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Abstract Soil moisture was augmented experimentally during two successive dry seasons and the intervening wet season in a humid tropical savanna in Darwin, northern Australia. Leaf phenology was monitored in four common tree species Termmalia ferdinandiana and Planchonia careya (both deciduous species), and Eucalyptus miniata and Eucalyptus tetrodonta (both evergreen species). Irrigation produced consistently significant effects in only T. ferdinandiana. In this species leaf-flush was significantly earlier, canopy decline and leaf-fall were significantly later and the attainment of full canopy was earlier in irrigated compared with non-irrigated trees. Litterfall, and the seasonal patterns of contraction and expansion of stems (a measure of stem water status or storage) were not significantly affected by irrigation in any species. Leaf longevity in the deciduous species was 6–8 months; some eucalypt leaves lived for approximately 1 year, but none lived longer than 18 months. Irrigation had relatively little effect on leaf longevity. While variation in soil moisture is a potentially important cue to both leaf-fall and leaf-flush, stem water status and climatic factors such as vapour pressure deficit may also be important climatic cues to phenological behaviour.  相似文献   

Screening of a hybrid Barbus barbus-B. meridionalis genome was performed for CA, GA, TAT, TCT, TAG, TGT, TATT, TACT, ATCT motifs, and simultaneously on another fish species, tilapia S. melanotheron . Sequences of positive clones were obtained for Barbus and revealed that repetitive structure significantly depends on the motif: most TAT and TATT repeats contain small numbers of repeats, and these repeats are highly heterogeneous, whereas other motifs (we mainly obtained CA and GATA repeats) form longer and much more homogeneous arrays. Polymorphism data from five loci in two different species of barbel show that perfectly repetitive loci are much more variable than imperfect loci (TAT and TATT). We compared the frequency of positive clones for different repeat motifs between barbel and tilapia. For dinucleotide repeats (CA and GA), the comparison was extended to additional fish species, trout and sea bass, which were screened in nearly identical conditions for these motifs. The most salient feature of these comparisons reveals that arrays of dinucleotide motifs are significantly under-represented and shorter in Barbus than in other fish species. We propose an explanation that can account for most features of microsatellites characterizing the genome of barbel. A bias toward deletion affecting slipped-strand mispairing events would lead to shortening and loss of microsatellite loci. Such a bias would represent an efficient way of eliminating useless DNA from polyploidized species with an excessive amount of DNA.  相似文献   

Banksia species (Proteaceae) occur on some of the most phosphorus (P)-impoverished soils in the world. We hypothesized that plasticity in the exudation of P-mobilizing carboxylates would be greater in widespread than in rare Banksia species. Glasshouse experiments were conducted to identify and quantify carboxylate exudation in three widespread and six narrowly distributed Banksia species. High concentrations of carboxylates (predominantly malate, citrate, aconitate, oxalate) were measured in the rhizosphere of all nine species of Banksia on six different soils, but widespread species did not have greater plasticity in the composition of exuded carboxylates. Based on the evidence in the present study, rarity in Banksia cannot be explained by limited phenotypic adjustment of carboxylate exudation.  相似文献   

Current theory predicts that larger‐bodied snakes not only consume larger prey (compared with smaller individuals), but may also have a different range of prey available to them due to their thermal biology. It has been argued that smaller individuals, with lower thermal inertia (i.e. faster cooling rates at nightfall when air temperature falls and basking opportunities are limited), may be thermally restricted to foraging and hunting during the day on diurnally active prey, and have reduced capacity to hunt crepuscular and nocturnal prey species. This predictive theory was investigated by way of dietary analysis, assessment of thermal biology and thermoregulation behaviour in an ambush forager, the south‐west carpet python (Morelia spilota imbricata, Pythonidae). Eighty‐seven scats were collected from 34 individual pythons over a 3‐year radiotelemetry monitoring study. As predicted by gape size limitation, larger pythons took larger prey; however, 65% of prey items of small pythons were represented by nocturnally active, small mammals, a larger proportion than present in larger snakes. Several measures of thermal biology (absolute body temperature, thermal differential of body temperature to air temperature, maximum hourly heating and cooling rates) were not strongly affected by python body mass. Additionally, body temperature was only influenced by the behavioural choice of microhabitat selection and was not affected by python body size or position, suggesting that these behavioural choices do not allow smaller pythons to vastly increase their temporal foraging window. By coupling dietary analysis, measures of body temperature and behavioural observations of free‐ranging animals, we conclude that, contrary to theoretical predictions, a small body size does not thermally restrict the temporal window for ambush foraging in M. s. imbricata. An ontogenetic or size‐determined switch from ambush feeding to actively foraging on slower prey would account for the differences in prey taken by these animals. The concept of altered foraging behaviour warrants further investigation in this species.  相似文献   

