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The classical receptive field in the primary visual cortex have been successfully explained by sparse activation of relatively independent units, whose tuning properties reflect the statistical dependencies in the natural environment. Robust surround modulation, emerging from stimulation beyond the classical receptive field, has been associated with increase of lifetime sparseness in the V1, but the system-wide modulation of response strength have currently no theoretical explanation. We measured fMRI responses from human visual cortex and quantified the contextual modulation with a decorrelation coefficient (d), derived from a subtractive normalization model. All active cortical areas demonstrated local non-linear summation of responses, which were in line with hypothesis of global decorrelation of voxels responses. In addition, we found sensitivity to surrounding stimulus structure across the ventral stream, and large-scale sensitivity to the number of simultaneous objects. Response sparseness across voxel population increased consistently with larger stimuli. These data suggest that contextual modulation for a stimulus event reflect optimization of the code and perhaps increase in energy efficiency throughout the ventral stream hierarchy. Our model provides a novel prediction that average suppression of response amplitude for simultaneous stimuli across the cortical network is a monotonic function of similarity of response strengths in the network when the stimuli are presented alone.  相似文献   

The sparse coding hypothesis has enjoyed much success in predicting response properties of simple cells in primary visual cortex (V1) based solely on the statistics of natural scenes. In typical sparse coding models, model neuron activities and receptive fields are optimized to accurately represent input stimuli using the least amount of neural activity. As these networks develop to represent a given class of stimulus, the receptive fields are refined so that they capture the most important stimulus features. Intuitively, this is expected to result in sparser network activity over time. Recent experiments, however, show that stimulus-evoked activity in ferret V1 becomes less sparse during development, presenting an apparent challenge to the sparse coding hypothesis. Here we demonstrate that some sparse coding models, such as those employing homeostatic mechanisms on neural firing rates, can exhibit decreasing sparseness during learning, while still achieving good agreement with mature V1 receptive field shapes and a reasonably sparse mature network state. We conclude that observed developmental trends do not rule out sparseness as a principle of neural coding per se: a mature network can perform sparse coding even if sparseness decreases somewhat during development. To make comparisons between model and physiological receptive fields, we introduce a new nonparametric method for comparing receptive field shapes using image registration techniques.  相似文献   

Sparse coding algorithms trained on natural images can accurately predict the features that excite visual cortical neurons, but it is not known whether such codes can be learned using biologically realistic plasticity rules. We have developed a biophysically motivated spiking network, relying solely on synaptically local information, that can predict the full diversity of V1 simple cell receptive field shapes when trained on natural images. This represents the first demonstration that sparse coding principles, operating within the constraints imposed by cortical architecture, can successfully reproduce these receptive fields. We further prove, mathematically, that sparseness and decorrelation are the key ingredients that allow for synaptically local plasticity rules to optimize a cooperative, linear generative image model formed by the neural representation. Finally, we discuss several interesting emergent properties of our network, with the intent of bridging the gap between theoretical and experimental studies of visual cortex.  相似文献   

The timing of spiking activity across neurons is a fundamental aspect of the neural population code. Individual neurons in the retina, thalamus, and cortex can have very precise and repeatable responses but exhibit degraded temporal precision in response to suboptimal stimuli. To investigate the functional implications for neural populations in natural conditions, we recorded in vivo the simultaneous responses, to movies of natural scenes, of multiple thalamic neurons likely converging to a common neuronal target in primary visual cortex. We show that the response of individual neurons is less precise at lower contrast, but that spike timing precision across neurons is relatively insensitive to global changes in visual contrast. Overall, spike timing precision within and across cells is on the order of 10 ms. Since closely timed spikes are more efficient in inducing a spike in downstream cortical neurons, and since fine temporal precision is necessary to represent the more slowly varying natural environment, we argue that preserving relative spike timing at a ~10-ms resolution is a crucial property of the neural code entering cortex.  相似文献   

Computational models of primary visual cortex have demonstrated that principles of efficient coding and neuronal sparseness can explain the emergence of neurones with localised oriented receptive fields. Yet, existing models have failed to predict the diverse shapes of receptive fields that occur in nature. The existing models used a particular "soft" form of sparseness that limits average neuronal activity. Here we study models of efficient coding in a broader context by comparing soft and "bard" forms of neuronal sparseness. As a result of our analyses, we propose a novel network model for visual cortex. The model forms efficient visual representations in which the number of active neurones, rather than mean neuronal activity, is limited. This form of hard sparseness also economises cortical resources like synaptic memory and metabolic energy. Furthermore, our model accurately predicts the distribution of receptive field shapes found in the primary visual cortex of cat and monkey.  相似文献   

