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During light-induced greening of 10-dayold etiolated bean seedlings a strong increase is observed of ferredoxin (Fd) and of ferredoxin-NADP-oxidoreductase (FNR; E.C. activity, both known to reside in chloroplasts. The production of Fd starts immediately upon illumination and proceeds almost linearly for at least the next 72 h. It is inhibited by chloramphenicol (CAP) but not by cycloheximide (CHI), beit that in the presence of the latter Fd synthesis was impaired after 48 h of illumination. We conclude that for the elaboration of functional Fd in greening chloroplasts protein synthesis on chloroplast ribosomes is required. The increase of FNR activity shows a lag of about 24 h and is blocked by both CAP and CHI. When CAP is applied at 24 h after the illumination started it has no effect. We suggest that the synthesis of FNR on cytoplasmic ribosomes requires prior synthesis of protein(s) on chloroplast ribosomes.The nature of possible interactions between chloroplasts and cytoplasm is discussed.Abbreviations CAP D-threo-chloramphenicol - CHI cycloheximide - DCIP dichlorophenol-indophenol - DEAE diethylaminoethyl - Fd Ferredoxin - FNR ferredoxin-NADP-oxidoreductase - NAR nitrate reductase - NIR nitrite reductase  相似文献   

Summary Incubation of bean hook plasma membrane vesicles in the presence of L-[14C]ascorbate (ASC) resulted in a specific recovery of significant levels of the ligand with the vesicles. The strong decrease in radioactive ASC detected after hypotonic disruption of the vesicles or after an assay at 4 °C indicated that ASC was probably transported from the medium into the lumen of the membrane vesicles. The concentration kinetics of this presumptive transport process revealed a saturation curve which best fitted a biphasic model. Each phase in this model showed Michaelis-Menten type kinetics. The kinetic parameters for the different phases were calculated to be 14 and 79 M (K m1 andK m2) and 26 and 53 pmol/min · mg protein (V max1 andV max2). High concentrations of iso-ascorbate, dehydroascorbate (DHA) or non-labelled ASC significantly reduced the uptake of the radioactive vitamin. It was demonstrated that sugar or amino acid carriers are not involved in the ASC transport reaction. Generation of transmembrane cation gradients (H+, K+, Ca2+, Na+) or addition of sulfhydryl reagents (pCMBS or NEM) did not affect the ASC uptake in any way. It is suggested that ASC is taken up by a facilitated diffusion mechanism.Abbreviations ASC ascorbate - DHA dehydroascorbate - FCCP carbonyl cyanidep-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone - NEM N-ethylmaleimide - pCMBS p-chloromercuribenzenesulfonic acid  相似文献   

Aluminum (Al) represents a widespread environmental pollutant, with severe toxic impacts on plants. In this study, we documented for the first time the structural and functional responses induced by two concentrations of AlCl3 (10?2 M and 10?1 M) in the polytene chromosomes that characterize the chromatin organization in the embryo suspensor cells of Phaseolus coccineus. Polytene chromosomes showed signs of dose-dependent genotoxicity following AlCl3 treatments with a significant increase in both chromatin stickiness and chromatin fragmentation. Polytene chromosomes specifically reacted to AlCl3 also in terms of DNA and RNA puffing activity: with respect to the control, the treatments promoted ex-novo and/or inhibited puff formation along chromosome arms, suggesting a fine modulation of the differential genome activity in response to the treatments. The nuclei of suspensors from control and treated seeds showed nucleoli mainly arranged by more than one NOR-bearing chromosome. In addition, AlCl3 treatments affected the frequency of nucleoli organized by singular organizer chromosomes, with an increase in the frequencies of nucleoli organized by chromosome II and a reduction in the frequencies of those organized by chromosomes I or V. These results confirm that, also in our system, nucleolus may react as stress response organelle.  相似文献   

Summary Observations by light, transmission electron and scanning electron microscopy have shown that intercellular spaces (ICS) are formed schizogenously in expanding leaves ofPhaseolus vulgaris. ICS formation occurs in predictable positions at the junctions between three or more cells, and follows three phases of development. The first, initiation, phase occurs soon after cell division, and is marked by the formation of an electron-dense osmiophilic body, probably proteinaceous, at the end of the cell plate/middle lamella of the daughter cell wall and across the adjacent piece of the primary wall of the mother cell. This part of the mother cell wall is digested, involving cellulolysis. The second phase, of cell separation, is marked by the first appearance of the ICS. InPhaseolus primary leaves this phase begins about day 3 after sowing, at which time the leaf area is about 1 cm2. In the final enlargement phase, lysis of cell wall material continues in the region of the middle lamella, and mechanical tensions arising from the rapid expansion of the lamina lead to further separation of the mesophyll cells so that spaces enlarge and merge.  相似文献   

