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The extracellular hemoglobin of the lugworm Arenicola marina which inhabits on the intertidal area, a sulfide-rich environment, comprises eight globin chains previously determined by mass spectrometry. We have cloned and sequenced five of the globin components. The deduced amino-acid sequences exhibit an extracellular signal peptide and two cysteine residues involved in an internal disulfide bond. The molecular weights calculated from the globin primary structures obtained from complete cDNA sequences are in good agreement with the mass spectrometry values obtained with the native hemoglobin. Phylogenetic analysis has allowed assigning the five A. marina sequences to the different globin sub-families. Two of the globins were found to be A2 globin chains lacking the cysteine residues proposed to be involved in the binding of hydrogen sulfide by such hemoglobin. We discuss the unusual absence of these cysteines in the light of their invariant occurrence in the A2 subfamily of hemoglobins from annelids inhabiting sulfide-rich environments.  相似文献   

1. On the basis of their molecular masses, four types of polypeptides (A, B, C, D) were obtained by SDS-PAGE of the extracellular hemoglobin of the polychaete annelid Arenicola marina. 2. On 2-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, the erythrocruorin dissociated into six different types of polypeptide chains; A1, A2, B1, B2, C and D. 3. A1 and B1 migrate in 2-dimensional electrophoresis at the same position as alpha and beta chains of human hemoglobin.  相似文献   

A S Rudolph  R O Cliff 《Cryobiology》1990,27(6):585-590
We have previously demonstrated the stabilization of liposome-encapsulated hemoglobin (LEH) by lyophilization (Cryobiology 25, 277-284, 1988). In the present report, we examine the structural and functional recovery of LEH after 3 months in the dry state. We have investigated the incorporation of the protective carbohydrate trehalose in the production and preservation of lyophilized LEH. Vesicle size, retention of entrapped hemoglobin, oxygen-carrying capacity, and percentage methemoglobin were measured as a function of time stored in the dry state under vacuum at room temperature. The results indicate that 150-300 mM trehalose maintains LEH dry preparations with little change in their size or functional characteristics after 3 months in the dry state. These results are compared to those of LEH that has been stored hydrated at 4 degrees C for the same time period.  相似文献   

Human hemoglobin was modified with polyethylene glycols. The conjugates exhibited P50 values of 10–15 mmHg, those are enough to deliver oxygen from the lungs to tissues. The most remarkable characteristic is their long half disappearance time from the circulation. The longest half disappearance time of these derivatives is about 180 minutes in contrast to 45 minutes of free hemoglobin. The half disappearance time shows a good corelation not to molecular weight but to the effective molecular size, which is determined by the elution time of HPLC on a gel permeation column.  相似文献   

A S Rudolph 《Cryobiology》1988,25(4):277-284
In this report, the ability of carbohydrates (trehalose, sucrose, and glucose) to preserve the blood substitute liposome-encapsulated hemoglobin (LEH) in the freeze-dried state is examined. The water-free stabilization of individual components of this blood substitute and LEH is reported. Lyophilization of hemoglobin solutions in the absence of carbohydrates results in significant oxidative degradation of Hb as measured by a large increase (approximately 60%) in methemoglobin. Hb samples lyophilized in increasing carbohydrate concentrations show reduced levels of methemoglobin, and at 0.5 M trehalose, sucrose, or glucose, these levels are reduced to nearly the same levels as unlyophilized controls. Storage of lyophilized Hb samples following rehydration at 4 degrees C shows the same rate of methemoglobin formation regardless of whether carbohydrates are present. This suggests that carbohydrates prevent Hb oxidation in the dry state but are less effective at retarding oxidative damage to Hb in solution. The addition of 0.25 M trehalose or sucrose to LEH results in the maintenance of liposomal size following lyophilization. In these experiments, glucose was least effective at inhibiting dehydration-induced LEH fusion. Lyophilization of LEH in 0.25 M trehalose or sucrose also results in significantly greater retention of the encapsulated hemoglobin following lyophilization and rehydration. These results suggest that the long-term stabilization of LEH in the dry state is a realizable goal.  相似文献   

A bovine serum albumin-bovine hemoglobin conjugate was prepared using 3-maleimidobenzoic acid N-hydroxysuccinimide ester as cross-linker. The conjugate was purified using DEAE Sepharose. It had an M r of 127 kDa. Its P50 (half-saturated O2 pressure) value and Hill coefficient were 27 mm Hg and 2, respectively.  相似文献   

