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Summary Nerve cell types of the lateral geniculate body of man were investigated with the use of a transparent Golgi technique that allows study of not only the cell processes but also the pigment deposits. Three types of neurons have been distinguished:Type-I neurons are medium-to large-sized multipolar nerve cells with radiating dendrites. Dendritic excrescences can often be encountered close to the main branching points. Type-I neurons comprise a variety of forms and have a wide range of dendritic features. Since all intermediate forms can be encountered as well, it appears inadequate to subdivide this neuronal type. One pole of the cell body contains numerous large vacuolated lipofuscin granules, which stain weakly with aldehyde fuchsin.Type-II and type-III neurons are small cells with few, sparsely branching and extended dendrites devoid of spines. In Golgi preparations they cannot be distinguished from each other. Pigment preparations reveal that the majority of these cells contains small and intensely stained lipofuscin granules within their cell bodies (type II), whereas a small number of them remains devoid of any pigment (type III). Intermediate forms do not occur.  相似文献   

Summary With the aid of a newly developed technique for the successive examination of both the Golgi and pigment picture of individual neurons (Braak, 1974a) Braak (1974b) demonstrated that within lamina II and upper lamina III of the human isocortex, heavily pigmented non-pyramidal cells are distributed irregularly and sparsely. The lipofuscin pigment granules serve as excellent internal markers to identify these non-pyramidal cells in ultrathin sections. This favourable circumstance facilitates the study of these interneurons in the electron microscope.The heavily pigmented non-pyramidal cells are small, spherical to ovoid with diameters of about 12–15 m. One pole of the cell comprising a large cytoplasmic area gives rise to a few dendrites, while the other pole is occupied by the nucleus and in some cases is in close apposition to another nerve cell body. The nucleus is deeply invaginated by the large cytoplasmic area and occasionally displays nuclear inclusions. Among the usual organelles distributed within the large cytoplasmic area the mitochondria with a moderately electron dense matrix are abundant and the coarse lipofuscin pigment granules are the most striking elements. The latter contain densely packed filamentous or tubular material and a single vacuole. The perikaryon rarely receives more than 3 type I and type II synapses per section per cell, whereas the dendrites receive numerous synapses of both type I and type II. Within the apposition zone to another nerve cell body (which in no case is a heavily pigmented non-pyramidal cell) puncta adhaerentia occur and also contacts in which the cleft of 8 nm is intersected by a dense stratum.Some of the ultrastructural findings are summarized in the schematic drawing of Figure 15.  相似文献   

Anterior dorsal ventricular ridge (ADVR) is a major subcortical, telencephalic nucleus in snakes. Its structure was studied in Nissl, Golgi, and electron microscopic preparations in several species of snakes. Neurons in ADVR form a homogeneous population. They have large nuclei, scattered cisternae of rough endoplasmic reticulum in their cytoplasm, and bear dendrites from all portions of their somata. The dendrites have a moderate covering of pedunculated spines. Clusters of two to five cells with touching somata can be seen in Nissl, Golgi, and electron microscopic preparations. The area of apposition may contain a series of specialized junctions which resemble gap junctions. Three populations of axons can be identified in rapid Golgi preparations of snake ADVR. Type 1 axons course from the lateral forebrain bundle and bear small varicosities about 1 mu long. Type 2 axons arise from ADVR neurons and bear large varicosities about 5 mu long. The origin of the very thin type 3 axons is not known; they bear small varicosities about 1 mu long. The majority of axon terminals in ADVR are small (1 mu to 2 mu long), contain round synaptic vesicles, and form asymmetric active zones. This type of axon terminates on dendritic spines and shafts and on somata. A small percentage of terminals are large, 5 mu in length, contain round synaptic vesicles, and form asymmetric active zones. This type of axon terminates only on dendritic spines. A small percentage of terminals are small, contain pleomorphic synaptic vesicles, and form symmetric active zones. This type of axon terminates on dendritic shafts and on somata.  相似文献   

