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Structure of benthic Chironomidae assemblages and their spatial‐temporal dynamic were analyzed in upland and lowland habitats from the Chocancharava River basin (Córdoba, Argentina). Sampling was performed in three tributary streams and in three lowland reaches of the river during high and low rainfall periods. Characteristic taxa of upland and lowland reaches and of the different habitats in these reaches were identified using the IndVal method. Chironomidae assemblages were different between upland and lowland reaches and among habitats in each reach, as assessed by Multiresponse Permutation Procedure and Canonical Correspondence Analyses. Substrate type and current velocity were the major explanatory variables structuring the assemblages in upland reaches whereas in lowland reaches current velocity and aquatic vegetation were the most important variables. The highest richness was found in the most complex habitat units in both upland and lowland stretches as assessed by Analyses of Variance. Chironomidae larvae responded to longitudinal changes of hydraulic variables and to local variations of fluvial habitats at different reaches. (© 2008 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We analyzed the phytoplankton present in the lower sector of the Salado River (Buenos Aires, Argentina) for 10 years (1995–2005) and detected significant changes occurring in chlorophyte abundance and species richness during La Niña event (1998–1999), which period was analyzed throughout the entire basin (main stream and tributaries). We compared the physicochemical and biologic variables between two El Niño–La Niña–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) periods – El Niño (March 1997–January 1998) and La Niña (May 1998–May 1999) – to identify possible indicators of a relationship between climatic anomalies and chlorophyte performance. Chlorophyte density increased during the La Niña. Under normal or extreme hydrologic conditions, mobile (Chlamydomonas spp.) and nonmobile (Monoraphidium spp.) chlorophytes codominated. These species belonged to Reynolds's functional groups X1 and X2, those typical of nutrient‐enriched environments. Comparative analyses between El Niño and La Niña periods indicated significant differences in physicochemical (K+, dissolved polyphenols, particulate reactive phosphorus, alkalinity, pH) and biologic (species diversity and richness, phytoplankton and chlorophyte total densities) variables between the two periods at all basin sites. During the La Niña condition, species richness was greater owing to interconnected shallow lakes and drainage‐channel inputs, while the Shannon diversity index was lower because of the high abundance values of Monoraphidium minutum. A detailed analysis of the chlorophytes in the entire basin, indicated that changes in density and species dominance occurred on a regional scale although diverse chlorophyte assemblages were identified in the different sectors of the Salado River basin. After La Niña event, the entire basin had the potential to revert to the previous density values, showing the resilience to global environmental changes and the ability to reestablish the general conditions of stability.  相似文献   

Seventy two taxa of rotifers, belonging to 24 genera, are recorded from Saladillo river basin for the first time. Among them twelve are new for Argentina. These especies are described and illustrated. Ecological and biogeographical information is also given.  相似文献   

Aquatic macroinvertebrates living in anastomosing lowland rivers use different habitats and respond differently to the hydrological regime. In this paper, the structure and composition of benthic, drifting and marginal macroinvertebrate assemblages are analyzed in the lowland river Ctalamochita (Córdoba, Argentina). The assemblages were studied in an annual cycle; a comparison among the composition of benthos, drift and marginal fauna was carried out; and size structure of the assemblages was characterized. Samples were obtained from two sites: a rural and an urban site. In total 73 taxa of aquatic macroinvertebrates were collected. Benthos was characterized by Chironomidae and Oligochaeta; marginal fauna was mainly constituted by Coleoptera, Heteroptera, Decapoda, the Trichoptera Nectopsyche sp., Ephemeroptera and Odonata. Drifting assemblage was composed by macroinvertebrates from local and remote upstream benthos, and from the marginal zone. Marginal fauna diversity was higher than benthos and drift. Total biomass of the assemblages pooled together was relatively equitably among size classes. Larger size classes consisted of organisms from the marginal zone whereas the smallest ones were composed by benthic and drifting organisms. In the study area there is habitat partitioning in the lateral dimension of the river. Marginal fauna was more diverse due to the asymmetry of transport and deposit processes, which generate a heterogeneous habitat in the bankside. The relation between fine substrate and high current velocity determines an unstable habitat in the central channel, which makes colonization by benthic macroinvertebrates difficult.  相似文献   

