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This review addresses the challenges of neuroproteomics and recent progress in biomarkers and tests for neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. The review will discuss how the application of quantitative 2D gel electrophoresis, combined with appropriate single-variable and multivariate biostatistics, allows for selection of disease-specific serum biomarkers. It will also address how the use of large cohorts of specifically targeted patient blood serum samples and complimentary age-matched controls, in parallel with the use of selected panels of these biomarkers, are being applied to the development of blood tests to specifically address unmet pressing needs in the differential diagnosis of these diseases, and to provide potential avenues for mechanism-based drug targeting and treatment monitoring. While exploring recent findings in this area, the review discusses differences in critical pathways of immune/inflammation and amyloid formation between Parkinson's disease and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, as well as discernable synergistic relationships between these pathways that are revealed by this approach. The potential for pathway measurement in blood tests for differential diagnosis, disease burden and therapeutic monitoring is also outlined.  相似文献   

Several chronic neurodegenerative disorders manifest deposits of misfolded or aggregated proteins. Genetic mutations are the root cause for protein misfolding in rare families, but the majority of patients have sporadic forms possibly related to environmental factors. In some cases, the ubiquitin-proteasome system or molecular chaperones can prevent accumulation of aberrantly folded proteins. Recent studies suggest that generation of excessive nitric oxide (NO) and reactive oxygen species (ROS), in part due to overactivity of the NMDA-subtype of glutamate receptor, can mediate protein misfolding in the absence of genetic predisposition. S-Nitrosylation, or covalent reaction of NO with specific protein thiol groups, represents one mechanism contributing to NO-induced protein misfolding and neurotoxicity. Here, we present evidence suggesting that NO contributes to protein misfolding via S-nitrosylating protein-disulfide isomerase or the E3 ubiquitin ligase parkin. We discuss how memantine/NitroMemantine can inhibit excessive NMDA receptor activity to ameliorate NO production, protein misfolding, and neurodegeneration.  相似文献   

This review addresses the challenges of neuroproteomics and recent progress in biomarkers and tests for neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. The review will discuss how the application of quantitative 2D gel electrophoresis, combined with appropriate single-variable and multivariate biostatistics, allows for selection of disease-specific serum biomarkers. It will also address how the use of large cohorts of specifically targeted patient blood serum samples and complimentary age-matched controls, in parallel with the use of selected panels of these biomarkers, are being applied to the development of blood tests to specifically address unmet pressing needs in the differential diagnosis of these diseases, and to provide potential avenues for mechanism-based drug targeting and treatment monitoring. While exploring recent findings in this area, the review discusses differences in critical pathways of immune/inflammation and amyloid formation between Parkinson’s disease and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, as well as discernable synergistic relationships between these pathways that are revealed by this approach. The potential for pathway measurement in blood tests for differential diagnosis, disease burden and therapeutic monitoring is also outlined.  相似文献   

多巴胺调控人类的情绪和认识能力,包括思想、感觉、理解、推理等,同时,它也在人类的运动功能中发挥重要作用。研究表明多巴胺的合成、储存、释放、降解和重摄取等失衡均与中枢神经系统的多种退行性疾病有密切联系,同时许多治疗疾病的有效药物也围绕多巴胺的研究而产生,如多巴胺替代疗法改善帕金森病的运动症状,多巴胺受体阻断剂可改善舞蹈病的运动症状以及调节多种疾病的精神症状,在临床上都取得了可喜的疗效。然而目前未发现与多巴胺代谢直接相关的基因突变,因此未来需要继续深入研究在神经退行性疾病中造成多巴胺代谢失常的机制,旨在为临床新药物靶点和新治疗手段的研发提供线索。  相似文献   