The structure of a new cell type, termed the medullary neuron (MN) because of its intimate association with the rostral migratory stream (RMS) in the bulbar core, is described in the adult rat olfactory bulb. The MN is a triangular or polygonal interneuron whose soma lies between the cellular clusters of the RMS or, less frequently, among the neuron progenitors therein. MNs are easily distinguished from adjacent cells by their large size and differentiated structure. Two MN subtypes have been categorized by the Golgi technique: spiny pyramidal neurons and aspiny neurons. Both MN subtypes bear a large dendritic field impinged upon by axons in the core bulbar white matter. A set of collaterals from the adjacent axons appears to terminate on the MN dendrites. The MN axon passes in close apposition to adjacent neuron progenitors in the RMS. MNs are immunoreactive with antisera raised against gamma-aminobutyric acid and glutamate decarboxylase 65/67. Electron-microscopic observations confirm that MNs correspond to fully differentiated, mature neurons. MNs seem to be highly conserved among macrosmatic species as they occur in Nissl-stained brain sections from mouse, guinea pig, and hedgehog. Although the functional role of MNs remains to be determined, we suggest that MNs represent a cellular interface between endogenous olfactory activity and the differentiation of new neurons generated during adulthood.  相似文献   

Brine shrimp (Artemia salina) were prepared for light and electron microscopy at several stages. Immersion-fixed, rapid Golgi impregnations demonstrated two distinct neuronal types in thoracic appendages of mature, freely swimming Artemia. Isolated motor neurons had large cell somas and thick, radiating dendrites at the body wall-limb junction. A long, elaborate axon extended into the limb. Groups of a second type of neuron with smaller somas and very thin, radiating processes occurred in the distal limb near presumably tactile bristles. Thick axons from motor neurons were traced to terminals associated with limb muscle. Both muscle and axon were best seen with Nomarski optics. Motor axons possessed elongate, irregularly shaped boutons en passant and morphologically variable boutons terminaux; the latter included huge endings with knobbed projectiles arising from thick collaterals, or smaller, round boutons from thin collaterals. In addition, a thick unidentified axon coursed longitudinally within the central body wall, sending short collaterals peripherally. The elaborate peripheral neurons described in this Golgi study may be anatomical correlates for the extraordinary coordination of mature brine shrimp. Because Artemia movements resemble those of leech and decapods, which have been studied extensively electrophysiologically, the possibility of similarly elaborate peripheral structures supplementing central control of locomotion in those invertebrates should be considered.  相似文献   

Summary It can be demonstrated with the aid of Golgi-, Nissl-, and pigment preparations that the Betz cells represent a homogeneous class of giant cells within the human brain, which can readily be distinguished from other large pyramids by their densely aggregated lipofuscin deposits. In addition to the primary motor field (4, Brodmann), there exists only a small area on the medial surface of the hemisphere in front of the central sulcus which also contains large Betz pyramids in layer Vb. This recently discovered gigantopyramidal field is almost totally buried in the depth of the cingulate sulcus (Braak, 1976b). Compared with the Betz cells of the primary motor field (4, Brodmann), those of the cingulate area display numerous primitive traits. A small number of short basal dendrites springs off from the cell body. The apical dendrite forks in a short distance from the perikaryon repeatedly but issues only few side branches. A spine-free proximal dendritic segment is poorly developed or lacking. Moreover, numerous spines are encountered along the surface of the soma. In view of their primitive features the large pyramids of the cingulate gigantopyramidal area are interpreted as the forerunners of the precentral Betz pyramids.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Br 317/7). Dedicated to Prof. Dr. med. Drs. h.c. W. Bargmann in honour of this 70th birthday  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of somatostatin-immunoreactive cells and processes throughout the human entorhinal region and subjacent white matter was examined either by the unlabelled antibody-enzyme method or by the avidin-biotin method. The brain slices were obtained at autopsy with a short post-mortem delay. The majority of somatostatin immunoreactive nerve cells was found in the inner principal layer and subjacent white matter. In addition, individually scattered immunoreactive neurons were observed in both the outer principal layer and lamina dissecans. The immunoreactive perikarya varied in shape and ranged in size from 10 to 30 m. Without exception the neurons could be classified as belonging to the group of non-pyramidal neurons. Each neuron gave rise to a few thick dendrites and a thin axon with a beaded appearance. In the adult human brain, the pattern formed by lipofuscin granules deposited in the nerve cells can be considered characteristic for the type of the neuron. Therefore, immunoreactive perikarya were documented, destained of chromogen and restained to demonstrate lipofuscin pigment and basophilic substance. It became evident from these studies that the previously immunoreactive cells were characterized by a large rounded and eccentrically located nucleus, sparse basophilic substance and, in most cases, a lack of lipofuscin granules. A few of the immunoreactive cells were laden with coarse pigment granules. The findings permit classification of entorhinal somatostatin-immunoreactive neurons as either non-pigmented or pigment-laden non-pyramidal neurons.Dedicated to Prof. Dr. J. Lang, Würzburg, on the occasion of his 65th birthdayA portion of the results has been presented at the annual meeting of the European Neuroscience Association 1986 in Marseille, France (Friederich-Ecsy et al. 1986)  相似文献   