Forest fragmentation and selective logging can influence the life cycle of tropical tree species at several levels, e.g. , by lowering pollination, by limiting seed dispersal, and by increasing seed predation. Understanding human-induced modifications in ecosystem processes such as seed predation is essential for conservation management of threatened species. We studied the impact of forest fragmentation and selective logging on seed predation of the endangered tree Prunus africana in the tropical rain forest of Kakamega, Kenya. We quantified the activity of seed predators in the main forest, forest fragments, and in sites of different logging intensity in the dry and rainy seasons of 2003 and 2006. Further, we performed predation experiments with single and groups of P. africana seeds in the same sites. We recorded a tendency toward higher activity of seed predators in the main forest compared to fragmented sites. Single seeds, in contrast to groups of seeds, had marginally significantly higher predation rates in intensively logged compared to moderately logged sites. Overall, predation rates showed little relationship to seed predator activity and were highly variable among years and seasons. Additional studies on seedling establishment and survival are needed to predict whether the endangered tree is able to maintain sustainable populations in Kakamega Forest. Only by studying all processes in the life cycle is it possible to develop sound management strategies for the species.  相似文献   

We evaluated the potential effects of homoplasy, ancestral polymorphism, and hybridization as obstacles to resolving phylogenetic relationships within Nomonyx-Oxyura stiff-tailed ducks (Oxyurinae; subtribe Oxyurina). Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region sequences from 94 individuals supported monophyly of mtDNA haplotypes for each of the six species and provided no evidence of extant incomplete lineage sorting or inter-specific hybridization. The ruddy ducks (O. j. jamaicensis,O. j. andina, O. j. ferruginea) are each others' closest relatives, but the lack of shared haplotypes between O. j. jamaicensis and O. j. ferruginea suggests long-standing historical isolation. In contrast, O. j. andina shares haplotypes with O. j. jamaicensis and O. j. ferruginea, which supports Todd's (1979) and Fjelds?'s (1986) hypothesis that O. j. andina is an intergrade or hybrid subspecies of O. j. jamaicensis and O. j. ferruginea. Control region data and a much larger data set composed of approximately 8800 base pairs of mitochondrial and nuclear sequence for each species indicate that the two New World species, O. vittata and O. jamaicensis, branch basally within Oxyura. A clade of three Old World species (O. australis, O. maccoa, O. leucocephala) is well supported, but different loci and also different characters within the mtDNA data support three different resolutions of the Old World clade, yielding an essentially unresolved trichotomy. Fundamentally different factors limited the resolution of the mtDNA and nuclear gene trees. Gene trees for most nuclear loci were unresolved due to slow rates of mutation and a lack of informative variation, whereas uncertain resolution of the mtDNA gene tree was due to homoplasy. Within the mtDNA, approximately equal numbers of characters supported each of three possible resolutions. Parametric and nonparametric bootstrap analyses suggest that resolution of the mtDNA tree based on ~4300 bp per taxon is uncertain but that complete mtDNA sequences would yield a fully resolved gene tree. A short internode separating O. leucocephala from (O. australis, O. maccoa) in the best mtDNA tree combined with long terminal branches and substantial rate variation among nucleotide sites allowed the small number of changes occurring on the internode to be obscured by homoplasy in a significant portion of simulated data sets. Although most nuclear loci were uninformative, two loci supported a resolution of the Old World clade (O. maccoa, O. leucocephala) that is incongruent with the best mtDNA tree. Thus, incongruence between nuclear and mtDNA trees may be due to random sorting of ancestral lineages during the short internode, homoplasy in the mtDNA data, or both. The Oxyura trichotomy represents a difficult though likely common problem in molecular systematics. Given a short internode, the mtDNA tree has a greater chance of being congruent with the history of speciation because its effective population size (N(e)) is one-quarter that of any nuclear locus, but its resolution is more likely to be obscured by homoplasy. In contrast, gene trees for more slowly evolving nuclear loci will be difficult to resolve due to a lack of substitutions during the internode, and when resolved are more likely to be incongruent with the species history due to the stochastic effects of lineage sorting. We suggest that researchers consider first whether independent gene trees are adequately resolved and then whether those trees are congruent with the species history. In the case of Oxyura, the answer to both questions may be no. Complete mtDNA sequences combined with data from a very large number of nuclear loci may be the only way to resolve such trichotomies.  相似文献   

