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Sex determination in mammals is based on a genetic cascade that controls the fate of the gonads. Gonads will then direct the establishment of phenotypic sex through the production of hormones. Different types of sex reversal are expected to occur if mutations disrupt one of the three steps of gonadal differentiation: formation of the gonadal primordia, sex determination, and testis or ovary development.  相似文献   

The evolution of sex determination remains one of the most fascinating enigmas in biology. Transitions between genotypic sex determination (GSD) and temperature‐dependent sex determination (TSD) have occurred multiple times during vertebrate evolution, however, the molecular basis and consequences of these transitions in closely related taxa remain unresolved. Here I address a critical question: Do species with GSD derived from ancestors possessing TSD retain any ancestral thermal sensitivity in the developmental pathways underlying gonadal differentiation? Results from an expression study of a gene involved in early gonadogenesis in GSD (Apalone mutica) and TSD (Chrysemys picta) turtles, support the hypothesis that Wt1 in A. mutica displays such a relic thermal sensitivity. This retention is likely enabled by Sf1, a gene immediately downstream from Wt1 whose expression is independent of temperature in this species. My results constitute the first empirical evidence of a GSD vertebrate exhibiting thermal sensitivity in the expression of a gene regulating gonadogenesis. This novel finding reveals an undocumented source of raw material for future evolutionary change that may exist in other GSD taxa, and one that enhances the evolutionary potential of the gene networks underlying sexual differentiation and contributes to the astonishing ability of sex‐determining mechanisms.  相似文献   

Aromatase inhibitors administered before sexual differentiation of the gonads can induce sex reversal in female chickens. To analyze the process of sex reversal, we have followed for several months the changes induced by Fadrozole, a nonsteroidal aromatase inhibitor, in gonadal aromatase activity and in morphology and structure of the female genital system. Fadrozole was injected into eggs on day four of incubation, and its effects were examined during the embryonic development and for eight months after hatching. In control females, aromatase activity in the right and the left gonad was high in the middle third of embryonic development, and then decreased up to hatching. After hatching, aromatase activity increased in the left ovary, in particular during folliculogenesis, whereas in the right regressing gonad, it continued to decrease to reach testicular levels at one month. In treated females, masculinization of the genital system was characterized by the maintenance of the right gonad and its differentiation into a testis, and by the differentiation of the left gonad into an ovotestis or a testis; however, in all individuals, the left Müllerian duct and the posterior part of the right Müllerian duct were maintained. In testes and ovotestes, aromatase activity was lower than in gonads of control females (except in the right gonad as of one month after hatching) but remained higher than in testes of control and treated males. Moreover, in ovotestes, aromatase activity was higher in parts displaying follicles than in parts devoid of follicles. The main structural changes in the gonads during sex reversal were partial (in ovotestes) or complete (in testes) degeneration of the cortex in the left gonad, and formation of an albuginea and differentiation of testicular cords/tubes in the two gonads. Testicular cords/tubes transdifferentiated from ovarian medullary cords and lacunae whose epithelium thickened and became Sertolian. Transdifferentiation occurred all along embryonic and postnatal development; thus, new testicular cords/tubes were continuously formed while others degenerated. The sex reversed gonads were also characterized by an abundant fibrous interstitial tissue and abnormal medullary condensations of lymphoid-like cells; in the persisting testicular cords/tubes, spermatogenesis was delayed and impaired. Related to aromatase activity, persistence of too high levels of estrogens can explain the presence of oviducts, gonadal abnormalities and infertility in sex reversed females.  相似文献   

Summary The genetic terminology of sex determination and sex differentiation is examined in relation to its underlying biological basis. On the assumption that the function of the testis is to produce hormones and spermatozoa, the hypothesis of a single Y-chromosomal testis-determining gene with a dominant effect is shown to run counter to the following observed facts: a lowering in testosterone levels and an increase in the incidence of undescended testes, in addition to sterility, in males with multiple X chromosomes; abnormalities of the testes in autosomal trisomies; phenotypic abnormalities of XX males apparently increasing with decreasing amounts of Y-chromosomal material; the occurrence of patients with gonadal dysgenesis and XY males with ambiguous genitalia in the same sibship; the occurrence of identical SRY mutations in patients with gonadal dysgenesis and fertile males in the same pedigree; and the development of XY female and hermaphrodite mice having the same genetic constitution. The role of X inactivation in the production of males, females and hermaphrodites in T(X;16)16H mice has previously been suggested but not unequivocally demonstrated; moreover, X inactivation cannot account for the observed bilateral asymmetry of gonadal differentiation in XY hermaphrodites in humans and mice. There is evidence for a delay in development of the supporting cells in XY mice with ovarian formation. Once testicular differentiation and male hormone secretion have begun, other Y-chromosomal genes are required to maintain spermatogenesis and to complete spermiogenesis, but these genes do not function effectively in the presence of more than one X chromosome. The impairment of spermatogenesis by many other chromosome abnormalities seems to be more severe than that of oogenesis. It is concluded that the notion of a single testis-determining gene being responsible for male sex differentiation lacks biological validity, and that the genotype of a functional, i.e. fertile, male differs from that of a functional female by the presence of multiple Y-chromosomal genes in association with but a single X chromosome. Male sex differentiation in XY individuals can be further impaired by a euploid, but inappropriate, genetic background. The genes involved in testis development may function as growth regulators in the tissues in which they are active.  相似文献   

