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Hyaluronate mediated extracellular matrix swelling has been hypothesized to play a major role in reorientation of the secondary palatal shelves. A computer-assisted method utilizing image registration and subtraction was used to visualize the distribution of hyaluronate (HA) during morphogenesis of the secondary palate. Patterns of HA distribution in anterior, posterior and presumptive soft palate were examined in the secondary palatal shelves of CD-1 mouse fetuses that were 30, 24 and 18 h prior to, and at the time of, shelf reorientation. Adjacent serial sections were taken from each shelf region of three to six specimens from a minimum of three litters for each gestational age. One section was incubated in buffer as a control, the other digested with Streptomyces hyaluronidase to specifically remove HA. Both sections were stained with Alcian blue to visualize the extracellular matrix and counterstained with nuclear fast red to visualize cells. Two different videoimages were then digitized for each tissue section, one using wavelengths of light that were at or near the maximum absorbance of the matrix stain, the other using wavelengths that were at the maximum absorbance of the cellular stain. Thus, a matrix image and a cell image of both control and digested sections were produced. Next, the cell image was subtracted from its respective matrix image, resulting in a control matrix-only image and a digested (HA-removed) matrix-only image. These images were mathematically warped to one another, if necessary, and registered with one another. The digested image was then subtracted from the control image. The resultant difference picture displayed the pattern and relative intensities of HA distribution across the tissue section. Prior to and during shelf reorientation, unique region-specific patterns of HA distribution and relative intensity were identified which became homogeneous after reorientation. Presumptive soft palate shows the most extensive and intense patterns of HA distribution, followed by the posterior region. The anterior region has the most sparse pattern of the three regions examined. The results are consistent with the hypothesized role of HA in shelf reorientation.  相似文献   

Chlorcyclizine (CHLR) enhances the degradation of hyaluronate (HA) into smaller molecular weight pieces with no effect on its synthesis. Administration of CHLR to pregnant CD-1 mice on gestational days 10.5, 11.5 and 12.5 results in 100% cleft palate in the fetuses. The caudal two thirds of the palatal shelves are reduced in size and unable to reorient in vitro, while anterior shelf regions are relatively unaffected. Alcian blue staining combined with specific enzymic digestion was used to identify HA in sections of CHLR-treated shelves. With the aid of computer-assisted image subtraction the patterns of HA distribution across the tissue section were objectively identified. Anterior, posterior and presumptive soft palatal shelf regions were examined at gestational days 13.25, 13.5, 13.75 and 14.5. Acquisition of a normal pattern of HA distribution was delayed by about 24 h, as compared to untreated specimens in all three shelf regions. The posterior and soft regions, comprising the caudal two thirds of the shelf, also showed pronounced shape change. These regions only displayed normal curvature of the nasal surface when a normal pattern of HA distribution was attained. These results suggest that, for the caudal two thirds of the palatal shelf, normal shape and the ability to remodel are linked to the molecular configuration of HA and to a specific pattern of HA distribution.  相似文献   

Chromosome mapping of the murine syndecan gene.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The chromosomal localization of the murine syndecan gene was determined by analysis of DNA from a panel of mouse-hamster cell hybrids containing various mouse chromosomes, detection of immunoreactive syndecan in culture medium of these cells, and linkage analysis of a mouse interspecific backcross. Southern analysis of the mouse-hamster cell hybrid DNA shows two distinct hybridizing sequences, one on mouse Chromosome 12 and the other on the X chromosome. Localization of the syndecan gene to mouse Chromosome 12 was determined by detection of immunoreactive syndecan in the culture medium of cell hybrids containing mouse Chromosome 12. Hybrids containing other mouse chromosomes were negative. Linkage analysis by Southern hybridization of DNA from a mouse interspecific backcross using a syndecan-specific probe localized the syndecan gene locus, Synd, to the proximal end of Chromosome 12, tightly linked to the Pomc-1 and Nmyc loci. The syndecan gene is likely on human Chromosome 2 because this region shows conservation of synteny between mouse and human chromosomes.  相似文献   

