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周婷 《四川动物》2006,25(2):390-392
1997~2005年3月,先后对2只周氏闭壳龟进行人工饲养,介绍了周氏闭壳龟的一般活动、行为、食性、冬眠、繁殖、生长和疾病资料.测量了12只活体和5只标本的身体量度.  相似文献   

四川产潘氏闭壳龟繁殖一例及其面临的问题   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
巫嘉伟  李东 《四川动物》2004,23(1):15-15
潘氏闭壳龟(Cuora pani)属爬行纲龟鳖目淡水龟科闭壳龟属,是我国闭壳龟属中分布最北的种,于1981年在陕西省平利县徐家坝海拔420m的稻田旁水沟中被首次发现。为纪念陕西动物研究所前所长潘忠国教授,1984年宋鸣涛将其命名为潘氏闭壳龟^[1]。1999年,李东在四川省北部的广  相似文献   

基于线粒体Cyt b基因的全长序列探讨闭壳龟类的系统进化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用PCR技术对淡水龟科具闭壳结构的黄缘盒龟、黄额盒龟、金头闭壳龟、潘氏闭壳龟、锯缘龟和白腹摄龟的线粒体Cytb基因的全长序列进行了PCR扩增和序列测定,并结合GenBank中16种淡水龟科物种的同源序列,进行了序列变异和系统发生分析。经C lustalX1.8软件对位排列后共有1154个位点,其中可变位点413个,简约信息位点301个;A+T的平均含量(56.5%)高于G+C(43.5%)。在氨基酸密码子中,第一位富含A,第二位富含T,第三位富含C;碱基转换/颠换率为5.97,碱基替换多发生在密码子第三位。以中华鳖和马来鳖为外群,通过最大简约法,最大似然法和贝叶斯法重建了分子系统树,均具有一致的拓扑结构,结果表明:金头闭壳龟和潘氏闭壳龟最先聚成一支,再和三线闭壳龟聚成一组,说明形态上相似的三种闭壳龟亲缘关系最近;闭壳龟属、盒龟属和单种锯缘龟属聚成一个单系的闭壳龟群,建议合并为闭壳龟属;齿缘龟属和果龟属聚为一支,它们与新的闭壳龟属关系较远,揭示闭壳结构的形成不是由一个共同祖先分化而来;乌龟属、花龟属和拟水龟属三属为并系起源,建议三属可以合并为一属。  相似文献   

古猿闭壳龟的新材料及该属的地史分布   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
叶祥奎 《人类学学报》1985,4(2):113-117
云南禄丰古猿产地发现的古猿闭壳龟(Cuora pitheca Yeh,1981),是闭壳龟属的首次化石记录。它的发现,把该属的历史从现代一下追溯至中新世晚期。本文除补充记述古猿闭壳龟的新材料外,并结合近年国内外的新发现,综述了该属龟类的地史分布。  相似文献   

最近,遗传学研究证明了越南三线闭壳龟Cuoro cyclornata的有效性,并表明这个种内还存在第3个尚未描述的亚种,这个亚种也能从体色和形态量度上与以前认定的2个亚种相区分。同时,也证明中国三线闭壳龟C.trifasciata有一个来自中国海南岛在遗传学上存在歧化的种群。此现象也存在于金头闭壳龟C.aurocapitata,很久以来就发现该种有一个在体色量度上明显不同的种群,并得到了微卫星标记和形态学证据的支持。以上两种方法都显示了中国三线闭壳龟、越南三线闭壳龟和尚未描述的亚种之间的区别。为此,本文将这3个种群分别描述为新亚种C.cyclornata annamitica,C.trifasciata luteocephala和C.aurocapitata dabieshani。  相似文献   

中国闭壳龟属(Cuora)研究概况--兼评金头闭壳龟的保护   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
该文简略回顾了中国闭壳龟属动物的研究概况,包括系统学、化石、分子生物学、细胞遗传学、分布、生态、生物多样性、保护生物学等方面,还讨论了金头闭壳龟资源的保护。  相似文献   

大鲵的人工驯养繁殖   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘鉴毅 《生物学通报》2000,35(10):35-35
中国大鲵 (Andriasdavidianus)属两栖纲有尾目隐鳃鲵科 (Cryptobranchidae)、大鲵属 (Andrias) ,俗称娃娃鱼 ,英文名Giantsalamander,是中国内陆淡水中一种珍贵动物 ,也是目前世界上最大的两栖动物 ,最大个体体长近 2m ,体重约 50kg ,人工驯养寿命可达 60余年 ,自然界有活 1 0 0多年的记载。1 大鲵的形态特征及分布中国大鲵的外部形态早在 2 2 0 0年前就有记载 ,《山海经·北山经》云 :“泱泱之水 ,其中多人鱼 ,其状如鱼帝鱼 ,四足 ,其音如婴儿”。大鲵体大扁平 ,头部宽阔 ,躯…  相似文献   