Pulvinar motor cells ofPhaseolus vulgaris L display transient depolarization of the membrane potential and a turgor pressure decrease when exposed to a pulse of blue light. To analyze the mechanism of the transient depolarization, the effects of some factors such as anoxia, metabolic inhibitors and specific inhibitors of H+-ATPase have been examined. The findings have led to the conclusion that blue light inactivates the electrogenic H+-pumping ATPase in the plasma membrane of the motor cells. This inactivation seems to suppress ion uptake and decrease the turgor pressure of the motor cells.  相似文献   

Summary The location of DNA containing nucleoids has been studied in greening bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) etioplasts using electron microscopy of thin sections and the staining of whole leaf cells with the fluorochrome DAPI. At 0 hours illumination a diffuse sphere of cpDNA surrounds most of the prolamellar body. It appears to be made up of a number of smaller nucleoids and can be asymmetric in location. The DNA appears to be attached to the outside of the prolamellar body and to prothylakoids on its periphery. With illumination the nucleoid takes on a clear ring-like shape around the prolamellar body. The maximum development of the ring-like nucleoid at 5 hours illumination is associated with the outward expansion of the prolamellar body and the outward growth of the prothylakoids. At 5 hours the electron transparent areas lie in between the prothylakoids radiating out from the prolamellar body. Between 5 hours and 15 hours observations are consistent with the growing thylakoids separating the nucleoids as the prolamellar body disappears and the chloroplast becomes more elongate. At 15 hours the fully differentiated chloroplast has discrete nucleoids distributed throughout the chloroplast with evidence of thylakoid attachment. This is the SN (scattered nucleoid) distribution ofKuroiwa et al. (1981) and is also evident in 24 hours and 48 hours chloroplasts which have more thylakoids per granum. The changes in nucleoid location occur without significant changes in DNA levels per plastid, and there is no evidence of DNA or plastid replication.The observations indicate that cpDNA partitioning in dividing SN-type chloroplasts could be achieved by thylakoid growth and effectively accomplish DNA segregation, contrasting with envelope growth segregating nucleoids in PS-type (peripheral scattered nucleoids) chloroplasts. The influence of plastid development on nucleoid location is discussed.  相似文献   

In order to demonstrate in detail the relationship between the longevity and productivity of leaves within a canopy, a new life table approach, the ‘bioeconomic life table’, was applied to the leaves of kidney bean plants (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in relation to planting density and their position within the canopy. The net photosynthetic rate for upper leaves under full daylight tended to decline gradually due to leaf senescence from about 20 days after leaf emergence, and for the lower leaves the decrease was very rapid due to both shading and senescence about 10 days after emergence. Analysis of the survivorship curves and daily surplus production of leaves suggested that the lower and middle leaves, especially the latter, survived without surplus production of dry matter after they had reached mean longevity, and while the upper leaves at high density had a much shorter mean longevity, they had very large values of daily surplus production throughout the survival period. For the total foliage, the summed value of accumulated surplus production during the survival period was about five times as large as the summed value of the dry weight of the dead leaves, regardless of planting density. The daily rate of canopy leaf respiration was almost proportional to that of canopy gross photosynthesis for the various leaf area indices of the canopy, so that there was no optimum leaf area index that maximized canopy daily surplus production.  相似文献   

Summary Conditions and techniques for achieving good nodulation ofPhaseolus vulgaris L. in continuously aerated solution were developed from greenhouse experiments.If nodules had been established, their growth and activity and the growth of the plant were at least as good in solution culture as in gravel culture. Nodule formation was observed within 10 days of inoculation in small volumes of solution culture (1 liter). In large volumes (19 liters), similarly prompt nodulation occurred only if the plants were inoculated before or immediately after the seedlings were transferred to the solution from gravel or vermiculite; and the nodules were restricted to the roots that had been present at the time of transfer. Delayed inoculation, 2 days after transfer to large volume solutions, led to sparse nodulation observed only after 3 weeks. Delay or inhibition of nodulation in large volumes of solution could not be explained by failute of bacteria to colonize roots or by sparsity of root hairs.Nodule initiation in solution culture was severely inhibited at pH below 5.4. An additional problem in growing N2-dependent bean in solution culture was the buildup of Cl to toxic levels in the plant in nitrate-free media, even at solution concentrations as low as 0.4 mM Cl. Daily addition of 0.5 to 1.0 mg N per plant delayed nodule growth and activity slightly, but increased plant growth and alleviated the severe N-deficiency that otherwise developed before the onset of N2-fixation.  相似文献   

A root-specific cDNA clone, PVR3, was isolated from a bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) root cDNA library by a differential screening procedure. The nucleotide sequence of PVR3 contains an open reading frame coding for an 11.14 kDa polypeptide of 102 amino acid residues; the first 25 amino acids correspond to the sequence characteristic of a signal peptide. Comparison of the deduced PVR3 polypeptide sequence with the polypeptide sequences of previously cloned genes indicates that PVR3 may encode a ns-LTP-like protein. Molecular modelling of the PVR3 protein predicts that it has a three-dimensional structure that is similar to the three-dimensional model determined from the maize ns-LTP. The PVR3 mRNA accumulated mainly in the roots of young seedlings. It can be detected at low levels in flowers, but it is not detected in other organs. Genomic Southern blot analysis indicates that the genomic DNA corresponding to PVR3 cDNA is encoded by a single gene or small gene family in the bean genome.  相似文献   