Berberine(BBR) is an organic small molecule isolated from various plants that have been used in traditional Chinese medicine. Isolation of this compound was its induction into modern medicine, and its usefulness became quickly apparent as seen in its ability to combat bacterial diarrhea, type 2 diabetes, hypercholesterolemia, inflammation, heart diseases, and more. However, BBR's effects on neurodegenerative diseases remained relatively unexplored until its ability to stunt Alzheimer's disease(AD) progression was characterized. In this review, we will delve into the multi-faceted defensive capabilities and bio-molecular pathways of BBR against AD, Parkinson's disease(PD), and trauma-induced neurodegeneration. The multiple effects of BBR, some of which enhance neuro-protective factors/pathways and others counteract targets that induce neurodegeneration, suggest that there are many more branches to the diverse capabilities of BBR that have yet to be uncovered. The promising results seen provide a convincing and substantial basis to support further scientific exploration and development of the therapeutic potential of BBR against neurodegenerative diseases.  相似文献   

BackgroundNeurodegenerative diseases (NDDs) are primarily characterized by selective neuronal loss in the brain. Alzheimer's disease as the most common NDDs and the most prevalent cause of dementia is characterized by Amyloid-beta deposition, which leads to cognitive and memory impairment. Parkinson's disease is a progressive neurodegenerative disease characterized by the dramatic death of dopaminergic neuronal cells, especially in the SNc and caused alpha-synuclein accumulation in the neurons. Silymarin, an extract from seeds of Silybum marianum, administered mostly for liver disorders and also had anti-oxidant and anti-carcinogenic activities.PurposeThe present comprehensive review summarizes the beneficial effects of Silymarin in-vivo and in-vitro and even in animal models for these NDDs.MethodsA diagram model for systematic review is utilized for this search. The research is conducted in the following databases: PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, and Science Direct. Results: Based on the inclusion criteria, 83 studies were selected and discussed in this review.ConclusionLastly, we review the latest experimental evidences supporting the potential effects of Silymarin, as a neuroprotective agent in NDDs.  相似文献   

黎伟  秦俊  汪晖  陈廖斌 《遗传》2018,40(2):104-115
表观遗传修饰异常见于人类的多种疾病(如肿瘤、老年性疾病、发育源性疾病等),影响着这些疾病的发生发展。已有的研究表明,异常表观遗传改变可以作为疾病状态和疾病预测的生物标志物。表观遗传修饰改变的可逆性和可控性也为疾病早期的预防和治疗提供了新策略。本文对DNA甲基化修饰、组蛋白共价修饰、非编码RNA等三种表观遗传方式在肿瘤、老年性疾病和发育源性疾病的研究,以及三者作为表遗传生物标志物在疾病早期诊断和治疗的应用展开介绍,以期为肿瘤、老年性和发育源性相关疾病的诊断与治疗提供借鉴和 参考。  相似文献   

Li Gan 《生物学前沿》2010,5(4):324-330
Aging is the predominant risk factor for major neurodegenerative diseases. The underlying mechanisms are largely unknown. Members of the sirtuin family of protein deacetylases support and promote longevity in diverse organisms and can extend lifespan when upregulated. Sirtuins are involved in fundamental mechanisms in age-related neurodegenerative diseases, including protein aggregation and homeostasis, survival and stress responses, and inflammatory processes. In this review, we will discuss the neurobiology of sirtuins and their multifaceted roles in the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases. We will also examine the potential and challenges of targeting sirtuin pathways to treat these devastating conditions.  相似文献   

As part of our ongoing efforts to identify compounds having potential utility in treating neurodegenerative and mitochondrial disorders, a series of pyridinol analogues have been prepared. The synthetic route employed for the preparation of the new analogues is different, and considerably more efficient, than that used in previously reported studies. The new route yields a pair of pyridinol regioisomers that can be readily separated and evaluated. Their ability to quench lipid peroxidation and reactive oxygen species (ROS), and to preserve mitochondrial membrane potential (Δψm) and support ATP synthesis is reported. The optimal side chain length was found to be 16 carbon atoms. The metabolic stability of those compounds having optimal biological activities was evaluated in vitro using bovine liver microsomes. The omission of any side chain hydroxyl group and introduction of an azetidine moiety at position 6 of the pyridinol redox core (8 and 9) increased their microsomal stability as compared to the exocyclic dimethylamino group. The favorable metabolic stability conferred by the azetidine moiety in compounds 8 and 9 makes these compounds excellent candidates for further evaluation.  相似文献   

