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A Caenorhabditis elegans lambda ZAP cDNA library was screened using a fragment amplified from highly conserved regions of the mammalian and Drosophila elongation factor 2 (EF-2). Two types of cDNA clones were obtained, corresponding to two mRNA species with 3'-untranslated regions of 60 and 115 nucleotides, both encoding identical polypeptides. Sequence analysis of these clones and comparisons with hamster and Drosophila EF-2 sequences suggests that they encode C. elegans EF-2. Clone pCef6A, encoding the entire C. elegans EF-2 mRNA sequence including 45 nucleotides of 5'-untranslated region, contains a 2,556-bp open reading frame which predicts a polypeptide of 852 amino acid residues (Mr 94,564). The deduced amino acid sequence is greater than 80% identical to that of mammalian and Drosophila EF-2. Conserved sequence segments shared among a variety of GTP-binding proteins are found in the amino-terminal region. The carboxy-terminal half contains segments unique to EF-2 and its prokaryotic homolog, EF-G, as well as the histidyl residue which is ADP-ribosylated by diphtheria toxin. The C. elegans protein contains a 12-amino-acid insertion between positions 90 and 100, and a 13-amino-acid deletion between positions 237 and 260, relative to hamster EF-2. Partial sequencing of a genomic clone encoding the entire C. elegans EF-2 gene (named eft-2) has so far revealed two introns of 48 and 44 bp following codons Gln-191 and Gln-250, respectively. Southern and Northern blot analyses indicate that eft-2 is a single-copy gene and encodes a 3-kb mRNA species which is present throughout nematode development.  相似文献   

Summary The gene family encoding the Arabidopsis thaliana translation elongation factor (EF-1) was analysed. This family contains four genes (A1-A4) organized in a similar manner in different varieties of Arabidopsis. Based upon both their physical separation and a comparison of their sequences, it is suggested that the A4 gene and the A1, A2, and A3 genes constitute two distinct subfamilies within the genome. By introducing chimaeric gene constructs into Arabidopsis cells, we showed that the Al gene promoter mediates a transient expression about twofold higher than that obtained using the CaMV 35 S promoter. This expression depends on a 348 by DNA fragment extending from –982 to –634 by upstream of the initiation codon. This element contains a characteristic telomeric sequence (AACCCTAA) which is also found in the promoters of the A2 and A4 genes as well as in the promoters of the Drosophila EF-1 F1 gene and of several highly expressed plant genes.  相似文献   

The alcohol dehydrogenase gene (ADH1) of Candida utilis ATCC9950 was cloned and expressed in recombinant Escherichia coli. C. utilis ADH1 was obtained by PCR amplification of C. utilis genomic DNA using two degenerate primers. Amino acid sequence analysis of C. utilis ADH1 indicated that it contained a zinc-binding consensus region and a NAD(P)+-binding site, and lacked a mitochondrial targeting peptide. It has a 98 and 73% identity with ADH1s of C. albicans and Saccharomyces cerevisiae, respectively. Amino acid sequence analysis and enzyme characterization with various aliphatic and branched alcohols suggested that C. utilis ADH1 might be a primary alcohol dehydrogenase existing in the cytoplasm and requiring zinc ion and NAD(P)+ for reaction.  相似文献   

The techniques of homology cloning and anchored PCR were used to clone the elongation factor 2 (EF-2) gene from black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon). The full length cDNA of black tiger shrimp EF-2 (btsEF-2) contained a 5' untranslated region (UTR) of 73 bp, an ORF of 2541 bp encoding a polypeptide of 846 amino acids with an estimated molecular mass of 95 kDa, and a 3( UTR of 112 bp. The searches for protein sequence similarities with BLAST analysis indicated that the deduced amino acid sequence of btsEF-2 was homological to the EF-2 of other species and even the mammalians. The conserved signature sequence of EF-2 gene family, GTPase effector domain and ADP-ribosylation domain were found in the btsEF-2 deduced amino acid sequence. The temporal expressions of gene in the different ovarian stages were measured by real time PCR. The mRNA expressions of the gene were constitutively expressed in ovary and different during the maturation stages. The result indicated that EF-2 gene was constitutively expressed and could play a critical role in the ovarian maturation stage.  相似文献   