Lipofuscin, an autofluorescent age pigment, occurs in enteric neurons. Due to its broad excitation and emission spectra, it overlaps with commonly used fluorophores in immunohistochemistry. We investigated the pattern of lipofuscin pigmentation in neurofilament (NF)-reactive nitrergic and non-nitrergic human myenteric neuron types. Subsequently, we tested two methods for reduction of lipofuscin-like autofluorescence. Myenteric plexus/longitudinal muscle wholemounts of small intestines of five patients undergoing surgery for carcinoma (aged between 18 and 69 years) were double stained for NF and neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS). Lipofuscin pigmentation patterns were semiquantitatively evaluated by using confocal laser scanning microscopy with three different excitation wave lengths (one for undisturbed lipofuscin autofluorescence and two for specific labellings). Two pigmentation patterns could be detected in the five NF-reactive neuron types investigated. In nitrergic/spiny as well as in non-nitrergic/stubby neurons, coarse, intensely autofluorescent pigment granules were prominent. In non-nitrergic type II, III and V neurons, a fine granular, diffusely distributed and less intensely autofluorescent pigment was obvious. After incubation of wholemounts in either CuSO4 or Sudan black B solutions, unspecific autofluorescence could be substantially reduced whereas specific NF and nNOS fluorescence remained largely unaffected. We conclude that NF immunohistochemistry is useful for morphological representation of subpopulations of human myenteric neurons. The lipofuscin pigmentation in human myenteric neurons reveals at least two different patterns which can be related to distinct neuron types. Incubations of multiply stained whole mounts in both CuSO4 or Sudan black B are suitable methods for reducing autofluorescence thus facilitating discrimination between specific (immunohistochemical) and non-specific (lipofuscin) fluorescence.  相似文献   

The present investigation continues a previous study in which the soma-dendrite system of sensory neurons was excited by stretch deformation of the peripheral dendrite portions. Recording was done with intracellular leads which were inserted into the cell soma while the neuron was activated orthodromically or antidromically. The analysis was also extended to axon conduction. Crayfish, Procambarus alleni (Faxon) and Orconectes virilis (Hagen), were used. 1. The size and time course of action potentials recorded from the soma-dendrite complex vary greatly with the level of the cell's membrane potential. The latter can be changed over a wide range by stretch deformation which sets up a "generator potential" in the distal portions of the dendrites. If a cell is at its resting unstretched equilibrium potential, antidromic stimulation through the axon causes an impulse which normally overshoots the resting potential and decays into an afternegativity of 15 to 20 msec. duration. The postspike negativity is not followed by an appreciable hyperpolarization (positive) phase. If the membrane potential is reduced to a new steady level a postspike positivity appears and increases linearly over a depolarization range of 12 to 20 mv. in various cells. At those levels the firing threshold of the cell for orthodromic discharges is generally reached. 2. The safety factor for conduction between axon and cell soma is reduced under three unrelated conditions, (a) During the recovery period (2 to 3 msec.) immediately following an impulse which has conducted fully over the cell soma, a second impulse may be delayed, may invade the soma partially, or may be blocked completely. (b) If progressive depolarization is produced by stretch, it leads to a reduction of impulse height and eventually to complete block of antidromic soma invasion, resembling cathodal block, (c) In some cells, when the normal membrane potential is within several millivolts of the relaxed resting state, an antidromic impulse may be blocked and may set up within the soma a local potential only. The local potential can sum with a second one or it may sum with potential changes set up in the dendrites, leading to complete invasion of the soma. Such antidromic invasion block can always be relieved by appropriate stretch which shifts the membrane potential out of the "blocking range" nearer to the soma firing level. During the afterpositivity of an impulse in a stretched cell the membrane potential may fall below or near the blocking range. During that period another impulse may be delayed or blocked. 3. Information regarding activity and conduction in dendrites has been obtained indirectly, mainly by analyzing the generator action under various conditions of stretch. The following conclusions have been reached: The large dendrite branches have similar properties to the cell body from which they arise and carry the same kind of impulses. In the finer distal filaments of even lightly depolarized dendrites, however, no axon type all-or-none conduction occurs since the generator potential persists to a varying degree during antidromic invasion of the cell. With the membrane potential at its resting level the dendrite terminals contribute to the prolonged impulse afternegativity of the soma. 4. Action potentials in impaled axons and in cell bodies have been compared. It is thought that normally the over-all duration of axon impulses is shorter. Local activity during reduction of the safety margin for conduction was studied. 5. An analysis was made of high frequency grouped discharges which occasionally arise in cells. They differ in many essential aspects from the regular discharges set up by the generator action. It is proposed that grouped discharges occur only when invasion of dendrites is not synchronous, due to a delay in excitation spread between soma and dendrites. Each impulse in a group is assumed to be caused by an impulse in at least one of the large dendrite branches. Depolarization of dendrites abolishes the grouped activity by facilitating invasion of the large dendrite branches.  相似文献   

