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Lipopolysaccharides (LPSs) from four strains of Ralstonia solanacearum belonging to biovar I (ICMP 6524, 8115, 5712, and 8169) were isolated and investigated. The structural components of the LPS molecule, such as lipid A, the core oligosaccharide, and O-specific polysaccharide (O-PS), were obtained after mild acid hydrolysis of the LPS preparations. In lipid A from all the LPS samples studied, 3-hydroxytetradecanoic, 2-hydroxyhexadecanoic, tetradecanoic, and hexadecanoic fatty acids prevailed. The dominant monosaccharides of the core oligosaccharides of all of the strains studied were rhamnose, glucose, glucosamine, 2-keto-3-deoxyoctulosonic acid, and heptose. However, individual strains varied in the content of galactose, ribose, xylose, and arabinose. Three types of the O-PS structure were established, which differed in their configuration ( or ), as well as in the type of the bond between glucosamine and rhamnose residues (1 2 or 1 3).  相似文献   

Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPRs) are composed of an array of short DNA repeat sequences separated by unique spacer sequences that are flanked by associated (Cas) genes. CRISPR-Cas systems are found in the genomes of several microbes and can act as an adaptive immune mechanism against invading foreign nucleic acids, such as phage genomes. Here, we studied the CRISPR-Cas systems in plant-pathogenic bacteria of the Ralstonia solanacearum species complex (RSSC). A CRISPR-Cas system was found in 31% of RSSC genomes present in public databases. Specifically, CRISPR-Cas types I-E and II-C were found, with I-E being the most common. The presence of the same CRISPR-Cas types in distinct Ralstonia phylotypes and species suggests the acquisition of the system by a common ancestor before Ralstonia species segregation. In addition, a Cas1 phylogeny (I-E type) showed a perfect geographical segregation of phylotypes, supporting an ancient acquisition. Ralstoniasolanacearum strains CFBP2957 and K60T were challenged with a virulent phage, and the CRISPR arrays of bacteriophage-insensitive mutants (BIMs) were analysed. No new spacer acquisition was detected in the analysed BIMs. The functionality of the CRISPR-Cas interference step was also tested in R. solanacearum CFBP2957 using a spacer-protospacer adjacent motif (PAM) delivery system, and no resistance was observed against phage phiAP1. Our results show that the CRISPR-Cas system in R. solanacearum CFBP2957 is not its primary antiviral strategy.  相似文献   

Aims: The aim of this study was to isolate and characterize new bacteriophages that infect a wide range of plant pathogenic Ralstonia solanacearum strains. Methods and Results: Fifteen bacteriophages were isolated from pepper, tomato and tobacco plant rhizospheres infected with R. solanacearum. A host specificity analysis of the isolated phages using nine strains of R. solanacearum indicated great phage diversity in a single soil. Two phages, PE226 and TM227, showed clear plaques on all nine bacterial hosts tested and were virtually identical in morphology and genome. PE226, an Inovirus, is a long, flexible, filamentous phage carrying a circular (+) sense single‐strand DNA genome of 5475 nucleotides. DNA sequences of PE226 exhibited nine open reading frames (ORF) that were not highly similar to those of other phages infecting R. solanacearum. The genome organization of PE226 was partially similar to that of p12J of Ralstonia pickettii. One ORF of PE226 showed identity to the zot gene encoding zonula occludens toxin of Vibrio cholera. Orf7 of PE226 was also present in the genome of R. solanacearum strain SL341. However, SL341, a highly virulent strain in tomato, was still sensitive to phage PE226. Conclusions: A new, flexible, filamentous phage PE226 infected wide range of R. solanacearum strains and carried unique circular single‐strand DNA genome with an ORF encoding Zot‐like protein. Significance and Impact of the Study: PE226 may be a new type of temperate phage, based on its lytic nature on a wide range of hosts and the presence of a zot homologue in a host bacterial genome.  相似文献   

