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The foraging decisions of animals are often influenced by risk of predation and by the renewal of resources. For example, seed-eating gerbils on sand dunes in the Negev Desert of Israel prefer to forage in the bush microhabitat and during darker hours due to risk of predation. Also, daily renewal of seed resource patches and timing of nightly foraging activity in a depleting environment play important roles in species coexistence. We examined how these factors influence the timing of gerbil foraging by quantifying foraging activity in seed resource patches that we experimentally renewed hourly during the night. As in previous work, gerbils showed strong preference for the safe bush microhabitat and foraged less in response to high levels of illumination from natural moon light and from artificial sources. We demonstrate here for the first time that gerbils also responded to temporal and spatial heterogeneity in predatory risk through their timing of activity over the course of each night. Typically, gerbils concentrated their activity early in the night, but this changed with moon phase and in response to added illumination. These results can be understood in terms of the nature of patch exploitation by gerbils and the role played by the marginal value of energy in determining the cost of predation. They further show the dynamic nature of gerbil foraging decisions, with animals altering foraging efforts in response to time, microhabital, moon phase, illumination, and resource availability.  相似文献   

In the foraging game between gerbils and their predators, gerbils manage risk of predation using the tools of time allocation (where, when and for how long to forage) and vigilance. The optimal level of a forager's vigilance should be affected by its encounter rate with predators and the effectiveness of its vigilance in reducing mortality risk. The physical structure of the environment can alter the effectiveness of its vigilance and therefore alter its foraging behaviour. We tested this for gerbils at risk of predation from barn owls or foxes in a large vivarium. In particular, we reduced the effectiveness of vigilance by placing obstructions around feeding trays that blocked sight lines along either the vertical (vigilance directed against owls) or horizontal axis (vigilance directed against foxes), thereby changing the physical structure of the environment. In addition, we manipulated the presence of foxes and owls. In general, gerbils harvested fewer seeds, allocated less time to foraging in dangerous patches, and used more vigilance while foraging where and when risks were higher (i.e. in the presence of predators and in bright moonlight). Vertical and horizontal sightline treatments interacted synergistically to further raise perceived risk. These results imply that blocking sight lines reduces the effectiveness of vigilance, causing gerbils to use it less. Moreover, in the presence of a predator, the gerbils’ response to the blocked sightlines was more severe – harvesting less food and spending less time and vigilance – in the patches with the increased risk. This was especially so in the presence of the predator that was expected to most benefit from blocking that particular type of sight line: cover that blocked vertical sight lines was riskiest in the presence of owls, and cover that blocked horizontal sight lines was riskiest in the presence of foxes. These results strongly indicate the importance of sightlines and landscape features such as bushes in the risk management and forging decisions of gerbils, demonstrating that bush cover provides mixed blessing to gerbils by providing cover, but making vigilance ineffective.  相似文献   

Agricultural farming is a major consumer of global arable lands and has a direct effect on species decline through habitat destruction. However, agricultural endeavours can also evoke indirect threats that will result in behavioural modifications of indigenous species. In a desert ecosystem, where a political border led to a farming dichotomy between intensive cultivates in Israel and intact lands in Jordan, we compared the foraging behaviours and abundances of the red fox and two species of gerbils, close to and distant from farms, and during two moon phases. We estimated fox and gerbil foraging levels by track counts, and measured gerbil time allocation, vigilance and apprehension by the giving-up density method. While foxes were significantly more abundant and active at locations close to farms, gerbils were significantly more abundant and active at locations distant from farms. Moreover, the typical reduction in food consumption during full-moon nights was exhibited only at locations close to farms. These results could suggest that indicators of predation risk, such as illumination intensity or distance to cover, are not universal, and their effectiveness may depend indirectly on anthropogenic activities, such as agricultural farming. The results could also suggest that although intensive agricultural endeavours benefit foxes, they might increase the predatory pressure on gerbils in addition to the already known effects of habitat loss. Therefore, agriculture acts as a double-edged sword by reducing natural habitats, while at the same time changing the predator–prey natural balance.  相似文献   