Aquatic Ecology - The Salado River basin, Buenos Aires, Argentina, contains numerous permanent shallow lakes under anthropic pressure due to different land uses/land covers (LULC) in their...  相似文献   

The diatom community growing on cobbles and sand substrata along the Cuarto River (Córdoba, Argentina) was studied during 2000 and 2001. Multivariate analyses of the data (PCA and CCA) showed distinct differences in water chemistry and substrata types between the upstream sites (sites 1–10) and downstream sites (sites 11–19). Sites 1–10 supported an epilithic diatom community associated with low water conductivity and gravel substrata. This consisted of adnate Achnanthes (A. biasolettiana, A. minutissima), as well as stalked (Gomphonema aff. angustum, Reimeria uniseriata, Fragilaria capucina var. rumpens) or prostrate (Nitzschia lacuum) taxa. Downstream sites were associated with high conductivity, fast flowing waters and finer substrata (sand, silt), and were colonised by prostrate diatoms, including several species of Navicula (N. pupula, N. mutica, N. veneta, N. insociabilis) and Nitzschia (N. umbonata, N. palea). Variations in water flow caused significant changes in the diatom communities of the river. During periods of low flow (winter and autumn), chain forming (Diatoma vulgaris, D. moniliformis) or stalked (Synedra ulna) taxa partially replaced the former community of Navicula and Nitzschia in the downstream sites. High flow (in summer) led to diatoms of large size being replaced by smaller size diatoms, such as Achnanthes lanceolata, Navicula mutica, Hantzschia amphioxys and Amphora montana. The severe effect of floods in the lower part of the Cuarto led to these taxa having a much higher proportion in the lower stretch of the river, taking advantage of the subaerial conditions created by the floods. Local episodes of water pollution were associated with a transient shift towards the dominance of Navicula pupula, Synedra ulna, Nitzschia lacuum and Reimeria uniseriata during winter, when inputs were least diluted because of the low flow.  相似文献   

Geoffroy's cat Oncifelis geoffroyi is a little-known South American small felid. We report data on the spatial ecology of four adults (two males and two females) that were radiotracked in an area of wet grassland of the Argentine Pampas from February 2000 to April 2001. The mean home range size varied from 248 ha [90% minimum convex polygon (MCP)] to 342 ha (100% MCP), with male home ranges c . 2.5 larger than those of females. Home range overlap averaged 44.7%, and was more extensive between males than between females but it decreased markedly when outliers were excluded. Forest patches were used more than expected by their availability within home ranges. These patches hosted many large defecation sites, possibly acting as 'communication centres' where information was exchanged among individuals in the form of scent marks. Despite the lack of a clear preference for tall grasslands, this was the most frequently used habitat. We argue that natural grasslands in the Pampas ecoregion are important for O. geoffroyi and that their alteration can affect the conservation status of this cat. The comparison of our data with those reported previously suggests that Geoffroy's cat can show a certain degree of flexibility in its spatial behaviour.  相似文献   