Evolutionary dynamics of Ralstonia solanacearum   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We investigated the genetic diversity, extent of recombination, natural selection, and population divergence of Ralstonia solanacearum samples obtained from sources worldwide. This plant pathogen causes bacterial wilt in many crops and constitutes a serious threat to agricultural production due to its very wide host range and aggressiveness. Five housekeeping genes, dispersed around the chromosome, and three virulence-related genes, located on the megaplasmid, were sequenced from 58 strains belonging to the four major phylogenetic clusters (phylotypes). Whereas genetic variation is high and consistent for all housekeeping loci studied, virulence-related gene sequences are more diverse. Phylogenetic and statistical analyses suggest that this organism is a highly diverse bacterial species containing four major, deeply separated evolutionary lineages (phylotypes I to IV) and a weaker subdivision of phylotype II into two subgroups. Analysis of molecular variations showed that the geographic isolation and spatial distance have been the significant determinants of genetic variation between phylotypes. R. solanacearum displays high clonality for housekeeping genes in all phylotypes (except phylotype III) and significant levels of recombination for the virulence-related egl and hrpB genes, which are limited mainly to phylotype strains III and IV. Finally, genes essential for species survival are under purifying selection, and those directly involved in pathogenesis might be under diversifying selection.  相似文献   

We investigated the genetic diversity, extent of recombination, natural selection, and population divergence of Ralstonia solanacearum samples obtained from sources worldwide. This plant pathogen causes bacterial wilt in many crops and constitutes a serious threat to agricultural production due to its very wide host range and aggressiveness. Five housekeeping genes, dispersed around the chromosome, and three virulence-related genes, located on the megaplasmid, were sequenced from 58 strains belonging to the four major phylogenetic clusters (phylotypes). Whereas genetic variation is high and consistent for all housekeeping loci studied, virulence-related gene sequences are more diverse. Phylogenetic and statistical analyses suggest that this organism is a highly diverse bacterial species containing four major, deeply separated evolutionary lineages (phylotypes I to IV) and a weaker subdivision of phylotype II into two subgroups. Analysis of molecular variations showed that the geographic isolation and spatial distance have been the significant determinants of genetic variation between phylotypes. R. solanacearum displays high clonality for housekeeping genes in all phylotypes (except phylotype III) and significant levels of recombination for the virulence-related egl and hrpB genes, which are limited mainly to phylotype strains III and IV. Finally, genes essential for species survival are under purifying selection, and those directly involved in pathogenesis might be under diversifying selection.  相似文献   

Despite its utility, dipeptides have not been widely used due to the absence of an efficient manufacturing method. Recently, a novel method for effective production of dipeptides using l-amino acid α-ligase (Lal) is presented. Lal, which is only identified in Bacillus subtilis, catalyzes dipeptide synthesis from unprotected amino acids in an ATP-dependent manner. However, not all the dipeptide can be synthesized by Lal from B. subtilis (BsLal) due to its substrate specificity. Here, we attempted to find a novel Lal exhibiting different substrate specificity from BsLal. By in silico screening based on the amino acid sequence of BsLal, RSp1486a an unknown protein from Ralstonia solanacearum was found to show the Lal activity. RSp1486a exhibited different substrate specificity from BsLal, and preferably synthesized hetero-dipeptides where more bulky amino acid was placed at N terminus and less bulky amino acid was placed at C terminus in opposition to those synthesized by BsLal.  相似文献   

Race 3, biovar 2 strains of Ralstonia solanacearum are quarantined pathogens in Europe and Canada and Select Agent pathogens in the United States. The biovar classification of R. solanacearum strains is based on their biochemical abilities to utilize a carbohydrate panel. The standard biovar test uses bromothymol blue as a pH indicator in 15 ml culture tubes containing 3 to 5 ml of test media, and takes weeks to complete at 24 or 28 °C. We improved the biovar test by using phenol red as a pH indicator that changes color at a higher pH when a carbohydrate is utilized. We also conducted the test at 32 °C in 0.2 ml of 8-tube strips that reduced the medium needed by at least 20 fold. Using the improved test, biovars of R. solanacearum strains can be determined in 4 days when a panel of seven carbohydrates is used including glucose, trehalose, mannitol, sorbitol, dulcitol, maltose and cellobiose. To differentiate biovars 1, 2, 3 and 4, the test can be further simplified and completed in 3 days using a panel of four carbohydrates containing glucose, trehalose, maltose and dulcitol, significantly saving money, space and time.  相似文献   