Zhou J  Liao J  Zheng X  Shen H 《BMB reports》2012,45(3):133-140
Cancers claim millions of lives each year. Early detection that can enable a higher chance of cure is of paramount importance to cancer patients. However, diagnostic tools for many forms of tumors have been lacking. Over the last few years, studies of chimeric RNAs as biomarkers have emerged. Numerous reports using bioinformatics and screening methodologies have described more than 30,000 expressed sequence tags (EST) or cDNA sequences as putative chimeric RNAs. While cancer cells have been well known to contain fusion genes derived from chromosomal translocations, rearrangements or deletions, recent studies suggest that trans-splicing in cells may be another source of chimeric RNA production. Unlike cis-splicing, trans-splicing takes place between two pre-mRNA molecules, which are in most cases derived from two different genes, generating a chimeric non-co-linear RNA. It is possible that trans-splicing occurs in normal cells at high frequencies but the resulting chimeric RNAs exist only at low levels. However the levels of certain RNA chimeras may be elevated in cancers, leading to the formation of fusion genes. In light of the fact that chimeric RNAs have been shown to be overrepresented in various tumors, studies of the mechanisms that produce chimeric RNAs and identification of signature RNA chimeras as biomarkers present an opportunity for the development of diagnoses for early tumor detection. [BMB reports 2012; 45(3): 133-140].  相似文献   

In this review, we summarize recent advances in understanding frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD), amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and related neurodegenerative disorders that are collectively known as TDP-43 proteinopathies, since transactive response DNA-binding protein 43 (TDP-43) was recently shown to be the major component of the ubiquitinated inclusions that are their pathological hallmarks. TDP-43 proteinopathies are distinct from most other neurodegenerative disorders because TDP-43 inclusions are not amyloid deposits. Besides TDP-43-positive inclusions, both sporadic and familial forms of FTLD and ALS have the pathologic TDP-43 signature of abnormal hyperphosphorylation, ubiquitination and C-terminal fragments in affected brain and spinal cord, suggesting that they share a common mechanism of pathogenesis. Thus, these findings support the concept that FTLD and ALS represent a clinicopathologic spectrum of one disease, that is, TDP-43 proteinopathy.  相似文献   

Extracellular concentrations of the predominant excitatory neurotransmitter, glutamate, and related excitatory amino acids are maintained at relatively low levels to ensure an appropriate signal-to-noise ratio and to prevent excessive activation of glutamate receptors that can result in cell death. The latter phenomenon is known as 'excitotoxicity' and has been associated with a wide range of acute and chronic neurodegenerative disorders, as well as disorders that result in the loss of non-neural cells such as oligodendroglia in multiple sclerosis. Unfortunately clinical trials with glutamate receptor antagonists that would logically seem to prevent the effects of excessive receptor activation have been associated with untoward side effects or little clinical benefit. In the mammalian CNS, the extracellular concentrations of glutamate are controlled by two types of transporters; these include a family of Na(+)-dependent transporters and a cystine-glutamate exchange process, referred to as system X(c)(-). In this review, we will focus primarily on the Na(+)-dependent transporters. A brief introduction to glutamate as a neurotransmitter will be followed by an overview of the properties of these transporters, including a summary of the presumed physiologic mechanisms that regulate these transporters. Many studies have provided compelling evidence that impairing the function of these transporters can increase the sensitivity of tissue to deleterious effects of aberrant activation of glutamate receptors. Over the last decade, it has become clear that many neurodegenerative disorders are associated with a change in localization and/or expression of some of the subtypes of these transporters. This would suggest that therapies directed toward enhancing transporter expression might be beneficial. However, there is also evidence that glutamate transporters might increase the susceptibility of tissue to the consequences of insults that result in a collapse of the electrochemical gradients required for normal function such as stroke. In spite of the potential adverse effects of upregulation of glutamate transporters, there is recent evidence that upregulation of one of the glutamate transporters, GLT-1 (also called EAAT2), with beta-lactam antibiotics attenuates the damage observed in models of both acute and chronic neurodegenerative disorders. While it seems somewhat unlikely that antibiotics specifically target GLT-1 expression, these studies identify a potential strategy to limit excitotoxicity. If successful, this type of approach could have widespread utility given the large number of neurodegenerative diseases associated with decreases in transporter expression and excitotoxicity. However, given the massive effort directed at developing glutamate receptor agents during the 1990s and the relatively modest advances to date, one wonders if we will maintain the patience needed to carefully understand the glutamatergic system so that it will be successfully targeted in the future.  相似文献   