Summary The cotyledon cells ofPisum sativum have high DNA contents. By appropriate culture techniques, some of these cells can be triggered into division. Two types of dividing nuclei were seen. Firstly those that were polyploid with metaphases containing chromosome numbers ranging in value from 4 x to 32 x. Included among these were unexpected numbers equivalent to 12 x and 14 x. Secondly there were cells containing giant polytene chromosomes and these progressed from prophase to a metaphase where the polytene chromosomes separated into constituent single chromosomes.  相似文献   

Summary The origin of the molecular heterogeneity of phaseolin was investigated by studying, both in vivo and in vitro, the synthesis and processing of four different banding types of phaseolin in five cultivars of Phaseolus vulgaris L. The results demonstrate: I) Newly-synthesized (unprocessed) phaseolin in all cultivars is composed of three major components. These differ between cultivars, both in charge and Mr. II) The processing of these precursors is highly conserved and consists of the co-translational cleavage of a signal peptide, two glycosylation steps in the endoplasmic reticulum and a further modification inside the protein bodies to give the mature form. III) Some of the molecular heterogeneity of each phaseolin banding type is due to a different extent of glycosylation of its polypeptide components.  相似文献   

Exploiting the biolistic process we have generated stable transgenic bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) plants with unlinked and linked foreign genes. Co-transformation was conducted using plasmid constructions containing a fusion of the gus and neo genes, which were co-introduced with the methionine-rich 2S albumin gene isolated from the Brazil nut and the antisense sequence of AC1, AC2, AC3 and BC1 genes from the bean golden mosaic geminivirus. The results revealed a co-transformation frequency ranging from 40% to 50% when using unlinked genes and 100% for linked genes. The introduced foreign genes were inherited in a Mendelian fashion in most of the transgenic bean lines. PCR and Southern blot hybridization confirmed the integration of the foreign genes in the plant genome.  相似文献   

By combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry the gibberellin present in suspensors of heart-shaped embryos of Phaseolus coccineus has been identified as Gibberellin A1 (GA1). The amount of GA1 in 2000 suspensors (452 mg), as estimated by gas chromatography. was 4g. The presence of GA1 in suspensors of P. coccineus is discussed in relation to our present knowledge of the occurrence of many gibberellins in developing seeds and immature fruits of the same species.Abbreviations FID flame ionization detector - GA gibberellin - GC gas chromatography - MS mass spectrometry - PGC preparative gas chromatography - Stage A heart-shaped embryo - Stage B cotytedonary embryo - TMS trimethylsilyl  相似文献   

Summary Twelve distinct phenotypic groups of plants were isolated from nondisjunction progenies of 11 translocation heterozygote stocks. All the plants in these phenotypic groups originated in the light weight seed class. Five of the 12 phenotypic groups of plants have been verified as primary trisomics. They are all phenotypically distinguishable from each other and from disomics. One of the five primary trisomic groups, puckered leaf, was directly recovered as a primary trisomic from the original translocation heterozygote progenies. Three of the five trisomics — weak stem, dark green leaf, and convex leaf — originated first as tertiary trisomics. The related primary trisomics were isolated later from progenies of selfed tertiary trisomics. The fifth group, chlorotic leaf, originated at a low frequency among the progenies of three other trisomics: puckered leaf, convex leaf, and dark green leaf. The chlorotic leaf did not set seed under field conditions. The remaining four groups — puckered leaf, dark green leaf, convex leaf, and weak stem — are fertile, though sensitive to high temperature conditions. The transmission rate of the extra chromosome on selfing ranges from 28% to 41%. Physical identification of the extra chromosome has not been achieved for any of the five trisomic groups. Two trisomic groups, dark green leaf and convex leaf, have produced tetrasomics at low frequency. The phenotypes of these two tetrasomics are similar to the corresponding trisomics but more exaggerated.Fla. Agr. Expt. Stn. Journal Series No. 7137  相似文献   

Summary Variation in the native conformation of bean lectins was examined using electrophoresis of non-denatured total protein extracts and purified albumin and globulin lectin. The observed variation was related to the genetic variation reported previously for lectin polypeptide composition as revealed by two-dimensional isoelectricfocusing-sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (IEF-SDS/PAGE). When eleven cultivars with different IEF-SDS/PAGE lectin polypeptide compositions were compared, eight had unique non-denatured lectin patterns and three had identical patterns. For some cultivars differences in non-denatured lectin patterns were observed between the purified albumin and globulin lectin preparations.  相似文献   

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