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Morphogen gradients play an important role in pattern formation during early stages of embryonic development in many bilaterians. In an adult hydra, axial patterning processes are constantly active because of the tissue dynamics in the adult. These processes include an organizer region in the head, which continuously produces and transmits two signals that are distributed in gradients down the body column. One signal sets up and maintains the head activation gradient, which is a morphogenetic gradient. This gradient confers the capacity of head formation on tissue of the body column, which takes place during bud formation, hydra''s mode of asexual reproduction, as well as during head regeneration following bisection of the animal anywhere along the body column. The other signal sets up the head inhibition gradient, which prevents head formation, thereby restricting bud formation to the lower part of the body column in an adult hydra. Little is known about the molecular basis of the two gradients. In contrast, the canonical Wnt pathway plays a central role in setting up and maintaining the head organizer.Morphogen gradients play a critical role in the early stages of embryogenesis in a number of metazoans in that they initiate and are involved in axial patterning processes. Such a gradient also plays a role in axial patterning in hydra, a primitive metazoan. However, unlike in most metazoans, this gradient is continuously active in an adult hydra as part of the tissue dynamics of the adult animal.The structure of a hydra is fairly simple (Fig. (Fig.1).1). It consists of a single axis with radial symmetry, which contains a head, body column, and foot along the axis. The head consist of two parts: the hypostome in the apex, and the tentacle zone from which the tentacles emerge in the basal part of the head. The body column has three parts: the gastric region and peduncle in the apical, and basal parts with a budding zone between the gastric region and peduncle. Buds, hydra''s mode of asexual reproduction, emerge from the budding zone between the gastric region and peduncle.Open in a separate windowFigure 1.Longitudinal cross section of an adult hydra. The multiple regions are labeled. The two protrusions from the body column are early and late stages of bud development. The arrows indicate the direction of tissue displacement. (Reprinted from Bode 2001.)Three cell lineages are involved. The axis consists of a cylindrical shell that is made up of two concentric epithelial layers, the ectoderm and endoderm, which are separated by a basement membrane. Interspersed among the epithelial cells of both layers are the cells of the third lineage, the interstitial cell lineage. It consists of interstitial cells, which are multipotent stem cells (David and Murphy 1977), located primarily in the ectoderm throughout the body column. They give rise to neurons, secretory cells, and nematocytes, which are the stinging cells that are typical of cnidarians, as well as gametes when a hydra undergoes sexual reproduction (David and Murphy 1977).In an adult hydra, the epithelial cells of both layers are constantly in the mitotic cycle (David and Campbell 1972; Campbell and David 1974). The expanding tissue in the upper part of the body column is continuously displaced apically into the head (Fig. 1). Once there, it is displaced onto and along the tentacles or into the hypostome, and eventually sloughed when reaching the extremities (Campbell 1967; Otto and Campbell 1977). Tissue in the remainder of the body column is displaced basally either onto developing buds, or further down onto the foot, where it is sloughed at the bottom of the foot. Thus, the tissues of an adult hydra are continuously in a steady state of production and loss. As a hydra has no defined lifetime (Martinez 1998), this activity goes on indefinitely.  相似文献   

Plants start their life as a single cell, which, during the process of embryogenesis, is transformed into a mature embryo with all organs necessary to support further growth and development. Therefore, each basic cell type is first specified in the early embryo, making this stage of development excellently suited to study mechanisms of coordinated cell specification—pattern formation. In recent years, it has emerged that the plant hormone auxin plays a prominent role in embryo development. Most pattern formation steps in the early Arabidopsis embryo depend on auxin biosynthesis, transport, and response. In this article, we describe those embryo patterning steps that involve auxin activity, and we review recent data that shed light on the molecular mechanisms of auxin action during this phase of plant development.  相似文献   

