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To examine underlying mechanisms of urodele lens regeneration we have employed a proteomic analysis of 650 proteins involved in several signaling pathways. We compared expression of these proteins between the regeneration-competent dorsal iris and the regeneration-incompetent ventral iris in the newt. After a series of screenings we selected several proteins to evaluate their expression quantitatively on immunoblots. We then used these selected proteins to compare their expression between the dorsal iris of the newt and the iris of the axolotl, another urodele, which does not regenerate the lens. In the newt we find that most proteins are expressed in both dorsal and ventral iris, even though there is differential regulation. Moreover, several of these proteins are expressed in the axolotl iris as well and for some of them their expression is consistent with the regeneration potential.  相似文献   

The newt is one of the few organisms that is able to undergo lens regeneration as an adult. This review will examine the signaling pathways that are involved in this amazing phenomenon. In addition to outlining the current research involved in elucidating the key signaling molecules in lens regeneration, we will also highlight some of the similarities and differences between lens regeneration and development.  相似文献   

Summary Following lentectomy newts were injected with indomethacin in a variety of carrier solutions at doses ranging from 1.2–120 mg/kg body weight every other day for 15–17 days. The results show that injection of this drug according to the regimen used has no significant effect on regeneration of the lens. The data suggest, but do not prove, that prostaglandins may not play a major role in the early phases of lens regeneration in the newt.  相似文献   

We examined whether lymphangiogenesis is essential for the process of lens destruction and subsequent remodeling in the newt eye. Lens regeneration was induced by pricking the lens once with a needle through the cornea. The results showed that the formation of the vacuoles which was mediated by lysosomes occurred in the original lens on 8 days after pricking, and histolysis of the lens was induced 24 h later. At that time, new lymphatic vessels appeared in the normally avascular cornea. Immunofluorescence studies revealed the expression of VEGF receptor not only on the cells in the central cornea but also on those in the dorsal iris. Moreover, dendritic cells (DCs) migrated from the peripheral to the central regions in the cornea to engulf the remains of the lens. Next, to determine the extent to which the DCs are important for lens regeneration, we transplanted the DCs that had engulfed the remains of the lens into the eyeball of the normal animals. Interestingly, lens regeneration began in the dorsal iris of eyeballs into which the DCs were transplanted and also in those in which no DCs were transplanted. However, surgical removal of the spleen of the recipient animals prior to transplantation resulted in both a failure of both the VEGFR expression in the dorsal iris and a failure of the novel regeneration.  相似文献   

Summary Electrical membrane properties of solitary spiking cells during newt (Cynops pyrrhogaster) retinal regeneration were studied with whole-cell patch-clamp methods in comparison with those in the normal retina.The membrane currents of normal spiking cells consisted of 5 components: inward Na+ and Ca++ currents and 3 outward K+ currents of tetraethylammonium (TEA)-sensitive, 4-aminopyridine (4-AP)-sensitive, and Ca++-activated varieties. The resting potential was about -40mV. The activation voltage for Na+ and Ca++ currents was about -30 and -17 mV, respectively. The maximum Na+ and Ca++ currents were about 1057 and 179 pA, respectively.In regenerating retinae after 19–20 days of surgery, solitary cells with depigmented cytoplasm showed slowrising action potentials of long duration. The ionic dependence of this activity displayed two voltage-dependent components: slow inward Na+ and TEA-sensitive outward K+ currents. The maximum inward current (about 156 pA) was much smaller than that of the control. There was no indication of an inward Ca++ current.During subsequent regeneration, the inward Ca++ current appeared in most spiking cells, and the magnitude of the inward Na+, Ca++, and outward K+ currents all increased. By 30 days of regeneration, the electrical activities of spiking cells became identical to those in the normal retina. No significant difference in the resting potential and the activation voltage for Na+ and Ca++ currents was found during the regenerating period examined.  相似文献   

MicroRNAs are known to regulate the expression of many mRNAs by binding to complementary target sequences at the 3'UTRs. Because of such properties, miRNAs may regulate tissue-specific mRNAs as a cell undergoes transdifferentiation during regeneration. We have tested this hypothesis during lens and hair cell regeneration in newts using microarray analysis. We found that distinct sets of miRNAs are associated with lens and hair cell regeneration. Members of the let-7 family are expressed in both events and they are regulated in a similar fashion. All the let-7 members are down regulated during the initiation of regeneration, which is characterized by dedifferentiation of terminally differentiated cells. This is the first report to correlate expression of miRNAs as novel regulators of vertebrate regeneration, alluding to a novel mechanism whereby transdifferentiation occurs.  相似文献   

