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Pressure-Induced Water and Solute Flow Through Plant Roots   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Water and salt flows through detopped sunflower, tomato andred kidney bean roots under applied pressure were studied usinga pressure chamber. Values of Jv for these root systems weremeasured applying variable pressure on the root medium, andLp calculated. The K, Na and Cl fluxes under applied pressure were comparedwith those in intact plants at the same water flow rates. Tento 100 times higher Na and Cl fluxes were observed through detoppedroots under pressure as compared to those in the unpressurized,intact plants. It is suggested that the roots under pressureare not completely analogous to intact plant roots, and thatpressure-induced flow may not be a reliable method of determiningcharacteristics of ion flow in roots in relation to water flow. Key words: Volume flow, Hydraulic conductivity, K selectivity  相似文献   

Resistance to Water Flow in Xylem Vessels   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Experimental data on flow resistances in xylem vessels withdifferent lumen wall surface sculptures are presented. The techniqueinvolved using determinable forces at menisci to pull waterthrough isolated undamaged metaxylem and protoxylem vesselswhich were empty but had water-saturated walls. In the horizontalorientation, the surface tension forces moved the water at velocitiesthat the resisting viscous forces at the vessel walls wouldallow since inertial forces were found negligible. A high speedcamera was used to determine the meniscus translation rates.Vessel diameters as well as average dimensions of the microscopicinternal surface irregularities were measured with respect toaxial position from the inlet. From these, flow resistanceswere determined in terms of dimensionless friction factor, f,as functions of Reynolds number, Re. It was found that, at certain helical ring thicknesses and spacing,resistance to flow was lowest. Deviations from these parametervalues cause dramatic increases in resistance to flow. Resultsare applicable to normal flow in plants, i.e. without meniscipresent.  相似文献   

Water Movement Through Plant Roots   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Mathematical analysis of the hydraulics of water movement throughplant roots, in terms of radial and axial resistances, has ledto equations which provide new insights into the effects ofthe component resistan ces on water uptake by and movement throughindividual roots and root systems. The ratio of axial to radialresistance determines the optimum length of a root and its totalresistance to water movement. The equations permit direct calculationsof the plant water potentials necessary, at the base of theplant, to sustain given flow rates through root systems withgiven characteristics. Lateral spacing and the resistance ofindividual laterals are the dominant factors determining totalflux per unit area into a root. When soil water potential increases with depth (surface layersdrier) root resistance tends to decrease with increasing flowrate; the reverse occurs when the surface is wetter than thelower layers. Calculated patterns of water movement into andthrough roots, in relation to soil water potential and flowrate through the root, indicate efflux from root to soil undercertain conditions. This is considered to reflect reality, althoughthe fluxes are probably transient or intermittent. The equations presented should be combined with equations describingwater movement through soil to define the behaviour of the wholeroot-soil system adequately.  相似文献   

Shoot Resistance to Water Flow in Cotton   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Studies using excised cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) plants,attached to a free water source and undergoing transpirationcycles, were conducted at intervals over a 2 year period inorder to quantify shoot resistance components of cotton canopies.Leaf water potential was found to be a linear function of transpirationrate at rates above 0.1 mm h–1, so shoot resistance wasevaluated as the slope of this function. The value of 4.8 104h (0.48 MPa h mm–1) total shoot resistance was consistentfor 1.10 m tall, well irrigated, fruit-bearing cotton plants.Further tests, with pre-wrapped and exposed leaves, revealedthat total shoot resistance was comprised of an axial component(40%) and a leaf component (60%). The total shoot resistanceof 0.48 MPa h mm–1 is likely to be relevant for modellingcotton water relations when LWP is evaluated on exposed, topof the canopy leaves, such as in the ‘big leaf’type models. Key words: Leaf water potential, axial resistance, leaf resistance  相似文献   

Resistance to Water Flow in the Seminal Roots of Wheat   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Water uptake by the seminal root system of wheat is describedby a model which incorporates radial and axial resistance toflow in the root and the resistance to flow in the soil. Inan experiment where wheat plants were dependent on subsoil waterextracted from below 45 cm by one, three, or five seminal roots,calculations indicated that the axial resistance was the dominantresistance within the soil-root system and that flow rate changedpredictably with changing axial resistance. The model also indicatedthat the observed shape of the metaxylem vessel in the seminalaxes has important effects on the pattern of water uptake.  相似文献   

