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An NMR relaxation study at 500 MHz of the icosapeptide antibiotic alamethicin is reported. This study lends further support to the partly helical, partly extended, amphiphilic, and dimeric structure recently proposed for this peptide in methanolic solutions [Banerjee, U., Tsui, F. P., Balasubramanian, T. N., Marshall, G. R., & Chan, S. I. (1983) J. Mol. Biol. 165, 757]. The N-acetyl methyl groups toward the N terminus of alamethicin in this solvent system were found to exhibit unusual NMR relaxation behavior. The decay of the transverse magnetization due to these protons was nonexponential, but the spin-lattice relaxation recovery of the longitudinal magnetization was exponential. In a solution saturated with urea, however, both decays were exponential. These observations are shown to be consistent with the proposed structure. Studies in water yielded qualitatively similar but more complex results. The transverse relaxation times suggest further aggregation in water and indicate that the larger aggregates in water may be made up of the smaller units observed in methanol. 相似文献
Alcohols, such as 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol (TFE), have been shown to induce a cooperative transition to an open helical structure in many proteins, but the underlying molecular mechanism has not been identified. Here, we employ the technique of magnetic relaxation dispersion (MRD) to study the TFE-induced beta --> alpha transition of beta-lactoglobulin at pH 2.4. Unlike traditional techniques that focus on protein secondary structure, the MRD method directly monitors the solvent, providing quantitative information about preferential solvation and solvent penetration and about the overall size and structural integrity of the protein. In this multinuclear MRD study, we use the (2)H and (17)O resonances to examine hydration and the (19)F resonance to study TFE. The transformation from the native to the helical state via an intermediate state at 300 K is found to be accompanied by a progressive expansion of the protein and loss of specific long-lived hydration sites. The observation of (17)O and (19)F dispersions from the helical state shows that water and TFE penetrate the protein. The MRD data indicate a strong accumulation of TFE at the surface as well as in the interior of the protein. At 277 K, BLG is much less affected by TFE, remaining in the native state at 16% TFE, but adopting a nonnative structure at 30% TFE. This nonnative structure is not penetrated by long-lived water molecules. The implications of these findings for the mechanism of TFE-induced structural transformations are discussed. 相似文献
A mutant lysozyme where R14 and H15 are deleted together has higher activity and a similar binding ability to an inhibitor, trimer of N-acetylglucosamine ((NAG)3), compared with wild-type lysozyme. Since this has been attributed to intrinsic protein dynamic properties, we investigated the relationship between the activity and the internal motions of proteins. Backbone dynamics of the free and the complex forms with the (NAG)3 have been studied by measurement of the 15N T1 and T2 relaxation rates and NOE determinations at 600 MHz. Analysis of the data using the model-free formalism showed that the generalized order parameters (S2) were almost the same in wild-type and mutant lysozyme in unbound state, indicating that the mutation had little effect on the global internal motions. On the other hand, in the presence of (NAG)3, although some signals located around the active site were broadened or decreased in intensity because of strong perturbation by (NAG)3, there were several residues that showed increased or decreased backbone S2 in the complexed lysozymes. A comparison of the internal motions of the wild-type and mutant complexes showed a number of distinct dynamic differences between them. In particular, many residues located at or near active-site regions (turn 1, strand 2, turn 2 and long loop), displayed greater backbone dynamics reflecting the order parameter in mutant complex relative to mutant free. Furthermore, the Rex values at the loop C-D region, which was considered to be important for enzymatic activity, significantly increased. From these results, it was suggested that variations in the dynamics of these regions may play an important role in the enzyme activity. 相似文献
E.I. Fedin V.G. Tsitsishvili V.Ya. Grinberg T.I. Bakari V.B. Tolstoguzov 《Carbohydrate research》1975,39(2):193-199
The times of proton magnetic relaxation in dilute (<1%), aqueous solutions of dextrans, having a molecular weight range of 17 x 103?500 x 103, are highly sensitive to the temperature—time prehistory of the samples investigated. Reliable results have been obtained only after preliminary heating of the solutions at 100° for 30 min. On the basis of the model of “two states of water in a solution”, the dependence of the degree of hydration of a dextran on its molecular weight has been obtained. In the molecular weight range 17 x 103?110 x 103, only a fraction of the D-glucose residues are hydrated, the degree of hydration increasing with the molecular weight. The data obtained are considered to be a consequence of intersegmentary interaction in a dextran macromolecule. 相似文献