Summary Newt forelimb regenerates were studied at various stages of development using the histofluorescent method of Falck and Hillarp. A green formaldehyde-induced fluorescence was found in nerve fibres, large dendritic cells, skin gland cells and skin gland cell secretions. To ascertain the nature of the fluorescent material, animals were submitted to treatments with L-dopa, nialamide, benserazide and reserpine, used separately or in combination and administered before cutting off the regenerates. The modifications of the fluorescence after the various treatments confirmed the monoaminic nature of the fluorophores. Catecholaminic fibres were numerous in tissues of fast-growing stages while in dedifferentiated cell areas as well as in prochondral cell condensations and in cartilage they were completely absent. Fluorescent dendritic cells that have never been described before in regenerating limbs were observed and, from their localisation and cytological appearance, classed as promelanophores (or melanoblasts).  相似文献   

Every organism responds to injuries by reparative processes in order to adapt to the altered conditions. The quality of the adjustment in terms of morphological and functional recapitulation of the original status varies among species. One task is to understand the concepts by which animals with outstanding regenerative capabilities sense what and how much is missing, and how they translate that information to the appropriate responses. These concepts may integrate various kinds of regenerative phenomena although the specific molecular and cellular mechanisms that execute these processes are divergent and depend on the type of the injury. The use of a variety of lesion paradigms could uncover common principles that link injury to successful regeneration. In addition they could indicate means how to further translate this knowledge to the practice of regenerative medicine. We exemplify this possibility by outlining some critical features of dopaminergic neurogenesis in the midbrain of adult salamanders, and the implications for Parkinson's disease.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that lens regeneration from the pigmented epithelium of the dorsal iris in the adult newt eye proceeds in two steps after lens removal or intraocular FGF2 injection. The FGF2-dependent proliferation of iris pigmented epithelium and activation of early lens genes that occur over the entire circumference of the iris comprise the first step, while subsequent dorsally confined lens development marks the second step. Here, we investigated the expression of Wnt and Wnt receptor Frizzled genes in lens-regenerating iris tissues. Wnt2b and Frizzled4 were activated only in the dorsal half of the iris in synchrony with the occurrence of the second step, whereas Wnt5a and Frizzled2 were activated in both halves throughout the period of the first and second steps. Cultured explants of the iris-derived pigmented epithelium in the presence of FGF2 underwent dorsal-specific lens development fully recapitulating the in vivo lens regeneration process. Under these conditions, Wnt inhibitors Dkk1, which specifically inhibits the canonical signal pathway, and/or sFRP1 repressed the lens development, while exogenous Wnt3a, which generally activates the canonical pathway like Wnt2b, stimulated lens development from the dorsal iris epithelium and even caused lens development from the ventral iris epithelium, albeit at a reduced rate. Wnt5a did not elicit lens development from the ventral epithelium. These observations indicate that dorsal-specific activation of Wnt2b determines the dorsally limited development of lens from the iris pigmented epithelium.  相似文献   

Complete retinal regeneration in adult animals occurs only in certain urodele amphibians, in which the retinal pigmented epithelial cells (RPE) undergo transdifferentiation to produce all cell types constituting the neural retina. A similar mechanism also appears to be involved in retinal regeneration in the embryonic stage of some other species, but the nature of this mechanism has not yet been elucidated. The organ culture model of retinal regeneration is a useful experimental system and we previously reported RPE transdifferentiation of the newt under this condition. Here, we show that cultured RPE cells proliferate and differentiate into neurons when cultured with the choroid attached to the RPE, but they did not exhibit any morphological changes when cultured alone following removal of the choroid. This finding indicates that the tissue interactions between the RPE and the choroid are essential for the former to proliferate. This tissue interaction appears to be mediated by diffusible factors, because the choroid could affect RPE cells even when the two tissues were separated by a membrane filter. RPE transdifferentiation under the organotypic culture condition was abolished by a MEK (ERK kinase) inhibitor, U0126, but was partially suppressed by an FGF receptor inhibitor, SU5402, suggesting that FGF signaling pathway has a central role in the transdifferentiation. While IGF-1 alone had no effect on isolated RPE, combination of FGF-2 and IGF-1 stimulated RPE cell transdifferentiation similar to the results obtained in organ-cultured RPE and choroid. RT-PCR revealed that gene expression of both FGF-2 and IGF-1 is up-regulated following removal of the retina. Thus, we show for the first time that the choroid plays an essential role in newt retinal regeneration, opening a new avenue for understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying retinal regeneration.  相似文献   