Chemical communication systems controlling reproductive behaviour have been shown in a number of marine polychaetes. This study investigated the use of sex pheromones to coordinate spawning behaviour in gravid lugworms (Arenicola marina). Lugworms typically reproduce in the autumn, during low water of spring tides, and often exhibit epidemic spawning. Females release gametes within the burrow whereas males deposit spermatozoa on to the beach surface. The incoming tide dilutes the spermatozoa and transports them to the females'' burrows. Sperm is diluted rapidly and sperm concentrations fall below the minimum required for fertilization within a few minutes. The present investigation establishes the existence of chemical signals synchronizing spawning for the first time in an iteroparous polychaete. The process can be divided into two steps, the induction of gamete release by waterborne chemical cues and burrow irrigation behaviour in females: burrow irrigation representing the means by which spermatozoa are carried to the eggs. In both sexes, the release of gametes can be induced by exposure to sea water into which other individuals had previously spawned. Males also respond to odour compounds from other males. The overall effect of the chemical signals results in synchronized, mass spawning of a population.  相似文献   

Disuccinimidyl suberate (DSS) intramolecularly cross-linked hemoglobin (Hb) was developed as a novel red blood cell substitute. A multi-angle laser light scattering detector coupled with size exclusion HPLC was applied to determine the molecular weight of the modified Hb. SDS-PAGE was also used as a complement. It was proved that 83.8% of the product was intramolecularly cross-linked Hb with weight-average molecular weights (Mw) of 67.5 kD, 12% was dimeric Hb with Mw of 146.6 kD, and 4.2% was trimeric Hb with Mw of 306.4 kD. The tetramer structure of the cross-linked Hb was stable as shown in size-exclusion chromatography using a mobile phase containing 1 mol/L MgCI2. Analysis by LC-MS demonstrated that the reaction of DSS with Hb mainly took place between the two a subunits within a Hb molecule, resulting in stabilization of the tetramer structure. However, the cross-linking was not site-specific. The P50 of the cross-linked Hb decreased from 21.8 mmHg to 14.3 mmHg, and the Hill coefficient decreased from 2.22 to 1.41. Result of isoelectric focusing showed that the pi of DSS cross-linked Hb was in the range of 4.6-5.2, similar to that of serum albumin. The safety of DSS cross-linked Hb was favored by animal tests on rats and guinea pigs. Exchange transfusion experiment with DSS cross-linked Hb using rats as a model indicated no pressor effect or other significant side effects. The characteristics and properties of DSS cross-linked Hb were also compared with that of diaspirin cross-linked Hb reported in the literature.  相似文献   

Disuccinimidyl suberate (DSS) intramolecularly cross-linked hemoglobin (Hb) was developed as a novel red blood cell substitute. A multi-angle laser light scattering detector coupled with size exclusion HPLC was applied to determine the molecular weight of the modified Hb. SDS-PAGE was also used as a complement. It was proved that 83.8% of the product was intramolecularly cross-linked Hb with weight-average molecular weights (Mw) of 67.5 kD, 12% was dimeric Hb with Mw of 146.6 kD, and 4.2% was trimeric Hb with Mw of 306.4 kD. The tetramer structure of the cross-linked Hb was stable as shown in size-exclusion chromatography using a mobile phase containing 1 mol/L MgCl2. Analysis by LC-MS demonstrated that the reaction of DSS with Hb mainly took place between the twoα subunits within a Hb molecule, resulting in stabilization of the tetramer structure. However, the cross-linking was not site-specific. The P50 of the cross-linked Hb decreased from 21.8 mmHg to 14.3 mmHg, and the Hill coefficient decreased from 2.22 to 1.41. Result of isoelectric focusing showed that the pI of DSS cross-linked Hb was in the range of 4.6-5.2, similar to that of serum albumin. The safety of DSS cross-linked Hb was favored by animal tests on rats and guinea pigs. Exchange transfusion experiment with DSS cross-linked Hb using rats as a model indicated no pressor effect or other significant side effects. The characteristics and properties of DSS cross-linked Hb were also compared with that of diaspirin cross-linked Hb reported in the literature.  相似文献   

Preparation of human hemoglobin Ao for possible use as a blood substitute   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A procedure is presented for the preparation of a purified fraction of adult human hemoglobin (HbAo) from one unit of outdated blood. The entire process requires less than 16 h and gives a sterile, endotoxin-free solution of HbAo (approximately 30 g) in a yield of 50%. The solutions are isoionic with a conductivity of less than 15 mu mhos and less than 2 mmol total phosphorus per mol heme. The methemoglobin content is less than 1% and on storage at 4 degrees C rises less than 1% per month.  相似文献   

A detailed analysis is presented of the mechanism of burrowing in Arenicola marina (L.). The following were recorded electronically, using further developments of the techniques introduced by Trueman: movement into the sand, internal pressure at various points in the body, external pressure in the surrounding sand. The results are interpreted in relation to direct visual observation of the burrowing process. The structural and functional specializations of the lugworm for burrowing and the factors concerned in the release and control of burrowing activity, are discussed.  相似文献   