From analyses of the magnetic field dependence of 1/T1 (NMRD profiles) of water protons in solutions of calf lens alpha-crystallin at several concentrations, we find two regimes of solute behavior in both cortical and nuclear preparations. Below approximately 15% vol/vol protein concentration, the solute molecules appear as compact globular proteins of approximately 1,350 (cortical) and approximately 1,700 (nuclear) kD. At higher concentrations, the effective solute particle size increases, reversibly, as evidenced by the appearance of spectra-like 14N peaks in the NMRD profiles and a change in the field and temperature dependence of 1/T1. At these higher concentrations, the profiles are very similar to those of calf gamma II-crystallin, a crystallin that undergoes an analogous transition near approximately 15% protein (Koenig, S. H., C.F. Beaulieu, R. D. Brown III, and M. Spiller, 1990. Biophys. J. 57:461-469). By comparison with recent analyses of NMRD results for solutions of immobilized proteins as models for the transition from protein solutions to tissue (Koenig, S. H., and R. D. Brown III. 1991. Prog. NMR Spectr. 22:487-567), we argue that alpha-crystallin solute behaves as aggregates approximately greater than 50,000 kD as protein concentration is progressively increased above 15%. Finally, the concentration dependence of the NMRD profiles of alpha- and gamma II-crystallin can readily explain recent osmotic pressure data, in particular the intersection of the respective pressure curves at approximately 23% vol/vol (Vérétout, F., and A. Tardieu. 1989. Eur. Biophys. J. 17:61-68). 相似文献
Internal motion of a tryptophan residue in Streptomyces subtilisin inhibitor: deuterium nuclear magnetic resonance in solution 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Deuterium NMR spectroscopy was used to study internal motions of a deuterium-labeled single tryptophan (Trp) residue (per subunit) of Streptomyces subtilisin inhibitor (SSI) in solution. The free inhibitor with the five ring protons of the Trp replaced with deuterons showed a narrow resonance component (56 Hz) of about one-quarter of the total intensity, in addition to the broad resonance component (about 600 Hz) at 25 degrees C, showing that it exits in an equilibrium mixture of two conformers, in one of which the tryptophan side chain is highly mobile. In analogy to the two structures of SSI found in the crystal, these two conformers were attributed to the one in which the contact between the alpha-lobe and the beta-lobe of the subunit is tight and the other in which the same contact is loose. When SSI forms a complex with subtilisin BPN', the broad component becomes invisibly broad, but the narrow component increases with even further narrowing, suggesting that the binding to the enzyme favors the "loose" conformer over the "tight" conformer. 相似文献
A nuclear magnetic resonance study of the hydrogen-exchange behaviour of lysozyme in crystals and solution 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
T G Pedersen B W Sigurskjold K V Andersen M Kjaer F M Poulsen C M Dobson C Redfield 《Journal of molecular biology》1991,218(2):413-426
Amide hydrogen/deuterium exchange behaviour has been studied for all of the peptide amides of hen lysozyme by means of two-dimensional n.m.r. spectroscopy. The amides have been grouped into four categories on the basis of their rates of exchange in solution at pH 4.2 and 7.5. The distribution of the amides into the different categories has been examined in the light of the crystallographic structural information, considering the type of secondary structure, the nature of hydrogen bonding and the distance from the protein surface. None of these features was found to determine uniquely the pattern of hydrogen exchange rates within the protein. The exchange behaviour of the individual amides could, however, in general be rationalized by a combination of these features. Hydrogen exchange was also monitored in both tetragonal and triclinic crystals of lysozyme, by allowing exchange to take place in the crystals prior to dissolution and recording of n.m.r. spectra under conditions where further exchange was minimized. This enabled direct comparison to be made of the exchange behaviour in the crystals and solution. A reduction in exchange rate was observed in the crystalline state relative to solution for a substantial number of amides and distinct differences between exchange in the different crystals could be observed. These differences between the solution and the different crystal states do not, however, correlate in a simple manner with proximity to intermolecular contacts in the crystals. However, the existence of these contacts, which are on the surface of the protein molecule, have a profound effect on the exchange of amides in the interior of the protein. The results indicate that the spectrum of fluctuations giving rise to hydrogen exchange may be significantly altered by the intermolecular interactions present within the crystalline state. 相似文献