Xenopus laevis is among the few species that are capable of fully regenerating a lost lens de novo. This occurs upon removal of the lens, when secreted factors from the retina are permitted to reach the cornea epithelium and trigger it to form a new lens. Although many studies have investigated the retinal factors that initiate lens regeneration, relatively little is known about what factors support this process and make the cornea competent to form a lens. We presently investigate the role of Retinoic acid (RA) signaling in lens regeneration in Xenopus. RA is a highly important morphogen during vertebrate development, including the development of various eye tissues, and has been previously implicated in several regenerative processes as well. For instance, Wolffian lens regeneration in the newt requires active RA signaling. In contrast, we provide evidence here that lens regeneration in Xenopus actually depends on the attenuation of RA signaling, which is regulated by the RA-degrading enzyme CYP26. Using RT-PCR we examined the expression of RA synthesis and metabolism related genes within ocular tissues. We found expression of aldh1a1, aldh1a2, and aldh1a3, as well as cyp26a1 and cyp26b1 in both normal and regenerating corneal tissue. On the other hand, cyp26c1 does not appear to be expressed in either control or regenerating corneas, but it is expressed in the lens. Additionally in the lens, we found expression of aldh1a1 and aldh1a2, but not aldh1a3. Using an inhibitor of CYP26, and separately using exogenous retinoids, as well as RA signaling inhibitors, we demonstrate that CYP26 activity is necessary for lens regeneration to occur. We also find using phosphorylated Histone H3 labeling that CYP26 antagonism reduces cell proliferation in the cornea, and using qPCR we find that exogenous retinoids alter the expression of putative corneal stem cell markers. Furthermore, the Xenopus cornea is composed of an outer layer and inner basal epithelium, as well as a deeper fibrillar layer sparsely populated with cells. We employed antibody staining to visualize the localization of CYP26A, CYP26B, and RALDH1 within these corneal layers. Immunohistochemical staining of these enzymes revealed that all 3 proteins are expressed in both the outer and basal layers. CYP26A appears to be unique in also being present in the deeper fibrillar layer, which may contain cornea stem cells. This study reveals a clear molecular difference between newt and Xenopus lens regeneration, and it implicates CYP26 in the latter regenerative process.  相似文献   

A novel role of the hedgehog pathway in lens regeneration   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Lens regeneration in the adult newt is a classic example of replacing a lost organ by the process of transdifferentiation. After lens removal, the pigmented epithelial cells of the dorsal iris proliferate and dedifferentiate to form a lens vesicle, which subsequently differentiates to form a new lens. In searching for factors that control this remarkable process, we investigated the expression and role of hedgehog pathway members. These molecules are known to affect retina and pigment epithelium morphogenesis and have been recently shown to be involved in repair processes. Here we show that Shh, Ihh, ptc-1, and ptc-2 are expressed during lens regeneration. The expression of Shh and Ihh is quite unique since these genes have never been detected in lens. Interestingly, both Shh and Ihh are only expressed in the regenerating and developing lens, but not in the intact lens. Interfering with the hedgehog pathway results in considerable inhibition of the process of lens regeneration, including decreased cell proliferation as well as interference with lens fiber differentiation in the regenerating lens vesicle. Down-regulation of ptc-1 was also observed when inhibiting the pathway. These results provide the first evidence of a novel role for the hedgehog pathway in specific regulation of the regenerating lens.  相似文献   

Pax-6 expression during retinal regeneration in the adult newt   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The present study examined the expression of Pax-6 during retinal regeneration in adult newts using in situ hybridization. In a normal retina, Pax-6 is expressed in the ciliary marginal zone, the inner part of the inner nuclear layer, and the ganglion cell layer. After surgical removal of the neural retina, retinal pigment epithelial cells proliferate into retinal precursor cells and regenerate a fully functional retina. At the beginning of retinal regeneration, Pax-6 was expressed in all retinal precursor cells. As regeneration proceeded, differentiating cells appeared at the scleral and vitreal margins of the regenerating retina, which had no distinct plexiform layers. In this stage, the expression of Pax-6 was localized in a strip of cells along the vitreal margin of the regenerating retina. In the late stage of regeneration, when the layer structure was completed, the expression pattern of Pax-6 became similar to that of a normal retina. It was found that Pax-6 is expressed in the retinal precursor cells in the early regenerating retina and that the expression pattern of Pax-6 changed as cell differentiation proceeded during retinal regeneration.  相似文献   

Adult urodele amphibians possess the unique ability to regenerate amputated limbs and to re-innervate these regenerating structures; however, the factors involved in mediating this re-innervation are largely unknown. Here, we investigated the role of retinoic acid (RA) and one of its receptors, RARbeta, in the reciprocal neurotropic interactions between regenerating limb blastemas and spinal cord explants from the adult newt Notophthalmus viridescens. First, we showed that retinoic acid induced directed axonal outgrowth from cultured spinal cord tissue. This RA-induced outgrowth was significantly reduced when spinal cord explants were pre-treated with either the synthetic RAR pan antagonist, LE540, or the specific RARbeta antagonist, LE135. The role of RARbeta was also investigated using co-cultured regenerating limb blastemas and spinal cord explants. Blastemas induced significantly more axonal outgrowth from the near side of co-cultured explants, than from the far side (when cultured less than 1 mm apart). This blastema-induced directed outgrowth from co-cultured spinal cord explants was also abolished in the presence of the RARbeta antagonist, LE135. These data strongly suggest that endogenous retinoic acid is one of the tropic factors produced by the blastema and that it may be capable of guiding re-innervating axons to their targets. Moreover, this interaction is likely mediated by the retinoic acid beta nuclear receptor.  相似文献   