A 3D reconstruction at 25 A resolution of native hemoglobin of the polychaete worm Arenicola marina was carried out from frozen-hydrated specimens examined in the electron microscope. The reconstruction volume of this large extracellular multimeric respiratory pigment appears as a hexagonal bilayer structure with eclipsed vertices in its upper and lower hexagonal layers. Conversely, in hemoglobins of oligochaetes, achaetes, and vestimentiferans and in chlorocruorins of the Sabellidae (polychaete) family, the vertices of the upper layer are 16 degrees clockwise rotated with respect to those of the lower layer. The fact that two other polychaete hemoglobins (Alvinella pompejana and Tylorrhynchus heterochaetus) have the same architecture as Arenicola led us to define two types of hexagonal bilayer hemoglobins/chlorocruorins: (i) type-I present in oligochaete, achaete, and vestimentiferan hemoglobins and in Sabellidae chlorocruorins; and (ii) type-II present in polychaete hemoglobins. A comparative study of the hemoglobins of Lumbricus terrestris (type-I) and Arenicola marina (type-II) showed that only two small differences located in the c4 and c5 linking units are responsible of the important architectural difference present in oligomers. A likely scheme proposed to explain the phylogenic distribution of the two types suggests that Clitellata, Sabellida (polychaete), and vestimentiferan hemoglobins and chlorocruorins derive from a type-I ancestral molecule, while Terebellida (Alvinella), Phyllodocida (Tylorrhynchus), and Scolecida (Arenicola) and possibly other polychaetes derive from an ancestor molecule with type-II hemoglobin. The architectures of the hollow globular substructures are highly similar in Arenicola and Lumbricus hemoglobins, with 12 globin chains and three linking units (c3a, c3b, and c4). The central piece of Arenicola hemoglobin is an ellipsoid while that of Lumbricus is a toroid. No phylogenic correlation could be found between the structure of the central pieces and the architecture type.  相似文献   

The effect of hydrogen peroxide on the rate of tissue oxygen consumption, on intracellular pH (pH(i)) and on malondialdehyde (MDA) accumulation was studied in isolated body wall tissue of the lugworm Arenicola marina (L.). H2O2 effects were investigated at various levels of pH(i) by changing medium pH (pH(e)). The largest decrease of tissue oxygen consumption (by 17% below controls), as well as the highest degree of MDA accumulation (four-fold compared to control values) after H2O2 exposure were found at acidic pH(e) of 6.4. This was attributed to the higher redox potential of H2O2 in acidic solutions. Oxygen consumption at alkaline pH(e) (8.5) was not affected by H2O2. MDA accumulation in the tissue was considerably lower than at pH(e) 7.4 or 6.4. Despite pH dependent alterations of H2O2 redox potential, we observed more or less constant pH(e) independent acidification of the tissue upon exposure to H2O2. We attributed the acidification to an inhibition of ATP consuming proton equivalent ion transport across the cellular membrane. Inactivation of carrier proteins is discussed to be responsible for the decrease in tissue oxygen consumption. However, with a larger effect on oxygen consumption at acidic pH(e) values, the latter may not be the only explanation, but additional impairment of other energy demanding processes may be involved.  相似文献   

Summary The two hearts in Arenicola are capable of great dilation and contraction. The heart wall consists of myoepithelial cells resting on a basal lamina. On the luminal side of the basal lamina is a layer of collagen fibrils. No true endothelium was observed but occasional haemocytes were observed, subjacent to the collagenous layer. A few chloragogen cells are also found peripherally.The myofibrils are of a non-striated type consisting of thick and thin filaments and scattered Z-bodies. The sarcoplasmic reticulum forms a three-dimensional network. Only peripheral couplings were observed. The myofibrils are in contact with the sarcolemma on the luminal side of the cells, constituting a kind of hemidesmosome. The myoepithelial heart muscle is compared with other muscle types described in invertebrates. Supercontraction is discussed.  相似文献   

Hoque  M. S. 《Plant and Soil》1993,155(1):337-340
Nitrogen is the most limiting element in Bangladesh soils and urea is the fertilizer commonly used for supplying it. Bradyrhizobium/Rhizobium inoculant was tried as a source of N nutrition for grain legumes in a number of field experiments. The inoculants markedly increased nodule number, nodule mass, shoot weight and yield of the crops compared to uninoculated control and urea-N treatments. For soybean (Glycine max), inoculation increased yield 113 percent over the control and 49 percent over the urea treament. For groundnut (Arachis hypogaea), the increases were 36 and 11 percent; for lentil (Lens culinaris), 30 and 13 percent; and for mungbean (Vigna radiata), 47 and 7 percent. The local inoculant strains were suitable for dependable inoculant production. The inoculant technology can be used as a promising and cheap substitute of urea for growing food legume crops in Bangladesh.  相似文献   