中国四种龟的细胞遗传研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
本文研究了我国四种龟类动物的核型、C带和Ag-NOR_s。结果表明金头闭壳龟的核型2n=52(14M+2SM+4ST+6T+26m),NF=72,核型模式为8+5+13,一对次缢痕位于I组的No.1pinter;三线闭壳龟核型2n=52(12M+4SM+4ST+6T+26m),NF=72,8+5+3,黄缘盒龟的核型 2n=52(16M+4ST+6T+26m),NF=72,8+5+13,一对次缢痕位于I组No.1pinter;黄额盒龟2n=52(16M+2SM+4ST+6T+24m),NP=74,9+5+12,有4对次缢痕,分别位于I组的No.1pinter,No.3pper,No.7pper和No.6(X染色体)qper。黄额盒龟有1对异型(XY型)性染色体,其余3个种没有。这四种龟的全部染色体都出现着丝粒区C带正染。它们都仅出现1对AgNORs,其中黄额盒龟的Ag-NORs。位于II组的No.5qper,其余3个种的Ag-NOR_s位于I组的No.7qter。本文还阐述了近缘种间核型的演化机制和黄额盒龟性染色体分化的途径。  相似文献   

树实验种群的繁育   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
探讨了树实验种群的繁育。结果是5对成年树在7个月内共产11窝31只仔树。27只出生后即人工喂养的仔树中,25只健康存活至进入动物实验。成年树平均产仔周期为(52±8.9)d;仔树的人工喂养成活率为92.6%。可以认为树实验种群的人工繁育是可行的。人工繁育的树有望取代野外捕获的树用于有关的动物实验研究。  相似文献   

树鼩实验种群的繁育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The Indochinese box turtle Cuora galbinifrons is regarded as a purely terrestrial species, but our results demonstrate that it can feed both on land and in water. The inverse relationship between the relative development of the hyoid apparatus and the tongue found in the most investigated chelonians is not valid in the Indochinese box turtle. Our morphological analysis of the feeding apparatus reveals that the palate shape and the design of the tongue are consistent with terrestrial feeders, but the construction of the hyoid complex is more characteristic of aquatic feeders. Previous studies have demonstrated that tongue enlargement negatively impacts the capacity of the turtles to suction feed. The present study focuses on the aquatic intraoral prey transport kinematic patterns. Our analysis is based on high-speed films with 250 fr/s and high-speed cineradiography with 50 fr/s. The aquatic intraoral food transport mechanisms differ depending on prey size: small items are transported predominantly by “inertial suction”, whereas larger items are moved by the tongue—normally a clear terrestrial strategy. As the genus Cuora is ancestrally aquatic, the use of lingual food transport in the aquatic environment is presumably an aberrant modus typical only for the most terrestrial among the Asian box turtles.  相似文献   

The Indochinese box turtle Cuora galbinifrons is a polytypic, critically endangered species from Vietnam, Laos, and Hainan Island, China. We analyze up to 1790bp of mitochondrial DNA under maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood criteria to test if the five historically recognized subspecies represent evolutionary lineages, and to elucidate the relationship of C. galbinifrons to other Cuora. C. galbinifrons is composed of three major mitochondrial DNA clades corresponding to the three subspecies galbinifrons, bourreti, and picturata. These three lineages are also morphologically diagnosable, and consequently we recommend elevating each to full species. Cuora galbinifrons hainanensis nests within the galbinifrons clade, and we retain it as a synonym of galbinifrons, as supported by morphology. Cuora "serrata" is known to be a hybrid of male Cuora mouhotii and female C. galbinifrons, and our findings show that C. "serrata" originates from both female galbinifrons and bourreti. Little or no mitochondrial DNA variation was found among the morphologically distinct species Cuora aurocapitata, Cuora pani, and Cuora trifasciata, for which hypotheses are proposed. Recognizing galbinifrons, bourreti, and picturata as separate species has consequences for ongoing ex situ captive breeding programs and prioritization of in situ conservation activities, particularly in Vietnam.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships of the genus Cuora sensu lato (Cuora sensu stricto and Cistoclemmys) and other testudinoid genera were inferred from variations in 882 base positions of mitochondrial 12S and 16S rRNA genes. Results yielded a robust support to the monophyly of a group (Cuora group) consisting of Cuora sensu lato and the monotypic Pyxidea. Within the Cuora group, the continental Cuora (sensu stricto) and the two subspecies of Ci. flavomarginata constituted two well-supported monophyletic groups. Distinctly small interspecific genetic distances in the former groups suggested that in the continent speciations in Cuora took place much later than the primary divergences in the Cuora group, or speciations in other related genera, such as Mauremys. Our analyses failed to provide a substantial support to the monophyly of any other combinations of taxa within the Cuora group, including Cuora in broad and strict senses, and Cistoclemmys as consisting of Ci. galbinifrons and Ci. flavomarginata. Besides these, our results also suggested the non-monophyly for the Batagurinae and the Geoemydinae, and sister relationships of the Bataguridae with Testudinidae rather than with the Emydidae.  相似文献   