The process of lens regeneration in newts involves the dedifferentiation of pigmented iris epithelial cells and their subsequent conversion into lens fibers. In vivo this cell-type conversion is restricted to the dorsal region of the iris. We have examined the patterns of hyaluronate accumulation and endogenous hyaluronidase activity in the newt iris during the course of lens regeneration in vivo. Accumulation of newly synthesized hyaluronate was estimated from the uptake of [3H]glucosamine into cetylpyridinium chloride-precipitable material that was sensitive to Streptomyces hyaluronidase. Endogenous hyaluronidase activity was determined from the quantity of reducing N-acetylhexosamine released upon incubation of iris tissue extract with exogenous hyaluronate substrate. We found that incorporation of label into hyaluronate was consistently higher in the regeneration-activated irises of lentectomized eyes than in control irises from sham-operated eyes. Hyaluronate labeling was higher in the dorsal (lens-forming) region of the iris than in ventral (non-lens-forming) iris tissue during the regeneration process. Label accumulation into hyaluronate was maximum between 10 and 15 days after lentectomy, the period of most pronounced dedifferentiation in the dorsal iris epithelium. Both normal and regenerating irises demonstrated a high level of endogenous hyaluronidase activity with a pH optimum of 3.5-4.0. Hyaluronidase activity was 1.7 to 2 times higher in dorsal iris tissue than in ventral irises both prior to lentectomy and throughout the regeneration process. We suggest that enhanced hyaluronate accumulation may facilitate the dedifferentiation of iris epithelial cells in the dorsal iris and prevent precocious withdrawal from the cell cycle. The high level of hyaluronidase activity in the dorsal iris may promote the turnover and remodeling of extracellular matrix components required for cell-type conversion.  相似文献   

pax-6 is thought to be a master control gene of eye development in species ranging from insects to mammals. We have isolated a pax-6 cDNA homolog of the newt, Cynops pyrrhogaster. RT-PCR and sequence analyses predicted four alternatively spliced forms derived from inclusion or exclusion of the region corresponding to exons 5a and 12 in the human pax-6 ortholog. This gene shared extensive sequence identitiy and similar expression patterns with those of mouse and zebrafish. pax-6 signal was first detected at the anterior ridge of the neural plate, and later at the eye and nasal primordium and in the central nervous system – except for the midbrain. The injection of sonic hedgehog (shh) RNA inhibited the expression of pax-6 within the optic vesicle and disturbed eye cup formation. A similar suppressive effect of shh was also observed in the conjugation of the animal caps preloaded with exogenous shh and noggin mRNA, which was used as an inducer of pax-6. In contrast, shh injection had no effect on the expression of pax-6 in the surface ectoderm overlying the optic cup, suggesting that the expression of pax-6 in the surface ectoderm is not regulated by shh in vivo. Moreover, we found transient activation of pax-6 in animal cap explants at the sibling stage of mid-late gastrula. This observation raises the possibility that the ectoderm is competent to the lens-inducing signal at a stage as early as mid gastrula. Received: 5 February 1997 / Accepted: 30 April 1997  相似文献   

Unlike humans, certain adult vertebrates such as newts and zebrafish possess extraordinary abilities to functionally regenerate lost appendages and injured organs, including cardiac muscle. Here, we present new evidence that a remodeled extracellular matrix (ECM) directs cell activities essential for cardiac muscle regeneration. Comprehensive mining of DNA microarrays and Gene Ontology term enrichment analyses for regenerating newt and zebrafish hearts revealed that distinct ECM components and ECM-modifying proteases are among the most significantly enriched genes in response to local injury. In contrast, data analyses for mammalian cardiac injury models indicated that inflammation and metabolic processes are the most significantly activated gene groups. In the regenerating newt heart, we show dynamic spatial and temporal changes in tenascin-C, hyaluronic acid, and fibronectin ECM distribution as early as 3 days postamputation. Linked to distinct matrix remodeling, we demonstrate a myocardium-wide proliferative response and radial migration of progenitor cells. In particular, we report dramatic upregulation of a regeneration-specific matrix in the epicardium that precedes the accumulation and migration of progenitor cells. For the first time, we show that the regenerative ECM component tenascin-C significantly increases newt cardiomyocyte cell cycle reentry in vitro. Thus, the engineering of nature-tested extracellular matrices may provide new strategic opportunities for the enhancement of regenerative responses in mammals.  相似文献   

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