We studied chlorophyll a (chl. a), biovolume and species composition of benthic algae and phytoplankton in the eutrophic lower River Spree in 1996. The chl. a concentration was estimated as 3.5 (2.7–4.5) µg/cm2 for epipsammon, 9.4 (7.4–11.9) µg/cm2 for epipelon and 6.7 (5.7–7.8) µg/cm2 for the epilithon (median and 95% C. L.). The mean total biomass of benthic algae was significantly higher (6.0 µg chl. a/cm2) than the areal chl. a content of the pelagic zone (1.6 µg chl. a/cm2). Although certain phytoplankton taxa were abundant in the periphyton, benthic taxa generally dominated the assemblages. Seasonal dynamics of benthic algae were probably controlled by light and nitrate supply (sand), discharge fluctuations (sand, mud) and invertebrate grazing (stones). This paper shows the importance of benthic algae even in phytoplankton‐rich lowland rivers with sandy or muddy sediments. (© 2005 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The formation, particle size distribution, structure and retention of aggregates were studied in a river‐lake system of the lowland River Spree and factors influencing these processes were evaluated. Samples were taken from the inflow and outflow of a flushed lake, as well as along the adjacent flowing reach of the River Spree, between April 2001 and May 2002. The aim was to record the influence of the seasons and different turbulence intensities on the size, shape, composition, abundance and transport properties of the particles. As additional parameters, the phytoplankton biomass, the concentration of suspended particulate matter, the concentrations of nutrients and the discharge were measured. The abundance of the particles showed a strong seasonality in the investigated period, which closely correlated with the concentrations of suspended particulate matter and particulate organic matter in the water column. The organic carbon content of the suspended matter varied between 37% (dry weight) in summer and about 14% in winter. The concentration of particles ranged between 500 and 2500 particles/ml. The number of particles was significantly lower upstream from the lake than at the downstream transects. The majority of the aggregates in the River Spree were smaller than 500 µm, most of the particles even showing a diameter less than 50 µm. Many particles, above all algae, were washed out of the lake Neuendorfer See into the adjacent flowing reach of the River Spree. Algae influenced the abundance of the particles and contributed to the formation of aggregates with their stickiness. In the river flowing section large particles were formed by turbulence structures, whilst simultaneously the number of smaller particles decreased in the water column caused by aggregation processes. In general, an increasing flow velocity and discharge rate resulted in a larger amount of aggregates in the water column. On the other hand, particle abundance was reduced in the flow direction when the flow velocity was low. Under these conditions particles were retained by sedimentation and benthic filter‐feeding. (© 2005 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The composition of the early stages of intertidal and subtidal fouling assemblages in Comodoro Rivadavia harbour (Argentina, 45°52′ S, 67°28′ W) and the influence of shore level and season on their structure were analysed. At the beginning of each season, stones were glued to the substratum with epoxy putty and distributed along 4 vertical transects at intervals of 20 m, at 3 levels: upper intertidal, middle intertidal, and subtidal. Substrata remained in the field for 84–100 days. A total of 48 samples (4 seasons × 3 levels × 4 replicates) were analysed. Species richness increased with depth, with 6 taxa in the upper intertidal, 23 in the middle intertidal and 31 in the subtidal. Seasonal differences in richness were less distinct. Green, red and brown algae were the dominant groups. Invertebrates were mainly represented by filter-feeding, sessile organisms, such as cheilostome bryozoans, spirorbid polychaetes and acorn barnacles. The barnacle Balanus glandula and the bryozoan Cryptosula pallasiana were the only non-indigenous species found in this study. Highly significant differences in structure among shore levels and seasons were evidenced by a two-way ANOSIM test. The upper intertidal is characterized by the filamentous green algae Urospora penicilliformis and Ulothrix flacca. The barnacle Balanus glandula is the most abundant species in the middle intertidal. The subtidal is defined mainly by the presence of the spirorbid polychaetes Paralaeospira levinseni and Romanchella perrieri, and the keyhole limpet Fissurella radiosa. Ordination of samples by season was less clear than by shore level.  相似文献   

Fish production in the Warta River,Poland: a preimpoundment study   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
T. Penczak 《Hydrobiologia》1992,237(2):117-129
The total mean biomass and production of fish populations were estimated at 80–116 kg ha–1 and 135–164 kg ha–1 yr–1, respectively, at two sites of a large alluvial river (the Warta River, Poland). In comparison with data for two large, temperate zone rivers (Thames, Pilica) the present values are intermediate, as is the degree of eutrophication in the rivers' water.  相似文献   