The zebrafish has emerged as a valuable genetic model system for the study of developmental biology and disease. Zebrafish share a high degree of genomic conservation, as well as similarities in cellular, molecular, and physiological processes, with other vertebrates including humans. During early ontogeny, zebrafish embryos are optically transparent, allowing researchers to visualize the dynamics of organogenesis using a simple stereomicroscope. Microbead implantation is a method that enables tissue manipulation through the alteration of factors in local environments. This allows researchers to assay the effects of any number of signaling molecules of interest, such as secreted peptides, at specific spatial and temporal points within the developing embryo. Here, we detail a protocol for how to manipulate and implant beads during early zebrafish development.  相似文献   

Two transient glands, the hatching and cement glands, definecritical boundaries on the head of the frog embryo. They canbe used to monitor formation of the head, which in turn is asensitive indicator of development of the dorsal axis, characteristicof chordates. Experimental treatment of embryos generates avariety of head abnormalities. Alteration of inductive patternscan produce large heads (macrocephaly), and comparable alterationsmay yield new phenotypes naturally. Several paths lead to decreasedhead development, and one of these may mimic in reverse thepath which led to the evolution of the vertebrate head.  相似文献   

目的 采用模式动物斑马鱼作为研究对象,观察氯丙嗪(chlorpromazine,CPZ)暴露对胚胎和幼鱼早期神经发育的影响.方法 在一般毒性评价的基础上,通过整体胚胎细胞凋亡检测和脑组织病理学检查,了解CPZ对神经发育的器质性改变;采用神经行为学方法,包括幼鱼触动逃避反应、自发运动以及惊恐逃避反射等,研究氯丙嗪暴露所致的神经发育功能性障碍.结果斑马鱼胚胎受精后6 h(6 hpf)~72 hpf暴露于CPZ(≥5 mg/L)可引起胚胎和幼鱼死亡、致畸和幼鱼孵化延迟,并呈浓度和时间依赖性;采用吖啶橙染色检测36 hpf整体胚胎凋亡细胞,发现凋亡细胞主要集中在胚胎中脑、后脑、丘脑以及中后脑连接区、脊索和尾部等处;脑组织病理学检测发现,7dpf幼鱼颅腔增大、脑体积减小、脑细胞缩小且细胞间隙增宽.6~72 hpf CPZ(≥0.0625 mg/L)暴露后,幼鱼神经行为学研究发现,CPZ(≥0.125 mg/L)可引起3dpf幼鱼触觉运动能力下降;CPZ(≥0 5 mg/L)可浓度依赖性地抑制幼鱼自发运动,并出现僵直不动、震颤或快速刻板式转圈运动等行为改变;光惊恐实验中,暗环境下各暴露组幼鱼对突发强光刺激均表现为惊跳逃避,并且暗-光交替期运动加速度变化与对照组无显著差异;在撤除光源后,1mg/L和2 mg/L暴露组幼鱼暗适应时程缩短,而0.125 mg/L和0.25 mg/L暴露组暗适应时程延长,提示CPZ对外界刺激引发的幼鱼活跃游动有抑制和促进双重毒性作用.结论 CPZ暴露对斑马鱼胚胎和幼鱼具有明显的神经发育毒性作用.模式动物斑马鱼作为一种高通量筛选模型在外源性化合物神经发育毒性评价中具有较好的应用前景.  相似文献   

The lymphatic system of a vertebrate is important in health and diseases. We propose a novel mathematical model to elucidate the lymphangiogenic processes in zebrafish embryos. Specifically, we are interested in the period when lymphatic endothelial cells (LECs) exit the posterior cardinal vein and migrate to the horizontal myoseptum of a zebrafish embryo. We wonder whether vascular endothelial growth factor C (VEGFC) is a morphogen and a chemotactic factor for these LECs. The model considers the interstitial flow driving convection, the reactive transport of VEGFC, and the changing dynamics of the extracellular matrix in the embryo. Simulations of the model illustrate that VEGFC behaves very differently in diffusion and convection-dominant scenarios. In the former case, it must bind to the matrix to establish a functional morphogen gradient. In the latter case, the opposite is true and the pressure field is the key determinant of what VEGFC may do to the LECs. Degradation of collagen I, a matrix component, by matrix metallopeptidase 2 controls the spatiotemporal dynamics of VEGFC. It controls whether diffusion or convection is dominant in the embryo; it can create channels of abundant VEGFC and scarce collagen I to facilitate lymphangiogenesis; when collagen I is insufficient, VEGFC cannot influence the LECs at all. We predict that VEGFC is a morphogen for the migrating LECs, but it is not a chemotactic factor for them.  相似文献   