Thirty-eight specimens belonging to four genera and 15 species of the nudibranch family Phyllidiidae were examined to investigate whether the morphology of their integumentary calcareous spicules and/or the occurrence of the spicules within the regions of the body could be used to distinguish genera and species. The spicules were studied separately from five regions of the body of each specimen—the foot, gills, mantle, dorsal pustules (or ridges in Reticulidia) and rhinophores. The mantle itself plus its pustules were found to possess the full complement of spicules in every individual. Four types of spicules were recorded overall—smooth diactines, centro-polytylote diactines, triactines and tetractines. Different regions of the body were found to possess different spicule types: (a) only smooth diactines in the gills, (b) both smooth diactines and triactines in the foot and (c) all of smooth diactines, centro-polytylote diactines and triactines in the mantle, dorsal pustules and the rhinophores. Among the genera, three types of spicules (smooth diactine, triactine, and tetractine) are present in Phyllidia, Phyllidiopsis and Reticulidia, but the form of the spicules is not diagnostic between these genera or between the constituent species. The fourth type of spicule (centro-polytylote diactine) is present exclusively in Phyllidiella, and is diagnostic for that genus. However, we failed to find any difference in spicule form, or composition, or location in the body between the three (closely related) species of Phyllidiella we investigated. Therefore, our key conclusion is that spicule morphology is an extremely important character to tell the genus Phyllidiella apart from all the other genera of the family, but it is not taxonomically informative at the level of species.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that genetic variation is a determinant of persistence, and that the abundance and distribution of variation is strongly dependent on genetic drift and gene flow. Small, isolated populations are expected to be less diverse and more differentiated than large, inter-connected populations. Thus rare species may be more at risk of extinction. We used 389 putative AFLP loci to compare genetic variation and structuring in two pairs of closely-related common (large populations geographically widespread) and rare (small populations spatially restricted) Persoonia species. We genotyped 15–22 adult plants, from four populations, covering the geographic range of each species. Although genetic diversity was low for all four species (for long-lived outcrossing perennials), we found significantly more diversity within populations of the rare species than within those of the common species. AMOVA revealed significant levels of structure both among species (21%) and populations (15%). The proportion of inter-population variation within species did not vary consistently with rarity (Pair 1 rare 21.1% versus common 16.5%; Pair 2 rare 15.8% versus common 20.6%). However populations of the rare species were more differentiated than common species with similar geographic separation, suggesting greater gene flow between populations of the common species. Therefore, even relatively small genetically isolated populations of rare Persoonia species were more diverse than large populations of common Persoonia species. We hypothesise that common Persoonia species have undergone a rapid range expansion from a narrow gene pool, while genetic diversity is maintained in the soil seed-bank of rare remnants.  相似文献   