Animals experiencing a trade-off between predation risk and resource acquisition must accurately predict ambient levels of predation risk to maximize fitness. We measure this trade-off explicitly in larvae of the damselfly Enallagma antennatum, comparing consumption rates in the presence of chemical cues from predators and injured prey. Damselflies distinguished among types of chemical cues based on species of prey injured or eaten. Injured coexisting heterospecific and unknown heterospecific chemical cues did not reduce foraging relative to starved predator cues, while cues arising from predators eating a coexisting heterospecific did decrease foraging. This study shows a cost in terms of reduced foraging in response to chemical cues and further defines the ability of prey to respond discerningly to chemical cues.  相似文献   

Hazardous duty pay and the foraging cost of predation   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
We review the concepts and research associated with measuring fear and its consequences for foraging. When foraging, animals should and do demand hazardous duty pay. They assess a foraging cost of predation to compensate for the risk of predation or the risk of catastrophic injury. Similarly, in weighing foraging options, animals tradeoff food and safety. The foraging cost of predation can be modelled, and it can be quantitatively and qualitatively measured using risk titrations. Giving‐up densities (GUDs) in depletable food patches and the distribution of foragers across safe and risky feeding opportunities are two frequent experimental tools for titrating food and safety. A growing body of literature shows that: (i) the cost of predation can be big and comprise the forager's largest foraging cost, (ii) seemingly small changes in habitat or microhabitat characteristics can lead to large changes in the cost of predation, and (iii) a forager's cost of predation rises with risk of mortality, the forager's energy state and a decrease in its marginal value of energy. In titrating for the cost of predation, researchers have investigated spatial and temporal variation in risk, scale‐dependent variation in risk, and the role of predation risk in a forager's ecology. A risk titration from a feeding animal often provides a more accurate behavioural indicator of predation risk than direct observations of predator‐inflicted mortality. Titrating for fear responses in foragers has some well‐established applications and holds promise for novel methodologies, concepts and applications. Future directions for expanding conceptual and empirical tools include: what are the consequences of foraging costs arising from interference behaviours and other sources of catastrophic loss? Are there alternative routes by which organisms can respond to tradeoffs of food and safety? What does an animal's landscape of fear look like as a spatially explicit map, and how do various environmental factors affect it? Behavioural titrations will help to illuminate these issues and more.  相似文献   

Patch use in time and space for a meso-predator in a risky world   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Predator–prey studies often assume a three trophic level system where predators forage free from any risk of predation. Since meso-predators themselves are also prospective prey, they too need to trade-off between food and safety. We applied foraging theory to study patch use and habitat selection by a meso-predator, the red fox. We present evidence that foxes use a quitting harvest rate rule when deciding whether or not to abandon a foraging patch, and experience diminishing returns when foraging from a depletable food patch. Furthermore, our data suggest that patch use decisions of red foxes are influenced not just by the availability of food, but also by their perceived risk of predation. Fox behavior was affected by moonlight, with foxes depleting food resources more thoroughly (lower giving-up density) on darker nights compared to moonlit nights. Foxes reduced risk from hyenas by being more active where and when hyena activity was low. While hyenas were least active during moon, and most active during full moon nights, the reverse was true for foxes. Foxes showed twice as much activity during new moon compared to full moon nights, suggesting different costs of predation. Interestingly, resources in patches with cues of another predator (scat of wolf) were depleted to significantly lower levels compared to patches without. Our results emphasize the need for considering risk of predation for intermediate predators, and also shows how patch use theory and experimental food patches can be used for a predator. Taken together, these results may help us better understand trophic interactions.  相似文献   

Temporal variation of antipredatory behavior and a uniform distribution of predation risk over refuges and foraging sites may create foraging patterns different from those anticipated from risk in heterogenous habitats. We studied the temporal variation in foraging behavior of voles exposed to uniform mustelid predation risk and heterogeneous avian predation risk of different levels induced by vegetation types in eight outdoor enclosures (0.25 ha). We manipulated mustelid predation risk with weasel presence or absence and avian predation risk by reducing or providing local cover at experimental food patches. Foraging at food patches was monitored by collecting giving-up densities at artificial food patches, overall activity was automatically monitored, and mortality of voles was monitored by live-trapping and radiotracking. Voles depleted the food to lower levels in the sheltered patches than in the exposed ones. In enclosures with higher avian predation risk caused by lower vegetation height, trays were depleted to lower levels. Unexpectedly, voles foraged in more trays and depleted trays to lower levels in the presence of weasels than in the absence. Weasels match their prey's body size and locomotive abilities and therefore increase predation risk uniformly over both foraging sites and refuge sites that can both be entered by the predator. This reduces the costs of missing opportunities other than foraging. Voles changed their foraging strategy accordingly by specializing on the experimental food patches with predictable returns and probably reduced their foraging in the matrix of natural food source with unpredictable returns and high risk to encounter the weasel. Moreover, after 1 day of weasel presence, voles shifted their main foraging activities to avoid the diurnal weasel. This behavior facilitated bird predation, probably by nocturnal owls, and more voles were killed by birds than by weasels. Food patch use of voles in weasel enclosures increased with time. Voles had to balance the previously missed feeding opportunities by progressively concentrating on artificial food patches.  相似文献   