Lesica NA  Jin J  Weng C  Yeh CI  Butts DA  Stanley GB  Alonso JM 《Neuron》2007,55(3):479-491
In this study, we characterize the adaptation of neurons in the cat lateral geniculate nucleus to changes in stimulus contrast and correlations. By comparing responses to high- and low-contrast natural scene movie and white noise stimuli, we show that an increase in contrast or correlations results in receptive fields with faster temporal dynamics and stronger antagonistic surrounds, as well as decreases in gain and selectivity. We also observe contrast- and correlation-induced changes in the reliability and sparseness of neural responses. We find that reliability is determined primarily by processing in the receptive field (the effective contrast of the stimulus), while sparseness is determined by the interactions between several functional properties. These results reveal a number of adaptive phenomena and suggest that adaptation to stimulus contrast and correlations may play an important role in visual coding in a dynamic natural environment.  相似文献   

Unique patterns of spike activity across neuron populations have been implicated in the coding of complex sensory stimuli. Delineating the patterns of neural activity in response to varying stimulus parameters and their relationships to the tuning characteristics of individual neurons is essential to ascertaining the nature of population coding within the brain. Here, we address these points in the midbrain coding of concurrent vocal signals of a sound-producing fish, the plainfin midshipman. Midshipman produce multiharmonic vocalizations which frequently overlap to produce beats. We used multivariate statistical analysis from single-unit recordings across multiple animals to assess the presence of a temporal population code. Our results show that distinct patterns of temporal activity emerge among midbrain neurons in response to concurrent signals that vary in their difference frequency. These patterns can serve to code beat difference frequencies. The patterns directly result from the differential temporal coding of difference frequency by individual neurons. Difference frequency encoding, based on temporal patterns of activity, could permit the segregation of concurrent vocal signals on time scales shorter than codes requiring averaging. Given the ubiquity across vertebrates of auditory midbrain tuning to the temporal structure of acoustic signals, a similar temporal population code is likely present in other species.  相似文献   

Graham DJ  Field DJ 《Spatial Vision》2007,21(1-2):149-164
Paintings are the product of a process that begins with ordinary vision in the natural world and ends with manipulation of pigments on canvas. Because artists must produce images that can be seen by a visual system that is thought to take advantage of statistical regularities in natural scenes, artists are likely to replicate many of these regularities in their painted art. We have tested this notion by computing basic statistical properties and modeled cell response properties for a large set of digitized paintings and natural scenes. We find that both representational and non-representational (abstract) paintings from our sample (124 images) show basic similarities to a sample of natural scenes in terms of their spatial frequency amplitude spectra, but the paintings and natural scenes show significantly different mean amplitude spectrum slopes. We also find that the intensity distributions of paintings show a lower skewness and sparseness than natural scenes. We account for this by considering the range of luminances found in the environment compared to the range available in the medium of paint. A painting's range is limited by the reflective properties of its materials. We argue that artists do not simply scale the intensity range down but use a compressive nonlinearity. In our studies, modeled retinal and cortical filter responses to the images were less sparse for the paintings than for the natural scenes. But when a compressive nonlinearity was applied to the images, both the paintings' sparseness and the modeled responses to the paintings showed the same or greater sparseness compared to the natural scenes. This suggests that artists achieve some degree of nonlinear compression in their paintings. Because paintings have captivated humans for millennia, finding basic statistical regularities in paintings' spatial structure could grant insights into the range of spatial patterns that humans find compelling.  相似文献   

System identification techniques—projection pursuit regression models (PPRs) and convolutional neural networks (CNNs)—provide state-of-the-art performance in predicting visual cortical neurons’ responses to arbitrary input stimuli. However, the constituent kernels recovered by these methods are often noisy and lack coherent structure, making it difficult to understand the underlying component features of a neuron’s receptive field. In this paper, we show that using a dictionary of diverse kernels with complex shapes learned from natural scenes based on efficient coding theory, as the front-end for PPRs and CNNs can improve their performance in neuronal response prediction as well as algorithmic data efficiency and convergence speed. Extensive experimental results also indicate that these sparse-code kernels provide important information on the component features of a neuron’s receptive field. In addition, we find that models with the complex-shaped sparse code front-end are significantly better than models with a standard orientation-selective Gabor filter front-end for modeling V1 neurons that have been found to exhibit complex pattern selectivity. We show that the relative performance difference due to these two front-ends can be used to produce a sensitive metric for detecting complex selectivity in V1 neurons.  相似文献   