Nestling birds solicit food from their parents with vigorous begging displays, involving posturing, jostling and calling. In some species, such as canaries, begging is especially costly because it causes a trade off against nestling growth. Fitness costs of begging like this are predicted by evolutionary theory because they function to resolve conflicts of interest within the family over the provision of parental investment. However, the mechanism that links these costs with nestling behaviour remains unclear. In the present study, we determine if the relationships between nestling androgen levels, nestling begging intensities and nestling growth rates are consistent with the hypothesis that testosterone is responsible for the trade-off between begging and growth. We test this idea with a correlational study, using fecal androgens as a non-invasive method for assaying nestling androgen levels. Our results show that fecal androgen levels are positively correlated with nestling begging intensity, and reveal marked family differences in each trait. Furthermore, changes in fecal androgen levels between 5 and 8 days after hatching are positively associated with changes in nestling begging intensity, and negatively associated with nestling growth during this time. Although these correlational results support our predictions, we suggest that that experimental manipulations are now required to test the direct or indirect role of testosterone in mediating the trade-off between begging and growth.  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate whether feed restriction and re-alimentation differently affect lipid content and activities of lipogenic or catabolic enzymes according to muscle types in pigs. At around 28 kg body mass (BW), sixty pigs (n=30 per group) were allocated to either ad libitum (AL) or restricted/re-feeding (RA) regimens. After feed restriction (80 kg BW), lipid content was reduced (P<0.01) in the oxidative rhomboideus (RH) as in the glycolytic biceps femoris (BF) muscles of RA pigs compared with AL pigs. Lower activities (P<0.05) of the lipogenic enzymes fatty acid synthase (FAS) and malic enzyme (ME) were observed in the RH but not in the BF of RA vs. AL pigs. After re-feeding (110 kg BW), lipid content was restored in the RH, but was still 12% lower (P<0.05) in the BF of RA compared with AL pigs. In the RH, the trend for an enhanced FAS activity and for a smaller weight-related decrease of ME activity in RA pigs than AL pigs during re-feeding, may have contributed to the muscle fat recovery observed in the RA pigs. In the BF, higher oxidative enzyme activities (P<0.10) in RA pigs compared to AL pigs might explain the incomplete lipid recovery observed after re-feeding in the former animals. In conclusion, metabolic activities in response to restriction and re-feeding differed according to muscle metabolic type.  相似文献   

Insecticides cause a range of sub‐lethal effects on targeted insects, which are frequently detrimental to them. However, targeted insects are able to cope with insecticides within sub‐lethal ranges, which vary with their susceptibility. Here we assessed the response of three strains of the maize weevil Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) to sub‐lethal exposure to the pyrethoid insecticide cypermethrin. We expected enzyme induction associated with cypermethrin resistance since it would aid the resistant insects in surviving such exposure. Lower respiration rate and lower activity were also expected in insecticide‐resistant insects since these traits are also likely to favor survivorship under insecticide exposure. Curiously though, cypermethrin did not affect activity of digestive and energy metabolism enzymes, and even reduced the activity of some enzymes (particularly for cellulase and cysteine‐proteinase activity in this case). There was strain variation in response, which may be (partially) related to insecticide resistance in some strains. Sub‐lethal exposure to cypermethrin depressed proteolytic and mainly cellulolytic activity in the exposed insects, which is likely to impair their fitness. However, such exposure did not affect respiration rate and walking behavior of the insects (except for the susceptible strain where walking activity was reduced). Walking activity varies with strain and may minimize insecticide exposure, which should be a concern, particularly if associated with (physiological) insecticide resistance.  相似文献   

Wind and light are major climatic factors which affect host-location process in parasitoids, but these environmental effects have not been studied thoroughly. Wind-tunnel experiments were designed to dissect how changes in wind velocity and light intensity influence flight initiation, flight orientation and host-searching efficiency in Cotesia glomerata . This study uncovers the influences of changes in wind velocity and light intensity on different phases of host-location process in the parasitoid. These results suggest that a cloudy and/or windy weather may reduce the success of host location by C. glomerata because such conditions suppress flight initiation, cause failure to orientate flights to the herbivore-infested plant and hamper host-searching activity on the plant.  相似文献   

