subspecies of the latter, as distinct full species based on the evolutionary species concept. In the Japanese populations, haplotypes were classified to in two major clades (I and II) that were parapatric to each other. Clade I consisted of three distinct subclades (I‐A, I‐B, and I‐C), of which the former two were parapatric with each other, whereas the latter was sympatric with each of the former two subclades. The geographical haplotype structure exhibited by the Japanese populations is likely to have resulted from a series of allopatric differentiations with rapid range extensions of resultant lineages, leading to secondary contact or further admixture of mitochondrial haplotype clades and subclades. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 105 , 395–408.  相似文献   

Summary The sequence of a segment of theDrosophila virilis mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) molecule that contains the A+T-rich region, the small rRNA gene, the tRNAf-met, tRNAgln, and tRNAile genes, and portions of the ND2 and tRNAval genes is presented and compared with the corresponding segment of theD. yakuba mtDNA molecule. The A+T-rich regions ofD. virilis andD. yakuba contain two correspondingly located sequences of 49 and 276/274 nucleotides that appear to have been conserved during evolution. In each species the replication origin of the mtDNA molecule is calculated to lie within a region that overlaps the larger conserved sequence, and within this overlap is found a potential hairpin structure. Substitutions between the larger conserved sequences of the A+T-rich regions, the small mt-rRNA genes, and the ND2 genes are biased in favor of transversions, 71–97% of which are AT changes. There is a 13.8 times higher frequency of nucleotide differences between the 5 halves than between the 3 halves of theD. virilis andD. yakuba small mt-rRNA genes. Considerations of the effects of observed substitutions and deletion/insertions on possible nucleotide pairing within the small mt-rRNA genes ofD. virilis andD. yakuba strongly support the secondary structure model for theDrosophila small mt-rRNA that we previously proposed.  相似文献   

Part of the 12S rDNA gene was amplified and sequenced for 11 placental mammals, 3 marsupials, and 2 monotremes. Multiple alignments for these sequences and nine additional placental sequences taken from GenBank were obtained using CLUSTAL. Phylogenetic analyses were performed using standard parsimony, transversion parsimony, and Lake's method of invariants. All of our analyses uniteLoxodontia withDugong. Procavia, in turn, is a sister group to these taxa, thus supporting the monophyly of the Paenungulata. Perissodactyls are a sister group to paenungulates when transitions and transversions are both included but not when transitions are omitted. Likewise, cetaceans are a sister group to artiodactyls on minimum length trees under standard parsimony but not under transversion parsimony. Rodent monophyly and bat monophyly also receive mixed support, as does a putative alliance between primates and lagomorphs. Interestingly, the percentage divergence between the echidna and the platypus is less than for the rat and mouse.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control regions from 40 Japanese wild boars were examined by direct sequencing after amplification by PCR. From the DNA sequences obtained, we found eight haplotypes, whose differences arose via transitions. The geographical distribution of these different haplotypes indicated that wild boar populations inhabited limited areas and that there was some restricted gene flow between local populations. Eight mtDNA haplotypes from Eastern and Western domestic pigs and the Ryukyu wild boar were also analyzed as references to those from Japanese wild boars. The cluster analyses of the control-region sequences showed that those from Japanese wild boards belong to the Asian type as do those from Eastern domestic pigs and the Ryukyu wild boar, which differed from the European type (Western domestic pigs).  相似文献   

A 3,345-bp fragment of Dictyostelium discoideum mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) has been sequenced. This fragment contained the 80-kDa subunit of complex I (NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase), encoding a predicted amino acid sequence of 688 residues and a molecular mass of 79,805 daltons which is nuclear encoded in other metazoa. The C-terminus of the D. discoideum complex I gene shared a 10-bp overlap with NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase chain 5 (ND5), while 21 by 5 were three tRNA genes (two isoleucine and a histidine) and a further 25 by 5 of these genes is the partial sequence (104 residues) of an unidentified open reading frame (ORF104). Both the 80-kDa subunit and the ORF104 were hydrophilic and highly charged, suggesting they are not membrane associated, unlike most mitochondrially encoded proteins in the metazoa. Sequence analysis of the 80-kDa subunit, its adjacent ND5 gene, and ORF104 indicates the universal stop codon TGA, which codes for tryptophan in nearly all nonplant mtDNA, is either unassigned or coding for a stop codon in D. discoideum. The large size of the mitochondrial genome (54 kb), the lack of intergenic sequence, and the apparent use of the universal code suggest D. discoideum mtDNA may encode many primitive genes that are nuclear encoded in higher organisms.Correspondence to: K.L. WilliamsData deposition: GeneBank  相似文献   

The noncoding region between tRNAPro and the large conserved sequence block is the most variable region in the mammalian mitochondrial DNA D-loop region. This variable region (ca. 270 bp) of four species of Equus, including Mongolian and Japanese native domestic horses as well as Przewalskii's (or Mongolian) wild horse, were sequenced. These data were compared with our recently published Thoroughbred horse mitochondrial DNA sequences. The evolutionary rate of this region among the four species of Equus was estimated to be 2–4 × 10–8 per site per year. Phylogenetic trees of Equus species demonstrate that Przewalskii's wild horse is within the genetic variation among the domestic horse. This suggests that the chromosome number change (probably increase) of the Przewalskii's wild horse occurred rather recently.Correspondence to: N. Ishida  相似文献   