Urban bird communities exhibit high population densities and low species diversity, yet mechanisms behind these patterns remain largely untested. We present results from experimental studies of behavioral mechanisms underlying these patterns and provide a test of foraging theory applied to urban bird communities. We measured foraging decisions at artificial food patches to assess how urban habitats differ from wildlands in predation risk, missed-opportunity cost, competition, and metabolic cost. By manipulating seed trays, we compared leftover seed (giving-up density) in urban and desert habitats in Arizona. Deserts exhibited higher predation risk than urban habitats. Only desert birds quit patches earlier when increasing the missed-opportunity cost. House finches and house sparrows coexist by trading off travel cost against foraging efficiency. In exclusion experiments, urban doves were more efficient foragers than passerines. Providing water decreased digestive costs only in the desert. At the population level, reduced predation and higher resource abundance drive the increased densities in cities. At the community level, the decline in diversity may involve exclusion of native species by highly efficient urban specialists. Competitive interactions play significant roles in structuring urban bird communities. Our results indicate the importance and potential of mechanistic approaches for future urban bird community studies.  相似文献   

1. Foraging herbivores must deal with plant characteristics that inhibit feeding and they must avoid being eaten. Principally, toxins limit food intake, while predation risk alters how long animals are prepared to harvest resources. Each of these factors strongly affects how herbivores use food patches, and both constraints can pose immediate proximate costs and long-term consequences to fitness. 2. Using a generalist mammalian herbivore, the common brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula), our aim was to quantitatively compare the influence of plant toxin and predation risk on foraging decisions. 3. We performed a titration experiment by offering animals a choice between non-toxic food at a risky patch paired with food with one of five toxin concentrations at a safe patch. This allowed us to identify the tipping point, where the cost of toxin in the safe food patch was equivalent to the perceived predation risk in the alternative patch. 4. At low toxin concentration, animals ate more from the safe than the risky patch. As toxin concentration increased at the safe patch, intake shifted until animals ate mainly from the risky patch. This shift was associated with behavioural changes: animals spent more time and fed longer at the risky patch, while vigilance increased at both risky and safe patches. 5. Our results demonstrate that the variation in toxin concentration, which occurs intraspecifically among plants, can critically influence the relative cost of predation risk on foraging. We show that herbivores quantify, compare and balance these two different but proximate costs, altering their foraging patterns in the process. This has potential ecological and evolutionary implications for the production of plant defence compounds in relation to spatial variation in predation risk to herbivores.  相似文献   