The 10-year juvenile records of three hybrid poplar and two aspen cultivars (Populus spp.) from a short rotation coppice (SRC) were assessed by measuring tree-ring width (annual radial increment, ir) and stable isotope ratios of carbon and oxygen (δ13C and δ18O) of α-cellulose. All cultivars showed common ‘juvenile trends’ that were modeled with nonlinear fit (NLF) functions. The ir of all cultivars culminated in the middle of the juvenile phase. Within the first ten years, δ13C showed a gradual decrease of approximately 2.5 ‰ in all cultivars and δ18O showed an asymptotic increase which was variable among the poplar cultivars and which was more pronounced in two hybrid poplars. Potential causes of the juvenile inter-annual variability of δ13C and δ18O were discussed. Likely, the maturation related changes in hydraulic architecture, the canopy closure and the resulting increase of the proportion of shaded crown segments which have lower photosynthetic capacities had an effect on δ13C. An additional effect of changes in N nutrition on δ13C is assumed at the present SRC trial because the NO3 concentration had significantly decreased after ten years. Interpretation of δ18O data remained difficult given the lack of soil water δ18O records.The maturation effect and the respective interaction have resulted in large temporal variability in the present three investigated tree ring traits. However, the impact of two drought vegetation periods (2003 and 2006) was still reflected by the juvenile tree ring records of all traits. Different juvenile trends in the records of the stable isotope ratios δ13C and δ18O, and the trend slopes, which may vary between genetically different cultivars, must be considered in tree ring investigations of SRC poplars.  相似文献   

This study examined the impact of season-long exposure to elevated carbon dioxide (CO2) and ozone (O3), individually and in combination, on leaf chlorophyll content and gas exchange characteristics in potato (Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Bintje). Plants grown in open-top chambers were exposed to three CO2 (ambient, 550 and 680 μmol mol-1) and two O3 treatments (ambient and elevated; 25 and 65 nmol mol-1, 8 h day-1 means, respectively) between crop emergence and maturity; plants were also grown in unchambered field plots. Non-destructive measurements of chlorophyll content and visible foliar injury were made for all treatments at 2-week intervals between 43 and 95 days after emergence. Gas exchange measurements were made for all except the intermediate 550 μmol mol-1 CO2 treatment. Season-long exposure to elevated O3 under ambient CO2 reduced chlorophyll content and induced extensive visible foliar damage, but had little effect on net assimilation rate or stomatal conductance. Elevated CO2 had no significant effect on chlorophyll content, but greatly reduced the damaging impact of O3 on chlorophyll content and visible foliar damage. Light-saturated assimilation rates for leaves grown under elevated CO2 were consistently lower when measured under either elevated or ambient CO2 than in equivalent leaves grown under ambient CO2. Analysis of CO2 response curves revealed that CO2-saturated assimilation rate, maximum rates of carboxylation and electron transport and respiration decreased with time. CO2-saturated assimilation rate was reduced by elevated O3 during the early stages of the season, while respiration was significantly greater under elevated CO2 as the crop approached maturity. The physiological origins of these responses and their implications for the performance of potato in a changing climate are discussed.  相似文献   

Exogenous administration of 0.20, 0.40 and 0.60 microg/g body weight melatonin over a 24 hr cycle caused an inhibition of Na+, K+ ATPase activity in both brain and gills of A. testudineus. However, Ca2+ ATPase activity in the brain was significantly inhibited by the highest dose, and that in the gill at all the doses of melatonin. Evening injection of melatonin had an inhibitory effect on both brain and gill Na+ K+ and Ca2+ ATPase activity. Melatonin treatment in the morning for 12 hrs did not have an effect on brain Na+, K+ ATPase, while Ca2+ ATPase was inhibited. Similar treatment stimulated Na+, K+ and Ca2+ ATPase activity in the gills. Sodium, potassium and calcium ions in the gill were significantly reduced in the evening treated group while no change was observed in the morning melatonin injected group. The results suggest that melatonin elicits a time-dependent effect on the enzymes and ionic content in the brain and gills of A. testudineus.  相似文献   