We report the magnetic field dependence of 1/T1 of solvent water protons and deuterons (nuclear magnetic relaxation dispersion, or NMRD, profiles) for solutions of steer lens beta L-crystallin. Such data allow the study of intermolecular protein interactions over a wide concentration range, here 1-34% vol/vol, by providing a measure of the rotational relaxation time of solute macromolecules. We conclude that, for approximately less than 5% protein, the solute particles are noncompact, with a rotationally averaged volume approximately three times that of a compact 60-kD sphere. (Earlier results for alpha-crystallin, approximately 1,000 kD, from optical and osmotic measurements (Vérétout and Tardieu, 1989. J. Mol. Biol. 205:713-728), show a similar, approximately twofold, effect). At intermediate concentrations, to approximately 20% protein, there is evidence for limited association or oligomerization, as found for the structurally related gamma II-crystallin (Koenig et al. 1990. Biophys. J. 57:461-469), to a limiting size about two-thirds that of alpha-crystallin. The difference in NMRD behavior of the three classes of crystallins is consonant with their differing osmotic properties (Vérétout and Tardieu. J. Mol. Biol. 1989, 205:713-728; Kenworthy, McIntosh, and Magid. Biophys. J. 1992. 61:A477; Tardieu et al. 1992. Eur. Biophys. J. 21:1-12). We indicate how the unusual structures and interactions of these three classes of proteins can be combined to optimize transparency and minimize colloid osmotic difficulties in eye lens. 相似文献
Intracellular water in Artemia cysts (brine shrimp): Investigations by deuterium and oxygen-17 nuclear magnetic resonance

The dormant cysts of Artemia undergo cycles of hydration-dehydration without losing viability. Therefore, Artemia cysts serve as an excellent intact cellular system for studying the dynamics of water-protein interactions as a function of hydration. Deuterium spin-lattice (T1) and spin-spin (T2) relaxation times of water in cysts hydrated with D2O have been measured for hydrations between 1.5 and 0.1 g of D2O per gram of dry solids. When the relaxation rates (I/T1, I/T2) of 2H and 17O are plotted as a function of the reciprocal of hydration (1/H), an abrupt change in slope is observed near 0.6 g of D2O (or H2 17O)/gram of dry solids, the hydration at which conventional metabolism is activated in this system. The results have been discussed in terms of the two-site and multisite exchange models for the water-protein interaction as well as protein dynamics models. The 2H and 17O relaxation rates as a function of hydration show striking similarities to those observed for anisotropic motion of water molecules in protein crystals.
It is suggested here that although the simple two-site exchange model or n-site exchange model could be used to explain our data at high hydration levels, such models are not adequate at low hydration levels (<0.6 g H2O/g) where several complex interactions between water and proteins play a predominant role in the relaxation of water nuclei. We further suggest that the abrupt change in the slope of I/T1 as a function of hydration in the vicinity of 0.6 g H2O/g is due to a change in water-protein interactions resulting from a variation in the dynamics of protein motion.
Libralesso E Nerinovski K Parigi G Turano P 《Biochemical and biophysical research communications》2005,328(2):633-639
Potentialities and limitations of the use of (1)H NMRD technique for the characterization of the hydration properties of unfolded or partially folded states of proteins are discussed. The copper(I) form of monomeric Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase in its folded state and in the presence of 4M guanidinium chloride is taken as case system. The dispersion profile, analyzed with an extended relaxation matrix analysis, indicates the presence of long-lived water molecules in the folded state. The observed increase in relaxation at high field upon addition of guanidinium chloride indicates an increase in the number of solvation protons interacting with the protein and exchanging with a time shorter than the protein reorientational time. The observed effect is consistent with an exposed protein surface of SOD in the presence of 4M guanidinium chloride smaller than what could be expected for a random coil. 相似文献
Sandra J. Kroes Jesús Salgado Giacomo Parigi C. Luchinat G. W. Canters 《Journal of biological inorganic chemistry》1996,1(6):551-559
The interaction of water molecules with copper in wild-type azurin and different site-directed mutants of the coordinated residues is studied by nuclear magnetic relaxation dispersion. Different degrees of solvent accessibility are found. The low relaxivity of wild-type azurin agrees with a solvent-protected copper site in solution, the closest water being found at a distance of more than 5?Å from the copper. This low relaxivity contrasts with the relatively large relaxivity of the His46Gly and His117Gly azurin mutants, which shows clear evidence of copper-coordinated water. The data on the latter mutants are best analyzed in terms of one and two water molecules coordinated to the copper in His46Gly and His117Gly, respectively. The Met121His azurin mutant shows an intermediate behavior. The data are analyzed in terms of an increased solvent accessibility with respect to the wild-type azurin, resulting in semi-coordination of water at low pH. These different modes of coordination lead to different geometries, ranging from the trigonal type 1 site of wild-type azurin to the tetragonal type 2 copper sites of the His117Gly and His46Gly azurin mutants through a so-called type 1.5 site of the Met121His mutant. A correlation is found between the relaxation time (τs) of the unpaired electron of copper(II) and the geometry of the metal site: as the tetragonal character decreases the relaxation becomes significantly faster. τs values of ≤1?ns are found for the tetrahedrally distorted type 1 and type 1.5 sites and of 5–15?ns for the tetragonal type 2 sites. 相似文献