The apparent receptive field characteristics of sensory neurons depend on the statistics of the stimulus ensemble—a nonlinear phenomenon often called contextual modulation. Since visual cortical receptive fields determined from simple stimuli typically do not predict responses to complex stimuli, understanding contextual modulation is crucial to understanding responses to natural scenes. To analyze contextual modulation, we examined how apparent receptive fields differ for two stimulus ensembles that are matched in first- and second-order statistics, but differ in their feature content: one ensemble is enriched in elongated contours. To identify systematic trends across the neural population, we used a multidimensional scaling method, the Procrustes transformation. We found that contextual modulation of receptive field components increases with their spatial extent. More surprisingly, we also found that odd-symmetric components change systematically, but even-symmetric components do not. This symmetry dependence suggests that contextual modulation is driven by oriented On/Off dyads, i.e., modulation of the strength of intracortically-generated signals. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Simultaneous recordings were obtained from the primary and secondary somatosensory cortical areas (SI and SII) in cats anesthetized with ketamine or pentobarbital. A total of 40 individual neurons were studied (29 in SII and 11 in SI) before, during, and following injections of microliter quantities of lidocaine hydrochloride in the other ipsilateral cortical area. Activity in the cortex injected with the local anesthetic was monitored with single-neuron, multi-neuron, or evoked potential responses to determine the time course of inactivation within 0.5-2 mm of the injection sites. Recording sites in both cortical locations were in the representations of the distal forelimb. Responses were elicited by transcutaneous electrical stimulation across the receptive fields with needle electrodes. Short-latency responses were synchronously activated, and, in those circumstances where single neurons were isolated in both areas, no overall differences in latency were noted. Anesthetization of either cortical area never blocked access of somatosensory information to the intact area, even when the injected cortex was completely silenced in the vicinity of the injection mass. In 15 SII neurons and 7 SI neurons, changes were seen in short-latency evoked responses to stimulation of their receptive fields or in background activity following local anesthesia of the other area through several cycles of injection and recovery. In 7 of these 15 SII cells, changes were noted in the timing and/or firing rates of the short-latency responses; changes were noted in the short-latency responses of 2 of these 7 SI cells while SII was silenced. In 11 SII and 6 SI cells, “background” activity that was recorded during the interstimulus intervals either increased (most cases) or decreased during local anesthesia of the other area. The results are discussed in reference to the hypothesis that primary sensory cortical areas feed information forward to secondary areas, and these feed back modulatory controls to the primary regions.  相似文献   

Redundancies and correlations in the responses of sensory neurons may seem to waste neural resources, but they can also carry cues about structured stimuli and may help the brain to correct for response errors. To investigate the effect of stimulus structure on redundancy in retina, we measured simultaneous responses from populations of retinal ganglion cells presented with natural and artificial stimuli that varied greatly in correlation structure; these stimuli and recordings are publicly available online. Responding to spatio-temporally structured stimuli such as natural movies, pairs of ganglion cells were modestly more correlated than in response to white noise checkerboards, but they were much less correlated than predicted by a non-adapting functional model of retinal response. Meanwhile, responding to stimuli with purely spatial correlations, pairs of ganglion cells showed increased correlations consistent with a static, non-adapting receptive field and nonlinearity. We found that in response to spatio-temporally correlated stimuli, ganglion cells had faster temporal kernels and tended to have stronger surrounds. These properties of individual cells, along with gain changes that opposed changes in effective contrast at the ganglion cell input, largely explained the pattern of pairwise correlations across stimuli where receptive field measurements were possible.  相似文献   

Felsen G  Touryan J  Han F  Dan Y 《PLoS biology》2005,3(10):e342
A central hypothesis concerning sensory processing is that the neuronal circuits are specifically adapted to represent natural stimuli efficiently. Here we show a novel effect in cortical coding of natural images. Using spike-triggered average or spike-triggered covariance analyses, we first identified the visual features selectively represented by each cortical neuron from its responses to natural images. We then measured the neuronal sensitivity to these features when they were present in either natural images or random stimuli. We found that in the responses of complex cells, but not of simple cells, the sensitivity was markedly higher for natural images than for random stimuli. Such elevated sensitivity leads to increased detectability of the visual features and thus an improved cortical representation of natural scenes. Interestingly, this effect is due not to the spatial power spectra of natural images, but to their phase regularities. These results point to a distinct visual-coding strategy that is mediated by contextual modulation of cortical responses tuned to the spatial-phase structure of natural scenes.  相似文献   