Effects of changes in temperature around roots on water uptake by roots and leaf transpiration were studied in Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit., a subtropical woody plant species, and in Zea mays L. When the temperature around roots was rapidly lowered from 25 ℃ to 15 ℃, the water uptake by the roots and leaf transpiration were stimulated significantly within a short period ( 14 min). However, this effect did not occur when the cooling time was prolonged neither did if occur when the temperature around the roots was resumed from 15 ℃ to 25 ℃. Both the hydraulic conductivity of roots and leaf transpiration were increased substantially at first (within 20 min)and then decreased steadily to a level lower than those of the control in which the roots were continuous exposed to a low temperature ( 15 ℃ ). Low temperature also promoted the biosynthesis of ABA in roots and enhanced the xylem ABA concentration, but such stimulation did not occur untill about 30 min after cooling treatment, leaf transpiration was reduced markedly, but the hydraulic conductivity of roots increased when the root system was treated with exogenous ABA. It was suggested that some mechanisms other than ABA may be involved in the short-time cryostimulation of water uptake by roots and leaf transpiration.  相似文献   

Previous papers have shown that abscisic acid can inhibit transportof ions across the root to the xylem vessels, resulting in reducedexudation from excised roots or inhibiting guttation from intactplants. However, it has not been established whether the inhibitionwas due to a reduction in salt transport (Js) or in permeabilityof the roots to water (Lp). This paper investigates the effectof ABA on Lp and Js separately. It is shown that Lp increasedin ABA and then fell, but was about the same as in control rootswhen transport was inhibited. The effect of ABA on exudationtherefore appeared to be mainly due to reduction in Js. Inhibitionof Js was also present in intact, transpiring plants and sowas not due to reduced water flow. The inhibition of ion releaseto the xylem affected Na+, Mg2+, Ca2+, and phosphate as wellas the major ion in the exudate, K+. It is concluded that ABAinhibits salt transport to the shoot by acting on ion transportinto the xylem, and not by reducing water flow coupled withsalt transport.  相似文献   

Permeation of Uncharged Organic Molecules and Water Through Tomato Roots   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Permeation of ethylene glycol, D-mannitol, L glucose, and raffinosethrough excised tomato roots was investigated. Solute transportfrom external solution to the xylem sap was determined at variousrates of exudate flow achieved in turn by application of differentpressures to the solution surrounding the roots. At an applied pressure of two bar, steady-state solute concentrationsexpressed as a percentage of external concentrations were, 52per cent for ethylene glycol, 3–4 per cent for mannitoland glucose, and I per cent for raffinose. Such relationshipsbetween the chemical structure of the solute and its concentrationin the xylem sap are similar to those demonstrated by otherworkers for solute permeation into single cells. Thus in thepresent experiments most of these solutes presumably flowedthrough at least one membrane before reaching the xylem. The data also indicate that the flow of water via wholly extracellularpathways was slight, at most, I per cent of the total flow reachingthe xylem via this route.  相似文献   

Newman EI 《Plant physiology》1976,57(5):738-739
When the pressure gradient across a root alters, there is often an apparent change in the permeability of the root to water. Fiscus (Plant Physiol. 1975. 55: 917-922) has suggested that this can be explained by a simple two-compartment model which takes into account rates of solute uptake into the xylem. A method of testing actual data against the Fiscus model is proposed; this shows that in some cases the apparent changes in permeability cannot be explained by the model. The model is not adequate to predict the amounts of solute reaching the xylem by passive drag: a three-compartment model would be more realistic.  相似文献   