茄科雷尔氏菌的蛋白分泌系统及其特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
茄科雷尔氏菌利用自身的分泌系统能向胞外分泌上百种蛋白, 其中Ⅱ型和Ⅲ型分泌系统通过不同机制将分泌蛋白靶定到胞外或宿主细胞, 是决定茄科雷尔氏菌对宿主产生致病性的主要因素。其中Ⅲ型分泌系统不依赖Sec信号转导系统但必须依赖于宿主细胞的识别激活, 并在病原菌对宿主细胞的特异性识别和细菌在宿主细胞的生长增殖中发挥功能。到目前为止, 已经从茄科雷尔氏菌的GMI1000株系中鉴定出两类在宿主细胞中存在靶标, 并由Ⅲ型分泌系统分泌的效应蛋白Pop2和Gala蛋白家族。主要就茄科雷尔氏菌Ⅲ型分泌系统的基本特征以及效应蛋白及其宿主靶标的相互作用进行综述。  相似文献   

青枯菌hrp基因的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
青枯菌的hrp基因可诱发植物的超敏反应.对其基因组全序列测定表明:hrp基因簇位于基因组的大质粒上,共有20多个基因组成.从青枯菌中分离得到的可直接诱发植物超敏反应的效应蛋白主要为pop基因编码,它由hrp基因编码的类型Ⅲ蛋白分泌通道释放.目前的研究表明:(1)在hrp基因簇中,hrpY、hrpX及hrpV与分泌通道的一种纤毛的组装有关;(2)hrpB是整个类型Ⅲ蛋白分泌通道基因的转录激活子并作用于基因组中的其它效应基因;(3)hrpG是植物信号对hrp,基因的表达进行级联调控的组分之一.  相似文献   

Cho E  Lee S  Jung S 《Carbohydrate research》2008,343(5):912-918
Alpha-cyclosophorotridecaose (alpha-C13) produced by Ralstonia solanacearum is isolated by trichloroacetic acid treatment and subjected to various chromatographic techniques. Here, we report for the first time that R. solanacearum produces acetylated alpha-C13. Structural analyses of the acetylated alpha-C13 were performed with 1D or 2D NMR spectroscopy, MALDI-TOF MS and HPLC. The results show that the alpha-C13 is substituted by mainly one acetyl residue at the C-6 position of the glucose unit.  相似文献   

The bacterial wilt pathogen Ralstonia solanacearum produces three extracellular polygalacturonases (PGs): PehA, PehB, and PehC. All three PGs hydrolyze pectin's polygalacturonic acid backbone, but each releases different reaction products. PehA and PehB contribute significantly to pathogen virulence, probably by facilitating root invasion and colonization. To determine the collective contribution of PGs to virulence and saprophytic survival, we cloned, characterized, and mutated the R. solanacearum pehC gene, which encodes a distinctive monogalacturonate-releasing exo-PG. The virulence of a pehC mutant on tomato was indistinguishable from that of its wild-type parent; thus, this exo-PG alone does not contribute significantly to wilt pathogenesis. Unexpectedly, a completely PG-deficient triple pehA/B/C mutant was slightly more virulent than a pehA/B mutant. PehC may degrade galacturonide elicitors of host defense, thereby protecting the pathogen from plant antimicrobial responses. A galacturonate transporter gene, exuT, is immediately downstream of pehC and the two genes are co-transcribed. It has been hypothesized that galacturonic acid released by PGs from plant cell walls nourishes bacteria during pathogenesis. To separate the pectolytic and nutrient-generating roles of the PGs, we made an exuT mutant, which still produces all three isozymes of PG but cannot uptake PG degradation products. This exuT mutant had wild-type virulence on tomato, demonstrating that metabolism of galacturonic acid does not contribute significantly to bacterial success inside the plant.  相似文献   