N Ulfig  H Braak 《Acta anatomica》1989,134(3):237-241
Three neuronal types constituting the magnocellular nuclei of the human basal forebrain have been differentiated with the aid of preparations stained for both Nissl material and pigment deposits: type I = large multipolar neurons contain loosely packed and faintly stained lipofuscin granules occupying a large portion of the cell body; type II = large spindle-shaped neurons reveal a densely packed accumulation of coarse and intensely stained lipofuscin granules, and type III = small nerve cells, scattered among these large neuronal components, with only a small number of faintly stained lipofuscin granules. The determination of the projection areas of the somata of the three neuronal types has led to a distribution pattern with three peaks. The ratio of the nerve cell types has been evaluated: 73.6% type I; 8.6% type II, and 17.8% type III neurons.  相似文献   

Summary Inverted pyramidal neurons are very abundant in the cerebral cortex of the adult reeler mutant mouse. Two types of inverted pyramid are found in rapid Golgi impregnations. In the first type the axon starts from the base of the cell body and bends towards the white matter. In the second type, which is more common, the axon emerges from the apical dendritic tree and descends directly towards the white matter.Despite its abnormal topography, the site of origin of the axon in pyramids of the second type displays a normal differentiation, when analysed with the electron microscopic Golgi technique, suggesting that the ectopic initial axon segment is able to fulfil its normal functions.  相似文献   

Summary Three giant horizontal-motion-sensitive (HS) neurons arise in the lobula plate. Their axons terminate ipsilaterally in the medial deutocerebrum and suboesophageal ganglion. Both Golgi impregnations and cobalt fills demonstrate that endings of the two HS cells, representing the upper and middle third of the retina, differ in shape and location from that of the HS cell subtending the lower third of the eye. This dichotomy is reflected by the terminals of a pair of centrifugal horizontal cells (CH), one of which invades lobula plate neuropil subtending the upper two-thirds of the retina. The other overlaps the dendrites of the HS cell subtending the lower one-third of the retina.The HS cells are cobalt-coupled to a variety of complexly arborizing descending neurons. In Musca domestica, gap-junction-like apposition areas have been observed between HS axon collaterals and descending neuron dendrites. The three HS cells also share conventional chemical synapses with postsynaptic elements, which include the dendritic spines of descending neurons. Unlike the giant vertical-motion-sensitive neurons of the lobula plate, whose relationships with descending neurons appear to be relatively simple, the horizontal cells end on a large number of descending neurons where they comprise one of several different populations of terminals. These descending neurons terminate within various centres of the thoracic ganglia, including neuropil supplying leg, neck, and flight muscle.  相似文献   