Myrothamnus flabellifoliusWelw. is a desiccation-tolerant (‘resurrection’)plant with a woody stem. Xylem vessels are narrow (14 µmmean diameter) and perforation plates are reticulate. This leadsto specific and leaf specific hydraulic conductivities thatare amongst the lowest recorded for angiosperms (ks0.87 kg m-1MPa-1s-1;kl3.28x10-5kg m-1MPa-1s-1, stem diameter 3 mm). Hydraulic conductivitiesdecrease with increasing pressure gradient. Transpiration ratesin well watered plants were moderate to low, generating xylemwater potentials of -1 to -2 MPa. Acoustic emissions indicatedextensive cavitation events that were initiated at xylem waterpotentials of -2 to -3 MPa. The desiccation-tolerant natureof the tissue permits this species to survive this interruptionof the water supply. On rewatering the roots pressures thatwere developed were low (2.4 kPa). However capillary forceswere demonstrated to be adequate to account for the refillingof xylem vessels and re-establishment of hydraulic continuityeven when water was under a tension of -8 kPa. During dehydrationand rehydration cycles stems showed considerable shrinking andswelling. Unusual knob-like structures of unknown chemical compositionwere observed on the outer surface of xylem vessels. These maybe related to the ability of the stem to withstand the mechanicalstresses associated with this shrinkage and swelling.Copyright1998 Annals of Botany Company cavitation, desiccation, hydraulic conductivity, refilling, resurrection plant, root pressure, xylem anatomy,Myrothamnus flabellifolius  相似文献   

Ion Transport to the Xylem in Aerenchymatous Roots of Zea mays L.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Aerenchyma was induced in the developing nodal (adventitious)roots of maize (Zea mays L. cv. LG11) in solution culture bytreatment with an atmosphere of 5% (v/v) oxygen (oxygen partialpressure 5.0 k Pa). Ion uptake by aerenchymatous and ordinary(non-aerenchymatous) roots was then compared to determine theeffect of degeneration of much of the cortex in aerenchymatousroots on radial ion movement to the xylem. Rates of uptake andtransport of phosphate, potassium and chloride were followedby labelling 4–12mm length segments of intact roots usingradioactive tracers. In some experiments, enhanced rates ofphosphate transport were induced by means of a divided rootsystem and nutrient deprivation. For all three nutrient ions,and over a range of concentration for phosphate (10–100mmol m–3 and potassium (0·25–5·0 molm–3 and with enhanced rates of transport, aerenchymatousroots were at least as effective as ordinary roots (per mm3of root) and sometimes more effective (per mm root length).These findings are discussed in relation to hypotheses concerningthe pathways for radial ion movement across the cortex in ordinaryand aerenchymatous roots. Correspondence to: Long Ashton Research Station, Long Ashton,Bristol BS18 9AF, U.K. Key words: Aerenchyma, ion transport, mineral nutrition, oxygen deficiency, radio-isotopic tracers, roots, structure, Zea mays  相似文献   

Membrane Potentials in the Xylem in Roots of Intact Plants   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
The membrane potential differences (PDs) of root cells of intact,illuminated Trifolium repens L. and Lolium perenne L. have beenmeasured. In T. repens the PDs were the same for all cell typesexcept for the xylem vessels, which were more positive, andfor some cells immediately adjacent to the xylem vessels whichwere 10 mV more negative. The mean PD for all cells was emdash164.6 ± 0.6 mV and the mean for cells adjacent to thexylem vessels with elevated PDs was 178.4 ± 2.4 mV. Whenthe electrode tip was in a xylem vessel a low but stable PD(mean = emdash 89.9 mV) was recorded. The results for L. perennewere similar except that there were no cells with elevated PDsadjacent to the xylem vessels. An inhibitor of ion transport from the root to the shoot, p-fluorophenylalanine(p-FPA), caused a depolarization of 10 mV in the cell PDs butin the xylem vessels the depolarization was 50 mV. The possibility that the elevated PDs of cells adjacent to thexylem vessels are related to the transport of ions into thevessels is discussed.  相似文献   

盐胁迫下大麦根系木质部压力的自调节现象   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
用植物木质部压力探针测定的结果表明,水培大麦幼苗根的木质部压力在环境条件恒定不变时始终保持波动,并且在受到轻度的盐胁迫和当盐胁迫解除时表现出高度的自调节现象.这种波动和自调节现象将对植物水势的测定和根的径向反射系数的测定产生很大的影响,并可能与植物的抗盐性有关.小麦根在同样条件下未表现出上述现象.  相似文献   