Red-eared slider turtles are genetically bipotential for sex determination. In this species, as in many other reptiles, incubation temperature of the egg determines gonadal sex. At higher incubation temperatures females are produced and increasing temperature appears to increase estrogen production in the embryonic brain. Treatment of eggs incubating at a male-producing temperature with exogenous estrogen causes ovaries to form. At a female-biased incubation temperature, prevention of estrogen biosynthesis or administration of nonaromatizable androgens results in the development of testes. In mammals, steroidogenic factor 1 (SF-1) regulates most genes required for estrogen biosynthesis, including aromatase. In both mammals and red-eared sliders, SF-1 is differentially expressed in males and females during gonadogenesis. We have examined both SF-1 gene expression and aromatase activity in embryos incubating at different temperatures and after manipulation to change the course of gonadal development. Our findings indicate a central role for SF-1 in enacting the effect of estrogen. Estrogen treatment directly or indirectly downregulates SF-1 and, ultimately, causes development of females. The inhibition of estrogen results in upregulation of SF-1 and male hatchlings. Thus, SF-1 may lie at the center of one molecular crossroad in male versus female differentiation of the red-eared slider.  相似文献   

Some previous studies indicate that the local hydric environment may influence sex determination in turtles with temperature-dependent sex determination. In this study, the effect of a daily application of 0.77 mL of ddH(2)0 per egg using an incubation temperature of 29.1 degrees C was examined during the temperature-sensitive period for two consecutive nesting seasons. This regimen yielded sex ratios of 11.8 and 11.1% male in control groups not receiving water supplementation, whereas daily water treatments resulted in sex ratios of 86.7 and 45.7% male during the 2006 and 2007 nesting seasons, respectively. The results indicate that daily water treatments significantly influenced sex ratios (P<0.001). In addition to providing insight on the physiology of sex determination, these results could have implications for studies predicting sex ratios from nests on natural nesting beaches that are periodically exposed to rain.  相似文献   

A set of eight highly polymorphic microsatellite markers was isolated and characterized from a genomic library enriched for dinucleotide repeats in the European pond turtle, Emys orbicularis. The markers were tested for polymorphism in a total of 33 turtles sampled in two natural ponds in the nature reserve of Kerkini, northern Greece. Number of alleles varied from 10 to 18, and expected heterozygosity ranged between 0.738 and 0.921. This novel set of loci will be particularly useful to assess fine-scale population structure and for parentage analysis in E. orbicularis.  相似文献   

温度对黄喉拟水龟性别决定的影响   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
研究了不同孵育温度对黄喉拟水龟(MauremysmuticaCantor)性别决定的影响,同时分析了孵育温度对胚胎发育及成活率的影响。实验设置的3个孵化温度为(25±0.5)℃,(29±0.5)℃和(33±0.5)℃。每一温度指标下设置40枚受精卵。在实验温度内,胚胎的发育速度随着孵化温度的升高而加快,所用的孵育时间也越来越短。孵化累积温度CTUs在25℃时最高,在29℃时最低,而33℃时则居中,在25℃和29℃时,孵化成活率较高,均达到97.5%。在33℃时孵化成活率只有67.5%,而在孵出的稚龟中亦有一定数量的畸形龟,累积孵化温度也高于29℃时的CTUs,说明33℃的孵育温度对胚胎发育有不利影响,预示33℃已临近其胚胎发育的存活阈(Survivalthreshold)。在25℃时,雄性子代占优势,雌性率为23.7%;在33℃时,雌性子代占绝对优势,雌性率为94.7%;在29℃时,性比达到平衡,雌性率为50%。经X2检验,在25℃及33℃时的性比与依赖概率估计的性比(1∶1)有极显著的差异(p<0.005),这种显著的偏离说明黄喉拟水龟的性别决定属于TSD机制,而且可能属于其中的TSDⅠ型,即高温产生雌性子代,低温产生雄性子代。而29℃可能是黄喉拟水龟性别决定的临界温度。  相似文献   