Australia has had the highest rate of mammal extinctions in the past two centuries when compared to other continents. Frequently cited threats include habitat loss and fragmentation, changed fire regimes and the impact of introduced predators, namely the red fox (Vulpes vulpes) and the feral cat (Felis catus). Recent studies suggest that Australia's top predator, the dingo (Canis dingo), may have a suppressive effect on fox populations but not on cat populations. The landscape of fear hypothesis proposes that habitat used by prey species comprises high to low risk patches for foraging as determined by the presence and ubiquity of predators within the ecosystem. This results in a landscape of risky versus safe areas for prey species. We investigated the influence of habitat and its interaction with predatory mammals on the occupancy of medium‐sized mammals with a focus on threatened macropodid marsupials (the long‐nosed potoroo [Potorous tridactylous] and red‐legged pademelon [Thylogale stigmatica]). We assumed that differential use of habitats would reflect trade‐offs between food and safety. We predicted that medium‐sized mammals would prefer habitats for foraging that reduce the risk of predation but that predators would have a positive relationship with medium‐sized mammals. We variously used data from 298 camera trap sites across nine conservation reserves in subtropical Australia. Both dingoes and feral cats were broadly distributed, whilst the red fox was rare. Long‐nosed potoroos had a strong positive association with dense ground cover, consistent with using habitat complexity to escape predation. Red‐legged pademelons showed a preference for open ground cover, consistent with a reliance on rapid bounding to escape predation. Dingoes preferred areas of open ground cover whereas feral cats showed no specific habitat preference. Dingoes were positively associated with long‐nosed potoroos whilst feral cats were positively associated with red‐legged pademelons. Our study highlights the importance of habitat structure to these threatened mammals and also the need for more detailed study of their interactions with their predators.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of seed size on patch use and diet selection for three co-existing Negev Desert granivores: Allenby's gerbil ( Gerbillus allenbyi ), greater Egyptian sand gerbil ( Gerbillus pyramidum ), and crested lark ( Galerida cristata ). We manipulated size and spatial distribution of seeds in experimental food patches and quantified foraging behavior by measuring giving-up densities (GUDs: the amount of food remaining in a resource patch following exploitation by a forager). In one experiment, we presented small (<1.4 mm in diameter cracked wheat), medium (2.0–3.3 mm), and large (>3.4 mm) seeds in separate trays; in a second, we presented small and medium seeds separately and mixed together. Gerbils had a higher handling time efficiency on smaller seeds, but a much higher encounter probability on larger seeds (20 times higher on large than medium seeds, and 2–5 times higher on medium than small seeds). This led gerbils to have significantly lower GUDs on larger seeds than smaller seeds and to harvest a higher proportion of the larger seeds. When presented with rich and poor patches, G. allenbyi tended to equalize GUDs in both patches, indicating a quitting harvest rate rule for patch exploitation. In contrast, larks appeared to use a fixed time rule for patch exploitation. For larks, seed size did not influence encounter probabilities, and they showed no seed-size selectivity. Still, larks had higher handling efficiencies on smaller than larger seeds, and consequently had a significantly lower GUD on small than medium seeds. Despite large differences between the gerbils and larks in their foraging, our results do not support species coexistence via seed-size partitioning: the larks had much higher GUDs than the gerbils on all seed sizes. Nonetheless, seed size, seed abundance, seed distribution and the animal's patch use behavior all played major roles in determining gerbils' and larks' diet selectivities and GUDs.  相似文献   

Predation plays an important role in ecological communities by affecting prey behavior such as foraging and by physical removal of individual prey. In regard to foraging, animals such as desert rodents often balance conflicting demands for food and safety. This has been studied in the field by indirectly manipulating predatory risk through the alteration of cues associated with increased risk such as cover or illumination. It has also been studied by directly manipulating the presence of predators in aviaries. Here, we report on experiments in which we directly manipulated actual predatory risk to desert rodents in the field. We conducted a series of experiments in the field using a trained barn owl (Tyto alba) to investigate how two species of coexisting gerbils (Gerbillus allenbyi and G. pyramidum) respond to various cues of predatory risk in their natural environment. The gerbils responded to risk of predation, in the form of owl flights and owl hunger calls, by reducing their activity in the risky plot relative to the control plot. The strongest response was to owl flights and the weakest to recorded hunger calls of owls. Furthermore, when risk of predation was relatively high, as in the case with barn owl flights, both gerbil species mostly limited their activity to the safer bush microhabitat. The response of the gerbils to risk of predation disappeared very quickly following removal of the treatment, and the gerbils returned to normal levels of activity within the same night. The gerbils did not respond to experimental cues (alarm clock), the presence of the investigators, the presence of a quiet owl, and recorded white noise. Using trained barn owls, we were able to effectively manipulate actual risk of predation to gerbils in natural habitats and to quantify how gerbils alter their behavior in order to balance conflicting demands of food and safety. The method allows assessment of aspects of behavior, population interactions, and community characteristics involving predation in natural habitats.  相似文献   