Structure analysis by the methods of methylation, 1H- and 13C-n. m. r. spectroscopy has shown that O-specific polysaccharides of typical strains of Pseudomonas solanacearum (biovar I) and P. cichorii are identical by their structure and constructed of branched pentasaccharide repeating links which include three residues of rhamnose (one of them is in the branching node), one residue of beta-xylose (it occupies terminal position) and one reside of N-acetyl-beta-glucosamine. The other strain of P. solanacearum of biovar I and two strains belonging to biovars III and IV also produce structure-similar O-specific polysaccharides, constructed of linear tetrasaccharide repeating links which include three residues of alpha-L-rhamnose and one residue of N-acetyl-alpha-D-glucosamine.  相似文献   

Sequencing of the genome of Ralstonia solanacearum revealed several genes that putatively code for polyphenol oxidases (PPOs). To study the actual expression of these genes, we looked for and detected all kinds of PPO activities, including laccase, cresolase, and catechol oxidase activities, in cellular extracts of this microorganism. The conditions for the PPO assays were optimized for the phenolic substrate, pH, and sodium dodecyl sulfate concentration used. It was demonstrated that three different PPOs are expressed. The genes coding for the enzymes were unambiguously correlated with the enzymatic activities detected by generation of null mutations in the genes by using insertional mutagenesis with a suicide plasmid and estimating the changes in the levels of enzymatic activities compared to the levels in the wild-type strain. The protein encoded by the RSp1530 locus is a multicopper protein with laccase activity. Two other genes, RSc0337 and RSc1501, code for nonblue copper proteins exhibiting homology to tyrosinases. The product of RSc0337 has strong tyrosine hydroxylase activity, and it has been shown that this enzyme is involved in melanin synthesis by R. solanacearum. The product of the RSc1501 gene is an enzyme that shows a clear preference for oxidation of o-diphenols. Preliminary characterization of the mutants obtained indicated that PPOs expressed by R. solanacearum may participate in resistance to phenolic compounds since the mutants exhibited higher sensitivity to L-tyrosine than the wild-type strain. These results suggest a possible role in the pathogenic process to avoid plant resistance mechanisms involving the participation of phenolic compounds.  相似文献   

A new insertion sequence (IS), IS1405, was isolated and characterized from a Ralstonia solanacearum race 1 strain by the method of insertional inactivation of the sacB gene. Sequence analysis indicated that the IS is closely related to the members of IS5 family, but the extent of nucleotide sequence identity in 5′ and 3′ noncoding regions between IS1405 and other members of IS5 family is only 23 to 31%. Nucleotide sequences of these regions were used to design specific oligonucleotide primers for detection of race 1 strains by PCR. The PCR amplified a specific DNA fragment for all R. solanacearum race 1 strains tested, and no amplification was observed with some other plant-pathogenic bacteria. Analysis of nucleotide sequences flanking IS1405 and additional five endogenous IS1405s that reside in the chromosome of R. solanacearum race 1 strains indicated that IS1405 prefers a target site of CTAR and has two different insertional orientations with respect to this target site. Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) pattern analysis using IS1405 as a probe revealed extensive genetic variation among strains of R. solanacearum race 1 isolated from eight different host plants in Taiwan. The RFLP patterns were then used to subdivide the race 1 strains into two groups and several subgroups, which allowed for tracking different subgroup strains of R. solanacearum through a host plant community. Furthermore, specific insertion sites of IS1405 in certain subgroups were used as a genetic marker to develop subgroup-specific primers for detection of R. solanacearum, and thus, the subgroup strains can be easily identified through a rapid PCR assay rather than RFLP analysis.  相似文献   