Despite the importance of maternal effects in evolution, and knowledge of links among nest site choice, timing of nesting, offspring sex, and reproductive success in animals with environmental sex determination, these attributes have not been rigorously studied in a combined and natural context. To address this need we studied the relationships between three maternal traits (nest site choice, lay date, and nest depth) and two fitness‐related attributes of offspring (hatchling sex and embryonic survival) in the riverine turtle Carettochelys insculpta, a species with temperature‐dependent sex determination, for four years. Predation and flooding were the major sources of embryonic mortality in 191 nests. Embryonic survival was influenced by both lay date and nest site choice: in one year when nesting began later than average, nests laid later and at lower elevations were destroyed by early wet season river rises. In other years early nesting precluded flood mortality. However, turtles did not nest at the highest available elevations, and a field experiment confirmed that turtles were constrained to nest at lower elevations where they could construct a nest chamber. The principal determinant of hatchling sex in 140 nests was lay date, which in turn was apparently related to the magnitude of the previous wet season(s). Clutches laid earlier in the season (a female's first clutch) produced mainly males, while later clutches (her second clutch) yielded mostly females, due to seasonal increases in air temperatures. Accordingly, later nesting produced female‐biased hatchling sex ratios in 1996, while earlier nesting resulted in sex ratios near unity in the other years. However, all‐female nests were more likely to be flooded than mixed‐sex or all‐male nests in years when nesting was late. In conclusion, we found evidence that the position of two maternal trait distributions (elevation of the nest site and lay date), associated with the reproductive strategy of C. insculpta, reflect a combination of natural selection, physical constraints, and phenotypic plasticity. © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2004, 81 , 1–16.  相似文献   

Reptiles occupy a crucial position with respect to vertebrate phylogeny, having roamed the earth for more than 300 million years and given rise to both birds and mammals. To date, this group has been largely ignored by contemporary genomics technologies, although the green anole lizard was recently recommended for whole genome sequencing. Future experiments using flow-sorted chromosome libraries and high-throughout genomic sequencing will help to discover important findings regarding sex chromosome evolution, early events in sex determination, and dosage compensation. This information should contribute extensively toward a general understanding of the genetic control of development in amniotes.  相似文献   

This study examined the changes in sex ratios and sex reversal rates in pejerrey Odontesthes bonariensis that occur with the progression of the spawning season in a seminatural setting. Four groups of hatchery-produced pejerrey larvae were stocked in floating cages in La Salada de Monasterio lake (Pampas region), a natural habitat of this species, and reared from hatching beyond gonadal sex determination with minimum human interference. Cage 1 was stocked at the beginning of the spring spawning season and the other cages were stocked with monthly delays until cage 4 in early summer. The genotypic (amhy+, XY/YY; amhy−, XX) and phenotypic (testis, male; ovary, female) sex ratios and proportions of genotype/phenotype mismatched individuals were estimated and their relation to water temperature and daylength during the experiment was analysed by generalized linear modelling. Water temperature varied between 11 and 30.5°C, and daylength duration between 11 h 22 min and 14 h 35 min. Sex genotyping revealed nearly balanced sex ratios of XY/YY (46%–49.1%) and XX (50.9%–54%) fish in cages 2–4 whereas the genotypic sex ratio in cage 1 was clearly biased towards XY/YY fish (60.6%). Phenotypic males ranged from 42% to 54.4% in cages 1–3. Cage 4, in turn, had significantly more phenotypic males (66%). The percentage of XX males (phenotypic male/genotypic female) was 23.1% in cage 1, decreased to a minimum of 5.4% in cage 2 and gradually increased in cages 3 and 4 to a maximum of 40.7% in the latter. The percentages of XY/YY females (phenotypic female/genotypic male) were highest in cage 1 (30%) and decreased progressively in the other cages to a significantly lower value (4.3%) in cage 4. These results generally support the findings of laboratory studies on the effect of temperature on the sex determination of this species and also provide novel evidence of a XX genotype-specific masculinizing effect of short daylength.  相似文献   

蜜蜂性别决定与性比调控机理研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
叙述了 4个主要蜜蜂性别决定机理的假说 :即性位点假说、基因平衡假说、蜜蜂性别决定综合假说和性基因数量决定假说。然后就蜜蜂性比由蜂王操纵 ,或是由工蜂操纵进行了论述 ,并对蜜蜂性比调控机理研究提出了一些建议  相似文献   

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