Chen TY  Lee YT  Chi CH 《Zoo biology》2011,30(6):689-698
This study presents a combination of radiography and ultrasonography to observe the reproductive cycle of 24 captive female yellow-margined box turtles in Taiwan. Radiography was mainly used to monitor clutch size, whereas ultrasonography was applied to detect changes in the follicles throughout the year. The observation of the 24 female turtles was performed from April 2007 to June 2008. Their average carapace length was 16.62 ± 1.66 cm and their average body weight was 812 ± 164.98 g. The mean clutch size was three (87 eggs/29 clutches) and the reproductive frequency was 95.83% (23/24). Double clutches were detected in 79.2%, and 20.8% had single clutches. Ovulation occurred from March through August, and the average follicular diameter was 2.16 ± 0.18 cm. Follicles entered the latent period in October (at 1.54 ± 0.26 cm), and vitellogenesis of the next reproductive cycle began in November. Using radiography, the eggshell could be detected on the ninth day after ovulation. The average period of the single clutch group was 6.9 weeks (range 5.1-8.5 weeks). In the double clutch group, the average period of the first clutch was 5.5 weeks (range 4-7.8 weeks) and that of the second clutch was 5.2 weeks (range 4-7.8 weeks). This study has advanced the understanding of reproductive physiology of yellow-margined box turtle and established a valuable and practical model for comparative study of the reproductive physiology of other chelonians.  相似文献   

Six polymorphic microsatellite loci containing dinucleotide repeats were developed for the freshwater turtle Mauremys rivulata. The number of alleles ranged from five to 18. The observed and expected heterozygosities ranged from 0.19 to 0.79 and 0.46 to 0.90, respectively. These markers may serve as a valuable tool for population genetics analyses and provide information on the evolutionary history of the species.  相似文献   

We investigated the development of the whole skeleton of the soft‐shelled turtle Pelodiscus sinensis, with particular emphasis on the pattern and sequence of ossification. Ossification starts at late Tokita‐Kuratani stage (TK) 18 with the maxilla, followed by the dentary and prefrontal. The quadrate is the first endoskeletal ossification and appears at TK stage 22. All adult skull elements have started ossification by TK stage 25. Plastral bones are the first postcranial bones to ossify, whereas the nuchal is the first carapacial bone to ossify, appearing as two unstained anlagen. Extensive examination of ossification sequences among autopodial elements reveals much intraspecific variation. Patterns of ossification of cranial dermal elements are more variable than those of endochondral elements, and dermal elements ossify before endochondral ones. Differences in ossification sequences with Apalone spinifera include: in Pelodiscus sinensis the jugal develops relatively early and before the frontal, whereas it appears later in A. spinifera; the frontal appears shortly before the parietal in A. spinifera whereas in P. sinensis the parietal appears several stages before the frontal. Chelydrids exhibit an early development of the postorbital bone and the palatal elements as compared to trionychids. Integration of the onset of ossification data into an analysis of the sequence of skeletal ossification in cryptodirans using the event‐pairing and Parsimov methods reveals heterochronies, some of which reflect the hypothesized phylogeny considered taxa. A functional interpretation of heterochronies is speculative. In the chondrocranium there is no contact between the nasal capsules and planum supraseptale via the sphenethmoid commissurae. The pattern of chondrification of forelimb and hind limb elements is consistent with a primary axis and digital arch. There is no evidence of anterior condensations distal to the radius and tibia. A pattern of quasi‐ simultaneity is seen in the chondrogenesis of the forelimb and the hind limb. J. Morphol. 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Myoglobins from heart and skeletal muscle of turtles were analyzed by thin-layer isoelectric focusing.
  • 2.2. Within the subfamily Emydinae, variation in the occurrence of two myoglobin electromorphs (pI 6.8 and 6.9) was detected.
  • 3.3. Patterns of myoglobin polymorphism support dividing the Emydinae into two subfamilies and help resolve controversial theories on relationships of the genus Deirochelys.
  • 4.4. Possible adaptive significance of the myoglobin variants (isoforms) remains to be determined.

Podocnemis lewyana is an endangered endemic river turtle of Colombia. Using ten unlinked polymorphic microsatellite loci and a 691-bp-long DNA fragment corresponding to the more variable portion of the mitochondrial control region, we investigated genetic diversity and population structure throughout its range. Both neutral markers showed extremely low diversity and weak population differentiation. Our data indicate that the genetic history of P. lewyana has been impacted by multiple bottlenecks and population expansion since the Pleistocene. The observed differentiation pattern is most likely the result of historically low genetic variation resulting from restricted geographic range and aggravated by recent anthropogenically induced bottlenecks. Based on slight differences in allele frequencies among populations, we suggest that three regions should be treated as demographically independent Management Units in order to preserve maximal genetic diversity: (1) the Upper Magdalena River Basin, (2) the Lower Magdalena + Lower Cauca + San Jorge River Basins, and (3) the Sinú River Basin. Among the Management Units, only low to moderate levels of gene flow were detected; these are largely unidirectional from Management Units 1 and 3 into Management Unit 2.  相似文献   

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