Conditions for natural transformation of Ralstonia solanacearum.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
The development of competence allowing natural transformation of Ralstonia solanacearum was found to occur during exponential growth and not in response to any excreted factors. Linear DNAs were effectively integrated by recombination requiring a minimum of 50 bp of homologous DNA. Therefore, DNA from other genera and species were ineffective.  相似文献   

广藿香内生真菌多样性及其对青枯菌的拮抗活性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
【目的】对广藿香各部位内生真菌的类群结构及多样性进行系统分析,筛选出对青枯菌具拮抗活性的菌株。【方法】采用组织块分离法从广藿香健康植株的根、茎、叶中分离内生真菌,结合形态学和基于ITS-r DNA序列分析鉴定方法分析广藿香内生真菌的类群结构及多样性,并利用双层平板拮抗法筛选对青枯菌具有抑制活性的菌株。【结果】从广藿香中共分离获得313株内生真菌,隶属于30个属,其中链格孢属(占28.75%)、拟茎点霉属(占23.00%)和炭疽菌属(11.82%)为优势类群,此外还分离到炭皮菌属、弯孢聚壳属、Gibellulopsis、新萨托菌属、葡萄座腔菌属、篮状菌属等较为少见的类群。茎、叶内生真菌的定殖率和分离率明显高于根,而根部多样性指数为2.64,要高于茎(2.00)和叶(1.97);广藿香茎与叶、根与茎、根与叶之间的内生真菌相似性指数分别为0.35、0.20、0.19,均小于0.5,显示各部位之间的内生真菌组成不相似程度高。从313株广藿香内生真菌中通过拮抗实验筛选到16株对青枯菌有拮抗活性的菌株,其中GHXR07、GHXR27和GHXR29的拮抗活性尤为显著,分别被鉴定为Talaromyces sp.、Myrothecium roridum Tode和Talaromyces wortmannii(Kl?cker)Benjamin。【结论】广藿香内生真菌具有丰富的物种多样性且其类群分布具有一定的组织特异性,其中部分菌株对青枯菌具有明显的拮抗活性。  相似文献   

Ralfuranones, aryl-furanone secondary metabolites, are involved in the virulence of Ralstonia solanacearum in solanaceous plants. Ralfuranone I (6) has been suggested as a biosynthetic precursor for other ralfuranones; however, this conversion has not been confirmed. We herein investigate the biosynthesis of ralfuranones using feeding experiments with ralfuranone I (6) and its putative metabolite, ralfuranone B (2). The results obtained demonstrated that the biosynthesis of ralfuranones proceeded in enzymatic and non-enzymatic manners.  相似文献   

Biocontrol of Ralstonia solanacearum by treatment with lytic bacteriophages   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Ralstonia solanacearum is a Gram-negative bacterium and the causative agent of bacterial wilt in many important crops. We treated R. solanacearum with three lytic phages: φRSA1, φRSB1, and φRSL1. Infection with φRSA1 and φRSB1, either alone or in combination with the other phages, resulted in a rapid decrease in the host bacterial cell density. Cells that were resistant to infection by these phages became evident approximately 30 h after phage addition to the culture. On the other hand, cells infected solely with φRSL1 in a batch culture were maintained at a lower cell density (1/3 of control) over a long period. Pretreatment of tomato seedlings with φRSL1 drastically limited penetration, growth, and movement of root-inoculated bacterial cells. All φRSL1-treated tomato plants showed no symptoms of wilting during the experimental period, whereas all untreated plants had wilted by 18 days postinfection. φRSL1 was shown to be relatively stable in soil, especially at higher temperatures (37 to 50°C). Active φRSL1 particles were recovered from the roots of treated plants and from soil 4 months postinfection. Based on these observations, we propose an alternative biocontrol method using a unique phage, such as φRSL1, instead of a phage cocktail with highly virulent phages. Using this method, φRSL1 killed some but not all bacterial cells. The coexistence of bacterial cells and the phage resulted in effective prevention of wilting.  相似文献   

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