Many forms of neurodegenerative disease, for instance Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, Friedreich's ataxia, Hallervorden Spatz syndrome and macular degeneration, are associated with elevated levels of redox active metals in the brain and eye. A logical therapeutic approach therefore, is to remove the toxic levels of these metals, copper and iron in particular, by selective chelation. The increased number of iron-selective chelators now available for clinical use has enhanced interest in this type of therapy. This review summarises the recent developments in the design of chelators for treatment of neurodegenerative disease, identifies some of the essential properties for such molecules and suggests some future strategies.  相似文献   

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is an essential cofactor of the electron transport chain as well as an important antioxidant. Previous studies have suggested that it may exert therapeutic effects in patients with known mitochondrial disorders. We investigated whether it can exert neuroprotective effects in a variety of animal models. We have demonstrated that CoQ10 can protect against striatal lesions produced by both malonate and 3-nitropropionic acid. It also protects against MPTP toxicity in mice. It extended survival in a transgenic mouse model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. We demonstrated that oral administration can increase plasma levels in patients with Parkinson's disease. Oral administration of CoQ10 significantly decreased elevated lactate levels in patients with Huntington's disease. These studies therefore raise the prospect that administration of CoQ10 may be useful for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases.  相似文献   

The two most generally diagnosed Neurodegenerative diseases are the Alzheimer and Parkinson diseases. So this paper presents a fully automated early screening system based on the Capsule network for the classification of these two Neurodegenerative diseases. In this study, we hypothesized that the Neurodegenerative diseases-Caps system based on the Capsule network architecture accurately performs the multiclass i.e. three class classification into either the Alzheimer class or Parkinson class or Healthy control and delivers better results in comparison other deep transfer learning models. The real motivation behind choosing the capsule network architecture is its more resilient nature towards the affine transformations as well as rotational & translational invariance, which commonly persists in the medical image datasets. Apart from this, the capsule networks overcomes the pooling layers related deficiencies from which conventional CNNs are mostly affected and unable to delivers accurate results especially in the tasks related to image classification. The various Computer aided systems based on machine learning for the classification of brain tumors and other types of cancers are already available. Whereas for the classification of Neurodegenerative diseases, the amount of research done is very limited and the number of persons suffering from this type of diseases are increasing especially in developing countries like India, China etc. So there is a need to develop an early screening system for the correct multiclass classification into Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and Normal or Healthy control cases. The Alzheimer disease and Parkinson progression (ADPP) dataset is used in this research study for the training of the proposed Neurodegenerative diseases-Caps system. This ADPP dataset is developed with the aid of both the Parkinson''s Progression Markers Initiative (PPMI) and Alzheimer’s disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) databases. There is no such early screening system exist yet, which can perform the accurate classification of these two Neurodegenerative diseases. For the sake of genuine comparison, other popular deep transfer learning models like VGG19, VGG16, ResNet50 and InceptionV3 are implemented and also trained over the same ADPP dataset. The proposed Neurodegenerative diseases-Caps system deliver accuracies of 97.81, 98, 96.81% for the Alzheimer, Parkinson and Healthy control or Normal cases with 70/30 (training/validation split) and performs way better as compare to the other popular Deep transfer learning models.Supplementary InformationThe online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s11571-022-09787-1.  相似文献   

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