Summary The electromotor system of the electric catfish (Malapterurus electricus) consists of two large ganglion cells situated in the spinal cord, two single axons containing electric nerves and two large electric organs with several million electroplaque cells. The small, irregularly stacked electroplaque cells possess at their center a crater-like indentation from which a stalk like protrusion arises. Many synaptic contacts derived from a single axon collateral are carried on lobe-like protrusions at the terminal knob of this stalk. The electric nerve consists of a large myelinated axon (diameter: 25 m) surrounded by many layers of connective tissue cells. The two ganglion cells (200 m in diameter) are rich in elements of the rough endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus and lysosomal structures. The cytoplasm of the soma changes its appearance towards the voluminous axon hillock (50 m in diameter) which these organelles do not enter. The cell soma is perforated in a tunnel-like manner by blood capillaries, axons and processes of glial cells. The cell soma and dendrites are covered with two types of synapse. One type forms mixed chemical and electrical (gap junctions) contacts with intermediate attachment plaques. The other type is only chemical in nature. This system may be useful in the study of an identified vertebrate giant neuron.  相似文献   

Neuron morphology is frequently used to classify cell-types in the mammalian cortex. Apart from the shape of the soma and the axonal projections, morphological classification is largely defined by the dendrites of a neuron and their subcellular compartments, referred to as dendritic spines. The dimensions of a neuron’s dendritic compartment, including its spines, is also a major determinant of the passive and active electrical excitability of dendrites. Furthermore, the dimensions of dendritic branches and spines change during postnatal development and, possibly, following some types of neuronal activity patterns, changes depending on the activity of a neuron. Due to their small size, accurate quantitation of spine number and structure is difficult to achieve (Larkman, J Comp Neurol 306:332, 1991). Here we follow an analysis approach using high-resolution EM techniques. Serial block-face scanning electron microscopy (SBFSEM) enables automated imaging of large specimen volumes at high resolution. The large data sets generated by this technique make manual reconstruction of neuronal structure laborious. Here we present NeuroStruct, a reconstruction environment developed for fast and automated analysis of large SBFSEM data sets containing individual stained neurons using optimized algorithms for CPU and GPU hardware. NeuroStruct is based on 3D operators and integrates image information from image stacks of individual neurons filled with biocytin and stained with osmium tetroxide. The focus of the presented work is the reconstruction of dendritic branches with detailed representation of spines. NeuroStruct delivers both a 3D surface model of the reconstructed structures and a 1D geometrical model corresponding to the skeleton of the reconstructed structures. Both representations are a prerequisite for analysis of morphological characteristics and simulation signalling within a neuron that capture the influence of spines.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of lipofuscin granules in neuroglial cells of the optic nerve of the Formosan Rock-Monkey was investigated by electron microscopy. In the cytoplasm of astroglial cells, numerous irregular lipofuscin granules were characterized by the presence of large lipid droplets, small electron-dense pigment granules, and some lamellar structures. The lipofuscin granules of the oligodendroglial cells were composed largely of dense, coarse pigment granules, multilinear structures, and a few small lipid droplets. The lipofuscin granules in microglial cells were characterized by numerous lipid droplets in various sizes, small electron-dense pigment granules, and prominent lamellar structures. It was reported that the lipofuscin granules are wear-and-tear materials and products from the cells in lower functional activity. However, our observations suggest that the presence of lipofuscin granules in the neuroglial cells of the optic nerve is likely a characteristic product of active phagocytosis.  相似文献   

The external and internal fine structure of the housefly interfacetal hair and its sensory dendrite was studied with the scanning and transmission (high and low voltage) electron microscopes. The hair shaft contains no dendrites, and is usually situated within a socket on the lens surface. Immediately beneath and directly connected to the base of each hair is a bipolar neuron whose dendrite tip is enveloped in a shealth cell which, in turn, is surrounded by a second sheath cell. Septate junctions are seen between all these cells and contiguous portions of a large pigment cell. At the hair base, the dendrite of the neuron terminates in a tubular body only 1.5 mum in diameter which is filled with about 400 microtubules in highly ordered (in parallel pentagonal and hexagonal) arrays and whose sides are fused to neurofilaments in parallel. Another filament (ca. 70 A diameter) is in the center of each microtubule-neurofilament polygon. Structures proximal to the tubular body are typical for a scolopoid sensillum, i.e., connecting cilium (9 times 2 + 0 microtubules) with rootlet and basal bodies, unmodified dendrite, perikaryon and axon. The axon has not been traced to its synapse. The high degree of internal organization and shortness of the tubular body, as well as its eccentric insertion into the hair shaft lead to the hypothesis that this hair may be a highly sensitive mechanoreceptor. On the basis of their single innervation, these hairs could monitor flight speed from the degree of hair deflection caused by wind in general or particular laminar air currents flowing past the eyes during flight.  相似文献   