Extracellular matrix (ECM) molecules are known to play a pivotal role in morphogenesis of the secondary palate, and changes in their composition and distribution, not attributable to changes in synthesis, are known to occur during palatogenesis. The present study was undertaken to determine if the enzymes responsible for mediating their degradation, the matrix metalloproteinases (MMP), and their specific inhibitors, the tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMP), are temporospatially regulated during murine palatal shelf morphogenesis. Palatal shelves were harvested at gestational days (gd) 12, 13 and 14. MMPs were identified by gelatin zymography, with and without inhibitors, and the identity of specific bands confirmed by Western blot analysis. TIMPs were identified by reverse zymography. MMP and TIMP messages were detected using RT-PCR with specific primers to MMPs 2, 3, 7, 9 and 13 and TIMPs 1 and 2. Zymography revealed bands of molecular weights corresponding to MMPs 2, 7, 9 and 13 at all ages examined; the intensity of these bands increased with developmental age. Western blot analysis established the presence of MMP-3 and its developmental variation in expression. RT-PCR demonstrated the presence of mRNA for all MMPs and TIMP at all sampling times and all but MMP-2 showed developmental variation. Whereas increases in mRNA were detected for MMPs 3, 9, and 13, MMP-7 mRNA decreased between gd 12 and 14. The results of this study demonstrate that MMPs 2, 3, 7, 9 and 13 and TIMPs 1 and 2 and their messages are present during the course of palatal shelf remodelling and that their expression is temporally regulated.  相似文献   

The distribution of epithelial cells around the perimeter of mouse secondary palatal shelves was observed before and after shelf reorientation in vivo and in vitro. Changes in shelf perimeter, cells per micrometer, and cell layering were measured for each of three shelf regions: anterior and posterior presumptive hard and presumptive soft palate at developmental stages which were 30, 24, and 18 hr prior to expected in vivo elevation, after in vivo elevation, and during the course of in vitro elevation. Pronounced increases in numerical cell density and cell layering accompanying shelf reorientation were noted in the superior nasal and mid-oral portions of the shelf perimeter in all three shelf regions with greatest changes noted in the posterior hard palate region. These changes were not attributable to cell division or to perimeter changes. The localized nature of the changes in cell distribution suggest that the underlying mechanisms may also be localized.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Folic acid is essential for the synthesis of nucleotides and methyl transfer reactions. Folic acid-binding protein one (Folbp1) is the primary mediator of folic acid transport into murine cells. Folbp1 knockout mouse embryos die in utero with multiple malformations, including severe congenital heart defects (CHDs). Although maternal folate supplementation is believed to prevent human conotruncal heart defects, its precise role during cardiac morphogenesis remains unclear. In this study, we examined the role of folic acid on the phenotypic expression of heart defects in Folbp1 mice, mindful of the importance of neural crest cells to the formation of the conotruncus. METHODS: To determine if the Folbp1 gene participates in the commitment and differentiation of the cardiomyocytes, relative levels of dead and proliferating precursor cells in the heart were examined by flow cytometry, Western blot, and immunohistostaining. RESULTS: Our studies revealed that impaired folic acid transport results in extensive apoptosis-mediated cell death, which concentrated in the interventricular septum and truncus arteriosus, thus being anatomically restricted to the two regions of congenital heart defects. Together with a reduced proliferative capacity of the cardiomyocytes, the limited size of the available precursor cell pool may contribute to the observed cardiac defects. Notably, there is a substantial reduction in Pax-3 expression in the region of the presumptive migrating cardiac neural crest, suggesting that this cell population may be the most severely affected by the massive cell death. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings demonstrate for the first time a prominent role of the Folbp1 gene in mediating susceptibility to heart defects.  相似文献   

Midpalate was analyzed for the presence of nonmuscle contractile systems. The results indicate that increased amounts of actin and myosin are present in cells of regions 2 and 3. A localization of the contractile proteins in cellular projections (filopodia) and in the peripheral cytoplasm of the cell body was confirmed by indirect immunofluorescence studies, using antibodies directed against smooth muscle myosin and against skeletal muscle actin. Specificity of the immunofluorescence reactions was ascertained by immunoabsorption studies using purified myosin and actin. Electron microscopic observations of the mesenchymal cells in region 2 revealed 70A microfilaments along the cell periphery and packed in fliopodia-like projections which course between the cells. These cells, which surround a small ossification center, show no orientation, but extend up to the cranial base perichondrium and down into the shelf between the tongue side epithelium and the ossification center. The cells and projections are attached to each other by adherens and tight-like junctions, forming a putative cohesive contractile network. Putative contractile cells in region 3 are strikingly aligned perpendicular to the oral epithelium and extend one-third of the distance into the shelf. Projections from region 3 cells are contiguous with basement membrane material of the oral epithelium. Axonal bundles and single axons were commonly observed coursing through regions 2 and 3, often seen in close association with the mesenchymal cells. Both clear and dense-core vesicles were found in the axons and cells of these regions. The possible role of these putative nonmuscle contractile cells in palate morphogenesis is discussed.  相似文献   