The distribution of selection coefficients of new mutations is of key interest in population genetics. In this paper we explore how codon-based likelihood models can be used to estimate the distribution of selection coefficients of new amino acid replacement mutations from phylogenetic data. To obtain such estimates we assume that all mutations at the same site have the same selection coefficient. We first estimate the distribution of selection coefficients from two large viral data sets under the assumption that the viral population size is the same along all lineages of the phylogeny and that the selection coefficients vary among sites. We then implement several new models in which the lineages of the phylogeny may have different population sizes. We apply the new models to a data set consisting of the coding regions from eight primate mitochondrial genomes. The results suggest that there might be little power to determine the exact shape of the distribution of selection coefficient but that the normal and gamma distributions fit the data significantly better than the exponential distribution.  相似文献   

The very high AT content of hymenopteran mtDNA has warranted speculation about nucleotide substitution processes in this group. Here we investigate the pattern of honeybee, Apis mellifera, mtDNA nucleotide polymorphisms inferred from phylogeny in terms of differences between the ATPase6, COI, COII, COIII, cytochrome b, and ND2 genes and strand asymmetry in mutation rates. The observed transition/transversion ratios and the distribution of nonsynonymous substitutions between regions differed significantly. The pattern of differences between genes leading to these heterogeneities (the ATPase6 and COIII genes group apart from the rest) differed markedly from that predicted on the basis of long-term evolutionary change and may indicate differences between current and long-term dynamics of sequence evolution. Also, there is strong strand asymmetry in substitutions, which probably results in a mutability of G and C sufficiently high to account for the AT-richness of honeybee mtDNA. Received: 21 October 1998 / Accepted: 27 January 1999  相似文献   

A previous study on the evolutionary patterns of Tarentola mauritanica demonstrated that low levels of mitochondrial diversity observed in the European populations relative to nuclear markers were consistent with a selective sweep hypothesis. In order to unravel the mitochondrial evolutionary history in this European population and two other lineages of T. mauritanica (Iberian and North African clades), variation within 22 nearly complete mitogenomes was analyzed. Surprisingly, each clade seems to have a distinct evolutionary history; with both the European and Iberian clades presenting a decrease of polymorphism, which in the former is consistent with departure from neutrality of the mtDNA (positive or background selection), but in the latter seems to be the result of a bottleneck after a population expansion. The pattern exhibited by the North African clade seems to be a consequence of adaptation to certain mtDNA variants by positive selection.  相似文献   

Abstract. The oral susceptibility of 22 South African livestock associated Culicoides species to infection with bluetongue virus serotype 1 (BTV‐1) and its replication rate in C. imicola Kieffer and C. bolitinos Meiswinkel (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) over a range of different incubation periods and temperatures are reported. Field‐collected Culicoides were fed on sheep blood containing 7.5 log10TCID50/mL of BTV‐1, and then held at constant different temperatures. Virus replication was measured over time by assaying individual flies in BHK‐21 cells using a microtitration procedure. Regardless of the incubation temperatures (10, 15, 18, 23.5 and 30°C) the mean virus titre/midge, infection rates (IR) and the proportion of infected females with transmission potential (TP = virus titre/midge ≥ 3 log10 TCID50) were found to be significantly higher in C. bolitinos than in C. imicola. Results from days 4–10 post‐infection (dpi), at 15–30°C, shows that the mean IR and TP values in C. bolitinos ranged from 36.7 to 87.8%, and from 8.4 to 87.7%, respectively; in C. imicola the respective values were 11.0–13.7% and 0–46.8%. In both species the highest IR was recorded at 25°C and the highest TP at 30°C. The time required for the development of TP in C. bolitinos ranged from 2 dpi at 25°C to 8 dpi at 15°C. In C. imicola it ranged from 4 dpi at 30°C to 10 dpi at 23.5°C; no individuals with TP were detected at 15°C. There was no evidence of virus replication in flies held at 10°C. When, at various points of incubation, individual flies were transferred from 10°C to 23.5°C and then assayed 4–10 days later, virus was recovered from both species. The mean virus titres/midge, and proportion of individuals with TP and IR, were again significantly higher in C. bolitinos than in C. imicola. Also the infection prevalence in C. magnus Colaço was higher than in C. imicola. Low infection prevalences were found in C. bedfordi Ingram & Macfie, C. leucostictus Kieffer, C. pycnostictus Ingram & Macfie, C. gulbenkiani Caeiro and C. milnei Austen. BTV‐1 was not detected in 14 other Culicoides species tested; however, some of these were tested in limited numbers. The present study indicates a multivector potential for BTV transmission in South Africa. In C. imicola and C. bolitinos the replication rates are distinct and are significantly influenced by temperature. These findings are discussed in relation to the epidemiology of bluetongue in South Africa.  相似文献   

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