The tuf gene, which encodes the elongation factor Tu (EF-Tu) of Thermus thermophilus HB8, and its flanking regions were cloned and sequenced. The gene encoding EF-G was found upstream of the 5' end of the tuf gene. The tuf gene of T. thermophilus HB8 had a very high G + C content and 84.5% of the third base in codon usage was either G or C. The deduced primary structure of the EF-Tu was composed of 405 amino acid residues with a Mr = 44658. A comparison of the amino acid sequence of EF-Tu from T. thermophilus HB8 with those of Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae mitochondria showed a very high sequence homology (65-70%). Two Cys residues out of the three found in E. coli EF-Tu had been replaced with Val in T. thermophilus HB8 EF-Tu. An extra amino acid sequence of ten residues, consisting predominantly of basic amino acids (Met-182-Gly-191), which does not occur in EF-Tu of E. coli, was found in T. thermophilus HB8.  相似文献   

Abstract A gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric method was used to detect Legionella pneumophila in biofilms in potable water containing a complex microbial consortium. The unique 3-hydroxy and 2,3-dihydroxy fatty acids of the L. pneumophila lipopolysaccharides (LPS) were detected in both the planktonic phase of the continuous culture model and in the biofilms forming on both copper and polyethylene substrata. The technique confirmed that lower numbers of Legionella colonised and grew on copper in comparison to polyethylene and offers promise for routine detection of Legionella in biofilms in the environment.  相似文献   

Elongation factor 1 alpha (EF-1 alpha) was purified to homogeneity from full-grown oocytes of Xenopus laevis. This protein is encoded by a gene previously shown to be expressed in male and female germ cells, and repressed in somatic cells. The purified protein was identified with EF-1 alpha on criteria of molecular mass, cross-reaction with antibodies raised against Artemia salina EF-1 alpha, affinity for guanine nucleotides, and ability to promote the mRNA-dependent binding of aminoacyl tRNA to 80S ribosomes.  相似文献   

Ferredoxin was purified to apparent homogeneity from cell extracts of the homoacetogen Peptostreptococcus productus (strain Marburg). The yield was 70 g ferredoxin per g wet cells of P. productus. The UV-vis spectrum exhibited characteristics of a typical clostridial ferredoxin spectrum with a molar extinction coefficient 385 of 30000 M-1 cm-1 and an A385/A280 ratio of 0.76. The molecular weight Mr was near 5700 as calculated from the amino acid composition. The protein contained per mol 9.9 mol iron, 8.2 mol acid-labile sulfide, and near 7 mol cysteine indicating the presence of two 4 Fe/4 S clusters. The redox potential was determined to be-410 mV. The purified ferredoxin was reduced with carbon monoxide by the carbon monoxide dehydrogenase from crude extracts and by the partially enriched enzyme of P. productus.  相似文献   

EF-1a binds aminoacyl-tRNA to the ribosome with the hydrolysis of GTP; the complex facilitates the exchange of GDP for GTP to initiate another round of elongation. To examine the subunit structure of EF-1 and phosphorylation by protein kinase CKII, recombinant , , and subunits from rabbit were expressed in E. coli and the subunits were reconstituted into partial and complete complexes and analyzed by gel filtration. To determine the availability of the and subunits for phosphorylation by CKII, the subunits and the reconstituted complexes were examined as substrates for CKII. Formation of the nucleotide exchange complex increased the rate of phosphorylation of the subunit and reduced the Km, while addition of to or the complex inhibited phosphorylation by CKII. However, a had little effect on phosphorylation of . Thus, the and subunits in EF-1 were differentially phosphorylated by CKII, in that phosphorylation of was altered by association with other subunits, while the site on was always available for phosphorylation by CKII. From the availability of the subunits for phosphorylation by CKII and the composition of the reconstituted partial and complete complexes, a model for the subunit structure of EF-1 consisting of (22)2 is proposed and discussed.  相似文献   

A clinical isolate of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, JES, was resistant to extended-spectrum cephalosporins with a marked synergistic effect with clavulanic acid on a routine antibiogram. Preliminary PCR analysis revealed the presence of blaVEB-1, an integron-located gene encoding an extended-spectrum beta-lactamase previously identified in Escherichia coli MG-1. Using class 1 integron primers and blaVEB-1 intragenic primers, the insert region of the blaVEB-1 containing integron along with some flanking sequence from P. aeruginosa JES was amplified and subsequently sequenced. In50 contains within its variable region, in addition to qacE delta 1 and sull genes commonly found in class 1 integrons, two gene cassettes, veb1 and aadB. In50 is peculiar since its attI1 site is interrupted by two novel insertion sequences, IS1999 and IS2000. P. aeruginosa JES and Escherichia coli MG-1 strains were isolated from patients previously hospitalized in south east Asian countries. The finding of blaVEB-1 in these strains and on different integrons underlines the interspecies spread of this integron-located extended-spectrum beta-lactamase gene.  相似文献   

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