The relative magnitude of adjustment in osmotic potential (ψs) of water-stressed cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) leaves and roots was studied using plants raised in pots of sand and grown in a growth chamber. One and three water-stress preconditioning cycles were imposed by withholding water, and the subsequent adjustment in solute potential upon relief of the stress and complete rehydration was monitored with thermocouple psychrometers. Both leaves and roots exhibited a substantial adjustment in ψs in response to water stress with the former exhibiting the larger absolute adjustment. The osmotic adjustment of leaves was 0.41 megapascal compared to 0.19 megapascal in the roots. The roots, however, exhibited much larger percentage osmotic adjustments of 46 and 63% in the one and three stress cycles, respectively, compared to 22 and 40% in the leaves in similar stress cycles. The osmotically adjusted condition of leaves and roots decreased after relief of the single cycle stress to about half the initial value within 3 days, and to the well-watered control level within 6 days. In contrast, increasing the number of water-stress preconditioning cycles resulted in significant percentage osmotic adjustment still being present after 6 days in roots but not in the leaves. The decrease in ψs of leaves persisted longer in field-grown cotton plants compared to plants of the same age grown in the growth chamber. The advantage of decreased ψs in leaves and roots of water-stressed cotton plants was associated with the maintenance of turgor during periods of decreasing water potentials.  相似文献   

ERREDE  L. A. 《Annals of botany》1983,52(1):23-29
This paper describes a simple, reproducible method of monitoringwater uptake by plants operating in an ad libitum system. Thesystem consists of a thin microporous membrane interfaced witha water reservoir on one side and potted plant on the other.The plant establishes control over the membrane through itsroots, which modify the permeability of the microporous waterbarrier in accordance with autonomic cycles in growth activity.It was shown that the pattern of water flow is modified in themanner expected by changes in environment that affect wholeplant physiology. Impatiens, Ficus indica, Coleus blumei, water flow, artificial membranes, periodicity, surfactant, root exudate  相似文献   

Fiscus EL 《Plant physiology》1975,55(5):917-922
This paper presents a general model for coupled solute and water flow through plant roots based on the thermodynamics of irreversible processes. The model explains in a straight-forward manner such experimentally observed phenomena as changes in root resistance, increased solute flux, and apparent negative resistance, which have been reported for root systems under the influence of a hydrostatic pressure gradient. These apparent anomalies are explained on the basis of the interaction between the osmotic and hydrostatic driving forces and the well known “sweeping away” or dilution effect. We show that with a constant hydraulic conductivity the only features necessary to explain these phenomena are some type of membrane or membranelike structure and a mechanism for actively accumulating solutes.  相似文献   

The difference in electrical potential between the xylem exudateof isolated roots of 1-week-old maize seedlings and the culturesolution surrounding the roots has been determined togetherwith the concentrations of potassium, calcium, chloride, andsulphate in the xylem sap. The difference in electro-chemicalpotential (µ) for these ions has been calculated fromthe measurements. The effects on µ of varying the saltstatus of the roots, the composition of the culture solutionand of 2-4-dinitrophenol have been examined. µ for potassiumand chloride was always positive, implying that movement ofthese ions to the xylem sap was under metabolic constraint.However, pretreatment of the maize seedlings with potassiumchloride and increasing levels of dinitrophenol in the culturesolution over the exudation period caused little or no significantchange in µ for potassium although the rate of movementof ions to the xylem was substantially reduced. For calcium,µ was negative with roots in dilute culture solutionsin the absence of dinitrophenol, implying that calcium couldenter the xylem by passive diffusion. Addition of dinitrophenolchanged the sign of µ and thus brought about an apparentlyactive transport of calcium.Only in the absence of competinganions was the rate of entry of chloride significantly correlatedwith µ, and no such relationship was found for potassiumor calcium individually. These results encourage doubt as towhether measurements of µ provide a valid basis for decidingto what extent the movement of individual ions depends on specific‘active’ or ‘passive’ transport processes.Thedifference in electrical potential appears to be a characteristicof the living root and to depend on the total concentrationof ions in the external solution and on their rate of transferinto the xylem sap.  相似文献   

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