31P NMR spectra were obtained from suspensions of Candida utilis, Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Zygosaccharomyces bailii grown aerobically on glucose. Direct introduction of substrate into the cell suspension, without interruption of the measurements, revealed rapid changes in pH upon addition of the energy source. All 31P NMR spectra of the yeasts studied indicated the presence of two major intracellular inorganic phosphate pools at different pH environments. The pool at the higher pH was assigned to cytoplasmic phosphate from its response to glucose addition and iodoacetate inhibition of glycolysis. After addition of substrate the pH in the compartment containing the second phosphate pool decreased. A parallel response was observed for a significant fraction of the terminal and penultimate phosphates of the polyphosphate observed by 31P NMR. This suggested that the inorganic phosphate fraction at the lower pH and the polyphosphates originated from the same intracellular compartment, most probably the vacuole. In this vacuolar compartment, pH is sensitive to metabolic conditions. In the presence of energy source a pH gradient as large as 0.8 to 1.5 units could be generated across the vacuolar membrane. Under certain conditions net transport of inorganic phosphate across the vacuolar membrane was observed during glycolysis: to the cytoplasm when the cytoplasmic phosphate concentration had become very low due to sugar phosphorylation, and into the vacuole when the former concentration had become high again after glucose exhaustion.Non-Standard Abbreviations NMR
nuclear magnetic resonance
- ppm
parts per million
- PP
- Pi,c
cytoplasmic inorganic phosphate
- Pi,v
vacuolar inorganic phosphate
- pHin,c
cytoplasmic pH
- pHin,v
vacuolar pH
carbonyl p-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone 相似文献
Cloud-point temperatures for lysozyme in electrolyte solutions: effect of salt type, salt concentration and pH 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Liquid-liquid phase-separation data were obtained for aqueous saline solutions of hen egg-white lysozyme at a fixed protein concentration (87 g/l). The cloud-point temperature (CPT) was measured as a function of salt type and salt concentration to 3 M, at pH 4.0 and 7.0. Salts used included those from mono and divalent cations and anions. For the monovalent cations studied, as salt concentration increases, the CPT increases. For divalent cations, as salt concentration rises, a maximum in the CPT is observed and attributed to ion binding to the protein surface and subsequent water structuring. Trends for sulfate salts were dramatically different from those for other salts because sulfate ion is strongly hydrated and excluded from the lysozyme surface. For anions at fixed salt concentration, the CPT decreases with rising anion kosmotropic character. Comparison of CPTs for pH 4.0 and 7.0 revealed two trends. At low ionic strength for a given salt, differences in CPT can be explained in terms of repulsive electrostatic interactions between protein molecules, while at higher ionic strength, differences can be attributed to hydration forces. A model is proposed for the correlation and prediction of the CPT as a function of salt type and salt concentration. NaCl was chosen as a reference salt, and CPT deviations from that of NaCl were attributed to hydration forces. The Random Phase Approximation, in conjunction with a square-well potential, was used to calculate the strength of protein-protein interactions as a function of solution conditions for all salts studied. 相似文献
Bazzacco P Billon-Denis E Sharma KS Catoire LJ Mary S Le Bon C Point E Banères JL Durand G Zito F Pucci B Popot JL 《Biochemistry》2012,51(7):1416-1430
Nonionic amphipols (NAPols) synthesized by homotelomerization of an amphiphatic monomer are able to keep membrane proteins (MPs) stable and functional in the absence of detergent. Some of their biochemical and biophysical properties and applications have been examined, with particular attention being paid to their complementarity with the classical polyacrylate-based amphipol A8-35. Bacteriorhodopsin (BR) from Halobacterium salinarum and the cytochrome b(6)f complex from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii were found to be in their native state and highly stable following complexation with NAPols. NAPol-trapped BR was shown to undergo its complete photocycle. Because of the pH insensitivity of NAPols, solution nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) two-dimensional (1)H-(15)N heteronuclear single-quantum coherence spectra of NAPol-trapped outer MP X from Escherichia coli (OmpX) could be recorded at pH 6.8. They present a resolution similar to that of the spectra of OmpX/A8-35 complexes recorded at pH 8.0 and give access to signals from solvent-exposed rapidy exchanging amide protons. Like A8-35, NAPols can be used to fold MPs to their native state as demonstrated here with BR and with the ghrelin G protein-coupled receptor GHS-R1a, thus extending the range of accessible folding conditions. Following NAPol-assisted folding, GHS-R1a bound four of its specific ligands, recruited arrestin-2, and activated binding of GTPγS by the G(αq) protein. Finally, cell-free synthesis of MPs, which is inhibited by A8-35 and sulfonated amphipols, was found to be very efficient in the presence of NAPols. These results open broad new perspectives on the use of amphipols for MP studies. 相似文献