It is known that the chicken flank somatopleure also has a limb-forming potential at early stages of development, but loses this potential later. Molecular changes during this process is, however, not well known. We obtained a monoclonal antibody which reacts to the flank somatopleure, but not to the wing bud, the leg bud and the neck somatopleure in the stage 22 chicken embryo. Further study revealed that this antibody is specific to vimentin. Time course of vimentin expression in the somatopleural mesoderm during the development was studied. It was revealed to be biphasic. Somatopleural mesoderm expressed vimentin at stage 10, but not at stage 16. Flank somatopleural mesoderm began to express vimentin again at stage 18, whereas limb bud mesenchymal cells did not until stage 27. The earlier re-expression of vimentin at the flank somatopleure suggests that certain physiological changes take place in cells at this region.  相似文献   

Originally identified as one of two zygotically expressed genes required for gastrulation in Drosophila, the Snail gene and other family members play critical roles in vertebrate development. Functionally, these genes are thought to drive epithelial-mesenchymal transitions at several points during development, and also during the metastatic progression of cancer. Although the Snai2-null mouse is viable and fertile, the early embryonic lethality of Snai1-null mice has precluded the detailed analysis of Snai1 function after gastrulation. We have recently generated a conditional allele of the Snai1 gene and examined its function during the formation of the neural crest and establishment of the left-right axis. We uncovered new details regarding Snai1 function during gastrulation and left-right asymmetry determination, while surprisingly showing that neither the Snai1 nor Snai2 genes are essential for neural crest cell delamination. These results shed new light on the role of Snail family genes in early mouse development, and raise interesting questions concerning the diversity of gene function among vertebrate species.  相似文献   

Determination of paired fin or limb number, identity and positionare key issues in vertebrate development and evolution. Phylogeniesincluding fossil data show that paired appendages are uniqueto jawed vertebrates and their immediate ancestry; that suchfins evolved first as a single pair in an anterior location;that appendicular endoskeletons are primitively AP asymmetric;and that pectoral and pelvic fins primitively differ. It isconjectured that Hox gene expression patterns along the lateralplate mesoderm establish boundaries that contribute to localisationof AP levels at which signals initiate outgrowth from the bodywall. Such regionalisation may be regulated independently ofthat in the paraxial mesoderm and axial skeleton. When combinedwith current hypotheses of Hox gene phylogenetic and functionaldiversity, these data suggest a new model of fin/limb developmentalevolution. This coordinates body wall outgrowth regions withprimitive boundaries established in the gut, and the fundamentalnon-equivalence of pectoral and pelvic structures.  相似文献   

斑马鱼胚胎第一次卵裂过程中胞内钙信号的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钙离子作为广泛存在的细胞内信使物质,在动物胚胎早期发育过程中扮演重要角色.为了研究钙离子在斑马鱼胚胎发育过程中的空间分布和浓度变化,采用Fluo-4和Indo-1作为钙离子指示剂,利用激光共聚焦和双波长荧光比例成像技术,对斑马鱼胚胎第一次卵裂过程中的钙信号进行了详细的跟踪观察.在第一次卵裂过程中,斑马鱼胚胎的动物极顶端首先出现高钙斑,然后在分裂沟部位出现高浓度的钙信号,这一信号在卵裂过程中持续存在.利用Indo-1双波长荧光比例成像对上述过程中钙离子的时空分布进行了定量测定,表明,胞内钙离子在卵裂开始之前是均匀分布的,随着分裂沟的出现,其附近区域的钙浓度显著升高,而胞内其他区域的钙浓度则保持不变.双波长荧光比例成像排除了荧光染料分布不均匀造成的干扰,为钙信号与胚胎分裂的密切关系提供了确凿的定量依据.  相似文献   