Predator odours and habitat structure are thought to influence the behaviour of small mammalian prey, which use them as cues to reduce risks of predation. We tested this general hypothesis for house mice, Mus domesticus, by manipulating fox odour density via addition of fox scats and habitat via patchy mowing of vegetation, for populations in 15 × 15-m field enclosures. Using giving-up densities (GUDs), the density of food remaining when an animal quits harvesting a patch, we measured foraging behaviours in response to these treatments. Mice consistently avoided open areas, leaving GUDs two to four times greater in these areas than in densely vegetated patches. However, mouse GUDs did not change in response to the addition of fox scats, even immediately after fresh scats were added. There was no interaction between fox odour and habitat use. We then tested whether habituation to fox odours had occurred, by comparing the individual responses to scats of eight mice born into enclosures with fox scats to those of eight mice born into scat-free enclosures and five wild mice. In smaller enclosures, GUDs of trays with scats did not differ from GUDs of trays without scats for any treatment. We conclude that exposure to high levels of fox odours did not alter the foraging behaviour of mice, but that mice did reduce foraging in areas where habitat was removed, perceiving predation risk to be greater in these areas than controls. We suggest further that studies using the ‘scat-at-trap’ technique, which have shown avoidance of predator odours by mice and other small mammals, may overestimate the general avoidance of predator odours by free-living prey, which must forage with a constant background of predator odours.  相似文献   

Vigilance allows individuals to escape from predators, but it also reduces time for other activities which determine fitness, in particular resource acquisition. The principles determining how prey trade time between the detection of predators and food acquisition are not fully understood, particularly in herbivores because of many potential confounding factors (such as group size), and the ability of these animals to be vigilant while handling food. We designed a fertilization experiment to manipulate the quality of resources, and compared awareness (distinguishing apprehensive foraging and vigilance) of wild impalas (Aepyceros melampus) foraging on patches of different grass height and quality in a wilderness area with a full community of predators. While handling food, these animals can allocate time to other functions. The impalas were aware of their environment less often when on good food patches and when the grass was short. The animals spent more time in apprehensive foraging when grass was tall, and no other variable affected apprehensive behavior. The probability of exhibiting a vigilance posture decreased with group size. The interaction between grass height and patch enrichment also affected the time spent in vigilance, suggesting that resource quality was the main driver when visibility is good, and the risk of predation the main driver when the risk is high. We discuss various possible mechanisms underlying the perception of predation risk: foraging strategy, opportunities for scrounging, and inter-individual interference. Overall, this experiment shows that improving patch quality modifies the trade-off between vigilance and foraging in favor of feeding, but vigilance remains ultimately driven by the visibility of predators by foragers within their feeding patches.  相似文献   

We used the giving-up density (GUD) method and direct observation to study the combined effects of travel distance and microhabitat on foraging behavior of the midday gerbil (Meriones meridianus), which often acts as a central place forager. We provided animals with artificial seed trays in which dry and unhusked pumpkin seeds were mixed with fine sand. Gerbils practiced an eat-and-carry strategy in patches of bush microhabitat that were far from central places (BF patches), and tended to carry all seeds back in the other three treatments. Resource protection, predation risk avoidance and the balance between future and present value of food items may contribute to the eat-and-carry strategy. When distance was held constant, GUDs in open patches were higher than in bush patches, which was consistent with most studies. When microhabitat was held constant, GUDs in nearer patches were normally lower than in farther patches. In most cases, gerbils preferred to carry more seeds back rather than consume them immediately. We concluded that this tendency was due to the gerbils balancing the factors of future value and present value, and individual fitness and inclusive fitness.  相似文献   

A patch selection game is formulated and analyzed. Organisms can forage in one of H patches. Each patch is characterized by the cost of foraging, the density and value of food, the predation risk, and the density of conspecifics. The presence of conspecifics affects the finding and sharing of food, and the predation risk. Optimal foraging theory can be viewed as a "1-person" game against nature in which the optimal patch choice of a specific organism is analyzed assuming that the number of conspecifics in other patches is fixed. In the general game theoretic approach, the behavior of conspecifics is included in the determination of the distinguished organism's strategy. An iterative algorithm is used to compute the solution of the "n-person" game or dynamic ESS, which differs from the optimal foraging theory solution. Experiments to test the proposed theory using rodents and seed trays are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The behavioural response of juvenile bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus) to predation risk when selecting between patches of artificial vegetation differing in food and stem density was investigated. Bluegill foraging activity was significantly affected by all three factors. Regardless of patch stem density or risk of predation bluegills preferred patches with the highest prey number. During each trial bluegill foraging activity was clearly divided into a between- and within-patch component. In the presence of a predator bluegills reduced their between-patch foraging activity by an equivalent amount regardless of patch stem density or food level, apparently showing a risk-adjusting behavioural response to predation risk. Within patches, however, foraging activity was affected by both food level and patch stem density. When foraging in a patch offering a refuge from predation, the presence of a predator had no effect on bluegill foraging activity within this patch. However, if foraging in a patch with only limited refuge potential, bluegill foraging activity was reduced significantly in the presence of a predator. Further, this reduction was significantly greater if the patch contained a low versus a high food level, indicating a risk-balancing response to predation with respect to within-patch foraging activity. Both these responses differ from the risk-avoidance response to predation demonstrated by juvenile bluegills when selecting among habitats. Therefore, our results demonstrate the flexibility of juvenile bluegill foraging behaviour.  相似文献   