When two ecosystem engineers share the same natural environment, the outcome of their interaction will be unclear if they have contrasting habitat-modifying effects (e.g., sediment stabilization vs. sediment destabilization). The outcome of the interaction may depend on local environmental conditions such as season or sediment type, which may affect the extent and type of habitat modification by the ecosystem engineers involved. We mechanistically studied the interaction between the sediment-stabilizing seagrass Zostera noltii and the bioturbating and sediment-destabilizing lugworm Arenicola marina, which sometimes co-occur for prolonged periods. We investigated (1) if the negative sediment destabilization effect of A. marina on Z. noltii might be counteracted by positive biogeochemical effects of bioirrigation (burrow flushing) by A. marina in sulfide-rich sediments, and (2) if previously observed nutrient release by A. marina bioirrigation could affect seagrasses. We tested the individual and combined effects of A. marina presence and high porewater sulfide concentrations (induced by organic matter addition) on seagrass biomass in a full factorial lab experiment. Contrary to our expectations, we did not find an effect of A. marina on porewater sulfide concentrations. A. marina activities affected the seagrass physically as well as by pumping nutrients, mainly ammonium and phosphate, from the porewater to the surface water, which promoted epiphyte growth on seagrass leaves in our experimental set-up. We conclude that A. marina bioirrigation did not alleviate sulfide stress to seagrasses. Instead, we found synergistic negative effects of the presence of A. marina and high sediment sulfide levels on seagrass biomass.  相似文献   

Theissen U  Martin W 《The FEBS journal》2008,275(6):1131-1139
The lugworm Arenicola marina inhabits marine sediments in which sulfide concentrations can reach up to 2 mM. Although sulfide is a potent toxin for humans and most animals, because it inhibits mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase at micromolar concentrations, A. marina can use electrons from sulfide for mitochondrial ATP production. In bacteria, electron transfer from sulfide to quinone is catalyzed by the membrane-bound flavoprotein sulfide : quinone oxidoreductase (SQR). A cDNA from A. marina was isolated and expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which lacks endogenous SQR. The heterologous enzyme was active in mitochondrial membranes. After affinity purification, Arenicola SQR isolated from yeast mitochondria reduced decyl-ubiquinone (K(m) = 6.4 microm) after the addition of sulfide (K(m) = 23 microm) only in the presence of cyanide (K(m) = 2.6 mM). The end product of the reaction was thiocyanate. When cyanide was substituted by Escherichia coli thioredoxin and sulfite, SQR exhibited one-tenth of the cyanide-dependent activity. Six amino acids known to be essential for bacterial SQR were exchanged by site-directed mutagenesis. None of the mutant enzymes was active after expression in yeast, implicating these amino acids in the catalytic mechanism of the eukaryotic enzyme.  相似文献   

Stroma-free hemoglobin (Hb) has been modified by pyridoxylation and followed by polymerization with glutaraldehyde as a blood substitute. Nevertheless, the reaction rate of pyridoxylated Hb (PLP-Hb) with glutaraldehyde is too fast to control its molecular weight distribution. Additionally, it was reported that glutaraldehyde is cytotoxic even at low doses. To overcome these problems, another aldehyde, beta-hydroxypropionaldehyde (beta-HPA), was used in the study to polymerize hemoglobin (PLP-Hb). beta-HPA is a natural compound (reuterin) produced by Lactobacillus reuteri. It was found that the maximum degree of PLP-Hb polymerization by reuterin (RR-PLP-Hb) was approximately 40% if the formation of high molecular (> 500 kDa) polymers should be prevented. In contrast, at the same reaction condition, the glutaraldehyde-polymerized PLP-Hb solution became gel-like, due to overpolymerization. This indicated that the rate of PLP-Hb polymerization by reuterin was significantly slower than that by glutaraldehyde. With increasing the reaction temperature, PLP-Hb concentration, or reuterin-to-PLP-Hb molar ratio, the time to reach the maximum degree of PLP-Hb polymerization by reuterin became significantly shorter. Removal of unpolymerized PLP-Hb from the RR-PLP-Hb solution can be effectively achieved by a gel-filtration column. The P(50) value of the unmodified Hb solution was 14 torr, while that of the RR-PLP-Hb solution was 20 torr, an indication of lower oxygen affinity. Additionally, the oxygen-Hb dissociation curves for both test solutions had a sigmodial shape and a nearly 100% saturation at 100 torr. In the in vivo study, it was found that the animals treated with the RR-PLP-Hb solution all survived and remained healthy more than 3 months. In contrast, only one out of six rats survived for the control group treated with the unmodified Hb solution. Furthermore, it was found that the RR-PLP-Hb solution resulted in a significantly longer circulation time ( approximately 12 h) than the unmodified Hb solution ( approximately 1.5 h). These results suggest that the reuterin-polymerized PLP-Hb solution may be a new option in the development of blood substitutes.  相似文献   

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