Isogenic wild-type (Ailsa Craig) and abscisic acid (ABA)-deficient mutant (flacca) genotypes of tomato were used to examine the role of root-sourced ABA in mediating growth and stomatal responses to compaction. Plants were grown in uniform soil columns providing low to moderate bulk densities (1.1–1.5 g cm?3), or in a split-pot system, which allowed the roots to divide between soils of the same or differing bulk density (1.1/1.5 g cm?3). Root and shoot growth and leaf expansion were reduced when plants were grown in compacted soil (1.5 g cm?3) but leaf water status was not altered. However, stomatal conductance was affected, suggesting that non-hydraulic signal(s) transported in the transpiration stream were responsible for the observed effects. Xylem sap and foliar ABA concentrations increased with bulk density for 10 and 15 days after emergence (DAE), respectively, but were thereafter poorly correlated with the observed growth responses. Growth was reduced to a similar extent in both genotypes in compacted soil (1.5 g cm?3), suggesting that ABA is not centrally involved in mediating growth in this severely limiting ‘critical’ compaction stress treatment. Growth performance in the 1.1/1.5 g cm?3 split-pot treatment of Ailsa Craig was intermediate between the uniform 1.1 and 1.5 g cm?3 treatments, whereas stomatal conductance was comparable to the compacted 1.5 g cm?3 treatment. In contrast, shoot dry weight and leaf area in the split-pot treatment of flacca were similar to the 1.5 g cm?3 treatment, but stomatal conductance was comparable to uncompacted control plants. These results suggest a role for root-sourced ABA in regulating growth and stomatal conductance during ‘sub-critical’ compaction stress, when genotypic differences in response are apparent. The observed genotypic differences are comparable to those previously reported for barley, but occurred at a much lower bulk density, reflecting the greater sensitivity of tomato to compaction. By alleviating the severe growth reductions induced when the entire root system encounters compacted soil, the split-pot approach has important applications for studies of the role of root-sourced signals in compaction-sensitive species such as tomato.  相似文献   

The diet and growth of sharptooth catfish, Clarias gariepinus, in an oligotrophic system (Kat River Reservoir, Eastern Cape, South Africa) were compared to those in a eutrophic system (Laing Reservoir, Eastern Cape) to determine if the trophic status of a waterbody had an effect on the growth rate of the species. In order of importance, the diet of catfish in Kat River Reservoir consisted of fish, insects, zooplankton, plant material and other items, while the diet of catfish in Laing Reservoir consisted of fish, plant material, zooplankton, other vertebrates and insects. The diets of catfish in the two reservoirs had a similarity index of 68.1% and there was no significant difference in their nutritional value. Fish prey was the most important dietary component in both reservoirs. Temperature regime and zooplankton and zoobenthos density were similar in both systems. However, fish prey density was significantly higher in the eutrophic Laing Reservoir and catfish grew significantly faster in that system. The slower growth rate in Kat River Reservoir was attributed to the higher energy costs associated with the capture of fish prey, which was less abundant than in Laing Reservoir. Trophic status therefore had an indirect effect on catfish growth by influencing the availability of fish prey.  相似文献   

According to the temperature-size rule (TSR), ectotherms developing under cold conditions experience slower growth as juveniles but reach a larger size at maturity. Whether temperature alone causes this phenomenon is unknown, but oxygen limitation can play a role in the temperature-size relationship. Oxygen may become limited under warm conditions when the resulting higher metabolism creates a greater demand for oxygen, especially in larger individuals. We examined the independent effects of oxygen concentration (10% and 22% O2) and temperature (15 °C and 22 °C) on duration of ontogenic development, which takes place within the maternal brood pouch (marsupium), and juvenile growth in the terrestrial isopod common rough woodlouse (Porcellio scaber). Individuals inside the marsupium undergo the change from the aqueous to the gaseous environment. Under hypoxia, woodlice hatched from the marsupium sooner, but their subsequent growth was not affected by the level of oxygen. Marsupial development and juvenile growth were almost three times slower at low temperature, and marsupial development was longer in larger females but only in the cold treatment. These results show that temperature and oxygen are important ecological factors affecting developmental time and that the strength of the effect likely depends on the availability of oxygen in the environment.  相似文献   

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