Although the behaviour of animals facing the conflicting demands of increasing foraging success and decreasing predation risk has been studied in many taxa, the response of pollinators to variations in both factors has only been studied in isolation. We compared visit rates of two pollinator species, hoverflies and honeybees, to 40 Chrysanthemum segetum patches in which we manipulated predation risk (patches with and without crab spiders) and nectar availability (rich and poor patches) using a full factorial design. Pollinators responded differently to the tradeoff between maximising intake rate and minimising predation risk: honeybees preferred rich safe patches and avoided poor risky patches while the number of hoverflies was highest at poor risky patches. Because honeybees were more susceptible to predation than hoverflies, our results suggest that, in the presence of competition for resources, less susceptible pollinators concentrate their foraging effort on riskier resources, where competition is less severe. Crab spiders had a negative effect on the rate at which inflorescences were visited by honeybees. This effect was mediated through changes in the foraging strategy of honeybees, and could, in principle, be reversed by increasing nectar productivity of inflorescences. Our study shows that both pollinator species responded simultaneously and differently to variations in food reward and predation risk, and highlights the importance of studying the foraging strategies of pollinators in order to fully understand how plant–pollinator interactions are established.  相似文献   

Correct assessment of risks and costs of foraging is vital for the fitness of foragers. Foragers should avoid predation risk and balance missed opportunities. In risk-heterogeneous landscapes animals prefer safer locations over riskier, constituting a landscape of fear. Risk-uniform landscapes do not offer this choice, all locations are equally risky. Here we investigate the effects of predation risk in patches, travelling risk between patches, and missed social opportunities on foraging decisions in risk-uniform and risk-heterogeous landscapes. We investigated patch leaving decisions of 20 common voles (M. arvalis) in three experimental landscapes: safe risk-uniform, risky risk-uniform and risk-heterogeneous. We varied both the predation risk level and the predation risk distribution between two patches experimentally and in steps, assuming that our manipulation consequently yield different distributions and levels of risk while foraging, risk while travelling, and costs of missed, social opportunities (MSOCs). We measured mean GUDs (giving-up density of food left in the patch) for both patches as a measure of foraging gain, and delta GUD, the differences among patches, as a measure of the spatial distribution of foraging effort over a period of six hours. Distribution of foraging effort was most even in the safe risk-uniform landscapes and least even in the risk-heterogeneous landscape, with risky risk-uniform landscapes in between. Foraging gain was higher in the safe than in the two riskier landscapes (both uniform and heterogeneous). Results supported predictions for the effects of risk in foraging patches and while travelling between patches, however predictions for the effects of missed social opportunities were not met in this short term experiment. Thus, both travelling and foraging risk contribute to distinct patterns observable high risk, risk-uniform landscapes.  相似文献   

Summary When given a choice, animals often prefer foraging habitats where predation risk is low, even if such habitats provide reduced foraging opportunities. We evaluated foraging rates of tame but free-ranging Himalayan Snowcocks (Tetraogallus himalayensis) in 16 types of alpine habitats. Foraging rate was highest on level or slightly-sloping terrain and where grasses were relatively abundant. We also observed 102 wild snowcocks and found they were most nervous about raptorial predators when on level or slightly-sloping terrain and in small coveys. Snowcocks face a dilemma: they are most vulnerable to raptors in areas where they can forage most efficiently. During summer snowcocks trade off higher foraging efficiency on level terrain for lower predation risk on steeper terrain. During winter, when raptor numbers are lower, snowcocks apparently revert to using level or slightly-sloping, high-efficiency foraging habitats. Risk of predation plays an important role in habitat selection and resource utilization by snowcocks.  相似文献   

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