Interaction between humic substances from a Pampasic pond and carbohydrates was studied. Determinations were performed by gel chromatography using radiolabeled glucose. The results showed that upon lowering the pH the interaction decreases in relation to the steric arrangement that causes the diminution of the accessibility of the available sites. Results of displacement experiments carried out by addition of unlabeled glucose, galactose, saccharose and starch, confirmed that the interaction occurs mainly through labile non specific bonds and is, to a certain degree, independent of the carbohydrate molecular weight involved. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton species composition, biomass, diversity, nutrients and chlorophyll a were studied at monthly intervals from December 1991 to December 1992 in a selected area of the river Strymon. SRP ranged from 53 to 182 μg−1 l−1 and DIN from 265 to 850 μg−1 I−1. Nutrient values do not indicate strong anthropogenic effects. Chlorophyll α ranged from 1.0 to 35.3 μg−1 I−1 and followed the temporal distribution of total phytoplankton biomass. Phytoplankton biomass exhibited maxima in winter – spring and summer (6.8 g m−3 in December 1991, 4.8 g m−3 in April 1992 and 9.3 g m−3 in August 1992) composed mainly of diatoms, chlorphytes, cyanophytes and dinophytes. Nanoplankton was the most important component of phytoplankton biomass (69.5%) revealing increased values in winter and early spring. Phytoplankton diversity ranged from 0.8 to 3.2. The hydrological conditions in the river Strymon seem to be appropriate for the algae to reproduce themselves in the running water and so, to develop as a true potamoplankton. However, significant populations of phytoplankton must have been carried out from the Kerkini reservoir, situated at the north of the sampling station. The phytoplankton species composition and their periodicity in the river resemble those of typical, large, lowland and nutrient – rich rivers of Europe.  相似文献   

Tadeusz Penczak 《Hydrobiologia》1995,303(1-3):207-210
In March 1989 both banks of a 450 m section of the Warta River, 2 km above a reservoir, were cleared of their riparian vegetation (osiers, willows and alders). In October 1988 17 fish species had been recorded there, with a standing crop (SC) of 31.9 kg ha –1. In April 1989, the number of species decreased to 11, and their SC to 7.9 kg ha –1.Over the next three years new alder trees appeared and osiers regrew to 3.5 m. The SC in October 1990, October 1991 and May 1992 was recorded at 36.5, 66.2 and 40.9 kg ha –1, respectively. The primary effect was on phytophils, whose biomass was directly proportional to the height of the trees and osiers (r = 0.87, p = 0.05). The litho-phytophils appeared to occupy the habitat vacated by the phytophils soon after bank clearance (r = –0.87, p = 0.05), but then declined as the osiers grew.  相似文献   

Four oxbow lakes and two neighbouring sections of their parent Warta River (Odra River system, Poland) were sampled to investigate differences in fish assemblages between habitats in 1999–2000. Additional comparisons were made with 12 other oxbow lakes in this section of the river that were sampled 30–40 years ago. Downstream of a man‐made reservoir, higher species number, diversity and evenness were recorded in oxbow lakes than in the river channel. Upstream of the reservoir, differences in these variables from both habitats were insignificant. Fluvial and stagnant water samples were clearly separated in the multivariate space of a detrended correspondence analysis (DCA). For two oxbow lakes and two neighbouring sections of the Warta River, 12 abiotic and biotic environmental variables were available, and only velocity, water temperature and conductivity were significantly correlated with canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) axes. Fish assemblages of four recently investigated oxbow lakes were clearly separated in the multivariate space of DCA from other neighbouring oxbows sampled 30–40 years ago. Species previously subdominant were becoming rare. Oxbow lakes that are continuously or at least periodically connected with the channel are indispensable for maintaining high biodiversity and a sustainable fishery in the river system.  相似文献   