We have measured the magnetic field dependence of the nuclear magnetic relaxation rates (NMRD profiles) of solvent protons and deuterons in solutions of Ca2+-Mn2+-concanavalin A (Con A) with and without saccharide present. Data were obtained over the range -8 to 35 degrees C; the extension to the lowest temperature was made possible by the presence of 5 M salt. Since previous theoretical analyses, using accepted relaxation theories of 1H NMRD profiles alone, led to unsatisfactory conclusions, we have attempted to take advantage of the fact that the residence lifetime of a water ligand of the metal ions can influence the relaxation behavior of protons and deuterons differently. From a comparison of the present proton and deuteron results, we find that Ca2+-Mn2+-Con A has two classes of binding sites: one, associated with the inner coordiation sphere of the Mn2+ ions, having a resident lifetime for solvent water of approximately 10(-5) s that is reduced by the presence of saccharide and another having a lifetime of approximately 5 X 10(-9) s, located with the protons of the bound waters approximately 4.4 A from the Mn2+ ions (assuming two equivalent water molecules in this class), which is well beyond the coordination environment of the Mn2+ ions. The relaxation contribution of these more distant sites is unaffected by saccharide. The conclusions are corroborated by measurements of the temperature dependences of the proton NMRD profiles, which show quite clearly that the profiles are composite, containing two contributions with opposite dependences on temperature.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS) 相似文献
The conformational flexibility of a human immunoglobulin κIV light-chain variable domain, LEN, which can undergo conversion to amyloid under destabilizing conditions, was investigated at physiological and acidic pH on a residue-specific basis by multidimensional solution-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) methods. Measurements of backbone chemical shifts and amide (15)N longitudinal and transverse spin relaxation rates and steady-state nuclear Overhauser enhancements indicate that, on the whole, LEN retains its native three-dimensional fold and dimeric state at pH 2 and that the protein backbone exhibits limited fast motions on the picosecond to nanosecond time scale. On the other hand, (15)N Carr--Purcell--Meiboom--Gill (CPMG) relaxation dispersion NMR data show that LEN experiences considerable slower, millisecond time scale dynamics, confined primarily to three contiguous segments of about 5-20 residues and encompassing the N-terminal β-strand and complementarity determining loop regions 2 and 3 in the vicinity of the dimer interface. Quantitative analysis of the CPMG relaxation dispersion data reveals that at physiological pH these slow backbone motions are associated with relatively low excited-state protein conformer populations, in the ~2-4% range. Upon acidification, the minor conformer populations increase significantly, to ~10-15%, with most residues involved in stabilizing interactions across the dimer interface displaying increased flexibility. These findings provide molecular-level insights about partial protein unfolding at low pH and point to the LEN dimer dissociation, initiated by increased conformational flexibility in several well-defined regions, as being one of the important early events leading to amyloid assembly. 相似文献
Nuclear magnetic relaxation rate measurements have been performed on the protons and phosphorus atoms of phosphoribosyl 1-pyrophosphate (PRibPP) in the presence and absence of paramagnetic chromium(III), cobalt(II), and manganese(II) ions. The longitudinal relaxation rates were then used to calculate interatomic distances between the magnetic nuclei and these paramagnetic probes, from which was devised a conformation of the PRibPP-metal ion complex in solution. Thereafter, the experiments were accomplished in the presence of Mn(II) and a series of orotate phosphoribosyltransferase (OPRTase) and hypoxanthine/guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (HGPRTase) concentrations, and from these data were estimated the distances between Mn(II) and the PRibPP nuclei at the active sites of these two enzymes from yeast. Comparisons between the Mn(II)-PRibPP conformation in solution and this structure at the active sites of OPRTase and HGPRTase revealed that the metal ion remained coordinated with the pyrophosphate group of PRibPP in all instances, whereas the overall distances between the ribose ring and Mn(II) at the enzyme active sites were approximately 1 A further from the metal ion. Model building studies also revealed that the 5'-phosphate group of PRibPP is positioned directly over the ribose ring in solution and at the OPRTase and HGPRTase active sites and may protect the 1'-carbon of PRibPP against on-line displacements of pyrophosphate under these conditions, where the PRibPP-to-Mn(II) concentration ratio is greater than 2000.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS) 相似文献