M Gioia  R Bianchi 《Acta anatomica》1992,144(2):127-134
A morphoquantitative analysis was carried out to clarify the cytoarchitectural organization of the paramedian pontine reticular formation (PPRF) which is considered to be an important site in the control of eye movements. The study was carried out on the cat, using the Golgi staining method. The topographic position and detailed structure of the neurons were demonstrated using morphoquantitative methods. On the basis of their neuronal arborization, fusiform neurons and two types of multipolar cells were identified. Fusiform neurons show dendrites which are given off from the two poles of the small- to medium-sized cell body. The arborization generally runs caudorostrally, ending inside the PPRF. These neurons are ubiquitous. Type 1 multipolar neurons, the most frequent elements of the neuronal population (60%), have a small- to large-sized cell body from which 2 or 3 primary spiny dendrites and the axon emerge. Their dendritic field is oval and generally oriented in the vertical plane. These neurons are scattered everywhere in the PPRF. Type 2 multipolar cells are large neurons endowed with numerous primary spiny dendrites constituting a wide round dendritic field and with a thick axon. They are located almost exclusively at the boundaries of the PPRF and preferentially in the caudal region. The characteristics of the neurons suggest that the fusiform cells may play an interneuronal role, while the multipolar neurons could have both a projective function and an important receptive role for the afferent fibers to the PPRF. The lack of homogeneity found among the multipolar neurons is in agreement with the variety of projective elements shown by functional investigations.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Emerging aspects of membrane traffic in neuronal dendrite growth   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Polarized growth of the neuron would logically require some form of membrane traffic to the tip of the growth cone, regulated in conjunction with other trafficking processes that are common to both neuronal and non-neuronal cells. Unlike axons, dendrites are endowed with membranous organelles of the exocytic pathway extending from the cell soma, including both rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and the ER-Golgi intermediate compartment (ERGIC). Dendrites also have satellite Golgi-like cisternal stacks known as Golgi outposts that have no membranous connections with the somatic Golgi. Golgi outposts presumably serve both general and specific local trafficking needs, and could mediate membrane traffic required for polarized dendritic growth during neuronal differentiation. Recent findings suggest that dendritic growth, but apparently not axonal growth, relies very much on classical exocytic traffic, and is affected by defects in components of both the early and late secretory pathways. Within dendrites, localized processes of recycling endosome-based exocytosis regulate the growth of dendritic spines and postsynaptic compartments. Emerging membrane traffic processes and components that contribute specifically to dendritic growth are discussed.  相似文献   

Fine structure of an octopaminergic neuron and its terminals   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The large octopaminergic dorsal unpaired median neuron of the locust that innervates the extensor tibiae muscle, DUMETi, was examined electronmicroscopically. Its soma contains many Golgi complexes apparently making dense-core vesicles similar to those found in peripheral branches and terminals. There are also larger stores of the dense material in the soma, especially near the exit of the principal neurite, that are not in vesicular form. Since the neurons can be penetrated and stimulated by microelectrodes, they form favorable subjects for direct studies of the control of neurosecretion. Preterminal fine branches of the neuron were located in proximal outer bundles of muscle fibers into which they had been traced electrophysiologically. They contain numerous large dense-core vesicles arrayed in rows near microtubules. These fine branches have a thick layer of collagenous connective tissue between the axon and the muscle fiber. Final terminals have varicosities containing many vesicles, lying inside the outer layers of the sarcolemmal complex of muscle fibers. They do not form synaptic structures. Terminals of another DUM neuron, one that innervates the dorsal longitudinal flight muscles (DUMDL), were similar in detail to those of DUMETi. DUMETi swelled about 20-fold in cross-sectional area above a ligature, in a 12-hr period, indicating that there is an extensive centrifugal flow of material in it, and sprouted a branch.  相似文献   

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