目的建立利用斑马鱼胚胎快速鉴定真核质粒中目的基因表达的实验体系。方法选20枚斑马鱼受精卵,在显微镜下每隔1h记录胚胎的发育情况。另选250枚单细胞期斑马鱼胚胎,平均分成5组,一组胚胎作为对照,剩余4组分别向胚胎的单细胞内注射pEGFP-N1(真核表达质粒)、pCMV-DsRed-Express2(真核表达质粒)、pET28-GFP(原核表达质粒)、pET28-RFP(原核表达质粒)质粒,在不同时间点连续观察绿色荧光及红色荧光的表达情况。另选600枚单细胞期斑马鱼胚胎,平均分成3组,一组胚胎作为对照,一组向胚胎单细胞内注射pEGFP-N1质粒,另外一组向胚胎单细胞内注射pEGFP-N1-MUC1外源基因融合重组质粒,注射4h后在荧光显微镜下观察绿色荧光的表达情况,并用RT-PCR的方法检测目的基因MUC1mRNA的转录情况。结果注射pEGFP-N1、pCMV-DsRed-Express2真核表达质粒的胚胎,注射4h后分别观察到很强的绿色荧光及红色荧光;注射pET28-GFP、pET28-RFP原核表达质粒的胚胎,10h内都未观察到绿色荧光及红色荧光;注射pEGFP-N1-MUC1外源基因融合质粒,注射4h后同样...  相似文献   

Many homeotic MADS-box genes have been identified as controllers of the floral transition and floral development. However, information regarding Bsister (Bs)-function genes in monocots is still limited. Here, we describe the functional characterization of a Bs-group MADS-box gene FEMALE-STERILE (FST), whose frame-shift mutation (fst) results in abnormal ovules and the complete abortion of zygotic embryos and endosperms in rice. Anatomical analysis showed that the defective development in the fst mutant exclusively occurred in sporophytic tissues including integuments, fertilized proembryos and endosperms. Analyses of the spatio-temporal expression pattern revealed that the prominent FST gene products accumulated in the inner integument, nucellar cell of the micropylar side, apical and base of the proembryos and free endosperm nuclei. Microarray and gene ontology analysis unraveled substantial changes in the expression level of many genes in the fst mutant ovules and seeds, with a subset of genes involved in several developmental and hormonal pathways appearing to be down-regulated. Using both forward and reverse genetics approaches, we demonstrated that rice FST plays indispensable roles and multiple functions during ovule and early seed development. These findings support a novel function for the Bs-group MADS-box genes in plants.  相似文献   

We have reported that the animal pole cells stimulate the ventral mesoderm of early gastrula Xenopus embryo (stage 10) to differentiate into erythrocytes. To determine the molecular mechanism(s) involved in the stimulatory effect of the animal pole, ventral mesoderm explants were cultured in the presence of various defined cellular factors. In this study, we report that murine stem cell factor (SCF) stimulates globin expression at the optimum dose of 10 ng/ml. Globin expression was observed from the ventral mesoderm explants treated with SCF, but not from the dorsal mesoderm and the animal pole explants. Morphological studies of the ventral mesoderm treated with SCF showed that only a certain population of the ventral mesoderm differentiates into erythrocytes. On the other hand, coculture of ventral mesoderm and animal pole revealed the differentiation of the entire structures into mesenchyme, blood cells, and the overlying epidermis. These data suggest that SCF may play a role in the stimulation of erythrocytic differentiation, but the effect of the animal pole cells cannot be replaced with that of SCF.  相似文献   

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