A total of 103 root nodule isolates were used to estimate the diversity of bacteria nodulating Lotus tenuis in typical soils of the Salado River Basin. A high level of genetic diversity was revealed by repetitive extragenic palindromic PCR, and 77 isolates with unique genomic fingerprints were further differentiated into two clusters, clusters A and B, after 16S rRNA restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis. Cluster A strains appeared to be related to the genus Mesorhizobium, whereas cluster B was related to the genus Rhizobium. 16S rRNA sequence and phylogenetic analysis further supported the distribution of most of the symbiotic isolates in either Rhizobium or Mesorhizobium: the only exception was isolate BA135, whose 16S rRNA gene was closely related to the 16S rRNA gene of the genus Aminobacter. Most Mesorhizobium-like isolates were closely related to Mesorhizobium amorphae, Mesorhizobium mediterraneum, Mesorhizobium tianshanense, or the broad-host-range strain NZP2037, but surprisingly few isolates grouped with Mesorhizobium loti type strain NZP2213. Rhizobium-like strains were related to Rhizobium gallicum, Rhizobium etli, or Rhizobium tropici, for which Phaseolus vulgaris is a common host. However, no nodC or nifH genes could be amplified from the L. tenuis isolates, suggesting that they have rather divergent symbiosis genes. In contrast, nodC genes from the Mesorhizobium and Aminobacter strains were closely related to nodC genes from narrow-host-range M. loti strains. Likewise, nifH gene sequences were very highly conserved among the Argentinian isolates and reference Lotus rhizobia. The high levels of conservation of the nodC and nifH genes suggest that there was a common origin of the symbiosis genes in narrow-host-range Lotus symbionts, supporting the hypothesis that both intrageneric horizontal gene transfer and intergeneric horizontal gene transfer are important mechanisms for the spread of symbiotic capacity in the Salado River Basin.  相似文献   

Numbers of oligotrophic bacteria (on ‘Microcosm-agar’, a low nutrient medium) fluctuated between 4.4 and 88.103 cfu · ml−1 during 1977–1979. The measured environmental variables (water level, suspended solids, temperature, conductivity, pH and phosphate), explained 79% of this variability. The epipsammic, free-living, mesophilic (35 °C), oligotrophic and psychotrophic bacteria (3 °C) were also quantified. The partial correlation analysis showed that the main factor influencing the epipsammic population was one directly linked to rainfall: the suspended solids concentration (r = 0.826, p < 0.001). This suggests that these oligotrophs are predominantly terrestrial in origin and that the river would mainly represent a means of transport. The presence of free-living was more closely related to the nutritional charateristics of the environment, thus allowing to consider them as ‘autochtonous’ oligotrophic bacteria. The significant correlations between oligotrophs and some other ecological-trophic groups (hyper- and mesotrophic) suggest that their presence is controlled by common environmental factors.  相似文献   

Except for a robust habit, two specimens ofAloina collected in northern Argentina are morphologically similar and are tentatively attributed toA. rigida (Hedw.) Limpr. This represents an addition to the moss flora of Argentina. In addition, two specimens ofAloinella represent significant findings: one shows features that agree with those given in the protologue forA. galeata (Müll. Hal.) Broth. and is treated here asA. galeata var.galeata to show the relationship toA. galeta var.andina (Delgad.) Delgadillo & Schiavone stat. nov.; the other belongs inA. cucullifera (Mitt.) Steere, a new record for Argentina. A key to the known species ofAloinella with updated ranges is included.  相似文献   

We analyzed a time series of aerial photographs and Landsat satellite imagery of the Pioneer River Estuary (near Mackay, Queensland, Australia) to document both natural and anthropogenic changes in the area of mangroves available to filter river runoff between 1948 and 2002. Over 54 years, there was a net loss of 137 ha (22%) of tidal mangroves during four successive periods that were characterized by different driving mechanisms: (1) little net change (1948–1962); (2) net gain from rapid mangrove expansion (1962–1972); (3) net loss from clearing and tidal isolation (1972–1991); and (4) net loss from a severe species-specific dieback affecting over 50% of remaining mangrove cover (1991–2002). Manual digitization of aerial photographs was accurate for mapping changes in the boundaries of mangrove distributions, but this technique underestimated the total loss due to dieback. Regions of mangrove dieback were identified and mapped more accurately and efficiently after applying the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) to Landsat Thematic Mapper satellite imagery, and then monitoring changes to the index over time. These remote sensing techniques to map and monitor mangrove changes are important for identifying habitat degradation, both spatially and temporally, in order to prioritize restoration for management of estuarine and adjacent marine ecosystems.  相似文献   

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