We investigated whether low-level processed image properties that are shared by natural scenes and artworks – but not veridical face photographs – affect the perception of facial attractiveness and age. Specifically, we considered the slope of the radially averaged Fourier power spectrum in a log-log plot. This slope is a measure of the distribution of special frequency power in an image. Images of natural scenes and artworks possess – compared to face images – a relatively shallow slope (i.e., increased high spatial frequency power). Since aesthetic perception might be based on the efficient processing of images with natural scene statistics, we assumed that the perception of facial attractiveness might also be affected by these properties. We calculated Fourier slope and other beauty-associated measurements in face images and correlated them with ratings of attractiveness and age of the depicted persons (Study 1). We found that Fourier slope – in contrast to the other tested image properties – did not predict attractiveness ratings when we controlled for age. In Study 2A, we overlaid face images with random-phase patterns with different statistics. Patterns with a slope similar to those in natural scenes and artworks resulted in lower attractiveness and higher age ratings. In Studies 2B and 2C, we directly manipulated the Fourier slope of face images and found that images with shallower slopes were rated as more attractive. Additionally, attractiveness of unaltered faces was affected by the Fourier slope of a random-phase background (Study 3). Faces in front of backgrounds with statistics similar to natural scenes and faces were rated as more attractive. We conclude that facial attractiveness ratings are affected by specific image properties. An explanation might be the efficient coding hypothesis.  相似文献   

Recordings of local field potentials (LFPs) reveal that the sensory cortex displays rhythmic activity and fluctuations over a wide range of frequencies and amplitudes. Yet, the role of this kind of activity in encoding sensory information remains largely unknown. To understand the rules of translation between the structure of sensory stimuli and the fluctuations of cortical responses, we simulated a sparsely connected network of excitatory and inhibitory neurons modeling a local cortical population, and we determined how the LFPs generated by the network encode information about input stimuli. We first considered simple static and periodic stimuli and then naturalistic input stimuli based on electrophysiological recordings from the thalamus of anesthetized monkeys watching natural movie scenes. We found that the simulated network produced stimulus-related LFP changes that were in striking agreement with the LFPs obtained from the primary visual cortex. Moreover, our results demonstrate that the network encoded static input spike rates into gamma-range oscillations generated by inhibitory–excitatory neural interactions and encoded slow dynamic features of the input into slow LFP fluctuations mediated by stimulus–neural interactions. The model cortical network processed dynamic stimuli with naturalistic temporal structure by using low and high response frequencies as independent communication channels, again in agreement with recent reports from visual cortex responses to naturalistic movies. One potential function of this frequency decomposition into independent information channels operated by the cortical network may be that of enhancing the capacity of the cortical column to encode our complex sensory environment.  相似文献   

Motion tracking is a challenge the visual system has to solve by reading out the retinal population. It is still unclear how the information from different neurons can be combined together to estimate the position of an object. Here we recorded a large population of ganglion cells in a dense patch of salamander and guinea pig retinas while displaying a bar moving diffusively. We show that the bar’s position can be reconstructed from retinal activity with a precision in the hyperacuity regime using a linear decoder acting on 100+ cells. We then took advantage of this unprecedented precision to explore the spatial structure of the retina’s population code. The classical view would have suggested that the firing rates of the cells form a moving hill of activity tracking the bar’s position. Instead, we found that most ganglion cells in the salamander fired sparsely and idiosyncratically, so that their neural image did not track the bar. Furthermore, ganglion cell activity spanned an area much larger than predicted by their receptive fields, with cells coding for motion far in their surround. As a result, population redundancy was high, and we could find multiple, disjoint subsets of neurons that encoded the trajectory with high precision. This organization allows for diverse collections of ganglion cells to represent high-accuracy motion information in a form easily read out by downstream neural circuits.  相似文献   

Selective attention is an important filter for complex environments where distractions compete with signals. Attention increases both the gamma-band power of cortical local field potentials and the spike-field coherence within the receptive field of an attended object. However, the mechanisms by which gamma-band activity enhances, if at all, the encoding of input signals are not well understood. We propose that gamma oscillations induce binomial-like spike-count statistics across noisy neural populations. Using simplified models of spiking neurons, we show how the discrimination of static signals based on the population spike-count response is improved with gamma induced binomial statistics. These results give an important mechanistic link between the neural correlates of attention and the discrimination tasks where attention is known to enhance performance. Further, they show how a rhythmicity of spike responses can enhance coding schemes that are not temporally sensitive.  相似文献   

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