The distribution and ultrastructure of glycogen deposits were investigated in the murine tooth germ by histochemical periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) staining and transmission electron microscopy. Lower and upper first molars were examined in mouse embryos at embryonic days 11.5–17 (E11.5–E17) and in 2-day-old postnatal (P2) mice. The oral and dental epithelia and the mesenchymal cells were generally PAS-positive during tooth morphogenesis. PAS-negative cells were present at E13 in the distal tip of the tooth bud epithelium and in the contacting mesenchyme, and this complete lack of PAS reactivity continued in the dental papilla mesenchyme and inner enamel epithelium during the cap and bell stages. The lack of glycogen deposits in the interacting epithelium and mesenchyme during early morphogenesis may be associated with their demonstrated high signaling activities. Mesenchymal cells in the dental follicle consistently possessed small clusters or large pools of glycogen, which disappeared by P2. Since an intense PAS reaction was seen in mesenchymal cells at future bone sites, the glycogen in the dental follicle cells may be associated with their development into hard-tissue-forming cells. Ultrastructural observation of the enamel organ cells from the cap to early bell stages (E14–E15) revealed the occurrence of glycogen pools, which were associated with the Golgi apparatus and with vesicles having amorphous contents. Glycogen particles were also occasionally present inside vesicles or in the extracellular matrix. These may be associated with the exocytosis of glycosaminoglycan components into extracellular spaces and the formation of the stellate reticulum. Received: 9 November 1998 / Accepted: 17 January 1999  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that drugs which block the crosslinking of collagen prevent formation of the secondary palate by inhibiting shelf elevation. In this paper, the authors establish that collagen synthesis increases significantly just prior to shelf elevation and that type I collagen is synthesized throughout this developmental period (gestational Days 14–16 in the rat embryo) by isolated shelves in vitro. The largest accumulation of collagen fibers, predominantly oriented in a rostral-caudal plane, was observed adjacent to the basement membrane of the oral palatal epithelium. The unique location and orientation of these collagen fibers suggest that they play a structural role in the elevation of the palate.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a model for the expected probability distribution for a certain class of biological structures. In particular, a model is derived for the distribution of lengths of helices, sheets, turns, and coils as a function of the length of the structure divided by the length of the protein it is contained in. A fit between the derived lognormal function and the structures for some proteins whose three-dimensional structure is known was significant. The fit produces fundamental parameters particular to each structure type that are related to the underlying structure and its morphogenesis. The importance of the result is that a universal mathematical distribution can be used to explain certain protein morphogeneses. Also, these fundamental parameters can be used as an aid in predicting whether a given sequence is a particular secondary structure or not, without a knowledge of its three-dimensional structure.  相似文献   

Development of the mammalian secondary palate requires proper production of the extracellular matrix, particularly glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) and collagen. Endogenous factors that regulate the metabolism of these molecules are largely undefined. A candidate for a locally derived molecule would be transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGF beta 1) by virtue of its potency as a modulator of extracellular matrix metabolism by several cell lines. We have thus attempted to assign a regulatory role for TGF beta 1 in modulation of GAG production and degradation by mesenchymal cells of the murine embryonic palate (MEPM). Treatment with TGF beta 1 or TGF beta 2, but not IGF-II, resulted in a stimulation of total GAG synthesis. Furthermore, cells treated with both TGF beta 1 and TGF alpha showed a synergistic increase in GAG synthesis if pretreated with TGF beta 1 but not TGF alpha. Simultaneous stimulation with TGF beta 1 and TGF beta 2 did not elicit a synergistic response. These studies demonstrate the ability of TGF beta, synthesized by embryonic palatal cells, to specifically stimulate GAG synthesis by MEPM cells. Other growth factors present in the developing craniofacial region may also modulate TGF beta-induced GAG synthesis, a biosynthetic process critical to normal development of the embryonic palate.  相似文献   

The avian secondary palate exhibits the unique feature of a midline cleft. Cryostat sections indicated that although extensive contact between homologous shelves was present, chick palatal medial edge epithelium (MEE) failed to fuse. The failure of fusion and subsequent clefting of the avian palate were correlated with continued proliferation of the avian MEE, a failure of selective MEE cell death, and an absence of elevated levels of intracellular cAMP. Moreover, immunohistochemical staining for cAMP and microspectrophotometric quantitation of staining intensity indicated that staining of chick MEE was significantly (p less than .01) less than murine MEE at comparable gestational ages. These data indicate that differentiation of the avian secondary palate is fundamentally different than reported for the mammalian palate in that many developmental events known to be associated with normal mammalian palate formation (cessation of MEE proliferation, MEE cell death, elevated levels of MEE cAMP) fail to occur in the chick. The developing avian secondary palate, with its midline cleft, thus provides an interesting and useful model system with which to compare mammalian palate formation where the palate is normally fused in the midline.  相似文献   

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